JavaScript - Javascript Multi Dimensional Arrays
I have two known methods of creating a javascript array:
1) Double brackets such as: Code: var animation_JD = [[]]; 2) Create and array then create an array inside each array element manually which is the most common method as far as I know. The problem is that the second method requires the array be be defined in size and I require a 2D array, 3D array and 4D array. Using the second method uses far to much memory to be plausible, unless there is a way to make arrays smaller by defining parts of them as integers only? Otherwise for the 1st method I described I don't know how to loop through all elements of the array such as: Code: for(group in animation_JD){ } So does anyone have another way of creating arrays, defining an array as integers only(ideally not every part of the array) to save memory, or a way to loop through arrays created in the first method? Thanks! Similar TutorialsI'm not sure why my code is working. I think it maybe because of incorrect storage of multi arrays. Can someone please take a look. Please provide advice on how to improve. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var route ="Route A - Toronto to Barrie"; var jon, don; var businfo=[ //[destination/route, pricing, number of available tickets] ["Route A - Toronto to Barrie", 10.10, 38], ["Route B - Toronto to Peterborough", 12.30, 38], ["Route C - Toronto to Montreal", 42.00, 38], ["Route D - Toronto to Thunder Bay", 114.30, 38] ];//end multi-array businfo function determineRoute() { for(i=0; i < 5; i++){ if (route === businfo[i][0]) { jon = businfo[i]; break; } } } function setNumOfTick(ticketsordered) { don = jon; var tickettotal = don.splice(0,1); tickettotal -= ticketsordered; don.splice(0,1,tickettotal); return(2); }//end setPrice alert(setNumOfTick(35)); </script> Hello, I need your help. I'd like to structure and build an array like the below.: Code: var provinces = [ ['Ontario','ON'], ['Quebec','QC'], ['British Columbia','BC'], ['Saskatchewan','SK'] ]; then, id like to compare the value (x) against my array ie. Code: var x = 'Ontario' if (x matches the first value in the array 'provinces') { then let x = ON } How do you write something like this in javascript? Much thanks and appreciation for all your help, Cheers, Jay Short version: I'm having trouble with "moving subarrays" in a multidimensional associative array. Long version: (Yes, I know that there's technically no such thing as a js associative array and that I'm actually using a generic object.) This is one of those annoying questions for which significant code can't be shown. I'm fetching a JSON object from PHP and parsing it as multi-dimensional associative array that comes out with this "structure": Code: obj[regions][variables][years] = value; My presentation logic works fine for that. Year data is presented for each variable, and variables are grouped by region. For reference, if needed, the display is tabular and similar to this: Code: Regions | Variables | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 ========================================= | measure1 | abcd | efgh | ijkl ================================= county1 | measure2 | mnop | qrst | uvwx ================================= | measure3 | yzab | cdef | ghij ========================================= | measure1 | abcd | efgh | ijkl ================================= county2 | measure2 | mnop | qrst | uvwx ================================= | measure3 | yzab | cdef | ghij ========================================= | measure1 | abcd | efgh | ijkl ================================= county3 | measure2 | mnop | qrst | uvwx ================================= | measure3 | yzab | cdef | ghij ========================================= | measure1 | abcd | efgh | ijkl ================================= county4 | measure2 | mnop | qrst | uvwx ================================= | measure3 | yzab | cdef | ghij ========================================= My problem comes from trying to allow the option to reorganize the grouping - that is, turning it into regions grouped by variable. The display logic can handle it, but I can't get the array handling code right. The desired secondary structure is Code: obj[variable][region][year] = value; Some things I've tried: Code: /* obj is in the format of obj[region][variable][year] = value */ data_arr = new Array(); for (var region in obj) { for (var variable in obj[region]) { for (var year in