JavaScript - Bluelj Help - Multiple Choice Quiz
Hello all,
Making a multiple choice quiz using Blue J. My task is to enable the user to add questions and answers. Replace and remove specific answers and questions. Print out all the questions and answers once they are finished. Then quit the program. The user will also need to be able to quit the program at anytime. I am having trouble understanding how i would go about doing this, i figured i would store all the questions using an array or array list? Similar TutorialsI was wondering if someone could help me? In my code below what if answers in question 2 were allowed to be in any order? Like: hips,body,knees or knees,hips,body and so on. How should I modify my code? Anyone please???? Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Quiz</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var answer_list = [ ['False'], ['body,hips,knees'] // Note: No comma after final entry ]; var response = []; function getCheckedValue(radioObj) { if(!radioObj) return ""; var radioLength = radioObj.length; if(radioLength == undefined) if(radioObj.checked) return radioObj.value; else return ""; for(var i = 0; i < radioLength; i++) { if(radioObj[i].checked) { return radioObj[i].value; } } return ""; } function setAnswer(question, answer) { response[question] = answer; } function CheckAnswers() { var correct = 0; var resp, answ; for (var i = 0; i < answer_list.length; i++) { resp = response[i].toString(); resp = resp.toLowerCase(); answ = answer_list[i].toString(); answ = answ.toLowerCase(); //################################################################################################# if (resp == answ) { correct++; if(i==0){ document.forms[0]"url('correct.gif')"; document.forms[0].a1c.value = ""; } else{ document.forms[0]"url('correct.gif')"; document.forms[0].a1d.value = ""; } } else{ if(i==0){ document.forms[0] = "url('incorrect.gif')"; document.forms[0].a1c.value = " ANS: False. Position the head snugly against the top bar of the frame and then bring the foot board to the infant's feet."; } else{ document.forms[0] = "url('incorrect.gif')"; document.forms[0].a1d.value = " ANS: " + answ; } //################################################################################################### } } document.writeln("You got " + correct + " of " + answer_list.length + " questions correct!"); } </script> </head> <body> <form action="" method="post"> <div> <b>1. When measuring height/length of a child who cannot securely stand, place the infant such that his or her feet are flat against the foot board.</b><br /> <label><input type="radio" name="question0" value="True" />True</label> <label><input type="radio" name="question0" value="False" />False</label> <br /> <textarea rows="2" cols="85" name="a1c" style="background-repeat:no-repeat"></textarea> <br /> <b>2. When taking a supine length measurement, straighten the infant's <input type="text" name="question1_a" size="10" />, <input type="text" name="question1_b" size="10" />, and <input type="text" name="question1_c" size="10" />.</b> <br /> <textarea rows="2" cols="85" name="a1d" style="background-repeat:no-repeat"></textarea> <br /> <input type="button" name="check" value="Check Answers" onclick="setAnswer(0,getCheckedValue(document.forms[0].question0));setAnswer(1,[document.forms[0].question1_a.value,document.forms[0].question1_b.value,document.forms[0].question1_c.value]);CheckAnswers();" /> </div> </form> </body> </html> Hi! I'm trying to make a multiple choice quiz using javascript. I downloaded codes from But when I used it nothing comes up on the results (number of correct answer, number of wrong answer and percentage) as well as the solution box is empty. I tried it on Google Chrome and it says "Your browser does not accept cookies. Please adjust your settings." So I tried it in Safari because that's what we use in school and it doesn't work. The results and solution box is empty. I am guessing that problem is with cookies? Please help me. Here are my codes: - Quiz //Enter total number of questions: var totalquestions=10 //Enter the solutions corresponding to each question: var correctchoices=new Array() correctchoices[1]='a' //question 1 solution correctchoices[2]='d' //question 2 solution, and so on. correctchoices[3]='b' correctchoices[4]='b' correctchoices[5]='c' correctchoices[6]='b' correctchoices[7]='a' correctchoices[8]='c' correctchoices[9]='d' correctchoices[10]='b' /////Don't edit beyond here////////////////////////// function gradeit(){ var incorrect=null for (q=1;q<=totalquestions;q++){ var thequestion=eval("document.myquiz.question"+q) for (c=0;c<thequestion.length;c++){ if (thequestion[c].checked==true) actualchoices[q]=thequestion[c].value } if (actualchoices[q]!