JavaScript - Javascript Not Recognizing Quicktime Movie Object
Hello i'm trying to play just the first few seconds on a quicktime movie then stop. if the user scrolls, I replay - Im doing this to reshow the image that seems to go away when scrolling. By design, once the user clicks 'Play' I want the movie to disregard the scroll (and other) functions. This seems to work in FF, but not in IE, where the movie will not even play initially. I'm getting a 'document.movie1 undefined error'. Any help is much appreciated. Here is the code....
Code: <script src="include/javascript/AC_QuickTime.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/javascript/mootools-1.2.5- core-nc.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/javascript/Quickie.js"></ script> <!--if IE> <object id="qt_event_source" classid="clsid:CB927D12-4FF7-4a9e- A169-56E4B8A75598" codebase=",2,1,0" height="376" width="400"> <param name="scale" value="tofit" /> </object> <!endif--> <script type="text/javascript"> function BeginPlayback() { if (document.movie1 !== null) { document.movie1.Play(); document.movie1.SetTime(600); var t = setTimeout("RewindPlayback()", 1000); } } function RewindPlayback() { if (document.movie1 !== null) { document.movie1.Stop(); } } function QTSetup() { var t = setTimeout("BeginPlayback()",1000); } function startUp() { var myQuickie = new Quickie('', { id: 'movie1', width: 400, height: 376, container: 'qtmovie', attributes: { controller: 'true', autoplay: 'true', scale: 'tofit' }, onCanplay: function() { }, onLoad: function() { QTSetup(); }, onPlay: function() { if (document.getElementById("hfPlayed").value == "No" && document.getElementById("hfFromScroll").value == "No") { document.getElementById("hfPlayed").value = "Yes"; } }, onPause: function() { document.getElementById("hfFromScroll").value = "No"; } }); } window.onscroll = function() { if (document.getElementById("hfPlayed").value == "No") { document.getElementById("hfFromScroll").value = "Yes"; BeginPlayback(); } }; window.onresize = function() { if (document.getElementById("hfPlayed").value == "No") { document.getElementById("hfFromScroll").value = "Yes"; BeginPlayback(); } }; function onBlur() { if (document.getElementById("hfPlayed").value == "No") { document.getElementById("hfFromScroll").value = "Yes"; BeginPlayback(); } } function onFocus() { if (document.getElementById("hfPlayed").value == "No") { document.getElementById("hfFromScroll").value = "Yes"; BeginPlayback(); } } if (/*@cc_on!@*/false) { // check for Internet Explorer document.onfocusin = onFocus; document.onfocusout = onBlur; } else { window.onfocus = onFocus; window.onblur = onBlur; } </script> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <input id="hfPlayed" type="hidden" value="No" /> <input id="hfFromScroll" type="hidden" value="Yes" /> </form> Similar Tutorialsi'm newb to java, but need to get my quicktime movie embeds working on windows/explorer. apparently i need to call external java script to make it work: here is my HEAD code: <script src="kitchslideembed.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script> and BODY code: <script language="JavaScript"type="text/javascript">InsertKitchSlideMovie();</script> and my "kitchslideembed.js" file... function InsertKitchSlideMovie() { document.write('<object classid='clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B' width="768" height="591" codebase=''>\n'); document.write('<param name='src' value="">\n'); document.write('<param name='autoplay' value="false">\n'); document.write('<param name='controller' value="true">\n'); document.write('<param name='loop' value="false">\n'); document.write('<embed src="" width="768" height="591" autoplay="false" controller="true" loop="false" pluginspage=''>\n'); document.write('</embed>\n'); document.write('</object>\n'); } any help out there? Hello, I am trying to build a jukebox online. I use a quicktime plugin, the reason for this is that windows media player wouldnt work in firefox. I can now work the plugin with javascript to make it stop play pause and fast forward to a song, thing is i cant make it to play another song. in all sources i looked at , this piece of code should be what i am looking for : document.getElementById('movie2').SetQTNEXTUrl(2,'music/myparty.mp3'); well, that in any case wont work for me, then there was another piece of code wich should go in the embed part wich is this: QTNEXT1=myparty.mp3 in firefox it has the effect of opening the myparty.mp3 on another page in wich the quicktime plugin will show but cant find the song, in internet explorer it just simply give's the error "page is ready but with errors". can anyone help me to understand what goes wrong, what would fix it or a simpler way to embed a large amount of songs onto a website? hoping to hear something soon this is the code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> function PlayIt(movname) { movname.Play(); } function StopIt(movname) { movname.Stop(); } function rewindIt(movname) { movname.rewind(); } function SetRate(movname,rate) { movname.SetRate(rate); } function SetTime(movname,time) { movname.SetTime(time); } function