obj[region][variable]) { /* fail one */ data_arr[variable][region][year] = obj[region][variable][year]; /* data_arr[variable] is undefined */ /* fail two */ y = obj[region][variable][year]; y_arr = new Array(); y_arr[year] = y; r_arr = new Array(); r_arr[region] = y_arr; data_arr[variable] = r_arr; /* only the values from the last iteration are displayed */ /* fail three */ y = obj[region][variable][year]; y_arr = new Array(); y_arr[year].push(y); r_arr = new Array(); r_arr[region].push(y_arr); data_arr[variable].push(r_arr); /* y_arr[year] is undefined */ } } } And then other permutations of those three. I could run through it easy if not needing the textual index, but that's actually part of my display data, so it has to stay. Can anyone help me with what I'm overlooking? Hello all; I am trying to use two dimensional arrays to create a grid-like slideshow. I have working code for a slideshow using one array, however I was wondering if it is at all possible to move the slideshow in all four directions (instead of just left and right). Here is the code for the left/right slideshow script: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var present_slide=0; var images = ["../images/overworld/04-8m.png","../images/overworld/04-8n.png","../images/overworld/04-8o.png","../images/overworld/04-8p.png","../images/overworld/04-8q.png","../images/overworld/04-8r.png","../images/overworld/04-8s.png"] objImage = new Image(); function download(img_src) { objImage.src = images[img_src]; } function displaynext(shift) { present_slide = present_slide + shift; if(images.length > present_slide && present_slide >= 0) { document.images["im"].src = images[present_slide]; var next_slide = present_slide + 1; download(next_slide); // Download the next image } if(present_slide + 1 >= images.length ) { = "hidden"; present_slide = images.length - 1; } else { = "visible"; } if(present_slide <= 0 ) { = "hidden"; present_slide = 0; } else { = "visible";} } </script> </head> <body onload="displaynext(0)"> <form name="f1"> <img name="im" /> <div class="arrow-nav"> <input type="button" style="background:url(../images/arrow-left.png);" name="Prev" onClick="displaynext(-1);" /> <input type="button" style="background:url(../images/arrow-right.png); float:right;" name="Next" onClick="displaynext(1);" /> </div> </form> One way that I am thinking that this might work is if I create multiple row arrays and navigate them using up and down arrow keys. So, clicking left and right within the array will navigate through the contained images, and the up and down arrows will navigate through the arrays. Please let me know if this idea can be possibly implemented or if there is another way to do this. Thank you. i'm working with a city select option, a hotel select option & an iframe. the hotel select option is populated depending on the chosen city which then updates the iframe src. this is all working fine. the trouble im having is that when the page is refreshed, normal f5 way, the hotel option changes whereas the city option & the iframe src remains the same?? this problem does not occur on a force refresh via control + f5 as then both select options & iframe src revert to their original state. I don't want the city option to change upon a normal page refresh. how do I go about this? below are the city, hotel select options & iframe Code: <form name="hotelslist" id="hotelslist"> <select id="cities" name="cities" onChange="hotel_list(hotelslist.cities.selectedIndex);loadHotel();"> <option value="Baddeck">Baddeck</option> <option value="Banff">Banff</option> </select> <select id="hotelnames" name="hotelnames" onChange="loadHotel();"> <option value="Inverary Resort, Baddeck">Inverary Resort, Baddeck</option> </select> </form> <iframe name="hotelframe" id="hotelframe" src="" scrolling="no" width="660" height="1000" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0"> <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe> below is my javascript functions Code: function loadHotel() { var destURL = document.hotelslist.hotelnames.options[document.hotelslist.hotelnames.selectedIndex].value; window.frames["hotelframe"].location = destURL; } var i; function hotel_list(i){ var hotelslist = document.getElementById("hotelslist"); hotelslist.hotelnames.options.length=0; switch(i) { case 0: //Baddeck hotelslist.hotelnames.options[0] =new Option('Inverary Resort, Baddeck',''); break; case 1: //Banff hotelslist.hotelnames.options[0] =new