JavaScript - My Holiday Countdown Script Stopped Working?
Hi everyone;
I have searched all of the forums before posting this, every year I have a Halloween Party and post it with this script for the continuous countdown? Now it is not working it seems to be off by one day? Daylight savings Time Problem? Or a Leap year problem Thank you to anyone who can help me with this ... Code: var today=new Date() //Enter the occasion's MONTH (1-12) and DAY (1-31): var theoccasion=new Date(today.getFullYear(),10 ,31 ) //Customize text to show before and on occasion. Follow grammer below: var beforeOccasionText="Left until our Annual Halloween Party" var onOccasiontext="It is Little Spook Day, Happy Halloween!" var monthtext=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") theoccasion.setMonth(theoccasion.getMonth()-1) //change to 0-11 month format var showdate="("+monthtext[theoccasion.getMonth()]+" "+theoccasion.getDate()+")" //show date of occasion var one_day=1000*60*60*24 var calculatediff="" calculatediff=Math.ceil((theoccasion.getTime()-today.getTime())/(one_day)) if (calculatediff<0){ //if bday already passed var nextyeartoday=new Date() nextyeartoday.setFullYear(today.getFullYear()+1) calculatediff=Math.ceil((nextyeartoday.getTime()-today.getTime())/(one_day)+calculatediff) } //Display message accordingly var pluraldayornot=(calculatediff==0)? "Day" : "Days" if (calculatediff>0) document.write("<center><b>"+calculatediff+" "+pluraldayornot+" "+beforeOccasionText+" "+showdate+"<br><br></b><center>") else if (calculatediff==0) document.write("<b>"+onOccasiontext+" <br> "+showdate+"!<br><br></b>") Similar TutorialsHi all, thanks in advance for any help. For a lot of years now I've used a javascript that does a simple rollover image swap, but also changes another alternate image at the same time. It's always worked like a charm. Lately I realized that the script no longer works in IE, though it used to in older versions of IE (I think it stopped working in anything past IE 7). It still works fine in Firefox, Safari, etc. I haven't been able to find a good alternative for this script, so I'm really trying to get it to work again in IE, but so far no luck. Here's the link to the actual script itself. (you can see that even the example on this page doesn't work in IE anymore) You can also see it in action at this site: (notice when you roll over the menu bar an alternate image appears in FF, but not in IE). Again, thanks in advance for any help. I truly appreciate it! Jordan I am using a JavaScript page that acts as a 'side-by-side' tester. It sends the same form in a POST to two different servers. One server is usually the production server the other a server under test. The results returned by the servers are displayed in two frames aligned side by side on the page. This page has worked in Firefox for several years. It worked up till early last week. Now, instead of populating the two frames, a new window opens up to display the response received from the Server. Nothing has changed in the code so I'm thinking that possibly the latest release of Firefox (10.0.2) has somehow broken this page. Here is the code that is envolved: Code: // setting up the frames <frameset rows="400,*"> <frame src="file:///C:/TestSanity/controller.htm" name="controller"/> <frameset cols="50%,50%"> <frame src="leftFrameInitialContent.html" name="leftWindow" onload='parent.controller.stopLeftFrameClock() ;'/> <frame src="rightFrameInitialContent.html" name="rightWindow" onload='parent.controller.stopRightFrameClock();'/> </frameset> </frameset> // sending a request whose response will be displayed in a frame // pick the form that matches the current command formToSubmit = document.getElementById(command + "_FORM") ; // set the left frame destination url (action) from the value on the UI formToSubmit.setAttribute("action", document.getElementById('leftFrameBaseUrl').value ); // send left window request formToSubmit.setAttribute("target", "leftWindow"); formToSubmit.submit(); I don't have any idea what to look for as a cause. Any help and/or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, bkey Hi, Well I had lots of scripts so what I did is that I combined all of them into one script file, which