=correctchoices[q]){ //process an incorrect choice if (incorrect==null) incorrect=q else incorrect+="/"+q } } if (incorrect==null) incorrect="a/b" document.cookie='q='+incorrect if (document.cookie=='') alert("Your browser does not accept cookies. Please adjust your browser settings.") else window.location="results.htm" } function showsolution(){ var"","win2","width=200,height=350, scrollbars") win2.focus() win2.document.write('<title>Solution</title>') win2.document.write('<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">') win2.document.write('<center><h3>Solution to Quiz</h3></center>') win2.document.write('<center><font face="Arial">') for (i=1;i<=totalquestions;i++){ for (temp=0;temp<incorrect.length;temp++){ if (i==incorrect[temp]) wrong=1 } if (wrong==1){ win2.document.write("Question "+i+"="+correctchoices[i].fontcolor("red")+"<br>") wrong=0 } else win2.document.write("Question "+i+"="+correctchoices[i]+"<br>") } win2.document.write('</center></font>') win2.document.close() } ______________________________________________________________ For Results <html> <head> <title>Instant Quiz Results</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center"><strong><font face="Arial"> <script src="quizconfig.js"> </script>Quiz Results Summary</font></strong></p> <div align="center"><center> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100%"><form method="POST" name="result"><table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" height="116"> <tr> <td height="25" bgcolor="#D3FFA8"><strong><font face="Arial">Number Of Correct Questions:</font></strong></td> <td height="25"><p><input type="text" name="p" size="24"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="17" bgcolor="#D3FFA8"><strong><font face="Arial">Wrong Questions:</font></strong></td> <td height="17"><p><textarea name="T2" rows="3" cols="24" wrap="virtual"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="25" bgcolor="#D3FFA8"><strong><font face="Arial">Grade Percentage:</font></strong></td> <td height="25"><input type="text" name="q" size="8"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div> <form method="POST"><div align="center"><center><p> <script> var wrong=0 for (e=0;e<=2;e++) document.result[e].value="" var results=document.cookie.split(";") for (n=0;n<=results.length-1;n++){ if (results[n].charAt(1)=='q') parse=n } var incorrect=results[parse].split("=") incorrect=incorrect[1].split("/") if (incorrect[incorrect.length-1]=='b') incorrect="" document.result[0].value=totalquestions-incorrect.length+" out of "+totalquestions document.result[2].value=(totalquestions-incorrect.length)/totalquestions*100+"%" for (temp=0;temp<incorrect.length;temp++) document.result[1].value+=incorrect[temp]+", " </script> <input type="button" value="Retake Quiz" name="B1" onClick="history.go(-1)"> <input type="button" value="Show Solution" name="B2" onClick="showsolution()"></p> </center></div> </form> </body> </html> Please help me. I've been trying to find out what is wrong with my codes for a week. Thanks in advance! I am working with the quiz found below (Multiple Choice Quiz that is instantly graded/checked), and would like to add pictures to the questions and rollover sound effects. I have figured how to add the picture, but not the sound. Sound effects are played when added to the html section, but not when added to the javascript coding. I am alright with html and css, but not with javascript. Any help from the javascript experts would be appreciated. ********* Coding Example ********* <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>The JavaScript Source: Miscellaneous : Multiple Choice Quiz</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="The JavaScript Source" CONTENT = "no-cache"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Add a quiz to your Web page without using a server-side script. Easy to set-up. Questions and answers are stored in a multi-dimensional array format in an external file. The quiz is marked in real time, and once answered, questions are set to read-only. A summary of the users score is alerted at the end."> <META NAME="date" CONTENT="2005-12-27"> <META NAME="channel" CONTENT="Developer"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="James Crooke"> <META NAME="section" CONTENT="Miscellaneous"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .question { color:darkblue; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; } --> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source :: Created by: James Crooke :: */ var useranswers = new Array(); var answered = 0; function renderQuiz() { for(i=0;i<questions.length;i++) { document.writeln('<p class="question">' + questions[i] + ' <span id="result_' + i + '"><img src="blank.gif" style="border:0" alt="" /></span></p>'); for(j=0;j<choices[i].length;j++) { document.writeln('<input type="radio" name="answer_' + i + '" value="' + choices[i][j] + '" id="answer_' + i + '_' + j + '" class="question_' + i + '" onclick="submitAnswer(' + i + ', this, \'question_' + i + '\', \'label_' + i + '_' + j + '\')" /><label id="label_' + i + '_' + j + '" for="answer_' + i + '_' + j + '"> ' + choices[i][j] + '</label><br />'); } } document.writeln('<p><input type="submit" value="Show Score" onclick="showScore()" /> <input type="submit" value="Reset Quiz" onclick="resetQuiz(true)" /></p><p style="display:none"><img src="correct.gif" style="border:0" alt="Correct!" /><img src="incorrect.gif" style="border:0" alt="Incorrect!" /></p>'); } function resetQuiz(showConfirm) { if(showConfirm) if(!confirm("Are you sure you want to reset your answers and start from the beginning?")) return false; document.location = document.location; } function submitAnswer(questionId, obj, classId, labelId) { useranswers[questionId] = obj.value; document.getElementById(labelId).style.color = "grey"; //disableQuestion(classId); showResult(questionId); answered++; } function showResult(questionId) { if(answers[questionId] == useranswers[questionId]) { document.getElementById('result_' + questionId).innerHTML = '<img src="correct.gif" style="border:0" alt="Correct!" />'; // I tried to make the background a different colour for the answer document.getElementById(questionId).style.border ='1px'; } else { document.getElementById('result_' + questionId).innerHTML = '<img src="incorrect.gif" style="border:0" alt="Incorrect!" />'; } } function showScore() { if(answered != answers.length) { alert("You have not answered all of the questions yet!"); return false; } questionCount = answers.length; correct = 0; incorrect = 0; for(i=0;i<questionCount;i++) { if(useranswers[i] == answers[i]) correct++; else incorrect++; } pc = Math.round((correct / questionCount) * 100); alertMsg = "You scored " + correct + " out of " + questionCount + "\n\n"; alertMsg += "You correctly answered " + pc + "% of the questions! \n\n"; if(pc == 100) alertMsg += response[0]; else if(pc >= 90) alertMsg += response[1]; else if(pc >= 70) alertMsg += response[2]; else if(pc > 50) alertMsg += response[3]; else if(pc >= 40) alertMsg += response[4]; else if(pc >= 20) alertMsg += response[5]; else if(pc >= 10) alertMsg += response[6]; else alertMsg += response[7]; if(pc < 100) { if(confirm(alertMsg)) resetQuiz(false); else return false; } else { alert(alertMsg); } } function disableQuestion(classId) { var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*") for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++) { if (alltags[i].className == classId) { alltags[i].disabled = true; } } } var questions = new Array(); var choices = new Array(); var answers = new Array(); var response = new Array(); // To add more questions, just follow the format below. questions[0] = "1) JavaScript is ..." ; choices[0] = new Array(); choices[0][0] = "the same as Java"; choices[0][1] = "kind of like Java"; choices[0][2] = "different than Java"; choices[0][3] = "ther written part of Java"; answers[0] = choices[0][2]; ///////// THIS IS THE SECTION THAT I'M TRYING TO WORK ON ///////// // image works, but sound doesn't // questions[1] = "<a href='javascriptHTMLSound' id='dummyspan' // the smiley is actually a colon followed by a D as in "DHTML" onMouseOver='DHTMLSound('success.wav')'><img src='some_image.gif'></a>"; choices[1] = new Array(); choices[1][0] = "Play This" + "<a href='javascriptlaySound('success.wav')'>Play This</a>"; choices[1][1] = "objective"; choices[1][2] = "evil"; choices[1][3] = "object based"; answers[1] = choices[1][3]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// questions[2] = "3) To comment out a line in JavaScript ..."; choices[2] = new Array(); choices[2][0] = "Precede it with two forward slashes, i.e. '//'"; choices[2][1] = "Precede it with an asterisk and a forward slash, i.e. '*/'"; choices[2][2] = "Precede it with an asterisk, i.e. '*'"; choices[2][3] = "Precede it with a forward slash and an asterisk, i.e. '/*'"; answers[2] = choices[2][0]; questions[3] = "4) JavaScript can only run on Windows"; choices[3] = new Array(); choices[3][0] = "True"; choices[3][1] = "False"; answers[3] = choices[3][1]; questions[4] = "5) Semicolons are optional at the end of a JavaScript statement."; choices[4] = new Array(); choices[4][0] = "True"; choices[4][1] = "False"; answers[4] = choices[4][0]; questions[5] = "strings are..."; choices[5] = new Array(); choices[5][0] = "strings, numbers, BooBoos, and nulls"; choices[5][1] = "strings, text, Booleans, and nulls"; choices[5][2] = "strings, numbers, Booleans, and nulls"; choices[5][3] = "strings, numbers, Booleans, and zeros"; answers[5] = choices[5][2]; // response for getting 100% response[0] = "Excellent, top marks!"; // response for getting 90% or more response[1] = "Excellent, try again to get 100%!" // response for getting 70% or more response[2] = "Well done, that is a good score, can you do better?"; // response for getting over 50% response[3] = "Nice one, you got more than