JavaScript - How To Run A Gif Animation And Random Image Function From An Html Button Onclick?
Similar TutorialsHey guys, Right now I have a random rotating slideshow with delay script implemented on a website. However I want to make ONE of the slides/images clickable to open up a PDF doc. Can you please let me know what I need to add/change in this to make it do what I need? I am not big on java so need some help. Thanks in advance! Code: <script language="javascript"> /* Random image slideshow- By Tyler Clarke ( For this script and more, visit */ var delay=12000 //set delay in miliseconds var curindex=0 var randomimages=new Array() randomimages[0]="images/simple_img_11.jpg" randomimages[1]="images/simple_img_2.jpg" randomimages[2]="images/simple_img_3.jpg" randomimages[3]="images/simple_img_4.jpg" randomimages[4]="images/simple_img_5.jpg" randomimages[5]="images/simple_img_6.jpg" randomimages[5]="images/simple_img_7.jpg" var preload=new Array() for (n=0;n<randomimages.length;n++) { preload[n]=new Image() preload[n].src=randomimages[n] } document.write('<img name="defaultimage" src="'+randomimages[Math.floor(Math.random()*(randomimages.length))]+'">') function rotateimage() { if (curindex==(tempindex=Math.floor(Math.random()*(randomimages.length)))){ curindex=curindex==0? 1 : curindex-1 } else curindex=tempindex document.images.defaultimage.src=randomimages[curindex] } setInterval("rotateimage()",delay) </script> I just started my javascript class two weeks ago and am having troubles already and my book is no help. My first assignment is having a list of country names and when you click the radio button next to the name the country flag pops up in a designated area for the image. I have tried a few different things but nothing is working. I have the list of countrys and the radio buttons but when i click the radio button the image doesn't pop up. Also, when i click another radio button they all stay selected. So I found this script and i give all props to the author but can anyone help me to add text to the random images. Also i need a button that will generate the random images/text not when you refresh the page but when your press the button and to not display any image/text till the button is pressed? Thanks in advance. [CODE] <script language="Javascript"> var currentdate = 0 var core = 0 function StringArray (n) { this.length = n; for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = ' ' } } image = new StringArray(10) image[0] = 'images' image[1] = 'images' image[2] = 'images' image[3] = 'images' image[4] = 'images' image[5] = 'images' image[6] = 'images' image[7] = 'images' image[8] = 'images' image[9] = 'images' var ran = 60/image.length function ranimage() { currentdate = new Date() core = currentdate.getSeconds() core = Math.floor(core/ran) return(image[core]) } document.write("<img src='" +ranimage()+ "'>") </script> <form> <p><input type="button" name="B1" value="Switch It Up" onclick="ranimage()"></p> </form> [CODE] Hi Guys, I am trying to make a change to my website so when someone clicks on the chinese flag image, for example, a function which put the clock forward a few hours. This is what the code I have got at the moment: <td><a href="<? echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF].'?page='.$page.'&lang=en'; ?>"><img src="images/uk.gif" title="english" border=0></a></td> <td><a href="<? echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF].'?page='.$page.'&lang=zh'; ?>"><img src="images/ch.gif" title="chinese" onclick="chinatime()" border=0></a></td> <td><a href="<? echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF].'?page='.$page.'&lang=ja'; ?>"><img src="images/jap.gif" title="japanese" border=0></a></td> <td><a href="<? echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF].'?page='.$page.'&lang=kk'; ?>"><img src="images/kaz.gif" title="kazakh" border=0></a></td> <td><a href="<? echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF].'?page='.$page.'&lang='.$most_preferred; ?