VolumeIt(movname,v) { movname.SetVolume(v); } document.getElementById('movie2').SetQTNEXTUrl(2,'music/myparty.mp3'); document.getElementByName('movie2').SetQTNEXTUrl(2,'music/myparty.mp3'); document.getElementById('movie2').SetQTNEXTUrl(1,'music/myparty.mp3'); document.getElementByName('movie2').SetQTNEXTUrl(1,'music/myparty.mp3'); </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <embed hidden="false" autostart="true" loop="-1" controls="largeconsole" height="25" width="100"></embed> <body> <br><br> <a href="#" onClick="StartVideo()" ;>startvideo</a><br> <a href="#" onClick="PlayIt(movie2)";>functie</a><br> <a href="javascript:document.movie2.Stop()">Stop</a><br> <a href="javascript:document.movie2.Play()">Play</a><br> <a href="javascript:document.movie2.SetRate(1.0);">SetRate(1.0)</a><br> <a href="javascript:document.movie2.SetRate(2.0);">SetRate(2.0)</a><br> <a href="javascript:document.movie2.SetVolume(100);"> SetVolume(100) </a><br> <a href="javascript:document.movie2.SetVolume(255);"> SetVolume(255) </a><br> <br> <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="" width="180" height="160" id="movie2"> <param name="src" value="music/camaro.mp3"> <param name="Autoplay" value="false"> <embed width="180" height="160" src="music/camaro.mp3" QTNEXT1=myparty.mp3 name="movie2" enablejavascript="true" autostart="false"> </object> <br> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> document.getElementById('movie1').SetQTNEXTUrl(2,'music/myparty.mp3'); document.getElementByName('movie1').SetQTNEXTUrl(2,'music/myparty.mp3'); document.getElementById('movie2').SetQTNEXTUrl(2,'music/myparty.mp3'); document.getElementByName('movie2').SetQTNEXTUrl(2,'music/myparty.mp3'); </SCRIPT> <br> <br> </body> </html> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hi Everyone, I must admit that I'm a newbie in writing javascript. Can anyone help me with a script that will enable me to display a flash movie on one of my sites. I will appreciate all your responses. Thank you. Hi, I have a Javascript which I'm using to display one of four Flash SWF files randomly. These need to be actually displayed twice, so I'm basically calling the script twice. This works great aside from one thing- occasionally the same movie appears in both scripts, for example the first instance picks movie 3 of 4 and th second instance does the same. What I need is to somehow make sure that if the first instance of the script picks movie x then the second script will pick any movie EXCEPT movie x. This is the script as it stands: Code: <script language="JavaScript"> // Generate a Random Number var randomnumber = Math.round(Math.random()*3); // Select a swf and execute the corresponding function if (randomnumber == 1) {movie1();} else if (randomnumber == 2) {movie2();} else if (randomnumber == 3) {movie3();} else {movie4();} //Functions to write out the correct flash movie resource. function movie1(){ document.write("<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,2,0\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"><param name=movie value=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/1.swf\"><param name=quality value=high><embed src=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/1.swf\" quality=high pluginspage=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"></embed></object>") } function movie2(){ document.write("<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,2,0\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"><param name=movie value=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/2.swf\"><param name=quality value=high><embed src=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/2.swf\" quality=high pluginspage=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"></embed></object>") } function movie3(){ document.write("<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,2,0\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"><param name=movie value=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/3.swf\"><param name=quality value=high><embed src=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/3.swf\" quality=high pluginspage=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"></embed></object>") } function movie4(){ document.write("<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,2,0\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"><param name=movie value=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/4.swf\"><param name=quality value=high><embed src=\"assets/images/ads/hotels/4.swf\" quality=high pluginspage=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"120\" height=\"285\"></embed></object>") } </script> Ok ..... let's see if I can explain this so someone else can understand it! I have a menu created with AllWebMenus and after battling with it for some time to get it to show up on the pages !!!! i am now facing another problem..... I have a flash movie on the home page that it does not start unless i click the home button. I've tested locally without the menu and it works, so has to be the menu that is conflicting with it. the site is I could just drop the menu and create another one, thing is I like those darn buttons... Anyone here have