JavaScript - Call Java Methods From Javascript
Hi everybody!
I've a problem and I'm not able to solve it alone. I want to invoke java methods of a self written java programm with javascript. I found something like a tutorial (http://stanislavvitvitskiy.blogspot....lications.html), but it has not worked. I put my class file in a jar file and when I want to load it in javascript i get an error. I tried it this way: var url = new'C:/java_js' + '/xultest.jar'); var cl = new; var aClass = java.lang.Class.forName("com.stan.XULDemo", true, cl); var inst = aClass.newInstance(); // Calling 'sum' function from java var a = inst.sum(2, 3); alert(a); // Will alert '5' Can anyone please help, and say to me what's wrong about it? Or does anyone have another aproach to call java methods with javascript? cheers, Martin Similar TutorialsHello, very simple code block is below. Javascript functions that call web service methods are working when I called them between form tags. But they are not working at the beginning of the page. I specified lines that are not working below. Please help. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default2.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default2" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> function GetMyName() { WebService1.GetName(onNameSuccess, onNameFailure); } function onNameSuccess(result) { return result; } function onNameFailure(result) { alert("There is an error"); } function GetMySurname() { WebService1.GetSurname(onSurnameSuccess, onSurnameFailure); } function onSurnameSuccess(result) { return result; } function onSurnameFailure(result) { alert("There is an error"); } //JAVASCRIPT FUNCTIONS ARE NOT WORKING HERE //THESE TWO LINES ARE NOT WORKING var name = GetMyName(); var surname = GetMySurname(); </script> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> <Services> <asp:ServiceReference Path="WebService1.asmx" /> </Services> </asp:ScriptManager> //JAVASCRIPT FUNCTIONS ARE WORKING HERE </form> </body> </html> 1)I want to make a http request to a url lets say this will give me xml 2)I want to convert this xml from 1 to json lets say json 1 3)Now I make a rest request to url lets say this returns a json lets say json 2 json 1 [ { "id": "123", "testname": "test123", "name": "John Doe", "active": true, "type": "test6" } { "id": "456", "testname": "test564", "name": "Ship Therasus", "active": true, "type": "test7" } .... some 100 entries ] and json 2 some like below [ { "id": "123", "country": "USA", "state": "KA", "age": 24, "group": "g1" } { "id": "456", "country": "UK", "state": "MA", "age": 28, "group": "G2" } ...... 100 entries ] Now Id is the constant thing between json1 and json2 I want to make a resultant json something like below lets call json3.I want to match the id and get country and state from json2 and append to json1 [ { "id": "123", "testname": "test123", "name": "John Doe", "active": true, "type": "test6", "country":"USA", "state":"KA" } { "id": "456", "testname": "test564", "name": "Ship Therasus", "active": true, "type": "test7", "country":"UK", "state":"MA" } ] Now wat i tried for 1 and 3 but for 2 dont know wat to do and to compare and combine I am not sure wat to do If any help will be greatful function fun() { var data="hello"; $.post('http://localhost/ws/service.asmx/HelloWord',{},function(response) { data = response; }).error(function(){ alert("Sorry could not proceed"); }); return data; } I have been working on the code for an alpha sort file and have become stumped. I need to incorporate both an insertion sort & selection sort method into my code before it will run. I attached the file I have been working on and it runs on Bluej with Java JDK. I would apretiate if you could take a look at it. If you would prefer not to download my file I have posted my code that I have been working on below. I am not familiar with the structure of an insertion sort or a selection sort mothod. I also am not clear on the point in which these methods would need to be placed in the file. Code: import*; import java.util.*; public class Words { ArrayList<String> words; public Words() { words = getData("wordlist.txt"); } public void displayWords() { for(int i=0; i<words.size(); i++) { System.out.println(words.get(i)); } } public ArrayList<String> getData(String filename) { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); File myFile = new File(filename); if(myFile.exists() && myFile.length()>0) { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(myFile) ); String word = in.readLine(); while( word != null ) { list.add(word); word = in.readLine(); } } catch( Exception e ) {} } return list; } } Hi all! I'm pretty new to JavaScript and completely new to this forum. I'm James. Well uh, I'm not sure how to... I wanted to make something like this using javascript... Code: myObject.someMethod('something').anotherProperty much like the Code: document.getElementById('someId').style.morestuff But the thing is, I've been around every