HTML - Javascript/html Problem
function send_onclick(frmName) { var bolSubmit; bolSubmit = true; if ( == "") { alert("You must enter an email address"); bolSubmit = false; } if (bolSubmit == true) { frmName.submit(frmName); } } </script> </head> <body> <form name="frmName" method="post" action="validate.asp"> Enter your name in the text box. If nothing is entered, a warning <br /> message will be displayed. Only when you enter something into the <br /> text box will the page be submitted. <br /><br /> Please enter your name : <input type="text" name="email" size="20" /><br /> <input type="button" name="butSent" value="Do it" onclick="return send_onclick(frmName)"> </form> </body> </html> Hi there, I would like to know the purpose of having var bolSubmit in the code above. Also, why is it that "form name" allows my code to work even though there is a warning stating that it is outdated, but when I change it from "form name" to "form id", it does not complain of the warning anymore, but instead my code does not work. Please advise. Similar TutorialsHey, For some reason my table portion of this code does not display... Also, my background color or my td color also do not display...HTML code is posted below. Any help would be awesome... Thanks! HTML Code: <html> <head> <title>Business Projection Site</title> <style> body {bacground-color: #00AAAA} table {border-collapse: collapse} td {background-color: rgb(0,230,0)} </style> <script> L=211; verty=Math.floor(L/20)*1.0; function forecast(){ a1=parseFloat(document.form1.input1.value); a2=parseFloat(document.form1.input2.value); a3=parseFloat(document.form1.input3.value); a4=parseFloat(document.form1.input4.value); d1=a2-a1; d2=a3-a2; d3=a4-a3; dmax=Math.max(Math.abs(d1),Math.abs(d2),Math.abs(d3)); dmin=Math.min(Math.abs(d1),Math.abs(d2),Math.abs(d3)); err=dmax-dmin; avga=(a1+a2+a3+a4)/4.0; erra=err/avga; avgd=(d1+d2+d3)/3.0 r1=a2/a1; r1=a3/a2; r1=a4/a3; rmax=Math.max(r1,r2,r3); rmin=Math.min(r1,r2,r3); errg=rmax-min; avgr=(r1+r2+r3)/3.0; if(errg<erra)stype="A"; else stype="g"; if(stype="A") { a5=a4*avgd; a6=a5*avgd; a7=a6*avgd; a8=a7*avgd; } else{ a5=a4*avgr; a6=a5*avgr; a7=a6*avgr; a8=a7*avgr; } document.form1.out1.value=a5.toFixed(2); document.form1.out2.value=a6.toFixed(2); document.form1.out3.value=a7.toFixed(2); document.form1.out4.value=a8.toFixed(2); msglin='Your data is more like a linear trend than a % growth. '; msglin= msglin+'The average change per period is '+avgd; msgexpgr='Your data is more like % growth than linear trend. '; avgrgr =100.*(avgr-1.0); avgrgr=avgrgr.toFixed(2); msgexpred='Your data is more like % reduction than linear trend. '; avgrred = 100.*(1.0-avgr); avgrred=avgrred.toFixed(2); msgexpred= msgexpred+'The average reduction per preiod is '+avgrred+'%'; if(stype=="A")document.form1.anal.value=msglin; else if(avgr>1.0) document.form1.anal.value=msgexpgr; else document.form1.anal.value=msgexpred; } function plot() { var values=new Array (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8); var yt2=new Array(8); var xt1=new Array(8); var minPV=9999; var maxPV=-9999; for (i=0; i<8; i++){ if (values[i]<minPV) minPV=values[i]; if (values[i]>maxPV) maxPV=values[i]; } for (i=0; i<8; i++){ yt2[i]=(values[i]-minPV)/(maxPV-minPV)*(L-(2*verty))+verty; } for (i=0; i<8; i++){ xt1[i]=Math.round((L-(2*verty))/(8-1)*i+verty); } for (i=0; i<4; i++){ line1(xt1[i], yt2[i], xt1[i+1], yt2[i+1], "#FFF7F7"); points (xt1[i], yt2[i], "#000000", 3); } for (i=4; i<8; i++){ line1(xt1[i], yt2[i], xt1[i+1], yt2[i+1], "00EEEE"); points (xt1[i], yt2[i], "#000000", 3); } function clearplot() { for(i=1;i<=L;i++){ for(j=1;j<=L;j++){ a=document.getElementById(j+","+i); a=style.backgroundColor="#FF7777"; } } } function point(xx1,yy1,color1) { yy1=Math.round(yy1); xx1=Math.round(xx1); idPoint=(L-yy1+1)+","+xx1; cell1=document.getElementById(idPoint);; } function points(xx1,yy1,color1,n) { n2=Math.floor(n/2); for(i1=0; i1<n; i1++) for(j1=0; j1<n; j1++) point(xx1-n2+i1,yy1-n2+j1,color1); } function line1(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, color1) { m=(yy2-yy1)*1.0/(xx2-xx1); if (Math.abs(xx2-xx1) >= Math.abs(yy2-yy1)) { for (j=xx1; j<=xx2; j++){ y=m*(j-xx1)+yy1; point(j,y,color1); } } else { ymax=Math.max(yy1,yy2); ymin=Math.min(yy1,yy2); for(k=ymin; k<=ymax; k++){ x=(k-yy1)/m+xx1; point(x,k,color1); } } } function expGrowth() { document.form1.input1.value="10.0"; document.form1.input2.value="20.0"; document.form1.input3.value="40.0"; document.form1.input4.value="80.0"; document.form1.out1.value=''; document.form1.out2.value=''; document.form1.out3.value=''; document.form1.out4.value=''; document.form1.analysis.value=""; } function expReduction() { document.form1.input1.value="200.0"; document.form1.input2.value="100.0"; document.form1.input3.value="50.0"; document.form1.input4.value="25.0"; document.form1.out1.value=''; document.form1.out2.value=''; document.form1.out3.value=''; document.form1.out4.value=''; document.form1.analysis.value=""; } function linGrowth() { document.form1.input1.value="10.0"; document.form1.input2.value="20.0"; document.form1.input3.value="30.0"; document.form1.input4.value="40.0"; document.form1.out1.value=''; document.form1.out2.value=''; document.form1.out3.value=''; document.form1.out4.value=''; document.form1.analysis.value=""; } function linReduction() { document.form1.input1.value="40.0"; document.form1.input2.value="30.0"; document.form1.input3.value="20.0"; document.form1.input4.value="10.0"; document.form1.out1.value=''; document.form1.out2.value=''; document.form1.out3.value=''; document.form1.out4.value=''; document.form1.analysis.value=""; } </script> </head> <body> <h2>Revenue Projection</h2> <form name='form1'> <b>Enter 4 historical data points:</b> <br/> <pre>1. Enter at least 2 data points in this section to forecast and plot your data. 2. Or click on one of the buttons below for examples of linear or exponential growth, or shrink or linear reductions growths.</pre> <p> <input type= 'textfield' size=15 name='input1' /> <input type= 'textfield' size=15 name='input2' /> <input type= 'textfield' size=15 name='input3' /> <input type= 'textfield' size=15 name='input4' /> <p> <input type="button" value="Exponential Reduction" onclick="expReduction()"/> <input type="button" value="Linear Reduction" onclick="linReduction()"/> <input type="button" value="Linear Growth" onclick="linGrowth()"/> <input type="button" value="Exponential Growth" onclick="expGrowth()"/> <p> <b>Predicted Future Values:</b> <p> <input type="text" name="out1" size=15 /> <input type="text" name="out2" size=15 /> <input type="text" name="out3" size=15 /> <input type="text" name="out4" size=15 /> <p><input type="button" value="Forecast" onclick="forecast()"> <p><input type="text" size="115" name="anal" /> </form> <h4>Normalized Plot:</h4> <p> <input type="button" value="Plot Data" onclick="plot()"> <input type="button" value="Clear Plot Data" onclick="clearplot()"> <p> <table> <script> for(i=0; i<L; i++){ document.write("<tr>"); for(j=0; j<L; j++){ document.write("<td id='"+i+","+j+"'>"); } document.write("</tr>") } </script> </table> </body> </html> Hello everyone. Below is the html code for a quiz i want to use for my website. What I want to do is, upon completion of the quiz, have 2 new text-entry forms and 1 "submit" button form appear at the bottom of the page asking the user to input one's name and email address before they can submit the results of their quiz. Both fields would be required.. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Knowledge Assessment Tool</title> <script src="assessment.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="quiz.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="quiz.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p><font color="#2431A2"><u><b>10 Point Quiz</b></u></font></p> <div id="quiz1"></div> <div id="quiz2"></div> ** </body> </html> ** denotes where the text and submit button would show up after the quiz is completed asking the user for name/email address. As you can tell I have no clue how to acheive this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with a Flash .swf file in my HTML page. If I input the code one way, it works in Firefox and not in IE. If I do it another way, it works in IE and not Firefox. The approach I was thinking of taking was using conditional statements in Javascript, however I'm having problems arranging the code to properly implement it. And believe me, I've reworked this file and I'm getting nothing that works on both at the same time. Suggestions for both methods would be great -- If you'd like me to post the code I could do so. Thank you! My html problem keeps failling, with all my image codes.. shown for 10 errors which are all for the images what's wrong? Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <!-- New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML 5th Edition Tutorial 2 Case 2 Fiddler Home Page Author: Date: 2-16-2011 Filename: home.htm Supporting files: fiddler.jpg --> <title>, ITSE 1411 Lab Project 2, Tutorial 2 Case 2, Due 02/23/2011</title> </head> <body> <div> <img src="fiddler.jpg" alt="Fiddler on the Roof" /> <hr /> <a href="home2.htm"><img src="home.jpg" alt="home" /></a> <a href="slide1txt.htm"<img src="start.jpg" alt="start" /></a> <a href="slide1txt.htm"<img src="back.jpg" alt="back" /></a> <a href="slide2txt.htm"<img src="forward.jpg" alt="forward" /></a> <a href="slide6txt.htm"<img src="end.jpg" alt="end" /></a> <br /> <a href="slide1txt.htm"<img src="thumb1.jpg" alt="slide1" style="border-width: 5" /></a> <a href="slide2txt.htm"<img src="thumb2.jpg" alt="slide2" style="border-width: 0" /></a> <a href="slide3txt.htm"<img src="thumb3.jpg" alt="slide3" style="border-width: 0" /></a> <a href="slide4txt.htm"<img src="thumb4.jpg" alt="slide4" style="border-width: 0" /></a> <a href="slide5txt.htm"<img src="thumb5.jpg" alt="slide5" style="border-width: 0" /></a> <a href="slide6txt.htm"<img src="thumb6.jpg" alt="slide6" style="border-width: 0" /></a> </div> <hr /> <div> <img src="slide1.jpg" alt="slide1" /> </div> <blockquote> <p><i>Do You Love Me?</i> sung by Deb Ingalls and Thomas Gates</p> </blockquote> </body> </html> just i load one template in the page, and i create one button in that template, but when i reduce the size of the page, the template will move but the button will exist, i mean that will be constant... how to avoid that? K so I'm making my brother an inventory website that leads to a digital order sheet. On the order sheet, it has a dropdown of the items he has in the database. It's supposed to show the quantity of what he has in stock, but here's the thing: In this database, there are two tables, called Dishes, and Cables. These two tables are assigned to 1 id, so that I can display them in <td id = 'quantity'/>. The problem is, it displays the Cables only, but I want it to be so that if I select one of the dishes, it selects the quantity for the dishes, and if I select one of the cables. Here's the code I have. Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" > var data = null; var data2 = null; function GETSTUFF(stuff) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', stuff, false); xmlhttp.send(); return xmlhttp.responseText; } function buildList() { data = eval('('+ GETSTUFF('inventory_2.php') +')'); console.log(data); for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++) { document.getElementById('materials').innerHTML += '<option onclick="showQuantity(\''+ data[i]['Quantity'] +'\'">'+ data[i]['Supplier'] +'</option>'; } data2 = eval('('+ GETSTUFF('inventory_21.php') +')'); console.log(data2); for (var i2=0;i2<data2.length;i2++) { document.getElementById('materials').innerHTML += '<option onclick="showQuantity(\''+ data2[i2]['Quantity (Boxes)'] +'\'">'+data2[i2]['Type'] +'</option>'; } } function showQuantity() { var supplier = document.getElementById('materials').options[document.getElementById('materials').selectedIndex].value; var type = document.getElementById('materials').options[document.getElementById('materials').selectedIndex].value; var amount = 0; var amount2 = 0; for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++) { if (data[i]['Supplier'] == supplier) { amount = (data[i]['Quantity']); } } document.getElementById('quantity').innerHTML = 'Quantity : '+amount; for (var i2=0;i2<data2.length;i2++) { if (data2[i2]['Type'] == type) { amount2 = (data2[i2]['Quantity (Boxes)']); } } document.getElementById('quantity').innerHTML = 'Quantity (Boxes) : '+amount2; } </script> </head> <body onload="setTimeout('buildList()' ,100)"/> <center> <img src="images.jpg" width=125px height=125px/> <br> <font size="8" color="grey" face="purisa">Home </font> <font size="8" color="red" face="purisa"> Communications</font> <br> <font size="5" color="grey" face="purisa">Order </font> <font size="5" color="red" face="purisa"> Sheet</font> <br> <table border="3" width="100%"> <tr> <th>Material:</th> <th>Quantity in stock:</th> <th>Quantity needed:</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <select id="materials" name= "" onchange = "showQuantity()"> <option disabled>Select</option> </select> </td> <td id="quantity"> </td> <td> <form> <input type = "quantityNeeded" /> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <input type = "button" value="Submit"/> </center> </body> </html> I know the if statement involves selectedIndex, but I can't figure it out. Please help. So I want to make an image that has mouseover tables that pop up. This is what the code looks like now: Code: <html> <table> <tr><td><img src= "pic.bmp" usemap="#mapareas"/></td></tr> </table> <map NAME ='mapareas'> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> function show(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.visibility='visible'; return true; } function hide(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.visibility='hidden'; return true; } </script> <area shape = "rect" coords="0,0,100,100" title="one" onmouseover='javascript:show('one') onmouseout='javascript:hide('one')> <area shape = "rect" coords= "150,0,250,100" title="two" onmouseover='javascript:show('two') onmouseout='javascript:hide('two')> <area shape = "rect" coords= "0,150,100,250" title="three" onmouseover='javascript:show('three') onmouseout='javascript:hide('three')> <area shape = "rect" coords= "150,150,250,250" title="four" onmouseover='javascript:show('four') onmouseout='javascript:hide('four')> <area shape = "default" title="The Rest"> </map> <table border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=1 id='one' style='position:absolute; left:10px; top:120px; background:lightGrey; visibility:hidden'> <tr><td>ONE</td></tr> </table> <table border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=1 id='two' style='position:absolute; left:10px; top:120px; background:lightGrey; visibility:hidden'> <tr><td>TWO</td></tr> </table> <table border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=1 id='three' style='position:absolute; left:10px; top:120px; background:lightGrey; visibility:hidden'> <tr><td>THREE</td></tr> </table> <table border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=1 id='four' style='position:absolute; left:10px; top:120px; background:lightGrey; visibility:hidden'> <tr><td>FOUR</td></tr> </table> </html> everything is ok when the page is first loaded, but when I try the mouseovers, firefox's error console gives me this message: "syntax error javascript:show(" and "syntax error javascript:hide(" Can someone help me figure out what is going wrong? Thanks Why can't this HTML Code: HTML Code: <table class='tableborder' cellpadding='6' cellspacing='1' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td class='maintitle' colspan='3' style='text-align:center'><a href='/index.php?showtopic='+ topicid +'' title='View the thread'>'+ maintitle +'</a></td></tr><tr><td align='center' class='row2' border='0'>Winner's Avatar</td><td align='center' class='row2' border='0'>Winner's Entry</td><td align='center' class='row2' border='0'>Winner's Prize</td></tr><tr><td align='center' class='row4' border='0'><a href='/index.php?showuser='+ userid +''><img src=''+ avatar +'' border='0' alt=''+ username +''s Avatar' /></a></td><td align='center' class='row3' border='0'><img src=''+ signature +'' alt=''+ username +''s Entry' /></td><td align='center' valign='middle' class='row4' border='0'><fieldset class='fieldset'><legend>Prize</legend><div><b>Name:</b> <a href='/index.php?showuser='+ userid +''>'+ username +'</a></div><div><b>Prize:</b> '+ prize +'</div><div><b>Admin Rating:</b> <img src=''+ ratimg +'' alt=''+ opinion +'' /></div><div><a href='/index.php?showtopic='+ topicid +''>Click here to visit the thread.