JavaScript - Auto Scroll 3 Images Vertically
I'm trying to make my sidebar show 3 images then scroll to the next 3 automatically every 3 seconds or so. (vertically)
Can anyone help me out with a reference I could look at how to do it or show a snippet of code? I've looked up various scripts for scrolling the pictures I have on the right vertically, but I can't seem to implement any of the ones I've found. I'm not trying to ask for you to code it all for me (unless you really want to), but just need some help! Thanks! Here's the site: Similar TutorialsI am wondering how i can make a page auto scroll in any direction when the mouse gets too close, i was thinking about an image following the mouse could do it <didnt work, any ideas on how i would do that? I was thinking about a broken drag and drop script, that never drops < didnt work Hi, i been poken around on here and have not found anything on this as of now, so i thought i would ask. i have a table of data that is positioned in the middle of one of my pages, rather than change the layout i thought it would be nice to just have the page auto scroll down to the middle of the page when the page loads so that the user does not have to constantly scroll down.. i tried this and several versions of it with no luck.. Code: scrollWindow(); // scrolls the window to auto load in middle of page function scrollWindow() { window.scroll(0,450); } i also tried scrollBy, and still nothing i tried using the body onload and still nothing... the scroll bar does seem to flash down for a split sec and im wondering if im using the wrong javascript function or if i might have some css that is locking it to load top of page.. not sure what to look for in the css though.. is there a dif function to do this.. thanks Hello, I am fairly new to Javascript, but so far I have managed to have the page auto scroll when you browse. I was also able to get a button that toggles the start/stop of the scrolling. What I need to happen is when the scrolling reaches the bottom of the screen, I need it to refresh. Is this possible? Thank you in advance!!! Hey everyone! I'm in the process of creating a portfolio site for my artwork and I'm requesting help. The website has a scalable JQuery background which changes depending on which thumbnail you click. I've uploaded the progress he I'm using this code at the moment to scroll through the background: Code: <!-- SCRIPT FOR CHANGING BG ON CLICK --> <script type="text/javascript"> imgs=Array("img/00.jpg","img/01.jpg","img/02.jpg","img/03.jpg"); var x=0; function change() { document.getElementById("bgimg").src=imgs[++x]; if (x==3) { x=-1; } } if (!imgs[x+1]) { x=-1; } </script> <!-- SCRIPT BELOW OVERWRITES SCRIPT ABOVE --> <script type="text/javascript"> imgs=Array("img/08.jpg","img/09.jpg","img/10.jpg","img/11.jpg","img/12.jpg","img/13.jpg"); var x=0; function change() { document.getElementById("bgimg").src=imgs[++x]; if (x==5) { x=-1; } } if (!imgs[x+1]) { x=-1; } </script> Unfortunately, the bottom code overwrites the top. Is it possible for each different background image to have their own "set" of images that could be scrolled through onclick? I'd appreciate any tips that point me in the right direction. Thank you. hi all, i dont know exactly how to explain this but ill give it a go. What im looking for is to have a database hold a list of images ( or numbers that corrospond to images)... that should be easy enough. The part im having trouble with is having these images aligned in a grid which is inside a window /frame/ box on the web page. The user can click and drag and it will move around this collection of images..... like so (numbers represent images): 5 4 3 6 1 2 7 8 9 so if the user clicked and dragged to the right the images would then look like: 4 3 12 1 2 11 8 9 10 the new images are taken from the database and the user can drag in any direction. i hope that makes sence, can someone help with this ? even if its just what this is called that i should search for, ive tried draggable images, scrolling images etc etc thanks P.s like google maps Hello, The main image is actually 1087 pixels wide. I want all the photos to appear 1087 pixels wide, but there is some code that is resizing the images. Can someone please take a look for me? Let me know if any code is needed. Thanks!! Hello, I don't know if this can be done in Javascript, or requires any other language but i was wondering if this would be possible. I would like to embed this Javascript code in to a PHP file and then for it to run automatically upon the PHP file loading: Code: <td class="smallDesc"> <a name="fb_share" type="button_count" href="">Share</a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </td> The Javascirpt is the Facebook Share button that basically allows users that have Facebook to share the page there currently on in their Facebook status by pressing the button, but if there not logged in it shows the login page, not a problem just continue the script. The current button i which is what i want to load automatically in the PHP file is located here, to test the functionalilty just click "Share" button in blue.. http://watch-movies-online.anyfilman...