contains files like Jquery library too. But now the problem is that it has stopped working, I don't know why did this happen. What I did is that I took every script copied and pasted it and then I gave some space under it by pressing enter a few times and then I used to paste other script, I was told this was the method to combine scripts but now the scripts don't work. Here is the link to combined scripts And the link to a live example is On my website you can upload videos... These videos are supposed to be linked from youtube... When I try to upload a video it keeps on coming up as an invalid video... It gives me an example of what a proper youtube link should be but even when I enter the example it doesn't work... Does anyone have any ideals? I have already asked in the other forums and they said that is was a JavaScript error or has something to do in javascript... I am fairly new to programming and this is my first website so please be patient... To get to the video upload page follow these insturctions... you have to be in your user profile... log in using this information... User Name: supramaniac Password: lakeella After you log in go to the Member Menu on the left side bar and click on Your Videos...
I hate javascript.... OK, here's my latest challenge with Javascript. I recently went into twp php files and made a few very minor changes to some outdated $date functions. Now, I have three small icons for 'copy', 'paste','delete' using the javascript 'onclick' function that have stopped working. In fact, when I replace the two recently revised files with the originals, these icons no longer work there either. Any help would be appreciated. I'm simply at a total loss for ideas here. From the primary php file is the relevant lines of source code....As far as I can tell, the second paragraph in each area is returning a 'null' value; i.e. o1a.options.selectedIndex is null. Code: function aCopy(dt){ o1a = document.getElementById("avail_1a_" + dt); o1b = document.getElementById("avail_1b_" + dt); o2a = document.getElementById("avail_2a_" + dt); o2b = document.getElementById("avail_2b_" + dt); o3a = document.getElementById("avail_3a_" + dt); o3b = document.getElementById("avail_3b_" + dt); avail_1a = o1a.options.selectedIndex; avail_1b = o1b.options.selectedIndex; avail_2a = o2a.options.selectedIndex; avail_2b = o2b.options.selectedIndex; avail_3a = o3a.options.selectedIndex; avail_3b = o3b.options.selectedIndex; } function aPaste(dt){ o1a = document.getElementById("avail_1a_" + dt); o1b = document.getElementById("avail_1b_" + dt); o2a = document.getElementById("avail_2a_" + dt); o2b = document.getElementById("avail_2b_" + dt); o3a = document.getElementById("avail_3a_" + dt); o3b = document.getElementById("avail_3b_" + dt); o1a.options.selectedIndex = avail_1a; o1b.options.selectedIndex = avail_1b; o2a.options.selectedIndex = avail_2a; o2b.options.selectedIndex = avail_2b; o3a.options.selectedIndex = avail_3a; o3b.options.selectedIndex = avail_3b; } function aDelete(dt){ o1a = document.getElementById("avail_1a_" + dt); o1b = document.getElementById("avail_1b_" + dt); o2a = document.getElementById("avail_2a_" + dt); o2b = document.getElementById("avail_2b_" + dt); o3a = document.getElementById("avail_3a_" + dt); o3b = document.getElementById("avail_3b_" + dt); o1a.options.selectedIndex = 0; o1b.options.selectedIndex = 0; o2a.options.selectedIndex = 0; o2b.options.selectedIndex = 0; o3a.options.selectedIndex = 0; o3b.options.selectedIndex = 0; From the supporting php file are the following lines of code.... Code: $s .= "<td nowrap=nowrap class=calendar style='border-left:1px dashed #000;'>"; $s .= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"aCopy('$year-$month-$d');\"><img src='../admin/_calendar/Copy.gif' alt='Copy Availability' width='16' height='16' border='0' /></a>"; $s .= " <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"aPaste('$year-$month-$d');\"><img src='../admin/_calendar/Paste.gif' alt='Paste Availability' width='16' height='16' border='0' /></a>"; $s .= " <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"aDelete('$year-$month-$d');\"><img src='../admin/_calendar/Delete.gif' alt='Delete/No Availability' width='16' height='16' border='0' /></a>"; $s .