CSS - Footer Takes Up 1/3 Of The Screen In Some Versions Of Ie8
Hello all,
just when I thought IE6 and all its quirks was behind us I am faced with a very strange issue that can only be replicated in one version of IE8 that a client has... You'll find attached a layout with header, middle content area that stretches to fill remaining space (and has a background image that uses JQuery bgstretcher to fill its background with an image), and a footer that just stays at the bottom in IE7, IE8 and FF. Problem is, that in a client's PC with Explorer 8 that same footer is not a small stripe but it goes way up into the content area and takes up 1/3 of the screen space at the bottom. I can't replicate this in any of my IE7s or IE8s I looked around and I'm going mad. Is there something in the CSS that I could maybe take out or change or does someone know of any IE8 bug? Thanks. All html + css is here (208K pls remove gaps to get link): www . sendspace . com / file / ool8zx Similar TutorialsI created a footer that sits on the bottom of the screen using this code: .footer { padding-top:5px; margin-top:5px; font-size:8pt; color:#FFFFFF; position:absolute; bottom:0px; background-image:url('gfx/bg-bottom.jpg'); height:22px; width:100%; } It looks fine when the window is expanded to the size of the screen, but when you shrink it down (so the scroll bar will appear) and then scroll, the footer bar scrolls with the page.. It's kind hard to explain, just give it a try he http://www.juiceboxseo.com/do-it.php Is there a way to make sure it stays on the bottom? I don't know if this is a weird question or not, but this is what I was thinking of doing... I was going to build my footer to extend a couple hundred pixels below the actual footer content, then use a png with transparency gradient to blend the bottom of the footer back into the page background to account for pages with very limited content on them where the footer may not be close to the actual bottom of the browser window. The problem I ran into when trying to do this was trying to stop the page from including the bottom of the footer on longer pages when there WAS enough content to push the footer to the bottom. I tried a couple different ways, setting various div positions and sliding them off screen, but they just causes the browser to stretch farther to display the entire footer. So, is this something you can do? I seem to remember playing around with a 'sticky footer' a little while back that moved content off screen, but I don't remember what caused this. Thanks for any help. Hello! I am in need of some help with my css. I know, I am a total newbie but need some help with getting the css working properly. It seems that some parts work for IE and other parts work for Firefox. It seems like my left bar shows differently in IE and Firefox. Furthermore I have checked with IE on Mac and the main body doesn't show correctly either. It is displayed too short, doesn't fill the box. If anyone please could take a look at the code and see if they can help me I would appreciate it. Please anyone help me. You can see the page at: http://www.galakse.no/test/index.php/tscm/news The css is located he http://www.galakse.no/test/design/tscm/stylesheets/tscm.css Any and all help is very much appreciated! Thank you! I have seen a design which I find pretty interesting where in the main site is aligned left and fixed width at say 700px wide. Yet the footer seems to span the entire screen. The header also seems to use the entire screen width but that is beign accomplished with the background image, but this footer goes all the way to end of the screen and naturally adjusts itself under all the content. Is there a way to get this effect? The site is question is: http:// w ww.stolen-bikes.org/index4.php The CSS is: http:// w ww.stolen-bikes.org/css/non_ie.css Basically I want the sidebar (blue div), to line up on the side as it is but up flush against the top as you would expect a floated content area with a floated sidebar next to it. If I take out the #sidebar in the css it DOES align right up at the top as I want it to. The minute you as a float:left or width or anything it jumps down to the end of the #masthead div and beginning of the #content div. Im pretty sure I have everything lined up correctly I just cant figure out why this is doing that! Please help! I run http://www.licklinux.com and the site has been designed to fit most browsers. Such as Gecko (e.g. Firefox), IE, Opera, even Lynx e.t.c. Though in older versions of IE, the sidebar has an awfully ugly blank right-margin. I can't seem to