CSS - Please Help Me With A 3 Column Joomla Css Template
hello community... i would like to humble ask for anyone's help on this one... i need to add a right column to this template to make it a 3 column joomla template. but since i dont know css, i really dont know what to do. please help me. i have privided the code below.
Here is the index.php Code: <?php /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); ?> <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?'.'>'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" dir="<?php echo $this->direction; ?>" > <head> <jdoc:include type="head" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/getirshelp/css/layout.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/getirshelp/css/template.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/getirshelp/css/joomla.css" type="text/css" /> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/getirshelp/css/template_ie6.css" type="text/css" /> <![endif]--> <!-- Flow Player Start --> <script type="text/javascript" src="flowplayer/flowplayer-3.0.6.min.js"></script> <!-- Flow Player End --> <meta name="verify-v1" content="18/oD5mtAqJSklIsjK/k6NWXMxJ6ZNJMyoGRkIl3Md8=" /> </head> <body id="template-body"> <div id="header"> <div id="top"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="top" /></div> <div id="contact"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="user6" /></div> </div> <div id="mainnav"> <div id="blog"> <a href="irsblog/index.php">Blog</a> </div> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" /> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="mainbody"> <div id="mainbody2"> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="inside"> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="left" style="xhtml" /> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar2"> <div class="inside"> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="right" style="xhtml" /> </div> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="inside"> <?php if ($this->getBuffer('message')) : ?> <?php endif; ?> <jdoc:include type="component" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="mainbottom-wrapper"> <div id="mainbottom"> <?php if( $this->countModules('user1') ): ?> <div class="mainbottom-box" id="box-1"> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user1" style="xhtml" /> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( $this->countModules('user2') ): ?> <div class="mainbottom-box" id="box-2" > <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user2" style="xhtml" /> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( $this->countModules('user4') ): ?> <div class="mainbottom-box" id="box-3"> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user4" style="xhtml" /> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( $this->countModules('user5') ): ?> <div class="mainbottom-box" id="box-4"> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user5" style="xhtml" /> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <jdoc:include type="modules" name="footer" /> </div> </div> </div> <div id="bottom"> <div class="left"> <?php echo JText::_("100 S. EDISON AVE., STE. A TAMPA, FL 33606"); ?><br /> <?php echo JText::_("PHONE: (813) 229-7100 TOLL FREE: (888) 438-6474 FAX: (813) 251-9605"); ?> </div> <div class="right"> <?php echo JText::_("© 2000-2009 Law Offices of Darrin T. Mish, P.A"); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <script src="http://24520.hittail.com/mlt.js"; type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html> here is the layout.css Code: #header { background: transparent url('../images/bg-header.jpg') no-repeat scroll 0 0; height: 149px; width: 990px; margin: 0 auto; } #mainnav { height: 46px; width: 990px; margin: 0 auto; } #mainbody { background: url('../images/bg-mainbody.png') repeat-y scroll 0 0; width: 1010px; margin: 0 auto; } #mainbody2 { background: url('../images/bg-mainbody2.png') no-repeat scroll 0 0; } #sidebar { background: #FFFFFF url('../images/bg-sidebar.png') repeat-x scroll 0 0; color: #000000; width: 223px; min-height: 700px; margin-left: 15px; float: left; } #sidebar2 { background: #FFFFFF url('../images/bg-sidebar.png') repeat-x scroll 0 0; color: #000000; width: 250px; min-height: 700px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; } #maincontent { width: 500px; float: right; margin-right: 15px; } #mainbottom-wrapper { border-top: 0px dotted #000; margin-top: 50px; margin: 0 15px; } #mainbottom { background: none #EFEFEF no-repeat scroll 0 0; min-height: 192px; margin: 10px 0; padding: 0 10px; clear: both; color: #000000; } #footer { background: #0B60B7 url('../images/bg-footer.png') no-repeat scroll 0 0; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 10px 0; margin: 0 11px; } #bottom { background: #FFFFFF url('../images/bg-bottom.png') no-repeat scroll 0 0; margin: 10px 0 20px 0; width: 1010px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px 0; } and here is the template.css Code: /* @important */ * { margin:0; padding:0; } body { background: #FFFFFF url('../images/bg.png') repeat-x scroll center top; font: 78% Arial,Tahoma,Verdana; color: #000000; } h1,h2,h3 { margin: 0 0 10px 0; } h1, .componentheading { font-size: 1.5em; } h2, .contentheading { font-size: 1.2em; text-align:center; } h3 { font-size: 1.167em; } ul { margin: 10px 0 10px 0; padding: 0 0 0 35px; } li{} a { text-decoration: underline; color: #666666; } p { margin: 0 0 15px 0; line-height: 20px; } img { border: none; } fieldset { border: none; } .clear{ clear: both; } .inside { padding: 5px; } .left { float: left; } .right { float: right; } /* Header Style */ #top { height: 35px; text-align: right; color: #FFFFFF; } #contact { float: right; width: 300px; min-height: 80px; padding-right: 5px; color: #000000; } /* Mainnav Style*/ #mainnav ul { float: right; list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; } #mainnav ul li { background: url('../images/bg-menu.png') no-repeat scroll right center; display: inline; float: left; height: 46px; padding: 0 10px; } #mainnav ul li a { color: #FFFFFF; display: block; float: left; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; line-height: normal; margin-top: 12px; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; } /* Blog Button */ #blog { float: right; margin: 10px 15px 0 120px; padding: 0; width: 60px; } #blog a { background: #F2A31E; color: #FFFFFF; display: block; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; padding: 3px 0; } /* Advert Style */ #advert-wrapper { border-bottom: 0px dotted #000; padding: 0 0 10px 0; } .advert-box { min-height: 239px; width: 367px; } /* Sidebar Style */ #sidebar ul { list-style-position: inside; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #sidebar ul li { padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #B9B9B9; list-style-image: url('../images/bullet.png'); } #sidebar ul li a { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; } #sidebar .moduletable, #sidebar .moduletable_menu{ margin: 0 0 15px 0; } /* Sidebar-c Style */ #sidebar-c ul { list-style-position: inside; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #sidebar-c ul li { padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #B9B9B9; list-style-image: url('../images/bullet.png'); } #sidebar-c ul li a { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; } #sidebar-c .moduletable, #sidebar .moduletable_menu{ margin: 0 0 15px 0; } /* Main Content Style */ #maincontent img { padding: 5px; } /* Main Bottom Style */ .mainbottom-box { float: left; width: 228px; min-height: 166px; padding: 10px 5px; margin: 10px 0; } .mainbottom-box ul { list-style-image: url('../images/bullet.png'); } .mainbottom-box ul li {} .mainbottom-box ul li a { text-decoration: none; color: #000000; } #box-2,#box-3,#box-4 { border-left: 1px dotted #B9B9B9; } /*Footer Style */ #footer a { color: #FFFFFF; } /* Bottom Style */ #bottom .right, #bottom .left { font-size: 0.833em; } #bottom .right { width: 157px; } #bottom .left { padding-left: 15px; } i would really appreciate it if anyone can help... thankks a whole lot!! Similar TutorialsHi, just to explain I know absolutely nothing about css. I can barely manage to change fonts, so please be gentle with me. I am quite capable of following straight forward instructions though so if you can help it would be much appreciated. I have a website (URL address blocked: PM me to get URL)/joomla that I'm playing with. The submenu's are where I have an issue - they appear exactly as I want when a menu item is selected (indented and normal font weight) however when a sub menu item is selected the indent dissappears and it treats it like a main menu item. Below is the code where I think the issue is. I've been googling like mad to see if anyone else has the same problem with this particular template but no joy. On a seperate note if there are any joomla template experts out there I would be happy to pay a reasonable fee to make some other modifications (basically the padding and position of the main column is all over the place dependent on the content that is displayed). I'd also like to upgrade this to joomla 1.6 at some stage. Enquired with a couple of "professional" Joomla developers and recieved no reply. I assume my requirements are too small for them to consider, and that they are just too rude to reply to say so. /*LEFT COL LINK*/ #leftcolumn ul.menu li a, #leftcolumn ul.menu li a:link, #rightcolumn ul.menu li a, #rightcolumn ul.menu li a:link { line-height: 18px; padding: 0 0 0 8px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 11px; background: url(../images/menu_row.jpg) center left no-repeat; margin: 0; height: 18px; color: #666666; font-weight: bold; } #leftcolumn ul.menu li a:hover, #rightcolumn ul.menu li a:hover { color: #4CAFC6; text-decoration: none; } /*LEFT COL CURRENT LINK*/ #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current a, #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current a:link, #rightcolumn ul.menu li#current a, #rightcolumn ul.menu li#current a:link { line-height: 18px; padding: 0 0 0 8px; text-decoration: none; color: #666666; font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; background: url(../images/menu_row.jpg) center left no-repeat; margin: 0; height: 18px; } #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current a:hover, #rightcolumn ul.menu li#current a:hover { color: #4CAFC6; text-decoration: none; } /*LEFT COL SUB LINK*/ #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current ul li a, #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current ul li a:link { text-decoration: none; color: #666; margin: 0 0 0 6px; font-size: 11px; background: url(../images/submenu_row.jpg) center left no-repeat; font-weight: normal; display: block; line-height: 18px; padding: 0 0 0 18px; border: none; height: 18px; } #leftcolumn ul.menu li ul li#current a, #leftcolumn ul.menu li ul li#current a:link, #leftcolumn ul.menu li ul li#current a:visited, #leftcolumn ul.menu li ul li#current a:hover { font-size: 11px; margin: 0 0 0 6px; padding: 0 0 0 18px; text-decoration: none; border: none; color: #333; background: url(../images/submenu_row.jpg) center left no-repeat; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; } /*SUBMENU POSITION*/ #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current ul li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /*CURRENT SUBMENU POSITION*/ #leftcolumn ul.menu li ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #leftcolumn ul.menu li#current ul li a:hover { color: #333; } #leftcolumn ul.menu li ul, #rightcolumn ul.menu li ul { list-style: none; } I am using a modified Joomla template for this site - (birminghamfiberguild . org) I need to simply nudge over the menus and the middle content to avoid the couple of pixel overhang going on, on the right. I have looked at it using Firebug and nothing I do seems to do the trick. I'm doing this site for free for my non-profit org. I'd be appreciative of any help. hello, ive been following a tute designed for a two column template and trying to follow this logic to make a 3 column template but i cant make it work unfortunately. any help would be really appreciated, thank you! apologies for a 'here is the code' post, but here is the code basically i want a 3 column template with 7 rows and only the 3rd row from the top really being divided into 3 columns -standard header, main content, footer, kind of design. whole 'table' is 587 wide and column sizes are 202 for left and right and 183 for center column. (no live link sorry) index page: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <link href="css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="tag">Tag</div> <div id="header">Header</div> <div id="left">Left</div> <div id="main_content">Main Content</div> <div id="right">Right</div> <div id="login">Login</div> <div id="menu1">Menu1</div> <div id="menu2">Menu2</div> <div id="footer">Footer</div> </div> </body> </html> css file: Code: body { background-image: url(../images/bg.