-Movie-17.html To summarise, i would like the above Javascript code to execute automatically upon pageload of this PHP file.. If that could be done, and if this also is possible.. i would like for the "Share" button on the external page that is loaded from the Javascript code above to be clicked automatically so in effect when ever someone visits the PHP page after clicking "Click Here to Watch/Stream 2012 Online For Free" on this page it will automatically load the Facebook Share box, and automatically click the "Share" Button and then close the page if possible, but not required. Please feel free to ask any questions, i'll be happy to answer. Thanks in advance. Best Regards, Jonathan. Hi, I bought this theme in themeforest. I want to vertically align middle #silhouette and #pages the original developer gave this code var margin=$(window).height() / 100 * 15; $('#pages').css('margin-top',margin + 'px'); $('#silhouette').css('top',margin + 'px'); and asked to add in main.js in line 159 it still does'nt work perfectly and in higher or lower resolutions it does'nt get aligned in middle. Do i have to edit anything in CSS, can this JS code be optimised to work perfectly? Thanks Originally posted this in the CSS/HTML forum but I was recommended to posting it in here as it seems the solution I'm after would be JS based. Here's the build site so far, a little messy but you should be able to see what I'm after. - When you click the SHOWS link, I have a scrollto that scrolls horizontally to another (unfinished) div. What I want is for the logo box & navigation box to scroll along with the page, fixed horizontally. But when the user scrolls vertically through content, such as the stuff on the home div, I don't want the logo & nav to scroll. I found this via googling, but I can't make much sense of it as I'm very much a JS noob. I've tried to change element id to that of mine but it didn't do anything. Any ideas? Many thanks. Hi, I'm working on a blog design. (See code below.) I'd like to fix #title vertically so that when people scroll down the blog, it stays in view in the window. I couldn't think of a CSS way to do it. Using position:fixed doesn't work because if someone is viewing the site from a netbook, or simply from a downsized browser on their normal computer, #title is either cut off -- if it's positioned relative to the left -- or it overlaps the blog content -- if it's positioned relative to the right. I've read suggestions to use Javascript but my Javascript skills are practically non-existent. The suggestions were to use an onscroll handler, and to use scrollTop. This is what I wrote but (probably for obvious reasons) it isn't working: Code: window.onscroll = verticalFix(); function verticalFix() { var sidebar = document.getElementById("title"); = .scrollTop(30); } Any advice? Also, .scrollTop is jQuery, right? So I have to link to jQuery? How do I do that, again? Thanks for your help! Here's my html and css: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css"> body,p,#title { padding:0; border:0; margin:0; } body { height:100%; background-color:#fdf5a2; min-width:1056px; } #content { width:700px; padding:15px; border:0; margin:0; margin-left:16px; background-color:white; background-image:url(''); background-repeat:repeat-y; } #title { background-color:white; background-image:url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat; position:absolute; left:755px; top:30px; height:151px; width:292px; } </style> </head> <body> <a href=""><div id="title"> </div></a> <div id="content"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a sem vel nibh interdum egestas sit amet eu tortor. Donec vitae enim risus, quis ultrices metus. Donec vitae mi nibh. Morbi sed placerat metus. Curabitur auctor eros eget odio fermentum et fringilla ante hendrerit. Fusce at tempor libero. Maecenas et iaculis velit. Nulla sit amet lacus enim, vitae hendrerit metus. Donec a risus nunc. Etiam accumsan, ligula sit amet molestie dictum, turpis orci blandit justo, nec porttitor dui ante bibendum risus. Praesent luctus luctus tortor posuere tincidunt. Phasellus ante elit, sollicitudin id dignissim id, bibendum vel nulla.