fix this problem, and by viewing my stats 17% use these non-compatible browsers. Can someone please help me? I usually figure CSS problems out myself, but now I'm totally lost... I just finished modifying an open CSS/XHTML webpage and it displays perfectly on IE7. When the page is viewed on other IE versions, it is completely jumbled (i.e. footer at top of page, hover boxes on navigation bar take up whole screen, borders exceed defined 1000px, etc.) I am a novice at CSS and am having difficulty fixing these issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'v attached screen shots of the correct and incorrect layouts. I have 2 css formatting files: setup and text Here's SETUP.CSS: /* NON-HEADER */ *{padding:0; margin:0;} body {font-size:62.5%; background:rgb(250,250,250) url(../img/bg_sides.gif); font-family:Verdana,arial,sans-serif; margin-bottom:40px} /*Font-size: 1.0em = 10px when browser default size is 16px*/ .page-container {width:1000px; margin:0px auto; margin-bottom:25px; font-size:1.0em;} .page-footer {width:1000px; margin:0px auto; margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:10px; font-size:1.0em; text-align:center;} .main {clear:both; width:1000px; padding-bottom:30px; background:rgb(255,255,255); top left repeat-y;} .main-navigation {display:inline /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:left; width:200px; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} .main-content {display:inline; /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:left; width:940px; margin:30px 0 0 30px; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} .footer {clear:both; width:1000px; padding:1.0em 0 1.0em 0; background:transparent; font-size:1.0em; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} /* --- For alternative headers START PASTE here --- */ /* HEADER */ .header {width:1000px; font-family:"TREBUCHET MS",arial,sans-serif;} .header-top {width:1000px; height:100px; background:rgb(195,0,0); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} .header-middle {width:1000px; height:30px; background:transparent; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} .header-bottom {width:1000px; height:300px; background:rgb(204,0,0) repeat-y;} .header-breadcrumbs {clear:both; width:1000px; padding:1.0em 0 1.5em 0; background:rgb(255,255,255) url(../img/bg_head_breadcrumbs.jpg) repeat-y;} /*******************/ /* HEADER SECTION */ /*******************/ .sitelogo {width:400px; height:100px; position:absolute; z-index:1; background:url(../img/header-logo.jpg); } .sitepic {width:1000px; height:300px; position:absolute; z-index:1; background:url(../img/header-logo.jpg); }.sitename {width:300px; height:45px; position:absolute; z-index:1; margin:20px 0 0 90px; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} .sitename h1 {font-size: ;} .sitename h2 {margin:-4px 0 0 0; color:rgb(125,125,125); font-size:120%;} .sitename a {text-decoration:none; color:rgb(125,125,125);} .sitename a:hover {text-decoration:none; color:rgb(50,50,50);} .nav0 {width:350px; position:absolute; z-index:2; margin:25px 0 0 0; margin-left:550px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-left:553px /*IE6*/;} .nav0 ul {float:right; padding:0 20px 0 0;} .nav0 li {display:inline; list-style:none;} .nav0 li a {padding:0 0 0 3px;} .nav0 a:hover {text-decoration:none;} .nav0 a img {height:14px; border:none;} .nav1 {width:350px; position:absolute; z-index:3; margin:10px 0 0 650px;} .nav1 ul {float:right; padding:0 15px 0 0; font-weight:bold;} .nav1 li {display:inline; list-style:none;} .nav1 li a {display:block; float:left; padding:2px 5px 2px 5px; color:rgb(255,255,255); text-decoration:none; font-size:100%;} .nav1 a:hover {text-decoration:none; color:rgb(145,145,145);} .sitemessage {width:400px; height:120px; position:absolute; z-index:1; margin:30px 0 0 480px; color:rgb(234,239,247); /*overflow:visible !important /*Activate if Firefox print problems*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} .sitemessage h1 {width:400px; text-align:right; font-size:230%;} .sitemessage h2 {float:right; width:320px; margin:8px 0 0 0; text-align:right; line-height:100%; font-size:160%;} .sitemessage h3 {float:right; width:320px; margin:10px 0 0 0; text-align:right; font-size:140%;} .sitemessage h3 a {text-decoration:none; color:rgb(234,239,247);} .sitemessage h3 a:hover {text-decoration:none; color:rgb(50,50,50);} /*Drop-down menu*/ .nav2 {float:left; width:1000px; border:none; background:transparent url(../img/nav-bar-main.jpg) no-repeat; color:rgb(255,255,255); font-size:110%;} /*Color navigation bar normal mode*/ .nav2 ul {list-style-type:none;} .nav2 ul li {float:left; position:relative; z-index:auto !important /*Non-IE6*/; z-index:1000 /*IE6*/; } .nav2 ul li a {float:none !important /*Non-IE6*/; float:left /*IE-6*/; display:block; height:30px; line-height:30px; padding:0 16px 0 16px; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:rgb(255,255,255);} .nav2 ul li ul {display:none; border:none;} /*Non-IE6 hovering*/ .nav2 ul li:hover a {background-color:rgb(210,210,210); border: solid 1px rgb(130,130,130); text-decoration:none; color:rgb(80,80,80);} /*Color main cells hovering mode*/ .nav2 ul li:hover ul {display:block; width:140px; position:absolute; z-index:999;} .nav2 ul li:hover ul li a {display:block; width:140px; height:auto; line-height:1.3em; padding:4px 16px 4px 16px; margin-top:-2px; border-left:solid 1px rgb(130,130,130); border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(130,130,130); background-color:rgb(210,210,210); font-weight:bold; color:rgb(80,80,80);} /*Color subcells normal mode*/ .nav2 ul li:hover ul li a:hover {background-color:rgb(204,0,0); text-decoration:none; color:rgb(255,255,255);} /*Color subcells hovering mode*/ /*IE6 hovering*/ .nav2 table {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; border-collapse:collapse;} .nav2 ul li a:hover {background-color:rgb(210,210,210); text-decoration:none; border: solid 1px rgb(130,130,130); color:rgb(80,80,80);} /*Color main cells hovering mode*/ .nav2 ul li a:hover ul {display:block; width:140px; position:absolute; z-index:999;} .nav2 ul li a:hover ul li a {display:block; width:140px; height:auto; line-height:1.3em; padding:4px 16px 4px 16px; margin-top:-2px; border-left:solid 1px rgb(130,130,130); border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(130,130,130); background-color:rgb(210,210,210); font-weight:bold; color:rgb(80,80,80);} /*Color subcells normal mode*/ .nav2 ul li a:hover ul li a:hover {background-color:rgb(204,0,0); text-decoration:none; color:rgb(255,255,255);} /*Color subcells hovering mode*/ .header-top .searchform {float:right; width:285px; padding:0 17px 0px 0px !important /*Non-IE6*/; padding:0 12px 0px 0px /*IE6*/;} .header-top .searchform form fieldset {float:right; border:none;} .header-top .searchform input.field {width:10.0em; padding:0.2em 0 0.2em 0; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size:120%; } .header-top .searchform input.button {width:3.0em; padding:1px !important /*Non-IE6*/; padding:0 /*IE6*/; background:transparent url(../img/search-button.gif); text-align:center; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(150,150,150); font-size:120%;} .header-top .searchform input.button:hover {cursorointer; background:transparent url(../img/search-button.gif);} /******************/ /* MAIN SECTION */ /******************/ /* MAIN CONTENT */ .column1-unit {width:950px; margin-bottom:10px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-bottom:5px /*IE6*/;} .column2-unit-left {float:left; width:600px; margin-bottom:10px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-bottom:5px /*IE6*/;} .column2-unit-right {float:right; width:300px; margin-bottom:10px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-bottom:5px /*IE6*/;} .column3-unit-left {float:left; width:283px; margin-bottom:10px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-bottom:5px /*IE6*/;} .column3-unit-middle {float:left; width:283px; margin-bottom:10px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-bottom:5px /*IE6*/; margin-left:50px;} .column3-unit-right {float:right; width:283px; margin-bottom:10px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin-bottom:5px /*IE6*/;} /********************/ /* FOOTER SECTION */ /********************/ .footer p {line-height:1.3em; text-align:center; color:rgb(125,125,125); font-weight:bold; font-size:110%;} .footer p.credits {font-weight:normal;} .footer a {text-decoration:underline; color:rgb(125,125,125);} .footer a:hover {text-decoration:none; color:rgb(0,0,0);} .footer a:visited {color:rgb(0,0,0);} /******************/ /* CLEAR FLOATS */ /******************/ .page-container:after, .header:after, .header-breadcrumbs:after, .main:after, .main-content:after {content:"."; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden;} .column1-unit:after, .column2-unit-left:after, .column2-unit-right:after, .column3-unit-left:after, .column3-unit-middle:after, .column3-unit-right:after {content:"."; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden;} .footer:after, p:after {content:"."; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden;} .clear-contentunit {clear:both; width:940px; height:0.1em; border:none; background:rgb(210,210,210); color:rgb(210,210,210);} Here's TEXT.CSS: /******************/ /* MAIN SECTION */ /******************/ /* MAIN CONTENT */ .main-content h1.pagetitle {margin:0 0 0.4em 0; padding:0 0 2px 0; border-bottom:solid 7px rgb(225,225,225); font-family:"georgia",arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(100,100,100); font-weight:bold; font-size:220%;} .main-content h1.block {clear:both; margin:1.0em 0 0em 0; padding:2px 0 2px 2px; background:rgb(190,190,190); font-family:"georgia",arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(255,255,255); font-weight:bold; font-size:220%;} .main-content h1 {clear:both; margin:1.0em 0 0.5em 0; font-family:"georgia",arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-weight:normal; font-size:210%;} .main-content h2 {clear:both; margin:1.0em 0 0.5em 0; font-family:"Verdana",arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-weight:normal; font-size:170%;} .main-content h3 {clear:both; margin:-.5em 0 0.5em 0; font-family:"Verdana",arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(125,125,125); font-weight:normal; font-size:130%;} .main-content h1.side {clear:none;} .main-content h2.side {clear:none;} .main-content h3.side {clear:none;} .main-content h4 {margin:1.5em 0 1.0em 0; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-family:"Verdana",arial,sans-serif; font-weight:normal; font-size:170%;} .main-content h5 {margin:1.5em 0 1.0em 0; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-family:"Verdana",arial,sans-serif; font-size:140%;} .main-content h6 {clear:both; margin:0 0 .25em 0; line-height:1em; font-family:"Verdana",arial,sans-serif; font-weight:normal; font-size:100%;} .main-content p {margin:0 0 1.0em 0; line-height:1.5em; font-size:120%;} .main-content p.center {text-align:center;} .main-content p.right {text-align:right; margin-right: 10px} .main-content p.details {clear:both; margin:-0.25em 0 1.0em 0; line-height:1.0em; font-size:110%;} .main-content blockquote {clear:both; margin:0 30px 0.6em 30px; font-size:90%;} .main-content table {clear:both; width:880px; margin:2.0em 0 0.2em 20px; table-layout: fixed; border-collapse:collapse; empty-cells:show; background-color:rgb(233,232,244);} .main-content table th.top {height:3.5em; padding:0 7px 0 7px; empty-cells:show; background-color:rgb(175,175,175); text-align:left; color:rgb(255,255,255); font-weight:bold; font-size:110%;} .main-content table th {height:3.0em; padding:2px 20px 2px 7px; border-left:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); border-right:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); border-top:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); border-bottom:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); background-color:rgb(225,225,225); text-align:left; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-weight:bold; font-size:110%;} .main-content table td {height:3.0em; padding:2px 7px 2px 7px; border-left:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); border-right:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); border-top:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); border-bottom:solid 2px rgb(255,255,255); background-color:rgb(225,225,225); text-align:left; font-weight:normal; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-size:110%;} p.caption {clear:both; margin:0.5em 0 2.0em 20px; text-align:left; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-size:110%;} .main-content ul {list-style:none; margin:0.5em 0 1.0em 0;} .main-content ul li {margin:0 0 0.2em 2px; padding:0 0 0 12px; background:url(../img/bg_bullet_full_1.gif) no-repeat 0 0.5em; line-height:1.4em; font-size:120%;} .main-content ol {margin:0.5em 0 1.0em 30px !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin:0.5em 0 1.0em 35px /*IE6*/;} .main-content ol li {list-style-positionutside; margin:0 0 0.2em 0; line-height:1.4em; font-size:120%;} .contactform {width:418px; margin:2.0em 0 0 0; padding:10px 10px 0 10px; border:solid 1px rgb(200,200,200); background-color:rgb(240,240,240);} .contactform fieldset {padding:20px 0 0 0 !important /*Non-IE6*/; padding:0 /*IE6*/; margin:0 0 20px 0; border:solid 1px rgb(220,220,220);} .contactform fieldset legend {margin:0 0 0 5px !important /*Non-IE*/; margin:0 0 20px 5px /*IE6*/; padding:0 2px 0 2px; color:rgb(80,80,80); font-weight:bold; font-size:130%;} .contactform label.left {float:left; width:100px; margin:0 0 0 10px; padding:2px; font-size:110%;} .contactform select.combo {width:175px; padding:2px; border:solid 