>">Browser Set</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <p class="meta"><span class="date"><script type="text/javascript"> var currentTime = new Date() var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes() var hours = currentTime.getHours() var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1 var day = currentTime.getDate() var year = currentTime.getFullYear() function chinatime() { hours = hours + 5 } if (minutes < 10) minutes = "0" + minutes document.write(day + "/" + month + "/" + year + " " + hours +":"+minutes) </script> Many Thanks Hello! I was looking for a way to pause animated gifs per command, and I found a thread in this forum with the appropriate instruction: I used the code example from there and adjusted it to my needs on my website: The code works as it should! (The button is in the top-left corner) But there are 2 things I would want to improve. Unfortunately I can't fix them myself, maybe you can help 1) I don't want to use a button for pausing the gifs. Instead, I want the gifs to pause when Code: <img id="tiles-img" ...> is clicked. So what I tried is to replace the line Code: obj=document.getElementById('button'); with Code: obj=document.getElementById('tiles-img'); But then, it doesn't work anymore. Why? 2) (*edit: RESOLVED) The button only starts working from the 2nd click on? (No gif pausing at 1st click) Thank you in advance. on this site. There are no validation errors. firebug says my linkOut function is not defined... but I have this: Code: function linkOut(link) { var image = link.getElementsByTagName("IMG")[0]; image.src = image.src.replace("H2.png","H.png"); } not sure where to go from here. Hi. I am new here. I wanted help for a JavaScript code. You might think I'm lazy for not writing it myself, but the truth is I am not a JavaScript coder. I just have a really simple website and I am trying to do something for which I know JS is required but I don't know how to do it. I've also searched around but couldn't find the appropriate code. What I want to do is to make an html page load a different background image every time it refreshes. I will have a list of background images and I want to be able to add in this list, without having to change anything else in the codes after I do this (I think this is made by making an array of images and by putting .length somewhere in the codes, but I don't know exactly how I should do this). I already know how to do an external file (.js) and link to it from my .html page. Now I want the code to put in the .js file, and the code to put in the <body> of my .html file. Please help me Thanks It would be great if anyone can help me with this list-scrolling animation problem. The animation works fine but I want another action to execute only after the animation finishes. Made several unsuccessful attempts, but here is the basic code. Code: function coreAnimate(obj, elm, begin, end, duration, fps) { if(!duration) duration = 1000; if(!fps) fps = 20; begin = parseFloat(begin); end = parseFloat(end); duration = parseFloat(duration); fps = parseFloat(fps); var change = end-begin; var interval = Math.ceil(1000/fps); var totalframes = Math.ceil(duration/interval); var step = change/totalframes; for(i = 1 ;i <= totalframes; i++) { (function() { var frame=i; function inner() { var increase = linearTween(frame, begin, change, totalframes); unit = 'px';[elm] = increase+unit; }; timer = setTimeout(inner,interval*frame); }) (); }; }; function linearTween(t, b, c, d) { return c*t/d + b; }; Thanks, Chris Hey, In the quiz function the form that is generated all compiles correctly, but the submit button only causes the page to refresh. What am I doing wrong? Thank you var c = "1"; //counter var n = [68]; //array that stores unique random numbers var t = "better clear"; var lc = [3]; var uc = [3]; ////////////////////////////////////////////// //The generate() function generates 68 random //unique numbers. ////////////////////////////////////////////// function generate() { var gen = 0; //variable that stores random integer. var j = 1, i = 1; //integers used for loops while (j <= 68) { gen = Math.floor(Math.random()*68+1); for (i = 1; i <= j; i++) { if (n[i] == gen) { break; } else { if (i == j) { n [j] = gen; j++; break; } } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// //The rinfo() function reads information that //is pertinent to current question (quality //of triad (t), upper case, and //lower case answers to the question). ////////////////////////////////////////////// function rinfo() { if (n[c] == 1) { t = "a C Major"; lc[3] = "c"; //root uc[3] = "C"; //root lc[2] = "e"; //third uc[2] = "E"; //third lc[1] = "g"; //fifth uc[1] = "G"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 2) { t = "a C Minor"; lc[3] = "c"; //root uc[3] = "C"; //root lc[2] = "eb"; //third uc[2] = "Eb"; //third lc[1] = "g"; //fifth uc[1] = "G"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 3) { t = "a C Augmented"; lc[3] = "c"; //root