JavaScript - Move Box Within A Box, Results Showing When Click On Firebug?!
hi, on my site, when i move the box within the box, the results are only shown when I click on the firebug icon?!
Can someone please help me here? I would like the results to be shown OnMouseUP thanks Similar Tutorials1. I have code to show tip like: <a class="notvisible" onclick="mytip.disable();" href="javascript:void(0);">Close</a> How is correct Javascript code to Close this tip when clicked? 2. How to move next news feed with click on arror icon and back icon? <a onclick="mynews.previous();" href="javascript:void(0);">Previous</a> <a onclick=";" href="javascript:void(0);">Next</a> How is correct Javascript code to move news item next and prevoius news? when clicked? <script type="text/javascript"> mynews.init(); mytip.init(); </script> Fixed.
Hi guys I kinda needed help on jQuery/ javascript.. Here's the test page.. what I'm trying to do is like this.. the movie box... so far, I have made the cosmetics.. but the thing I was going to ask was.. when you click on the down arrow.. a popup dropdown list is going to show.. the problem is I am copying the same effect as the one with apple.. when you click outside of the popup dropdown list, the dropdown list should be fading out... but it wouldnt... I tried using doing.. it like this Code: $("#wrap" ).click(function () { $(".dropdown").fadeOut(); }); but the problem is.. whenever I click the down arrow button.. it continues to fadeout.. as soon as it fadesin... how should I do this? please guide me.. everything works just fine.. just this one.. I am really lost.. i the whole jquery code is in the page sirs... please help me pretty new to javascript/jquery.. I'd be grateful for any help please. I've just started to build my first ever sencha app and am pleased with the results so far, but am now stuck on one thing. I've built a search form and want to be able to display the results on the same page, but this is where I'm stuck. The form works and sends the results using GET, but it doesn't send it to the correct place. I want to show it on the same page (I've built a php file called search.php to handle the results), but it reloads the whole app with the variables in the url. I've tested all of the code away from the app and it works perfectly so I know the problem isn't with the code, but more with my lack of understanding of Sencha so would be extremely grateful for any help. Code: searchForms = new Ext.TabPanel({ fullscreen: true, title: 'Search', displayField: 'text', sto searchForm, iconCls: 'search', items: [{ id: 'searchSubmit', xtype: 'form', standardSubmit : true, scroll: 'vertical', items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'Keywords', defaults: { // labelAlign: 'right' labelWidth: '35%' }, items: [{ xtype: 'textfield', name: 'keywords', id: 'keywords', placeHolder: 'EG: Music, TV', autoCapitalize : true, required: true, useClearIcon: true }] }, { xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'Advanced Search', items: [{ xtype: 'selectfield', name: 'genre', id: 'genre', label: 'Genre', options: [{ text: 'All', value: ' ' text: 'Country', value: '1' text: 'Sci-Fi', value: '2' text: 'Western', value: '3' }] }, { xtype: 'selectfield', name: 'media', id: 'media', label: 'Media', options: [{ text: 'All', value: ' ' text: 'Music', value: '1' text: 'TV', value: '2' text: 'Movie', value: '3' }] }] }, { layout: 'vbox', defaults: {xtype: 'button', flex: 1, style: 'margin: .5em;'}, items: [{ text: 'Search', ui: 'confirm', scope: this, hasDisabled: false, handler: function(){ searchForms.submit({ url: 'search.php' }); } }, { text: 'Reset', ui: 'decline', handler: function(){ searchForms.reset(); } }] }] }] }); I've then tried to use this to display the results on the same page, but as I say this just doesn't work. It doesn't call the search.php page at all. I've made sure all of the files (except the index.js file which is in a js folder) are in the same directory as the index.html file. I've also tried to load the file in the app seperately by using: Code: Ext.regModel('mobile', { fields: [ {name: 'text', type: 'string'} ] }); var searchForm = new{ model: 'mobile', proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'search.php?keywords=test', reader: { type: 'tree', root: 'items' } } }); and that works perfectly so I know that all of the php stuff is working and does work with Sencha Touch, but I'm just not sure how to get it to only work when somebody clicks 'search' I'd be grateful for any help with this as I've spent days searching the web to get this fix, but nothing seems to be working I don't know if this is of help, but the main javascript file is: Code: var tabPanel; var homePanel = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Home', iconCls: 'home', fullscreen: true, scroll:{direction:'vertical',threshold:7}, items: [{ html: '<center><p>Home</p></center>' }] }); var servicePanel = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Services', iconCls: 'team', fullscreen: true, items: [{ html: '<center>Please choose a service</center>' }] }); var searchPanel = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Search', iconCls: 'search', fullscreen: true, items: [{ html: '<center>Search</center>' }] }); var feedtabpanel = new Ext.Carousel({ title: 'More', iconCls: 'more', fullscreen: true, sortable : true, xtype:'panel', scroll:{direction:'vertical',threshold:7}, items: [ { title: 'Contact', html : '<center><h1>Contact Us</h1></center>', }, { title: 'Feedback', html : '<center><h1>Let us know what you think<h1></center>', }, { title: 'Tell a friend', html : '<center><h1>Tell your friends how much you love this app</h1></center>', } ] }); searchForms = new Ext.TabPanel({ fullscreen: true, title: 'Search', displayField: 'text', sto searchForm, iconCls: 'search', items: [{ id: 'searchSubmit', xtype: 'form', standardSubmit : true, scroll: 'vertical', items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'Keywords', defaults: { // labelAlign: 'right' labelWidth: '35%' }, items: [{ xtype: 'textfield', name: 'keywords', id: 'keywords', placeHolder: 'EG: Music, TV', autoCapitalize : true, required: true, useClearIcon: true }] }, { xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'Advanced Search', items: [{ xtype: 'selectfield', name: 'genre', id: 'genre', label: 'Genre', options: [{ text: 'All', value: ' ' text: 'Country', value: '1' text: 'Sci-Fi', value: '2' text: 'Western', value: '3' }] }, { xtype: 'selectfield', name: 'media', id: 'media', label: 'Media', options: [{ text: 'All', value: ' ' text: 'Music', value: '1' text: 'TV', value: '2' text: 'Movie', value: '3' }] }] }, { layout: 'vbox', defaults: {xtype: 'button', flex: 1, style: 'margin: .5em;'}, items: [{ text: 'Search', ui: 'confirm', scope: this, hasDisabled: false, handler: function(){ searchForms.submit({ url: 'search.php' }); } }, { text: 'Reset', ui: 'decline', handler: function(){ searchForms.reset(); } }] }] }] }); Ext.regModel('mobile', { fields: [ {name: 'text', type: 'string'} ] }); var searchForm = new{ model: 'mobile', proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'search.php', reader: { type: 'tree', root: 'items' } } }); var store = new{ model: 'mobile', proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'areas.php', reader: { type: 'tree', root: 'items' } } }); var nestedList = new Ext.NestedList({ fullscreen: true, title: 'Location', displayField: 'text', sto store, iconCls: 'locate', }); nestedList.on('leafitemtap', function(subList, subIdx, el, e) { var store = subList.getStore(), record = store.getAt(subIdx), recordNode = record.node, title = nestedList.renderTitleText(recordNode), card, preventHide, anim; if (record) { card = record.get('card'); anim = record.get('animation'); preventHide = record.get('preventHide'); } if (card) { tabPanel.setCard(card, anim || 'slide'); tabPanel.currentCard = card; } }); var services = new{ model: 'mobile', proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'subcats.php', reader: { type: 'tree', root: 'items' } } }); var servicesList = new Ext.NestedList({ fullscreen: true, title: 'Services', displayField: 'text', sto services, iconCls: 'team', }); servicesList.on('leafitemtap', function(subList, subIdx, el, e) { var store = subList.getStore(), record = store.getAt(subIdx), recordNode = record.node, title = servicesList.renderTitleText(recordNode), card, preventHide, anim; if (record) { card = record.get('card'); anim = record.get('animation'); preventHide = record.get('preventHide'); } if (card) { tabPanel.setCard(card, anim || 'slide'); tabPanel.currentCard = card; } }); Ext.setup({ icon: 'icon.png', glossOnIcon: false, tabletStartupScreen: 'tablet_startup.png', phoneStartupScreen: 'phone_startup.png', onReady: function() { tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel({ tabBar: { dock: 'bottom', layout: { pack: 'center' } }, fullscreen: true, ui: 'dark', animation: { type: 'cardslide', cover: true }, items: [ homePanel, nestedList, servicesList, searchForms, feedtabpanel ] }); } }) I am trying to debug this with FireBug Code: function chapter12_nodeOne() { //create an element var element = document.createElement('input'); //set some attributes element.setAttribute('type', 'button'); element.setAttribute('value', 'submit'); //appendd the element into a DIV document.getElementById('myDiv').appendChild(element); //uses EventUtil to attach an event listener (1) EventUtil.addHandler(element, 'click', function() { alert('added event handler') }); } var EventUtil = { (2)addHandler: function(element, type, handler) { //check if the element and the browser support DOM Level 2 event attachment //if the user is not browsing with IE if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(type, handler, false); } //if