HTML - Internet Explorer And Firefox Website Formatting Problem?
I have developed a website and used Internet Explorer to view it when making it. However, when I load the pages in firefox it is not formatted the same - why is this? Doesn't firefox recognise certain html and css tags? How can I fix this if I want the website to be viewed the same in Firefox? Similar TutorialsHi, I am in the process of building a website for a client. This is my first ever site so I knew I would have a few issues. I have fixed all but one at present. Here is a link to my site which I have put live on a test server. The naviagation bar and Lightbox2 images are moving when rolled over. This only happens in Internet Explorer 8. It is fine in FireFox and other browsers. It is only on the Services/Facilities Pages so I think it may be an issue with the CSS for Lightbox2? Maybe how I have set it up or just a bug in the coding? Does anyone know why this is happening? If so, do you know of a fix? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have spent hours trying to work this out. 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Any help? Cheers Hi, I'm sorry for asking this question but i just can't seem to find a solution so i thought it might be easier to ask an expert... This is my site design in dreamweaver... click here to see dreamweaver image It looks fine when i use firefox but for some reason in internet explorer it doesn't seem to like me using tables and moves the table right down the page leaving a big gap between the header and the table information.... click here to see in i.e. If anyone has any suggestions how I can fix this it would be much appreciated and save me a lot of headaches. Thanks Adam Hey guys hoping you may be able to please help. I'm trying centre the website I'm developing, have actually done this OK. The problem occurred when I tidied up my html of the index page and previewed it in browsers. It worked fine in everyone (Chrome, Firefox and Safari) except for Internet Explorer. I have centred it using div tags and css. I also tried using an external css style sheet and putting the div tags in a wrapper- same result. I have attached the html source as a doc and txt file. Any help or advice with this problem would be greatly appreciated. p.s the style is called centred and on line 22 Hi, Now am developing a site for my company, am using HTML and CSS for site designing. If I view the page in Firefox and IE, Firefox looks correct, but in IE the page looks some extra spaces. Is there any tag (or) code is available to fix this issue.. (or) Please advise me a solution to correct the issue. Thanks for your help in advance. Hello, We have been trying to find the best way to fix our band website the buttons work on Internet Explorer but not in firefox or others. The Buttons i'm talking about are the one's on the left side of our website.... we designed the site with html...etc... Anyone, please help me... with this problem.... use the source code... if that we help you. Thank has been way to long with this problem. thanks So, I mainly use firefox, and my page looks fine in firefox.. but in Internet explorer there are some issues: heres the code: Code: <div align="center" id=article> <table margin:0 border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3"><img src="images/articles/top.jpg"/> </td> </tr> <td width="4px" style="background-image: url(images/articles/left.jpg)"></td> <td width="734px" style="background-image: url(images/articles/middle.jpg)"> <br>Text here.... </td> <td width="4px" style="background-image: url(images/articles/right.jpg)"></td></tr> </table> <table margin:0 border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><img src="images/articles/top.jpg"/> </td> </tr></table></div> Basically, I want that set up so I can put text in and the pics are already made to that they tile properly and neatly, that works, except there are spaces between top.jpg and middle.jpg I reused top.jpg on the bottom, cuz it looks the same anyway and it saves bandwidth by reusing the same pic. But theres a space there too, except not in firefox, which is how it is supposed to look. Basically, top.jpg, left.jpg and right.jpg form a border, and middle.jpg is a shade of grey that fades to a darker color, but tiles correctly for the background, while text is displayed there... and it works, except for the spaces between top.jpg and the rest of the places. Thanks for any help! Hello everyone. I have just stumbled across this group whilst investigating an issue I am having with a website, what a great resource you have here. I look after the website for my local volunteer fire brigade and I have maintained it for a number of years without any major problems. However in the last couple of weeks it has become apparent that the website is not loading all of the frames for the pages. This appears to only be an issue when browsing with Internet Explorer, as it all looks fine in Firefox. The website is located at It is only very basic, as that is my current level of HTML programming, I am considering changing to an alternate web layout program like Wordpress, however I haven't looked too much into the details of it yet. I have tried loading this page in I.E. on a number of different computers and they all suffer the same problem, I am currently using version 8.0.600 right now and it is not working, the Firefox version I am viewing it on is 8.0 and that appears to work ok. Is anyone able to suggest a possible solution to this issue, I haven't made any significant changes to the site in the last couple of weeks, so I am not sure why this problem has suddenly come up. Thankyou for your assistance. Regards Matt Hi, can anyone help me with this? My site shows in firefox but when it is viewed using internet explorer, parts are missing and everything is everywhere. I really hope someone can teach me how to correct it. Site is Thanks! ps: i know my html is a mess, i'm not really good at it. =/ Robbie. I have a wordpress blog in which on the single post page the container div is non-existent and the sidebar and footer go into the content div. The page displays fine in firefox it only has the problem in internet explorer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is an example of the problem: I apologise if I am in the wrong section