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-x; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;} #container { border: 4px #99968F solid; width:587px; height: 724px; margin: 20px auto;} #tag { text-align: left; color: #64F81B; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; background-color: #000000;} #header { width: 587px; height: 135px; background-image: url(../images/header.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat;} #left { text-align: left; width: 202px; height: 287px; margin: 0 auto; float: left; padding-top: 39px; background-image: url(../images/left_bg.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat;} #main_content { margin-left: 202px; padding-top: 25px; width: 183px; height: 287px; background-image: url(../images/main_content_bg.jpg); margin: 0 auto;} #right { float: right; height: 287px; margin: 0 auto; margin-left: 385px; padding-top: 39px; width: 202px; background-image: url(../images/right_bg.jpg);} #login { clear: both; width: 587px;} #menu1 { clear: both; width: 587px;} #menu2 { clear: both; width: 587px;} #footer { clear: both; width: 587px;} Hello, I have created a three column html layout with header and footer using liquid CSS format. The problem is, if either any one of the columns (left , middle or right column) increases in length, the others don't grow accordingly. Please let me know how to do it. I didn't post the actual code as it is long. However I could post it if needed. Thanks I am having problems trying to set up a 2 columns inside an existing 2 column layout. The reason why I am doing it that way is because the 2 col layout is part of a template and most pages will be 2 col, but for some there is actually 3 columns, so I need to split the mainColumn into 2 columns. The problem is they are not showing up side by side. If I do display: inline; everything within the id displays that way and that is a problem. So here is what I am trying to accomplish Here is the css: Code: /*Main Section two columns under top section*/ #wrapper{ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #sideColumn { float:left; width:155px; height: 78%; background-color: #5094F9; padding-top: 50px; padding-left:10px; padding-bottom:10px; pading-right: 10px; margin-right: 10px; text-align: left; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; line-height: 20px; } .category { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 5px; } #sideColumn a:link, #sideColumn a:visited { background-color: transparent; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } #sideColumn a:hover, #sideColumn a:active { background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: #5094F9; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } #sideColumn ul { list-style: none; padding: 15px 0px 15px 10px; margin: 0px; } #mainColumn { padding: 0px; } /*customer support*/ #csupportWrapper { padding: 90px 20px auto 185px; text-align: left; } #csupportWrapper span { color: #000099; font-weight: bold; } #csupportWrapper .large { margins: 40px auto 20px auto; } #csupportWrapper ul { list-style: none; padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px; margin: 0px; } #csupportWrapper a:link, #csupportWrapper a:visited { background-color: transparent; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #5094F9; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } #csupportWrapper a:hover, #csupportWrapper a:active { background-color: transparent; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #990099; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } #column1 { padding: 40px 10px 0px 185px; clear: none; } #column2 { padding: 40px 0px 0px 382px; clear: none; } Thanks! Here is the xhtml starting after the heading part (I can add it too if needed): Code: <!--begin wrapper--> <div id="wrapper"> <!--begin side column --> <div id="sideColumn"> <span class="category">Products</span> <ul> <li><a href="../products/spirometers.html">Spirometers</a></li> <li><a href="../products/clinical_trials.html">Clinical Trials</a></li> <li><a href="../products/asthma_copd.html">Asthma & COPD</a></li> <li><a href="../products/smoking_cessation.html">Smoking Cessation</a></li> <li><a href="../products/resuscitaion.html">Resuscitation</a></li> </ul> <span class="category">Resources</span> <ul> <li><a href="customer_support.html">Customer Support</a></li> <li><a href="training_services.html">Training & Services</a></li> <li><a href="exhibitions.html">Exhibitions</a></li> <li><a href="newsletters.html">Newsletters</a></li> <li><a href="downloads.html">Downloads</a></li> <li><a href="useful_links.html">Useful Links</a></li> <li><a href="industry_information.html">Industry Information</a></li> <li><a href="industry_information.html">Sitemap</a></li> </ul> </div> <!--end of side column --> <!--begin main column --> <div id="mainColumn"> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Main_Section" --> <div id="csupportWrapper"> <div id="column1"> <span class="large">Customer Support</span> <ul> <li>Vitalograph Ltd</li> <li>Maids Morton, Buckingham</li> <li>MK18 1SW</li> <li>England</li> </ul> <ul> <li><span>Phone:</span> +44(0) 1280 827110</li> <li><span>Fax</span>: +44(0) 1280 823302</li> </ul> <ul> <li><span>Email: </span> <a href="mailto:sales@vitalograph.co.uk">sales@vitalograph.co.uk </a></li> <li><a href="/enquiry_forms/customer_support_form.htm">On-Line Enquiry Form</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="column2"> <span class="large">Technical Support</span> <ul> <li>Vitalograph Ltd</li> <li>Maids Morton, Buckingham</li> <li>MK18 1SW</li> <li>England</li> </ul> <ul> <li><span>Phone:</span> +44(0) 1280 827110</li> <li><span>Fax</span>: +44(0) 1280 823302</li> </ul> <ul> <li><span>Email: </span> <a href="mailto:techsupport@vitalograph.co.uk">techsupport@vitalograph.co.uk </a></li> <li><a href="/enquiry_forms/technical_support_form.htm">On-Line Enquiry Form</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div> <!--end of main column --> </div> <!--end of wrapper--> Hi all, I've tried searching around for this issue, but I've not found any help so far and it's driving me nuts. I hope someone here can advise. This is an abridged version of the site's code for example: Code: <style type="text/css"> <!