JavaScript - Removing Image Borders With Javascript
Hey all,
Right now I have a website I am working on,, and I am working on an image rollover script. If you visit the link: You will see the four images beneath the main image and it has a black border around them. I cannot find the code that sets that border. I'm not sure if it is a PHP issue or a javascript issue, but I'm thinking its a javascript issue. plugin_rollover_images.html Code: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Default = new Image(); Default.src = "$additional[default]"; $additional[preload] function ImageRollOver (dir, id) { if (dir == 'on') { document.images.detail_image.src = eval("Image"+id+".src"); document.images.detail_image.width = eval("Image"+id+".width"); document.images.detail_image.height = eval("Image"+id+".height"); } else if (dir == 'off') { document.images.detail_image.src = Default.src; document.images.detail_image.width = Default.width; document.images.detail_image.height = Default.height; } } //--> </script> <table style="border-color:#ffffff;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr> $additional[data] </tr> </table> plugin_rollover_images.php Code: <?PHP /* include/plugins/plugin_rollover_images.php - 10/02/2009 - 8:24pm PST - 4.2.1 SunShop Shopping Cart Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Turnkey Web Tools, Inc. */ if (!defined('SS_SESSION_START')) { $abs_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); include_once $abs_path."/global.php"; } $ADDON_NAME = "Product Detail Rollover Images"; $ADDON_VERSION = "1.0"; $CLASS_NAME = "rollover_images"; class rollover_images { var $output; function rollover_images ($class_vars) { $this->class_vars = $class_vars; } function render () { global $DB_site, $dbprefix, $settings, $lang, $abs_path; $additional = array(); $num = 1; $default = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM `".$dbprefix."products` WHERE `id`='".$_GET[p]."'"); $additional['default'] = $settings[productpath].$default[detail_image]; $items = $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM `".$dbprefix."products_images` WHERE `productid`='".$_GET[p]."'"); while ($image = $DB_site->fetch_assoc($items)) { include_once $abs_path."/include/classes/class.imageresize.php"; $simulate = new image_resize(); $simulate->resize($abs_path.'/'.$settings[productpath].$image[large_image], $settings['auto_detail_height'], $settings['auto_detail_width'], false); $additional[preload] .= 'Image'.$image[id].' = new Image('.$simulate->rdata[new_w].','.$simulate->rdata[new_h].');'."\n".'Image'.$image[id].'.src = "'.$settings[shopurl].'include/plugins/plugin_rollover_images.php?img='.$image[id].'&w='.$settings['auto_detail_width'].'&h='.$settings['auto_detail_height'].'"'."\n"; $additional[data] .= template('plugin_rollover_images_item.html', array('image' => array('product' => $_GET[p], 'location' => $settings[shopurl].'include/plugins/plugin_rollover_images.php?img='.$image[id].'&w='.$this->class_vars[max_width].'&h='.$this->class_vars[max_height], 'size' => '', 'id' => $image[id]))); if ($num == $this->class_vars[number]) { $additional[data] .= "\n</tr><tr>\n"; $num = 1; } else $num++; } return template('plugin_rollover_images.html', array('additional' => $additional)); } function install () { global $DB_site, $dbprefix; $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO ".$dbprefix."modules_plugins set `module`='rollover_images', `internalname`='enabled', `name`='Enabled', `moptions`='', `options`='0::1->Off::On', `value`='1', `help`='', `size`='0', `dorder`='1', `field_type`='dropdown'"); $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO ".$dbprefix."modules_plugins set `module`='rollover_images', `internalname`='number', `name`='Images Per Row', `moptions`='', `options`='', `value`='3', `help`='', `size`='3', `dorder`='2', `field_type`='textbox'"); $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO ".$dbprefix."modules_plugins set `module`='rollover_images', `internalname`='max_width', `name`='Maximum Thumb Width', `moptions`='', `options`='', `value`='75', `help`='', `size`='3', `dorder`='3', `field_type`='textbox'"); $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO ".$dbprefix."modules_plugins set `module`='rollover_images', `internalname`='max_height', `name`='Maximum Thumb Height', `moptions`='', `options`='', `value`='75', `help`='', `size`='3', `dorder`='4', `field_type`='textbox'"); } function uninstall () { global $DB_site, $dbprefix; $DB_site->query("DELETE FROM ".