uc[3] = "C"; //root lc[2] = "e"; //third uc[2] = "E"; //third lc[1] = "g#"; //fifth uc[1] = "G#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 4) { t = "a C Diminished"; lc[3] = "c"; //root uc[3] = "C"; //root lc[2] = "eb"; //third uc[2] = "Eb"; //third lc[1] = "gb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Gb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 5) { t = "a F Major"; lc[3] = "f"; //root uc[3] = "F"; //root lc[2] = "a"; //third uc[2] = "A"; //third lc[1] = "c"; //fifth uc[1] = "C"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 6) { t = "a F Minor"; lc[3] = "f"; //root uc[3] = "F"; //root lc[2] = "ab"; //third uc[2] = "Ab"; //third lc[1] = "c"; //fifth uc[1] = "C"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 7) { t = "a F Augmented"; lc[3] = "f"; //root uc[3] = "F"; //root lc[2] = "a"; //third uc[2] = "A"; //third lc[1] = "c#"; //fifth uc[1] = "C#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 8) { t = "a F Diminished"; lc[3] = "f"; //root uc[3] = "F"; //root lc[2] = "ab"; //third uc[2] = "Ab"; //third lc[1] = "cb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Cb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 9) { t = "a Bb Major"; lc[3] = "bb"; //root uc[3] = "Bb"; //root lc[2] = "d"; //third uc[2] = "D"; //third lc[1] = "f"; //fifth uc[1] = "F"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 10) { t = "a Bb Minor"; lc[3] = "bb"; //root uc[3] = "Bb"; //root lc[2] = "db"; //third uc[2] = "Db"; //third lc[1] = "f"; //fifth uc[1] = "F"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 11) { t = "a Bb Augmented"; lc[3] = "bb"; //root uc[3] = "Bb"; //root lc[2] = "d"; //third uc[2] = "D"; //third lc[1] = "f#"; //fifth uc[1] = "F#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 12) { t = "a Bb Diminished"; lc[3] = "bb"; //root uc[3] = "Bb"; //root lc[2] = "db"; //third uc[2] = "Db"; //third lc[1] = "fb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Fb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 13) { t = "an Eb Major"; lc[3] = "eb"; //root uc[3] = "Eb"; //root lc[2] = "g"; //third uc[2] = "G"; //third lc[1] = "bb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Bb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 14) { t = "an Eb Minor"; lc[3] = "eb"; //root uc[3] = "Eb"; //root lc[2] = "gb"; //third uc[2] = "Gb"; //third lc[1] = "bb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Bb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 15) { t = "an Eb Augmented"; lc[3] = "eb"; //root uc[3] = "Eb"; //root lc[2] = "g"; //third uc[2] = "G"; //third lc[1] = "b#"; //fifth uc[1] = "B#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 16) { t = "an Eb Diminished"; lc[3] = "eb"; //root uc[3] = "Eb"; //root lc[2] = "gb"; //third uc[2] = "Gb"; //third lc[1] = "bbb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Bbb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 17) { t = "an Ab Major"; lc[3] = "ab"; //root uc[3] = "Ab"; //root lc[2] = "c"; //third uc[2] = "C"; //third lc[1] = "e"; //fifth uc[1] = "E"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 18) { t = "an Ab Minor"; lc[3] = "ab"; //root uc[3] = "Ab"; //root lc[2] = "cb"; //third uc[2] = "Cb"; //third lc[1] = "eb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Eb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 19) { t = "an Ab Augmented"; lc[3] = "ab"; //root uc[3] = "Ab"; //root lc[2] = "c"; //third uc[2] = "C"; //third lc[1] = "e"; //fifth uc[1] = "E"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 20) { t = "an Ab Diminished"; lc[3] = "ab"; //root uc[3] = "Ab"; //root lc[2] = "cb"; //third uc[2] = "Cb"; //third lc[1] = "eb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Eb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 21) { t = "a Db Major"; lc[3] = "db"; //root uc[3] = "Db"; //root lc[2] = "f"; //third uc[2] = "F"; //third lc[1] = "a"; //fifth uc[1] = "A"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 22) { t = "a Db Minor"; lc[3] = "db"; //root uc[3] = "Db"; //root lc[2] = "fb"; //third uc[2] = "Fb"; //third lc[1] = "ab"; //fifth uc[1] = "Ab"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 23) { t = "a Db Augmented"; lc[3] = "db"; //root uc[3] = "Db"; //root lc[2] = "f"; //third uc[2] = "F"; //third lc[1] = "a#"; //fifth uc[1] = "A#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 24) { t = "a Db Diminished"; lc[3] = "db"; //root uc[3] = "Db"; //root lc[2] = "fb"; //third uc[2] = "Fb"; //third