Option('Banff Caribou Lodge & Spa',''); hotelslist.hotelnames.options[1] =new Option('Banff Ptarmigan Inn',''); hotelslist.hotelnames.options[2] =new Option('Banff Rocky Mountain Resort',''); hotelslist.hotelnames.options[3] =new Option('The Rimrock Resort',''); hotelslist.hotelnames.options[4] =new Option('Fairmont Banff Springs',''); break; } } can some one please advise on a cross browser solution? thanks in advance. Omar. Hi, I'm having trouble figuring out why my image is disappearing when the user clicks on the arrow image to expand text for viewing. The arrow image only disappears if the link text is is more than one line. It remains if the link is only one line of text. Here is the code: HTML code: Code: <div class="ws-webpart> <div class="hidecat1"></div> <div class="hidecat1"> <!--This comment line added please dont remove this comment line --> <a class="hidecat2" id="za0.91" onclick="showHide('a0.91')" href="javascript:void(0)">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a> </div> <div style="display:none;" id="a0.91"> <!--This comment line added please dont remove this comment line --> <div class="hideqst1"> <a id="sb0.913.92" class="hideqst2" onclick="showHide('b0.913.92')" href="javascript:void(0)"> Sed lectus lectus, varius quis vestibulum non, molestie vel est. Integer enim quam, elementum vel ornare non, egestas non augue. Ut varius vulputate mi, </a> </div> <div style="display:none;" id="b0.913.92"> <!--This comment line added please dont remove this comment line --> <div class="hideAns"> <p>Fusce suscipit tempus magna eget eleifend. Ut lacinia, turpis ac tempus euismod, nulla ipsum vehicula sem, et laoreet augue nunc in neque. Maecenas porttitor lacinia risus, et rhoncus felis vestibulum eget. Sed nec turpis nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In fringilla mollis leo sed auctor. </p> </div> </div> <div class="hideqst1"> <a id="sb0.9134.65" class="hideqst2" onclick="showHide('b0.9134.65')" href="javascript:void(0)"> Integer non urna vel ligula interdum?</a> </div> <div style="display:none;" id="b0.9134.65"> <!--This comment line added please dont remove this comment line--> <div class="hideAns"> <p>Suspendisse pretium gravida tortor, id blandit elit hendrerit porttitor. Mauris at purus id neque mollis placerat vitae in tortor. Morbi porta tincidunt sagittis. Nam quis augue justo, id euismod nisl.</p> <p>• Donec sit amet urna felis. Praesent at erat ligula, eget porttitor diam.<br> • Quisque quis sapien leo. Proin sit amet sem et lectus gravida iaculis a non turpis. Vivamus at metus quis odio mattis </p> </div> </div> </div> CSS code: Code:{margin-bottom:15px;clear:both;} .ws-webpart.hidecat1{padding-top:7px;} .ws-webpart.hidecat2{padding-left:2.2ex;color:#000;font-weight:700;text-decoration:underline;background:url(../images/layout/link_arrow.gif) no-repeat 0 3px;} .ws-webpart.hidecat3{padding-left:2.2ex;color:#000;font-weight:700;text-decoration:none;background:url(../images/layout/link_arrow_down.gif) no-repeat 0 3px;} .ws-webpart.collapseqst1{padding-top:7px;padding-left:2.2ex;} .ws-webpart.hideqst2{padding-left:2.2ex;color:#7C902C;padding-right:0;background:url(../images/layout/link_arrow.gif) no-repeat 0 3px; zoom:1;} .ws-webpart.hideqst3{padding-left:2.2ex;color:#7C902C;padding-right:0;background:url(../images/layout/link_arrow_down.gif) no-repeat 0 3px;} .ws-webpart.hideAns{color:#000;padding-left:4.4ex;padding-right:1.5ex;padding-top:7px;} Javascript code: Code: <script language="javascript" > // Function for Collapsible Link function showHide(ID) { if (document.getElementById(ID).style.display == "block"){ document.getElementById(ID).style.display = "none"; if(ID.charAt(0)=="a"){ document.getElementById("z"+ID).className="hidecat2"; } if(ID.charAt(0)=="b"){ document.getElementById("s"+ID).className="hideqst2"; } } else { document.getElementById(ID).style.display = "block"; if(ID.charAt(0)=="a"){ document.getElementById("z"+ID).className="hidecat3"; } if(ID.charAt(0)=="b"){ document.getElementById("s"+ID).className="hideqst3"; } } } </script> I have attached the images. Thanks in advance This has been resolved. The moment i posted it i realised the mistake i was making . Learnig how to delete my post, until then thought i would sdimply delete the content.