any experience with this kind of problem? if needed i can post the menu and flash code... Hi guys, i would like a script that detects if quicktime is installed like this one here but i want it to offer the link to quicktime if not installed, and continue to load the player if quicktime is installed. Im thinking something like this.. Code: <script type="text/javascript" src=" "></script> <script> if (detectQuickTime == true) { setTimeout('Redirect()',0); } else { setTimeout('Redirect2()',0); } function Redirect() { location.href = ''; } function Redirect2() { location.href = ''; } </script> But i cant make it work. Can anyone help? I'm running my web page on IE8+9 with Windows Home via Boot Camp. My JS code is: Code: if (QuicktimeIsPresent) { var song = PlaySong('200', '50', '#9cceff', 'false', 'false', 'tunes/') document.write (song) } The JS code for PlaySong is: Code: function PlaySong(width, height, bgcolor, autostart, loop, songloc) { var play = '' if (songloc == '') return play // default values ... if (width == '') width = '200' if (height == '') height = '50' if (bgcolor == '') bgcolor = '#FFFFFF' if (autostart == '') autostart = 'true' if (loop == '') loop = 'false' play = '<OBJECT NAME="Midi"\n' + ' ID="song"\n' + ' CLASSID="clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"\n' + ' CODEBASE=""\n' + ' WIDTH="' + width + '" HEIGHT="' + height + '"\n' + ' LOOP="' + loop + '">\n' + ' <PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="' + bgcolor + '">\n' + ' <PARAM NAME="autostart" VALUE="' + autostart + '">\n' + ' <PARAM NAME="filename" VALUE="' + songloc + '">\n\n' + '<EMBED NAME="song"\n' + ' PLUGINSPAGE=""\n' + ' TYPE="audio/x-midi"\n' + ' WIDTH="' + width + '" HEIGHT="' + height + '"\n' + ' LOOP="' + loop + '"\n' + ' BGCOLOR="' + bgcolor + '"\n' + ' AUTOSTART="' + autostart + '"\n' + ' SRC="' + songloc + '">\n' + '</EMBED>\n\n' + '</OBJECT>\n' return play } For IE8+9, the quicktime crescendo/midi control shows .. but when I click the play button on it, it almost immediately stops. Other Windows browsers(Firefox and Safari and IE 7) play just fine, together with all Macintosh browsers. I really need some help here ... thanks in advance. BTW, here's the link. John Love Recognizing a Form I had created a form as follow: function makeForm() { mypara=document.getElementById("paraID"); myform=document.createElement("formIS"); myselect = document.createElement("select"); theOption=document.createElement("OPTION"); theText=document.createTextNode("Revenue"); theOption.setAttribute("value","Revenue"); theOption.appendChild(theText); myselect.appendChild(theOption); theOption=document.createElement("OPTION"); theText=document.createTextNode("Expenses"); theOption.appendChild(theText); theOption.setAttribute("value","Expenses"); myselect.appendChild(theOption); myform.appendChild(myselect); mypara.appendChild(myform); myselect.onchange=TitleOnChange; mybreak=document.createElement("p"); myform.appendChild(mybreak); myform.setAttribute("id","formIS"); } I had identified the form with and id: myform.setAttribute("id","formIS"); Now I would like to identify my form to apply an IF instruction: something like: myform=document.getElementById("formIS"); if (myform == "formIS") I tried all the following options and none worked. Does anyone knows why? if ( == "formIS") if ( == "formIS") I also tried to debug the code and this is what I see when I put the mouse over myform --> formis#[ COLOR="Navy"]formIS[/COLOR] Thanks you very much I'm having an issue where a programmatic click event is not behaving the same way the cursor click event is. A cursor click returns the correct object from GetObject(). The programmatic click triggered by a USB device is returning undefined from GetObject(). How can this be resolved? Edit: It appears that it does not recognize eval(document.getElementById(gButtonList[gButtonId])).onclick(); as an event. Why is this? How can I get it to recognize it? Edit2: Resolved it myself. See green text below. TestPage.htm: Code: <script language="JavaScript" src="../bin/USBHelperFile.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> function BuildButtons() { for (var i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++) { // Create Div [Buttons created programmatically] var divNode = document.createElement('div'); = 'div' + i; divNode.onclick= ClickFunction; etc... } } function ClickFuntion(nodeButtonNum) { alert(GetObject()); Returns the index for a cursor click. Returns undefined for the programmatic click triggered by the USB device } function GetObject() { var node = event.srcElement; return node; } </script> USBHelperFile.js: Code: This JS file works with a USB hardware device that can navigate through divs and click them when they have focus. function HelperFunction(keyCommand) { switch (keyCommand) { case: "click": // eval(document.getElementById(gButtonList[gButtonId])).onclick(); var target = eval(document.getElementById(gButtonList[gButtonId])); target.fireEvent("onclick"); break; } } Hi Everyone, I'm encountering errors with a form I have created. I feel confident that the issue is with my JS validation form because when I allow the form to submit