CSS - Widget Images Work In Ff But Not Ie
Anyone have a clue what I can add to this code to get it working right?!
Here is the code for one of them... Code: <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <td class="vbmenu_control" id="facebook" nowrap="nowrap"> <script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};</script> <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style"> <a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#username=***"></script> </td> <!-- AddThis Button END --> Here is how it looks in FF... http://i34.tinypic.com/28it845.jpg Here is how it looks in IE... http://i34.tinypic.com/27yanvb.jpg Thanks for your help!!! Similar Tutorialsok, if you go he http://www.whiteazn.com/satworld/gallery youll see at the top, the image ... being overlapped by the row below .... im trying to use CSS without using tables ..... but any image not inthe first column, doesnt push the row under it down ... the first column is position: relative, the 2nd and 3rd columns are position: absolute (to get it inthe column position) .... any other way of doing it so that it will push the row down respectively? here is the html code that gets outputted to the screen for the whole gallery: PHP Code: <div id="galleryContainter"> <div class="galleryRow"> <div class="galleryImage1"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=42"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif" width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> testing completion of pagination again</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage2"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=41"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif" width="180" height="110" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> testing image insert and page numbers</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage3"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=38"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> </div> <div class="galleryRow"> <div class="galleryImage1"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=37"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage2"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=36"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage3"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=34"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> </div> <div class="galleryRow"> <div class="galleryImage1"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=32"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage2"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=31"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage3"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=30"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> </div> <div class="galleryRow"> <div class="galleryImage1"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=29"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage2"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=28"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> <div class="galleryImage3"> <p class="galleryIMG"><a href="viewimage.php?id=27"><img src="http://www.bigresources.com/BRBAV2/BA100x60-2.gif " width="100" height="60" alt="Gallery Image" /></a><br /><br /> on to 2 pages</p> </div> </div> </div> here is the respective CSS: PHP Code: /***************** Gallery Styles *****************/ #galleryContainter { position: relative; width:552px; margin: 0px; } .galleryRow { position: relative; width: 552px; margin: 0px; padding-bottom: 5px; } .galleryImage1 { position: relative; top:0px; left: 0px; width: 180px; padding: 2px; } .galleryImage2 { position: absolute; top:0px; left: 188px; width: 180px; padding: 2px; } .galleryImage3 { position: absolute; top:0px; left: 376px; width: 180px; padding: 2px; } .galleryIMG { text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; } .galleryIMG img { border: 2px solid #900; } .viewImage { font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; font-size: 12px; } thanks .... sorry if this seems easy ... im just new at trying this new thing of using all CSS, strict, no tables for layout, standards mentality of coding ... Hey guys, I am in the process of adding a Twitter widget onto my website. I would like it to be very similar to that on http://www.spotify.com/us/about/what/. I am not sure how to edit the currently provided Twitter widgets to resemble that... Has anyone any idea? PS. I am looking for a programmer for my startup company. No cash, but rather equity. We need someone fluent in PHP. Hi, Trying to get this widget to disappear using responsive design when the browser is less than 800px. I'm using WordPress and the theme is already responsive. Here's the media query in the style sheet now: @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) { /* and I added this part below (not working!) */ .page-title .widget-area { display:none !important; } } Please see http://simplemethod.ca to check it out. I'm trying to remove my big fancy title widget with the signup form in it (since it breaks in an ugly way when the responsive design kicks in!) Thanks for helping friends. I hope my post made some sense! Perhaps I'm using the wrong class