= "</td>"; None of these lines of code were changed or altered when I was updating the code. Any thoughts or suggestions would be deeply appreciated? Talltom I am using javascript to change the buttons on my website so that they load up a different image when hot spots on the buttons are hovered over. Everything has been working great, but this morning I tried checking out my site and for some reason the javascript wasn't working in Chrome, or on my iphone using Safari. I tried it in IE and everything still works. Any ideas on why it would stop working for those two browsers? Here is the javascript: Code: function init(){ document.getElementsByTagName('area')[0].onmouseover=function(){ document.getElementById('crocodileImg').src='Images/crocodileHover.png'; this.onmouseout=function() { document.getElementById('crocodileImg').src='Images/crocodile.png'; } } document.getElementsByTagName('area')[1].onmouseover=function(){ document.getElementById('historyImg').src='Images/historyHover.jpg'; this.onmouseout=function() { document.getElementById('historyImg').src='Images/history.jpg'; } } document.getElementsByTagName('area')[2].onmouseover=function(){ document.getElementById('applyImg').src='Images/applyHover.jpg'; this.onmouseout=function() { document.getElementById('applyImg').src='Images/apply.jpg'; } } document.getElementsByTagName('area')[3].onmouseover=function(){ document.getElementById('applyImg').src='Images/membersHover.jpg'; this.onmouseout=function() { document.getElementById('applyImg').src='Images/apply.jpg'; } } document.getElementsByTagName('area')[4].onmouseover=function(){ document.getElementById('mediaImg').src='Images/mediaHover.jpg'; this.onmouseout=function() { document.getElementById('mediaImg').src='Images/media.jpg'; } } } if(window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener('load',init,false); } else { if(window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent('onload',init); } } I'm not sure if seeing the html the js is referencing will help at all, but here it is just in case: Code: <div id="crocodile"> <img id="crocodileImg" src="Images/crocodile.png" usemap="#crocodileImg" border="0" width="436" height="147" alt="Home" /> <map id="crocodileImg" name="crocodileImg"> <area id="crocArea" shape="poly" coords="41,9,23,21,20,58,40,78,72,78,82,86,88,112,117,129,140,126,257,126,274,107,274,79,401,78,420,66,419,26,404,6,369,7,366,0,294,0,291,7," href="index.html" alt="Home" title="Home" /> </map> </div> <div id="history"> <img id="historyImg" src="Images/history.jpg" usemap="#historyImg" border="0" width="350" height="256" alt="Home" /> <map id="historyImg" name="historyImg"> <area id="historyArea" shape="poly" coords="18,77,18,167,48,170,79,208,124,233,174,238,228,218,257,188,266,176,280,184,306,182,338,102,331,93,271,92,254,54,226,27,196,11,169,4,137,7,109,17,82,33,65,51,52,74," href="history2.html" alt="History" title="History" /> </map> </div> <div id="apply"> <img id="applyImg" src="Images/apply.jpg" usemap="#applyImg" border="0" width="280" height="223" alt="Apply" /> <map id="applyImg" name="applyImg"> <area id="applyArea" shape="poly" coords="17,43,17,57,15,72,20,84,39,83,43,79,56,76,62,62,65,49,77,42,76,36,70,22,65,14,52,14,45,21,38,24,31,32," href="apply.html" alt="Apply" title="Apply" /> <area id="membersImg" shape="poly" coords="112,49,97,55,77,71,64,89,61,99,47,104,44,123,44,149,46,164,57,168,70,172,82,186,102,197,125,206,146,208,168,201,188,189,201,177,208,166,231,165,254,165,260,150,262,133,262,113,254,97,238,95,221,97,213,97,205,85,197,74,183,63,172,55,159,51,145,48,134,47,"href="members.html" alt="Members" title="Members" /> </map> </div> <div id="media"> <img id="mediaImg" src="Images/media.jpg" usemap="#mediaImg" border="0" width="182" height="149" alt="Media" /> <map id="mediaImg" name="mediaImg"> <area id="mediaArea" shape="poly" coords="0,102,16,103,26,117,44,129,67,133,92,128,108,115,118,102,165,102,170,88,173,65,172,52,161,49,141,49,132,42,121,42,110,30,96,22,76,16,60,14,44,18,30,29,19,36,13,48,0,51," href="media.html" alt="Media" title="Media" /> </map> </div> Thank you for any replies. Hi, On my website, I have one of those trust seals that opens a new window to display account