DOM whatnot I can find, I just can't seem to make it work. I kinda need it to make my own DOM for some API i'm writing. So I can write like... Code: function someGreatAPI(){ this.property1=''; this.property2=''; //... this.method1 = function(var1){ //this should make my firstMethod this.nestedProperty = 0; this.nestedMethod = someFunction; //firstMethods nested method } } //so I can use it like... var obj = new someGreatAPI(); obj.method1(10).nestedMethod(); It has to be possible, it's possible with document.getelementbyid, right? it has to be. Thanks in advance. I currently have the following code: <script> function strstr (haystack, needle, bool) { var pos1 = 0; haystack += ''; pos1 = haystack.indexOf(needle); if (pos1 == -1) { return false; } else{ if (bool){ return haystack.substr(0, pos1); } else{ amp1 = haystack.indexOf('&'); if((amp1 == -1) || pos1<amp1){ alert("here"); return haystack.slice(pos1); }else{ bString = haystack.slice( pos1 ); pos2 = bString.indexOf( needle ); amp2 = bString.indexOf('&'); //alert(bString.slice( pos2)); return bString.slice( pos2 ); }//if(amp>1){ }//if (bool){ }//if (pos == -1) { }//function strstr var story = strstr(top.location.href, "story="); var pinID = story.replace("story=", ""); alert(pinID); if(pinID>0){ document.getElementById('iFrame').src = ''+pinID; }//if(pinID>0){ </script> It takes the website URL in Javascript and I wanted it to see if there is a "story=1" id and then pass it to the IFRAME. This works in a fashion, but i was trying to make it into a function so I could find and pass other variables, but anything after an & sign and it all fails? I was hoping to pick out variables from the top.location.ahref of "" for example? Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks Hi gud mng, I have one problem... How to process textbox values/ call textbox values in JS through a Java program. My text box values are dates. I have to process these dates. Like in online banking we select day to know our transactions. After submitting we get results. remember my files are in my directory only. No need of database. My files are look like 20100929, 20100930, 20101001 For epoch_classes.js, epoch_styles.css u can download coding from this link : Code: Code: <html> <table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" style="padding:0"> <tr><td id="leftcolumn" width="170" align="left" valign="top"> <div style="margin-left:0px;margin-top:0px"><h3 class="left"><span class="left_h2">Select Option</span></h3> <a rel="nofollow" target="_top" href="day_wise.htm" >Day-wise</a><br /> <br /> <a rel="nofollow" target="_top" href="between.htm" >Between Days</a> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="epoch_styles.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="epoch_classes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var cal1, cal2; window.onload = function () { cal1= new Epoch('epoch_popup','popup',document.getElementById('popup_container1')); cal2= new Epoch('epoch_popup','popup',document.getElementById('popup_container2')); }; /*............*/ function confirmation(f) { var startdate = f.fromdate.value var enddate = f.todate.value var myday=new Date() var yr=myday.getFullYear() var mn=myday.getMonth()+1 var dt=myday.getDate() var today="" var present, ys, ms, ds, ye,me,de, start, end if(mn < 10) { mn = "0" + mn } if(dt <10) { dt = "0" + dt } today= yr + "/" + mn + "/" + dt present=yr + "/" + mn + "/" +dt if (today < startdate ) { alert (" Start date should not be exceed to-day's date " + present ) startdate.focus() return false } if (today < enddate ) { alert (" End date should not be exceed to-day's date " + present ) enddate.focus() return false } if (today == startdate ) { alert(" You are selected to-days date as Starting day" ); } var answer = confirm("Do you want to continue ?") if (answer) { if( startdate < enddate) alert("Dates between " + startdate + " to " + enddate + " are confirmed" ) else alert("Dates between " + enddate + " to " + startdate + " are confirmed" ) } else { alert("Date not confirmed") window.location="to_date.htm"; } ys= startdate.substring(0,4); ms= startdate.substring(5,7); ds= startdate.substring(8,10); start=ys + "" + ms + "" +ds ye= enddate.substring(0,4); me= enddate.substring(5,7); de= enddate.substring(8,10); end=ye + "" + me + "" +de } /*.......................................................