HTML - Table Align Doesn't Work In Some Browsers
Hey guys,
What I am trying to do is align a whole table to the right inside of a td tag of another table. It looks fine in IE, but in firefox it comes out wrong. Any idea what I can do? Here is the code: Code: <table border="1px" style="width: 100%;" id="rptPrintform:alignBtn_pg_id"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="alignRight"> Correct </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alignRight"> <table border="1px"> <tr> <td class="alignRight"> Text </td> <td class="alignRight"> Text 2 </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alignRight"> Correct </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> What I would like is for it to work in firefox the exact same way it works in IE. Thanks, Grae Similar TutorialsHi I have tried a lot of things and search the internet for hours regarding this matter... My image background doesn't reapeat in Internet explorer however works fine in any other browsers such as google chrome and firefox. Can you please help me get this fixed? I am new to xhtml and css and really it's really frustrating having this kind of problem. Thank you Website Link: screenshots if it helps: CSS: @charset "utf-8"; * { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } body { background-color: #CCCCCC; } a:link { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; } a:visited {text-decoration: none;} a:hover {color: #b23937;} a:active {text-decoration: none;} #wrapper { width: 1151px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; border-right-width: thin; border-left-width: thin; border-right-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-right-color: #999999; border-left-color: #999999; } #wrapper #logo { height: 120px; width: 1151px; } #wrapper #navigation { background-image: url(../images/nav.home.gif); height: 32px; } #wrapper #navigation #navlabel { color: #FFFFFF; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 125px; } #wrapper #navigation #navlabel #nav li { display:block; width:100px; float:left; list-style:none; } #wrapper #header { height: 391px; background-image: url(../images/welcome.jpg); } #wrapper #mainContent { height: 384px; background-image: url(../images/maincontent.jpg); width: 1151px; } #wrapper #bodyArea #footer { background-image: url(../images/footer.jpg); height: 73px; clear: both; } #wrapper #bodyArea { background: url(../images/bg_bodyarea.jpg) repeat-y; } #wrapper #bodyArea #mainContent #content { display:block; width:400px; float:left; } #wrapper #bodyArea #mainContent #contentwrapper { padding-left: 140px; padding-top: 70px; } HTML: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Perfect Vision</title> <link href="css/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="logo"><img src="images/header.jpg" alt="logo" /></div> <div id="navigation"> <div id="navlabel"> <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="homepage.html">Home</a></li> <li><a href="profile.html">Profile</a></li> <li><a href="portfolio.html">Portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="header"></div> <div id="bodyArea"> <div id="mainContent"> <div id="contentwrapper"> <div id="content"> <p>August 10 2010</p> <p> </p> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam semper turpis in tortor interdum sed mattis lectus mollis. Pellentesque laoreet quam et mauris feugiat sit amet eleifend turpis imperdiet. Praesent condimentum libero vitae massa imperdiet pellentesque. Vestibulum et risus dolor, ac tincidunt velit. Maecenas lobortis diam tellus. Suspendisse auctor, velit ut imperdiet semper, erat orci pharetra tortor, venenatis vulputate metus eros ut felis. Cras ullamcorper odio sed felis ornare ultricies. Phasellus porta adipiscing aliquet. Aenean ligula tellus, blandit a pulvinar in, fermentum a erat. Sed arcu nisl, porta eu vestibulum at, luctus sed tellus. Aenean eget quam justo, quis ultricies ante. Vivamus tempor sollicitudin augue ut rhoncus. Sed odio mauris, imperdiet ut elementum vitae, dapibus at quam. Nullam in aliquam sem. Fusce consectetur laoreet elit, non consequat nunc tempus nec. Cras at enim ipsum. Praesent ipsum purus, tempus non sagittis volutpat, fringilla eget mi. Maecenas sed elit est. Morbi facilisis purus eget nunc tincidunt iaculis mattis quam pellentesque. </p> <p> Sed tortor leo, laoreet sit amet mattis a, fermentum in ligula. Sed tempor lacus a lorem fermentum fermentum semper nunc sagittis. Vivamus et est porta purus mollis cursus eget in ante. Sed lacinia, diam in tempor suscipit, turpis enim posuere turpis, sit amet vestibulum quam nulla id elit. Vivamus ultricies tempus mi, non consequat velit mollis id. Curabitur vehicula, turpis id tempor condimentum, sem nulla molestie enim, vel commodo metus ipsum non nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce venenatis porttitor massa eget