details. Last week it worked fine, but today it is not working. I am sure that I didn't change the code. It still works in IE but the Mox Firefox window opens with no address. This is my js code for the new window: Code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- var win=null; function NewWindow(mypage,myname,w,h,scroll){ LeftPosition=300; TopPosition=150; settings='width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars='+scroll+',location=yes,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes';,myname,settings); if(win.focus){win.focus();}} function hidestatus(){ window.status='' return true } if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT) document.onmouseover=hidestatus document.onmouseout=hidestatus // --> </script> And this is my HTML Code: <!-- // SF-Code Affiliate Marketing ##ak18d54kt** // --> <a href="" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'','860','700','yes','default'); return false" onfocus="this.blur()" > <img src="" alt="Support-Focus Membership Click to Verify - Before you Buy" border="0" ></a><br><br> The actual trust seal code appears at the bottom of ths page: Affiliate Marketing test page Can anyone see any problems with the code ? I think I did get a firefox update about a week ago has anyone noticed any changes ? ( I hope its just my code that is wrong ) Oh BTW if I just enter the link from the trust seal directly into the browser, it opens fine. Thanks Hey guys/gals, I have a code working great, all except that I want it to start a 36 hour countdown and do it forever after the initial timer hits 0. Here's what I have so far: PHP Code: <html> <body> <center> <div style="width:1000px;height:65px;border:3px outset blue;"> <a href="¤t=Aetherite_Icon.png" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Aetherite"></a> <sup><big><b>Guildleves Will Reset In: <script type = "text/javascript"> dateFuture = new Date(2010,9,5,22,10,30); //you can adjust this if a server reset changes leve times. function GetCount(){ dateNow = new Date(); amount = dateFuture.getTime() - dateNow.getTime(); delete dateNow; if(amount < 0){ This is where i think the loop should be, yes? If so, how can I countdown 36 hours over and over? } else{ days=0;hours=0;mins=0;secs=0;out=""; amount = Math.floor(amount/1000); days=Math.floor(amount/86400); amount=amount%86400; hours=Math.floor(amount/3600); amount=amount%3600; mins=Math.floor(amount/60); amount=amount%60; secs=Math.floor(amount); if(days != 0){out += days +" day"+((days!=1)?"s":"")+", ";} if(days != 0 || hours != 0){out += hours +" hour"+((hours!=1)?"s":"")+", ";} if(days != 0 || hours != 0 || mins != 0){out += mins +" minute"+((mins!=1)?"s":"")+", ";} out += secs +" seconds"; document.getElementById('countbox').innerHTML=out; setTimeout("GetCount()", 1000); } } window.onload=GetCount; </script> <div id="countbox"></div> </sup> </div> </body> </html> Any help I could get would be MUCH appreciated. Hey there, first off, here is the countdown script I am using: PHP Code: <script language="JavaScript"> TargetDate = "{$timerdate}"; BackColor = "#FFFFFF"; ForeColor = "#FF0000"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days %%H%% Hours %%M%% Minutes %%S%% Seconds"; FinishMessage = "<b>Price has been reduced!</b>"; </script> Now I was wondering if I can do 2 things to this script, 1) make it "flash" during the last 10 seconds of the countdown, and 2) Once it hits 0, then it'll show the FinishMessage for perhaps 10 sec, then it would restart the countdown with a new targetdate. Is that possible at all? Hi there, I was looking for a countdown script that counts down starting at a number (50) which starts again once it reaches (0). The count down isnt in seconds, it should be in 10 second increments. This meaning that it starts at 50, and they goes to 49 after 10 seconds.. Can anyone help? (go to that link in IE and the count down is 20secs, after it is finished, it does not show the game. It works in other "Flash" games, but mostly "Shock wave" it does not work properly.) -This is the javascript code that is being used, the php tho is probably not needed to be displayed, its mostly just getting the script to show the "shockwave" game.