*/ </script> <div style="margin-left:100px;"> <body> <style type="text/css"> #conf { margin-left:115px; } </style> <td align="left" valign="top"> <table width="100" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <td style="padding-top:0px"> </table> <h4>From Date</h4> <form name= "formbet" id="placeholder" method="post" action="#" > <input id="popup_container1" type="text" name= "fromdate" maxlength="10" size="20"/> <td align="left" valign="top"> <table width="300" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <td style="padding-top:20px"> <h4>To Date</h4> <input id="popup_container2" type="text" name= "todate" maxlength="10" size="20"/> <br /> <br /> <input id="conf" type="button" onclick="confirmation(this.form)" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> In my coding, ys, ms, ds represents year starting, month starting, starting day... ye, me, de represents end... start,end gives file names in the format of yyyymmdd now i want to process files from 20100101 to 20100930 means from date is 2010/01/01 and to date is 2010/09/30 if i press submit button the files from 20100101 to 20100930 are processes here ys=2010 ms=01 ds =01 and ye=2010 me=09 de= 30 For this how do i call these textbox values (from date text box and todate) to another program (java) Thanks in advance. The Javascript function change() in not getting called by onClick event of button Click Me ,JavaScript array size has been created in PHP Code: <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function change() { alert(size[1][0]); } </script> </head> <body> <script language="javascript"> var size = new Array(); var = count; for (count = 0; count < 5; count++) size[count] = new Array(); size[0][0] = 600; size[0][1] = 400; size[1][0] = 300; size[1][1] = 400; size[2][0] = 300; size[2][1] = 400; size[3][0] = 600; size[3][1] = 400; size[4][0] = 300; size[4][1] = 400; </script> <input type="button" value="Click Me" onClick="change()"/> </body> </html> Anything wrong with my coding,any kind support will be apreciated. Thanks, Srinivas. How do I do a blocking call in javascript? In the code below the alert at the last line of this code snippet hits before the code in if block completes which returns some value, by calling chached.get method in different js file. var getCachedData = function(_key){ var retStr; if (_key != '' || _key != null) { cached.get(_key, function(data){ if(data){ alert('data = ' +data.value); return data.value; } else{ return undefine; } }); } alert('completed'); } Please help Hi In C# I would attach the service reference then write myService MS = new myservice(); string[] s = MS.GetDates(); //return an array of string dates BUT can this be done with only Javascript/Jquery , where the service is on a different domain? Can you please tell me how or point me in the right direction Thanks for the help I have some javascript <script type="text/javascript"> function loadGrid(x,y,z) { document.getElementById("feature").innerHTML='<br><center><b><font color=red face="times, times new roman, serif"><b></center>!Featured Products!</b><br></font><object width="600" height="600" type="text/html" data="./grid.php?offset='+x+'&feature='+y+'&category_id='+z+'" ></object>'; } </script> I just fill in a DIV with the contents of a php page in that code I write out a next previous buton print "<button onclick='loadgrid(1,1,%)'><img src=images/page_pics/".$p."></button><button onclick='loadgrid(1,21,%)'><img src=images/page_pics/".$n."></button>"; thats supposed to call the javascript above when clicked but it doesnt seem to work ...when the page is rendered into the DIV at client sould it be able to run the javascript above? <?PHP include('scripts/conf.php'); include('scripts/db_mysql.php'); $db_handle = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD); $db_found = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE, $db_handle); $ridx = 1; $cidx = 1; if ($db_found) { $SQL = "select * from tag_item where feature = ".$_GET["feature"]." and status = 1 and category_id like '".$_GET["category_id"]."' LIMIT 21 OFFSET " . $_GET["offset"] ; $result = mysql_query($SQL); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); print "<table>"; while ( $db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) { if ($cidx == 1 ) {print "<tr>";} print "<td width=90 style='border:solid 1px #000'>"; print "<center><img src='images/thumbs/" . $db_field["id"] . ".jpg'></center>"; print "</td>"; if($cidx == 3) {print "</tr>";} $cidx = $cidx + 1; if ($cidx == 4) { $cidx = 1; $ridx = $ridx + 1; } } print "</table>"; $p="prev.gif"; $n="next.gif"; if ($_GET["offset"] < 22) {$p="prevdis.gif";} if ($_GET["offset"] > $num_rows) {$n="nextdis.gif";} $newoffset = $_GET["offset"] + 21; print "<button onclick='loadgrid(1,1,%)'><img src=images/page_pics/".$p."></button><button onclick='loadgrid(1,21,%)'><img src=images/page_pics/".$n."></button>"; mysql_close($db_handle); } else { print "Database NOT Found "; mysql_close($db_handle); } ?> Hello, I'm making a Javascript implementation for my Java program. But I'm having a proplem. I want to call my own Java code from the Javascript script. Is that possible? Thanks, enderp Not much programming experience, but some C++ and Python. I would like to make a web page that 1. flashes and image for 1 second 2. flashes a a pair of images for 1 second 3. displays an image and waits 4. Wait for a certain correct keystroke to be entered. 