hey guys i have the following code that extracts the information from the questiondiv then i have a for loop to search the array but it keeps returning it has no answer can someone help me please and i know im most probly doing somthing realy silly wrong. P.S some reason the codes indenting got messed up when i pasted it here Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script> function code() { function getNodes(prop, val, meth, nd, useSelf ) { var r=[], any= getNodes[val]===true; nd=nd||document.documentElement; if(nd.constructor===Array){nd={childNodes:nd};} for(var cn=nd.childNodes, i=0, mx=cn.length;i<mx;i++) { var it=cn[i]; if( it.childNodes.length && !useSelf ){r=r.concat(getNodes(prop, val, meth, it,useSelf ));} if( any ? it[prop] : (it[prop]!==undefined && (meth ? ""[meth] && String(it[prop])[meth](val) : it[prop]==val))){ r[r.length]=it; } }//nxt return r; };getNodes[null]=true;getNodes[undefined]=true; //end getNodes() var answer; trivia = new Array('test?','test1'); var triviaGet = getNodes( "data", //examine each node's .data property (only hits text nodes) /\?/, //looking for text with a "?" "match", //using String().match method to accept arguments[1] document.getElementById("questiondiv") // looking in the question div )[0].textContent.split("?")[0]+"?" //show text of first match alert(triviaGet); var i=0; var answer1; var answer2; for(i=0; i < 8400; i++) { if(trivia[i] == triviaGet) { answer = trivia[i]+1; document.getElementById("test").innerHTML=(answer) break; } else { document.getElementById("test").innerHTML=("Answer not found!"); } } //search trivia array for match to question //when found the answer is the next one in the array so if it finds the question at index 7261 then the answer is in index 7262 // TODO: insert answer into text box... } </script> </head> <body> <div style="display: none;" id="questiondiv"> You challenge The Wiseman to a game of trivia, he asks you this question:<br/> <br/> test?<br/> <br/> <input class="dungeoninput" type="text" size="16" id="answer" value="" maxlength="32"></input><br/> <div class="btn100" style="margin-top: 6px;" onclick="loadDiv2('/dream/explore?action=acceptTrivia&qid=727'); return false;">Answer</div> </div> <div id="test"> test </div><br /> <button value="code()" onclick="code()">click me</button> </body></html> Hi i am confused in one topic and need help, I have a javascript array containing objects like; Object values are ordered as Type, Amount and count. Object 1 => ("A" , 100 ,10) Object 2 => ("C" , 50 ,10) Object 3 => ("A" , 100 ,20) Object 4 => ("B" , 200 ,10) Object 5 => ("A" , 10 ,10) Object 6 => ("B" , 100 ,10) Object 7 => ("C" , 100 ,5) Object 8 => ("C" , 50 ,5) In the end i want to group these objects like ; ("A" , 100,30) (Note : 30 = 20 +10) ("A" , 10,10) ("B" , 200,10) ("B" , 100,10) ("C" , 100,5) ("C" , 50,15) 15 = 10 + 5 How can i do this in javascript, note that the new types will be added to this array ? Hi, I'm kinda newbie in javascript and would really like some help if you wouldn't mind? I'm working with dreamweaver and VBScript and have drop down lists being populated by dynamic recordsets, the tables that are being used are text fields and everything is working fine other than one niggly thing I want to do and just don't seem to be able to get the javascript code right The data I have has two columns; area and technical issue. As the area contains duplicates I have this as a separate drop down list with a distinct in the sql command and from an onclick event from the 'area' drop down list, I get the value of the selected item [var x = document.NewFacilityAdminDetailsTest.ara_component.selectedIndex; var ara_component = document.NewFacilityAdminDetailsTest.ara_component.options[x].value;] all's well so far.... The second drop down list contains all the 'technical issues' which is great, BUT because its a dynamic recordset its for ALL of the areas and I want to be able to take away the technical issue values in the technical issues drop down list that don't belong to the area that's been picked and I also dont' want the user selecting a technical issue that isn't linked of the area. I've tried some of the samples I've found by googling and even the adobe example but they all seem long winded and I never quite get the code right and the second drop down list just keep showing ALL 'technical issues show' for ALL of the 'areas'. Surely there's a bit of javascript to turn the second drop down list recordset into an array, loop through the array and remove the technical issues that don't match the selected value from the 'area' drop