half of the questions right, can you do better?"; // response for getting 40% or more response[4] = "You got some questions right, you can do better!"; // response for getting 20% or more response[5] = "You didn't do too well, why not try again!?"; // response for getting 10% or more response[6] = "That was pretty poor! Try again to improve!"; // response for getting 9% or less response[7] = "Oh dear, I think you need to go back to school (or try again)!"; //--> </script> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff vlink=#0000ff > <script> function DHTMLSound(surl) { document.getElementById("dummyspan").innerHTML="<embed src='"+surl+"' hidden=true autostart=true loop=false>"; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- renderQuiz(); //--> </script> </body></html> ********* I have also tried the following sound ideas, but none work "within" the javascript -- they do work when assigned to a button inside the html however... The trick is, I want to be able to display an image within the question, then mouseover a <span> of text or an image (preferrably NOT a link <a>) and have the sounds played as part of the choices for the question. For a slightly different purpose, I'm also interested in being able to have the correst answer (for more complicated quizes) appear beside the question, in a <div> if possible, rather than an alert, to give the solution / reasoning for the correct answer. Any help at all would be really appreciated. Hello, I am currently making a multiple choice program in JS using 3 arrays, one to call the question, one to store the user answer and one to store the real answer. The answers will then be compared to find the score. I have done most of it, but am still having one problem, I am using prompts and when I call the question, only the text in the if statement "qArray[counter]" is actually showing on the prompt and not the actual question from the array and I wondered if anyone could help? Thanks <html> <head><B>Multiple Choice Quiz</B> </head> <body> <script language = 'JavaScript'> document.write('<br><br>This program allows multiple choice questions to be asked - once finished a calculation will total your score.<br>'); qArray = new Array(); qArray = ['What is the capital of England? London/Paris/Cardiff/Berlin', 'What is the capital of France? London/Paris/Cardiff/Berlin', 'What is the capital of Wales? London/Paris/Cardiff/Berlin', 'What is the capital of Germany? London/Paris/Cardiff/Berlin']; aArray = new Array(); aArray = ['London', 'Paris', 'Cardiff', 'Berlin']; //array of the answers counter = 0; NumberofQuestions = 4; score = 0; while (counter < NumberofQuestions){ if (counter == 0){ question1=prompt('qArray[counter]',''); } if (counter == 1){ question2=prompt('qArray[counter]',''); } if (counter == 2){ question3=prompt('qArray[counter]',''); } if (counter == 3){ question4=prompt('qArray[counter]',''); } counter++; } studentAnswers = new Array(); studentAnswers = [question1, question2, question3, question4]; //an array with the answers the student has inputted counter = 0; while (counter < NumberofQuestions){ if (studentAnswers[counter] == aArray[counter]){ score++; } counter++; } document.write ('You have finished the quiz, your total marks will be calculated.'); //inform student that they have finished document.write('You scored: ',score,' /4'); //prints the score to screen. </script> </body> </html> I have just used an Analysis Quiz tool (on this page to create a quiz which doesn't have right or wrong answers but adds the scores of the answers together. It all works nicely, HOWEVER I require 5 answers as opposed to the maximum of four which has been offered on this site. The (partial) code is: Code: var quiz = new Array(); var r = 0; var analPage = 'result.html'; quiz[r++] =('93726~71~1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?~Never~Once a month or less~2 to 4 times a month~2 to 3 times a week~0~3'); quiz[r++] =('48844~37~How many units of alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?~1-2~3-4~5-6~7-9~0~3'); I thought it would be straight forward and I could add another option at the end of each string and then change the scoring e.g. quiz[r++] =('93726~71~1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?~Never~Once a month or less~2 to 4 times a month~2 to 3 times a week~4 or more times a week~0~4'); but this didn't work ... please help! Thank you Hello, I am trying to figure out how to write a quiz that has one question per html page, then once the choice has been selected, it will go to another page and tally a total at the end. Can this be done? And if so, can you point me in the right direction to research? Thanks in advance, Tanya I've got a form that performs a calculation upon submit. I want it to perform a different calc depending on the choice from a drop down box in the form. Are there any examples of this? or can someone explain how i do it? thanks Is an iframe the only way to embed a web page? I would like to embed a web page within a email but some users email clients do not support iframes.
