JavaScript - Javascript To Create Hyperlinks With Changing Variable
I need someone who can help me create javascript code which will create a hyperlink string with a changing variable:
This script should write and execute a hyperlink string which opens a separate pop-up window, nothing more. No image files, no subfolders, forget all that stuff. JUST A HYPERLINK. The hyperlink SYNTAX does all the work in loading and selecting the images, NOT THE SCRIPT. There is only one changing variable, the value following clipart_id= Here is the basic hyperlink syntax: <a href=" clipart_id= 00000 &path=%2Fclipart%2Feps%2F&lockRatio=true&width=500&height=500"></a> THERE ARE ALWAYS 2 WINDOWS: ONE WINDOW HOLDS THE HTML; THE OTHER IS A POP-UP WINDOW (The opened hyperlink) The basic html page will contain only 2 objects, an input box and a NEXT BUTTON. Step 1: Initialize the variable from an input box, this variable is used to set the value following clipart_id= which is part of the hyperlink syntax Step 2: The user inputs the initial variable which is used to write the first hyperlink string; click NEXT to launch the first pop-up window Step 3: For each subsequent action Click NEXT - OnClick - This ADDS +1 to the initial variable, this variable is passed to be inserted in a new hyperlink string AND then launches a NEW hyperlink to open a NEW popup window. This is an infinite type of action which advances the value of clipart_id= every time the NEXT button is clicked. Each time you click the NEXT button it advances a counter which executes a NEW hyperlink in a NEW popup window. The only thing that ever changes is the variable after clipart_id=, BUT the entire url syntax of the hyperlink string must be maintained exactly as shown below. If you change the syntax it will not work. So, if the first value to start with is lets say 13000 ; this is input in a box; then the first hyperlink string will automatically be written and open using this: <a href=" 13000 &path=%2Fclipart%2Feps%2F&lockRatio=true&width=500&height=500"></a> Click the NEXT BUTTON and now a new hyperlink window will open which reads like this: <a href=" 13001 &path=%2Fclipart%2Feps%2F&lockRatio=true&width=500&height=500"></a> click the NEXT BUTTON and now a new hyperlink hyperlink window will open reads like this: <a href=" 13002 &path=%2Fclipart%2Feps%2F&lockRatio=true&width=500&height=500"></a> And so on and so on... Nothing else changes. So the "nextpath" after a CLICK is a complete new hyperlink string which contains a vew variable for the value following clipart_id= All I am trying to do is execute a standardized hyperlink string with one changing variable. CAN ANYONE HELP ME TO WRITE THIS CODE? Similar Tutorialshello im trying to change a variable set outside of a function and calling the function with an onchange... i'm having problems getting the variable to change Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var price = '<?php echo $price; ?>'; function addtwo() { if(document.add.size.value == "2xl") { price = price + 2; } } </script> I am trying to create three buttons that will scale the page up, down, or reset to a default value. I would like to base that incrementing on a global variable declared in javascript: Code: var canvasWidth = 600; Desired incrementing would be in sets of 200, so that when the user clicks zoom in once, the value is 800 and the page is redrawn, twice to 1000, and so on. All of the visual elements of the page are created in javascript and are sized based on this variable. Very little is done on the HTML page visually, except for a little display organization, so if possible I'd like to be able to complete this task mainly in the javascript file. Does this make sense? Following are my script to toggle b/w two different links, <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>toggle b/w 2 different links</title> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- display=1; function displayvalue() { document.getElementById("sv1").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("dw1").style.display = "none"; } function ShowHide() { if (display==1) { document.getElementById("sv1").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("dw1").style.display = "block"; //document.getElementById('javaFun') calling java func from javascript display=2; } else { document.getElementById("sv1").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("dw1").style.display = "none"; //document.getElementById('javaFun1') calling java func from javascript display=1; } } function Func1Delay() { document.getElementById("sv1").