down list and put the array into the second drop down list instead of using the recordset? Any help would be soooooo useful. Best Regards Joan, Cheshire Ok so this is probably a simple question but i have hit a wall he So I have 20 arrays with incremental names (course1, course2, course3 ...) What i want to make is a selection box with 20 options. for each option the value would be course1[0] and the text shown would be course1[1]. if i write this code: <code> for (var i=1; i<=20; i++){ var select = document.getElementById("selectiontest") select.options[select.options.length] = new Option (course1[1], course1[0]) } </code> The code works and the correct array values are put as the option text and value. I am having trouble getting the loop to move from course1 to course2, i used the loop counter in the array name like this: <code> for (var i=1; i<=20; i++){ var select = document.getElementById("selectiontest") select.options[select.options.length] = new Option (('course'+i)[1], ('course'+i)[0]) } </code> this is where it stops working. I get 20 values of o. which i assume is the second character of course. How do i tell javascript to incrementally change the array name during the loop? Any suggestions on how the javascript below should be changed so it will work with checkboxes that have brackets in the name? (I'm using foreach in php, and can't seem to get the php to work/work correctly without using them.) Thanks! Code: function chktotal(j) { var total=0; for (var i=0; i < document.form1.ckbx.length; i++){ if(document.form1.ckbx[i].checked){ total=total+1; } if(total>8){ alert("Please only select 8"); document.form1.ckbx[i].checked = false; total = total -1; return false; } } document.form1.totalval.value = total; } <input onclick="chktotal(2)" value ="Sample Item 1" type="checkbox" name="ckbx[]"> I'm working on this website and some contents are set up in arrays. How do you refer variables to work with arrays. I need the correct syntax.
I'm trying to do this using numerical arrays for an assignment: Create a webpage with three select boxes. If basketball is selected in the first select box, the second select box should display the names Celtics, Lakers, and Bulls. If Celtics is selected from the second select box, the third select box should display the names Larry Bird, Bill Russell, and Kevin McHale. I think i have a good start but i can't seem to get the fields to automatically populate with the players. This has to be done solely with JavaScript. Any help would be greatly appreciated? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var teams = new Array() teams[1] = new Array() teams[1][0] = "Celtics" teams[1][1] = "Lakers" teams[1][2] = "Bulls" teams[2] = new Array() teams[2][0] = "Yankees" teams[2][1] = "Cardinals" teams[2][2] = "Reds" var basketball = new Array() basketball[0] = new Array() basketball[0][0] = "Larry Bird" basketball[0][1] = "Bill Russell" basketball[0][2] = "Kevin McHale" basketball[1] = new Array() basketball[1][0] = "Wilt Chamberlain" basketball[1][1] = "Jerry West" basketball[1][2] = "Magic Johnson" basketball[2] = new Array() basketball[2][0] = "Micheal Jordan" basketball[2][1] = "Scottie Pippen" basketball[2][2] = "Dennis Rodman" var baseball = new Array() baseball[0] = new Array() baseball[0][0] = "Babe Ruth" baseball[0][1] = "Joe DiMaggio" baseball[0][2] = "Mickey Mantle" baseball[1] = new Array() baseball[1][0] = "Mark McGuire" baseball[1][1] = "Ozzie Smith" baseball[1][2] = "Willie McGee" baseball[2] = new Array() baseball[2][0] = "Pete Rose" baseball[2][1] = "Johnny Bench" baseball[2][2] = "Joe Morgan" function fillTeams() { var whichIndex = document.getElementById("theSport").selectedIndex var numberOfTeams = teams[whichIndex].length for(i=0;i < numberOfTeams; i++){ document.getElementById("theTeams").options[i].text = teams[whichIndex][i] } } function fillPlayers() { var whichIndex = document.getElementById("theTeams").selectedIndex if(document.getElementById("theTeams").selectedIndex=="basketball") var numberOfPlayers = teams[teams[whichIndex]].length for(i=0;i < numberOfPlayers; i++) { document.getElementById("thePlayers").options[i].text = basketball[teams[whichIndex]][i] } else if(document.getElementById("theTeams").selectedIndex =="baseball") for(i=0;i < numberOfPlayers; i++) { document.getElementById("thePlayers").options[i].text = basketball[teams[whichIndex]][i] } } //--> </script> </head> <body> <form> <select id="theSport" onChange="fillTeams()"> <option>Choose a Sport</option> <option>Basketball</option> <option> Baseball </option> </select> <select id="theTeams" onChange="fillPlayers()"> <option>................