Hi, I've checked the boards and was unable to find something that matched the code that I have. The code basically uses radio buttons to populate results to a drop-down list depending on the radio button they choose. I'm having trouble figuring out where and how to add the redirection url for each of the value choices in the drop down. I was told something about using window.location('') and then to populate the location parameter with the array value. Does this mean I have to redo my script or can another piece of code be added on to make it work. How do I alter my existing code? Thanks in advance for any help I can get: Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var services = new Array(); services['Tutoring'] = ['Grady', 'Holy Innocents', 'North Springs', 'Paideia', 'Riverwood', 'School Not Listed?']; services['Recording'] = ['John Doe']; function changechoice(choice) { var serviceList = services[choice]; changeSelect('service', serviceList, serviceList); document.getElementById('service').disabled = false; document.getElementById('service').onchange(); } function changeservice(serviceValue) { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = serviceValue; return; } function changeSelect(fieldID, newValues, newOptions) { selectField = document.getElementById(fieldID); selectField.options.length = 0; if (newValues && newOptions) { for (i=0; i<newValues.length; i++) { selectField.options[selectField.length] = new Option(newOptions[i], newValues[i]); } } } </script> </head> <body> <table width="400" align="center" colspan="2" border="0" rowspan="2"> <tr> <td width="200" align="left"> Pick an option: </td> </tr> <td width="200"> <br> <ul> <input type="radio" name="choice" value="Tutoring" onclick="changechoice(this.value);"> Tutoring<br /> <input type="radio" name="choice" value="Recording" onclick="changechoice(this.value);"> Recording<br /> </ul> </td> <br> <td width="200" align="center" valign="top"> <br> <select name="service" id="service" onchange="changeservice(this.value);" disabled="disabled"> <option> -- Choose an Option -- </option> </select> </td> </table> </body> </html> Hi, I have a web form that I'm creating and it has some expandable checkboxes that need to be restricted based on choice. This is my criteria: If someone chooses checkbox number 1, they cannot choose any other checkbox. If someone chooses checkbox number 2, they may also choose number 3 but not 1 or 4, they must also answer the question that appears below. If someone chooses checkbox number 3, they may also choose number 2 but not 1 or 4, they must also answer the question that appears below. If someone chooses checkbox number 4, they cannot choose any other checkbox, and must answer the questions that appears below. One more caveat: If checkbox number 2 is chosen, and they've filled in all three lines of the question below, I need for them to dynamically add more lines as needed. I have attached my web form so you can see what I've done. I've researched these options and tried code from various examples but I can't seem to get it to work. Does anyone know how to accomplish all of this? Thank you in advance! Ok so I have a select box where the value must be passed via the form. If the users selects choice B or Choice C then I want a specific div to show. If they choose choice A then I want the div to hide or remain hidden. It should be hidden on page load. Code: <select name="Event_Type_ID"> <option value="1">Choice A</option> <option value="2">Choice B</option> <option value="3">Choice C</option> </select> <div id="showme"> Content to show if EITHER Choice B or C is chosen. Otherwise this div should be hidden. </div> Can anyone lead me in the right direction? Thanks! Hello All, I'm trying to find a script that would be able to do the following: The are two drop down boxes, the first one populating the second (state/county --> town) The first box is single choice, the second is multiple choice. I'm looking for a script that would be able to deal with generating the code for all possible values that could be chosen in the second drop down box. The drop down boxes are part of a form which allow people to search for educational courses within areas of a state/county. I've had a good root around the internet but am rapidly getting confused ... many thanks in advance. Si. What I would like to do is have a page with a dropdown menu, and depending on which option the user chooses from the dropdown, reload the page and display a particular iframe below the dropdown, based on the users choice. Also, a default iframe would load (the one connected to the default choice in the select box). Hopefully that makes sense. I was trying to make this work with PHP (without having the user having to click a submit button) but I couldn't find a way to make it happen.