$dbprefix."modules_plugins where `module`='rollover_images'"); } } if (is_numeric($_GET[img]) && is_numeric($_GET[w]) && is_numeric($_GET[h])) { $image = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM `".$dbprefix."products_images` WHERE `id`='".$_GET[img]."'"); include_once $abs_path."/include/classes/class.imageresize.php"; $resize = new image_resize(); $resize->resize_and_display($abs_path.'/'.$settings[productpath].$image[large_image], $_GET['h'], $_GET['w']); exit; } ?> Similar TutorialsI have used the PHP Calculator thanks to "ralph l mayo" and it is exactly what I'm in need of BUT the problem is now when I put it into my html doc in Dreamweaver CS4 and preview in IE everything below the calculation is gone / blank / disappeared. What is the story...PLEASE PLEASE HELP
Hi, I have three buttons on my site. When a button is clicked it pulls down a javascript pop up questionaire box. When the person closes the box they're redirected to Paypal depending on which button they clicked, hence the 3 if else options toward the end of this script. How might the following code be rewritten so that the pop up box no longer exists, but so the options still function and redirect correctly to Paypal? Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function popup(option){'<div><p>How did you learn about Dinosaur Pop?</p> <textarea id="message" name="message" rows="4" cols="30"></textarea><br><br><input type="button" value="Send" onclick="Modalbox.hide(); redirect(' + option + ');" /> or <input type="button" value="No, leave it!" onclick="Modalbox.hide(); redirect(' + option + ');" /></div>', {title: "Question", width: 300}); return false; } function redirect(option) { var messageObj = document.getElementById("message"); if (messageObj != null && messageObj.value != "") { var url = 'submit_message.php?message=' + encodeURIComponent(messageObj.value); new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', onSuccess: function(transport) { } }) } if (option == 1) document._xclick.submit(); else if (option == 2) document._xclick1.submit(); else if (option == 3) window.location = "download/Dinosaur Pop Book.pdf"; } </script> Hello , here is my code(which is not working on my problem) i want to remove anchor tag(href="a") will u please help.... Code: <html> <head><title>Welcome to DevForum</title></head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function Remove() { var anchor = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); var i; for(i=0;i<anchor.length;i++) { var anc=anchor.item(i); var href=anc.attributes.getNamedItem("href"); if (href.value == "a") { anchor.item(i).attributes.getNamedItem("href").value = ""; } } } </script> <body onload="Remove()"> <h1>Welcome</h1> <a href="b">b</a> <a href="a">a</a> </body> </html> Thanks in Advance.... I hardly know anything about javascript and I'm only messing with it to fix a problem with implementing Facebook comments on my website. I'm trying to load only Disqus comments on IE and only Facebook comments for every other browser. I'm somewhat familiar with conditional statements for html and css but not javascript. I have found solutions for inserting and removing other elements but not javascript. if IE = load Disqus if not IE = load Facebook comments Thanks in advance. Hello, I am working on a page that has a jQuery full browser BG image and I am trying to also utilize a MooTools gallery. There seems to be some interference between the two JavaScripts as only one works (whichever one is last in order in the header of the HTML document). Links: I am a complete novice with JavaScript so if anyone could help that would be great. Thank you in advance. Hi I've searched this forum and found nothing that fits my problem. I used Gimp. I have a map that I have split up into about 5 regions that are all linked to Google for now. (links to be changed later on). I selected the JavaScript tab an then typed into the mouseover box. Here is part of the code it produces in the .map file: <area shape="poly" coords="205,32,159,34,150,83,124,122,114,154,133,175,140,199,159,222,176,217,185,214,223,194,224,173 ,231,155,235,130,224,124,215,107,213,82,212,71" alt="google" onmouseover="img src=""" href="" /> The " bit looks wrong so I took it out and it still doesn't do anything when I mouseover. I've tried linking it to a file within my website folders as well as hosted on the internet. Any ideas please? The links work but the mouseover effect doesn't. Thanks <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <img src="C:\Documents and Settings\markp\Desktop\demo\images\mapv10.jpg" width="350" height="400" border="0" usemap="#map" /> </head> <body> <map name="map"> <!