-- #main1 { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } #left { width:260px; margin:0; padding:0; float: left; } #left-top { background-image: url(../images/panel-top-left.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center top; height: 16px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #left-middle { background-image: url(../images/panel-middle-left.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-bottom: 2px; } #left-bottom { background-image: url(../images/panel-bottom-left.gif); background-position: center; height: 18px; } #logo { background-image: url(../images/swalingslogo.gif); background-position: center top; width: 260px; height: 120px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /* Navigation List */ #navlist { padding-left: 0; margin-bottom:10px; width: 217px; } #navlist li { list-style: none; margin-bottom:4px; padding: 0; font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.8em; width:217px; height:32px; background-image:url(../images/nav2.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; } #navlist li a:link, #navlist li a:visited { display:block; text-decoration: none; color:#039; width:207px; height:32px; font-weight:bold; padding-top: 2px; padding-right: 5px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-left: 5px; } #navlist li a:hover { text-decoration: none; color:#FF6600; } /* Testimonials */ div#fscroller { width:200px; height:200px; background-image:url(../images/bg-testimonials.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; margin-left:8px; } div#fscroller p { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; } /* Middle Column */ #middle { margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; text-align: justify; margin-left: 260px; } #middle #top-left { background-image: url(../images/panel-top-rightleft.gif); height: 16px; font-size: 2px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } #middle #top-right { float: right; margin-top: -16px; background-image: url(../images/panel-top-rightright.gif); height: 16px; width: 20px; font-size: 2px; } #middle a { color: #003399; } #middle a:hover { text-decoration: none; } /** Country Titles **/ #middle h2#unitedkingdom { background-image: url(../images/title-unitedkingdom.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 26px; width: 201px; margin-bottom: 6px; } #middle h2#antigua { background-image: url(../images/title-antigua.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 26px; width: 128px; margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 6px; } /* Minisite Links */ div.minisite { float: left; } div.minisite span { display: none; } div.minisite a { background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 168px; width: 190px; display: block; } div.minisite a:hover { background-position: bottom; } a#minisite-swimminglessons { background-image: url(../images/swimming-lessons-uk.jpg); } .clear { clear:both; } .hidden { display: none; } .notopgap { margin-top: 0; } .nobottomgap { margin-bottom: 0; } .inside { background: #EFEFEF; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; } --> </style> <div id="main1"> <div id="left"> <!-- Logo --> <div id="logo"></div> <div id="left-top"></div> <div id="left-middle"> <!-- Navigation --> <!--#include file="../inc/nav2.asp" --> <!-- Testimonials --> <!--#include file="../inc/testimonials.asp" --> <!--#include file="../inc/special-offers.asp" --> </div> <div id="left-bottom"></div> </div> <!-- Middle Column --> <a name="skipnav" class="hidden"></a> <div id="middle"> <div class="top-left"></div><div class="top-right"></div> <div class="insideleft"><div class="insideright"><div class="inside"><div class="gap-saver"></div> <!-- UK Sites --> <h2 id="unitedkingdom"><span class="hidden">United Kingdom</span></h2> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swimming Lessons</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings Training</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings Residential Courses</span></a></div> <div class="clear"></div> <!-- Antigua Sites --> <h2 id="antigua"><span class="hidden">Antigua</span></h2> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings Soccer</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings Parties and Events</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings International School of Swimming</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings Babysitting and Nanny Agency</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings School of Rugby</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings School of Volleyball</span></a></div> <div class="minisite"><a id="minisite-swimminglessons" href="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)"><span>Swalings Training</span></a></div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="gap-saver"></div> </div></div></div> <div class="bottom-left"></div><div class="bottom-right"></div> </div> <!-- End Middle Column --> </div> I've placed the Country Title in an H2 tag, then beneath that, each anchor is enclosed in a DIV, and is set as a left-floated block. Then I placed a spacer DIV (clear: both) to create a new line, then repeated with H2 and links. This all works fine in Firefox, IE7 and Opera, but of course IE6 is being a pig as usual. The spacer DIV is pushed to sit alongside the bottom of the left column, and I can't figure out how to (or if I can) stop this. I can't add in links properly, so I hope this is acceptable under the rules -- The site in question is: www.swalings .com/swalings/index4.asp and here's a screenshot of IE6 behaviour: www.swalings .com/images/swalings-ie6-troubleshoot.jpg Hopefully that's enough information to go on, please let me know if there's something I missed out. Thanks a lot! Rob Hi I am trying to make a table to display some stuff within a fix sized window. I want to have 5 columns of fixed width and one column that spans the rest of the remaining space. The Idea is to allow the widths of the first 5 columns to be changed by a script and having the last one adapting as needed... html Code: Original - html Code <div class="container"><table cellspacing="0"> <colgroup> <col width="40" /> <col width="220" /> <col width="120" /> <col width="65" /> <col width="40" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th>A</th> <th>B</th> <th>C</th> <th>D</th> <th>E</th> <th style="width: 100%;></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>2</td> <td>3</td> <td>4</td> <td>5</td> <td style="width: 100%;></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div class="container"><table cellspacing="0"> <colgroup> <col width="40" /> <col width="220" /> <col width="120" /> <col width="65" /> <col width="40" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th>A</th> <th>B</th> <th>C</th> <th>D</th> <th>E</th> <th style="width: 100%;></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>2</td> <td>3</td> <td>4</td> <td>5</td> <td style="width: 100%;></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> css Code: Original - css Code div.container { height: 400px; width: 800px; overflow: scroll; } table { width: 100%; } td { border-style: solid; border-color: silver; border-width: 0px; padding: 1px 3px; } th { border-style: outset; border-color: silver; border-width: 2px; background: silver; padding: 1px 3px; }
