JavaScript - Easy Q For Javascript Guru - Browser Detect And Window.resizeto
Hi Guys,
I need to amend the below so that if any version of IE is detected it calls window.resizeTo(300,400); otherwise no event or a window.moveTo(0,0); event (either one). Firefox is having problems with resizeto THANKS! <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> if "any version of internet explorer" window.resizeTo(300,400); else window.moveTo(0,0); </SCRIPT> OR <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> if "any version of internet explorer" window.resizeTo(300,400); else "do nothing" </SCRIPT> Similar TutorialsHi, Sorry if this is quite a basic thing to some of you guys, but I've been searching the web for a couple of days now and I can't find an answer that covers my wants completely. I am coding a website in c#/.net. I have a couple of functions which need a new window opening: 1) a send to a friend form; 2) a contact us form. I have chosen to open a new window in both cases because the user is positioned on a list item when they click the button. In order to keep the number of windows to a minimum, they both call the same window name, let's say "popup". Both the windows are different sizes. I have constructed an open window function which is called when each link is clicked, shown below: var,,'width=680,height=541,resizable=1');nw.focus();nw.resizeTo(698, 631);return false; The second one is the same but with different sizes. The above code whould open a new window, however if its already open and is the other size window, it should resize. When going from the smaller to larger window it does resize, however the larger window never decreases in size. The issue is currently being tested in Firefox. Ideally I would like to take it one step further (like Facebook bookmarking) where a window is opened then dynamically resized (length only) to fit the content. If I can't achieve this then the first solution to maintain the correct widow size across both forms would be ok. Thanks in advance. Hello all, and thank you for your coments, I want to preserve a 16/9 aspect ratio to the window after any resize, making the width a function of the height. As I have a window.resizeTo() inside the window.onresize event function, the infinite loop is served. How may I quit it? Code: <html><head><title>Title</title><script languaje="javascript"> const c_ra=16/9; window.onresize = function WindowReSize() { var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0; if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) { //Non-IE // myWidth = window.innerWidth; myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' // myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } myWidth = Math.floor(myHeight*c_ra); window.resizeTo(myWidth,myHeight); // ** CAUTION resize event in a onresize event handler ! }; </script></head><body><p>Hello World</p></body></html> I'm using an onLoad script to resize a browser window for a flash player - Code: <script> function ResizeOpen(){ window.resizeTo(435,475) window.moveTo(280,140) } </script> Works fine, but in IE & FF it causes second browser windows to open to the same size after it's been called, requiring users to resize the second windows. Tried using an onUnload with following script - Code: <script> function ResizeClose(){ window.resizeTo(window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight) } </script> Doesn't work. They're both in the <body> element - Code: <body ........ onLoad="ResizeOpen()" onUnload="ResizeClose()"> Any way to make this work? Thx. Hi I am a new bie to Javascript programming. We have a scenario to launch a new browser window for a given HTML. I have the following approaches : Approach 1: my_window ="", "report");; my_window.document.write("<HTML> <BODY> HI </BODY></HTML>"); my_window.document.close(); Approach 2: var newWindow ="", "report"); newWindow.document.body.innerHTML = "<HTML> <BODY> HI </BODY></HTML>"; Could anyone sugges Which is the correct approach ? Our requirement is to have this code to work in any browser? Thanks Dear All, I have downloaded some code from a javascript programmers website but having trouble making it work! I have some javascript: [CODE] <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function dropdown(mySel) { var myWin, myVal; myVal = mySel.options[mySel.selectedIndex].value; if(myVal) { if( = parent[]; else myWin = window; if (! myWin) return true; myWin.location = myVal; } return false; } //--> </SCRIPT> [CODE] Within the main body, my code reads: [CODE] <FORM ACTION="../cgi-bin/" METHOD=POST onSubmit="return dropdown(this.gourl)"> <SELECT NAME="gourl"> <OPTION VALUE="">Please select your event... <OPTION VALUE=""> preview yahoo UK</option> <OPTION VALUE=""> preview yahoo US</option> <OPTION VALUE=""> preview yahoo FR</option> <OPTION VALUE=""> preview Expedia</option> <OPTION VALUE=""> preview Travelocity</option> <OPTION VALUE=""> preview online pics</option> </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Go"> </FORM> [CODE] On selection of "preview yahoo UK" from drop-down box, it takes me to the correct webpage (, so no issue there. However, it opens this page up in a new window. I'm pretty sure this is because the javascript code is