CSS - Slide Link To The Right
Thanks for taking the time to read my question.
I've almost got what I want. I would like my link, on hover, to "slide" to the right a bit and change background color. My problem is the flickering. I think it's because I'm using a class on the <li> and a class on the <a>, but I'm not sure how else to accomplish what I'm trying to do. I know it would be better if I didn't have a class on the <a>.... I think. Any ideas? Thanks, Brad HTML: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" /> <title></title> <link href="Nav.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> </head> <body> <ul class="NavList"> <li class="NavListItem1"><a href="#" class="NavListItem">Home</a></li> <li class="NavListItem2"><a href="#" class="NavListItem">About</a></li> <li class="NavListItem3"><a href="#" class="NavListItem">Contact</a></li> </ul> </body> </html> CSS: Code: ul.NavList { List-style-type: none; border-left: solid 5px #3366CC; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } .NavListItem { color: #000000; background-color: aqua; display: block; width: 60px; padding-left: 3px; } .NavListItem1 a:hover { width: 50px; display: block; margin-left: 5px; background-color: red; width: 60px; padding-left: 3px; } .NavListItem2 a:hover { width: 50px; display: block; margin-left: 5px; background-color: green; width: 60px; padding-left: 3px; } .NavListItem3 a:hover { width: 50px; display: block; margin-left: 5px; background-color: orange; width: 60px; padding-left: 3px; } Similar TutorialsHello, I'm using a 'slide-out' navigation on an intranet, however I need it to go to a 3rd level and for the life of me I cannot get the combonation for expanding the list to 3 levels. Here is a 'demo' of what I'm trying to do, if you go to Office support, and resources it needs to come out when you hover. DEMO *This site was designed with IE 6.0 in mind. Code: /*Navigational CSS*/ #navigation ul { position: absolute; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; width: 185px; /* Width of Menu Items */ border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; font-family:"trebuchet MS", Garamond, arial; } #navigation li { position: relative; } #navigation a { display: block; } #navigation li ul { left: 185px; top: -0px; display: none; } #navigation ul li a, #navigation li a { display: block; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; background-color: #0F2344; padding: 3px; font-family:"trebuchet MS", Garamond, arial; } #navigation li { position: relative; z-index: 10; } #navigation li ul li { position: relative; z-index: 15; } #navigation ul li a:hover, #navigation li a:hover { color: #000; background: #467BB4; } #navigation li ul li a { padding: 2px 5px; } #navigation li:hover ul, #navigation li.over ul { display: block; } Thanks for the assistance.. I was wondering if anyone could explain how this works. http://alt-web.com/DEMOS/CSS-Disjoi...-Rollover.shtml What I am not understanding is the role of the: <div id="defaultImage"> <img src="DefaultImage.jpg" /></div> and the <div id="Relative"></div> what do they do and why are they needed? Or maybe you cold steer me in a direction. Thank you Hey all, I downloaded this DHTML script for a Dynamic-Fx Slide-In Menu from http://www.dynamicdrive.com and i'm facing some trouble. The menu suits my needs perfectly with only 1 problem. I want to position the menu in a fixed location on my website somewhere other than the edge of the screen, so i adjust the xy coordinates in the ssmItems.js file to do so...the problem is that the menu changes location depending on whether the window is maximized or not and on the resolution of the monitor. I want it to stay in 1 place ALWAYS! How? PLEASE HELP! there are two .js files associated with this scrip, ssmItems.js & ssm.js and a bit of html in the <head> section of the file into which the menu is placed. Please find all 3 below: HTML code in <head> section: <STYLE> <!-- A.ssmItems:link {color:black;text-decoration:none;} A.ssmItems:hover {color:black;text-decoration:none;} A.ssmItems:active {color:black;text-decoration:none;} A.ssmItems:visited {color:black;text-decoration:none;} //--> </STYLE> <SCRIPT SRC="ssm.js" language="JavaScript1.2"> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="ssmItems.js" language="JavaScript1.2"></SCRIPT> <script type="text/javascript"> Code from ssmItems.js file <!