names for the style change... This part has got me a bit stumped. Best Regards, Drew I'm getting a strange interaction between a CSS-positioned image and a widget placed farther down the page. I've tested it in FF3.5.7 and IE8, and everything works fine until I test it in Compatibility View in IE. The widget takes a few seconds to load; once it's loaded the image at the top of the page disappears. The layout is basically this: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head></head> <body> <table> <tr> <td><div style="position:relative;margin:50px 0 0 0"> <table> <tr> <td>Some content</td> <td rowspan="2"><img style="position:relative;margin:-50px 0 0 0" src="#" width="250" height="375" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Some content</td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td>Some content</td> <td><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border="0" width="0" height="0" src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyNzY2NTc4MzAyNzAmcHQ9MTI3NjY1ODUyNzM1MiZwPTEwODQwMDEmZD*mZz*yJm89MDQ2ZDg3MzBjNDc4NDExZTkw /YTVmZDcxNzhiYmQ1MGYmb2Y9MA==.gif" /><object width="394" height="350" id="W4afb54b3f6d091a24b057108737c9fbe" data="http://www.5lovelanguages.com/widget/5LL-assesment-widget.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param value="http://www.5lovelanguages.com/widget/5LL-assesment-widget.swf" name="movie"/> <param value="transparent" name="wmode"/> <param value="all" name="allowNetworking"/> <param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"/> </object></td> </tr> </table> <table style="position:absolute;left:0;top:-50px"> <tr> <td>Some content</td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> I don't know anything about how the widget works. Can anyone help me fix this problem? Hi, I have created a accordion menu using a spry widget built into Dreamweaver CS3. However I want to amend this so that the menu is collapsed until the user clicks on a category. Do I have to amend the CSS or the javascript to make it collapsed to begin with? Any help would be appericated. Thanks Gary Novice at CSS. I have a Blogger website. I'm trying to put a CSS dropdown menu. In Safari, it works fine. Don't have access to Firefox, so I don't know, but in IE (6&7) the dropdowns are hidden behind any other widgets on the page. I've seen plenty of forum posts regarding this issue with flash player, but none specifically addressing IE and Blogger widgets. I've tried adjusting z-index in each li, ul. I'm still really new at this, so I'd appreciate any help and specific guidance you can offer. Website: crossfit-hr.com CSS code (source from CSS MENU MAKER): .menu{ width:945px; border:none; border:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px; font-family:verdana,geneva,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-color:#FF0000; z-index:200; } .menu ul{ background:url(removed for thread) top left repeat-x; height:43px; list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } .menu li{ float:left; padding:0px 8px 0px 8px; z-index:200; } .menu li a{ color:#000000; display:block; font-weight:bold; line-height:43px; padding:0px 10px; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; } .menu li a:hover{ color:#FF0000; text-decoration:none; } .menu li ul{ background:#e0e0e0; border-left:2px solid #0079b2; border-right:2px solid #0079b2; border-bottom:2px solid #0079b2; display:none; height:auto; filter:alpha(opacity=95); opacity:0.95; position:absolute; width:150px; z-index:10000; /*top:.5em; /*left:0;*/ } .menu li:hover ul{ display:block; } .menu li li { display:block; float:none; padding:0px; width:150px; z-index:200; } .menu li ul a{ display:block; font-size:12px; font-style:normal; padding:0px 8px 0px 8px; text-align:left; } .menu li ul a:hover{ background:#949494; color:#FF0000; opacity:1.0; filter:alpha(opacity=100); } .menu p{ clear:left; z-index:200; } .menu #current{ background:url(removed for thread) top left repeat-x; color:#FFFFFF; } ========================= HTML code for Widget: <div class="menu"> <ul> <li><a id="current" href="(removed for thread)" target="_self" >Home</a> </li> <li><a href="" target="_self" >Methods & Results</a> <ul> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">Our Methods</a></li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">See the Results</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="" target="_self" >How to Start</a> <ul> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">Starting Options</a></li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">Sign-Up Form</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="" target="_self" >Schedule & Prices</a> <ul> <li><a href="(removed for thread)=dctrh782_10dsmgnqhq" target="_self">Class Schedule</a></li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">Prices</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self" >Coaches</a> </li> <li><a href="" target="_self" >Admin & Media</a> <ul> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">Online Payments</a></li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)=0" target="_self">Release Form</a></li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">CFHR Photos</a></li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self">CFHR Videos</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="(removed for thread)" target="_self" >Contact</a> </li> </ul> </div> =================== How do I apply a css drop shadow around the search widget generated by this script code? Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.widgetserver.com/syndication/subscriber/InsertWidget.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('dfacd65d-6514-4845-ad81-7249d33a6280');</script> <noscript>Get the <a href="http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/college-search">College search</a> widget and many other <a href="http://www.widgetbox.com/">great free widgets</a> at <a href="http://www.widgetbox.com">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="http://support.widgetbox.com/">More info</a>)</noscript> Hello, I am running wordpress and I have a Twitter Widget known as Twitter Widget Pro. What I've done is that I made a graphic (a little TV with a twitter bird on top) to serve as a background image but be positioned right behind my Twitter widget so the twitter feed fits inside the tv. I got this positioned correctly on the front page in my style.css sheet. But as I go to my other pages: photos, travels, etc. the format of my site changes and therefore the background image (tv) and the Twitter feed don't align properly. How can I code the background image of the tv and the twitter widget to align properly together on all my pages? Would I have to insert the image into the actual twitter-widget-pro code itself? My website is: (w w w.stefantrego.com) Thanks a lot for the help! -Stefan I'm using the Spry tabbed panels widget on a website. I would like to center align the horizontal tabs. The default setting is left align. And I'm able to right align it. Here is part of the css code: .TabbedPanels { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; clear: none; width: 100%; } .TabbedPanelsTabGroup { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } .TabbedPanelsTab { position: relative; top: 1px; float: left; padding: 2px 6px 6px 6px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; list-style: none; border-left: solid 1px #999; border-bottom: solid 1px #CCC; border-top: solid 1px #CCC; border-right: solid 1px #999; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; cursor: pointer; background-image: url(../sprylight.png); color: #333333; I've tried changing the "padding" under the ".TabbedPanelsTabGroup" rule to "auto". This causes the tabs to kind of be centered, but not exactly. Also, one of the tabs breaks apart from the row and spills over to the next line. Any help would be very much appreciated. I'm going mad with this, I tested the CSS a:hover function over FF 1.0.7 and IE6, and the style file is simple: PHP Code: h3 { margin:10px; color:#636500; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; } p { margin:10px; color:#636500; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; } a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color:#636500; } a:visited { color:#cecf9c; } a:link { color:#cecf9c; } searched through the forum but seems nobody has got this problem... I just want the link to change color, I imported the css file to my html and it worked for the first time. I clicked on the link and then use brower's "Back" button to test it again, but the hover feature is not working anymore. I think it may be affected by the a:visited style, but how do I make a:hover work all the time? Thanks for helping. Im just curious, what are the advantages of using css to import all your images (that arnt dynamic) as apposed to inserting them into your html using the <img> tag? Hi Guys, I have a pretty specific page here, work fantastically in Firefox, but not in IE6/7 (or Safari/Opera etc ). Any ideas?! Thanks! (URL address blocked: See forum rules) Darren. Well my fiance and I are starting a website for our photography and I designed what I wanted the layout to look like using Adobe Photoshop however now it's become a headache to get it to work. i18.photobucket.com/albums/b117/Nagoshiffxi/help.jpg this is what we want it to look like pretty much centered on a black background, each of those navigation images being individual pictures... the background being the box with the 3 images floating over it... At the moment I have part of it working he www. pollard-exposures.com/v1/ If someone can view the source and tell me a better way to make it work and how I may be able to add in the individual navigation pictures along the left side like I have it in the picture I would really really appreciate it... I am not sure how to even begin... Im not good at all with CSS and need some help getting this to work in IE8 or older/newer versions. Works great in Firefox though. <div style="width:90%;height:150px;-webkit-border-radius: 20px;-moz-border-radius: 20px;border-radius: 20px;border:4px solid #F4F4F4;background-color:#FFFFFF;-webkit-box-shadow: #B3B3B3 15px 15px 15px;-moz-box-shadow: #B3B3B3 15px 15px 15px; box-shadow: #B3B3B3 15px 15px 15px; padding-top:2%; padding-left:2%;"> Any help making this work in IE8 would be great. Hi all Another stupid annoyance relating Internet Explorer: it seems IE6 does not recognize the following CSS selector rule: tag#id.class e.g. div#content.active One has to split it into div#content .active Is that right? Do we just have to live with this? Greetings, Josh Hi, I am trying to get a 2 column layout to work, but I can't seem to get it right. I have the following css: Code: body { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; background: url(../../images/yellow_background.jpg); color: #000000; font: 12px Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; } /* Layout */ #siteDimention { text-align: left; width: 800px; height: 479px; background: url(../../images/main_background.