telling it to. However, I want the page to be displayed in the same window from where the request came from? (i.e. I don't want it to open a new browser window)! What do I have to change in the javascript to make this happen? I tried using the TARGET functionality taught to me many many moons ago, but it still fires up a new window: <OPTION VALUE="" TARGET="_top"> preview yahoo UK</option> I am testing this on my PC, so perhaps it could be that isn't held locally on my home pc, i.e. it would work once we upload the web pages to the web server?! any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated. I have found this Alarm Clock from JavaScript Kit and when the alarm time is reached it redirects to the URL entered. I would like to keep the alarm clock running, have it open a new window for the entered URL such as (Target="Blank") in HTML. Can someone help? var jsalarm={ padfield:function(f){ return (f<10)? "0"+f : f }, showcurrenttime:function(){ var dateobj=new Date() var ct=this.padfield(dateobj.getHours())+":"+this.padfield(dateobj.getMinutes())+":"+this.padfield(dateo bj.getSeconds()) this.ctref.innerHTML=ct this.ctref.setAttribute("title", ct) if (typeof this.hourwake!="undefined"){ //if alarm is set if (this.ctref.title==(this.hourwake+":"+this.minutewake+":"+this.secondwake)){ window.location=document.getElementById("musicloc").value } I am attempting to make an page on my website where visitors can set my website as their homepage. I am trying to make my website read which browser my visitors are using and then redirects them to the page for the right browser where I can tell them how they can set my website as their homepage. Basically I need exactly the same thing as THIS. Could you explain to me in plain English how I can realize this. This is what I know have: Code: <table width="759" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <tr align="center"> <td width="378" height="28" align="right">Selecteer jouw browser </td> <td width="16"></td> <td width="365" align="left"><form id="browserSelection" name="browserSelection" action="customizeBrowser" method="GET"><select name="browser" size="1" id="browser" onchange="document.browserSelection.submit();"><option value="ff" selected>Firefox</option><option value="ie">Internet Explorer</option><option value="chrome">Chrome</option><option value="opera">Opera</option><option value="safari">Safari</option></select></form></td> </tr> </table> ________________________________________ Please tell me if I make any English mistakes in my posts. I am trying to write as perfectly possible. hey all is there a code where I can detect if the browser is IE6 or IE7 and send them to another webpage? my current design is not compatible with IE6 or 7 and i want to make a new page that's compatible. thanks! Hello guys I am very much a novice with javascript, but I have a problem with which I think one of the JS gurus in here might be able to help with. I have about 10,000 keywords on a single web page. There is a checkbox next to every keyword. Some of these keywords are 2 to 3 word phrases. I can type a word in a browser like Firefox and highlight all the instances that a particular keyword is found. Unfortunately there is no firefox extension that would automatically check a box next to the highlighted/found keyword. Instead of manually checking the checkbox next to every keyword highlighted in the browser here is what I would ideally like to accomplish (with the help of javascript). - Have a text field on top of the page and be able to type in a word and hit submit - if a word is found among the keywords/phrases on the page, then the checkbox next to that keyword/phrase is automatically checked. All i need is the checkboxes checked for every instance the searched keyword is found. I don't care if the above procedure is used. If someone can suggest a better route i'm open for it. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible with javascript code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hi.. Anyone can help me to reslove tis.. How to detect iTune plugin in IE Browser...Am using navigator.plugins[] array..its working in firefox,chrome but i need for IE browser..pls help on tis very urgent.. I want to have a browser language detection for 2 languages for Explorer and Firefox and struggle a little to make it work. I don't know really much about JavaScript so I guess I did some grave errors. It works for one language though, but for that I don't really detection. I am not sure if that's wrong, but I try to look for the 'en-' in the language not to deal separately with en-US, en-AU, en-UK etc. PHP Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var str=navigator.language; x = (; if ( !(x=='-1') ) { document.write("English Mozilla"); } var expl=navigator.browserLanguage; ex = (; if ( !(ex=='-1') ) { document.write("Englisch1 Explorer"); } var dm=navigator.language; d1 = (; if ( !(d1=='-1') ) { document.write("German Mozilla"); } var dex=navigator.browserLanguage; dexpl = (; if ( !