suscipit. Sed purus turpis, iaculis id sollicitudin id, vulputate sit amet velit. Suspendisse sed velit non tellus eleifend venenatis vehicula ut elit. Integer sit amet ullamcorper nulla. </p> <p> Vestibulum dictum ante eu nisl ornare tincidunt. Etiam id risus mauris. Duis nec turpis in neque porttitor euismod sed id odio. Sed molestie urna a magna fermentum egestas. Nulla facilisi. Quisque risus neque, sodales pulvinar rhoncus a, lacinia eget neque. Vivamus vel malesuada nisl. Proin mollis tempor felis id dapibus. Morbi velit mi, aliquet sed malesuada et, blandit vitae eros. Nulla nec lorem quam, eu aliquam sapien. Quisque venenatis, enim non ultricies lobortis, lectus dolor consectetur nulla, eu tincidunt metus enim vitae libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent sit amet neque eu libero commodo condimentum. Fusce hendrerit diam sed libero lacinia nec adipiscing massa posuere. Pellentesque eget libero risus, eget venenatis metus. Morbi quis dolor enim. Cras orci orci, ultrices nec consectetur sed, auctor non leo. Aliquam nec sem erat. Nam ut nunc sed leo tempor pretium. Maecenas sit amet tortor a neque congue iaculis eu in ipsum. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html> Hi, I was hoping someone could work out why when i assign text-align:right to a col element it doesn't align all the text in that column to the right. I've called the column col1, and in the css have put col1 { text-align:right }. Any ideas why this doesn't work? The text-align:right does work if put it straight into all of the td's within that column. Thanks, Matthew Millar Hi, I have to display the results in 20 columns, in that 14 columns are frozen, rest of them are scrollable, when I give table widht in % then scrollbar presents to view the data in Firefox. If I see the same in IE, it doesnt show all the data, and there is no scrollbar. If I give the table width in px form then to some extent I am able to see the scrollbar in IE, and minimum pixel I had to give is 3000 and above. Is there any common solution to me to fix this so that I can see same both the browsers. We would like to have solution, width in % not in px. Please let me know the solution for this. I have attached the zip file for your reference to see the code, please run in IE and Firefox and check it. Advanced thanks, Venkat My website doesn't render correctly in the WebKit browsers (Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It works as expected in Firefox, Internet Explorer versions 6 and above, and Opera. If you click here to view the site, it is the text on the left-hand side underneath the navigation menu that is proving problematic. This text is supposed to appear directly beneath the navigation menu, but when the site is viewed in Safari or Google Chrome, it appears at the very bottom of the page, where the blue background is. I have run the code through the W3C validator and after a bit of alteration, it came back saying there's no errors. What makes it confusing is that I didn't write the code myself and it is mainly table-based (I inherited it from a previous web developer). I am currently working on a brand new layout for the website which will solve the accessibility problem completely, but for the time being we have to continue using the current layout. Does anyone know if there's a quick fix which will get the text on the left-hand side to display correctly in WebKit browsers? This has been bugging me for a while now and I'd really like to get it fixed. Is there anything obvious that I've missed? Thanks in advance for any help. I'm trying to get this form from this food site to align just like the one I did for this Insurance site but doesn't seem to work. What is the problem? Can someone please please view my sit at, i used microsoft expression web 3 to make everything aligned. When the page is maximized on my computer it is all nice and neat but if the screen is not maximized everything falls out of frame. when I tried it on another computer even their maximized page had things out of frame. How can I make all the tables and content stay nice and neat and keep in tact when the page size changes? All the pages have the same problem...thanks here's the code... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251" /> <title>Template</title> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta name="keywords" content="h" /> <link href="styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="all" style="height: 772px"> <div class="top"> <OBJECT classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" WIDTH="766" HEIGHT="233" id="construction" ALIGN=""> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="construction.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src="construction.