HTML - Unwanted Notepad Spaces
I've been writing all of my HTML in notepad since I started, and Id really like to keep it that way, but the browser seems to treat line breaks (in notepad) between elements as a space character in certain instances.
For example, say I have HTML Code: <img1><img2> <img3> <img4> in the browser, that will render every image on the same line, but with a physical white space between img2, img3, and img 4 example: [1][2] [3] [4] in the past ive just sucked it up and put everything on the same line, but in larger projects that gets messy very quickly... any input that i'snt "use something better" is appreciated, thanks. Similar TutorialsThis is my very first post on this forum, so please, be gentle with me. I write my websites in HTML code but recently I seem to have created an anomaly that I cannot get to the bottom of. If you pop over to this page: you will see a very large space below the 'FULL RESULT' line and the start of the result table. According to the coding I have, there shouldn't be any such space but I can see no reason for it and cannot find a way to reduce it. Can anyone help a poor elderly novice, please? is it a good editor to work with?? anyone know how to merge this nifty little free tool into a webpage? So one could type and it saves to a notepad file? this would be on a closed network. might (most likely) have some paypal payment for a working project ktnx removed the message as help is no longer available My server switch me from Windows platform to Linux. now when I pull down one of my pages I have lost all my spacing formats. Is there anything I can do to stop this? Is Linux causing this? It looks like this now: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>No Magic Neon Street Magic LED DOT Approval Page</TITLE><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><META NAME="Keywords" content="DOT, DOT approval, led clusters, genesis, spyder, can-am spyder "><META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Street Magic Leds. Motorcycle Lighting Innovators, Not Imitators LED lights"><META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="index,follow"></head><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#000000" LINK="orange" VLINK="yellow" ALINK="#FF0000"><!--Take first section and duplicate on each page-change links--><div align=center><IMG SRC="logo sm-nmn 8-07.jpg" WIDTH=855 BORDER=0><p><table border=0 width=900 height=20 bordercolor="black" cellspacing=o cellpadding=0 bgcolor="black" > <tr><td><div align=center><A href=""><font color=#ffff99>Home</A> *<A href=""><font color=#ffff99>Contact Info.</A Use to look like this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>No Magic Neon Street Magic LED DOT Approval Page</TITLE> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="Keywords" content="DOT, DOT approval, led clusters, genesis, spyder, can-am spyder "> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Street Magic Leds. Motorcycle Lighting Innovators, Not Imitators LED lights"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="index,follow"> </head> <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#000000" LINK="orange" VLINK="yellow" ALINK="#FF0000"> Thanks in advance if you have any ideas I'm looking for a HTML/CSS/JavaScript etc. (all of those coding/scripting things that you use notepad for) editor that's a bit more advanced than notepad. It's not too important that it's free, as long as it isn't like.. USD $1000 I'm not looking for a WYSIWYG Hi, I've spend today (9am yesterday till 3am... now) trying to learn my way through HTML from pretty much scratch! I've been helping out at a Drum Shop who've just got a website made, and they've been offered the chance to do a free e-mail campaign to local students. The shop has been open 40 years, and both the staff have been there since it opened, so entering the 20th century with a website is a major achievement! Anyway, I've been trying to compose the e-mail in html, and I think I've got something that'll work... but as I'm VERY new to all this I'm worried about whether it'll work in different browsers etc and, well... at all really! I've attached the txt of the HTML so far.... I've no editor etc, so been using notepad... sorry if it's awkward to read etc. I'm really just hoping someone will take pity on my poor fried brain and have a look at the page / txt and maybe let me know if there's something wrong with it and, if you're feeling generous, offer some tips and advice on changes... unfortunately, my first ever HTML e-mail will be going to 20,000 people, so I'm rather nervous about getting it right! Thanks in advance and eh, thanks for the forum... it's been really rather useful whenever I've been stuck / made a mistake! Steve PS: The images I'm using at the moment aren't quite right, can't fix them till I get back to work tomorrow morning! Good day guy's. Im very new to html programming and scripting, but I was wondering if it would be possabe to insurt a dynamic label field in you body where to content must be fetch from a notepad or wordpad ( /docs/someting.txt ) Thanks Ok I'm still really new to HTML with no bad habits & would like to use a program that is really easy to use & geared toward function-ability. I've been using notepad for my HTML I would prefer to steer away from DreamWeaver as I dont plan on using a WYSIWYG So what are my other options for great programs to write HTML in? Thanks For some reason when I right click to