- Code: <script type="text/javascript"> // Number of seconds to show the ad var counterStart = 20; var showGameLoadedBox = document.getElementById('showGameLoadedBox'); var showGameLoadingBox = document.getElementById('showGameLoadingBox'); var showGameLoadingNumber = document.getElementById('showGameLoadingNumber'); = "hidden"; = "0px"; = "visible"; = "<?=$gameheight;?>px"; var countDown = setInterval('countDownLoading()',1000); showGameLoadingNumber.innerHTML = counterStart; function countDownLoading() { if (showGameLoadingNumber.innerHTML > 0) { showGameLoadingNumber.innerHTML = showGameLoadingNumber.innerHTML - 1; } else { clearInterval(countDown); = "visible"; = "auto"; = "hidden"; <? if (ae_detect_ie()) { echo " = \"".$gameheight."px\";"; } else { echo " = \"0px\";"; } ?> showGameLoadingBox.innerHTML = ""; } } </script> -Let me know if you need more info on the code.. Help is greatly appreciated thanks Thread duplicated see one above!
Hi peeps I found this script on another forum, It is nearly perfect, I was wondering if you peeps could help me make a few changes... how do I change the cut off to 8pm I have tried var c_t = 8; but it does 8am I have also tried var c_t = 20; but it doesnt work... Any ideas? Also instead of just saying "your order will ship shifted to tommrow" would it be possible to insert tomorrows date, i.e Thursday 13th and then for "and your order will ship to Monday" could it say Monday 15th etc Here is the script, Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function ord() { var c_t = 4; var dd = new Date(); var ti_h = dd.getHours(); var ti_m = dd.getMinutes(); if(ti_h > c_t) { var di_t_h = ti_h - c_t; var di_t_mi = 60 - ti_m; var h = 24 - di_t_h; var mi = di_t_mi; var mess = h+"hours"+mi+"minutes"; } var da = dd.getDay(); //var da = document.getElementById("da").value; switch(da) { case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: document.write("Place your order within the next 1 day"+mess+"and your order will ship shifted to tommrow"); break; case 6: case 7: case 1: document.write("and your order will ship to Monday"); break; } } ord(); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> Hi, I found code for a simple javascript countdown timer, and edited it to countdown to a specific date, Sept 3rd, 2011. It works perfectly... in Firefox. Unfortunately in other browsers (I've checked Safari, Chrome, Explorer), the date reverts back to the default date that the author of the script set, Dec 31st, 2020. Any idea why it would work in Firefox but not the others? What can I do to fix it? This is site where I found the code. Here's the original script: Code: <script language="JavaScript"> TargetDate = "12/31/2020 5:00 AM"; BackColor = "palegreen"; ForeColor = "navy"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds."; FinishMessage = "It is finally here!"; </script> <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script> Here's what I changed it to: Code: <script language="JavaScript"> TargetDate = "09/03/2011 12:01 AM UTC-0500"; BackColor = "white"; ForeColor = "666666"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%D%% days left"; FinishMessage = "Today is the day!"; </script> <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script> (Side note: I left the countdown.js file attached to the author's server because when I placed it in my "js" folder, the countdown completely disappeared.) I've done some digging around and found that Code: <script language="JavaScript"> is somewhat obsolete, and that it should be replaced with Code: <script type="text/javascript"> But I don't have programming experience to know how to fix it-- simply replacing one with the other didn't work for me. Any ideas? Again, it works fine on Firefox, but not other browsers... I realy need some help i pass the end_time of the script using ajax from a database then calculate the remaining time calculating the dif from the current time each second. It works for the first second then I get NaN error + the timer then refreshes back to the first output in a countinous loop.. the contents of my timer where the js does its job Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var xmlhttp; var secs=0; var mins=0; var hours=0; var days=0; var t; function