<br /><br />Vivamus vitae elit sed quam consequat interdum sed sit amet ante. Aliquam euismod ipsum non elit sagittis vulputate. Praesent id libero est. Aliquam eget hendrerit nibh. Donec ut sapien massa, vitae consectetur odio. Nunc ut convallis mauris. Donec nisi neque, cursus vitae faucibus a, sagittis et ipsum. Fusce vitae felis augue. Sed eu venenatis enim. Sed pharetra elementum vestibulum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi tincidunt euismod vehicula. Sed facilisis imperdiet pellentesque. Suspendisse ac orci et odio dignissim sodales eget pharetra erat. Etiam arcu odio, adipiscing sed sollicitudin in, egestas et orci. Donec id diam eget libero ultrices tincidunt id et dolor. Etiam malesuada tortor in mi pretium ultricies. Sed faucibus, dolor aliquam pulvinar lobortis, nulla neque condimentum dolor, vel hendrerit lorem elit id ipsum.<br /><br />Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse fringilla luctus ipsum, a suscipit dolor volutpat vitae. Nunc feugiat magna quis lorem porttitor a accumsan mauris pharetra. Mauris eget lectus sit amet mauris tincidunt congue non vitae massa. Donec mi mi, iaculis ut congue ut, aliquam ut est. Ut varius ultricies vulputate. Proin aliquet massa ac nulla volutpat dictum. Donec aliquam diam vel odio rutrum vitae tincidu t felis dapibus. Donec diam velit, elementum eget rutrum sed, congue eget sapien. Integer aliquet cursus pulvinar. Sed varius diam rhoncus metus tristique semper. Donec mauris enim, porttitor a eleifend at, porttitor id nisl. Donec est tellus, pellentesque tempor egestas sed, eleifend id dui. Nulla euismod erat non tellus bibendum quis vehicula odio faucibus. Cras enim turpis, pulvinar ac facilisis sit amet, egestas eu metus. Fusce orci sapien, sagittis non iaculis pharetra, fermentum non augue. Aliquam velit erat, facilisis at faucibus ut, semper sed velit. Proin ac sapien magna.<br /><br />Duis vestibulum varius orci vel tempor. Maecenas id magna nibh, id aliquam mauris. Aliquam auctor metus eget metus hendrerit sed luctus nisi convallis. Mauris faucibus interdum felis ac vestibulum. Aenean ut quam quis velit imperdiet fringilla nec tempor magna. Nam vel neque a justo cursus varius. Nam in erat ante. In convallis mi in tellus tempus id mollis ipsum cursus. Nam a ultrices nulla. Nullam pellentesque interdum ligula, quis mattis ante pharetra et.<br /><br />Etiam nisi nibh, tempus eu tincidunt lobortis, cursus sed ligula. Nam vitae elit purus, id facilisis purus. Fusce lorem quam, porta eget sodales quis, luctus eget mi. Fusce scelerisque, justo vestibulum varius porta, tellus nulla bibendum mi, non adipiscing neque leo vitae mi. Donec posuere, lacus eu lobortis rutrum, eros nulla iaculis orci, sed mollis orci purus rhoncus sapien. Fusce ac enim diam, quis posuere enim. In faucibus, sem a tincidunt mollis, eros nisl faucibus diam, ut volutpat dolor arcu quis augue. Sed iaculis justo auctor nulla vestibulum congue. Cras venenatis, sem non ullamcorper eleifend, risus tellus semper sem, quis fermentum mi nulla id metus. Fusce at placerat lacus. Sed tristique, velit id ultrices sollicitudin, massa tellus vehicula neque, in dignissim sapien nisl a ante. Etiam varius tristique ante et eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris luctus tristique eros, vehicula pharetra purus convallis vitae. Suspendisse porta condimentum magna in luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat.<br /><br />In dui risus, consequat sed sagittis pretium, fringilla a est. Vivamus gravida, est vel cursus tristique, est est aliquet quam, quis fermentum quam neque et justo. Nulla eu urna eu sapien rutrum varius eget id odio. Sed lacinia tristique purus ac auctor. Nam ornare auctor mauris, ac pharetra nisl dignissim sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Donec eleifend malesuada orci vitae posuere. Vivamus mattis vestibulum ante, mattis pellentesque magna sagittis id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum congue nunc ac felis volutpat vel vestibulum libero pulvinar. Duis rutrum dui non libero mollis ultrices. Vestibulum et sapien ac justo tristique rutrum. Duis nec nibh eros, eu pretium mauris. Ut tristique eleifend elementum. Duis id leo id nisl commodo sagittis at a elit. Cras aliquet, nibh a bibendum ultricies, nisl nisl posuere justo, in feugiat enim nunc non eros. Pellentesque vitae dui eget metus molestie sodales. Aenean id augue leo, a bibendum felis.<br /><br />Donec tristique laoreet lobortis. Aenean vestibulum congue mauris vitae suscipit. Maecenas in euismod orci. Suspendisse vel egestas leo. Vestibulum faucibus vestibulum felis at interdum. Cras vestibulum, augue quis convallis laoreet, ligula est suscipit turpis, a sodales nunc orci vitae risus. Nam eu tristique dolor. Vivamus nec aliquam neque. Integer magna eros, mattis non cursus ut, hendrerit eu orci. Morbi eu felis metus. Vivamus eu malesuada tortor. Vivamus eget lectus sit amet magna mattis adipiscing eu non magna. Praesent pretium tincidunt enim vel consectetur. Sed dictum vestibulum ligula, non dictum quam vulputate quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas iaculis pharetra iaculis.