HTML - Metatag Description Is Being Ignored By Search Engines
I followed this guide he
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I have heard Google takes at least 6 hours to propagate any changes in the index.html, but it's been about 12 hours now and nothing has changed. Here is what Google displays: (see attachment) As you can tell from the attachment, it's retrieving text from the body of my index file. This is NOT what I want. It needs to read from the meta description instead. Similar TutorialsHello. When you do a search for my company which is Nikki Vain, the title and description shows up as [FLASH] Title NAME*: EMAIL*: MESSAGE*: File Format: Shockwave Flash Title NAME*: EMAIL*: MESSAGE*: I went in to my ftp and changed the index.html so this would not happen at and it is fine there. I am so confused Thanks for the help in advance Hi, I want to make a search box on my website. The thing is that I would like the search bar to be able to search on multiple search engines. For example I can type a movie in the search field and then I can select if I want to search for the movie either on google or on IMDb. I want it to look like this: If anyone could help me get this kind of searchbox it would be great. Thanks in reaply. hey i made a site for someone and they dont want a certain page to come up on search engines.... how can i stop this ? i deleted the meta tags and title tags but it still come sup in the search engine. Hi All, I'm not a coder but am looking to put a particular RSS feed on my website for SEO. I know that part of what's below is JavaScript and part is HTML but I don't know what's what. I know that JavaScript is not search engine friendly in these circumstances so I want to stay away from it if it can't be read. Can someone please tell me if the content that will display in the feed of this script is readable? Thanks! <div style="border-style: dotted;border-width: 1;border-color: #660000;width: 370px;height: 680px;overflow: auto;"><div id="newsblock21159733" style="word-wrap: break-word; padding: 5px; background-color: #FFFDE2;"> <!-- DO NOT ALTER, REMOVE, OR IN ANY WAY TRY TO HIDE THE FOLLOWING TAG OR ITS CONTENTS OR BLASTCASTA WILL NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY. --><div align="center" style="font-size: 8pt;"><br /><a href="" style="text-decoration: none; color: #336633;" target="_top"><b>News Widgets & Tickers</b><br />Powered by BlastCasta</a></div> </div></div> <script id="scrnewsblock21159733" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ setTimeout('document.getElementById(\'scrnewsblock21159733\').src = (document.location.protocol == \'https:\' ? \'https\' : \'http\') + \':// &s howcopyright=1&opennewwindow=1&inheritstyles=0&bgcolor=%23FFFDE2&titlefontsize=9&summaryfontsize=8&f ontfamily=Arial%2CHelvetica&titlecolor=%23336633&summarycolor=%23003366&objectid=newsblock21159733\' ', 500); /* ]]> */ </script> Im wondering if anybody knows how to insert your web site into all the popular search engines? Is their a program?? Or do you hjave to go to each search engine manually? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Hi. I have a problem I cant seem to fix. On my page i have a javascript dropdown menu which i dont want search engines to read because it is very big. It consists of 434 links. Is there a way for me to exclude it from search engines? Thx in advance. I have a particular page on my website that I DO NOT want to be spidered by search engines. I have done research and read about the following META tag code: I see that there are basic tags and then there are separate tags for MSN, AOL, and other sites in general. I guess there is no way to prevent every search engine from finding you but does too many meta tags cause confusion or just do their job? This is what I have: <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX"> <meta name="robots" content="noarchive"> <meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive"> <meta name="robots" content="noarchive"> <meta name="msnbot" content="nocache"> How can I prevent search engines from indexing a paragraph? I know that with <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX"> you can prevent search engines from indexing a page. But I just want to stop them from indexing one paragraph in a page, not the whole page. Try googling "SWTOR". The first link has a very nice description, e.g., several links to the material within etc. How can I do this? Can someone link some sample code? Is this all done within the meta description? Thanks all! Love the advice here on this forum ) Hi, I am building a website and have a lot of different images on it. I am trying to put a 3D type of box around the image - so that I can put in a description for the different images. Attached are 2 images - 1 with a screenshot of my images and the other of a screenshot from another website of what I am trying to achieve. The only difference is that I am trying to put a box around the image as well and would like to keep the description below the image in some instances and beside the image in other instances (see screenshot 1). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. how do I set my description for my site when it is found via a search engine? I have a meta description tag, but when i search my site on google, yahoo, msn, etc... the description doesnt fit my meta one.... any better way to set a description? <meta name="description" content="wonderfull beach - blue bay - rooms- hoiliday fresh air google3a970ace18e26dae.html"> Can anyone tell me what the google html file in the description tag is. Its is probably SEO related. I have not been able to find anything about it. Can it be the sitemap XML file in some disguise? Best regards How do I get rid of my automatic golive meta description and write my own? Here is my current source. <title>Watch It Mister! Funny Gay Videos, Gay Videos of Hot Emo Guys Kissing, and More Gay Videos!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta content="Adobe GoLive 5" name="generator"> <meta content="Lavation Design" name="author"> <meta content="index, follow" name="robots"> <meta content="Free gay video sharing community." name="abstract"> <meta content="Watch It Mister is an online gay video sharing community. Lots of Gay Videos, anything from funny gay videos to gay emo guys kissing. This is the home of gay videos.=" name="keywords" href="style.css" type="text/css" <META rel="stylesheet" description?>>> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/css/anylink.css"> Hi everyone I have read a few articles on this and I would like to explain what I am doing. In the site I am developing I have put the sites logo in a div and in the CSS I have put the image of the logo as the background-image. I would like to know if there are any tricks when adding the alt, title and long description tags? I am also using a h1 inside the div with the logo bg image with a text indent so the text doesnt show. This helps with SEO. The div is also clickable using a technique I found at BonRouge: I would just like some opinions please? I have given the div a title with the logo's name inside the title. But can I do more by adding an alt tag and long description? Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks! I am having problems with putting HTML code into an RSS 2.0 description tag. If I escape the HTML using <![CDATA[, the HTML shows up fine when the feed is viewed with Firefox 2.0, IE7, and various feed readers. The problem occurs when browsers like IE6 and Netscape view the .xml feed, as these do not support native RSS. To allow the latter browsers to easily display the feed, I use XSL to transform the XML into something much nicer. However, the escaped HTML shows up as literal characters (code) in the feed when viewed with IE6 and Netscape. How can I show HTML in the description tag of an XML feed using XSL? I also get literal characters when trying entity-encoded HTML. For example, this scenario: 1. My page contains the text "giraffes in corduroys" 2. somebody googles that text - either as a phrase or just the words 3. google points them to my page 4. the user clicks to go to my page... Is there any way to determine that it was the text "giraffes in corduroys" which brought them to my page? Would the crux be getting the previous URL in the browser history? Hi...not sure if this is the proper place to post this or not. I'm trying to do two things...first: I'm trying to set up a search box in frame 1 that will search, scroll to and highlight text in frame 2. Is this possible? I've been searching around for days looking for answers, and have so far come up short. I managed to create a search box in frame 1 that reloads frame 2, but that's not really what I'm after. ---------------------------- Now for the second thing I'm looking to do (along the same lines): I want to click a link in frame 1 that scrolls to a target in frame 2 and highlights it. The target is a word in the middle of a paragraph. Any help would be appreciated. I'm pretty green, so treat me like a beginner. Thanks so much! Hi, I am wanting to impliment a feature where I can install a search box on my website that will search anothers content. Basically I have two sites, one has thousands of sound effects on it, the other is more of a portal site. On the portal site I want to add a search box that will link into the other sites database so that the user would navigate away from the portal site and be taken to the stabndard search results page of the main site based on thier queory. Is there any code that anyone knows of to do this? Thanks all! |