user is browsing with IE else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent("on" + type, handler); } //if user is using a browser that only supports DOM Level 0 event attachment else { element["on" + type] = handler; } }, removeHandler: function(element, type, handler) { //check if the element and the browser support DOM Level 2 event attachment //if the user is not browsing with IE if (element.removeEventListener) { element.removeEventListener(type, handler, false); } //if user is browsing with IE else if (element.detachEvent) { element.detachEvent("on" + type, handler); } //if user is using a browser that only supports DOM Level 0 event attachment else { element["on" + type] = null; } }, preventDefault: function(event) { if(event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } } }; I put a breakpoint on the line marked with (1), I am trying to go to line (2) with all the available options FireBug gives, but unfortunately I get the end of chapter12_nodeOne function. Any ideas why? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en" > <title>Assignment 4 - JavaScript Conditional Variables</title> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("Browser"+"\n\n"+navigator.appName); student = confirm("Are you student at Silicon ?"); if(student==true){ alert("please enter your marks"); } else{ alert("please register first"); location.href="Registration.html"; } function getGrade(){ if((Number(document.form1.input1.value)>90) && (Number(document.form1.input1.value)<100)) { alert("Grade A"); } else if((Number(document.form1.input1.value)>80) && (Number(document.form1.input1.value)<90)) { alert("Grade B"); } else if((Number(document.form1.input1.value)>70) && (Number(document.form1.input1.value)<80)) { alert("Grade C"); } else if((Number(document.form1.input1.value)>60) && (Number(document.form1.input1.value)<70)) { alert("Grade D"); } else if((Number(document.form1.input1.value)>50) && (Number(document.form1.input1.value)<60)) { alert("Grade F"); } else if(Number(document.form1.input1.value)<50) { alert("Grade G"); } } function identifyKey(evt){ evt = evt || window.event; if(navigator.appName==/*Internet Explorer*/){ var charCode = evt.keyCode; } else{ var charCode = evt.which; } alert(charCode); } </script> <style type="text/css"> #main{ margin:auto; width:70%; } #top{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bolder; color:#007700; text-decoration:underline; } #s1{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#7700ff; } #s2{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#00ff00; } #s3{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000; } #form1{ width:600px; height:80px; padding:20px; background-color:#aaaaaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <p id="top">Assignment 4 - JavaScript Conditional Variables</p> <span id=s1>This is Form for checking Grade</span> <form id=form1 name=form1> <table> <tr><td>Enter Marks </td><td>: <input type="text" name="input1" onkeypress=identifyKey(event) /></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="button" name=btn1 value="Get Grade" onclick=getGrade() /></td></tr> </table> </form> </div> </body> </html> When I try to check whats wrong with this script in Firebug, I get error Quote: No Javascript on this page If <script> tags have a "type" attribute it should equal "text/javascript" or "application/javascript" Why am I getting such an error in Firebug. I understand there is some syntax error in this script How can I check whats wrong if I am getting such a message in Firebug ? Thanks Hello. Recently my company's site has been acting funny. Images on the page aren't displaying except in older/non-updated browsers. When I ran Firebug to check the javascript, I got the following message twice. "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -" Does anyone know why I'm getting this code, and would this be the reason images on the page aren't showing up? If this is the problem, how do I fix it? I tried adding the js file into the cache folder but I'm still getting the error codes in Firebug and the images are still invisible. Hope that makes sense, I'm very very new to javascript. Thanks Hey all, Firebug gives me the below error message: component.singularize is not a function [Break on this error] var component = component.singularize(); This is what I have: Code: var component = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); var component = component.singularize(); alert("The component name is " + component); var singularize = function(){ if(!String.prototype.singularize){ String.prototype.singularize = function(){ var context = this; result = ((context.charAt(context.length -1, 1) == 's') ? context.substring(0, context.length - 1) : context); return result; } } } Thanks for any response. Hey all, Whenever firebug detects a js error on a