</a></div></fieldset></td></tr></table> Go into JavaScript like this: HTML Code: <script> var topicid = ''; /* Something in here. */ var maintitle = ''; /* Something in here. */ var userid = ''; /* Something in here. */ var avatar = ''; /* Something in here. */ var username = ''; /* Something in here. */ var signature = ''; /* Something in here. */ var prize = ''; /* Something in here. */ var ratimg = ''; /* Something in here. */ var opinion = ''; /* Something in here. */ document.write('<table class='tableborder' cellpadding='6' cellspacing='1' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td class='maintitle' colspan='3' style='text-align:center'><a href='/index.php?showtopic='+ topicid +'' title='View the thread'>'+ maintitle +'</a></td></tr><tr><td align='center' class='row2' border='0'>Winner's Avatar</td><td align='center' class='row2' border='0'>Winner's Entry</td><td align='center' class='row2' border='0'>Winner's Prize</td></tr><tr><td align='center' class='row4' border='0'><a href='/index.php?showuser='+ userid +''><img src=''+ avatar +'' border='0' alt=''+ username +''s Avatar' /></a></td><td align='center' class='row3' border='0'><img src=''+ signature +'' alt=''+ username +''s Entry' /></td><td align='center' valign='middle' class='row4' border='0'><fieldset class='fieldset'><legend>Prize</legend><div><b>Name:</b> <a href='/index.php?showuser='+ userid +''>'+ username +'</a></div><div><b>Prize:</b> '+ prize +'</div><div><b>Admin Rating:</b> <img src=''+ ratimg +'' alt=''+ opinion +'' /></div><div><a href='/index.php?showtopic='+ topicid +''>Click here to visit the thread.</a></div></fieldset></td></tr></table>') </script> hi, I'm not sure if its javascript that does it or any other language, but I being googling an cant find it.I am building a site and wanna create a "question sign" ? that when users hover over it , a dialogue box appears explaining what it is.I'm sure most of us have seen it on some site or the other. what I am looking for is like where it says,"Alexa traffic rank" and you hover over the question sign.Thats exactly what I want Can I get some help or links to text on how to create one? Thank you Hey Team I am New to the boars this is my first html/java script code i wrote.. but it doesnt wan work could some body see wr my mistake is .. thx HTML Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 4.1 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Reservation Form</title> </head> <body> <form action="res.php" method="post" name="pricecheck"> <input type="text" value="Limousine" disabled="disabled" /> <br> <table width="352" border="3" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td><strong>Party size:</strong></td> <td> <select name="pasn" id="pasn" size="1"> <option value="0"></option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="7">7</option> <option value="8">8</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong> Trip Type:</strong></td> <td> <select name="tt" id="tt" size="1"> <option selected="">Select One</option> <option value="One Way">One Way</option> <option value="Round Trip">Round Trip</option> <option value="Land&Sea/Sea&Land">Land&Sea/Sea&Land</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Transfare type</strong></td> <script type="text/javascript"> <td> if(tt="One Way") { <select name="trant1" id="trant" size="1"> <option>Select One</option> <option value="12">MCO To Disney</option> <option value="13">Disney To MCO</option> <option value="14">MCO To Cruis</option> <option value="15">Cruis To MCO</option> <option value="16">Disney To Cruis</option> </select> }else if (tt="Round Trip") { <select name="trant2" id="trant" size="1"> <option>Select One</option> <option value="17">MCO To Disney To MCO</option> <option value="18">MCO To Cruis To MCO</option> <option value="19">Disney To Cruis To Disney</option> <option value="20">Dsiney To Cruis To MCO</option> }else (tt="Land&Sea/Sea&Land") { <select name="trant3" id="trant" size="1"> <option>Select One</option> <option value="21 ">MCO To Disney to Cruis To MCO</option> <option value="22">MCO To Cruis To Dsiney to MCO</option> } </script> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> thx again iehab ********* okay made a little changes still not work.. HTML Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 4.1 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Reservation Form</title> </head> <body> <form action="res.php" method="post" name="pricecheck"> <input