without validating any of the fields, my php processor correctly uploads all the content into my database (but, I will need the form validation to prevent the user from skipping fields). The issue (I believe) is with IE. In IE, both drop-downs seem to populate correctly but when I submit the form, I get a prompt to make a selection for the first drop-down menu. The form does submit properly in FireFox and Safari but with some testing I noticed that I was getting a prompt to make a selection in the first drop-down in instances where a selection was already made but I just had not yet populated the second country/state drop-down. Still, in Firefox and Safari, the form does pass validation upon submit.. So, I am hoping it's just IE specific issue. I'm thinking the issue is with IE not recognizing my selection. The form had a drop-down menu where the user selects a letter, then that selection triggers (in JS using a function to process the selection) another drop-down to populate with all the countries or states that begin with the letter from the first selection. Here is the code from my form: Code: <p><span class="title">Sign Up</span></p> <br /> <form id = "signupForm" action="signup_process.php" method = "post" onsubmit="return validateSignupForm();"> <p>All required fields are marked with ( <span class = "requiredStar">*</span> )</p> <br /> <p><label for="first_name">First Name: <span class = "requiredStar">*</span></label></p> <div class = "contactRight"><input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" style="height: 20px;" size="30" tabindex="1" maxlength="30" /></div> <br /> <p><label for="last_name">Last Name: <span class = "requiredStar">*</span></label></p> <div class = "contactRight"><input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" style="height: 20px;" size="30" tabindex="2" maxlength="30" /></div> <br /> <p><label for="countryLtr">Select the first letter of your country: <span class = "requiredStar">*</span></label></p> <select id="countryLtr" name="countryLtr" id="countryLtr" size="1" tabindex="3" onchange="processSelection()"> <option value=""></option> <option value="USA">USA</option> <option value="A">A</option> <option value="B">B</option> <option value="C">C</option> <option value="D">D</option> <option value="E">E</option> <option value="F">F</option> <option value="G">G</option> <option value="H">H</option> <option value="I">I</option> <option value="J">J</option> <option value="K">K</option> <option value="L">L</option> <option value="M">M</option> <option value="N">N</option> <option value="O">O</option> <option value="P">P</option> <option value="Q">Q</option> <option value="R">R</option> <option value="S">S</option> <option value="T">T</option> <option value="U">U</option> <option value="V">V</option> <option value="W">W</option> <option value="Y">Y</option> <option value="Z">Z</option> </select> <br /> <br /> <p><label for="countryState">Select your country/ state (if USA): <span class = "requiredStar">*</span></label></p> <select id="countryState" name="countryState" id="countryState" size="1" tabindex="4"> </select> <br /> <br /> <p><label for="username">Create a username: <span class = "requiredStar">*</span></label></p> <div class = "contactRight"><input type="text" name="username" id="username" style="height: 20px;" size="30" tabindex="5" maxlength="30" /></div> <br /> <p><label for="email">Email: <span class = "requiredStar">*</span></label></p> <div class = "contactRight"><input type="text" name="email" id="email" style="height: 20px;" size="30" tabindex="6" maxlength="30" /></div> <br /> <p><label for="password">Create a password: <span class = "requiredStar">*</span></label></p> <div class = "contactRight"><input type="password" name="password" id="password" style="height: 20px;" size="30" tabindex="7" maxlength="30" /></div> <br /> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="source" value="12345"> <input type="image" name="submit" value="Submit" class="submitButton" src="images/submit-button.png" /> <input type="image" name="reset" value="Reset" class="resetButton" src="images/reset-button.png" /> <br /> </form> and here is the code for processing the selection of the first drop-down and populating the second drop-down (I reduced the number of options for the countries to save on characters for this post): Code: function processSelection() { choice1 = document.getElementById("countryLtr"); choice2 = document.getElementById("countryState"); choice2.length = 0; if (choice1.value == "USA") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Alaska"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("American Samoa"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Arizona"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Arkansas"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("California"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Colorado"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Connecticut"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Delaware"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("District of