lc[1] = "abb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Abb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 25) { t = "a Gb Major"; lc[3] = "gb"; //root uc[3] = "Gb"; //root lc[2] = "bb"; //third uc[2] = "Bb"; //third lc[1] = "db"; //fifth uc[1] = "Db"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 26) { t = "a Gb Minor"; lc[3] = "gb"; //root uc[3] = "Gb"; //root lc[2] = "bbb"; //third uc[2] = "Bbb"; //third lc[1] = "db"; //fifth uc[1] = "Db"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 27) { t = "a Gb Augmented"; lc[3] = "gb"; //root uc[3] = "Gb"; //root lc[2] = "bb"; //third uc[2] = "Bb"; //third lc[1] = "d"; //fifth uc[1] = "D"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 28) { t = "a Gb Diminished"; lc[3] = "gb"; //root uc[3] = "Gb"; //root lc[2] = "bbb"; //third uc[2] = "Bbb"; //third lc[1] = "dbb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Dbb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 29) { t = "a B Major"; lc[3] = "b"; //root uc[3] = "B"; //root lc[2] = "d#"; //third uc[2] = "D#"; //third lc[1] = "f#"; //fifth uc[1] = "F#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 30) { t = "a B Minor"; lc[3] = "b"; //root uc[3] = "B"; //root lc[2] = "d"; //third uc[2] = "D"; //third lc[1] = "f#"; //fifth uc[1] = "F#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 31) { t = "a B Augmented"; lc[3] = "b"; //root uc[3] = "B"; //root lc[2] = "d#"; //third uc[2] = "D#"; //third lc[1] = "fx"; //fifth uc[1] = "Fx"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 32) { t = "a B Diminished"; lc[3] = "b"; //root uc[3] = "B"; //root lc[2] = "d"; //third uc[2] = "D"; //third lc[1] = "f"; //fifth uc[1] = "F"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 33) { t = "an E Major"; lc[3] = "e"; //root uc[3] = "E"; //root lc[2] = "g#"; //third uc[2] = "G#"; //third lc[1] = "b"; //fifth uc[1] = "B"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 34) { t = "an E Minor"; lc[3] = "e"; //root uc[3] = "E"; //root lc[2] = "g"; //third uc[2] = "G"; //third lc[1] = "b"; //fifth uc[1] = "B"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 35) { t = "an E Augmented"; lc[3] = "e"; //root uc[3] = "E"; //root lc[2] = "g#"; //third uc[2] = "G#"; //third lc[1] = "b#"; //fifth uc[1] = "B#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 36) { t = "an E Diminished"; lc[3] = "e"; //root uc[3] = "E"; //root lc[2] = "g"; //third uc[2] = "G"; //third lc[1] = "bb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Bb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 37) { t = "an A Major"; lc[3] = "a"; //root uc[3] = "A"; //root lc[2] = "c#"; //third uc[2] = "C#"; //third lc[1] = "e"; //fifth uc[1] = "E"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 38) { t = "an A Minor"; lc[3] = "a"; //root uc[3] = "A"; //root lc[2] = "c"; //third uc[2] = "C"; //third lc[1] = "e"; //fifth uc[1] = "E"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 39) { t = "an A Augmented"; lc[3] = "a"; //root uc[3] = "A"; //root lc[2] = "c#"; //third uc[2] = "C#"; //third lc[1] = "e#"; //fifth uc[1] = "E#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 40) { t = "an A Diminished"; lc[3] = "a"; //root uc[3] = "A"; //root lc[2] = "c"; //third uc[2] = "C"; //third lc[1] = "eb"; //fifth uc[1] = "Eb"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 41) { t = "a D Major"; lc[3] = "d"; //root uc[3] = "D"; //root lc[2] = "f#"; //third uc[2] = "F#"; //third lc[1] = "a"; //fifth uc[1] = "A"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 42) { t = "a D Minor"; lc[3] = "d"; //root uc[3] = "D"; //root lc[2] = "f"; //third uc[2] = "F"; //third lc[1] = "a"; //fifth uc[1] = "A"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 43) { t = "a D Augmented"; lc[3] = "d"; //root uc[3] = "D"; //root lc[2] = "f#"; //third uc[2] = "F#"; //third lc[1] = "a#"; //fifth uc[1] = "A#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 44) { t = "a D Diminished"; lc[3] = "d"; //root uc[3] = "D"; //root lc[2] = "f"; //third uc[2] = "F"; //third lc[1] = "ab"; //fifth uc[1] = "Ab"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 45) { t = "a G Major"; lc[3] = "g"; //root uc[3] = "G"; //root lc[2] = "b"; //third uc[2] = "B"; //third lc[1] = "d"; //fifth uc[1] = "D"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 46) { t = "a G Minor"; lc[3] = "g"; //root uc[3] = "G"; //root lc[2] = "bb"; //third uc[2] = "Bb"; //third lc[1] = "d"; //fifth uc[1] = "D"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 47) { t = "a