-- #$-:Image map file created by GIMP Image Map plug-in --> <!-- #$-:GIMP Image Map plug-in by Maurits Rijk --> <!-- #$-:Please do not edit lines starting with "#$" --> <!-- #$VERSION:2.3 --> <!-- #$AUTHOR:markp --> <area shape="poly" coords="205,32,159,34,150,83,124,122,114,154,133,175,140,199,159,222,176,217,185,214,223,194,224,173 ,231,155,235,130,224,124,215,107,213,82,212,71" alt="google" onmouseover="img src=C:\Documents and Settings\markp\Desktop\demo\images\mapv10b.jpg" href="" /> <area shape="poly" coords="225,197,174,221,139,251,150,266,199,265,203,270,223,270,223,277,241,273,251,270,252,258,348, 249,309,179,308,178" href="" /> <area shape="poly" coords="255,271,277,271,287,286,272,312,269,326,316,379,314,399,221,398,223,336,104,340,101,329,108, 319,136,305,156,301,162,303,179,304,191,305,201,299,210,283,220,277,233,277,249,273,261,271" href="" /> <area shape="poly" coords="247,268,206,268,200,263,152,263,139,272,121,274,94,249,76,241,57,242,38,261,38,289,43,308,61 ,313,89,314,105,308,113,308,144,296,152,296,160,296,168,301,183,300,201,293,208,283,215,276,226,275, 250,275,252,268,224,267,203,267,201,264" href="" /> <area shape="poly" coords="52,126,17,136,1,174,5,197,56,198,80,198,79,213,88,222,100,230,112,239,117,239,128,233,139,22 6,142,216,142,203,138,195,122,189,118,188" href="" /> </map> </body> </html> I can't really get any help over on the greasemonkey forums so hopefully I can get some needed help here. My goal with a script I am writing is to remove signatures from a forum I am a part of. Some of the people abuse it with half a page of stuff and it's out of control. So here is what the HTML source code for it looks like Code: <table cellSpacing="1" width="100%" border="0" class="tback" cellPadding="2"> <tr> <td width="100" class="headcell">Author</td> <td class="headcell">Topic</td> </tr> <tr vAlign="top" class="cell"> <td align="center"> <div><a href="profile.asp?$sid=&id=5126">Roadwildcat</a></div> <div class="fcaption">Pee Wee League</div><br><div><img src="images/stars-2.gif" alt="2 Stars"></div><br><img src="Avatars/Georgia.gif" alt="Member Avatar" height="62" width="62"><div class="fcaption">DC Georgia 2020 to Present</div> <div class="fcaption">115 Posts</div> </td> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><span class="fcaption"><img src="images/oPost.gif" alt="Old Post" height="10" width="10" border="0" align="absmiddle">Posted - 03 January 2011 5:41</span></td> <td align="right"><a href="myForum.asp?$sid=&mode=compose&to=5126"><img src="images/pm.gif" width="33" height="18" border="0" hspace="3" align="absmiddle" alt="Send Roadwildcat a Private Message"></a><a href="post.asp?$sid=&mode=Quote&id=24958&fid=2&t=24958&fpage=1"><img hspace="3" alt="Reply With Quote" src="images/quote.gif" width="28" height="18" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a></td> </tr> </table> <hr size="1" noshade>I have been trying to set my attendance to the all star games but when I do a game search on the map it is showing no games at all. Anyone else having this problem?<hr size="1"><span class="fcaption">SEC Champions 2022-2027 <br/> National Runner-up 2027 <br/> Recruiting BEAST! <br/> BULLDAWG BOUNCE</span></td> </tr> The very bottom where it has the 'span' tag and it says "SEC Champions" is where the Signatures are located. I want to completely remove that using my script and this is what I have right now Code: function sigRemove() { var sigs = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); for (var i = 0; i < sigs.length; i++) { sigs[i].style.display = 'none'; } } I know it's incomplete but I only want to remove that bottom span tag and everything inside of it and not every span tag on the page. Please help and I apologize for the long post hi, at the moment my code: Code: new Date(); this displays: Thur Nov 24 201115:28:53 GMT+0000 (GMT) I only want it to say: Thur Nov 24 201115:28:53 I am retrieving a value from a form, but the problem is that the value is surrounded in parentheses (intentionally). However when making an if statement to see if the value is greater then "X", i can not make an if statement becouse there are parentheses around the number. How can i strip the parentheses??