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("loadimage").innerHTML="<input type='image' src='Loading.gif'>"; setTimeout("LoadImage()", 300); } function LoadImage() { document.getElementById("loadimage").innerHTML=""; ShowHide(); } --></script> </head> <body background="GsNJNwuI-UM.gif"onload="displayvalue()"> <div id="sv1" > <a onclick ="Func1Delay()" href="javascript:;">click me</a> </div> <div id="loadimage"></div> <div id="dw1" > <a onclick ="ShowHide()" href="javascript:;">Download me</a> </div> </body> </html> whenever we call a java method , (consider this line:- document.getElementById('javaFun');)after the completion of java call the page is reloading, how control this reloading after the server completing the request....? I am working with an InDesign CS3 document, with multiple books, and what I want to do is search for a string and turn that string or some how attach an InDesign Hyperlink object to that string. I can find the string using the findText() method var myFoundItems = app.documents.item(0).findText(); And it is returned as a TextStyleRange with its parent being a Story object. What I'm having trouble with is either replacing or attaching a Hyperlink object to string or TextStyleRange. Hyperlink objects to not have a contructor so I don't know how to instantiate a new one and once I get a new one created and the fields populated I don't know how to replace or attach the Hyperlink to that TextStyleRange. I'm new to programming, Here's my problem: I'm using a for loop to generate a list of hyperlinks for(i = 100; i < 200; i++) { var str = "link"; document.write('' + i +'.html')); document.write("<br />"); } so the list that is generated looks like... link link link ---------and so on until the loop is finished. My question: is it possible for each links text to be dependent on the pages title? for example instead of the the text "link", the program would follow the URL and know in the pages header was the title "Bob's website" or whatever the pages title was and would generate the list. Example: bobs website daves website rons website susies website betsys website ______________________________ Any help to differentiate the links text based on following the URL would be helpful Thank you! Consider the following piece of code: PHP Code: <form method='post' name='myform'> <input type='submit' name='sub' value='submit 1' /> <input type='submit' name='sub' value='submit 2' /> <a href='javascript:document.myform.submit();'>submit 3</a> </form> <?php echo "You clicked ".$_POST["sub"]; ?> So if you click "submit 1", the output will be You clicked submit 1. And if you click "submit 2", the output will be You clicked submit 2. That's obvious. But ... what do I need to do to pass the key/value pair "sub" = "submit 3" to the server via POST when I click on the hyperlink showing "submit 3" - so that the output is You clicked submit 3 (i.e. so that $_POST contains "submit 3" referenced to index "sub"). I've tried <a href='javascript: a = {"x" : 1}; document.myform.submit(a);'>submit 3</a>, but that doesn't cause a to be passed via POST. I'm doing a school project and I am using JPlayer as a media player. The site is essentially a music jukebox with a search. I have the playlist set up in the jukebox with 5 songs from the start, but I need to make it so that when you do a search and click the plus sign button next to a song, it will change one of the songs in the playlist to that song. I have the search and everything working but when I click the button it does not actually change the variable in the javascript. Any help or insight to this would be much appreciated. Below is the javascript (with some PHP, but that shouldn't effect what I need). Thanks in advance!! Code: <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/style.css" type="text/css" /> <!-- CSS files required for JPlayer --> <link type="text/css" href="skin/" rel="stylesheet" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="skin/jplayeraudio.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jplayer.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var nextSet = 1; <?php $songsInDB = 70; $rand1 = rand(1, $songsInDB); $rand2 = rand(1, $songsInDB); while($rand2 == $rand1) { $rand2 = rand(1, $songsInDB); } $rand3 = rand(1, $songsInDB); while($rand3 == $rand2 || $rand3 == $rand1) { $rand3 = rand(1, $songsInDB); } $rand4 = rand(1, $songsInDB); while($rand4 == $rand3 || $rand4 == $rand2 || $rand4 == $rand1) { $rand4 = rand(1, $songsInDB); } $rand5 = rand(1, $songsInDB); while($rand5 == $rand4 || $rand5 == $rand3 || $rand5 == $rand2 || $rand5 == $rand1) { $rand5 = rand(1, $songsInDB); } ?> var var1 = <?php echo $rand1; ?>; var var1artist = '<?php echo $database->getSongArtist($rand1); ?>'; var var1title = '<?php echo $database->getSongTitle($rand1); ?>'; var var2 = <?php echo $rand2; ?