loadXMLDoc(url,cfunc) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=cfunc;"GET",url,true); xmlhttp.send(); } function myFunction(actionvar) { var urlString = getHash(); var string = 'time.php?hash='+urlString+'&action='+actionvar; loadXMLDoc(string,function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML=''; var end_time=xmlhttp.responseText; end_time = parseInt(end_time); end_time = end_time*1000; end_time = parseInt(end_time); update(end_time); var t = setTimeout(function(){myFunction(end_time);},1000); } }); } function getHash(){ return document.getElementById('hash').innerHTML; } function update(end_time){ out=""; var d=new Date(); end_time = parseInt(end_time); var time= parseInt(d.getTime()); var amount = end_time - time; // The time left in milliseconds amount = parseInt(amount); amount = Math.floor(amount/1000);//kill the "milliseconds" so just secs days=Math.floor(amount/86400);//days amount=amount%86400; hours=Math.floor(amount/3600);//hours amount=amount%3600; mins=Math.floor(amount/60);//minutes amount=amount%60; secs=Math.floor(amount);//seconds if(days != 0){out += days +" "+((days==1)?"day":"days")+", ";} if(hours != 0){out += hours +" "+((hours==1)?"hour":"hours")+", ";} out += mins +" "+((mins==1)?"min":"mins")+", "; out += secs +" "+((secs==1)?"sec":"secs")+", "; out = out.substr(0,out.length-2); document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML = out; if(secs == 0 && mins == 0 && hours==0 && days == 0){ clearTimeout(t); document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML='Boost ready'; } } </script> </head> <body style='background-image:url("main_bg.jpg");color:#580000'> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div id='timer' align='center'></div> <div align='center'> <?php require('global.php'); if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])){ header("Location: lol.php"); exit; } $id=$_SESSION['id']; $q= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM loltimerclient WHERE id='$id'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q); $hash=$row['hash']; echo "<div style='visibility:hidden' id='hash'>$hash</div>"; echo '<button type="button" onClick="myFunction(0)">Start timer NOW!</button>'; ?> </div> <div align='center'><a href='logout.php'>Logout</a></div> </body> </html> And the php that retrieves the time from the database (this file passes its info through ajax to the first code) Code: <?php require('global.php'); $hash = $_GET['hash']; $action = $_GET['action']; if(!isset($hash)|| !isset($action)) exit; $search_hash = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM loltimerclient WHERE hash='$hash' LIMIT 0,1"); if(mysql_num_rows($search_hash) < 1) exit; $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($search_hash); $id= $row['id']; $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM loltimers WHERE user_id='$id' LIMIT 0,1 "); $endtime = time() + (60*60*24); if($action == 0) if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 1){ mysql_query("UPDATE loltimers SET end_time='$endtime' WHERE user_id='$id'"); echo $endtime; } else{ if(mysql_num_rows($q) < 1){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO loltimers SET user_id='$id', end_time='$endtime' "); echo $endtime; } } else if($action == 1){ $row2=mysql_fetch_assoc($q); echo $row2['end_time']; } ?> Any help is greatly appriciated since i can;t seem to figure this out. Thx in advance! Hi everyone, I have a countdown script I'd like to modify so that the countdown ends at a specific hour, and not on a particular day at midnight. I'm new to coding (Ruby), so still trying to get the hang of Javascript: Code: var current="Expired" var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec") function countdown(yr,m,d){ theyear=yr;themonth=m;theday=d var today=new Date() var todayy=today.getYear() if (todayy < 1000) todayy+=1900 var todaym=today.getMonth() var todayd=today.getDate() var todayh=today.getHours() var todaymin=today.getMinutes() var todaysec=today.getSeconds() var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy+" "+todayh+":"+todaymin+":"+todaysec futurestring=montharray[m-1]+" "+d+", "+yr dd=Date.parse(futurestring)-Date.parse(todaystring) dday=Math.floor(dd/(60*60*1000*24)*1) dhour=Math.floor((dd%(60*60*1000*24))/(60*60*1000)*1) dmin=Math.floor(((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))/(60*1000)*1) dsec=Math.floor((((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))%(60*1000))/1000*1) if(dday==0&&dhour==0&&dmin==0&&dsec==1){ document.getElementById('counter').