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #mainMenu { float: left; padding-top: 170px; padding-left: 15px; } #content { width: 557px; padding-top: 100px; } #contentMiddle { background: url(../../images/content_middle.jpg); height: 550px; padding: 10px; } /* Menu */ #menu { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; list-style: none; } With the following layout: Code: <div id="siteDimention"> <div id="mainMenu"> <ul id="menu"> <li><img src="images/menu_thestore.jpg" width="195" height="35" border="0" alt=""></li> <li><img src="images/menu_steeltoe.jpg" width="195" height="35" border="0" alt=""></li> <li><img src="images/menu_locations.jpg" width="195" height="35" border="0" alt=""></li> <li><img src="images/menu_employment.jpg" width="195" height="37" border="0" alt=""></li> </ul> </div> <div id="content"> <p style="margin: 0px;"><img src="images/content_top.jpg" width="557" height="21" border="0" alt="" /></p> <div id="contentMiddle"> content </div> <img src="images/content_bottom.jpg" width="557" height="21" border="0" alt="" /> </div> </div> My problem is in Firefox the "content" div appears underneath the "mainMenu" div. It works in IE. I have the following CSS that works correctly in IE7 and Chrome, but not in Firefox. The "Height" doesn't adjust in firefox. <div style="border: 1px solid #696; padding: 5px 10; text-align: left; width: 90%; height: 100%; -webkit-border-radius: 12px; -moz-border-radius: 12px; border-radius: 12px; -webkit-box-shadow: #666 0px 4px 20px; -moz-box-shadow: #666 0px 4px 20px; box-shadow: #666 0px 4px 20px; background: #ffffff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#ffffff), to(#ffffff)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff); background: -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff); background: -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff); background: -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff); background: linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff); -pie-background: linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff); behavior: url(/PIE.htc);"> Any help would be appreciated. I'm in the process of revamping my website and am trying to use css to position things. I've used browsershots to view what the website looks like in different browsers and platforms. All is well with one exception, IE6! Grrr. Now I'm a total css newbie so what I'm doing wrong is probably painfully obvious to you guys, but I've been beating my head against this for a while now and would appreciate it if someone could take a look over my shoulder and see if they can spot the problem. If you use IE6 you'll notice that the featured products are listed below the last 'service ad' image instead of at the top of that 'column' even with the first 'serivce ad' image. Again, any help in diagnosing/fixing this issue is greatly appreciated! Here's a link to the page: http://www.decaldepot.net/zencart/index.php I have a div layout that I am using, and for the life of me cannot get my left and right columns to expand to 100% height in IE. It works just fine in FF. Here is my css: Code: div#content { min-height: 100%; border: 5px solid yellow; height: 100%; width: 100%; } div#header { clear: both; height: 100px; background-color: white; padding: 1px; } div#left_col { float: left; position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 9%; background-color: #c8dae3; height: 100%; border-right: 2px solid #333; } div#right_col { float: right; position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; z-index: 3; width: 9%; background-color: #c8dae3; height: 100%; border-left: 2px solid #333; } div#nav { padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; margin: 0px; background-color: #005698; height: 20px; border-top: 2px solid #333; border-bottom: 2px solid #333; } div#main { padding: 0px 160px 5px 160px; margin: 0px; background-color: #a2cde3; /* top: 0px; color: #000000; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border: 2px solid red;*/ } div#footer { clear:both; background-color: white; } HTML Code: <div id="content"> <div id="header" align="center"><img src="images/webdev_02.gif" alt="Exceptional web design made affordable"/></div> <div id="left_col">left column</div> <div id="right_col">right column</div> <div id="nav">Navigator</div> <div id="main">middle column</div> <div id="footer">footer</div> </div> http://www.plumeriawebdesign.com/webdevgirl/ I have provided the link as well. Please excuse the funky borders, I use them for testing placement as guides. Any help is much appreciated |