Is it possible to prevent the tooltip that appears when mousing over an image from appearing? This is without removing the alt or title tags.
I put this at the end of my code thinking that after the div displays (id = 'link_container') I can eliminate (id = 'link_container') from memory when the script ends so there's a place for another div (id = 'link_container') when/if there's onkeyup event. Wouldn't this little script remove any element with an id = 'link_container' ? <script type="text/javascript"> var deleteDiv = document.getElementById('link_container'); document.body.removeChild(deleteDiv); </script> So im making a game in javascript and i recently found out about image maps and i dont understand how they work very well. Pritty much when you would click a specific spot it would change the picture to a different image map?
I followed this tutorial to create a clickable image slideshow with javascript on a site's homepage. However, it appears that the javascript:slidelink() is still running beyond the intended area as some of my content below the container is now underlined as if it were a link, when it should not be. I can tell that the script is the issue because when hovering over the content it shows "javascript:slidelink()" but will not go to anything when clicked. Here is the code I'm using, which is placed in a Wordpress theme container: Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- //preload images var image1=new Image() image1.src="image1.png" var image2=new Image() image2.src="image2.png" var image3=new Image() image3.src="image3.png" var image4=new Image() image4.src="image4.png" var image5=new Image() image5.src="image5.png" var image6=new Image() image6.src="image6.png" //--> </script> </head> <body> <a href="javascript:slidelink()"> <img src="image1.png" name="slide" width="100" /> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var step=1 var whichimage=1 function slideit(){ if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") whichimage=step if (step<3) step++ else step=1 setTimeout("slideit()",1800) } slideit() function slidelink(){ if (whichimage==1) window.location="link1.htm" else if (whichimage==2) window.location="link2.htm" else if (whichimage==3) window.location="link3.htm" else if (whichimage==4) window.location="link4.htm" else if (whichimage==5) window.location="link5.htm" else if (whichimage==6) window.location="link6.htm" } //--> </script> </body> </html> Can anyone spot what might be causing the issue? Thanks in advance! Hello. I am having trouble with a simple image gallery with navigational buttons including "first", "next", "previous", and "last"; and making a drop-down archive menu. 1. For the most part, the image gallery works. The problem is that when a user clicks on "next", and then "prev", the last image is not displayed. On the other hand, if a user clicks "prev", and then "next" the last image is displayed(works normally). 2. The way I am displaying the last image, the function last(), is not efficient. It simply refreshes the page in order to display the last image. Basic overview: The images follow a simple standard: page1, page2, page3,...page64; they are in a subfolder "img". The function changeImage() changes the image from the prev, to the next. The image gallery displays the last image in the gallery; when a user clicks on 'prev' it goes to the previous image, and go to the next image when clicked on 'next'. If the current image is the last image, and the user clicks on 'next', it goes to the very first image. Here is the code (in the <HEAD> tags): Code: <script language="JavaScript"><!-- which_image_loaded = -1; NUMBER_OF_IMAGES = 64; current_comic = 0; ImageNames = new Array; ImageNames.length = NUMBER_OF_IMAGES - 1; for (counter = 0; counter < NUMBER_OF_IMAGES; counter++){ file_number = counter + 1; filename = ("../img/page" + file_number + ".png"); ImageNames[counter] = filename; } function changeImage(direction) { which_image_loaded += direction; current_comic = which_image_loaded + 1; if (which_image_loaded < 0) which_image_loaded = NUMBER_OF_IMAGES - 1; if (which_image_loaded == NUMBER_OF_IMAGES) which_image_loaded = 0; if(current_comic <= 0){ which_image_loaded--; } document.myimage.src = ImageNames[which_image_loaded]; } function first(){ which_image_loaded = 0; current_comic = 1; document.myimage.src = ImageNames[0]; } function last(){ window.location=''; } and in the <BODY> tags Code: <img