-- /* Configure menu styles below NOTE: To edit the link colors, go to the STYLE tags and edit the ssm2Items colors */ YOffset=188; // no quotes!! XOffset=0; staticYOffset=30; // no quotes!! slideSpeed=20 // no quotes!! waitTime=100; // no quotes!! this sets the time the menu stays out for after the mouse goes off it. menuBGColor="feb300"; menuIsStatic="yes"; //this sets whether menu should stay static on the screen menuWidth=210; // Must be a multiple of 10! no quotes!! menuCols=2; hdrFontFamily="Arial"; hdrFontSize="2"; hdrFontColor="#feb300"; hdrBGColor="#000066"; hdrAlign="left"; hdrVAlign="center"; hdrHeight="15"; linkFontFamily="arial"; linkFontSize="2"; linkBGColor="white"; linkOverBGColor="#feb300"; linkTarget="_top"; linkAlign="Left"; barBGColor="#feb300"; barFontFamily="Arial"; barFontSize="2"; barFontColor="#000066"; barVAlign="center"; barWidth=20; // no quotes!! barText="RESOURCES MENU"; // <IMG> tag supported. Put exact html for an image to show. /////////////////////////// // ssmItems[...]=[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ssmItems[0]=["Apologetics Resources"] //create header ssmItems[1]=["Christ the Teacher Series", "http://www.lumenverum.org",""] ssmItems[2]=["Lord of History Series", "http://www.lumenverum.org",""] ssmItems[3]=["Other Booklets", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] ssmItems[4]=["Catholic Q&A Message Board", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] ssmItems[5]=["Ask us a question directly", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] ssmItems[6]=["LVA Catalogue"] //create header ssmItems[7]=["Books", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] ssmItems[8]=["Tapes / CD's", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] ssmItems[9]=["Other", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] ssmItems[10]=["Lumen Verum's..."] ssmItems[11]=["Consitution", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] ssmItems[12]=["Patron Saint", "http://www.lumenverum.org", ""] buildMenu(); //--> Code from ssm.js file NS6 = (document.getElementById&&!document.all) IE = (document.all) NS = (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") tempBar='';barBuilt=0;ssmItems=new Array(); moving=setTimeout('null',1) function moveOut() { if ((NS6||NS)&&parseInt(ssm.left)<0 || IE && ssm.pixelLeft<0) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveOut()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}}; function moveBack() {clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', waitTime)} function moveBack1() { if ((NS6||NS) && parseInt(ssm.left)>(-menuWidth) || IE && ssm.pixelLeft>(-menuWidth)) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(-10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}} function slideMenu(num){ if (IE) {ssm.pixelLeft += num;} if (NS||NS6) {ssm.left = parseInt(ssm.left)+num;} if (NS) {bssm.clip.right+=num;bssm2.clip.right+=num;}} function makeStatic() { if (NS||NS6) {winY = window.pageYOffset;} if (IE) {winY = document.body.scrollTop;} if (NS6||IE||NS) { if (winY!=lastY&&winY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - YOffset + staticYOffset);} else if (YOffset-staticYOffset+lastY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - (YOffset-(YOffset-winY)));} else {smooth=0} if(smooth > 0) smooth = Math.ceil(smooth); else smooth = Math.floor(smooth); if (IE) bssm.pixelTop+=smooth; if (NS6||NS) bssm.top=parseInt(bssm.top)+smooth lastY = lastY+smooth; setTimeout('makeStatic()', 1)}} function buildBar() { if(barText.indexOf('<IMG')>-1) {tempBar=barText} else{for (b=0;b<barText.length;b++) {tempBar+=barText.charAt(b)+"<BR>"}} document.write('<td align="center" rowspan="100" width="'+barWidth+'" bgcolor="'+barBGColor+'" valign="'+barVAlign+'"><p align="center"><font face="'+barFontFamily+'" Size="'+barFontSize+'" COLOR="'+barFontColor+'"><B>'+tempBar+'</B></font></p></TD>')} function initSlide() { if (NS6){ssm=document.getElementById("thessm").style;bssm=document.getElementById("basessm").style; bssm.clip="rect(0 "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetWidth+" "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetHeight+" 0)";ssm.visibility="visible";} else if (IE) {ssm=document.all("thessm").style;bssm=document.all("basessm").style bssm.clip="rect(0 "+thessm.offsetWidth+" "+thessm.offsetHeight+" 0)";bssm.visibility = "visible";} else if (NS) {bssm=document.layers["basessm1"]; bssm2=bssm.document.layers["basessm2"];ssm=bssm2.document.layers["thessm"]; bssm2.clip.left=0;ssm.visibility = "show";} if (menuIsStatic=="yes") makeStatic();} function buildMenu() { if (IE||NS6) {document.write('<DIV ID="basessm" style="visibility:hidden;Position : Absolute ;Left : '+XOffset+' ;Top : '+YOffset+' ;Z-Index : 20;width:'+(menuWidth+barWidth+10)+'"><DIV ID="thessm" style="Position : Absolute ;Left : '+(-menuWidth)+' ;Top : 0 ;Z-Index : 20;" onmouseover="moveOut()" onmouseout="moveBack()">')} if (NS) {document.write('<LAYER name="basessm1" top="'+YOffset+'" LEFT='+XOffset+' visibility="show"><ILAYER name="basessm2"><LAYER visibility="hide" name="thessm" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'" left="'+(-menuWidth)+'" onmouseover="moveOut()" onmouseout="moveBack()">')} if (NS6){document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="'+(menuWidth+barWidth+2)+'" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'"><TR><TD>')} document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="'+(menuWidth+barWidth+2)+'" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'">'); for(i=0;i<ssmItems.length;i++) { if(!ssmItems[i][3]){ssmItems[i][3]=menuCols;ssmItems[i][5]=menuWidth-1} else if(ssmItems[i][3]!=menuCols)ssmItems[i][5]=Math.round(menuWidth*(ssmItems[i][3]/menuCols)-1); if(ssmItems[i-1]&&ssmItems[i-1][4]!="no"){document.write('<TR>')} if(!ssmItems[i][1]){ document.write('<td bgcolor="'+hdrBGColor+'" HEIGHT="'+hdrHeight+'" ALIGN="'+hdrAlign+'" VALIGN="'+hdrVAlign+'" WIDTH="'+ssmItems[i][5]+'" COLSPAN="'+ssmItems[i][3]+'"> <font face="'+hdrFontFamily+'" Size="'+hdrFontSize+'" COLOR="'+hdrFontColor+'"><b>'+ssmItems[i][0]+'</b></font></td>')} else {if(!ssmItems[i][2])ssmItems[i][2]=linkTarget; document.write('<TD BGCOLOR="'+linkBGColor+'" onmouseover="bgColor=\''+linkOverBGColor+'\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\''+linkBGColor+'\'" WIDTH="'+ssmItems[i][5]+'" COLSPAN="'+ssmItems[i][3]+'"><ILAYER><LAYER onmouseover="bgColor=\''+linkOverBGColor+'\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\''+linkBGColor+'\'" WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="'+linkAlign+'"><DIV ALIGN="'+linkAlign+'"><FONT face="'+linkFontFamily+'" Size="'+linkFontSize+'"> <A HREF="'+ssmItems[i][1]+'" target="'+ssmItems[i][2]+'" CLASS="ssmItems">'+ssmItems[i][0]+'</DIV></LAYER></ILAYER></TD>')} if(ssmItems[i][4]!="no"&&barBuilt==0){buildBar();barBuilt=1} if(ssmItems[i][4]!="no"){document.write('</TR>')}} document.write('</table>') if (NS6){document.write('</TD></TR></TABLE>')} if (IE||NS6) {document.write('</DIV></DIV>')} if (NS) {document.write('</LAYER></ILAYER></LAYER>')} theleft=-menuWidth;lastY=0;setTimeout('initSlide();', 1)} I'm trying to use a jQuery script to create a tabbed slide-out on the right side of the screen. At this point, the slide-out plug-in is not an option. Here's the jQuery script: Code: $('#sideTabMain .button').toggle(function() { $('#sideTab').animate({right:'0px'}, {queue:false, duration: 500}); }, function() { $('#sideTab').animate({right:'-650px'}, {queue:false, duration: 500}); }); And the basic CSS for the div: Code: #sideTab { position: absolute; z-index: 1000; top: 50px; right: -650px } The issue is CSS-related. You can still see the slide-out div when you scroll over to the right (off the screen). How do I hide this? I tried putting the entire page in a CSS div with overflow: hidden but this completely removed the ability to scroll horizontally. Any ideas? Thanks for your help. I don't know if this is a weird question or not, but this is what I was thinking of doing... I was going to build my footer to extend a couple hundred pixels below the actual footer content, then use a png with transparency gradient to blend the bottom of the footer back into the page background to account for pages with very limited content on them where the footer may not be close to the actual bottom of the browser window. The problem I ran into when trying to do this was trying to stop the page from including the bottom of the footer on longer pages when there WAS enough content to push the footer to the bottom. I tried a couple different ways, setting various div positions and sliding them off