HTML - Ie And Firefox - Name Vs Id Problem?
<input name="Submit2" value="1" type="image" id="Submit2" src="images/Freshupdaterecordbutton.jpg" alt="Update" width="160" height="50" border="0"> The above image is a button within a form. If I click on the button, I can check the parameters passed via the form. The following tells me how long the "Submit2" parameter is using ASP strRequest = Request.Form("Submit2") strRequest = len(strRequest) response.Write(strRequest) Response.end() In Firefox 2, the length of "Submit2" is 1 In IE 7, "Submit2" is 0 I need them both to be 1. How can I do this? Is it something to do with the NAME and ID tags? The NAME and ID tags are unique on the form. Cheers, Alski Similar TutorialsI'm new to web design so I hope this makes sense to someone. I am trying to make a website for a new buisness, I'm using text wrangler on a mac to write the code and have been checking my progress in Safari. I have just checked the site on firefox and the banner at the top isn't showing up? This is the html: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Peris & Corr</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div class ="img"><img src= "logowebsite.jpg"</div> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="content"> <p><strong>What we do:</strong></p> <p>- create a range of hand made textile products and greeting cards <p>- offer an eco frienly screen printing service, printing only with water based inks on to ethically sourced garments</p> <p>Montegeraliquam sed pede in cursus praesenec vestas rhoncus wisi at wisi. Condisseloborttis enim et ipsum mauristie id felit adipiscipit ac auctortorttitor sempor. Vitantesqueat sempus non sed et mus sit vivamus purus netus hendiment. Pretiuma diam et id tempus dolor por wisi sed volutpat facilisi.</p> <p>Wisiet sus adipit phasellentum elit condissim consecteturpiscing sapien vivamus et congue. Utvel tris quismod cursus liberos elit nisse curabitur tur parturpis tellenterdum. Semperligula curabitae tellentesque nulla trices vestas ristibulum id justo auctor facinia. Natisdonec consequat nibh pellus.</p> <p>Vestibusodio euisque id elerisus lacus tincidunt sit malesuada lacus pellus parturpiscing. Pellenterdumat maecenatoque cras a magna nibh et quis diam ames et. Laoremvolutpat ac dolor eget eget temper lacus vestibus velit lacus venean. Magnaipsum tellus morbi leo aliquat nulla convallis pellentesque.</p> </div> </div> <div id="navigation"> <ul> <li><a href="home page.html"><strong>home page</strong></a></li> <li><a href="products.html"><strong>products</strong></a></li> <li><a href="screen printing.html"><strong>screen printing</strong></a></li> <li><a href="about us.html"><strong>about us</strong></a></li> <li><a href="stockists.html"><strong>stockists</strong></a></li> <li><a href=><strong>blog</strong></a></li> <li><a href="contact us.html"><strong>contact us</strong></a><li/> </ul> </div> <div id="extra"> <img src= "bags.jpg"> <img src= "ink.jpg"> </div> <div id="footer"> <p>Footer</p> </div> </div> </body> </html> I hope someone can help, and that there is a simple solution. Thanks How do I get the Content Management System Admin features: block to move down slightly. It looks fine in IE but firefox its not looking right hi all, recently i'm making a site and i have made a link to go to you last page using java script. but when i hover over it in interneet exporer my cursor turns in to a hand but when i hover over it in firefox nothing happens. the code i use to get the hand is "style="cursor:hand" ". can someone pls help me ? ty Hi, Ive got a bit of a problem with the website im creating. This is the bit of code thats affecting the browser (I believe). <div class="header"><img src="truelogo.gif" /></div> For some reason It works perfectly in safari, but not in IE or firefox. I wont post all the source code here as there is quite alot, but the website is if you need anymore info from it. Thanks Scott. Hi all. I'm very new to html/css code, but have managed to create a decent looking webpage so far. Well, up until last night anyway! I added three text images to my page, and it looks good when viewing with FireFox. It use to even look ok when viewed using IE, but now my NavBar is all screwed up, and the header image will not show. Could someone please take a look at the source code, and my style sheet, and let me know what could have went wrong? Thanks! Hello all, I'd like to say this is my first post here on this forum and I am in need of some help... I have a website that I am re-programming / designing because when I started it I was not as good as I am now at development (I'm currently 16 years old) The problem is in HTML and I can't figure it out to save my life... I have 3 tables in HTML on my homepage, one is for whether or not the person is logged in, tells them to login to use features. Another for image links for main areas of the website Another for statistics... In firefox it does what I want: In IE, I get this interesting error... Source: Code: <table width=810 align=right cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td> <!-- IF NOT_LOGGED --> <table width=810 align=right cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=right> <tr> <td class="urgent" width=20><IMG src="{STYLE_DIR}images/icon_urgent.gif"></td> <td class="urgent">You must be <a href="login.php">logged in</a> to use the features of this department.</td> </tr> </table><br> <!-- ENDIF --> <table width="810" height="30" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align=right> <tr> <td width=5 class="row2"></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/goal_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/goal_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/goal_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/stat_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/stat_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/stat_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/rank_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/rank_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/rank_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/develop_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/develop_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/develop_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td width=5 class="row2"></td> </tr> </table><br> <table width=810 align=right cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td class="row1" colspan=2>Signature Database</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2">Total Signatures Created: {TOTAL_SIGS}</td> <td class="row2">Total Members: {TOTAL_MEMBERS}</td> </tr> </table> This file runs off a template class I built so that would help explain {VAR} and stuff such as that. Any help please? Why is IE being