It really does fill the entire space but the last column crushes all the other into their minimal width resulting in linebreaks between words inside the cells... Please help me Hey, So I have a three column layout being implemented as such: html: Code: <div class="content"> <div class="col1 column"></div> <div class="col3 column"></div> <div class="col2 column"> <div class="header">Header</div> </div> </div> CSS: Code: .column { padding: 10px; position:relative; } .header { background:#cfe6f5; color:#416383; font-size:11px; font-family:Arial; font-weight:300; padding-left:15px; } .col1 { float: left; width:250px; } .col2 { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .col3 { float:right; width:250px; } The problem is that the width of the header div extends all the way to the left and right of the page when it's in the middle column, but behaves the way I want it to (extends to the left and right of the column) when it's in the left or right column. Any ideas? Thanks. --Surgery Question title: A 2 column layout, let only the second column scroll horizontally and let them both scroll vertically Hello I did try several idea's, but all failed. Then I did search the web but found a list of > 400.000 in google. If someone is willing to tell me if it is possible and give me some directions, please do. Everything is welcome. I got a list with 3 columns ( basically you could say I have only two columns because 2-3 could be concatenated to together, but they have a different style and justification, but I could live to start with a two column sample) f.e line 1 : value_one - ( some_text - value_two (right justified) ) line 2 : value_one - ( some_text - value_two (right justified) ) line 99:.... e.t.c Column one has a fixed width of 32px. 'some text' can be longer then the wide available and value_two is with 3 spaces appended to column 2. I want that column one is fixed horizontal and that the second and the third column can scroll horizontally. Of course when there are more line's then the height of the container is should be posable to scroll vertically. Finally I need the color behind column one be different then the column 2 and 3. So what I did create is a container with two containers where the left one has a different colour then the right one and above those a container with the list. I have overflow on auto, so I get scroll-bars when necessarily. But my problem is that when I scroll horizontally that my first column scrolls away to the left. Basically my question is. How can I get a 2 column layout, let only the second column scroll horizontally ( first is locked in horizontal place ) and let them scroll both vertically? I'm trying to do custom active buttons in a Joomla horizontal menu. But they don't align correctly with the text. I assume it's because the pseudo element with the button is an absolute inside a relative positioned section. The only way I can move it is to fiddle with padding on the relative section. But that fixes some buttons and messes up others. I've tried a lot of other things but they move the whole element and not just that background image. Does anyone know a way to do this? Here's the code: Code: ul.frc-hmenu>li>a { position: absolute; display: block; height: 23px; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; color: #4A4A4A; padding:3px 12px; line-height: 23px; text-align: center; } /*change from absolute positioning*/ ul.frc-hmenu>li>a:before, ul.frc-hmenu>li>a:after { position: absolute; display: block; content:' '; top: 0; bottom:0; z-index: -1; overflow: visible; background-image: url('../images/menuitem.png'); } I'm struggling with css on my joomla site. I'm trying to develop a dropdown that can have two levels to it. I've got something working with the following css but I have no idea what to change to line the menus up. Code: /* ======================================= Top Menu aka Main Menu ======================================= */ .moduletable_topmenu{ padding:0; color: #333; height: 30px; margin: 0; width: 500px; font-size: 90% } .moduletable_topmenu h3 { background:#666; color:#fff; padding:0.25em 0; text-align:center; font-size:1.1em; margin:0; } .moduletable_topmenu ul{ list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .moduletable_topmenu li{ margin: 0px 15px 0px 0px; float: left; } .moduletable_topmenu li ul { position: absolute; width: 135px; left: -999em; border: 1px solid #474748; border-bottom: none; top: 22px; } .moduletable_topmenu li:hover ul { left: auto; } .moduletable_topmenu li ul li { width: 135px; padding: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #474748; } .moduletable_topmenu li a{ display: block; padding: 5px; background-color:#fff; color: #000; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } html>body .moduletable_topmenu li a { width: auto; } .moduletable_topmenu li ul li a { width: 125px; background-color: #221f20; color: #fff; /* --- filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity: 0.8; opacity: 0.8;*/ } .moduletable_topmenu li a:hover,a#active_menu:link,a#active_menu:visited{ color: #e22f00; text-decoration: none; /* --- filter:alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1.0; opacity: 1.0;*/ } .moduletable_topmenu li ul li a:hover { background-color: #e22f00; color: #fff; background: url(../images/top_link_bg2_on.png) repeat-y top left; } .moduletable_topmenu li:hover ul, .moduletable_topmenu li.sfhover ul { left: auto; } .moduletable_topmenu ul