5. Repeat 1-4 a few hundred times. ^The above would iterate through a loop, say of 300 counts, and sub-iterate through an array of images, say 30, going through all 30 images 10 times for example. Oh, and the array elements would be displayed in random order. Also, I would like to keep track of errors (wrong keystroke) and time it took to enter correct keystroke. I would prefer that this webpage work on the iphone, even older ones. Java is limited on iphone? I tried playing a Java chess game and had no luck on iphone. So, would I be able to do this using Javascript? If not, Java would be best? As I said, I would prefer iphone compatibility, but it is not required. I just want to know which one I should use before I bury my nose in a book about programming Java or Javascript. I have 2 drag-able containers, they are created in PHP objects which are linked to a file. The working example can be found he The problem that I'm facing is that I can't click test1, and only test2. Now I originally though that it was something to do with them having the same java-script variables, so I renamed all the variables using a unique ID to each object too no success. Here's the code: PHP file: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <?php include 'design/compatability.php'; include 'design/meta.php'; ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.css" /> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="background"> <img src="images/bg1.jpg" class="stretch" alt="" /> </div> <div id="wrapper"> <?php include 'design/dragdiv.php'; $container = new dragable_box(200, 300, 10, 60, "../designimages/bggrey.png", "test", 1); $container2 = new dragable_box(590, 400, 10, 10, "../designimages/bggrey.png", "test", 2); ?> <?php include 'design/toplinks.php'; ?> </div> <?php include 'design/footer.php'; ?> </body> </html> Code: <?php class dragable_box { public function __construct($width, $height, $x, $y, $bg, $text, $id) { ?> <style type="text/css"> #mydiv<?php echo $id; ?> { z-index:10; background-image:url(<?php echo $bg; ?>); color:#ffffff; width: <?php echo $width; ?>px; height: <?php echo $height; ?>px; position: absolute; top: <?php echo $x; ?>%; left: <?php echo $y; ?>%; cursor:move; padding:10px; } </style> <script language="javascript"> var positionx = <?php echo $x; ?>; var positiony = <?php echo $y; ?>; var setpositionx = window.innerWidth * positionx / 100; var setpositiony = window.innerHeight * positiony / 100; var drag=0; var xdif=0; var ydif=0; var initx=setpositionx; var inity=setpositiony; function begindrag<?php echo $id; ?>(event) { if(drag==0) { floatingd = document.getElementById("mydiv<?php echo $id; ?>"); if("") {; } if("") {; },"");,""); drag=1; xdif = event.clientX-prex; ydif = event.clientY-prey; } else { drag=0; } } function mousepos<?php echo $id; ?>(event) { floatingd = document.getElementById("mydiv<?php echo $id; ?>"); if(drag==1) { = event.clientX-setpositionx+"px"; = event.clientY-setpositiony+"px"; } } </script> </HEAD> <BODY onMouseMove="mousepos<?php echo $id; ?>(event)" > <div id='mydiv<?php echo $id; ?>' onClick="begindrag<?php echo $id; ?>(event)" > <?php echo $text; echo $id; ?> </div> <?php } } ?> I need help being able to select both DIV's, can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks i have a web service at this url i use hotel search file with HotelSearch method and method will retrieve xml file contains the matched data. the varialbe that i made post with it is named : HotelData the data of the variable is a string file that contains an xml data like this Code: <HotelsParameters> <CityID>388</CityID> <UserName>admin</UserName> <UserPassword>admin</UserPassword> <DateFrom>4/12/2010</DateFrom> <DateTo>4/13/2010</DateTo> <NumberOfRooms>2</NumberOfRooms> <Room> <RoomSerial>1</RoomSerial> <Adults>1</Adults> <Child> <ChildSerial>1</ChildSerial> <ChildAge>5</ChildAge> </Child> </Room> <Room> <RoomSerial>2</RoomSerial> <Adults>2</Adults> <Child> <ChildSerial>1</ChildSerial> <ChildAge>8</ChildAge> </Child> </Room> <Room> <RoomSerial>3</RoomSerial> <Adults>3</Adults> <Child> </Child> </Room> <CurrencyID>162</CurrencyID> </HotelsParameters> i am trying to get the result by posting HotelData but i did not get the xml result file so can anyone help me my code is: Code: <script language="JavaScript"> function InitializeService() { service.useService("", "HotelsSearch"); } var StrSearch; function GetAge() { StrSearch = document.DemoForm.StringSearch.value; service.HotelsSearchService.callService("HotelsSearch", StrYear); } function ShowResult() { alert(event.result.value); } </script> <form name="DemoForm"> Hotel Name : <input type="text" name="HotelData"/><br /> <button onclick="GetAge()">Get Age</button><br /> </form> the data in input filed is the previous xml file Honestly, its probably my fail. Regardless, here is the deal, any help would be appreciated. I am currently skinning up a custom cpanel theme for a company I work with from time to time, They would like their Jixed Bar that is on their main web page to be on the skin, and I am attempting to put it there now. I have put the code into the html of the skin, both