edit an HTML document, it uses Word instead of Notepad. I have no idea why it is doing this. It is like this in both SmartFTP and Windows Explorer. How do I change this? Thank you! Has anyone else had any problems when using notepad to edit code created with an WYSIWYG editor such as Frontpage or Dreamweaver? In particular, making links, that are correctly coded, work? Something even odder, is that this problem only occurs on the index.html page. If I rename that page the links work just fine. I have asked this same question in other forums and no one seems to have a clue. Has anyone else encountered this or have any thoughts? I'm quite new to HTML and have only just started using Div tags as oppose to large tables to produce websites, i only do this for fun and they don't go on the net. As for my problem, the div tag that contains the main content of the page has moved below the navigation bar and i want it to be sat to the right of it... Will you need the coding for the website? It looks like this.. Header Nav bar Main content Footer I want it to be like.. Header Nav bar | Main content Footer It had been like this, and i'm not sure why it changed.. Thanks in advance for any help. =] ~Josh. Hi! I've looked it over and over ant I can't seem to find the solution to this. A huge space appears on my webpage without permission! Here is the code HTML Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> function popup(mylink, annonces) { if (! window.focus)return true; var href; if (typeof(mylink) == 'string') href=mylink; else href=mylink.href;, annonces, 'width=600,height=600,scrollbars=yes'); return false; } // </SCRIPT> <TITLE>Duo: balalaika et piano -- Dmitri Nassyrov et Victoria Khramova</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; Charset=Windows-1251"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Dmitri Nassyrov"> <META NAME="KeyWords" CONTENT="balalaika, Victoria, Khramova, Dmitri, Nassyrov, concerts, piano, duo, stringsandkeys, douce, soiree, histoire, du, balalaika"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Le duo du balalaïka et du piano: Dmitri Nassyrov et Victoria Khramova, ont un repertoire tres varié: folklorique, classique, jazz, et autres... "> <TITLE>Duo:balalaïka et piano - Dmitri Nassyrov et Victoria Khramova</TITLE> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </HEAD> <div id="container"> <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#7F007F" ALINK="#FF0000" BACKGROUND="../img/bcknd.jpg" bgproperties="fixed"> <script language="javascript"> var u=13200; var vsbl=0; var l=''; </script> <script type="text/javascript" language=Javascript src=""></script> <script language="javascript"> document.write('<a href=><img border=0 width=1 height=1 src='+l+'></a>'); </script> <noscript> <a href=""><img border=0 width=1 height=1 src="" alt="MySpace tracker"></a></noscript> <TABLE id="main"> <tR width=720 height=160> <td valign=top width=615 height=160><IMG width=615 height=160 alt="Duo: balalaïka et piano - Dmitri Nassyrov et Victoria Khramova" SRC="../site/IMG/HEADER2.gif"> </td> <td> <table valign=center width=105 height=75 cellpadding=0> <tr class="lang"> <img alt="En Français" border=0 src="../site/img/francaisclik.gif" > </tr> <tr class="lang"> <a href="../eng/index.html"><img alt="In English" onmouseover="this.src='../site/img/englishon.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../site/img/english.gif'" onclick="this.src='../site/img/englishclik.gif'" border=0 src="../site/img/english.gif"></a> </tr> <tr class="lang"> <a href="../rus/index.html"><img alt="По-Русски" onmouseover="this.src='../site/img/russianon.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../site/img/russian.gif'" onclick="this.src='../site/img/russianclik.gif'" border=0 src="../site/img/russian.gif"></a> </tr> <tr width=100 height=85> <img alt="Duo: balalaïka et piano - Dmitri Nassyrov et Victoria Khramova" src="../site/img/sideheader.gif"> </tr> </table> </td> </tR> <!--The big space is here--> <TR> <td colspan=2> <table width=720> <tr> <td valign=top> <TABLE valign=top> <TR> <TD class="menu"><A HREF="INDEX.HTML"><img src="../img/bienvenueclik.gif" alt="Bienvenue" border="0"></a></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="menu"><A HREF="DUO.HTML"><img src="../img/leduo.gif" alt="Notre duo" onmouseover="this.src='../img/leduoon.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../img/leduo.gif'" onclick="this.src='../img/leduoclik.gif'" border="0"></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="menu"><A HREF="concerts.HTML"><img src="../img/concerts.gif" alt="Nos concerts" onmouseover="this.src='../img/concertson.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../img/concerts.gif'" onclick="this.src='../img/concertsclik.gif'" border="0"></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="menu"><A HREF="audio.HTML"><img src="../img/audio.gif" alt="Notre musique" onmouseover="this.src='../img/audioon.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../img/audio.gif'" onclick="this.src='../img/audioclik.gif'"border="0"></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="menu"><A HREF="historique.HTML"><img src="../img/historique.gif" alt="L'Histoire du balalaïka" onmouseover="this.src='../img/historiqueon.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../img/historique.gif'" onclick="this.src='../img/historiqueclik.gif'" border="0"></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="menu"><A HREF="liens.HTML"><img src="../img/liens.gif" alt="Liens" onmouseover="this.src='../img/lienson.