1px rgb(200,200,200); font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size:110%;} .contactform input.field {width:275px; padding:2px; border:solid 1px rgb(200,200,200); font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size:110%;} .contactform textarea {width:275px; padding:2px; border:solid 1px rgb(200,200,200); font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size:110%;} .contactform input.button {float:right; width:9.0em; margin-right:20px; padding:1px !important /*Non-IE6*/; padding:0 /*IE6*/; background:rgb(230,230,230); border:solid 1px rgb(150,150,150); text-align:center; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(150,150,150); font-size:110%;} .contactform input.button:hover {cursor: pointer; border:solid 1px rgb(80,80,80); background:rgb(220,220,220); color:rgb(80,80,80);} .loginform {width:160px; margin:-10px 20px 0 20px;} .loginform p {clear:both; margin:0; padding:0;} .loginform fieldset {width:160px; border:none;} .loginform label.top {float:left; width:125px; margin:0 0 2px 0; font-size:110%;} .loginform label.right {float:left; width:125px; margin:5px 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 3px; /*IE6*/; font-size:110%;} .loginform input.field {width:158px; margin:0 0 5px 0; padding:0.1em 0 0.2em 0 !important /*Non-IE6*/; padding:0.2em 0 0.3em 0 /*IE6*/; border:solid 1px rgb(200,200,200); font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size:110%;} .loginform input.checkbox {float:left; margin:5px 0 0 0 !important /*Non-IE6*/; margin:2px 0 0 -3px /*IE6*/; border:none;} .loginform input.button {float:left; width:5.0em; margin:10px 0 5px 0; padding:1px; background:rgb(230,230,230); border:solid 1px rgb(150,150,150); text-align:center; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; color:rgb(150,150,150); font-size:110%;} .loginform input.button:hover {cursorointer; border:solid 1px rgb(80,80,80); background:rgb(220,220,220); color:rgb(80,80,80);} /********************/ /* COMMON CLASSES */ /********************/ .main img {clear:both; float:left; margin:3px 10px 7px 0; padding:1px; border:1px solid rgb(150,150,150);} .main img.center {clear:both; float:none; display:block; margin:0 auto; padding:1px; border:1px solid rgb(150,150,150);} .main img.right {clear:both; float:right; margin:3px 0 7px 10px; margin-right:10px; padding:1px; border:1px solid rgb(150,150,150);} .main a {color:rgb(70,122,167); font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;} .main-content h1 a {color:rgb(70,122,167); font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none;} .main a:hover {color:rgb(42,90,138); text-decoration:underline;} .main a:visited {color:rgb(42,90,138);} .main a img {border:solid 1px rgb(150,150,150);} .main a:hover img {border:solid 1px rgb(220,220,220);} In case you guys didn't know about this, you can have multiple versions of IE, back to IE3, running simultaneously on your machine (for testing out your web work). Here's the link: http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE I just have IE5 through IE7 installed as there's no way I'm developing for 4 and below. Heck, I pretty much just test in IE6 and up. Hope this helps. Hi, I am a wannabe css compiler... Have the following problem. wrote css for a square screen monitor and placed css box in an area to the right of center, my partner called and told me it sat to the left over the side menu onher wide screen. I cannot figure out how to compensate the (top/left) position to cover both type screens... Anyone help me? I'm having trouble with my website structure... view this page for an example... css is here... The Footer (which currently consists just of the validation images) is suppossed to be at the bottom of the page... It works in IE except there is a little line between the images (it is also part of the link...), and it doesn't work at all in FF... how do I get rid of the line in IE, and what do I need to add or change in my css to get it to be viewed properly in FF? Thanks Bryan Hi All, This is my first post in CSS forums. I want to display a DIV in the center of screen. I am using this DIV for the showing the progress image in my search page (So it is is visible only in some cases.) How can I make it visible in the center of the visible screen (above all other elements). Note: User may have scrolled down the screen. I hope this is possible with CSS how can i get a div in the middle of the y-axis of the browser window? I have a page dien all in css that is all set for 800x600 resolution. Does any one know how I can detect larger screen size/resolutions and center