I am facing an issue where a link on my website opens in a new window if you simply click on it. However, if you right click and say open in new window or new tab, it opens the same window (URL) again from where the link is clicked. Self Service Option is a link and the JSP calls a function getSelfServSite() when the link is clicked. This is how the code flows in my case function getSelfServSite() { getToTheLink("${myConfigInfo.selfServiceURL}"); // this is because the URL is configurable } function getToTheLink(url) { (url, "currentWindow", ""); } What am I doing wrong. I want it to go to the right link no matter how the user click it. Please advise. Thanks I have a radio button that asks Does your URL exist or need to be purchased? and a drop down menu that lists different types of web projects (i.e. new website and website redesign). What I'm trying to achieve is, if the user selects that the URL exists, I would like the drop down menu option new website to be removed from the list. Form: Code: <form> <input type="radio" name="website_status" value="exists"/> Exists <input type="radio" name="website_status" value="purchase_required"/> Needs to be purchased <select name="projects"> <option></option> <option value="new_website">New Website</option> <option value="website_redesign">Website Redesign</option> </select> </form> JavaScript: [CODE] <script> window.onload = initForms; function initForms() { for (var i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++) { document.forms[i].onsubmit = function() {return validForm();} } } function validForm() { var inputarray = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); var selectarray = document.getElementsByTagName("select"); var textarea = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); if (inputarray[0].checked == true) { selectarray[0].remove(options[1]); return false; } </script> I've been experimenting with this for the last couple hours and am getting nothing! Could someone please point me in the right direction? I'm developing a simple game that involves a system of interconnected nodes with unidirectional travel between nodes (similar to the circulation system!). The goal of the game is to get from a starting node to an ending node, which can be a variable number of nodes away. The program picks a random starting point, then randomly chooses one of its connecting nodes (cNodes) and pushes it onto a pathArray. A cNode is randomly chosen from this new node and it is pushed onto the pathArray. This continues for a designated number of turns, thus generating a pathArray (invisible to the player). The last element in the pathArray is the endNode and the goal of the puzzle. At each node the player is given two options of travel (though there may be more than two ways to go). One of these options MUST be the correct way if the player has not deviated from the path up until that point. If the player has deviated, this option can be any cNode. The other node is any cNode that does not lead to the endNode. The following code contains a simplified list of nodes that represents the content in my game. The function, however, is taken word for word. In this snippet, the pathArray & startNode have already been generated and I am trying to resolve how to assign "nodeChoice" as either the correct direction of travel (for a player on the correct path) or any random cNode (for a player who has deviated from the path). Keep in mind that the pathArray and cNodes lengths can be any size. Code: <script> //NODES: var nodeA = {name:"A"}; var nodeB = {name:"B"}; var nodeC = {name:"C"}; var nodeD = {name:"D"}; var nodeE = {name:"E"}; var nodeF = {name:"F"}; var nodeG = {name:"G"}; var nodeH = {name:"H"}; var nodeI = {name:"I"}; var nodeJ = {name:"J"}; var nodeK = {name:"K"}; //An array of all nodes in the system: var systemArray = [nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD, nodeE, nodeF, nodeG, nodeH, nodeI, nodeJ, nodeK]; //Connecting Nodes (cNodes): //(uni-directional, but cyclical) nodeA.cNodes = [nodeB, nodeC]; nodeB.cNodes = [nodeD, nodeE, nodeF]; nodeC.cNodes = [nodeF, nodeG]; nodeD.cNodes = [nodeI, nodeH]; nodeE.cNodes = [nodeJ]; nodeF.cNodes = [nodeK]; nodeG.cNodes = [nodeK]; nodeJ.cNodes = [nodeA]; nodeK.cNodes = [nodeA]; nodeI.cNodes = [nodeA]; nodeH.cNodes = [nodeA]; //The path chosen (generated from code not included here) var pathArray = [nodeA, nodeB, nodeE, nodeJ]; //nodeChoice will represent a cNode from any given node var nodeChoice; //chooseNode is supposed to assign nodeChoice the next element in pathArray if the player on on the right path (if at nodeB, nodeChoice = nodeE). //However, if the user has taken a different path, its cNodes will not be in pathArray in which case a random cNode is assigned to