Columbia"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Florida"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Georgia"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Guam"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Hawaii"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Idaho"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Illinois"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Indiana"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Iowa"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Kansas"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Kentucky"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Louisiana"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Maine"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Maryland"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Massachusetts"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Michigan"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Minnesota"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Mississippi"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Missouri"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Montana"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Nebraska"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Nevada"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("New Hampshire"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("New Jersey"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("New Mexico"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("New York"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("North Carolina"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("North Dakota"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Northern Marianas Islands"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Ohio"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Oklahoma"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Oregon"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Pennsylvania"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Puerto Rico"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Rhode Island"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("South Carolina"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("South Dakota"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Tennessee"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Texas"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Utah"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Vermont"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Virginia"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Virgin Islands"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Washington"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("West Virginia"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Wisconsin"); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Wyoming"); } else if (choice1.value == "A") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Azerbaijan"); } else if (choice1.value == "B") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("The Bahamas"); } else if (choice1.value == "C") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Czech Republic"); } else if (choice1.value == "D") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Denmark"); } else if (choice1.value == "E") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Ecuador"); } else if (choice1.value == "G") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Gabon"); } else if (choice1.value == "H") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Haiti"); } else if (choice1.value == "I") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Iceland"); } else if (choice1.value == "J") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Jamaica"); } else if (choice1.value == "K") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Kazakhstan"); } else if (choice1.value == "L") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Laos"); } else if (choice1.value == "M") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Macau"); } else if (choice1.value == "N") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Namibia"); } else if (choice1.value == "O") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Oman"); } else if (choice1.value == "P") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Pakistan"); } else if (choice1.value == "Q") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Qatar"); } else if (choice1.value == "R") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Reunion"); } else if (choice1.value == "S") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Saint Helena"); } else if (choice1.value == "T") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Taiwan"); } else if (choice1.value == "U") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Uganda"); } else if (choice1.value == "V") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Vanuatu"); } else if (choice1.value == "W") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Wake Island"); } else if (choice1.value == "Y") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Yemen"); } else if (choice1.value == "Z") { choice2[choice2.length] = new Option(""); choice2[choice2.length] = new