type="text" value="Limousine" disabled="disabled" /> <br> <table width="352" border="3" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td><strong>Party size:</strong></td> <td> <select name="pasn" id="pasn" size="1"> <option value="0"></option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="7">7</option> <option value="8">8</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong> Trip Type:</strong></td> <td> <select name="tt" id="tt" size="1"> <option selected="">Select One</option> <option value="One Way">One Way</option> <option value="Round Trip">Round Trip</option> <option value="Land&Sea/Sea&Land">Land&Sea/Sea&Land</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Transfare type</strong></td> <td> <script type="text/javascript"> var trant = array("MCO To Disney","MCO To Disney","MCO To Cruis","Cruis To MCO","Disney To Cruis","MCO To Disney To MCO","MCO To Cruis To MCO","Disney To Cruis To Disney","Dsiney To Cruis To MCO","MCO To Disney to Cruis To MCO","MCO To Cruis To Dsiney to MCO") if(tt="One Way") { for (i=0; i<=4; i++); document.write(<select name="trant[i]">tran[i]</select>); }else if (tt="Round Trip") { for (i=5; i<=8; i++); document.write(<select name="trant[i]">tran[i]</select>); }else (tt="Land&Sea/Sea&Land") { for (i=9; i<=10; i++); document.write(<select name="trant[i]">tran[i]</select>); } </script> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Get Price>>" /> <input type="reset" name="Reset" id="button" value="Reset"> </form> </body> </html> I want to have a similar feature that this page has only the part that has the 4 thumbnails of the cropped shoes and then the larger image of the shoe next to it. Is this possible to build with html or javascript or is advanced css or something else needed? thanks here just i load one image into the page, so how to change that into a button? i want to change help_button.jpg into button function changeSrc() { document.getElementById("temp1"); document.getElementById("choice1"); //var img = new Image(); //img.src="template_bg.jpg"; //document.body.appendChild(img); } </script> <body onload="changeSrc()"> <div id="apDiv1"><img id="temp1" align="middle" src="template_bg.jpg" width="694" height="566" /> <div id="apDiv2"><img id="choice1" align="middle" src="help_button.jpg" width="107" height="98"</div> </div> Hi All, This doesn't completely relate to HTML, I am more asking questions about Javascript but are related to HTML and CSS. Anyways here are my questions: 1 - Can you create a javascript file (.js) with out using HTML? If so how would you view this file? 2 - Can you link a CSS file to a Javascript file? 3 - Is there a certain program which is dedicated to view/making Javascript files? 4 - Is it legal to call a program that I make JavaScript Beam? and have copyrights to the name JavaScript Beam? If that is illegal then would it be legal (inclduing copyrights) to call the program I make JS Beam? Thanks Hello, I would like to put the following Javascript into some of my posts on my Message Forums, but the Invision Boards don't allow javascripts to execute. Therefore I can put only HTML code. Code: <script language="JavaScript1.2"> //Disable select-text script (IE4+, NS6+) function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } //if IE4+ document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false") //if NS6 if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onclick=reEnable } </script> Any help will much appreciated! Hey everyone, After quite a bit of puzzling through trial and error, I've finished this comment banner for my Entertainment firm ( to use on MySpace. I cut 5 images up in an image map and used roll overs for the 3 buttons. The problem is, when I enter the HTML coding in BlueVoda website builder and click on preview, it comes out perfectly. However, when I enter the same HTML coding on MySpace it shows the images all tossed about with the coding simply written inbetween them. This is how the banner is supposed to look (the highlighted 'add to friends' is the rollover image that appears when the cursor moves over it): And this is how the banner comes out on MySpace: Does anybody know why the banner messes up like this? Does MySpace have