>; var var2artist = '<?php echo $database->getSongArtist($rand2); ?>'; var var2title = '<?php echo $database->getSongTitle($rand2); ?>'; var var3 = <?php echo $rand3; ?>; var var3artist = '<?php echo $database->getSongArtist($rand3); ?>'; var var3title = '<?php echo $database->getSongTitle($rand3); ?>'; var var4 = <?php echo $rand4; ?>; var var4artist = '<?php echo $database->getSongArtist($rand4); ?>'; var var4title = '<?php echo $database->getSongTitle($rand4); ?>'; var var5 = <?php echo $rand5; ?>; var var5artist = '<?php echo $database->getSongArtist($rand5); ?>'; var var5title = '<?php echo $database->getSongTitle($rand5); ?>'; var playItem = 0; $(document).ready(function(){ var myPlayList = [ {name:var1artist+" - "+var1title, mp3:"music/"+var1+".mp3"}, {name:var2artist+" - "+var2title, mp3:"music/"+var2+".mp3"}, {name:var3artist+" - "+var3title, mp3:"music/"+var3+".mp3"}, {name:var4artist+" - "+var4title, mp3:"music/"+var4+".mp3"}, {name:var5artist+" - "+var5title, mp3:"music/"+var5+".mp3"}, ]; // Local copy of jQuery selectors, for performance. var jpPlayTime = $("#jplayer_play_time"); var jpTotalTime = $("#jplayer_total_time"); $("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer({ ready: function() { displayPlayList(); playListInit(false); // Parameter is a boolean for autoplay. }, ended: function() { playListNext(); }, swfPath:"/js", nativeSupport: true, supplied: "mp3" }); $("#jplayer_previous").click( function() { playListPrev(); $(this).blur(); return false; }); $("#jplayer_next").click( function() { playListNext(); $(this).blur(); return false; }); function displayPlayList() { $("#jplayer_playlist ul").empty(); for (i=0; i < myPlayList.length; i++) { var listItem = (i == myPlayList.length-1) ? "<li class='jplayer_playlist_item_last'>" : "<li>"; listItem += "<a href='#' id='jplayer_playlist_item_"+i+"' tabindex='1'>"+ myPlayList[i].name +"</a></li>"; $("#jplayer_playlist ul").append(listItem); $("#jplayer_playlist_item_"+i).data( "index", i ).click( function() { var index = $(this).data("index"); if (playItem != index) { playListChange( index ); } else { $("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer("play"); } $(this).blur(); return false; }); } } function playListInit(autoplay) { if(autoplay) { playListChange( playItem ); } else { playListConfig( playItem ); } } function playListConfig( index ) { $("#jplayer_playlist_item_"+playItem).removeClass("jplayer_playlist_current").parent().removeClass("jplayer_playlist_current"); $("#jplayer_playlist_item_"+index).addClass("jplayer_playlist_current").parent().addClass("jplayer_playlist_current"); playItem = index; $("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer("setMedia", myPlayList[playItem]); } function playListChange( index ) { playListConfig( index ); $("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer("play"); } function playListNext() { var index = (playItem+1 < myPlayList.length) ? playItem+1 : 0; playListChange( index ); } function playListPrev() { var index = (playItem-1 >= 0) ? playItem-1 : myPlayList.length-1; playListChange( index ); } }); function loadSong(songID, artist, title) { if(nextSet == 1){ var1 = songID; var1artist = artist; var1title = title; nextSet++; } else if(nextSet == 2){ var2 = songID; var2artist = artist; var2title = title; nextSet++; } else if(nextSet == 3){ var3 = songID; var3artist = artist; var3title = title; nextSet++; } else if(nextSet == 4){ var4 = songID; var4artist = artist; var4title = title; nextSet++; } else if(nextSet == 5){ var5 = songID; var5artist = artist; var5title = title; nextSet++; } if(nextSet > 5){ nextSet = 1; } alert("Song has been queued! "+nextSet) } var i = 1; $(document).ready(function(){ $(".search").click(function(){ $.post("livequery.php", { keywords: $(".keywords").val(), mode: $(".mode").val() }, function(data){ $("table#content").empty() $.each(data, function(){ var _class = "search_content1"; if(i % 2 == 0) { _class = "search_content2"; } $("table#content").append("<tr class='"+_class+"'><td class='trunc_table' width='4%'><input type='button' value='+' onClick=\"loadSong('""', '"+this.artist+"', '"+this.title+"')\" /></td><td class='trunc_table' width='27%'>" + this.title + "</td><td class='trunc_table' width='1%'> </td><td class='trunc_table' width='22%'>" + this.artist + "</td><td class='trunc_table' width='1%'> </td><td class='trunc_table' width='16%'>" + this.album + "</td><td class='trunc_table' width='1%'> </td><td class='trunc_table' width='14%'>" + this.genre + "</td><td class='trunc_table' width='1%'> </td><td class='trunc_table' width='13%'>" + this.mood + "</td></tr>"); i++; }); }, "json"); }); }); --> </script> Also, the code for the playlist is in the myPlayList array, which I'm referencing the title, artist, and filename with the javascript values. I'm trying to change them in the function loadSong(songID, artist, title). I get the alert popup that I have in there, but no values change as far as the songs. window.onload = initAll; function initAll() { document.getElementById("Message").onfocus = focusHandler; document.getElementById("Message").onblur = blurHandler; } function focusHandler() { document.getElementById("helpYou").innerHTML = "<span class=\"helpMessage\">Hey " + theName + "You should add Lasting Flash to your Facebook!