Option("Zambia"); } } Here is the code for validating the form upon submission: Code: function validateRequestForm() { var theForm = document.getElementById("requestForm"); //form reference var valid = true; //flag, must be true to proceed if ( == "") { alert ("Please enter a name"); valid = false; theForm.username.focus(); } else if (theForm.countryLtr.value == "") { alert ("Please select the first letter of your country"); valid = false; theForm.countryLtr.focus(); } else if (theForm.countryState.value == "") { alert ("Please select your country. If USA, please select your state"); valid = false; theForm.countryState.focus(); } else if ( == "") { alert ("Please enter your email address"); valid = false;; } else if (theForm.title.value == "") { alert ("Please enter a title for your request"); valid = false; theForm.title.focus(); } else if (theForm.request.value == "") { alert ("Please enter your request"); valid = false; theForm.request.focus(); } if (valid == true) { alert ("Thank you for your prayer request. Your request has been submitted for review. Please check your account to see the status of your prayer request. You may also check recent requests to view your request after it has been posted."); return true; //submit form } else { return false; //form invalid } } I'm totally stumped as to what could be going on in IE that is not allowing the form to pass JS validation.. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks! How can i display a javascript object having [CODE]var myVarr = [{"name":"xyz","age":21}, {"name":"cde","age":25}].[CODE] in a table in jsp page? Regards, Anas I am rather new to javascript programming and not sure if this is the best approach to handle a problem. In setting up a simple image display that can later be modified to a rotator, I am using the following code window.document.display1.src = image1.src; now the question is when modifying that to be more dynamic, where display1,display2,.. can refer to a different image (or set). var Image = "image"; var Display = "display"; for (i=1; i<n; i++){ window.document.this[Display+i].src = this[Image+i].src; } I know the right hand side of the equation is working (alert() displays the right soure), but the problem is the left hand side. I guess because of me not fully understanding the way objects work. why this[] works on the right and not on the left? and how do I resolve it? All your comments, and a push in right direction are appreciated. I am doing my homework for my class, and I don't usually ask for this much help because I get most of them done by myself. However, I am having a really hard time to understand this time. I have lots lots of questions...I tried to follow the instructions that I got from my professor, but it seems not clear enough to me... If anyone can fix or add on my codes, I will be really really appreciated....and here is the instructions and my codes.. If the form validates, instead of returning true, call the GetValues() function followed by the DisplayOutput() function. so, I changed result true to calling functions like this, Code: if (blnError == true){ return false; } else { DisplayOutput(); GetValues(); } In the .js file, create a PortraitOrder class using the following specifications Properties: portrait, copies, size, buyer Method: CalculateCost () -- determines the size (radio buttons) and then mutiplies the related cost by the number of copies Code: function PortraitOrder(){ var cost; this.copies = ""; this.portrait = ""; this.size = ""; this.buyer = ""; var CalculateCost = { met1 : function () { if(size == 0){ cost = this.copies * 10 } else if(size ==1){ cost = this.copies * 20 } else if(size ==2){ cost = this.copies * 10 } else if(size ==3){ cost = this.copies * 30 } else{ cost = this.copies * 20 } } } } Create a new instance of the class named portraits as a global variable in the ,js file -" I don't see why I need this. So I did not create Create a GetValues() function that will retrieve the values from the form fields (document.forms[0].element.value) and assign them the properties of the instance of the PortraitOrder class. use a for loop to retrieve the value from the radio buttons use the prototype property to add a new property named email to the instance of the class retrieve the value from the form field and assign it to the new email property Code: function GetValue(){ this.copies = document.forms[0].Copies.value; this.buyer = document.forms[0].Buyer.value; var file = document.getElementsByName('Filename'); for(var i = 0; i < file.length; i++){ if(file[i].checked){ this.portrait = file[i].value; } } var sizes = document.getElementsByName('Size'); for(var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++){ if(sizes[i].checked){ this.size = sizes[i].value; } } = document.forms[0].Email.value; } Create a DisplayOutput() function that calls the CalculateCost () method for the current instance of the class. displays the image using the value from the portrait property which contains the filename. Be sure to include height and width (and that would be why all of the images had to be the same dimension. These values can be hardcoded. The filename, however, may NOT be hard coded.. it must use the format. displays the buyer, email, copies, size, and cost using the format (document.forms[0].element.value is not permitted) The cost must be formatted as ##.