page, it prevents you from interacting with the page, so you can't scroll, you can't click, you can't do anything except close the window. Anyway around this? Thanks. Hello. I'm coding a simple hover-opacity thing for some images on my site on the navigation bar. Although I'm receiving this message in my Firebug. uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: . Here's the navigation code: Code: <div class="navigation"> <a href="home"><img class="home" src="images/navigation/home.gif" /></a> - <a href="home" class="home">Home</a> <a href="news"><img class="news" src="images/navigation/news.gif" /></a> - <a href="news" class="news">News</a> </div> So the effect I've made is, when I hover the image, its opacity gets set to 1. And when I move my mouse away the image changes opacity to .5 And when I hover the text "Home" or "News" the same effect happens with the image. And here's my jQuery: Code: $(function(){ $('.navigation img').css({ opacity: .5 }); $('.navigation img').hover(function(){ $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1 },300); }, function(){ $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: .5 },300); }); $('.navigation a').hover(function(){ var imageClass = $(this).attr('class'); $('.navigation img.' + imageClass).stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 300); }, function(){ var imageClass = $(this).attr('class'); $('.navigation img.' + imageClass).stop().animate({ opacity: .5 }, 300); }); }); I can't seem to find the error in my script(s). Any help is appreciated. EDIT: Apparently the error appears when I make anchor tags around the image. Code: <a href="home"><img ... /></a> This gives the error. :S Code: <img ... /> But this doesn't? How can this be? I'm getting an '$active is not defined' error, which makes sense because the method that defines it isn't called till 10 seconds after I check if it is defined below. But that's the point. I'm actually checking to see if it is defined, and if it's not, then I defined. However, firebug still gives me the error for this: Code: if ($active == undefined) { $active = $('.paging'); } var triggerID = $active.attr("rel") - 1; var image_reelPosition = triggerID * imageWidth; I also tried: if ($active === undefined) if (!$active) But nothing works. I'm just trying to check if it's not defined, then define it. Yet it won't let me check if it is undefined because it is telling me it's undefined despite the fact I'm checking for that very reason. Thanks for any response. Hi, I have this web browser which opens up a website that has a drop down list showing values that the user can select. And when I the firebug to inspect the elements in the page, what shows in the inspection window is this: Code: <select id="instance2" name="instance2"> <option value="0">All instances</option> <option value="1">Item0</option> <option value="2">Item1</option> <option value="3">Item2</option> . . . <option value="23">Item22</option> What I'm supposed to do is to get the values and update them automatically to the database. I'm actually using HtmlUnit to do this project, and I've heard how I can use getElementById() to get the values. But I don't know how to start. I'm a beginner so I might need a lot of help on this matter. Help is kindly appreciated. Thanks. Hello JavaScripters! I was hoping you could help me with an application I'm working on using C# and the .NET Framework that incorporates Javascript. I'm trying to do something similar to to the FireBug / Firefox Inspect Element featu I came across which is exactly what I'm trying to do. It's in Javascript and after looking through the source code for the past 2 hours I still don't have a clue how to incorporate it into my program... From what I can tell it uses tokenizing and recursive analysis of DOM elements to figure out CSS selector paths: Here is what I have so far. The javascript code highlights HTML elements such as a <table> tag and changes the border and background color. Code: document.onmouseover = dohighlight; document.onmouseout = dohighlightoff; var BGCOLOR = "#444444"; var BORDERCOLOR = "#FF0000"; // Highlight <table> in grey function dohighlight() { var elem = window.event.srcElement; while (elem!=null && elem.tagName!="TABLE") elem = elem.parentElement; if (elem==null) return; if (elem.border==0) { elem.border = 1; // store current values in custom tag attributes // elem.oldcolor =; // store backgroundcolor = BGCOLOR; // new background color elem.oldbordercolor =; // same with bordercolor = BORDERCOLOR; var rng = document.body.createTextRange(); rng.moveToElementText(elem); // Make a red border around <table> function dohighlightoff() { var elem = window.event.srcElement; while (elem!=null && elem.tagName!