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="766" HEIGHT="233" NAME="construction" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED> </OBJECT> </div> <div style="margin:0 0 5px 0 "> <OBJECT classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" WIDTH="766" HEIGHT="60" id="menu" ALIGN="" style="z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 246px; left: 444px"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="menu.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src="menu.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="766" HEIGHT="60" NAME="menu" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED> </OBJECT></div> <table width="740" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="cont" style="z-index: 2; width: 740px; height: 370px; position: absolute; top: 310px; left: 456px"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="295"> <div id="left_block" style="width:289px; height:234px; margin:0 0 7px 0 "> <img src="images/tit1.gif" alt="" style="margin:25px 0 15px 29px " /><br /> <p style="margin:0 0 3px 43px; width:162px "> </p> <p style="margin:0 0 3px 43px; width:162px; height: 57px;"> </p> <p style="margin:0 0 5px 43px; width:162px "> </p> </div> <div id="left_block2"> <img src="images/question.gif" alt="" style="margin:28px 0 8px 26px " /><br /> <table width="75" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin:0 0 4px 36px "> <tr> <td width="36"><img src="images/mail.gif" alt="" /></td> <td>E-mail:</td> </tr> </table> <p style="margin:0 0 0 36px "></p> </div> </td> <td valign="top"> <div id="right_block" style="width:445px; height:201px; background:#F1F1F1 url(images/bgs1.gif) no-repeat 100% 100% "> <img src="images/tit2.gif" alt="" style="margin:25px 0 13px 36px " /><br /> <p style="width:335px; margin:0 0 4px 50px ">Welcome to RES Consulting NYC inc.</p> <p style="width:335px; margin:0 0 15px 50px ">Your company for all of your residential and commercial construction consulting services.</p> </div> <img src="images/tit3.gif" alt="" style="margin:28px 0 23px 31px " /><br /> <table width="388" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin:0 0 0 33px "> <tr> <td valign="top" width="103"><img src="images/pic1.jpg" alt="" /></td> <td valign="top"> <p>Personal dedication to each and every client</p> <p style="margin:10px 0 0 0 "> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="footer" style="z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 693px; left: 473px; bottom: 85px; width: 733px"> <table width="620" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin:14px 0 0 56px "> <tr> <td width="286" valign="top" style="color:#7D7D7D; "> Copyright © 2009 <br /> All rights reserved. </td> <td valign="top"> <a href="index.html" class="f_link">Home</a> <a href="index-1.html" class="f_link">Company</a> <a href="index.html" class="f_link">News</a> <a href="index-2.html" class="f_link">Projects</a> <a href="index-3.html" class="f_link">Services</a> <a href="index-4.html" class="f_link">Solutions</a> <a href="index-5.html" class="f_link">Contacts</a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </body> </html> Hi, I've got a problem with a pre-existing webpage not operating correctly with Internet Explorer. The website is in development to be replaced, but until then I'm stuck keeping it updated and working. Normally I use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for browsing, and didn't notice until today that the page doesn't load correctly with Internet Explorer. The website's basic structure is the header/navigation bar across the top, a left column navigation bar, and then the main/body column on the right. Website: Issues in Internet Explorer (most likely all related): The site's homepage doesn't load correctly from the base url The links don't operate correctly-instead of opening in the current tab, they either open in a new window or new tab depending on browser default settings The "Home" link simply opens the main body frame for the site home page, as opposed to the complete home page I've tested and verified that the page works incorrectly with IE on different PCs, and displays correctly with other browsers on both PCs and a Mac. The links do work in the primary header/navigation frame as intended with other browsers, but visitors using Internet Explorer receive simply the header/navigation bar when going to the default site. Other things I've attempted to do to fix the issue Using IE's compatibility mode Lowering the security setting Making sure active X was allowed Running IE without any add-ons running Turning off my anti-virus, firewall... I've also flushed the cache and have been testing each change by reloading in IE9 (shift-F5) to verify the problem was still present, and tried running the index.htm file through validator and fixing what it returns as errors (having tested / fixed all of the errors that it returned failed to solve the issue). Tested