</span>" } function blurHandler() { var helpMessage = document.getElementById("helpYou").innerHTML = ""; } function nameHandler(frm) { var theName = frm.firstName.value; } Quote: When I insert theName variable within the span the code completely does not work. I am accessing a text field when the user enters his name and then a small pop up later that includes the users name when another field is clicked on. I have a form, that when the user click Submit, I need a php variable to be echoed to the page. This is for an upload page. So when they are waiting for the file to upload, it will say "Uploading..." until the upload is complete. All I know so far is I need to create a javascript function and include it in the submit button. This is all I have so far in the submit button tag: onClick="Transferring();" Now I need to figure out the code to include in this function. Any ideas? I am very new to coding, trying to teach myself some javascript. I know this is a very simple code, I just can't seem to nail down what is going wrong. Feeling really stupid right now. Heres the code: Code: <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> var choice=confirm("Press ok for black. Press cancel for red."); if (choice==true){ document.bgColor="yellow"; document.fgColor="black"; } else { document.bgColor="red"; document.fgColor="white"; } </script> <body> <p>words</p> </body> </html> If someone could take a second to set me straight, I would really appreciate it. btw: hope I posted all this according to the "rules". I tried Hi! I have a javascript in the head of the document which has a variable named "ref2" ... ref2 is already working as I can see its value working in another function. I need to send this variable as the value of a hidden field in the form which is in the body of the document. This is my JavaScript Code: Code: function WriteContactFormStatement1 () { var ContactFormValue = ref2; document.write('<input type="hidden" name="UReferrersName" value="' + ContactFormValue + '" />'); } var WriteContactFormStatement = WriteContactFormStatement1 (); And at the end of my form, before the submit button, I have the following code: Code: <!-- START -- Javascript to print the statement for UReferrersName --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> //WriteContactFormStatement(); document.write (WriteContactFormStatement); </script> <!-- End -- Javascript to print the statement for UReferrersName --> When I execute the form, it doesn't work the way it should, plus, gives me a word "undefined" next to the "Submit" button ..... Please help !... - Xeirus. Hello I have a piece of javascrip that refreshes the page: ---------- Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Begin function reFresh() { location.reload(true) } /* Set the number below to the amount of delay, in milliseconds, you want between page reloads: 1 minute = 60000 milliseconds. 2 minutes = 120000 milliseconds 5 minutes = 300000 milliseconds*/ window.setInterval("reFresh()",20000); // End --> </script> -------- I am new to javascript and wanted to use an html options menu in order to be able to choose the refresh interval: Code: <SELECT NAME="refreshtime"> <OPTION VALUE="60000">1 min</option> <OPTION VALUE="120000">2 min</option> <OPTION VALUE="180000">3 min</option> <OPTION VALUE="240000">4 min</option> </SELECT> I know that I have to pass a variable to the function. I have tried several variations but none have worked. I have mostly received a "done with errors" warning. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Zam Is it possible to use Javascript to dynamically change the PHP file used for an include? For example, if I have a php doc like Code: <html> <body> <div>other stuff</div> <div> <?php include('onefile.php'); ?> </div> <div>more other stuff</div> </body> </html> I can get Javascript to remove the included stuff, but I can't figure out how to change the <?php include('onefile.php'); ?> into <?php include('otherfile.php'); ?