="TABLE") elem = elem.parentElement; if (elem==null) return; if (elem.border==1) { elem.border = 0; // recover values from custom tag attribute values = elem.oldcolor; = elem.oldbordercolor; } } Any ideas on how to incorporate the Selectorgadget into my program would be greatly appreciated! Selectorgadget Source Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en" > <title>Assignment 5 - JavaScript Loops</title> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function getGrade(){ var i= Number(document.getElementById("input1").value); m=Math.floor(i/2); for(var k=1; k<=i; k++){ for(var j=1; j<=k; j++){ document.write(j+" "); if(j==k){ document.write("\n"); } if(j==i){ decreaseLoop(j, k); } } } function decreaseLoop(j, k){ for(k=k-1; k>0; k--){ for(var l=1; l<=k; l++){ document.write(l+" "); if(l==k){ document.write("\n"); } } } } } </script> <style type="text/css"> #main{ margin:auto; width:70%; } #top{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bolder; color:#007700; text-decoration:underline; } #s1{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#7700ff; } #s2{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#00ff00; } #s3{ font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000; } #form1{ width:600px; height:80px; padding:20px; background-color:#aaaaaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <p id="top">Assignment 5 - JavaScript Loops</p> <span id=s1>This is Form for checking Loop</span> <form id=form1 name=form1> <table> <tr><td>Enter Number </td><td>: <input type="text" id=input1 name="input1" /></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="button" name=btn1 value="Get Number" onclick=getGrade() /></td></tr> </table> </form> </div> </body> </html> When I execute this code, on the screen I see all output in one line. Which is not hat I want. But when I see it in Firebug (for firefox)or Developer Tool Bar(for IE) , I see it printed out in pyramid form(as required). So why is this output in one line on screen ? How cn I get it in pyramid form ? Thanks Hey all, For the below code, I'm just trying to create a simple toggle menu for a Table of Contents. However, when page loads, I get document.gelementbyid('sidebar') is null even though it's clearly there and if I move script to below markup, it will also give me a hideElements() is not a function error, even though it clearly is. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var headers = document.getElementById("sidebar").childNodes; for(var i=0; i < headers.length; i++){ hideElements(headers[i]); if(headers[i].nodeName == "h1"){ headers[i].childNodes[0].onclick = function(){ hideElements(headers[i]); = "block"; return false; } } } var hideElements = function(element){ if(element.nodeName == "UL") = "none"; } })(); </script> <body> <a name="top"></a> <div id="masthead"> <h1>This is the Help Page</h1> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <h1><a href="chapter1"> Info</a></h1> <ul> <li><a href="#section1">Section 1</a></li> <li><a href="#section2">Section 2</a></li> <li><a href="#section3">Section 3</a></li> </ul> <h1><a href="chapter2"> Info</a></h1> <ul> <li><a href="#section4">Section 4</a></li> <li><a href="#section5">Section 5</a></li> <li><a href="#section6">Section 6</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="content"> <h1 id="section1">Section 1</h1> <p> </p> <a href="#top">Back to Top</a> <h1 id="section2">Section 2</h1> <p> </p> <a href="#top">Back to Top</a> <h1 id="section3">Section 3</h1> <p> </p> <a href="#top">Back to Top</a> </div> </body> Thanks for any response. view the rest of my comments works on the first page but when i extend the search results the rest of the view comments wont expand. click View all 3 comments and it will show all comments then click more button try to click the view all comments on the next comment and nothing happens but the screen jumping up to the top. Why is this?? What do i need to do to fix it? PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>9lessons Applicatio Demo</title> <link href="frame.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.oembed.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.more').live("click",function() { var ID = $(this).attr("id"); if(ID) { $("#more"+ID).html('<img src="moreajax.gif" />'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", data: "lastmsg="+ ID, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("ol#updates").append(html); $("#more"+ID).remove(); // removing old more button } }); } else { $(".morebox").html('The End');// no results } return false; }); }); $(function() { $(".view_comments").click(function() { var ID = $(this).attr("id"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "../viewajax.php", data: "msg_id="+ ID, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#view_comments"+ID).prepend(html); $("#view"+ID).remove(); $("#two_comments"+ID).remove(); } }); return false; }); }); $(function() { $(".comment_button").click(function() { var element = $(this); var boxval = $("#content").val(); var dataString = 'content='+ boxval; if(boxval=='') { alert("Please Enter Some Text"); } else { $("#flash").show(); $("#flash").fadeIn(400).html('<img src="ajax.gif" align="absmiddle"> <span class="loading">Loading Update...