screen, but they just causes the browser to stretch farther to display the entire footer. So, is this something you can do? I seem to remember playing around with a 'sticky footer' a little while back that moved content off screen, but I don't remember what caused this. Thanks for any help. I've been toying with this for some time and I've been messing with it so long that I probably wouldn't see the problem if i was hit with a brick. Essentially the link posted is to an html page where I have a portion of the left side of my main page. This page will have vertically listed navigation which upon hover will slide out a panel and so on. I cannot seem to get the elements correct, the sliding out list items are correct but the other main listing is not sitting correctly, and the navigation box gets all elongated when I hover. This code and page is designed to work with IE 6x for work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. http://mcpherson-racing.com/dave/Slideout.htm Also I'm wondering if you see a problem with the page and the navigation that I'm attempting to make, Also if you have any design tips for this 'demo' I'd be happy to hear them.... I'm a bit lost on the 'footer' what to put there... http://mcpherson-racing.com/dave/demo2.htm The site isn't done, its about 30% so I know links are busted and not pointing to the right places. If you have a second..... Doing a design for my brother and I have this idea that seems so simple but I can't figure it out. I attached a image that explains it better than I could in an a post. Here is the site: anthemcompanies.com/index2.html Here is the image to explain it (can't insert an image so it is a link) anthemcompanies.com/screen.png I would like to use just CSS to accomplish it but I have no idea how. I have searched everywhere online. I have tried adapting some jquery scripts and some js stuff but nothing has worked for me. Advice, links, completely explained solution, or I have no idea, would be most appreciated. I am a novice at web authoring. I am working a jQuery slide show. I would like to make this slide show automatically resize to fit the browser window. But the show is contained in a div element which requires a fixed size in pixels. When I try to substitute percentages for pixel values, the images no longer appear. Please advise if there is a way to accomplish this resizing. Due to a prohibition against posting URLs for new user accounts, I can't provide a link to the slide show I am trying to resize, or a link to an example of the resizing behavior which I would like to emulate. PROBLEM: I create a nice button using the sliding doors technique for rounded corners. But the button displays with 100% width unless I float it. My layout requires that the buttons be inline with the text, so floating won't work. Anyone know an alternative? I wouldn't mind floating but I want the button to show inline with the text. When I use float:left, it removes it from the inline flow. Basically, I want a very modular button that can be used in several different places on a page. In many cases, floating is fine because the mockup has it out of the inline text, but I want to use it there, too. Here's the HTML: <a class="button" href="#"><span>Update Profile</span></a> Here's the css: a.button:link, a.button:visited { background:url(button_right.gif) no-repeat right top; } a.button span:hover, a.button span:active { background:url(button_left_hover.gif) no-repeat right top; } a.button span { background:url(button_left.gif) no-repeat left top; color:#fff; cursorointer; display:block; height:20px; line-height:20px; margin:0 2px 0 0; padding:0 10px; position:relative; white-space:nowrap; } http://tinyurl.com/5llwfl I'm having some problems with this page in particular. Try clicking on one of the Left or Right white image arrows below the main picture. This only occurs in Firefox 2.x. Once you click the link, the content area below "Starting from $278.497" should shift roughly 5 pixels down. I thought it may be related to the dotted link outline that surrounds the image, but that was not the case. I applied styles to get rid of that and there was no changes. I also thought it may be related to a position:relative; bug which this site has been notorious for. I tried making certain divs in that area position:relative to no avail. So to