HTML - How To Center Images Vertically?
Hai there, just a quick question - How do I center an image vertically (as in right in the middle, I don't want to have to mess around with each image to the exact pixel spacings)
All I want to know is the code to put this: </A> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC=""> In the middle so it makes the forum look better Thank you! Similar TutorialsHi, I'm absolute noob when it comes to building websites, so please be gentle. See, for example, this page of my website: The page is a frame with the photo's on the right and the BACK link on the left. I would like to vertically center the page with BACK so that the vertical line lines up with the thumbnails regardless of screen size. The code for the BACK page is as follows: Code: <html> <body style="background-color:#333333" link="white" alink="white" vlink="white"> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <center> <table cellspacing="5" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td> <br><br><br><br> <a style="text-decoration:none" href="javascript: history.go(-1)">BACK</a><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> </p> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src=""><BR></td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html> How do I vertically center this? Hi everyone, this is my first post. I am hoping to find someone who can help me. I need to make it so a table on my page is centered veritcally (the same way the center tag centers it horizontally) so that it will always be in the center of the page regardless of screen resolution or if the person resizes their browser window - is such a thing possible? If javascript is needed that is fine. Thanks Hey, I want an image in the dead center of a frame. All I have so far is: <center><img src="images/banner_ani.gif"></center> I don't know how to vertically align the image. Could someone please fix it for me or tell me how. I tried googling everywhere but all I could find was stuff that involved CSS. Thanks Hi, I've got an image 25x25px which i'm trying to vertically align in a 35px high list element. The css attached to the image is: width: 25px; height: 25px; border: 0px; vertical-align:middle; and the css attached to the list element is: font-size: small; height: 35px; border-style: ridge; border-width: 0px 0px 2px 0px; I'm trying to find a way of getting the browser to vertically align through css. I'm not trying to use padding, etc on the image, because i'm worried that when a user enlarges the text, or its rendered by different brwosers, etc, the image will mis-align itself. I thought vertical align was the right attribute, because i thought it vertically aligned all inline elements. but when i've attached it to the image, nothing has happened. I'm trying to vertically align the little picture of a house, in the navigation bar. I'm greatful for any help you can give, Matthew Millar My images that I now want to line up horizontally are lining up vertically, But the cache is I want them centered where they are, just next to each other. I tried CSS and the only way I found was to align them left. This defeats the whole purpose. Any idea? Also, when I set img {display: inline; } it works, but I'm using that to fix another problem in which it needs to be set to block. Code: <div id="icons"><a href=""><img src="images/icons/facebook.png"/></a> <a href="mailto:"><img src="images/icons/email.png"/></a> <a href="/news/rss.php"><img src="images/icons/feed.png"/></a></icons></div> Code: #icons { display: inline; } Sorry for posting in possibly the wrong forum, but it is HTML and CSS? Hi, I created a simple slideshow: Code: <html> <body> <div> <iframe src="" width="448" height="336" name="iframe_a"> </iframe> </div> <br> <div> <a href="" target ="iframe_a"><img src="" width="80" height="60"></a> <a href="" target ="iframe_a"><img src="" width="80" height="60"></a> <a href="" target ="iframe_a"><img src="" width="80" height="60"></a> </div> </body> </html> The problem is my images are of different sizes and they don't center in the iframe. How can I resolve the problem? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated! Kind regards Rain lover Hi! I've got this header image. It has a width of 1440px. I want it to be centered even if the size if my screen is 1024px in width. Can someone please tell me what's the best way to fix this? Regards, Mayhem I'm trying to center some images in the header between two div tags, div nav-left and div nav-right. I've also tried placing the images inside the div tags but that didn't work either. What is happening is that the images (facebook ,youtube, twitter) are forced too far to the right, causing the search bar to be pushed down. What can I do to fix this?? Here's the code for header.php The code that I added is about 3/4 of the way down. The website is Thanks! Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head profile=""> <title> <?php if ( is_home() ) { ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php bloginfo('description'); ?><?php } ?> <?php if ( is_search() ) { ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php _e('Search Results',woothemes); ?><?php } ?> <?php if ( is_author() ) { ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php _e('Author Archives',woothemes); ?><?php } ?> <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?><?php wp_title(''); ?> | <?php bloginfo('name'); ?><?php } ?> <?php if ( is_page() ) { ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php wp_title(''); ?><?php } ?> <?php if ( is_category() ) { ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php _e('Archive',woothemes); ?> | <?php single_cat_title(); ?><?php } ?> <?php if ( is_month() ) { ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php _e('Archive',woothemes); ?> | <?php the_time('F'); ?><?php } ?> <?php if (function_exists('is_tag')) { if ( is_tag() ) { ?><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php _e('Tag Archive',woothemes); ?> | <?php single_tag_title("", true); } } ?> </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" media="screen" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="<?php if ( get_option('woo_feedburner_url') <> "" ) { echo get_option('woo_feedburner_url'); } else { echo get_bloginfo_rss('rss2_url'); } ?>" /> <link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?>" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/includes/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <?php wp_head(); ?> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/pngfix.js"></script> <![endif]--> <?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . 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I have a simple div that has some images in it and I am trying to center them. I added text-align: center to the div that wraps the images but it doesn't center the images like it should. Also, I have a radio button below the image that is wrapped in <p> </p> tags. It looks right in FF of course, but in IE7 it puts the radio button to the side of the picture instead of below like it should when it is wrapped in paragraph tags. Anyone have any idea why this might be happening? The link is a secure page but I have removed the session and disabled the function so the page should display. -Thanks Hello this is going to sound really basic so any way How do you style font to appear in the middle of your page using CSS as im aware you can either float left or right, am i right in saying you have to use padding? margins? to get it to be where u want it to sit? I have a table that is saved from Photoshop. It's a table with a load of cells inside. How can I vertically center the table? Not its content, I mean the actual table itself so it centers itself no matter the resolution of the screen it's being displayed on. Thanks, Simon I've been trying for 2 days to get my text to vertically-align middle in IE, but it just won't listen. I'm building the site; the title and menu items need to be aligned to the middle of their div containers, but they want to clip to the top. I'm setting the parent div's to display as tables and the child as a table-cell. It works great in firefox and perfect, even in IE, on a simple html test page, but I can't get it to work for the site, in IE. I don't know what else to try. Can someone help? Good afternoon! Where has the sun gone I'm freezing! Is it possible to have a table with rowspan with the text in the rowspan to read vertically (like taking an entire sentence after its been typed and rotating it 90ccw)? how do i center the body of this page: i want to align to the middle of the page, vertically and horizontally Hello all, I need some help, and I'm hoping someone can assist me . I'm trying to create a html document - an offline webpage. Basically, I want parts of the page to remain static, which contain a logo and some navigation links, and the one part of the table to be a scrolling box. The reason is this: That one cell is going to contain some very large images - 1000 pixels wide by maybe 2000, 3000 high. So while the width can obviously fit on a standard monitor, the height will not. Now, the images themselves are pictures of long flowcharts. Therefore, it's fine for the user to scroll down to navigate the flowchart. But the static navigation links and the title should remain - well, static - while the user is able to scroll up and down that ONE cell containing the flowcharts. Here's a picture to clarify things. As you can see, the bolded cell is the one in question. (apologies for the shoddy drawing) If anyone solves that problem, I have one slightly tougher one for you to solve, but more on that later. Can anyone help me? :sad: Hey guys been having a few problems finding resources on how to vertically align text. what it is is that i have a division i wish to display text in vertically... Any ideas? div{vertical-align: -50%} thats what i came up with but still no joy... An old chestnut this one, but I can't find reference to this particular technique when searching the forums. is the address and I'm using the technique found here ( to vertically center, however it's sticking fairly rigidly to the top of the browser. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance, Jez. Hello I have two tables in my JSP ; the first table has 3 columns, and should be displayed on top of the page and is used to display elements of a form. Another table should be displayed below that table, has dynamic number of columns. This page opens as a child window from main window The problem is that the tables are displayed beside each other if I have not specified width of table. If I do specify it (like I set it to 100%) the second table is not shown . Could you please help me and tell me how to have two tables displayed vertically inside my page ? Thank you so much Evrim Hello all, I am having a problem vertically aligning something inside a <li> element. This is the code I'm talking about: Code: <ul class="small_nav2"> <li class="small_nav_back"><a href="javascript: ;" onclick="hide_more_nav();" id="scroll_nb"></li> <li class="small_nav_next"><a href="javascript: ;" onclick="hide_more_nav();" id="scroll_nn"></li> </ul> It has the following CSS attached: Code: .small_nav2 { margin: 0 0 40px 0; } .small_nav_back { background:url("images/shadow_left.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent; height:90px; left:0; position:absolute; top:5px; width:20px; } .small_nav_back a { background:url("images/btn_arrow_left.gif") no-repeat scroll left top transparent; display:block; height:19px; width:14px; top:5px; } As you can see, there is a <li> item, that has a background-image, and a hyperlink within that <li> item, that also has a background-image. Now I want that hyperlink (the block of 19x14) to align vertically within the <li> element. But how can I do that? I've tried (I hope in the right manner) to use vertical-align: middle, and adjusted the line-heigt as well. To no succes. You can see it all in action HERE How do I vertically move all of the text (ie Days:Hour:Min:Sec) in the 2nd row of the column that says "Test" to the top of the box? How do I vertically move all of the text (ie Days:Hour:Min:Sec) in the 2nd row of the column that says "Best Time since 2005" to the middle of the box? Thank you. <table border="1"> <tr> <th> </th> <th>Test</th> <th style="color:green">Best Time Since 2005</th> </tr> <tr> <th>Comp X</th> <th> <div id="cpcontainer"> <table><tr class='text' align='center'><td>Days :</td><td> Hour :</td><td>Min :</td><td>Sec</td> </tr><tr class=''text'' align=''center'' style='color:green'> <td>11 :</td><td> 5 :</td><td>0 :</td><td>0</td> </tr></table> </div> </th> <th> <div id="cpcontainer1"> <table><tr class='text' align='center'><td>Days :</td><td> Hour :</td><td>Min :</td><td>Sec</td> </tr><tr class=''text'' align=''center'' style='color:green'> <td>11 :</td><td> 5 :</td><td>0 :</td><td>0</td> </tr></table> </div> </th> </tr> </table> |