</span>'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "update_ajax.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("ol#update").prepend(html); $("ol#update li:first").slideDown("slow"); document.getElementById('content').value=''; $('#content').value=''; $('#content').focus(); $("#flash").hide(); $("#expand_url").oembed(boxval); } }); } return false; }); //comment slide $('.comment').live("click",function() { var ID = $(this).attr("id"); $(".fullbox"+ID).show(); $("#c"+ID).slideToggle(300); return false; }); //commment Submint $('.comment_submit').live("click",function() { var ID = $(this).attr("id"); var comment_content = $("#textarea"+ID).val(); var dataString = 'comment_content='+ comment_content + '&msg_id=' + ID; if(comment_content=='') { alert("Please Enter Comment Text"); } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "comment_ajax.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#commentload"+ID).append(html); document.getElementById("textarea"+ID).value=''; $("#textarea"+ID).focus(); } }); } return false; }); // Delete Wall Update $('.delete_update').live("click",function() { var ID = $(this).attr("id"); var dataString = 'msg_id='+ ID; var parent=$("#bar"+ID); jConfirm('Are you sure you want to delete this message?', 'Confirmation Dialog', function(r) { if(r==true) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "delete_comment.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#comment"+ID).slideUp(); } }); } return false; }); return false; }); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; } .update_box { background-color:#D3E7F5; border-bottom:#ffffff solid 1px; padding-top:3px } a { text-decoration:none; color:#d02b55; } a:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:#d02b55; } *{margin:0;padding:0;} ol.timeline {list-style:none;font-size:1.2em;}ol.timeline li{ display:none;position:relative; }ol.timeline li:first-child{border-top:1px dashed #006699;} .delete_button { float:right; margin-right:10px; width:20px; height:20px } .cdelete_button { float:right; margin-right:10px; width:20px; height:20px } .feed_link { font-style:inherit; font-family:Georgia; font-size:13px;padding:10px; float:left; width:350px } .comment { color:#0000CC; text-decoration:underline } .delete_update { font-weight:bold; } .cdelete_update { font-weight:bold; } .post_box { height:55px;border-bottom:1px dashed #006699;background-color:#F3F3F3; width:499px;padding:.7em 0 .6em 0;line-height:1.1em; } #fullbox { margin-top:6px;margin-bottom:6px; display:none; } .comment_box { display:none;margin-left:90px; padding:10px; background-color:#d3e7f5; width:300px; height:50px; } .comment_load { margin-left:90px; padding:10px; background-color:#d3e7f5; width:300px; height:30px; font-size:12px; border-bottom:solid 1px #FFFFFF; } .text_area { width:290px; font-size:12px; height:30px; } #expand_box { margin-left:90px; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; } embed { width:200px; height:150px; } *{ margin:0px; padding:0px } ol.timeline { list-style:none } ol.timeline li { position:relative; border-bottom:1px #dedede dashed; padding:8px; } .morebox { font-weight:bold; color:#333333; text-align:center; border:solid 1px #333333; padding:8px; margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; } .morebox a{ color:#333333; text-decoration:none} .morebox a:hover{ color:#333333; text-decoration:none} #container{margin-left:60px; width:580px } </style> </head> <body> <?php include '../../../settings.php'; ?> <div align="center"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500px"> <tr> <td> <div align="left"> <form method="post" name="form" action=""> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500px"> <tr><td align="left"><div align="left"> <h3>What are you doing?</h3></div></td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding:4px; padding-left:10px;" class="update_box"> <textarea cols="30" rows="2" style="width:480px;font-size:14px; font-weight:bold" name="content" id="content" maxlength="145" ></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="Update" id="v" name="submit" class="comment_button"/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <div style="height:7px"></div> <div id="flash" align="left" ></div> <ol id="update" class="timeline"> </ol> <ol class="timeline" id="updates"> <div id='old_updates'> <?php $small=mysql_query("select * from messages2 order by msg_id desc LIMIT 5"); while($r=mysql_fetch_array($small)) { $id=$r['msg_id']; $msg=$r['message']; ?> <div align="left" class="post_box"> <span style="padding:10px"><?php echo $msg.'....'.$id; ?