nodeChoice function chooseNode(_node) { //check each cNode to see if any are in pathArray for (var j = 0; j < _node.cNodes.length; j++) { //if a cNode is in pathArray, then we know to assign it nodeChoice... if (_node.cNodes[j] in pathArray) { nodeChoice = _node.cNodes[j]; console.log("choiceNode CORRECT: " +; //(for debugging purposes only) } //...otherwise don't do anything in this forLoop/ifStatement }; //if by this point nodeChoice is still undefined, meaning none of the current node's cNodes are in pathArray, assign it any one of its cNodes. if (nodeChoice == undefined) { nodeChoice = _node.cNodes[Math.floor(Math.random()* _node.cNodes.length)]; console.log("choiceNode INCORRECT: " +;//(for debugging purposes only) }; }; //Runtime: chooseNode(nodeB); //Result should be only since nodeD is not in the pathArray... console.log(; </script> ...however, nodeChoice is assigned either D, E or F randomly and we are given the troubleshooting statement "choiceNode INCORRECT: D (or) E (or) F", indicating that the if-in statement is always ignored. I know that the if-in statement doesn't work but am not sure how else to write it so that each cNode is compared the each element in pathArray, both of which can be of variable lengths... Hello, Could someone please help me modify this code. How can I have more then one answer correct in the fill in the blank question? For example: Green/Red is my favorite color. Thank you Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- HIDE FROM INCOMPATIBLE BROWSERS // STOP HIDING FROM INCOMPATIBLE BROWSERS --> </SCRIPT> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Short Quiz</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- HIDE FROM INCOMPATIBLE BROWSERS number_questions = 2; answer_list = new Array(number_questions); answer_list[0] = "Red"; answer_list[1] = "New York Jets"; response = new Array(number_questions); function setAnswer(question, answer) { response[question] = answer; } function CheckAnswers() { var correct = 0; for (var i = 0; i < number_questions; i++) { if (response[i] == answer_list[i]) { correct++; } } alert("You got " + correct + " of " + number_questions + " questions correct!"); } // STOP HIDING FROM INCOMPATIBLE BROWSERS --> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR = #EEFFE8> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=6>Short Quiz</FONT><BR> <HR SIZE=5 WIDTH=100%> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> <FORM> <B>1. <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=question0 size=30 onChange="setAnswer(0, this.value)"> is my favorite color</B><P> <BR><P> <B>2. For what NFL team did Joe Namath play?</B><P> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=question1 VALUE="New York Giants" onClick="setAnswer(1,this.value)">New York Giants<BR> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=question1 VALUE="New England Patriots" onClick="setAnswer(1,this.value)">New England Patriots<BR> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=question1 VALUE="New York Jets" onClick="setAnswer(1,this.value)">New York Jets<BR> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=question1 VALUE="Buffalo Bills" onClick="setAnswer(1,this.value)">Buffalo Bills<BR><P> </FORM> <FORM> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="check" VALUE="Check Answers" onClick=CheckAnswers()> </FORM> </FONT> </BODY> </HTML> Hello I need to make an answers page for a quiz but I don't know how to do it? Code is below if it helps Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>QUIZ</title> <script> var Q = function (id, text, correct, wrong) { = id; this.text = text; this.correct = correct; this.wrong = wrong; this.answers = this.correct.concat(this.wrong) } Q.prototype = { blah: function () { document.write("<p>x<\/p>"); }, write: function () { if (this.asked) { return false; } this.asked = true; document.write( '<p>' + this.text + '<\/p>'); document.write( '<form>'); var type = ( this.correct.length > 1 ? "checkbox" : "radio" ); for (var i in this.answers) { document.write( '<input type="'+type+'" name="''">'+this.answers[i]+'<\/input><br>'); } document.write( '<\/form>'); return true; } } var questions = [ new Q( "Q1", "Question 1", ["Correct Answer"], ["Incorrect", "Incorrect", "Incorrect"] ), new Q( "Q2", "Question 2", ["Correct Answer", "Correct Answer"], ["Incorrect", "Incorrect", "Incorrect"] ), new Q( "Q3", "Question 3", ["Correct Answer", "Correct Answer"], ["Incorrect", "Incorrect", "Incorrect"] ), new Q( "Q4", "Question 4", ["Correct Answer"], ["Incorrect", "Incorrect."] ) ]; var askQuestions = function () { var asked = 0; while (asked < 3) { var num = Math.floor( Math.random() * questions.length ); var question = questions[num]; if (question.write()) { asked++; } } }; askQuestions(); </script> <BR> <input name="Submit" type="Submit" value="How did I do?"> </body> </html> Any suggestions? Thanks |