(dexpl=='-1') ) { document.write("German Explorer"); } </script> In my application I want user to take an "Exit Survey"(Independent website) when he is leaving the application. As name explains, It should happen only when user closes current browser tab or browser window. Its possible using JavaScript OnUnload event. But the problem is that this event occurs on 1. close of browser tab 2. close of browser window 3. click of any internal page link(i.e anchors and form buttons) 4. click of browser's Refresh button 5. click of browser's Back/Forward button I have handled first 3 cases but not able to detect Refresh and Back/Forward button click. Has anybody of you implemented such functionality?? Thanks in advance!!! Hello, I am trying to work on the following: You open the cart page and click the pay now button, that button opens a new window. I am trying to write (and I bet this is easy but I can't seem to get it) a script so that when it detects that window closing to automatically forward the main page to an account page. Is it something like: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> header(Location:""); if (window.opener.progressWindow) { window.opener.progressWindow.close() } window.close(); } </script> I am no programmer Hi, i have a complete validation code here which seems not working properly.When i filled the full name filed and i click submit, the form get submitted but when i filled the full name and filled email too and click on submit the third or fourth like country alert or helpmessage pop up. Now i am trying to fish out why it is doing that but i am not getting it now. please i know its a long code but please try to help me on where i am wrong. I will thank you for using blue thank Please i will suggest copy the code i see what i mean.Here is it Code: <html> <head> <title>Final form validation</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function formvalidator() { var Fullname=document.getElementById("Fullname"); var email=document.getElementById("email"); var addr=document.getElementById("addr"); var country=document.getElementById("country"); var zip=document.getElementById("zip"); var phone=document.getElementById("phone"); var educa=document.getElementById("educa"); var job=document.getElementById("job"); var hours=document.getElementById("hours"); if(Checkfullname(Fullname,"Please enter your full name.")){ if(Checkemail(email,"Please enter a valid email.")){ if(Checkaddr(addr,"Please enter your address for better contact.")){ if(Checkcountry(country,"Please select a country.")){ if(Checkzip(zip,"Please enter your area zip code of 5 digits.")){ if(Checkph(phone,"Please enter your phone number for better contact of 14 digits.")){ if(Checkeduca(educa,"Please select your education status.")){ if(Checkjob(job,"Please select job.")){ if(Checkhours(hours,"Please select the number of hours you want to work." )){ return true; }}}}}}}}} return false; } function Checkfullname(elem,helpmg) { var eval=elem.value; eval=eval.replace(/[^a-z\s\-\.\']/gi,""); eval=eval.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); eval=eval.replace(/\s{2,}/g," "); eval=eval.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g,function(w){return w.toUpperCase()}); document.getElementById("Fullname").value=eval; if(eval.length>=5 && eval.length<=50){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkemail(elem,help) { var eReExp=/^[\w\-\.\+]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/; if(elem.value.match(eReExp)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkaddr(elem,helpmg) { var eval=elem.value; eval=eval.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); eval=eval.replace(/\s{2,}/g," "); document.getElementById("addr").value=eval; if(elem.value.replace(elem.value)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkcountry(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please select country"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } function Checkzip(elem,helpmg) { var zReExp=/^\d{5}$/; if(elem.value.match(zReExp)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkph(elem,helpmg) { var pReExp=/^\d{14}$/; if(elem.value.match(pReExp)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkeduca(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please choose"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } function Checkjob(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please select job"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } function Checkhours(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please select hours"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } </script> <style type="text/css"> #fullpage{width:100%;background-color:#f3f3f3; border:1px solid #336699;} #firstbar{ width:100%; background-color:#336699; text-align:left; font-color:white; } #field{ margin-right:70%;text-align:right;} </style> </head> <body> <h2><font color=#336699>Form validation..The power of javascript<font></h2> <p><font clor=#336699>Please note:all the field marked asteric is required and must be field.