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../img/liens.gif'" onclick="this.src='../img/liensclik.gif'" border="0"></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="menu"><A HREF="contact.HTML"><img src="../img/contact.gif" alt="Comment nous rejoindre" onmouseover="this.src='../img/contacton.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='../img/contact.gif'" onclick="this.src='../img/contactclik.gif'" border="0"></A></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </tD> <TD VALIGN=top> <table id="text" height=100% width=500 cellpadding=20 style="BACKGROUND: url('../site/img/textbcknd.jpg'); "> <tr> <!--<marquee id="test" onMouseOver="document.all.test.stop()" onMouseOut="document.all.test.start()" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="20" width="100%" height="51" behavior="scroll" direction="left"><font face="arial" align=middle><i> <A HREF="annonces3.html" onClick="return popup(this, 'annonces',true)"><b>17 novembre - 20:00</b></A><br> Festival "From Russia With Love"<br> à la bibliothèque publique juive. </i></font></marquee>--> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top> <font face="times new roman" size=3> <h2>Un duo, c'est indivisible...</h2> <p align=justify>Dans un duo, le rôle de chaque musicien n'est pas seulement de compléter son partenaire, mais aussi de souligner la sonorité de son instrument.</p> <p align=justify>Notre duo est assez particulier et assez unique à Montréal. Les deux instruments composant notre duo sont: le piano et le balalaïka - instrument folklorique russe. Les possibilitées de cette union sont surprenantes, dans le répertoi folklore, classique, jazz...</p> <hr width=95%></hr> <p>Sur ce site, vous trouverez de l'information sur nos <A HREF="concerts.HTML">concerts</A>, vous pourrez écouter nos <A HREF="audio.HTML">enregistrements</A>, lire nos <A HREF="DUO.HTML">biographies</A>, et plus encore.</p> <p>Et, bien sûr, nous serons heureux de vous voir à nos concerts!</P> <p><i>Dmitri Nassyrov et Victoria Khramova</i></p> </TD> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </TR> </TABLE> <font face="arial" size=1 align=right> &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp; Dmitri Nassyrov et Victoria Khramova © Tous droits réservés.</font> </BODY> </div> </HTML> I put "The big space is here" where the space occurs. The weird thing is that if I open the file in some html editing software (frontpage), it looks fine, but once I open it in IE, the space appears. Here is the style.css file if it needs checking: HTML Code: body { text-align: center; background-color: rgb(239,197,137); } #container { margin: 0 auto; } #main { border:0px; /* border="0" */ border-collapse:collapse; /* cellspacing="0" */ } #top { border:0px; /* border="0" */ border-collapse:collapse; /* cellspacing="0" */ } tr.lang { horizontal-align:left; width:100px; height:25px; } { width:220; height:40; } table { border-collapse:collapse; } #text { padding:20px; } Any help is appreciated. Thank you for your time! I inserted a SWF inside a table and it should fit perfectly. However, the table streches a bit and makes the background repeat for a couple of pixels which totally screws the layout. Here is my website: I'm talking about the two horizontal lines on each side of the banner. It looks like the SWF has some kind of margin. How can i delete it so it fits perfectly? If you have the time take a look at my code or download the site and find a way to modify the code so that it fits. Note that the problem also occurs if I insert an image in the same spot instead of a SWF. Thanks! Hey everyone, I was wondering how I can get rid of a scrollbar that only shows up in IE, when I embedded another webpage inside a webpage. I specified size and the other webpage is only a few lines of text so it doesn't need to scroll to see everything. I don't have this problem in FF. HTML Code: <object data=siteupdates.html width="100%" height="212"> </object> Thanks I've created this website using frames and am now getting lines appearing at the edges of the frames on the bottom and right side when the browser window is at certain sizes. I have no idea clue what's causing it or how to get rid of it. Any ideas? Much thanks! Hi there, I'm a bit of a noob to HTML, and I'm working on creating a site for my webcomic. The main portion of the layout has a simple table with a header and footer at the top and bottom rows. It's supposed to look like Instead it looks like The code for the table is this: Quote: <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="725"> <tr> <td width="725" valign="bottom" border="0"> <img src="/images/header.png" width="725" height="33" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="725" bgcolor="0099CC" align="center"> <p>***todays_comics***<p>***first_day*** ***previous_day*** ***next_day*** ***last_day*** </td> <tr> <td width="725" valign="top" border="0"> <img src="/images/footer.png" width="725" height="33" /></td> </tr> </table> Whenever I put the code into an HTML test bed, it works fine, but for some reason refuses to work when I upload it to my FTP. It's driving me crazy. If you could help, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. Hey guys. I am in the middle of making a new Mod for vbulletin and I ran into a bit of a snag. If you go to, you will see at the top that there is a "Raid Progression" table. In that table, you will see quite a few pictures with spaces between all of them. How do I make the space between each image in a row go away? In other words, what code am I missing from the table code below? Code: <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <thead> <tr> <td class="tcat" colspan="2">Chosen Raid Progression</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="alt1" width="50%"> <center><div class="progress_title">Karazhan</div> <img src="progression_mod/kz_1_dead.jpg" width="53" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_2_dead.