JavaScript - Parsing The Sms Query String
Similar TutorialsI'm developing a DHTML based Flashcard app that will work using firefox (MiniMo on Mobile Devices). It's working fine (reads and writes datafile to and from the local disk). However, when i start reviewing the flashcards, it seems to have some parsing issues. Do explain more about the data file, it is a 3 record CSV file with 3 catagories: ChineseCharacter, PinYin, English For some reason or another, i can figure out how to correctly pars out and put the correct data in the corresponding Data Arrays. I would like to get this program working as soon as i can, i plan to use it to study for the HSK test (Chinese proficiency test). I'm supposed to take it in about 4 months. - yes im cramming here's my code: Code: <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> // Set Global Variables var ChineseCard = new Array(); var PinYinCard = new Array(); var EnglishCard = new Array(); var Records = new Array(); var Know = 0; var DontKnow = 0; var CurrentCard = 0; var NumberOfCards = 0; var DataFile = "C:" + String.fromCharCode(92) + "FlashCard.txt"; var Delimeter = ","; function init() { document.getElementById("FlashCardPlayer").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("FlashCardEditor").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("MainMenu").style.visibility = "visible"; } function ShowPlayer() { document.getElementById("FlashCardPlayer").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("MainMenu").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("FlashCardEditor").style.visibility = "hidden"; LoadFlashCard(); } function ShowEditor() { document.getElementById("FlashCardEditor").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("FlashCardPlayer").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("MainMenu").style.visibility = "hidden"; } function ShowMain() { document.getElementById("MainMenu").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("FlashCardPlayer").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("FlashCardEditor").style.visibility = "hidden"; } function ClickShowPinYin() { document.getElementById("PinYin").value = PinYinCard[CurrentCard]; } function ClickShowEnglish() { document.getElementById("English").value = EnglishCard[CurrentCard]; } function ClickKnow() { Know = Know + 1; if(CurrentCard == NumberOfCards) { // Display the score alert("You scored " + Know + " out of " + NumberOfCards); CurrentCard = 0; Know = 0; DontKnow = 0; // clear all textboxes and put index(0) chinese character into the chinese character textbox } CurrentCard = CurrentCard + 1; document.getElementById("PinYin").value = ""; document.getElementById("English").value = ""; document.getElementById("ChineseCharacter").value = ChineseCard[CurrentCard]; } function ClickDontKnow() { DontKnow = DontKnow + 1 if(CurrentCard == NumberOfCards) { // Display the score alert("You scored " + Know + " out of " + NumberOfCards); CurrentCard = 0; Know = 0; DontKnow = 0; // clear all textboxes and put index(0) chinese character into the chinese character textbox } CurrentCard = CurrentCard + 1; document.getElementById("PinYin").value = ""; document.getElementById("English").value = ""; document.getElementById("ChineseCharacter").value = ChineseCard[CurrentCard]; } function ClearEditor() { // Clear all the text boxes in the editor document.getElementById("EditChinese").value = ""; document.getElementById("EditPinYin").value = ""; document.getElementById("EditEnglish").value = ""; } function WriteData() { // Conicate the Record data var WriteData = document.getElementById("EditChinese").value + Delimeter + document.getElementById("EditPinYin").value + Delimeter + document.getElementById("EditEnglish").value + "\r"; // Load the data file's current contents var OldData = LoadFromDisk(DataFile); if (OldData == null) { var WriteDataUTF8 = utf8Encode(WriteData); // The file was blank, so don't try to append null content data SaveToDisk(DataFile, WriteDataUTF8 + "\n"); } else { var OldDataUTF8 = utf8Decode(OldData); var AppendData = OldDataUTF8 + WriteData + "\n"; var UTF8data = utf8Encode(AppendData) // Write the data to the file SaveToDisk(DataFile, UTF8data); } // Clear the TextBoxes to prepare for the next entry ClearEditor(); } function LoadFlashCard() { // Load the FlashCard Information from the DataFile into the Arrays var LoadData = LoadFromDisk(DataFile); // Convert the Datafile from UTF8 to ASCII var LoadDataUTF8 = utf8Decode(LoadData); Records = LoadDataUTF8.split(Delimeter); // Load the Elements in to the ChineseText, PinYin, and English Arrays NumberOfCards = (Records.length -1) / 2; NumberOfRecords = NumberOfCards * 3; // Load the Chinese Characters var Ptr = 0; for (var x = 0; x < NumberOfRecords; x = x + 3) { ChineseCard[Ptr] = Records[x]; Ptr++; } Ptr = 0; // Load the PinYin for (var x = 1; x < NumberOfRecords; x = x + 3) { PinYinCard[Ptr] = Records[x]; Ptr++; } Ptr = 0; // Load the English for (var x = 2; x < NumberOfRecords; x = x + 3) { EnglishCard[Ptr] = Records[x]; Ptr++; } alert(ChineseCard[1]); alert(PinYinCard[1]); alert(EnglishCard[1]); } function SaveToDisk(FileName, Content) { try {"UniversalXPConnect"); } catch (e) { alert("Permission to save file was denied."); } var file = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); file.initWithPath( FileName ); if ( file.exists() == false ) { file.create( Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 420 ); } var outputStream = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance( Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream ); outputStream.init( file, 0x04 | 0x08 | 0x20, 420, 0 ); var output = Content; var result = outputStream.write( output, output.length ); outputStream.close(); } function LoadFromDisk(filePath) { if(window.Components) try {"UniversalXPConnect"); var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); file.initWithPath(filePath); if (!file.exists()) return(null); var inputStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream); inputStream.init(file, 0x01, 00004, null); var sInputStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream); sInputStream.init(inputStream); return(; } catch(e) { //alert("Exception while attempting to load\n\n" + e); return(false); } return(null); } // ***************** The following are the functions for UTF8 *************************** // if these are removed or modified in any way, the foreign language characters might not display correctly or at all // Use utf8Encode(str) to Encode data to UTF8 format // Use utf8Decode(utf8Str) to Decode data to ASCII format //an alias of String.fromCharCode function chr(code) { return String.fromCharCode(code); } //returns utf8 encoded charachter of a unicode value. //code must be a number indicating the Unicode value. //returned value is a string between 1 and 4 charachters. function code2utf(code) { if (code < 128) return chr(code); if (code < 2048) return chr(192+(code>>6)) + chr(128+(code&63)); if (code < 65536) return chr(224+(code>>12)) + chr(128+((code>>6)&63)) + chr(128+(code&63)); if (code < 2097152) return chr(240+(code>>18)) + chr(128+((code>>12)&63)) + chr(128+((code>>6)&63)) + chr(128+(code&63)); } //it is a private function for internal use in utf8Encode function function _utf8Encode(str) { var utf8str = new Array(); for (var i=0; i<str.length; i++) { utf8str[i] = code2utf(str.charCodeAt(i)); } return utf8str.join(''); } //Encodes a unicode string to UTF8 format. function utf8Encode(str) { var utf8str = new Array(); var pos,j = 0; var tmpStr = ''; while ((pos =[^\x00-\x7F]/)) != -1) { tmpStr = str.match(/([^\x00-\x7F]+[\x00-\x7F]{0,10})+/)[0]; utf8str[j++] = str.substr(0, pos); utf8str[j++] = _utf8Encode(tmpStr); str = str.substr(pos + tmpStr.length); } utf8str[j++] = str; return utf8str.join(''); } //it is a private function for internal use in utf8Decode function function _utf8Decode(utf8str) { var str = new Array(); var code,code2,code3,code4,j = 0; for (var i=0; i<utf8str.length; ) { code = utf8str.charCodeAt(i++); if (code > 127) code2 = utf8str.charCodeAt(i++); if (code > 223) code3 = utf8str.charCodeAt(i++); if (code > 239) code4 = utf8str.charCodeAt(i++); if (code < 128) str[j++]= chr(code); else if (code < 224) str[j++] = chr(((code-192)<<6) + (code2-128)); else if (code < 240) str[j++] = chr(((code-224)<<12) + ((code2-128)<<6) + (code3-128)); else str[j++] = chr(((code-240)<<18) + ((code2-128)<<12) + ((code3-128)<<6) + (code4-128)); } return str.join(''); } //Decodes a UTF8 formated string function utf8Decode(utf8str) { var str = new Array(); var pos = 0; var tmpStr = ''; var j=0; while ((pos =[^\x00-\x7F]/)) != -1) { tmpStr = utf8str.match(/([^\x00-\x7F]+[\x00-\x7F]{0,10})+/)[0]; str[j++]= utf8str.substr(0, pos) + _utf8Decode(tmpStr); utf8str = utf8str.substr(pos + tmpStr.length); } str[j++] = utf8str; return str.join(''); } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> <!