the call to the proper javascript files and css files, and the proper code for the bar itself. It is not working, the bar shows up as it is supposed to, but it is not aligned correctly and the bar does not float with the page. It acts exactly like the javascript is not working at all.... Unfortunately I can't just provide access to the cpanel for people to check, but you can see the source code of the main page,, and if you're willing to help, I can of course give you access to a demo account (and quite possibily provide some hosting for a month or two, we're based in the netherlands and have plenty of space to share to anyone willing to help us with little problems such as this. @_@ ) Thank you for your time reading this, any help or points in the right directions would be appreciated. Unfortunately, google has failed me this time. Or, rather, I have failed google. o.o Hi all, I have written the following javascript code which makes a simple calculation and writes between the <span> tags using Inner HTML My code is: Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function hesapla() { kredimiktari = document.hesapla.miktar.value kredivadesi = document.hesapla.vade.value; faiz = document.hesapla.faiz.value; ayliktaksit1 = (kredimiktari * faiz) / kredivadesi; geriodeme1 = kredimiktari * faiz; document.getElementById('ayliktaksit').innerHTML = "<strong>Taksit / Ay :</strong>" + ayliktaksit1; document.getElementById('geriodeme').innerHTML = "<strong>Taksit / Ay :</strong>" + geriodeme1; } </script> </head> <body> <form name="hesapla"> <input type="text" name="miktar" value="Kredi Miktarı" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Kredi Miktarı') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Kredi Miktarı';" /> <input type="text" name="vade" value="Kredi Vadesi" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Kredi Vadesi') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Kredi Vadesi';" /> <input type="text" name="faiz" value="Faiz Oranı" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Faiz Oranı') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Faiz Oranı';" /> <div id="gosterim"><span id="ayliktaksit"></span><span id="geriodeme"></span></div> <input type='button' value='Hesapla' onClick='hesapla()'><br><br> <img src="images/dot2.png" width="180" height="2" alt="dot"/> </form> </body> </html> I am really confused as similar code on Tizag web site works fine. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function changeText(){ document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = 'Fred Flinstone'; } </script> <p>Welcome to the site <b id='boldStuff'>dude</b> </p> <input type='button' onclick='changeText()' value='Change Text'/> Could anyone tell me what the wrong thing is about my code Many thanks in advance telmessos I have my events and syntax in the immediate script and they were working fine. But Im trying to move it all into the Script tags and call on them by using the function ID but cant seem to figure it out. here's what I got: <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function txtAmenity() { document.getElementById('divText').innerHTML='Our Luxurious Amenities will Pamper You. Settle into your comfortable accommodations, kick off your shoes, and glance over the vast, peaceful, expanse of the blue, south Atlantic from the privacy of your balcony.'; } </script> <span id="spnAmenity" onmouseover="imgFacility.src= 'images/Amenity.jpg';"txtAmenity()"> Amenities </span> </body> </html> ---------------- Any help here? When I click the button to open an url (example: from a page, I can mark this url/screen name. So the next time I click on the same button, the same window will pop up instead of opening multiple windows. If I have already had the window opened not via the button, when clicking the button, it pops up a new window instead of opening up the existing. Is there a way to check the screen name or partial url of the existing window? If there is a match with the url being called from the button, it will use the existing one. Hello javascript experts... I am following this blog on calling web service in javascript. I am getting syntax error, in my javascript... Code: <action trigger="onLoad"> <!-- mainWindow.visible = true; <script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ws.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getSalesXml(name, container) { var call = new WS.Call('<url to the wsdl>'); var nsuri = 'http://example'; var qn_op = new WS.QName('<functionName>',nsuri); var qn_op_resp = new WS.QName('sayHelloResponse',nsuri); call.invoke_rpc( qn_op, new Array( {name:'userId',value:<user>} {name:'pwd',value:<password>} ),null, function(call,envelope) { var ret = envelope.get_body().get_all_children()[0]. get_all_children()[0].get_value(); container.innerHTML = ret; $('soap').innerHTML = arguments[2].escapeHTML(); } ); } </script> --> </action> at line: Code: src="ws.js"></script> Can anybody correct this error..., |