OSes Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Windows 7 Professional x86 Mac OS X 10.6.3 32-bit Website works with: Google Chrome (12.0.742.122 on Win7 x86 & x64, and OS X) Google Chrome (13.0.782.107 beta-m on Win7 x64) Mozilla Firefox (5.0) (32-bit on Win7 x86, x64) Mozilla Firefox (3.6.18 on OS X) Opera (11.50) (32-bit on Win 7 x64) Safari (4.0.4) (32-bit on OS X) Seamonkey (2.2 on Win 7 x64) Maxthon 3 ( Final on Win 7 x64) edit: Seamonkey and Maxthon verified working, though really don't care about supporting them... Website doesn't work with: Internet Explorer 8 (8.0.7600.16385 64-bit on Win7 x64) Internet Explorer 8 (8.0.7600.16385 32-bit on Win7 x64) Internet Explorer 9 (9.0.8112.16421 on Win7 x86) After the "marital status" and "sex" are selected, I want to assign a default value to the "Title" field. I think I am calling the function DefaultTitle incorrectly because I am not even seeing the initial alert box. Any suggestions? function DefaultTitle(strng,x) { alert("Checking Title."); var Sex=documet.PatientEntry.personal_sex.value; var MaritalStatus=strng; if (Sex=="Female" && MaritalStatus=="Married") {document.PatientEntry.personal_Title.value="Mrs."; HighlightWhite(x); Return; } if (Sex=="Male") {docment.PatientEntry.personal_Title.value="Mr."; HighlightWhite(x); Return; } if (Sex=="Female" && MaritalStatus=="Single") {document.PatientEntry.personal_Title.value="Miss"; HighlightWhite(x); Return; } if (Sex=="Female") {document.PatientEntry.personal_Title.value="Ms."; HighlightWhite(x); Return; } } Sex: <SELECT name="personal_sex" id="personal_sex" tabindex=7> <OPTION>Male</OPTION> <OPTION>Female</OPTION> </SELECT> Marital status: <SELECT name="personal_MaritalStatus" id="personal_MaritalStatus" onmouseout="DefaultTitle(this.value," tabindex=8> <OPTION>Married</OPTION> <OPTION>Single</OPTION> <OPTION>Separated</OPTION> <OPTION>Divorced</OPTION> <OPTION>Widow(er)</OPTION> </SELECT> Title: <SELECT name=personal_Title tabindex=9> <OPTION>Mr.</OPTION> <OPTION>Mrs.</OPTION> <OPTION>Ms.</OPTION> <OPTION>Miss</OPTION> <OPTION>Dr.</OPTION> </SELECT><BR> Hi, I need help I tried to check the code of my website it works perfectly well in google chrome and firefox but not in Internet explorer. i tried your suggestions but still it doesn't work. Hey all, I just heard from a visitor of my page that the page doesn't work in IE and does only display the top frame with the title of the page. As a Firefox user, this problem is new to me. Unfortunately, I created the page with Dreamweaver/Frontpage and don't know much about HTML etc. What can I change to make my page work in IE too? Thanks for your help! Okay, I received some pictures from a fashion designer to use for her Web site. I first tested the code by using a different image that I found on Google and it worked. However, when I used her image it was broken. The next option I tried was I used my photobucket account and make an HTML reference to the image. Even when I upload it to photobucket it gives me an error. So...I don't know if it's still my problem or possibly she gave me the wrong product. The images were .jpg. Here's the image code I tried: <img src="/pictures/ct1.jpg"/> If it's not the code, then what can I do to make sure she gives me pictures that work? I made two style sheets for my project. First one is style.css, and the scond one is ie6.css which is intentionally left blank. This latter (ie6.css) is, ofcourse, made specialy for IE6 and in HTML head section I put
Code: <!--[if lt IE 7.0]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie6.css" /> <![endif]--> I can't realise what's wrong, since when I preview site in IE6 it acts like conditional statement is not there. It should display page with no style, but still the page is displayed with style.css styling. You can check it out on: for page is very simple. Thank's in advance! Okay I have tested the following code in all browsers and IE is the only one that it doesn't work for for .html pages. It does work for .asp pages though. I do not want to use iframes. Any suggestions? <object type="text/html" height="100%" width="100%" data=""> </object> EDIT: I fixed it all! I just had unnecessary table indications. duuuhhhh. Hopefully my fix will help someone else with the same problem, though? Hi everyone! I am new here, so please bear with me! I found a few posts about this, but none seemed to fix my problem. First off, my website is he My problem is that the banner on top is set to be at 65% width. This works great in firefox and safari, but the image won't resize in IE. So, I tried using a css tag, too, and that didn't work. Here's the code I have: Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Ashley Williams: Flutist</title> <body bgcolor="#000000"> <style type="text/css"> A:link {background: #000000; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #c4eaef; letter-spacing: 