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_3_dead.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_4_dead.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_5_dead.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_6_dead.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_7_dead.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_8_dead.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/kz_9_dead.jpg" width="62" height="71"> <div class="progress_title">Serpentshrine Cavern</div> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_1_alive.jpg" width="53" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_2_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_3_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_4_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_5_alive.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_6_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_7_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_8_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/ssc_9_bkg.jpg" width="62" height="71"> <div class="progress_title">Mount Hyjal</div> <img src="progression_mod/mh_1_alive.jpg" width="53" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_2_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_3_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_4_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_5_alive.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_6_bkg.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_7_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_8_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/mh_9_bkg.jpg" width="62" height="71"> </center> <td class="alt1" width="50%"> <center><div class="progress_title">Outdoor & World</div> <img src="progression_mod/wld_1_dead.jpg" width="53" height="71" border="0"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_2_dead.jpg" width="48" height="71" border="0"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_3_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_4_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_5_alive.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_6_bkg.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_7_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_8_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/wld_9_bkg.jpg" width="62" height="71"> <div class="progress_title">Tempest Keep</div> <img src="progression_mod/tk_1_dead.jpg" width="53" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_2_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_3_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_4_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_5_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_6_bkg.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_7_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_8_bkg.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/tk_9_bkg.jpg" width="62" height="71"> <div class="progress_title">Black Temple</div> <img src="progression_mod/bt_1_alive.jpg" width="53" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_2_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_3_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_4_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_5_alive.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_6_alive.jpg" width="48" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_7_alive.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_8_alive.jpg" width="47" height="71"> <img src="progression_mod/bt_9_alive.jpg" width="62" height="71"> </center> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Thanks in advance. Hi guys, I would like to block visitors from certain websites and if possible display a message that my website is no longer available. Please help me with this. It's crucially important. Thanks in advance Hey; I'm trying to build this menu in a table. Each row has an image, which I'm using for a rollover. Altogether, the table should be 202 x 285 pix. The problem is, 5 pixels of blank space are being added under every image, (in the same row as the image), and I'm not sure why. Altogether, it's making my table 45 pix too large. Any help would be appreciated. HTML: <div id="menu"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td ><img alt="Home" src="images/regHome.jpeg" /></td></tr> <tr><td><img alt="Program Information" src="images/regInformation.jpeg" id="Image2" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image2','','images/rollOverInformation.jpeg',1)" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" /></td></tr> ...etc</table></div> CSS: #menu { margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #000000; font-family:Arial; position:relative; float:left; font-size: 18px; top:144px; !top:140px; height:271px; !height:100px; _height:100px; width:202px; !width:10px; _width:10px; float:left; background-color:#00FF00; } |