## where # represents a number (Hint: Use a method of the Number class). It is NOT okay just to concatenate .00 to then end of the cost. Code: function DisplayOutput(){ CalculateCost.met1(); document.write("buyer: " + this.buyer); document.write("Email: " + email); document.write("Portrait: " + this.portrait); document.write("Copies: " + this.copies); document.write("Cost: " + "$"+cost.toFixed(2)); document.write("Thank you"); } The order form must include the site's header and footer and coordinate with the rest of the site. There is no form processing file, everything is done in the .js file. You may think like, this is horrible codes. And yes, it is. I know probably this is totally odd. This is why I came here for ask help. Also, I spent days to tried, but I could not get any idea...Anyone please help me on this? Hi i am confused in one topic and need help, I have a javascript array containing objects like; Object values are ordered as Type, Amount and count. Object 1 => ("A" , 100 ,10) Object 2 => ("C" , 50 ,10) Object 3 => ("A" , 100 ,20) Object 4 => ("B" , 200 ,10) Object 5 => ("A" , 10 ,10) Object 6 => ("B" , 100 ,10) Object 7 => ("C" , 100 ,5) Object 8 => ("C" , 50 ,5) In the end i want to group these objects like ; ("A" , 100,30) (Note : 30 = 20 +10) ("A" , 10,10) ("B" , 200,10) ("B" , 100,10) ("C" , 100,5) ("C" , 50,15) 15 = 10 + 5 How can i do this in javascript, note that the new types will be added to this array ? I was going through an article on JavaScript objects on "" and there I read Quote: Intrinsic objects - variable types with constructors. * Array * Boolean * Date * Function * Image * Number * Object * Option * Regular Expression * String does it mean that, whenever I want to use any of these objects, I have to create it using new and only then I can use its properties or methods ? 1) There are other objects like document, history, location, navigator, parent and screen. If objects which need to be created using constructor are called intrinsic objects , then what are other objects which can be used without constructor are called as ? Array, Boolean, Image, Date etc all start with capital letter. While document, history, navigator etc start with lower case letter. Why is that ? Is there any difference between objects that start with upper case and those start with lower case ? Are they known by different names ? Thanks Hi all, Have problem from getting data of JavaScript Object ie. Associative Array. Code: var a, table1 a = new ActiveXObject("MyProgID"); a.GetDataFromExcel("C:\\Users\\myFolder\\Desktop\\test.xls","Sheet1") a.Generate() table1 = a.writeInTable(); Here writeInTable function returns a 2D Object array from DLL written in VB.Net. So I got the Object to table1. But from table1, I can't access the values but its there. table1 shows values as in this image(Image Attached.) Actually, I tried many ways like tab(0)(0) tab[0][0] tab["0"] tab.(0).(0) tab.[0].[0] Also with toArray(), (new VBArray(tab)).toArray().... I don't know what I am wrong..Can anyone help me on this? Thanks... Shanmugavel.C I have several list items in an html document. Each list item has an anchor tag and each anchor has an 'onmouseover' event. Is it possible to get the containing object for the event upon the mouseover? Hi, My JS Date validation was failing for a date which as per business is a valid date (01/01/0001) - MM/DD/YYYY It seems that the constructor for Date object is doing something funny.. var dayobj = new Date(yearfield, monthfield-1, dayfield) wasn't working for this case whereas teh one mentioned below seems to be working fine : var dayobj = new Date() dayobj.setFullYear(yearfield,monthfield-1,dayfield) What's the trick here ?? I'm writing a script in javascript(actually a chrome extension) and I need an object that I can write to it like this(sorry, don't know how to explain it better) and then I convert it to string with format of json. Code: id[129].weekDay[6].hour[23] = 0 Here, id is an array, that each element in it contain another array(weeksDay) and in that array each contain another array(hour). The id indices are unlimited, for weekDay 7 and hour 24. I searched in google but i couldn't find what I wanted. Actually don't know the best keyword to search.(objects in arrays?) I don't know what exactly it is called, I can write it's declaration in VB.NET if that helps you. Hi, I'm looking for some help, or perhaps an explaination in regards to "click & rotate" an image using your cursor with Javascript. I've seen this a couple of times on various websites and I'm wondering how difficult/expensive it is to develop such an image. I own a clothing company and what I'm looking to do is to create images on my website of a product in which the customer can click on and "rotate" to see a 360 degree view of the product. Think autocad to a degree... Is Javascript the best language to pursue for this function? I'm quite new to this department, so any help/advice is greatly appreciated. |