of the forum, but I'm not sure where it should be. I am at the end of my tether as to why something I do in my new web site using my favoured Mozilla Firefox does not work in Internet Explorer which I know many people use. My web site is On the sponsors page is a link from our Sponsor (Ratcliffe) logo to their web site, it works perfectly in Mozilla but not in IE. Could someone kindly explain what I am doing wrong. I would be grateful for your help. Many thanks Victor Could someone here please tell me why the site I am building displays the left side navigation bar differently in Firefox and in Internet Explorer? I have worked on this problem for about 8 hours and I want to bang my head on my desk because I cannot figure it out. Here's the site: Any help would be much appreciated as my boss wants this done ASAP. Thanks. -thur Hey guys. I'm having a problem regarding a website I'm building for a friend. It displays perfectly fine on Mozilla Firefox, but when a certain page is viewed on Internet Explorer (said page is, it is absolutely messed up. I've inspected the code a few times but cannot come up with a reason why it is like that. The style code is located at " ". The code for the members page is (the resulting HTML) can be viewed by looking at the source code of the page. Thanks for any and all help guys! I am testing a clients site, and have it on a local server, and bringing it up in Firefox and Internet Explorer 7 to try and work out the bugs, and for some reason, there are images that are not coming up in Explorer, but coming up just fine in Firefox. Any ideas why? Why do they render differently? For example look at my myspace The profile box (the one with all the text about me) is in one position in firefox, and when you open it with Internet Explorer, it is different. How should I deal with this? Code: .profile { height: 130px; width: 440px; background-image: url(''); z-index: 2; overflow: automatic; background-color: #9c9c9c; border-style: solid; border-width: 0px; font-family: sans-serif; text-align: left; padding: 2px } The above is the CSS used When viewed in firefox, the 3 menu elements do not stay on the same line (services is bumped to the bottom). It is correct in Internet Explorer, and all 3 buttons are next to one another. Each button is 110px. The td width is set to 330px and set to bottom. Hi, I know this is quite a common and problem, and it is one that often make me want to pull my hair out! The problem this time is that my problems arise from a database generated layout. In that, depending on how many fields are in a database, my code will display a number of small divs. When viewed in firefox it displays perfectly as I would want, but in I.E it goes all funny. Here is the code Code: <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "0607197", "12345") or die("Can't connect to database server!"); mysql_select_db("db0607197") or die(" Can't select database!"); $updated = FALSE; if(count($_POST) > 0){ $admin = $_POST['admin']; array_map('intval',$admin); $admin = implode(',',$admin); mysql_query("UPDATE seats SET admin=1 WHERE id IN ($admin)") or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); $updated=TRUE; } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post"> <?php ?> <?php $booked = "<b>Seat Booked</b>"; $sql = "SELECT id,username,admin,rowId,columnId FROM seats ORDER by id ASC"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); while(list($id,$username,$admin,$columnId,$rowId,)=mysql_fetch_row($result)){ if($admin==1){ echo '<div style="background-color:red;align:center;width:53px;text-align:center;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;float:right;height:43px;border:2px solid #FFFFFF;"><b><font color="black">'.$rowId.''.$columnId.'</div>'."\n"; } if($admin==0){ $checked = ($admin==1) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; echo '<div style="background-color:green;padding-bottom:5px;align:center;width:53px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;padding-top:5px;float:right;height:43px;border:2px solid #FFFFFF;"><b><font color="black">'.$rowId.''.$columnId.'<input type="checkbox" name="admin[]" value="'.$id.'" /></div>'."\n"; } } ?> <p><div style="float:bottom;text-align:center;paddin-top:40px;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Book Seat" /> </div> </form> Could this be solved by some simple CSS? Position:absolute perhaps or will I need a better, more efficient way of outputting the data? Advice please. Thanks in advance Daniel Hi Guys, I was hoping you could perhaps help me with a little issue, this has been bugging me for quite a few hours and I'm entirely at a loss of how to deal with it. (I'm not new at the forums, I just can't remember my previous username " Basically the following page - The header is displaying fine and everything looks dandy in Firefox, open in Internet Explorer however, well, as usual - that's an entirely different story. The top is in HTML not CSS so source code is viewable, you'll see the in internet explorer the image that should be on the left has centered and the background colour has dissappeared.. I'm really hoping someone can help before I lose the will! Thanks, Andy This is the first thing that I have ever written, so don't laugh and make derogatory remarks. The code works flawlessly on firefox and safari, but for some reason on internet explorer it doesn't even look remotely similar. So, please, any help I can get is welcomed. Code: <html> <head> <title>Theory Productions</title> <style type="text/css"> body {background-color:000000} h2 {text-align: center} h2 {color: #EEFAFA} h2 { font: 175% "gill sans" } h2 { line-height: 14pt } a:link {color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none} a:visited {color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none} a:active {color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration: none} </style> </head> <body> <span style="position: relative; left: 88px"><img src="logo.gif" width="650px" height="215px"> </span> <h2><a href="" target="_blank">Echols</a></p> <h2>Echols' Concert</p> <h2><a href="" onclick=",'popup','width=720,height=480');return false">Echols' Great Adventure</a> <h2><a href="EGTS.htm">Echols Goes To School</a> <h2><a href="" target="_blank">Adam's Playground Adventure</a></p> </body> </html> Thanks, Adam |