restrictions on the type of coding you can use or such? Or is there just something wrong in my coding (even though it shows up perfectly with BlueVoda)? Any help at all is greatly appreciated. If anybody needs to have a look at the coding before being able to answer, here's the coding: <HTML> <center> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <table id="Table_01" width="335" height="115" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td colspan="4"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> </td></tr><tr><td> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> </td><td> <HEAD> <script language="javascript1.1"> <!-- a674=new Image a674.src="" a27=new Image a27.src="" //--> </script> <script> <!-- function filter(imagename,objectsrc){ if (document.images) document.images[imagename].src=eval(objectsrc+".src") } //--> </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <a href="" onmouseover="filter('a337','a27')" onmouseout="filter('a337','a674')"> <img src="" name="a337" border=0 width=68 height=30></a> </A> </BODY> </td><td> <HEAD> <script language="javascript1.1"> <!-- a21=new Image a21.src="" a881=new Image a881.src="" //--> </script> <script> <!-- function filter(imagename,objectsrc){ if (document.images) document.images[imagename].src=eval(objectsrc+".src") } //--> </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <a href="" onmouseover="filter('a440','a881')" onmouseout="filter('a440','a21')"> <img src="" name="a440" border=0 width=68 height=30></a> </A> </BODY> </td><td> <HEAD> <script language="javascript1.1"> <!-- a484=new Image a484.src="" a412=new Image a412.src="" //--> </script> <script> <!-- function filter(imagename,objectsrc){ if (document.images) document.images[imagename].src=eval(objectsrc+".src") } //--> </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <a href="" onmouseover="filter('a705','a412')" onmouseout="filter('a705','a484')"> <img src="" name="a705" border=0 width=83 height=30></a> </A> </BODY> </td></tr></table> </center> </HTML> While in a popup, can you click a link and have another popup (with its own properties) replace the existing one? Example: Let's say I have a thumbnail page for a photo gallery. I click the first thumbnail, which then opens a popup html page with a larger image and some other text. Then, there are arrows in the popup. When the user clicks the arrows, I want the popup to reload with new dimensions to show the new image. Here's the page I am working on: I'm an amateur web site builder and since upgrading to Flash CS3 I've ran into a few problems, mostly with the way the new flash publishes the html files. They now added a javascript file that accompanies the html file to apparently assist in the loading of the flash file. What I'm trying to do is add a script to the html file that will resize the window based the users screen resolution. I've used scripts in the past to do this, but for some reason they won't work with this new html file. I'm assuming the javascript file plays a part in this, correct me if I'm wrong. It would be great if someone could help me with a script that would allow for the html file to resize the browser window based on the users screen resolution, or something similar to that. I've included the html and javascript file for you to look at. Click here to view the project I'm working on. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Dustin Hi. On my website I have some HTML buttons that don't do anything. There is a read only blank text box underneath that the user cannot input things into. Is there some sort of javascript I can use so that when a certain button is clicked, writing that I have specified will appear in the text box? Thanks P.S Also if you could tell me how to do a link that when clicked all the text will be selected at once that would be great I have an embedded flash element and calls on a URL for it's content. Code: <embed flashvars=""........> The URL I need I have as a variable in some javascript in the header. How can I set flashvars to be the variable I need? I want to have the user enter text, then click a "Save" button of some sort, and JavaScript save the text as a variable. I for the life of me can't figure out how. HELP!!! |