3px;} A:visited {background: #000000; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #c4eaef; letter-spacing: 3px;} A:active {background: #c4eaef; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #000000; letter-spacing: 3px;} A:hover {background: #c4eaef; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #000000; letter-spacing: 3px;} h2 {font-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif; color: #c4eaef; } p {font-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif; color: #f1ebf1; size: 11pt; letter-spacing: 2px; line-height: 20pt; strong: 15pt; text-align: justify; margin-left: 25%; margin-right: 25%; text-indent: 30px; } #banner { float:center; width:65%; } </style> </head> <body> <div align="center" width=65%> <table border="0" width=65%> <tr> <img id="banner" src="topbanner.jpg" width=65%> </tr> </div> <tr> <h2> <div align=center width=65% style="background-color: "#000000"> | <a href="index.html"> HOME </a> | <a href="resume.html"> RESUME </a> | <a href="teaching.html"> TEACHING </a> | <a href="replist.html"> REPERTOIRE LIST </a> | <a href="programs.html"> PROGRAMS </a> | <a href="art.html"> ART </a> | <a href="contact.html"> CONTACT </a> | <a href="links.html"> LINKS </a> | </div> </h2> </tr> <P> IE also doesn't use my text settings, like the margins I chose. I'm not sure how to fix this. I used to make websites a lot, but haven't in a few years, not since CSS was just starting to be popular, and I feel quite lost! I hope someone will be able to help me-you all seem very knowledgeable and helpful so I will cross my fingers. Thanks a lot, everyone! -Ashley I have this code in my website: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>PinkuHaruKoneko</title> </head> <body text="#ffffff"> <font face="arial"> <style> <!-- A{height:1px;behavior:url(; duration=1)} A:link { text-decoration: none; color:#ffffff;} A:visited { text-decoration: none; color:#ffffff; } A:hover { text-decoration:line-through; cursor: crosshair; color:#ffffff;} body { scrollbar-arrow-color: #CEE0F6; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #090E3C; scrollbar-track-color:#090E3C; scrollbar-face-color: #275674; scrollbar-shadow-color:#CEE0F6; scrollbar-highlight-color:#CEE0F6; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #090E3C; text-align:justify} h1 { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color:#0000ff; font-size:14px; text-align:center; } --> </style> With that code, text align justify -elements doesn't work and h1 doesn't work at IE. If I take away that thing before <html>, it works but in IE bg isn't transparent anymore. Is there anything what I can replace that doctype-thing and get that code work in Mozilla and IE? I'm completely baffled. I have a contact form on this website: that works just fine when I test it in FireFox, but when I try to use it in internet explorer I can't even click on the fields. Anyone have any idea why? Thanks! The code like: bgcolor="rgb(255,255,0)" is working well in IE but not in Opera. Is it exsist a method to create a color multibrowserly? I am writing an application that creates html page with Javascript game and I can't write color like usualy "#FD3800" Hi Guys, I hope someone can help me out with this. I have a salespage at: I want to add a countdown timer to the top of this salespage. I have designed it and it works fine he I have copied the code from the countdown timer page and inserted it at the top of my salespage. However, the countdown timer doesn't work, it's no longer in the middle of the page and the text lower down the page now goes too close to the margins! See he Can anyone help me with this as I can't figure out what I've done wrong. Thanks, Simon I am using firefox version 3.0. I want to update it but i facing one problem after updating. I want to use some google toolbar but updated version doesn't sport it. Some one help me in this problem. Hi all, Before I pour cold water onto Mozilla's FireFox to melt it's flames and kill it, I've a question : Quote: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional //EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Tables 14</title> </head> <body> <table border="1" width="80%"> <colgroup span="3" align="right" /> <tr> <th>Column 1</th> <th>Column 2</th> <th>Column 3</th> </tr> </table> </body> </html> As you can see, there's 3 columns and I'm using <colgroup span..../> to mass-align the cells to the right. However, when I preview it in FireFox, there's no effect. In Internet Explorer, the cells are right-aligned(which is correct). I also tried doing the CSS equivalent, but FireFox still fails. When I tried changing some other settings, like : <colgroup span="3" style="background-color:red;" />, FireFox renders the code correctly. Seems that FireFox doesn't like to right-align text in columns, eh? Thanks! Xeon. |