G Augmented"; lc[3] = "g"; //root uc[3] = "G"; //root lc[2] = "b"; //third uc[2] = "B"; //third lc[1] = "d#"; //fifth uc[1] = "D#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 48) { t = "a G Diminished"; lc[3] = "g"; //root uc[3] = "G"; //root lc[2] = "bb"; //third uc[2] = "Bb"; //third lc[1] = "db"; //fifth uc[1] = "Db"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 49) { t = "an A# Major"; lc[3] = "a#"; //root uc[3] = "A#"; //root lc[2] = "cx"; //third uc[2] = "Cx"; //third lc[1] = "e#"; //fifth uc[1] = "E#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 50) { t = "an A# Minor"; lc[3] = "a#"; //root uc[3] = "A#"; //root lc[2] = "c#"; //third uc[2] = "C#"; //third lc[1] = "e#"; //fifth uc[1] = "E#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 51) { t = "an A# Augmented"; lc[3] = "a#"; //root uc[3] = "A#"; //root lc[2] = "cx"; //third uc[2] = "Cx"; //third lc[1] = "ex"; //fifth uc[1] = "Ex"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 52) { t = "an A# Diminished"; lc[3] = "a#"; //root uc[3] = "A#"; //root lc[2] = "c#"; //third uc[2] = "C#"; //third lc[1] = "e"; //fifth uc[1] = "E"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 53) { t = "a D# Major"; lc[3] = "d#"; //root uc[3] = "D#"; //root lc[2] = "fx"; //third uc[2] = "Fx"; //third lc[1] = "a#"; //fifth uc[1] = "A#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 54) { t = "a D# Minor"; lc[3] = "d#"; //root uc[3] = "D#"; //root lc[2] = "f#"; //third uc[2] = "F#"; //third lc[1] = "a#"; //fifth uc[1] = "A#"; //fifth } if (n[c] == 55) { t = "a D# Augmented"; lc[3] = "d#"; //root uc[3] = "D#"; //root lc[2] = "fx"; //third uc[2] = "Fx"; //third lc[1] = "ax"; //fifth uc[1] = "Ax"; //fifth } } function first() { alert("W"); } function quiz() { generate(); while (c <= 1) { rinfo(); var output_text = c + ". " + "Enter " + t + " triad."; document.write("<h3>"); document.writeln(output_text); document.write("</h3>"); document.write(" <form align = \"center\">"); document.write(" <input type = \"text\" size = \"2\" name = \"root\" value = \"\" maxlength = \"2\">"); document.write(" <input type = \"text\" size = \"2\" name = \"third\" value = \"\" maxlength = \"2\">"); document.write(" <input type = \"text\" size = \"2\" name = \"fifth\" value = \"\" maxlength = \"2\">"); document.write(" <input type = \"hidden\" name = \"question\" value = 1>"); document.write(" <input type = \"submit\" value=\"Check your answer\" onclick=\"first();\">"); document.write(" <\/form>"); c++; } } I'm currently working on a project and I am doing a bunch of image switching. I'm having a problem with the following... I have seven medium image objects and one small one. One is at the top and the other 7 are below. When one of the 7 is clicked, it then becomes the one up top and the one up top then takes the place of the image clicked. This needs to be able to happen no matter which of the seven i click. Also when you click one of the seven it runs a script to change 9 other images in the center of the page. this isnt too important because i have it working already. What i have is, each of the seven images run their function that changes the 9 center images and then it runs another function. What i need is for that function to determine which company for example(shaws, lowes, target) the top image belongs to and replace the image that was clicked with the top one. But i also need to replace the NAME="" and ONCLICK="function()" with the proper ones for the original company up top. Please if you can understand what im trying to do let me know, if you need further clarification i can do so. i can draw a picture of what im trying to do or the layout if needed but i cant necessarily show anyone the project due to a non-disclosure. How can I make a image where the first image "rolls" up and another (different) image "rolls" up from the bottom? I know how to code it except for the animation sequence. All images are 200 width and 50 height.\ Thanks in advance! (Would like to use jQuery if possible) Hi, I am looking for a script which could do picture animation like in this page But there is other problem: When you put your mouse on them, they appear colored. I need that this appearing action would take 5 seconds. 