-- ***************************************** Flash Card Player ***************************************** --> <div id="FlashCardPlayer" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;" > <input id="ChineseCharacter" type="textbox" style="position: absolute; left: 75px; top: 5px; width: 100px; height: 100px; font-size: 35px;"> <input id="PinYin" type="textbox" style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 110px; width: 225px;" > <input id="English" type="textbox" style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 135px; width: 225px;"> <input type="button" value="Know" style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 170px; width: 100px; height: 30px;" onclick="ClickKnow();"> <input type="button" value="Dont Know" style="position: absolute; left: 125px; top: 170px; width: 100px; height: 30px;" onclick="ClickDontKnow();"> <input type="button" value="PinYin" style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 210px; width: 100px; height: 30px;" onclick="ClickShowPinYin();"> <input type="button" value="English" style="position: absolute; left: 125px; top: 210px; width: 100px; height: 30px;" onclick="ClickShowEnglish();"> <a href="" style="position: absolute; left:10px; top: 245px;" onclick="ShowMain();">Home</a> </div> <!-- ****************************************** Flashcard Editor ****************************************** --> <div id="FlashCardEditor" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;"> <input id="EditChinese" style="position: absolute; left: 75px; top: 5px; width: 100px; height: 100px; font-size: 35px;" type="textbox"> <input id="EditPinYin" style="position:absolute; left: 5px; top: 110px; width: 225px;" type="textbox"> <input id="EditEnglish" style="position:absolute; left: 5px; top: 135px; width: 225px;" type="textbox"> <input id="EditClearTextButton" value="Clear" style="position:absolute; left: 5px; top: 180px; width: 100px; height: 30px;" onclick="ClearEditor();" type="button"> <input name="EditOKButton" value="OK" style="position: absolute; left: 125px; top: 180px; width: 100px; height: 30px;" onclick="WriteData();" type="button"> <a href="" style="position: absolute; left:10px; top: 225px;" onclick="javascript:Alert("*sigh* i'm getting to it!");">New</a> <a href="" style="position: absolute; left:10px; top: 245px;" onclick="ShowMain();">Home</a> <br> </div> <!-- ****************************************** Define the Layer for the Main menu ****************************************** --> <div id="MainMenu" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;"> These are the instructions for the Flashcard App. In the future, there should be a score board and a selection of word lists and other such things. However, it's blank for now until i finish this app :) <input value="Study Flashcards" style="position: absolute; left: 50px; top: 170px; width: 120px; height: 30px;" onclick="javascript:ShowPlayer();" type="button"> <input value="Edit Flashcards" style="position: absolute; left: 50px; top: 210px; width: 120px; height: 30px;" onclick="ShowEditor();" type="button"> </div> </body> </html> I wanted to parse (split) a string between numbers, operators and words. I can get 2 out of 3 of my desires using this... Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Token Parser </title> </head> <body> <pre id="debug"></pre> <script type="text/javascript"> function splitInfix(str) { var tarr = str.match(/[\d*|\S*]/g); return tarr.join(' '); } var str = '', tokens = ''; str = '1+2+3'; tokens = splitInfix(str); document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML = str + '<br>' + tokens + '<br>Spaces correctly<p>'; // OK str = '1+2^3*(4-3)'; tokens = splitInfix(str); document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML += str + '<br>' + tokens + '<br>Spaces correctly<p>'; // OK str = tokens; tokens = splitInfix(str); document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML += str + '<br>' + tokens + '<br>Spaces correctly<p>'; // OK str = '1+2^3*sin(4-3)'; tokens = splitInfix(str); document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML += str + '<br>' + tokens + '<br>Spaces sin wrong<p>'; // NFG str = 'cos(180)+sin(90)'; tokens = splitInfix(str); document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML += str + '<br>' + tokens + '<br>Spaces cos & sin wrong<p>'; // NFG </script> </body> </html> The OK examples appear to accomplish what I want, but the Not Fully Good (NFG) examples put spaces between the words as well, which I don't want. Is there something I can add to the function to make the output appear as words cos & sin instead of c o s & s i n ? Or is there another function I can use to combine only the characters [a-z] and [A-Z] into whole words while leaving the spaces as is for the other characters and numbers? Thanks for any thoughts on the matter. Hello All, I have a string array in a class file that contains 5 values, which I need to display on the jsp page. but when I send it to the javascript it prints [Ljava.lang.String;@104f8b8 . what do i do about it. I am a new to javascript. Is there a way to get my array data from the response object. Please help. Hi I am trying to create a query string similar to the one available he The problem that I am having is that I have more than one button on my page and even though my id's are unique all