<br/>For help on filling the form just contact as at<font></p> <hr width="100%" color="#336699" size="2"> <div id="fullpage"> <form onsubmit="return formvalidator()"/> <div id="firstbar"><p><font color="white">Personal Details</font></p></div> <div id="field"> <p><font color=red>*</font>Full Name<input type="text" id="Fullname"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Email<input type="text" id="email"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Contact Address<input type="text" id="addr"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Country<select id="country"/> <option>Please select country</option> <option>Ghana</option> <option>United States</option> <option>India</option> <option>Germany</option> <option>Italy</option> <option>Nigeria</option> <option>South Africa</option> <option>United kingdom</option> <option>Malasia</option> <option>Egypt</option> <option>France</option> <option>China</option> </select></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Zip Code<input type="text" id="zip"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Phone Number<input type="text" id="phone"/></p> <p>Fax Number<input type="text" name="fax"/></p> </div> <div id="firstbar"><p><font color="white">Educational Details & Job</font></p></div> <div id="field"> <p><font color=red>*</font>Education Status<select id="educa"/> <option>Please choose</option> <option>High School</option> <option>Diploma</option> <option>Degree</option> <option>Certified We Developer</option> <option>Certified We Designer</option> <option>others</option> </select></p> <p>Experience(Details if any)<input type="text" name="exp"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Job Type<select id="job"/> <option>Please select job</option> <option>We Developer</option> <option>Web Designer</option> <option>Softwar Developer</option> <option>IT Consultancy</option> <option>Stock Trader</option> <option>Marketing Position</option> </select></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Working Hours<select id="hours"/> <option>Please select hours</option> <option>1 to 5hurs</option> <option>1 to 8hurs</option> <option>1 to 10hurs</option> <option>1 to 12hurs</option> <option>1 to 13hurs</option> <option>1 to 15hurs</option> <option>1 to 20hurs</option> </select><p/> <p>Salary Demanded<input type="text" name="sala"/></p> <p>Comment(if any)<textarea name="text" rows="3" cols="40" wrap="virtual"/></textarea></p> <input type="submit" value="Submit Form"/> <input type="reset" value="Reset Form"/> </div></div> </form> </body> </html> Thanks.Clement Osei. Hi there, I basically need script that will detect if the user is using Internet Explorer, and then display a different page to the one that would be loaded for any other browser.
Hi I am trying to trigger an event once the user clicks the browsers back/forward buttons, I have built a system just like facebook where if the user has javascript turned on they get the full feature of the site which includes fast switching for example if someone goes to this page "" and click a link to contact.php it would change the url to "!/contact.php" but what I need to know is if there is any way to change the pages content when the user goes back and forth through the fast switch pages? something like "history.back !== -1" or something like that. If anyone can help please reply, thank you. Hi Ive found out how to force another browser window to open at a certain size when a link is clicked. Here's the whole line of code including the layer, the javascript and the image, <div id="Layer6" style="position:absolute; width:10px; height:8px; z-index:6; left: 561px; top: 310px"><a href="javascript:;" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('navigation%20instructions.htm','','width=50,height=50')"><img src="images/info.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a></div> How do I adapt this so I can also specify the x&y co-ordinates of the opened window relative to the window that launched it. thanks alot Masten I am looking to have a link open a closeable window that is contained within a browser window. If you click on the "sizing charts" link on this website, this is exactly what I am looking to do: The window is contained within the current browser window, it can be dragged around, but not outside the parameters of the browser window. Is there a title for this technique that I can research? Not looking to waste anybodys time, but if I can get steered in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks I have been searching for a way to accomplish a unique task for a while. Here's the situation: We have several users who are in locations where YouTube is blocked for various reasons. On our homepage we would like to embed a YouTube video except for when YouTube is blocked and then embed an alternative video that is hosted off one of our servers. Is there a way to use JavaScript to detect whether or not YouTube is available and then put in the correct video? Thanks in advance! Another thing that has been driving me crazy is that css positioning is handled differently by different browsers. JS is not my area, but I can do a lot with CSS, and I do, but cross browser compatibility is killing me. I can use an IF IE statement and only IE runs that segment of code, but I haven't been able to figure out out how to make ONLY firefox or ONLY opera or safari enact an encapsulated segment of code. The same type of IF statement doesn't work for them. Is there a single method using JS that works for all browsers? Thre is probably a very simple answer and I am just missing it somehow. |