JavaScript - Simple Loop Question
I have the following code:
Code: if (n==1 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-a1.wav"; } else if (n==1 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-a1.wav"; } else if (n==2 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-e1.wav"; } else if (n==2 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-e1.wav"; } else if (n==3 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-i1.wav"; } else if (n==3 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-i1.wav"; } else if (n==4 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-o1.wav"; } else if (n==4 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-o1.wav"; } else if (n==5 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-u1.wav"; } else if (n==5 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-u1.wav"; } else if (n==6 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-b1.wav"; } else if (n==6 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-b1.wav"; } else if (n==7 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-b1.wav"; } else if (n==7 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-b1.wav"; } else if (n==8 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-h1.wav"; } else if (n==8 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-h1.wav"; } else if (n==9 && g <=5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Boy-t1.wav"; } else if (n==9 && g >5) { sndPlayer1.URL ="Girl-t1.wav"; } I was wondering what the best way to make a smaller simpler version of this code is? Would it be using a loop? If so can you help me with how to Similar TutorialsCode: <html> <head> <title>lightning generator</title> </head> <body> <canvas id='world' width='500' height='500' style='border: 1px solid black; padding:0;'></canvas> <script type="text/javascript"> var world = { } ; world.ground = { } ; world.ground.slice = []; var ctx = document.getElementById( 'world' ).getContext( '2d' ); world.ground.make = function( GArray ){ ctx.fillStyle = '#000'; for ( var i = 0; i <= GArray.length; i ++ ){ if ( GArray[i + 1] === null ){ GArray[i + 1] = GArray[i]; } world.ground.slice[i] = GArray[i]; ctx.moveTo( i, - 500 ); ctx.lineTo( i, GArray[i] ); } }; world.ground.make( [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29] ); </script> </body> </html> it should make a simple area at the bottom of the canvas thats black., a incling with a slope of 2 and than a straight line. .....dots ar unfiled..... ..._____________ ../ ./filled area... / Hi guys I have what i think is a fairly simple script used for an image gallery with a next and back button. It seems to work pretty well, but i would like to make the gallery scroll round... ie when the user reaches the last picture and presses the next button again, the first image will be displayed again - and visa versa with the first image and the back button. Below is my JS, can post the small amount of HTML that calls it if necessary. Any help MUCH appreciated, been messing around with it for ages and being the newbie i am, can't seem to find any way of doing it Code: // List image names without extension var myImg= new Array(6) myImg[0]= "performance2011"; myImg[1]= "performance2005"; myImg[2]= "performance2006"; myImg[3]= "performance2007"; myImg[4]= "performance2008"; myImg[5]= "performance2009"; myImg[6]= "performance2010"; // Tell browser where to find the image myImgSrc = "../images/"; // Tell browser the type of file myImgEnd = ".jpg" var i = 0; // Create function to load image function loadImg(){ document.imgSrc.src = myImgSrc + myImg[i] + myImgEnd; } // Create link function to switch image backward function prev(){ if(i<1){ var l = i } else { var l = i-=1; } document.imgSrc.src = myImgSrc + myImg[l] + myImgEnd; } // Create link function to switch image forward function next(){ if(i>5){ var l = i } else { var l = i+=1; } document.imgSrc.src = myImgSrc + myImg[l] + myImgEnd; } // Load function after page loads window.onload=loadImg; Code: <script> var rXL = ""; do { rXL = prompt("Enter more entries? Y/N"); // IF Y or N is entered, the loop should in theory exit } while (rXL != "Y" || rXL != "N"); </script> IF Y or N is entered, the above loop should in theory exit, however it results in a infinite loop :/. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thank you all . This is driving me crazy. I simply want to display the values of the checkboxes with a specific name. This loop executes only once, then stops, showing no error msg. I have found no similar problem elsewhere on the net and have done a ton of tests, but cannot find out why it won't continue to loop. I've included the whole html file. Please Help! Code: <HTML> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function test1() { var chkLen=document.frmTable.CHK0.length; for (k=0;k<chkLen;k++) { //execution stops after one loop. no error msg. document.write(document.getElementsByName('CHK0')[k].value); } } </SCRIPT> <FORM NAME=frmTable> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=CHK0 VALUE='one'>1</TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=CHK0 VALUE='two'>2</TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=CHK0 VALUE='three'>3</TD> </TR> </TABLE><BR> <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE='Go' onClick=test1()> </FORM> </HTML> I am stuck on these problems and cannot figure them out! Any help would be appreciated. Thank you! Code: public int sumkj(int k, int j){ // Complete the method using a for loop that will add the numbers from k to j, // where j is greater than k int total = 0; // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE return total; } // whilesum10 public int whilesum10(){ // Complete the method using a while loop that will add the numbers // from 1 to 10 int total = 0; int i = 1; // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE return total; } // whilesumkj public int whilesumkj(int k, int j){ // Complete the method using a while loop that will add the numbers // from k to j, where j is greater than k int total = 0; int i = k; // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE return total; } public int dosum10(){ // Complete the method using a do-while loop (i.e. condition at end of loop) // that will add the numbers from 1 to 10 int total = 0; int i = 1; // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE return total; } public int dosumkj(int k, int j){ // Complete the method using a do-while loop (i.e. condition at end of loop) // that will add the numbers from k to j, where j is greater than k int total = 0; int i = k; // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE return total; } public String arrayprint(){ String msg = ""; String abc[] = new String[6]; abc[0] = "a"; abc[1] = "b"; abc[2] = "c"; abc[3] = "d"; abc[4] = "e"; abc[5] = "f"; // Create a loop that will output the values stored in the array abc // using a for loop and the array length // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE return msg; } public String baseballOuts(){ String msg = ""; int totalOuts = 0; // Write a set of nested for-loops that willdetermine the number of // outs in a regulation baseball game. Assume: 9 innings per game, // 2 halves per inning, 3 outs per half inning. // You solution should include a loop (outer or nested) for each // of the assumptions. // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE msg = "Total number of outs in a regulation baseball game is " + totalOuts + "."; return msg; } public String factorial (int n){ String msg = ""; int factnum = 1; // Use a loop to calculate the factorial of an input integer. // Note: If the input integer is too high an error may occur even if your // logic is correct. Why? At what value of input does the error occur? // How can you adjust the method so that either the error does not occur // or the method "fails gracefully?" Write your answers in the form of // a comment here. // TODO: ADD LOOP CODE HERE msg = n + "! = " + factnum; return msg; } } So I am wanting to loop through a set of data an undefined amount of times. For this I need a while loop. However, I want the loop to check for the given condition and continue looping on true, but when it breaks on false - to then execute a different command. Code: while(localStorage.getItem(x) != null) { x++; if(localStorage.getItem(x) == null) { localStorage.setItem(x, account.join(";")); break; } } } This works by continuing to loop everytime with the x++ and the nested if statement inside. The problem gets messier as now I need to perform a separate while loop around the entire thing checking for a different condition. To sum things up, what is the most efficient way to perform a while loop and have one action be performed on success and another if it breaks or reaches a defined condition. I have a dice rolling function. The user enters the number of sides, and the dice rolls 36000 times. I track the results, and then display the percentages of each number being rolled as well. I have it to where it displays but only for ONE die ( eg : a 5 sided die, it only displays up to 5, and not 10 ) But the function is rolling for both die, just not displaying. I'm thinking I need to change, in the rollDice function, <=d.side to <=rolled_value, but whenever I do this, I get NaN errors. Any help would be appreciated! Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function Die(side) { this.side = side; this.roll = function () { var result; result = parseInt(((Math.random() * 1000) % this.side) + 1 ); return result; } // <![CDATA[ this.validateNum = function (side) { if (side > 1 && side < 101) return true; else return false; } } function rollDice() { var d = new Die(document.getElementById('number').value); if (d.validateNum(d.side) == true) { var numCount = new Array(d.side); var percent; var rolled_value; for (var i=1; i<=d.side; i++) numCount[i] = 0; for (var j=0; j<36000; j++) { rolled_value = d.roll() + d.roll(); numCount[rolled_value] = numCount[rolled_value] + 1; } for (var k=1; k <= d.side; k++) document.writeln("Number of" + " " + k +"'s" + " " + "rolled" + ' : ' + numCount[k] + '<br/>' ); for (var l = 1; l <= d.side; l++) { percent = new Number(parseFloat(numCount[l] / 36000) * 100).toFixed(2); document.writeln("Percentage of" + " " + l + " " + "being rolled" + ' : ' + percent + '% <br/>'); } } //]]> How do I re-write this from VBA to JAVASCRIPT? Code: For i = 0 To num_fields - 1 Forgive me, im still new at this stuff. Thanks. Jay Okay, I am taking a js class and there is one minor bug that is driving me crazy with this assignment. First, here is the code I wrote, then my question: Code: var games = ["Jacks","Chutes and Ladders","Extreme Uno","Bopit","Barbie Doll"]; var price = [4.00,15.99,25.00,27.99,32.00]; var inventory = [40,15,30,20,40]; //I could not figure out how to make this work without assigning values first. It was giving NaN. var subtotal = [0,0,0,0,0]; var qtySold = [0,0,0,0,0]; function chooseItem() { var answer = 0; while (answer != 6) { var orderForm = "Choose a number below:\n"; for (var i=0; i<games.length; i++) { orderForm = orderForm + (i + 1) + ".) " + games[i] + ": # in stock: " + inventory[i] + "\n"; } orderForm = orderForm + "6.) Show Sales Summary"; answer = prompt(orderForm); answer = parseFloat(answer); if(answer != 6 && answer >= 1 && answer < games.length+1) { var qty = prompt("How many " + games[answer-1] + " would you like?"); qtySold[answer-1] = parseFloat(qtySold[answer-1]) + parseFloat(qty); subtotal[answer-1] = qtySold[answer-1] * price[answer-1]; } else if (answer < 1 || answer > 6) { alert("Invalid Answer"); } else { alert("Click OK to see your summary:"); } } var summary = "Your Sales: \n"; for (var j=0; j<qtySold.length; j++) { summary = summary + qtySold[j] + " " + games[j] + " at " + currency(price[j]) + " each for a total of " + currency(subtotal[j]) + "\n"; } alert(summary); } So basically, the arrays subtotal and qtySold need to retain values in case the "customer" chooses to add more of the same item in each order. What you see above works; however, when I alert the summary, it lists all of the items, even if there were none ordered. It simply says 0, but that is not what I want. Basically, I only want the total to reflect only the items that were actually selected. I do not what to do it this way: Code: var subtotal = [0,0,0,0,0]; var qtySold = [0,0,0,0,0]; I can effectively do this by NOT assigning any values to the qtySold array in the beginning: i.e. doing it this way: Code: var subtotal = new Array(); var qtySold = new Array(); The only problem is that when I do this, I get NaN at this point: Code: qtySold[answer-1] = parseFloat(qtySold[answer-1]) + parseFloat(qty); subtotal[answer-1] = qtySold[answer-1] * price[answer-1]; obviously, this is because I am referencing qtySold[answer-1] directly in the loop - so the first time through, there is nothing assigned. I can't (just before this line) assign 0 to each array item - to get it defined because if the user goes back in and adds more, it will always reset the number back to 0, which is not what I wanted. I tried adding an if..else statement instead, but cannot figure out how to get that to work? What are my options here? Thanks! Mike Hello, This seems like it should be extremely easy, I think I am missing something fundamental however. First, I have some XML: Code: <aaaaag> <parent text="this is the parent 0"> <child text="zero" /> <child text="one" /> <child text="two" /> <child text="three" /> <child text="four" /> <child text="five" /> </parent> <parent text="this is the parent 1"> <child text="zero" /> <child text="one" /> <child text="two" /> <child text="three" /> <child text="four" /> <child text="five" /> </parent> </aaaaag> And here is a snippet of my js: Code: aaaaag = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("aaaaag"); var x = aaaaag[0].childNodes[1].childNodes; cCompA.innerHTML = aaaaag[0].childNodes[1].attributes.getNamedItem("text").nodeValue; // I would have expected childNodes[0] instead !! for (i=1;i<x.length;i+=2) // I would have expected: (i=0;i<x.length;i++) instead !! { cCompB.innerHTML = x[i].attributes.getNamedItem("text").nodeValue + "<br />"; } I really have two questions here, but the first may answer the second. Also it may be worth mentioning I am just trying to work with the "parent 0" for the moment. First, I seem to have hidden nodes in my XML. When accessing the first child as an object, the index is 1, the second is 3 (I have tested this by manually putting in 1,3,5,7,9 etc as the indexs) and so on, rather than starting at 0. I'm not seeing where the hidden nodes are though, and I've run my xml through a validator on I've seen someone recommend not using attributes and instead using a <text>one</text> format, but I am really hoping this isn't the problem as my xml file is fairly long, and it would take quite a bit of effort to rewrite it. The second question is, my for loop only outputs the last child, rather than all the previous children. If anything, I would really expect the last one NOT to get output, because of the i+=2 I am having to do because of the hidden children problem. I'm guessing this is somehow related to the first problem though. Thanks in advance! I have done a basic while loop code but I can not figure out how to make the output print in 4 lines containing 5 numbers each. Can anyone tell me how to specify the number of output that appears on each line? Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>example</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var x = 1; var linebreak="<br/>" while (x <= 20) { document.writeln("" + x + " " + ""); x = x + 1; } // --> </script> </body> </html> I have a simple issue that I cannot fix. The code bellow, is a while-loop with RGB color. It displays the word Hello 10 times id 10 different colors. The problem is I cannot get the correct colors displayed. I want the first Hello to be red and end up green in the last one. For some reason I cannot get the color combination correct, even after I put 255 for red and 192 for green. Can you please have a look and tell me what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Project 4 - Exercise 10</title> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> var r = 254; var g = 254; var b = 125; for (i=1; i <= 10; i++) { document.write ("<font size=7 color = rgb(" + i + "," + g + ", "+b+")> Hello <br>"); } </script> </body> </html> Function findsometing() ( var myString = 'results' + '<BR>' for (var initiator, test condition,incrementor.) { if (.....) { myString ='some quote'; } else if (.....) { myString += something + '<br>' } else if (....... ) { myString += something + '<br>' } else { myString += ''; } } displayMessage(myString) ) I am a complete newbie to javascript and programming, so excuse any faux pas, but I want to check the myString variable after all the loops in the for loop statement have been completed. For example if nothing was added to the var myString after the completeion of the for loop, i want to display a message that no results found. i tried various attempts of an if statement along lines of } } if (myString = 'results') ....i also tried if myString= ('results' + '<BR>') { displayMessage('no results found') } else { displayMessage(myString) } ) Any pointers as to where i am going wrong? I am using a show/hide script for my sites FAQs. This is the code: However, when you click on one of the Questions it brings you to the top of the page due to the <a href="#" How do I make it so it doesn't bring you to the top of the page? Code: <html> <head> <title>TEST TEMPLATE</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showHide(id) { var current = document.getElementById(id); for ( var f = 1; f < 99999; ++f ) { var div = document.getElementById("FAQ" + f); if ( div == null ) return; // quit when we run out of FAQs if ( div != current ) { = "none"; // zap all others } else { // toggle current one = ( == "none") ? "block" : "none"; } } return false; // IMPORTANT! } </script> </head> <body> <!------ QUESTIONS ------> <p>Change lines <li> to divs or whatever</p> <li> <a href="#" onclick="return showHide('FAQ1')">FAQ one</a></li> <li> <a href="#" onclick="return showHide('FAQ2')">FAQ two</a></li> <li> <a href="#" onclick="return showHide('FAQ3')">FAQ three</a></li> <!------ ANSWERS ------> <div id="FAQ1" style="display:none;"><p>Ans one</p></div> <div id="FAQ2" style="display:none;"><p>Ans two</p></div> <div id="FAQ3" style="display:none;"><p>Ans three etc etc.