HTML - Help Me Understand This Code
I am confused and i do not understand what the header attribute does with tables.Can anybody explain to me what is happening in this code why give the table headings and id because it does not look to me like it does anything
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>a acessible time table</title> </head> <body> <table border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <th></th> <th id="Saturday">Saturday</th> <th id="Sunday">Sunday</th> </tr> <tr> <th id="Morning">Morning</th> <td headers="Saturday Morning" abbr="Structure and markup">The structure of a document and how to markup text.</td> <td headers="Sunday Morning" abbr="Tables, forms and frames">Adding tables and forms to pages. Splitting pages up into windows called frames</td> </tr> <tr> <th id="Afternoon">Afternoon</th> <td headers="Saturday Afternoon" abbr="Links, color, images, objects">Linking between pages, and adding color images and objects to your pages.</td> <td headers="Sunday Afternoon" abbr="CSS">Using CSS to style your documents and make them look attractive.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> Similar Tutorials"Note: If an HTML file contains ten images - eleven files are required to display the page right. Loading images take time, so my best advice is: Use images carefully." What does this mean ?what 11 files,for 10 images to display them right? and why 11 files? Hi all, I bought a theme from themeforrest and I can't understand the instructions. The theme is he The instructions are he I am trying to turn the "quote" form info a simple message form but it won't validate when I remove the feilds that I don't want. Does this make sence to anyone? And if so does anyone know how to fix it. I am assured that the documentation is very clear, but its all greek to me. Hello, I am a student and working on a simple first project. All I'm doing right now is writing my code in text edit, saving it as "test.html", and dragging and dropping the file onto Safari/Firefox to view my code. Everything works when I'm at my college's computer lab, but when I'm on my own mac notebook, the files load in the browser as my code. I've tried a variety of samples and checked my preferences, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Sample code I'm using - <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Simple Link Example 2</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Creating Relative Reference Links</H> <HR> <P>Open <A HREF="practice1.html">Practice 1</A>.</P> <P> Open <A HREF="practice2.html">Practice 2</A>.</P> <P>Open <A HREF="practice3.html" TARGET="_blank"> Practice 3</A> in a new window.</P> </BODY> </HTML> Please help! I'm trying to wrap up an assignment and have been banging my head against the wall all night. Thanks! cordelia I was curious to find out, where can i find a cool looking shoutbox code where i can put on my message forum? Looking for some neat, and cozy with some advance options. Meaning, i would like to change the colors to match with my forum and stuff. Thanks. Hello! I have a blog on blogger and i want to make a c++ tutorial.. But every time i type "<iostream>" on post, when i see it, it is only "iostream". How can i make a code like the "[code]" from BBcode to cancel the compiling from HTML? Thanx! I have a website where I want to make a drop down menu that will bring you to different pages. It is a very basic, sort of old-fashioned website that relies entirely on html. What I'm trying to do is make a drop-down menu that will be used as navigation for a section of a website and I want to have it in each internally linked page in that section, but I'm going to be adding more pages to it over time so I want to be able to put the drop-down menu code in a separate text file and then substitute it into the pages that I make that the options in the menu link to and then just edit the code in the text file when I add another page so that I don't have to go back and edit the code every single individual page whenever I add a new one among them. Basically all I'm asking is how I can put html code in a text file and then substitute that code into an html page by referring to the file. Thanks in advance for any help. I need a Dev code, for the scroll bar that goes in your page, and one that is trnasparent would be REALLY great, or one with the ability for a background image? Thanks Hey guys hows it going, Im looking at this webpage... and Im trying to understand how the words "Genereate Affiliate income" is being displayed... any help would be great Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title> - Build the ultimate money making online business!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="keywords" content=", opportunity, online, business, affiliate, marketing, trend-watching, opportunities, training, online business, affiliate marketing, grow, succesful, ultimate" /> <link href="/free_access.