src="img/page64.png" alt="New comic not available." name="myimage" width="725" height="275"> <form> <input type="button" value="FIRST" onClick="first()"/> <input type="button" value="PREV" onClick='changeImage(-1);' /> <input type="button" value="NEXT" onClick='changeImage(1);' /> <input type="button" value="LAST" onclick="last()" /> </form> My guess is the code is not working properly due to the initial values of the counter. Last, is there a way to display the current image "myimage.src" using a dropdown menu with each option value as each image? I have done this with window.location, but this only redirects to the image location. Much thanks. Any help is greatly appreciated. Hi guys I'm really stumped on this, and I haven't been able to find a tutorial online anywhere. I'm trying to create an XML news feed for a company's website I am currently building. I have created the XML, and gotten the text to display perfectly in the HTML by using javascript. Now I want to add a thumbnail image for each news story, to make updating simpler, I wanted the url for the thumbnail to be entered into the XML, from which the javascript could read and then display in the corresponding area in the HTML. Is this even possible? Every tutorial I get when I use the terms "Image" and "Javascript" gives me a tutorial for a gallery or a slideshow which is not what I want at all. Below is the javascript code, followed by the XML code; Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var xmlDoc; <!-- if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else // Internet Explorer 5/6 { xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }"GET","SDS.xml",false); xhttp.send(""); xmlDoc=xhttp.responseXML; var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("NEWS"); i=0; function display() { title=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("TITLE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("5").fontcolor("white").bold()); date=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("DATE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("2").fontcolor("white").bold()); stitle=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("STITLE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("3").fontcolor("white").italics()); story=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("STORY")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("3").fontcolor("white")); txt= title + "<br />" + date + "<br />" + stitle + "<br />" + story; document.getElementById("show").innerHTML=txt; } //--> </script> XML code Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <BULLETIN> <NEWS> <PIC>"/newssmall.jpg"</PIC> <DATE>14/3/2010</DATE> <TITLE>News Story 1</TITLE> <STITLE>This is a short sentence to describe the story in brief</STITLE> <STORY>This is the text of the news story</STORY> </NEWS> </BULLETIN> Thanks to anyone that even reads this, I'm probably making a nooby mistake, I only started using JS and XML on Monday so I'm still learning lol I need to do image cropping through javascript(without jquery) my requirement is just to get the coordinates through some callback function whenever user crop the image and click an ok button please help me with some javascript code here I need a JavaScript image changer like this: When you mouse over photo1.jpg, it will change to photo2.jpg. When you mouse over photo2.jpg it will change to photo 3.jpg and so on untill photo5.jpg. Please keep this in JavaScript form :) I was wondering if it was possible to get java to display images that have the same name but diff numbers like: Soccer*** Displays; Soccer001 Soccer002 Soccer003 Soccer004 .... So on and so forth. Sorry the question isn't worded well lol Hello everybody. i need to know how can i draw lines over images using javascript libraries. i already did that using wz_jsgraphics library but what do i need next is to be able to move the drawn line and change its position or be able to delete it if i no longer need it . i need to treat draw lines as if they were objects in their common sense. how can i do that ? any help will be greatly appreciated. So what I have to do is have 1 image on my webpage and a button. When the button is clicked the image needs to toggle back and forth between img1 and img2. After searching I've found ways to do this using the image itself as a button. But I'm having trouble getting it to work with an input button. Any help would be greatly appreciated. |