test further I tried an overall #content *{position:relative;} fix which could not fix the position shift, either. I'm not sure what else it could be. And while I do have access to the build of this app, I have not been able to reproduce the issue by downloading all HTML, CSS, and image files locally. Hello Is there a way i can restore my <a href> link back to its original color, that is before the a:visited event, when I click on another link? PS. no Javascript code needed, is their an alternative in css? I have my links defined with a dashed border, but I don't want this on linked images and I'm trying to figure out if I can accomplish this with CSS only without additional markup in my HTML file. Here is a sample file: http://www. shawkey.com/test/imagebordertest.html Any suggestions on how I can get the dashed border to not appear below the image and only appear below the text with just CSS? Hello is there a way to make it so hyperlinks are not decorated as the default blue? I have the following css which I've attempted to make it so the text '.com' is always white, but it defaults to the standard link color. html: <td class="nodecoration"><a class="nodecoration" href="http://www.somesite.com">.com</a></td> css: Code: td.nodecoration { background-color: #003399; color: white; width: 120px; height: 30px; font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold; text-align:center; } A:link.nodecoration {text-decoration: none} A:visited.nodecoration{text-decoration:none} A:active.nodecoration{text-decoration:none} a:hover.nodecoration{text-decoration:underline} Hi I have this which IE needs to call "menu-ie.css" and all other browsers need to call the "menu.css". Code: <!--[if IE]> <LINK rel="stylesheet" href="inc/menu-ie.css" title="contemporary" type="text/css"> <![endif]--> <LINK rel="stylesheet" href="inc/menu.css" title="contemporary" type="text/css"> Just tested and it doesn't work... it only calls "menu.css" Tried it with "if IE7" and "if IE6" with no avail. -------------- IE Style: Code: #menu * {margin:0;} #leftcolumn {width:150px; float:left; font:9pt "Trebuchet MS", Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;} .dropdown {display:block; position:relative} .dropdown dt {width:150px; border:2px solid #C7DDCE; padding:2px; font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer; background:url(images/header.gif)} .dropdown dt:hover{background:url(images/header_over.gif); color:#000; } .dropdown .upperdd {border-bottom:none} .dropdown dt.uppdtdd:hover {background:url(images/header_over.gif); color:#000;} .dropdown dd {position:absolute; top:0; overflow:hidden; width:207px; display:none; background:#fff; opacity:0} .dropdown ul {width:203px; border:2px solid #C7DDCE; list-style:none} .dropdown li {display:inline} #top a.loook, #top a.loook:active , #top a.loook:visited{display:inline;padding:2px; text-decoration:none; color:#000; background:none; width:180px} .dropdown a:hover {background:#E8E8E8; color:#000} .dropdown .underline {border-bottom:0px solid #C7DDCE} .dropdown a, .dropdown a:active {display:block; padding:2px; color:#333; text-decoration:none; background:#F7F7F7; width:199px} All Others Style: Code: #menu * {padding: 0;margin:0} #leftcolumn {float:left; width:150px; font:9pt "Trebuchet MS", Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif} .dropdown {display:block; position:relative} .dropdown dt {width:150px; border:2px solid #C7DDCE; padding:2px; font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer; background:url(images/header.gif)} .dropdown dt:hover{background:url(images/header_over.gif); color:#000; } .dropdown .upperdd {border-bottom:none} .dropdown dt.uppdtdd:hover {background:url(images/header_over.gif); color:#000;} .dropdown dd {position:absolute; top:0; overflow:hidden; width:184px; display:none; background:#fff; opacity:0} .dropdown ul {width:180px; border:2px solid #C7DDCE; list-style:none} .dropdown li {display:inline} #top a.loook, #top a.loook:active, #top a.loook:visited {display:inline;padding:2px; text-decoration:none; color:#000; background:none; width:180px} .dropdown a:hover {background:#E8E8E8; color:#000} .dropdown .underline {border-bottom:0px solid #C7DDCE} .dropdown a, .dropdown a:active {display:block; padding:2px; color:#333; text-decoration:none; background:#F7F7F7; width:180px} Anyone know