stubborn and firefox not? Hello all, I've just made my first website, and tested it initially in IE 8 and then viewed in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox 3. It displays perfect in IE, Safari and Chrome, but Firefox has some quirks! Issue 1: My bordered pictures are displaying a blue border, which is yellow in the other browsers. Though they are also links, other non-bordered picture links don't have it, and I have set the links colours in the CSS to be yellow and grey anyway (which works fine for the text links). Issue 2: Small images next to each other won't sit side by side, they jump to the next line. Both these issues can be seen on this page (if viewed in Firefox, naturally!): Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! I can post the code for the page if required. Thanks, Nubbin. Similar problem to fender967, my website: looks fine in IE but not in firefox??? Whats that all about? Hello, I've got a weird problem that I've never come across before... I've created a page with a hidden div on it that is displayed at certain times (after a button is clicked). The div is displayed on top of a semi opaque div that covers the whole of the page (this is created and added to the page when the hidden div is shown). The effect is very similar to the lightbox technique. To prevent select boxes showing through the opaque overlay in IE6 I'm also using an iframe shim. The only problem I have is that in FireFox, the text input fields on my lightbox div do not have the flashing carat in them. You can select the inputs and enter text into them, it just looks a little odd not having a carat in them when they are selected. Anyone else come accross this? Hi, I'm having an issue with Firefox 3 that is stumping me. My site has a SWF centered in the middle of my page which is embedded with swfobject v2.1. When the page loads my SWF overlaps the right-sided border of the div I've setup in Firefox, and from what I can tell, Firefox sets the border property on the inside of the div, whereas all the other browsers set the border property on the outside of the div. I've read up on the box model problem, but seeing as how every other browser(IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome etc.) displays the page properly, I'm hitting the wall here. I don't know if swfojbect is causing the problem, or if it's something in my code, because up until I embedded the flash, I'm pretty sure everything was aligned. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated... Can someone please help me and shed light on this? TIA!! I'm building an ecommerce site and there are 4 thumbnails that you can click on, then the main image swaps to the thumbnail you just clicked on (like how most ecommerce sites work). But I won't have 4 thumbnails all the time, maybe 2 or 3 but maximum of 4. When I test the page with 4 thumbnails, it works fine. But if I have only 2 or 3 thumbnails, the spacing looks odd on Firefox. (Looks perfect on Safari) I want them to be always left justified but they look like they are forced to be centered in the space given. What am I doing wrong? I appreciate any help! The following code is for the thumbnail: Code: <tr> <td width="60" align="left"><a href="#" onClick="javascript:image_click(1);return false;"><img border="0" src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image1]&maxx=60&maxy=0" name="pimage1"></a> </td> <td width="5" align="center"></td> <td width="60" align="left"><a href="#" onClick="javascript:image_click(2);return false;"><img border="0" src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image2]&maxx=60&maxy=0" name="pimage2"></a> </td> <td width="5" align="center"></td> <!--END: image2--> <!--START: image3--> <td width="60" align="left"><a href="#" onClick="javascript:image_click(3);return false;"><img border="0" src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image3]&maxx=60&maxy=0" name="pimage3"></a> </td> <td width="5" align="center"></td> <!--END: image3--> <!--START: image4--> <td width="60" align="left"><a href="#" onClick="javascript:image_click(4);return false;"><img border="0" src="thumbnail.asp?file=[image4]&maxx=60&maxy=0" name="pimage4"></a> </td> <td width="5" align="center"></td> <td width="60" align="left"></td></tr> <!--END: image4--> Hello, In Internet Explorer, the following page shows just fine: However, in Firefox, there's small gaps between the images and Flash files. I'd like to remove these gaps. How do I go about doing this? Here's the html code I'm using: HTML Code: <img src="" width="390" height="520" border="0"> <object enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" height="520" width="410" data=""> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" /> <param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" /> <param name="movie" value="" /> </object> <br> <img src="" border=0> Hello all, Im having problems displaying my website in firefox, it displays fine in IE, however its displaying 1/2 way down the page in firefox. Any ideas where im going wrong? I'm making a website and am having problems with a photo gallery. When you click on an image, it should activate a white box with an opacity over the entire page as well as open another box with the image. It will work great in Safari(version 5.0.2) but not in Firefox (version 3.6.10). This is the page I'm having problems with This page works correctly p.s. i'm new to coding and this is my first post here so let me know if there is anything else i should include... Thanks! I'm designing some UI modules that are quite small, and have to be. Each represents an NFL football player and inside the module is the ability to add a note to a player. The problem is, the hyperlinks in my UI modules become almost unclickable in Firefox and I'm not sure why. My guess is they are too close to the edge of the container, but it'd be nice if I could find a workaround. Unfortunately space is at a premium You can see the phenomena here. Try clicking on the 'create note' hyperlink on the first player, the 'save note' hyperlink on the second player, and the 'edit note' on the third player. Any advice would be appreciated. Hi, I've been struggling with a formatting difference between IE & Firefox. I'd be really grateful if someone would be able to advise me what I'm doing wrong. URL : Any help would be appreciated JON I created a website with google pages It works fine in Explorer but some problems in Firefox. In Firefox the banners are spaced further apart. But when I click on them they grow closer together. Keep in mind google pages has some built in code. Any ideas? Comparing IE7 to Firefox... the TEXT sitting on the image looks fine in IE 7 but is slightly "bumped up" in Firefox and most other browsers. Does anyone know the explanation for this?... Thank you. |