>. What would be the best way to do that? Hello All. I'm trying to create a file upload page with pre-uploading preview, and using JS to change the images src upon selecting a local file. this works great, but unfortunatelly only for some image files, even though files were taken by the same camera,the same size, and created on the same date. I can't figure out for the life of me what is going on. The Code : <script> function changeImage(newSrc) var str = newSrc.toLowerCase(); cImg=document.getElementById("chngImg"); cImg.src=str; </script> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <FORM METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="UploadScript1.asp" rel="nofollow" target="newWnd"> File 1:<INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME="FILE1" onchange="changeImage(this.value);"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Upload!"> </FORM> <div><img src="oren1.jpg" id="chngImg"></div> </BODY> </HTML> Best Regards Oren Pildus hi i am totally frustrated !! i have been using this on my webpage. if u see under the advanced section there is a code for changing tabs dynamically. Code: document.getElementById('mytab1').tabber.tabShow(0); this doesn't work. basically i have a webpage internet.htm. which has a menubar with loads of menu items. if i click one of the submenu items this code should change the dynamic tabs in admin.htm. the code i have defined for the submenu click is: Code: <li><a href="admin.htm" onClick="document.getElementById('Admin').tabber.tabShow(0)" >Forms</a></li> the full code is: Code: <ul id="QualityMenuBar" class="MenuBarHorizontal"> <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#"><strong>Admin</strong></a> <ul> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm" onClick="document.getElementById("Admin").tabber.tabShow(0)" >Forms</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm" >Guidance</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm" onClick="document.getElementById("Admin").tabber.tabShow(2)" >Organisation Chart</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm">Plans</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm">Procedures</a></li> </ul> </li> this is what the admindocuments.htm contains, based on the website link i have borrowed the code from. Code: <div class="tabber" id="admin"> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Forms</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminForms.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Guidance</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminGuidance.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Org. Chart</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminOrg.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Plans</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminPlans.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Procedures</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminProc.js"></script> </div> </div> whenever i click the submenu they all point to the first tab only. it doesn't change inspite of the code. what am i doing wrong here? please advice. Many thanks. Hi, I'm very new to using javascript to program Photoshop, and was looking for some help with changing the variables in an action. The basic end result I'm looking for (in laymens terms) is: Set variables Perform action Change variables (iteratively, ie a=a+1) Repeat until condition met (ie, after 100 iterations, the script would end). I used a script that converts Photoshop actions to Javascript, so I have this as a base: Code: function step1(enabled, withDialog) { if (enabled != undefined && !enabled) return; var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO); var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); desc1.putInteger(cTID('0001'), 215 ); desc1.putInteger(cTID('0002'), 172 ); etc etc (goes through many other variables) executeAction(sTID('Flaming Pear'), desc1, I've put the properties that would need to become variables in red. I have edited out a bunch of lines in this post as these seem to be the significant ones in terms of what I need to do (obviously keeping them in the script itself!). Other than that I think that's all I need to know for now - just that little thing would enhance my workflow no end. Also, I'm a graphic designer so if anyone would be interested in doing some skillshare or work swap - I'd be happy to provide help and service with graphics in exchange for small tidbits about javascript. Cheers, Jonathan I am embedding a flash photo gallery object in an html page. The flash gallery has a param "thumbVisibility" that allows you to set the visibility of the thumbnails with the options "NEVER" and "ALWAYS." I have it set to "NEVER" so that the thumbs do not show when the object loads. That is how I want it. However, I would like to build a javascript method to create a toggle button to switch between "NEVER" and "ALWAYS" so that the thumbnails can be turned on and off by the end user. As a first step, I know that javascript can be used to pass params to flash objects but as a js noob I haven't been able to find a clear and concise tut to figure out how to do this. Of course, the second step is how to do this in a function where I could switch between the two options using a single toggle button. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could suggest an approach to the javascript required to solve this problem. Thanks in advamce for your assistance. Hey guys, I have been trying to get better at my javascript as of late and there is this one particular color fading technique I have found that I am having trouble dissecting. The following code appears to be how they are making a rollover go from a dark gray to a subtle light gray with a nice fade but I can't exactly tell whats going on from the code. Is it just telling it to add a rgb point in so many seconds? Any professional help would be greatly appreciated. Code: colorInit= true}[a]="rgb("+Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(b.pos*(b.end[0]-b.start[0])+b.start[0],0),255),0)+","+Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(b.pos*(b.end[1]-b.start[1])+b.start[1],10),255),0)+","+Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(b.pos*(b.end[2]-b.start[2])+b.start[2],0),255),0)+")"}}); Hi all, I am currently working on a boids related project which involves a few fishes swimming around.(decided to start on only 1 fish 1st) Now I just want to make the fish image change accordingly to the angle that it is swimming towards by calculating the angle, assigning a position to it, and load its corresponding image. But its just not working. The fish just move up and down instead of what I programme to move all around. The image doesnt change either. Please help! Thanks! Here is my code: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Moving fish, in class 2012-02-08</title> <!-- include the Sprites library --> <script src="Sprites3.js"></script> <script> var left = 40, top = 40, w = 400, h =300;//the frame var tick = 10; //ms between redraws //position and velocity of moving ball var x = 40; //x position of ball var y = 40; //y position of ball var vx = 1; //x component of velocity var vy = 2; //y component of velocity var dt = 1; //simulation time step var anglePosition=1; //the moving image var d = 30; //diameter of ball [w and h of sprite] var fish = new Sprite("goldfish/fish" + anglePosition + ".png", d, d); function moveOneStep(){ x = x + vx*dt; //new x position y = y + vy*dt; //new y position if (x < 0) {//hit left rail x = -x; vx = -vx; } if (y < 0){//hit bot rail y = -y; vy = -vy; } if (x > (w-d)){//hit right rail x = 2*(w-d) - x; vx = - vx; } if (y > (h-d)){//hit top rail y = 2*(h-d) - y; vy = - vy; } calculateAngle(vx,vy); fish.redraw("goldfish/fish" + anglePosition + ".png", x, y); }//moveOneStep //cal angle function calculateAngle(vx,vy) { var s = Math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy); var angle = Math.asin(vy/s) * (180/Math.PI); if(vx > 0) { angle = 90 - (angle); } else { angle = 270 + (angle); } anglePosition = Math.round((((angle/360)*16)*1)/1); //16 positions return anglePosition; }//end of function function init(){ initFrame(left, top, w, h, "#ccc"); fish.draw(x, y); window.setInterval("moveOneStep()", tick); }//init </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> </body> </html> Hello, I am trying to get my jqtransform'd radio buttons to switch to "checked" via my rowover javascript that I was already using. Here is the script for the row over effect: Code: function selectRowEffect(object, buttonSelect) { if (!selected) { if (document.getElementById) { selected = document.getElementById('defaultSelected'); } else { selected = document.all['defaultSelected']; } } if (selected) selected.className = 'moduleRow'; object.className = 'moduleRowSelected'; selected = object; // one button is not an array if (document.checkout_address.shipping[0]) { document.checkout_address.shipping[buttonSelect].checked=true; } else { document.checkout_address.shipping.checked=true; } } function rowOverEffect(object) { if (object.className == 'moduleRow') object.className = 'moduleRowOver'; } function rowOutEffect(object) { if (object.className == 'moduleRowOver') object.className = 'moduleRow'; } //--></script> Currently if I click on the row, it will actually select the radio button in my form but the jqtransform does not reflect that so it still looks like it is not clicked. I tried addings something like jqTransformRadio.addClass("jqTransformChecked"); but that is no good. any help is greatly appreciated. |