</p> </div> </body> </html> Hola! I'll give you a little background before I ask you guys my question! I have a Header, a rectangle of 800x100 and directly below that I have Spry Collabsible panels stacked on top of each other with my menu items 'Home' 'About us' etc. My question is... does anyone know of a way I could vertically center everything on the page, so that when the panels are closed it is nicely in the centre and when you open one, the header moves up to allow room for the content and the whole thing stays vertically centered on the page. I'm guessing this will need some kind of fancy javascript to make possible. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give! Adam I was recommended to vertically align these list items using javascript. I am needing to vertically align the "identity" and "web presence" list items with each other: Thank you in advance! hi guys, I need to implement an inline calendar showing multiple months(suppose 6 months) starting from current month in my web application. It should be possible to move to the previous months and next months. Also it should be possible to retrieve the date when a user clicks (onclick event) on a particular date. Is there any javascript source code available? could anyone please help me? thanks in advance Hi there, I've been searching for an answer to this for the last few days but with no luck, so I thought I'd register here to see if anyone can possibly help. All I've been able to find everywhere for this is examples of changing images when rolling over them or clicking them, and I don't need that. What I need is a bit of javascript that will recognise some image paths on a page and replace those image paths with other ones. It's for an ecommerce website on a certain platform, using a customer reviews section which outputs star images based on the customer's rating. So, the images used (which look awful) are, for example, "sourcehere/stars_5.gif", "sourcehere//stars_4.gif", and so on. Just 5 of them. I want to design my own 5 images, upload those images, and then have the javascript replace the rubbish looking ones on the page with my own images. I thought I'd be able to find something quite easily, but so far all I can find is examples of mouseover events and so on, and I don't need any of that, just the entire image replaced with my own image. Can anyone help please? I'm a beginner with javascript so I'll need it spelled out to me! Thankyou for your time. Have a container set to an em height and need the get the scroll or overflow value. Basically need to know if text node inside container has content hidden below the height allowed. How do I get this?
Does anyone know where I could get a scroller similar to the one used in this recent news div? thanks! Hi, Quick question - I want to find the scrollTop value for some ajax divs but I can't seem to get scrollTop to work. The html looks like this: Code: <div id="media-meta-container" style="width: 302px;"> <p>Subtitles <span id="status" ></span></p> <div id="scrollbox" > <div id="content" > <div id="content_0">Content 0</div> <div id="content_1">Content 1</div> <div id="content_2">Content 2</div> <div id="content_3">Content 3</div> <div id="content_4">Content 4</div> </div> </div> </div> Where scrollbox is, you guessed it, a scroll box. I want to find the y position of each of the content divs. I tried this (for exampel for the last element) but it didn't work: Code: var height = $('#content div')[4].attr('scrollTop'); Any ideas? Hi all, I am building a website with a smooth scroll function... that site is: As you will see if you click the menu links, the page scrolls too far up. I would like each div to stop right below the navigation. I am not very familiar with javascript, so I am wondering where in the code I would put this? I imagine I'll be able to put in something to tell the page to "scroll to Div'X' but leave 150 pixels of padding at the top" Is that possible? Thanks!! Hi, on my site: I need to be able to scroll the whole site horizontally, there may be 20 or so images, ther only way i have figured out how to do it is it guess a max width, like just put width: 5000px; but I cannot determine the whole width with however many images in the page?! I have a javascript below that gets the width of the first image but I need to get width of all images and add 20px padding to the right of each Can someone please help?! I have looked a Jquery sliders and scrollers and can only find carousels?! Hello, Could anyone plz recommend a script that adds a "move to top" box for our .php site similar to the one we have on our blog site: many thanks, Andy |