> </span> </div> <?php //Here $id is main message msg_id value. $csql=mysql_query("select * from comments where msg_id_fk='$id' order by com_id "); $array = mysql_fetch_assoc($csql); $comment_count=mysql_num_rows($csql); if($comment_count>2) { $second_count=$comment_count-2; ?> <div class="comment_ui" id="view<?php echo $id; ?>"> <a href="#" class="view_comments" id="<?php echo $id; ?>">View all <?php echo $comment_count; ?> comments</a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="view_comments<?php echo $id; ?>"></div> <div id="two_comments<?php echo $id; ?>"> <table width="80%"> <?php $small2=mysql_query("select * from comments where msg_id_fk='$id' order by com_id limit 2 "); while($rowsmall22=mysql_fetch_array($small2)) { $c_id=$rowsmall22['com_id']; $comments=$rowsmall22['comment']; ?> <div class="comment_actual_text"> <tr> <td style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" valign="top"> <table style="WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" align="left"> <tr> <td width="5%" style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><img style="WIDTH: 30px; HEIGHT: 30px" alt="srinivas" src="" border="1" /></td> <td style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; TEXT-ALIGN: left"> <strong>Jarratt</strong> <?php echo $comments; ?> <br /><span style="COLOR: #a9a9a9">10 min ago - ID = <?php echo $c_id.'...'.$id;?> </span></td> </tr> </table><br /> </td> </tr> </div> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <?php } ?> </ol> <div id="more<?php echo $id; ?>" class="morebox"> <a href="#" class="more" style='display:block;width:100%;' id="<?php echo $id; ?>">more <?php echo $id; ?></a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> if it help here is ajax_more.php PHP Code: <?php include("../../../settings.php"); if(isSet($_POST['lastmsg'])) { $lastmsg=$_POST['lastmsg']; $lastmsg=mysql_real_escape_string($lastmsg); $small=mysql_query("select * from messages2 WHERE msg_id<'$lastmsg' order by msg_id desc LIMIT 2"); while($r=mysql_fetch_array($small)) { $id=$r['msg_id']; $msg=$r['message']; ?> <div align="left" class="post_box"> <span style="padding:10px"><?php echo $msg.'....'.$id; ?> </span> </div> <?php //Here $id is main message msg_id value. $csql=mysql_query("select * from comments where msg_id_fk='$id' order by com_id "); $array = mysql_fetch_assoc($csql); $comment_count=mysql_num_rows($csql); if($comment_count>2) { $second_count=$comment_count-2; ?> <div class="comment_ui" id="view<?php echo $id; ?>"> <a href="#" class="view_comments" id="<?php echo $id; ?>">View all <?php echo $comment_count; ?> comments</a> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="comments" id="view_comments<?php echo $id; ?>"></div> <div id="two_comments<?php echo $id; ?>"> <table width="50%"> <?php $small2=mysql_query("select * from comments where msg_id_fk='$id' order by com_id limit 2 "); while($rowsmall22=mysql_fetch_array($small2)) { $c_id=$rowsmall22['com_id']; $comments=$rowsmall22['comment']; ?> <div class="comment_actual_text"> <tr> <td style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid" valign="top"> <table style="WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" align="left"> <tr> <td width="5%" style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><img style="WIDTH: 30px; HEIGHT: 30px" alt="srinivas" src="" border="1" /></td> <td style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; TEXT-ALIGN: left"> <strong>Jarratt</strong> <?php echo $comments; ?> <br /><span style="COLOR: #a9a9a9">10 min ago - ID = <?php echo $c_id.'...'.$id;?> </span></td> </tr> </table><br /> </td> </tr> </div> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="more<?php echo $id; ?>" class="morebox"> <a href="#" class="more" style='display:block;width:100%;' id="<?php echo $id; ?>">more <?php echo $id; ?></a> </div> <?php } ?> Ok know those people who are in the bad habit of double clicking everything? Well my site breaks if they double click it... is there a script I can use that won't let my functions run more then once every so many seconds? to avoid double clicking errors? Hey guys just need a little help. I need to create a little script that clicks a link automatically and opens it up in a new page. So far I have this: Code: <head> <script> function autoClick(){ document.getElementById('linkToClick').click(); } </head> <body onload="setTimeout('autoClick();',3000);"> <a id="linkToClick" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">GOOGLE</a> </body> It works but the problem is that IE popup blocker keeps blocking the new window. Is there a way to do the same thing with javascript without it having blocked by IE popup blocker? Hello. Could you guys point me in the right direction. I have a DIV that I woul like to move along with the users vertical scrollbar. So when the user scrolls down on the page the DIV will follow. Where can I find information on how I can do this.