of my data is displaying on the action page at the same time. The code that i am using for my buttons is: Code: <label for="name_1">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name1" id="name_1" tabindex="1" size="40" value="Donald Duck" /> <br /> <br /> <input type="submit" id='view1' value="Submit" tabindex="2" /> <label for="name_1">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name2" id="name_2" tabindex="1" size="40" value="Mickey Mouse" /> <br /> <br /> <input type="submit" id='view2' value="View" tabindex="2" /> I have a lot more than 2 buttons on my page. when a button is clicked I would like to be able to get the values from the query string and only see the values for the button that was clicked like this one: but instead I am getting Name: Donald Duck, Name: Mickey Mouse. What would I have to add or change to obtain just one Name to display at a time but have it be different depending on which button is pressed? Hello everybody ! I'm searching for a javascript function that convert array to query string. Like this example : Code: var array = { a=1, b=2, c=3 }; to a=1&b=2&c=3 I'm using jQuery and the function .serialize() convert only html forms. Does someone know a function to do this ? Thanks ! Hey all, I have an issue building a query string. Basically, I have this: /sites?order=site_numper_page=20& But I would like to convert it to this: /sites?order=site_num&per_page=20 I have tried this to check if the current iterator is less than the length of the object and if so, then add the "&", otherwise, don't. But it doesn't seem to work: Code: $.each(query_string, function(key,value){ params += key + '=' + value; if((value + 1) != query_string.length){ params += "&"; } }) Thanks for any response. Hello all, essentially i am grabbing a variable from the query string and i need to pass that value into another script. allow me to explain; usually i use this code to display a persons email address from the query string onto the page using document.write <script> function getQueryVariable(variable) { var query =; var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); if (pair[0] == variable) { return pair[1]; } } document.write(''); } </script> then i would display the var with this <script> document.write( getQueryVariable("Contact0Email") ); </script> ------------ ok so here is what i need to do. my client sent me the code below asking me to pass the email var into the javascript and image. my programmer friend said to use php and do smething like; <SCRIPT language="javascript" src="<? echo . $_GET['Contact0Email']; ?>"></SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT><IMG src="<? echo . $_GET['Contact0Email']; ?>" width="1" height="1" border="0"></NOSCRIPT> this syntax does not work; <? echo . $_GET['Contact0Email']; ?> WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? Is the syntax wrong or are there better methods? Hi all, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with this problem. I have some JavaScript code that encodes (escapes) a string (typically a URL) - I then want to pass the encoded string to a php page via a querystring. Trouble is, the querystring doesn't contain the correct encoded string! For example - If we assume the string I want to pass contains the data : tester My encoder, encodes this as : %74%65%73%74%65%72 When the code then passes this in a query string to, for example, code.php the querystring comes out as follows : code.php?encstring=tester The following is the JavaScript code that encodes, shows an alert box with the correct encoded string in it and then calls the code.php with the encoded string attached. Please help? What am I missing here? Code: NOTE: variables: os is the input string and ns is the encoded string. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var os='tester'; var ns=''; var t; var chr=''; var cc=''; var tn=''; for(i=0;i<256;i++){ tn=i.toString(16); if(tn.length<2)tn="0"+tn; cc+=tn; chr+=unescape('%'+tn); } cc=cc.toUpperCase(); os.replace(String.fromCharCode(13)+'',"%13"); for(q=0;q<os.length;q++){ t=os.substr(q,1); for(i=0;i<chr.length;i++){ if(t==chr.substr(i,1)){ t=t.replace(chr.substr(i,1),"%"+cc.substr(i*2,2)); i=chr.length; }} ns+=t; } alert(ns); window.location = "code.php?encstring="+ns; </script> Code: <head> <script src=""></script> <script> function getQuerystringNameValue(subid) { var winURL = window.location.href; var queryStringArray = winURL.split("?"); var queryStringParamArray = queryStringArray[1].split("&"); var nameValue = null; for ( var i=0; i<queryStringParamArray.length; i++ ) { queryStringNameValueArray = queryStringParamArray[i].split("="); if ( subid == queryStringNameValueArray[0] ) { nameValue = queryStringNameValueArray[1]; } } return