how this is done? hi everyone, im wondering why my a:link etc is not working on the following page www.think2go.ch/index_template.htm, namely on the top menu where it says "seite drucken" "weiter empfehlen" "home" and "kontakt". it works fine with IE, but does not in other browsers. what its suppossed to look like is: a:link.2{ color: white; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } a:visited.2{ color:white; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } a:hover.2{ color: #85ADC0; text-decoration: none font-weight: bold; } a:active.2{ color:white; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } sample code: <a class="2" onClick="window.print()" href="#">Seite drucken</a> any help is greatly appreciated! thanks... I want to change a link within a set of links. It is a vertical menu and it appears as a sub-category which i want it to look different. How do i reference the sublinks? I did this which has no effect. <a href='".$mypath."' id='catsub2'>"; //these settings override it still. #blanksideboxContent.sideBoxContent a{ color: #000000; font-size:1em; font-family:verdana; font-weight:bold; text-decoration: none; border:2px outset #000000; background-color:#5ec82a; width:125px; display :block; margin-left:2%; } #catsub2 a{ width:80px; } Hello all, need a little help on a small link styling issue I am having. I am using the following style for links with the target="_blank" attribute, and it is working fine, but it is also applying itself to images that are linked with the _blank attribute: Code: article.post a[target~="_blank"], article.post a[target~="_blank"]:visited { background:url(/Images/web/template/body2alt/external.png) center right no-repeat; padding-right: 12px; color: #0066CC; text-decoration:underline; } Is there another line I can add to my CSS file so it will only apply this style to text and not images? I tried the following, but it didn't help: Code: article.post img a[target~="_blank"], article.post img a[target~="_blank"]:visited { background:none; padding:0; } Thanks for any help you can offer. Not sure what this is referred to. I checked my dhtml book but its from 2000! I want to apply link, visited, hover, active to below code: Code: #print_category { position: absolute; left: 35%; top: 30%; font-size: 13px; text-align: left; line-height: 2 ; margin-right: 5em; } Properties I want to apply: A:link {color: #000099; text-decoration: underline; } A:visited {color: #000099; text-decoration: none; } A:hover {color: #000099; text-decoration: none; } A:active {color: #000099; text-decoration: none; } How can this be done, Ive tried but to no avail: - A#print_category:active {color: #000099; text-decoration: none; } Thanks! To start with, here's a block of code: my style.css Code: .main { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #666666; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; border: #000000; } a.main:link { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; background-color: #666666; } a.main:visited { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; background-color: #666666; } a.main:hover { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #FF8A00; text-decoration: underline overline line-through; background-color: #666666;} a.main:active { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #FF6F00; text-decoration: blink; background-color: #666666; } my html-file's thingies: Code: <div id="Main" style="position:absolute; width:50%; z-index:5; left: 25%; top: 25%; background-color: #333333; layer-background-color: #333333; border: 3px none #000000;" class="main"> And the problem: With Windows XP /w IE and Linux /w Opera I get the same stupid looking detail - the backgrounds of the links are different from the div's background. So that the dark grey part is broken by the links and their light grey boxes. Looks horrific.. By the way, is there a good place for language references for CSS, PHP and HTML in the internet (URL)? I have a bar of links at the top of the site I am doing. The person I am doing it for wants certain things up there. Well the links wrap because the spacing is all off and I can't for the life of me figure it out. alwaysprepared.org <--- You can see the links all messed up at the top. pastebin.com/bjygRLvw <-----Here is the CSS and the stuff for the bar is at around line 455 |