</option> <option></option> <option></option> </select> <select id="thePlayers" size="3"> <option> ...............</option> <option></option> <option></option> </select> </form> </body> </html> Hi, I'm new to JS and I am trying to build my first script. My problem, is I'm trying to build a multi hide/show script, displaying paragraphs of information. If I want multiple variables for the script do I have to use an array? and if so, how can I construct this array? Here is my script as of now, <!-- // this tells jquery to run the function below once the DOM is read $(document).ready(function() { // choose text for the show/hide link var showText="Resume"; var hideText="Hide"; var profile_showText="Profile"; var profile_hideText="Hide"; // append show/hide links to the element directly preceding the element with a class of "toggle" $(".toggle").prev().append(' (<a href="#" class="toggleLink">'+showText+'</a>)'); $(".profile_toggle").prev().append(' (<a href="#" class="profile_toggleLink">'+profile_showText+'</a>)'); // hide all of the elements with a class of 'toggle' $('.toggle').hide(); $('.profile_toggle').hide(); // capture clicks on the toggle links $('a.toggleLink').click(function() { $('a.profile_toggleLink').click(function() { // change the link depending on whether the element is shown or hidden if ($(this).html()==showText) { $(this).html(hideText); } else { $(this).html(showText); } // profile_toggle if ($(this).html()==profile_showText) { $(this).html(profile_hideText); } else { $(this).html(profile_showText); } // toggle the display $(this).parent().next('.toggle').toggle('fast'); // profile_toggle $(this).parent().next('.profile_toggle').profile_toggle('fast'); // return false so any link destination is not followed return false; }); }); }); //--> Right now the script doesn't work with the bottom two variables profile_"ect." Please help, been working on this for sometime and its probably an easy fix for someone experienced. Thanks! Hello guys, I'm new to this forum and to Javascript. I need to make a very simple website to check whether a ticket number is valid or not. I have created an array with all the codes necessary, but when I try to loop through it, the only thing that works as it should is the first element of the array. Basically, I want the code to display Correct!, if there is a match between user input and array, or Wrong if otherwise. Here is my code: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function validate() { var list = new Array; list[0]="zDv5BXAc"; list[1]="6YXF3Qwj"; list[2]="k8UKpgwo"; var code= document.getElementById("code"); var name = document.getElementById("name"); for(var i=list.length-1; i>=0; --i) { if (code.value == list[i]) { document.all.confirm.innerHTML = "Correct" } else document.all.confirm.innerHTML = "Wrong" } } </script> </head> <body> <input name="Name" type="text" id="name" size="50"> <input name="Code" type="text" id="code" size="10"> <input name="Check Code" type="submit" value="Verify" onClick="validate()"> <div id="confirm"></div> </body> </html> Hello, I very new to this language and I still feel like I'm not grasping it... But, anyways, I'm doing a thing for school and I have to let the user input a string. I need to save the string and turn it into an array. For every word that is less than five letters I put "little" at the beginning of the word and for every word that is more than five letters I put "big" at the end of each word. Then I need to return the new string into output. I think I wrote the code really incorrectly, so any tips/advice would be much appreciated! Also, I don't understand adding user input into a code if that makes sense. The tutorials/lessons I've been looking at all say to put information into an array first and then mess with it. But, what if you don't have information in the array until the user puts it in? And once they enter it, then you mess with what they entered. I can't seem to get how to do that. Thank you for your time Code: function texter(newText){ var oldHTML = document.getElementById('outputPrompt').innerHTML; document.getElementById('outputPrompt').innerHTML = newText+"<br />"+oldHTML; console.log(newText); } function menuTwo(){ var userInput = document.getElementById('input').value; var