li.active a { color: #038fd9; text-decoration: none; } .moduletable_topmenu li.parent.active a { color: #038fd9; text-decoration: none; } .moduletable_topmenu li.parent.active a:hover { color: #e22f00; } .moduletable_topmenu li.parent.active ul li a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } .moduletable_topmenu li.parent.active ul li a:hover { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } I am currently using IE 7 and my test site is located at http://vcob.org/2008test if you want to see the menu in action go to that site and mouse over the "About Joomla" link in the menu across the top of the page. You should notice how the sub-menus stack on top of each other and I can't get them to line up. Any help would be so appreciated as I need to get this to work and I can't seem to get anyone at Joomla to help me, thanks in advance. Hello, I am having difficulty with the center column on the following page: http://cbo4edu.org/index2.html I want to widen the center column so that the CBO NEWS heading touches the blue line which divides the center and right column. When I try to add width to the style sheet the left column moves out of alignment. Any help is much appreciated, thanks! Hi, hopefully you enjoyed the title, I had a good laugh thinking of it in that split second it took me to write it. So, I found a 3 column css layout on a CSS generator website, because I got sick of trying to hack up layouts I've made in the past that didn't work. Anyhow, it was working fine with one line of content in each column when I tested it out, however, once content in the middle column was added, and stretched vertically beyond a certain point, it will drag the left columns content down with it. The right column is not affected in any way. I have spent a few hours trying to look for reasons as to why it would happen, but I had no luck. I would appreciate any help... so thank you in advance if you take a stab at it. Here's the html: Code: <body> <div id="pagewidth"> <div id="header"></div> <div id="wrapper" class="clearfix" > <div id="twocols" class="clearfix"> <div id="maincol">Main Text, woot. (aka hi hi hi)</div> <div id="rightcol">Sidebar, yippee.</div> </div> <div id="leftcol"> <div id="navigation">test</div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"></div> </div> </body> and the CSS: Code: html, body { background: #333399; margin:0; padding:0; text-align:center; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Tahoma; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; color: black; } #pagewidth { width: 750px; text-align:left; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; background: #333399 url('images/bodycontent.gif') repeat-y center top; } #header { position:relative; height:138px; background: url('images/header.gif') center; width: 100%; } #leftcol { width: 118px; float: left; left: 25px; position: relative; background-color: transparent; margin:0; padding:0; } #twocols { width: 700px; float: right; position: relative; } #rightcol { width:180px; right: 25px; float:right; position:relative; background-color: transparent; } #maincol { background-color: transparent; float: left; left: 100px; display: inline; position: relative; width: 390px; } #footer { text-align: center; height:39px; background: url('images/footer.gif'); clear:both; } .clearfix:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .clearfix{display: inline-table;} /* Hides from IE-mac \*/ * html .clearfix{height: 1%;} .clearfix{display: block;} /* End hide from IE-mac */ /*printer styles*/ @media print{ /*hide the left column when printing*/ #leftcol{display:none;} /*hide the right column when printing*/ #rightcol{display:none;} #twocols, #maincol{width:100%; float:none;} } Again, thank you in advance if you can come up with anything. can i make my left column, the same height as my right column? or infact, if the left is taller than the right, the right extends to it and if the right is taller than the left the left extends to it? is this possible, cheers heres my css: left column, is #leftNav and the right column is #contentMain PHP Code: #content { margin:0px auto; padding: 0; width: 760px; } #contentMain { padding: 0; margin: 0; float: right; width: 632px; } #leftNav { color: #000; float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 128px; } I dunno if this is the right spot but I am stuck. Here is my issue http://fifafanatics.com/league/index.php?option=com_joomleague&func=showRanking&p=1 is my site. as you can see the theme the content in the right is too close to the left. I want to "center". If you click on the forum you will see the real issue. I need that forum to stretch out. I feel like these are stuck in a container but I don't even know where to look. Let me post some code. this is the .css file. theres a html file as well if needed I can post that. Code: body { overflow-x : hidden; overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical; } .body { color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0px; font-size: 11px; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"; background: #575757; } .all { width:970px; margin:0 auto; padding:0; background: url(../images/bg_page.gif) repeat-y; } #logo { background: transparent url(../images/bg.jpg) no-repeat top center; margin:0 auto; width: 100%; padding:0; height:119px; text-align:left; vertical-align:middle; } #logo a { margin:20px 0 0 75px; line-height:80px; font-family:"Trebuchet MS"; font-size:23px; color:#FFFFFF; } .topmaincol { width:100%; height:30px; } /* --- nav --- */ .div { } #menu{ position:relative; height:58px; color:#E0E0E0; background: url(../images/topmenu_bg.jpg) repeat-x; width:966px; font-size:13px; } #menu .menuc { margin: 0px auto; width: 966px; font-family:"Trebuchet MS"; } #topnavi{ position:relative; height:58px; font-size:12px; font-weight: normal; font-family:"Trebuchet MS"; background: url(../images/topmenu_bg.jpg) repeat-x top left; padding:0 0 0 5px; } #topnavi ul{ margin:0; padding:0; list-style-type:none; width:auto; float:left; } #topnavi ul li{ display:block; float:left; margin:0 1px; } #topnavi ul li a{ display:block; float:left; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; padding:0 0 0 11px; height:52px; } #topnavi ul li a span{ font-size:12px; padding:17px 11px 0 0; height:52px; float:left; } #topnavi ul li a:hover{ font-size:12px; color: #000000; } #topnavi ul li a:hover span{ font-size:12px; display:block; width:auto; cursor:pointer; } #topnavi ul li a.current,#topnavi ul li a.current:hover{ color: #FFFFFF; background: url(../images/topmenu_left.jpg) no-repeat top left; line-height:350%; } #topnavi ul li a.current span{ display:block; padding:0 10px 0 0; width:auto; background: url(../images/topmenu_right.jpg) no-repeat top right; height:52px; } /* --- end nav --- */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ form {display:inline;} hr { color : #999999; height : 1px; width : 100%; } .back_button { color : #999999; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; font-weight : normal; padding-bottom : 3px; margin-right : 4px; float : right; line-height : 20px; } .button { font-size : 11px; color : #333333; border : 1px solid #999999; margin : 3px; background-color : #EDEDED; padding : 1px; cursor : pointer; } .inputbox { color : #000000; background : #ffffff; border : 1px solid #cccccc; margin : 3px; } table,td,div { color : #000000; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; margin:0; } p { color : #000000; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; line-height : 16px; padding:4px 0px 4px 0px; margin:0; } strong { color : #000000; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; line-height : 16px; padding:4px 0px 4px 0px; margin:0; } i { color : #000000; font-family : Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; line-height : 16px; padding:4px 0px 4px 0px; margin:0; font-style: normal; } em { color : #000000; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; line-height : 16px; padding:4px 0px 4px 0px; margin:0; font-style: normal; } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ .leftcol {width:200px;padding:10px 5px 10px 10px;} .maincol {width:525px;padding:10px 5px 10px 5px;} .rightcol {width:200px;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;} .pollstableborder td{ text-align:left} #container { width:970px; height:100%; margin: 0px auto; padding:0; text-align: left; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ table.moduletable { margin : 0 0 20px 0; width : 100%; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; } table.moduletable th { font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; font-weight : bold; text-align : left; height : 34px; color : #FFFFFF; padding : 8px 0 0 13px; text-indent : 10px; line-height : 15px; background : #fff url(../images/moduletable_th_bg.jpg) no-repeat left top; } table.moduletable td { padding-top: 2px; } table.moduletable td table{ width : 100%; } .sectiontableheader { font-size : 10px; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight : normal; text-transform : uppercase; letter-spacing : 1px; color : #333333; background : #ffffff; padding : 1px; } .sectiontableentry1 { vertical-align : top; padding : 3px; background : #D9D9D9; border-bottom : 1px solid #ffffff; line-height : 25px; } .sectiontableentry2 { vertical-align : top; padding : 3px; border-bottom : 1px solid #ffffff; background : #EEEEEE; line-height : 25px; } a.mainlevel { display : block; width : auto; margin : 1px 0; padding : 0; font-size : 12px; background : none; text-indent : 10px; width : 200px; } a.mainlevel:link, a.mainlevel:visited { display : block; font-size : 11px; background : transparent url(../images/mainlevel.gif) repeat-x right bottom; font-weight : normal; padding : 4px 0 4px 0; color : #000000; text-indent : 11px; } a.mainlevel:hover { background : transparent url(../images/mainlevel_h.gif) repeat-x right bottom; font-size : 11px; font-weight : normal; color : #D01C0D; text-decoration : none; text-indent : 11px; } #active_menu { color : #D01C0D; background : transparent url(../images/mainlevel_h.gif) repeat-x right bottom; } a#active_menu:hover { color : #333333; } a:link, a:visited { font-size : 11px; color : #333333; text-decoration : none; font-weight : bold; } a:hover { font-size : 11px; color : #D01C0D; text-decoration : none; font-weight : bold; } a.category:link, a.category:visited { font-size : 11px; font-weight : bold; } a.readon:link, a.readon:visited { color : #999999; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; background : url(../images/readon.gif) no-repeat; white-space : normal; font-weight : bold; padding : 1px 0 3px 18px; float : right; line-height : 10px; text-decoration : underline; } a.readon:hover { color : #D01C0D; font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; background : url(../images/readon.gif) no-repeat; white-space : normal; font-weight : bold; padding : 1px 0 3px 18px; line-height : 10px; text-decoration : underline; } ul { margin : 2px; padding-left : 10px; list-style : none; } li { line-height : 15px; padding-left : 10px; padding-top : 0; } table.contenttoc { border : 1px solid #dcdcdc; background : #F1F1F1; padding : 5px; margin-left : 2px; margin-bottom : 2px; } .pagenavcounter { font-size : 10px; color : #4da338; } .pagenavbar { border-top : 1px solid #999999; padding : 2px; } .pagenav { font-weight : bold; } a.pagenav:link, a.pagenav:visited { font-size : 11px; color : #999999; text-decoration : none; } a.pagenav:hover { font-size : 11px; color : #3333ff; text-decoration : none; } .date { font-size : 10px; font-weight : bold; color : #707070; padding-right : 12px; } .small { font-size : 10px; color : #333333; } .smalldark { font-size : 10px; color : #333333; } .createdate, .modifydate { float : right; font-size : 10px; color : #666666; font-weight : bold; } .content_vote { font-size : 10px; height : 22px; padding-top : 2px; padding-bottom : 2px; } .content_rating { font-size : 10px; color : #999999; } .pway { margin:0 auto; text-align:left; width:970px; height:18px; padding:5px 0 0 0 ; background:#575757; } .pathway { font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 11px; color : #D01C0D; padding-left : 12px; } a.pathway:link, a.pathway:visited { font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; color : #FFFFFF; font-size : 11px; padding-left : 0; } a.pathway:hover { color:#efefef; font-size : 11px; padding-left : 0; } table.content{ width : 100%; padding : 0; border-collapse : collapse; border-spacing : 0; margin-bottom : 10px; } table.contentpane { width : 100%; border-spacing : 0; padding-left : 5px; padding-right : 5px; margin-bottom : 5px; } table.contentpaneopen { width : 100%; border-spacing : 0; padding-left : 5px; padding-right : 5px; margin-bottom : 5px; } .poll { color : #333333; line-height : 