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function checkRequired() { if (document.getElementById("idfrom").value=='') { alert('Please Enter Your Email!'); return false; } return true; } //--> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- var win=null; function NewWindow(mypage,myname,w,h,scroll,pos){ if(pos=="random"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?Math.floor(Math.random()*(screen.width-w)):100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?Math.floor(Math.random()*((screen.height-h)-75)):100;} if(pos=="center"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?(screen.width-w)/2:100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?(screen.height-h)/2:100;} else if((pos!="center" && pos!="random") || pos==null){LeftPosition=0;TopPosition=20} settings='width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars='+scroll+',location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes';,myname,settings);} //--> </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="logo"> </div> <div id="content_left"> <div id="left_image"> </div> <h1><p>Most marketers make affiliate marketing far too difficult than it really needs to be. 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Code: %3ChTmL%3E%3CtItLe%3E...%3C/tItLe%3E%3CBoDy%20bGcOlOr%3D%22%236 E0Ab4%22%3E%3CCeNtEr%3E%3C%21--%20PrAeSeNt%20qUiS%20FeLiS.%20aL iQuAm%20aC%20AnTe.%20MoRbI%20RiSuS%20ToRtOr%2C%20PoRtA%20NoN%2C %20uLtRiCeS%20Ac%2C%20CoNvAlLiS%20Id%2C%20NiSi.%20VeStIbUlUm%20 bLaNdIt%20eLiT%20Et%20oRcI.%20dOnEc%20aC%20PuRuS%20SiT%20AmEt%2 0nIsI%20LaCiNiA%20CoMmOdO.%20cUrAbItUr%20hEnDrErIt%20jUsTo%20uT %20EsT.%20nUlLa%20mOlEsTiE%20RhOnCuS%20LaCuS.%20vIvAmUs%20cOnSe QuAt%20lAcUs%20uT%20NuLlA.%20fUsCe%20mOlEsTiE%20VeNeNaTiS%20NiB h.%20PrOiN%20VeLiT.--%3E%3CImG%20BoRdEr%3D%220%22%20sRc%3D%22/_ img/_img-b1.jpg%22%20WiDtH%3D%22480%22%20HeIgHt%3D%22200%22%3E% 3C%21--%20LoReM%20IpSuM%20DoLoR%20SiT%20AmEt%2C%20CoNsEcTeTuEr% 20aDiPiScInG%20ElIt.%20DuIs%20mAlEsUaDa.%20PrAeSeNt%20iMpErDiEt %20fElIs%20vItAe%20aUgUe.%20NuLlA%20QuIs%20lEcTuS%20Ac%20sApIeN %20SuScIpIt%20pLaCeRaT.%20pHaSeLlUs%20vIvErRa%20pUrUs%20eT%20Ma SsA.%20nUlLa%20pReTiUm.%20AeNeAn%20eU%20AuGuE.%20cUrAbItUr%20mE tUs%20nIsI%2C%20cOmMoDo%20uT%2C%20cOnVaLlIs%20sIt%20aMeT%2C%20f EuGiAt%20nEc%2C%20SaPiEn.%20PeLlEnTeSqUe%20oRnArE%20OrNaRe%20pU rUs.%20PrAeSeNt%20bIbEnDuM%2C%20eNiM%20Ut%20cOnGuE%20NoNuMmY%2C %20lEo%20tElLuS%20RhOnCuS%20NuNc%2C%20In%20mAlEsUaDa%20dIaM%20E lIt%20sEd%20nIbH.%20mAuRiS%20TiNcIdUnT%20ArCu%20nOn%20pEdE.%20n Am%20cOnGuE%20ElEiFeNd%20mEtUs.%20DoNeC%20EgEt%20iPsUm%20aT%20D uI%20TiNcIdUnT%20SeMpEr.%20DoNeC%20FeRmEnTuM%20FeLiS%20Et%20pEd E.%20pElLeNtEsQuE%20Ut%20nUlLa%20sIt%20aMeT%20ErOs%20cUrSuS%20C oNsEqUaT.%20pElLeNtEsQuE%20UlTrIcIeS%20OrCi%20sIt%20aMeT%20Mi%2 0rHoNcUs%20oRnArE.%20fUsCe%20mAuRiS%20OrCi%2C%20LuCtUs%20aT%2C% 20vEhIcUlA%20Et%2C%20DiCtUm%20nEc%2C%20SaPiEn.%20MaUrIs%20cOmMo Do%2C%20JuStO%20A%20OrNaRe%20lAcInIa%2C%20PuRuS%20LiBeRo%20cOnV aLlIs%20eRoS%2C%20eT%20SaGiTtIs%20lEo%20aUgUe%20sEd%20vElIt.--% 3E%3C/cEnTeR%3E%3C/BoDy%3E%3C/hTmL%3E thanks Hello all... need help with this minor issue... site page: If you are viewing the page you will see that below the image of the group there is a break in the side bars that go along either side of the text... Can someone please help me figure out how to get rid of the break? Thank you! Hi, I just want a code that when you hit a link it opens a new window, with specific height and width and at the same time works equal with Internet Explorer and Firefox. Is a kind of "full screen pop up". I hope you can help me with that. Hello i would really apreciate if some1 could help me with this kind of code : I have some thumbnails images and i want to play embed videos for each image, and the video to apears in a specific location .... If some1 could help thank you in advance Hi, Can someone check the code and tell me why the bottom row keeps going to the top? Also when I use a validator it keeps telling me these errors but I seem to have the closing </body> and </div> tag? Thanks What im trying to do is add a search box for travel like this one: How is this done? please anyone Can someone point me in the right direction for code to place an MP3 on my website? I would like it to be available to listened to online and also to download. Thanks. what kind of working is required to insert image while working with html ? Sorry for waste of time, completed myself I'm using dreamweaver. I am trying to make my menu stay on the top of the webpage without having a white line above it ... like seen on this webpage. How do I get ride of the white space above my menu. Any ideas?? Here is example what what i did I want the image to strech to fill the whole page left to right ... and be at the top with no white above it Thanks |