nameValue; } </script> <script> function getQuerystringNameValue(uid) { var winURL = window.location.href; var queryStringArray = winURL.split("?"); var queryStringParamArray = queryStringArray[1].split("&"); var nameValue = null; for ( var i=0; i<queryStringParamArray.length; i++ ) { queryStringNameValueArray = queryStringParamArray[i].split("="); if ( uid == queryStringNameValueArray[0] ) { nameValue = queryStringNameValueArray[1]; } } return nameValue; } </head> And trying to pass into this link but its not working. Code: <map name="Map"> <area id="link-connector" shape="rect" coords="33,466,349,530" href="" + getQuerystringNameValue("uid") + "&ptid=" + getQuerystringNameValue("subid") + "&lcpt=0&lcpf=3"> </map> <body> Reply With Quote 01-13-2015, 07:21 PM #2 rnd me View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage Senior Coder Join Date Jun 2007 Location Urbana Posts 4,497 Thanks 11 Thanked 603 Times in 583 Posts you can't use script in the middle of an attrib like that, you need to hard-code that url in whole, or build the string in JS and apply it all at once. Hey I need help to obtain the requested javascript's query string. Example: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js?v=123"></script> How can I use that query string inside script.js for example like Code: var v = 'The code to get the query fragment'; alert(v); // alerts '123' Thank you. - DJCMBear Hello Friends... I am working on parsing the querystring using javascript So I have successfully parsed the querystring & also replace the special character+ but I want to display the querystring in the TextField Control So how to implement it Please guide me.... The code is JScript .NET, which is basically a .NET version of Javascript. Regardless of language, Anyone with appending type of skill can answer my question. The problem is, when I keep issuing the request it keeps appending over and over again Code: if (oSession.uriContains("search?q=")) { var str = oSession.fullUrl; var sAppend = "+test1+test2+test3"; if (!oSession.uriContains(sAppend)) { oSession.fullUrl = str.replace( "search?q=","search?q="+sAppend); } } Can you please give me an example? I'm still new to programming. Thank you Hello, I am trying to update an iframe when the user makes a selection from a select box. I don't have any trouble with changing the iframe, but when I try to send a varible as a quey string, the variable doesn't pass to the iframe properly. // this is in my header, and it is initiated from the onchange below. // it changes the page fine, but doesn't read the varible "num" // that was passed to the function <script language="javaScript"> <!-- function updatenotes (num) { document.getElementById("desc").src = 'iframe1.cfm?dec=num' } //--> </script> // this is the select box that initiates the function from onchange // for simplicities sake, I hard coded 3 options, but in reality, // these options are ever changing <select name="Description" onchange="updatenotes(this.options[selectedIndex].value)"> <option name="">Select a project</option> <option name="2" >project2</option> <option name="3" >project3</option> </select> Any help you can offer would me ver appreciated. thanks Hey all, I'm in process of writing my own script (I don't want to use any jquery plugins) to render a table and allow for filtering/searching. So when user clicks on link, by default there will be parameters passed in query string as you can see in the setDefaults private method below. However, I'm stuck trying to figure out the best way to append values selected from filter dropdown to the query string. I know it will involve something along the lines of $("select").change(function(){var option = $(this).val()}). But I am having difficulty figuring out how to incorporate it with this. I would like to make use of the below buildFilter function somehow: Code: (function($){ var listview = $('#listview'); var lists = (function(){ var criteria = { drop_filter: { check: function(value){ if(value) return }, msg: "Loading..." }, search_filter: { check: function(value){ if(value) return }, msg: "Loading..." } } var handleFilter = function(){ } return { create: function(component){ var component = component.href.substring(component.href.lastIndexOf('#') + 1); return component; }, setDefaults: function(component){ var parameter = {}; switch(component){ case "sites": parameter = { 'order': 'site_num', 'per_page': '20', 'url': '/sites' } } return parameter; }, buildFilter: function(){ if(event == "change") return criteria.drop_filter(); } } })(); $('#dashboard a').click(function(){ var currentComponent = lists.create(this); var custom = lists.setDefaults(currentComponent); initializeTable(custom); }); var initializeTable = function(custom){ var defaults = {}; var query_string = $.extend(defaults, custom); var params = []; $.each(query_string, function(key,value){ params += key + ': ' + value; }) alert(params); } })(jQuery) Thanks for any response. In this case, Let's take Google Search as example: The code is JScript .NET, which is basically a .NET version of Javascript. Regardless of language, Anyone with appending type of skill can answer my question. This code is used in Fiddler(It's a Man-in-the-middle proxy) Code: if (oSession.uriContains("&q=")) // oSession is a Fiddler object session // uriContains() function, checks for case-insensitive string from the URI { var str = oSession.fullUrl; var sAppend = "test1+test2+test3"; if (!oSession.uriContains(sAppend)) { oSession.fullUrl = str.replace( "&q=","&q="+sAppend); } } For those who are confused, It says, If &q= is present in the URI, replace/append &q= with &q=test1+test2+test3 Problem: It appends test1+test2+test3 instantly, when it sees &q= in the URL. Basically, how do I make it wait until I click the submit/search button Thank you. Update: I heard about Onsubmit() event, but not really familiar with it. How do I use it? like, should I go to google source page and edit the form id? Also, Any other methods besides Onsubmit()? Hey all, I have a simple example below showing how when I pass in the value of the value attribute of option node, and then use if operator to check whether parameter is a string or not, even though it's a string, it converts it to false boolean and triggers the else statement rather than calling a function: Code: <body> <select> <option value="createMsg">Add Message</option> <option value="removeMsg">Remove Message</option> </select> </body> Code: var menu = { handleMenu : function(callback){ if(callback === "string"){ menu[callback](); } else { console.log("Issue occurred") } }, createMsg : function(){ var content = document.createTextNode("Please give additional information."), heading = document.createElement("h1"); heading.appendChild(content); document.body.appendChild(heading); }, removeMsg : function(){ } } document.getElementsByTagName('select')[0].onchange = function(){ menu.handleMenu(this.value)}; callback should be a string so why is it saying otherwise? Thanks for response I'm trying to parse out location data from XML that is passed back from Google. It currently parses the data correctly, the problem is that it grabs all of the matching tags, instead of just the first results set. Here's an example of the output. Here's the code I'm using to achieve this: Code: function(){ var url = ',NJ&sensor=false'; $.ajax({url: 'proxy2.php?url='+url, type: "GET", dataType: "text", success: function ($data) {$data = $($data); lat = ($data.find('geometry').find('location').find('lat').text()); long = ($data.find('geometry').find('location').find('lng').text()); }});}); How would I change it so that it only grabs the data from the first set of results? Anyone that can help on this one it would be greatly appreciated... I need to make a form parses a result from column 1 of txt/csv file that has 7 columns. Column 1 is pay, column 2-7 are how many and the associated rows are the answers. In short 1 2 3 4 5 6 700 50 55 62 75 80 99 so if the customer enters i make 700 and i need 2 the result would be 55 as the output. Any idea on how to make that work with javascript? if (pay <=700 && widgets = 2) { document.write(55) elseif (pay <=700 && widgets = 1) document.write(50) is this doable and is it the easiest way to accomplish this? Hi All I have a xml string located in a hidden textbox that i need to parse how do i get it into a xml object I thought nievly i could xmlDoc = document.getElementById("XML").value alert(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("SupplMets")[0]); document.write("<table border='1'>"); but obviously i need to do some more work to get it into an xml object ...any ideas the end goal here is to get the data in the xml into a table here is what the xml string looks like <SupplMets TumorSupplementalId="272341"><SupplMet TumorSupplMetsId="109130" SiteOfMetastasis="C020" DateOfMetastasis="20010101" MetastasisIdType="" MetastasisEliminated="" MetastasisSD="02-003710" /></SupplMets> Hey, Im fairly new to javascript but I am an experianced php programmer. I have been parsing XML information using php, but my CPU usage has been too high recently due to this. I am trying to convert my scripts to javascript, but I am unsure how I can do this using javascript. I think that if I get started off, the rest will be easy. One of my XML files is located at Code: Basically I have been trying to grab the Name, Artist and large image of the most recent <track>. Any help would be greatly appreciated and linked too on my website . Tim |