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('expired').style.display='block'; return } else{ document.getElementById('countdown_day').innerHTML=dday; document.getElementById('countdown_hour').innerHTML=dhour; document.getElementById('countdown_min').innerHTML=dmin; document.getElementById('countdown_sec').innerHTML=dsec; setTimeout("countdown(theyear,themonth,theday)",1000) } } //MODIFY THIS LINE: enter the count down date using the format year/month/day //e.g. countdown(2009, 03, 23); countdown(2011, 12, 24); I've tried to play with it by changing the following in green: Code: function countdown(yr,m,d, h ){ theyear=yr;themonth=m;theday=d; thehour=h . . . setTimeout("countdown(theyear,themonth,theday, thehour )",1000) . . countdown(2011, 12, 24, 10 ) But I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Any tips or pointers to push me in the right direction is much appreciated. Thanks! I have a javascript controlling the display of a DIV that I did a while back that needs a bit more tweaking to add function to hide the DIV on specific holidays. As it is now, by default, the DIV is being hidden unless it is M-F between 8:00AM-6:00PM: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> onload=function(){ var rightNow = new Date(); var day = rightNow.getDay(); var hour = rightNow.getHours(); var minute = rightNow.getMinutes(); var formDisplay = 'none'; // unless we see otherwise var forwardDisplay = 'block'; // unless we see otherwise if(day==1 || day==2 || day==3 || day==4 || day==5) { // if chat is avalable on these days if((hour>=8) && (hour<=17)) // if chat is avalable between these times formDisplay = 'block', forwardDisplay = 'none'; } document.getElementById('ChatForm').style.display = formDisplay; document.getElementById('ChatForward').style.display = forwardDisplay; } </script> Im assuming that I would just add more else if statements, but not really sure the cleanest way to assign specific dates using this format. Any help is appreciated We have an ASP website which everything works fine in pre-IE8, firefox and even our iPhone browsers but not IE8. I know what the problem is and where the problem is but don't know how to fix it, it should be pretty simple but I am not a developer...just trying to fix this one problem When the page loads it is supposed to automatically fill in a text box with the word: No This is the javascript that is supposed to do that: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function statusdefault(oSel) { status = 'No'; document.getElementById('theLabel5').value = status; } </script> and this shows the onload line: Code: <body onload="statusdefault(this)" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" background="images/background_stripe.jpg" text="#000000" link="#CCCCCC" vlink="#CCCCCC" alink="#CCCCCC" leftmargin="0" topmargin="10" marginwidth="0" marginheight="10"> <form action="<%=MM_editAction%>" method="POST" name="frmDetail" id="frmDetail"> additionally when someone changes a selection in one of the comboboxes it should change the textbox to: Yes Here is the code for that (which also does not work): Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function statusupdated(oSel) { status = 'Yes'; document.getElementById('theLabel5').value = status; } </script> which of course gets triggered by this: Code: <select name="lstQueue" id="select" onChange="statusupdated(this)"> This is the code for the said textbox: Code: <input name="txtStatusUpdated" type="text" id="theLabel5" value="<%=(rsQ.Fields.Item("StatusUpdated").Value)%>"> The error I get in IE8 is "This page cannot be displayed..." and give a http500 error with no other info. It looks like this javascript code was copied and pasted throughout this same ASP page and altered to do different things. All of the other scripts like this one work fine so I know it is just something in these particular ones that have a problem. Thanks for any help that can be given!!! Scott |