the entire page for these instances thanks JT I couldn't figure out why people were telling me they couldn't see my page but i could see it just fine in two different locations. Come to find out I use firefox and IE is showing a blank page. Can someone help me with this? I've run into yet another IE "feature" that i'd like to ask you, dear colleagues, how to solve. I have a relatively positioned div and i need to absolute position another div inside of it to fill almost all width and height of the parent. I need it to have a 20px margin from top and bottom. Here's what works in real browsers: Code: .somediv{ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 20px; bottom: 20px; right: 0; } Now how do i make it work in a developer's nightmare IE? There are 2 more divs in top and bottom both 20px high so the new div shouldn't overlap with them. <html> Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>All Fore U Golf Clinic</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="drop_down.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> @import "nav.css"; </style> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> </style> </head> <body> <div id="header">header thing</div> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="container"> <div id="content"> <h1>content</h1> <p>Sum Stuff goes here...</p> <p class="last">...and here</p> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <h1>navigation</h1> <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">History</a></li> <li><a href="#">Team</a></li> <li><a href="#">Offices</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Golf Stuff</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Clubs stuff</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.google.com">accessories stufff</a></li> <li><a href="#">Hosting</a></li> <li><a href="#">Domain Names</a></li> <li><a href="#">Broadband</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Contact Us</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">United Kingdom</a></li> <li><a href="#">France</a></li> <li><a href="#">USA</a></li> <li><a href="#">Australia</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <br> </div> <div class="clearing"> </div> </div> <div id="footer">footer thing</div> </body> </html> CSS: Code: body { font: normal 11px verdana; } ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; width: 150px; /* Width of Menu Items */ border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } ul li { position: relative; } li ul { position: absolute; left: 149px; /* Set 1px less than menu width */ top: 0; display: none; } /* Styles for Menu Items */ ul li a { display: block; text-decoration: none; color: #777; background: #fff; /* IE6 Bug */ padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 0; } /* Fix IE. Hide from IE Mac \*/ * html ul li { float: left; height: 1%; } * html ul li a { height: 1%; } /* End */ ul li a:hover { color: #E2144A; background: #f9f9f9; } /* Hover Styles */ li ul li a { padding: 2px 5px; } /* Sub Menu Styles */ li:hover ul, li.over ul { display: block; } /* The magic */ /*<![CDATA[*/ #wrapper { background: #f1f2ea; } #header { background: #d7dabd; } #container { width: 100%; background: #f1f2ea; float: right; margin-right: -200px; } #content { background: #f1f2ea; margin-right: 200px; } #sidebar { width: 200px; float: left; } #footer { background: #d7dabd; } h1 { margin-top: 0; } .last { margin-bottom: 0; } .clearing { height: 0; clear: both; } /*]]>*/ Works fine in IE, but when displayed in firefox the id=content extends off the screen. In IE 7.0 Why is the text displaying the way it is in this screen shot: http://www.larreamma.com/screens/lmma.png It should display like this: http://www.larreamma.com/screens/lmma_ie8.png (I do not have access to IE 7 to readly test various options). Thank you in advance. I have been doing this joomla site for someone here The problem is he says when its viewed on a 22" screen with a screen resolution of 1200x800 it does not view right in IE, check images on this post. I have not seen any of the problems on a 15, 17 , 19 and 42 " screens Can anyone else see any problems could you also check load times he said it was slow. An help would be great as i can't see the problem I have been looking for this all over the place but cant find the right solution. I want a div aligned like it's on this website. Code: http://www.captaincrawl.com/ 1. It's aligned in the center/middle of the screen 2. It's relative so it moves according to the window size 3. It should work on major browsers such as IE Can anyone help me please? |