5 sek. to become colored, 5 sek. to become grey when you put away your mouse. If you need more info, ask.. Thanks a lot. Hi there, I'm having some real trouble with what I thought would be some really simple animations. I've been using, or trying to use the jQuery plugin. Basically I have a button, the mark up would probably (don't have to if anyone can come up with something better) look like this: Code: <button><span>Text in Button</span><i></i></button> I've uploaded a pic, to show (very crudely), how the animation should work: So, you have text with circle graphic on the end by default. When you hover over this element, the background should slide across. This could use another image, probably preferably, so 2 in totally, one for the left side and one for the right. As well as this animation,the text should also slide, probably just 5/10px or so across. I guess this would all animate in reverse when moving the mouse off the element. Does anyone have any ideas on this or can point me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated as ever. Thanks for taking the time to read, Steve Hi, Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. I am new to the application framework in sencha and JS. Acutally i have to pop an image on click of the text. I checked some of the same codes and wrote this code in sencha javascript. can any one please check what's wrong with this code and let me know how to call this function from html code. function showEditWindow() { var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'image', width: 100, height: 100, html: '<img src=\"p1.png\"></img>', });; return win; }; i have an image with an onclick function and parameters 0,1 i want to change the parameters of the onclick function through the same function? Code: <img id="down0" onclick=swap(0,1) /> <javascript> function swap(a,b){ var imgda=document.getElementById('down'+a); imgda.onclick = swap(b,b+1); } </javascript> normally it should change the onclick to swap(1,2) but it remains 0,1 whats happening?? p.s. plz dont tell me about the javascript tag, its just for quick explaining... hi guys im trying to check whether a radio button is checked when i click it, but the javascript onlick event is not acting cool! when i click an unselected radio button i am informed that the unselected radio button i just clicked is in fact checked, when i should be getting the information the no, the radio button was not checked when i clicked it. any idea how to get the previous state of a radio button onclick? What have I done wrong here? <INPUT id="purchase" onclick="document.getElementById("purchase").disabled = true;" type="submit" value="PURCHASE"> As the code example below shows, I have three radio buttons that perform an javascript action when selected. Code: <script language="javascript"> function OnProductClick(product) { if (product.value == "Car") { // do something } else if (product.value == "Boat") { // do something else.. } else if (product.value == "Train") { // do else } } </script> <p>Select option <input type="radio" name="product" onclick="OnProductClick(this)" value="Car">Car</input> <input type="radio" name="product" onclick="OnProductClick(this)" value="Boat"> Boat</input> <input type="radio" name="product" onclick="OnProductClick(this)" value="Train">Train</input> </p> This setup is triggerred by a click, clicking multiple times on the same radio button will yield multiple calls to the OnProductClick function. This last part is what I would like to prevent. Say a user selects the option 'car' and then for some reason clicks on the same option again, this will lead to the OnProductClick function being executed twice. How can I prevent the second execution? I'm a newbie Javascript coder and I've run into a little problem. I hope someone can help me with it. The idea is that I've got a bunch of images, and I want one thing to fire when left-clicking them and a different thing when right-clicking. For the purpose of this thread I've replaced the 'things' with alerts. this is the part that gets added to the images (called 'plaatje'): Code: plaatje.onclick = klik; this is the function that gets executed when clicked. Code: function klik(event) { var fotoID =; if (event.button == 0) { alert("Left click on " + fotoID + "!"); } else if (event.button == 2) { event.preventDefault(); alert("Right click on " + fotoID + "!"); } } I've added the "event.preventDefault();" part because I was told that would prevent the right-click menu from popping up. The problem is that the left-click part of the code works perfectly, but the right-click part does nothing. The right-click menu comes up as normal and the alert never shows. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? |