</p></div> </body> </html> Hello, I am new to javascript. Below is the code that opens a new window when the user clicks on the button "Click here to see". But the code resides outside the <script></script>. As far as i know javascript codes have to be between these tags to work. How will the "" statement work? Code: <form> <input type="button" value="Click here to see" onclick="'')" /> </form> I have yet to have my ah-ha moment with Javascript but I think its coming soon. there are small things that seem to be baffling me and Im hoping posting to the forums to get help from people of limitless wisdom. What exactly does the "|" mean in this code? or I should say what does it do? Code: document.template.Aprod_string.value = document.template.Aprod_string.value + "|" + string_recode(Aprod_array) ; I have an alert I'm using over in Salesforce to remind sales reps to use a special terms document when quoting. Problem is, the alert is going off for ALL accounts, not just "Account1" and "Account2". Is this line incorrect in syntax or something? if ((isstatus == "Proposal/Price Quote") && (acct == "Account1", "Account2")) Thanks all. This forum has been very helpful for me in the past so this was my first stop! Jeremy Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/soap/ajax/10.0/connection.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function throwalert() { var isstatus = "{!Opportunity.StageName}"; var acct = "{!Opportunity.Account}" var msgg = "Please remember to use a special terms and conditions quote template when quoting this opportunity."; if ((isstatus == "Proposal/Price Quote") && (acct == "Account1", "Account2")) { alert(msgg); } else { window.parent.location.replace = "{URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.View, Opportunity.Id,null,true)};" } } </script> </head> <body onload="throwalert()";> </body> </html> Code: if(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(emailvalue)) this is a code to validate an email address. My question is.. how do you call this type of validation? Those /^\w+([\.-]?\w+.. i don't really understand how they work. Is there a special term used to describe this? I want to learn how it works. I want to search for tutorials online but i cant think of any desriptive word to use as keyword for google search. I cant find helpful results. Please help. Thanks Ok...this is gonna sound very stupid to you guys, but I don't get one part of this code. Code: function range(upto) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i <= upto; i++) result[i] = i; return result; } show(range(4)); What does result[i]=i mean? I know it adds the value of i into the array, but how? Why couldn't you just write it as result[i] or result[] = i? Can someone please tell me why there is an error with my code (see in red below). I am told that 'process' is not an object or is null and I don't understand why or the implications with the click event which I am trying to capture and pass to my function: Javascript Code: Code: var USStates = new Array(50); USStates[0] = "Alabama"; USStates[1] = "Alaska"; USStates[2] = "Arizona"; USStates[3] = "Arkansas"; USStates[4] = "California"; USStates[5] = "Colorado"; USStates[6] = "Connecticut"; USStates[7] = "Delaware"; USStates[8] = "Florida"; USStates[9] = "Georgia"; USStates[10] = "Hawaii"; USStates[11] = "Idaho"; USStates[12] = "Illinois"; USStates[13] = "Indiana"; USStates[14] = "Iowa"; ... var stateEntered = new Array(50); stateEntered[0] = "1819"; stateEntered[1] = "1959"; stateEntered[2] = "1912"; stateEntered[3] = "1836"; stateEntered[4] = "1850"; stateEntered[5] = "1876"; stateEntered[6] = "1788"; stateEntered[7] = "1787"; stateEntered[8] = "1845"; stateEntered[9] = "1788"; ... var process = document.getElementById("search"); process.onclick = getStateDate; function getStateDate() { var selectedState = document.getElementById("entry").value; for (var i = 0; i < USStates.length; i++) { if (USStates[i] == selectedState) { break; } } if (i < USStates.length) { alert(selectedState + " entered the Union in " + stateEntered[i] + "."); } else { alert("Sorry, '" + selectedState + "' isn't a US State."); } } HTML Code ( in case you need it): Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Loops</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="loops.js"></script> </head> <body> <h2>Enter a US Sate in the field below and click the 'submit' button to get the date of entry in the union</h2> <form action="process.php"> <input type="text" id="entry" name="entry" /> <input type="button" id="search" name="search" value="submit" /> </form> </body> </html> |