correctedInputArray = userInput.toLowerCase().split(" "); var mainTwo = new Array([""]); for(var i=0; i<correctedInputArray.length; i++){ var thisWord = correctedInputArray[i]; var lessFive = 5; var moreFive = 6; var restOfWord; if(lessFive<5){ mainTwo[i]=thisWord+"-little"; }else if(moreFive>6){ mainTwo[i]="big-"+thisWord; } else{ restOfWord = thisWord.substr(1, thisWord.length-1); } } output = mainTwo.join(" "); texter(output); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>Document</h1> <input type='text' id='input' /> <input type='button' onclick='menuTwo()' value='submit'/> <p id='outputPrompt'>Please enter 1,2,3 or exit only</b> </p> </body> </html> Hi everyone, i am stuck at a problem. i am trying to craete a redimmensionable array using javascript, is there a way to do this, i know that this can be done in vbscript using redim and preserve commands. If not then is it possible to variables between javascript and vbscript, or call vbscript function using javascript. a sample code will be much aprreciated thanks for your time! J Hi there coding friends, im stuck again this time on arrays.. Im trying to get my head around it and im sure it's one of those things you do once you know what your doing (to an extent) now the problem is... i have 2 arrays for a experiment one = flowerheight and the other is flowernumbers. now the height is set out as 15,16,17,18,19 and numbers 2,1,6,4,2 what the aim is in the first part is to times the height by numbers of the corresponding array ie. 15x2 16x1 17x6 18x4 19x2 to make a 3rd array with them as the totals then the second part of the program is to calculate the average height i.e total of total of numbers array (2+1+6+4+2) + total of 3rd array(15x2+16x1+17x6+18x4+19x2) then a write to show what the total was.. now all I have of the code is... Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Flower Experiment </TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> /* * Program to calculate average height of flowers.. */ //Experiment results var flowerHeights = [15,16,17,18,19]; var flowerNumbers = [2,1,6,4,2]; //Write code to work out and show flowerheightxnumbers. //Write code to calculate the average height of the flowers (total of flowernumbers + (flowerheight X numbers) and write it out in the browser window. </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML> now I have no idea how to go about this it's making me loose my mind. Can someone start me off in the right directon and/or explain to me what to do. Anyhelp much appreciated, I wish I could have done more to the question to make it easier for you lot to help me but my brain is frazzled Thanks. James I was looking at that old Strawberry Fields problem and I thought I'd see about solving it in JavaScript. What I want is an array of chars so that I can set individual elements in the array of arrays. Strings are apparently immutable and can't directly be changed? Here's my code. Code: var field = new Array(); var string0 = "..@@@@@..............." var string1 = "..@@@@@@........@@@..." var string2 = ".....@@@@@......@@@..." var string3 = ".......@@@@@@@@@@@@..." var string4 = ".........@@@@@........" var string5 = ".........@@@@@........" for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { field[i] = new Array(); field[i] = eval("string" + i + ".slice('')"); } document.write("field's type is " + typeof field + "<br>"); // object? but it should be explicit array document.write(typeof field[1]) // string? it should explicitly be an array, then it was filled with array elements document.write(typeof field[1][2]); // string - ok, I understand this bit document.write(field[1].length); document.write("<br>"); for (var i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { field[i] = new Array(); for (var k = 0; k < eval("string" + i + ".length"); k++) { field[i][k] = eval("string" + i + ".charAt(" + k + ")"); } document.write("<br>"); } document.write("field's type is " + typeof field + "<br>"); // seriously, an object? document.write(typeof field[1]) // why is this an object instead of an array? document.write(typeof field[1][2]); // string, yeah, I understand this as well document.write(field[1].length); document.write("<br>"); Also, it looks like I can't overwrite a 1-length string that's in the array of arrays. For instance: Code: newField = field; //for loops newField[i][k] = 0; // does nothing, newField's elements remain the same. |