12px; font-weight: normal; } .pollstableborder{ border-color : #999999; } .contentheading,.componentheading { width : 90%; font-size : 12px; font-weight : bold; line-height : 16px; text-transform : uppercase; text-align : left; text-indent : 0; color : #D01C0D; padding : 1px; margin : 3px 0px; } .ontab { border-left : 1px solid #666666; text-align : center; font-weight : bold; color : #333333; padding : 5px; cursor : pointer; line-height : 30px; } .offtab { border-left : 1px solid #666666; text-align : center; color : #999999; font-weight : normal; padding : 5px; cursor : pointer; line-height : 30px; } .tabpadding { border-left : 1px solid #666666; } .col { vertical-align : top; background : #ffffff; padding-top: 5px; } .contentdescription { width : auto !important; margin : 0; padding : 0; padding-top : 5px; text-align : left; } td.top1{ margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 28px !important; height: 28px; padding-top: 2px !important; padding-top: 3px; background : url(../images/shadow.jpg) #f1f1f1 repeat-x top; } table.top2{ background : #ffffff; } .searchbox { margin : 0; padding : 0; margin-top : 13px; margin-left : 10px; width : 130px; font-size : 11px; color : #707070; border : 1px solid #cccccc; padding : 2px !important; padding : 1px; background : none; } .sublevel { font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; font-weight : normal; color : #999999; margin-top : 10px; } a.sublevel:link, a.sublevel:visited { font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; font-weight : normal; color : #999999; padding : 5px 1px 3px 5px; text-decoration : none; } a.sublevel:hover { color : #D01C0D; text-decoration : none; } a.sublevel#active_menu { background : transparent; color : #ff6600; border : 0; } a.toclink:link, a.toclink:visited { font-family :"Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; font-weight : normal; color : #999999; padding : 5px 1px 3px 5px; text-decoration : none; } a.toclink:hover { color : #D01C0D; text-decoration : none; } td.logoheader { margin: 0; padding: 0; background : url(../images/header.jpg) no-repeat bottom; height : 65px; width : 770px; } td.topnav { margin : 0px; padding: 0px; background : url(../images/bg_top.jpg) repeat-x top left; height : 42px; width : 770px; } td.bgline { margin : 0; padding: 0; background : url(../images/s.gif) repeat-y; width : 7px; } #mainlevel-nav { font-size : 11px; list-style : none; padding : 0; margin : 0; margin-left : 1px; } #mainlevel-nav li { float : right; display : block; list-style : none; background-image : none; padding-left : 2px; padding-right : 2px; margin : 0; width : auto !important; font-size : 11px; line-height : 28px; white-space : nowrap; border-left : 1px solid #cccccc; } #mainlevel-nav li a { padding-left : 10px; padding-right : 10px; font-size : 11px; color : #000033; text-decoration : none; } #mainlevel-nav li a:hover { font-size : 11px; color : #999999; } .blog_more { margin : 10px 0 7px 7px; } .buttonheading { padding : 0 2px; } .mosimage { border : 1px solid #dedede; margin : 5px; padding-top: 3px; background:#FFFFFF; } .mosimage_caption { margin-top: 3px; padding : 2px; color : #000066; font-size : 10px; background: #f1f1f1; } /* -------------------------- */ .footer_bg { width:970px; background:#575757 url(../images/footer_bg.jpg) no-repeat left top; color:#FFFFFF; padding:6px 0px 0 0; height:43px; text-align: center; margin:0px; } .footer { color:#fff; padding:0; margin:0 0 10px 0; } .footer div, .footer div a, .footer div a:visited{ color:#fff; } Hi there, I have a site running on Joomla and I'm using cufon for changing the font type. The problem is that, in firefox, the tile only shows in the correct font in some articles... Here, using firefox the title shows up fine: sostudent.com/joomla/index.php/solutions Here, using firefox the title shows up without the font replaced by cufon: sostudent.com/joomla/index.php/about-us Also, I can't seem to change the links font as you can see in the "Contact Form" link on this page: sostudent.com/joomla/index.php/contacts In Google chrome everything seems fine!! Can anyone please help? Thanks, Hi, Ive got a joomla worksite and it has a menu on footer. The menu uses the following css code : #footmenu ul { margin: auto; padding: 0; list-style:none; margin-top:7px; } #footmenu li { float:left; border-right: 2px solid #fff; background: none; padding: 0; display: inline; padding: 10 10px; } } #footmenu a { font-family: Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; float:left; display:block; height: 25px; line-height: 25px; padding: 0 15px; color: #666; } #footmenu a:hover { /*background: #e1e1e1; */ color:#98aa65; } I have read some posts and articles on the web but i didnt have any luck with it. I could make it align in left or right but not in the middle. From what i read, i have to align the whole div as one part, dunno Any help appreciated, Thanks Hi there, I customized the content module so the title of an article displays an image before the text and the text is displayed with two colors!! The relevant part of the code is at follows: Code: <h2 class="title"> <?php if ($params->get('link_titles') && !empty($this->item->readmore_link)) : ?> <a href="<?php echo $this->item->readmore_link; ?>"> <div><span class="image-title"></span> <?php $titles = explode(" ",$this->item->title); for ($i=0; $i<count($titles)-1; $i++){ echo '<div style="float:left;padding-left:7px;color:#303030;">'.$this->escape($titles[$i]).'</div>'; }?> <div style="color:#06cfef;float:left;padding-left:7px;"><?php echo $this->escape($titles[$i]);?></div></div></a> <div style="clear:both;height:0px;"></div> <?php else : ?> <div><span class="image-title"></span> <?php $titles = explode(" ",$this->item->title); for ($i=0; $i<count($titles)-1; $i++){ echo '<div style="float:left;padding-left:7px;">'.$this->escape($titles[$i]).'</div>'; }?> <div style="color:#06cfef;float:left;padding-left:7px;"><?php echo $this->escape($titles[$i]);?></div></div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <?php endif; ?> </h2> In both IE and Google Chrome everything is displayed as wanted (apart from ie which has some positioning problem but i'm not focusing on that now) In firefox, I can see the content loading correctly but just before the page finish loading the image disappears... I just can't understand why!! You can take a look at this url: Can anyone please help?? Thanks |