JavaScript - Global Variable
I want ask how can i declare global variable in html file , and use it in java script file . - with same value- thanks Similar TutorialsI am working with the google blogger API, and I am having an issue updating my global variable Response. I thought I understood how global variables worked, so I don't know if there is something different about the blogger API or if I'm making a dumb mistake. Code: <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" src=""></ script> <script> google.load("gdata","1.x", {packages: ["blogger"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(getMyBlogFeed); blogID = "1601946089552390859"; var feedUri = ""+blogID+"/posts/full?alt=json"; var Response = ""; function getMyBlogFeed(){ var myBlog = new google.gdata.blogger.BloggerService('GoogleInc-jsguide-1.0'); myBlog.getBlogPostFeed(feedUri, handleBlogFeed, handleError); } function handleBlogFeed(myResultsFeedRoot) { Response = myResultsFeedRoot.feed.entry[0].content.$t; } function handleError(e) { alert("There was an error in getBlogPostFeed"); alert(e.caue ? e.cause.statusText : e.message); } alert(Response); </SCRIPT> Here's what I think SHOULD happen: Response is initialized as a global variable with a value of "" setOnLoadCallback calls getMyBlogFeed which creates a blog object, then calls getBlogPostFeed which calls handleBlogFeed. handleBlogFeed stores a new string to global variable Response an alert pops up with the value of Response (as given by handleBlogFeed) What actually happens is that the alert pops up with the original value of Response. I know that I can issue the alert inside handleBlogFeed, but that isn't the issue. My issue is that I'd like to use Response in other functions, but it isn't being updated as a global variable. What am I doing wrong that Response isn't updating? On a related note, is there a way to return a variable from my handleBlogFeed function? How would I do that? -- I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks! P.S. I recognize that the best place to ask this is the blogger developer group. I've already posted this there, and no one has responded yet. Hi, Here's a sample form: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Sample form</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function displayResult() { alert(document.myForm.myInput.value); } function getFocus() { if (document.myForm.myInput.value == document.myForm.myInput.defaultValue) { document.myForm.myInput.value = ""; } } function loseFocus() { if (document.myForm.myInput.value == "") { document.myForm.myInput.value = document.myForm.myInput.defaultValue; } } </script> </head> <body> <form name="myForm" method="get" onsubmit="return false;" action=""> <input name="myInput" value="Hello world!" onfocus="getFocus();" onblur="loseFocus();"><br> <input type="button" onclick="displayResult();" value="Display input value"> </form> </body> </html> It works with no problem, but the following doesn't: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Sample form</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var x = document.myForm.myInput; function displayResult() { alert(x.value); } function getFocus() { if (x.value == x.defaultValue) { x.value = ""; } } function loseFocus() { if (x.value == "") { x.value = x.defaultValue; } } </script> </head> <body> <form name="myForm" method="get" onsubmit="return false;" action=""> <input name="myInput" value="Hello world!" onfocus="getFocus();" onblur="loseFocus();"><br> <input type="button" onclick="displayResult();" value="Display input value"> </form> </body> </html> What's wrong with it and how can I define a global variable to be used by all the functions? Many thanks in advance! Mike I am trying to figure out how to assign a value to a global variable within a function and can't seem to figure it out. Here's my thought, Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var global1=""; var global2=""; function assign(vari,strng){ vari = strng; } </script>... <input name="box1" onblur="assign('global1',this.value)"/> <input name="box2" onblur="assign('global2',this.value)"/> ... The purpose behind this is creating a form that will work with an existing database that would normally have a text area with lots of information. I am trying to turn it into a checklist that I can run from a mobile device. The global variables woudl be used to fill in a hidden text area that would then be passed on to the database upon submission. I am trying to keep the code as compact as possible. Any ideas? Hi, Is is possible to access a global variable for use inside a function? Thanks for help in advance Mike Heres a link to the code in question when the leftPos variable is used in the moveSlide() it somehow turns into Nan. Cant figure out why and have been racking my brain over this for a long time now.. Any help would be greatly appreciated the problem is at the end of the code(scroll to the bottom) ======================================================= Code: window.onload = makeMenus; var currentSlide = null; var timeID = null; function makeMenus(){ var slideMenus = new Array(); var allElems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for(var i=0 ; i < allElems.length ; i++){ if(allElems[i].className == "slideMenu") slideMenus.push(allElems[i]) } for(var i=0 ; i < slideMenus.length ; i++){ // alert(slideMenus.length) slideMenus[i].onclick = showSlide; slideMenus[i].getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].style.left = "0px"; } document.getElementById("head").onClick = closeSlide; document.getElementById("main").onClick = closeSlide; } function showSlide(){ slideList = this.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]; if(currentSlide && == {closeSlide()} else{ closeSlide(); currentSlide = slideList; = "block"; timeID = setInterval("moveSlide()", 1); } } function closeSlide(){ if(currentSlide){ clearInterval(timeID);"0px";"none"; currenSlide = null; } } Code: hello im trying to change a variable set outside of a function and calling the function with an onchange... i'm having problems getting the variable to change Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var price = '<?php echo $price; ?>'; function addtwo() { if(document.add.size.value == "2xl") { price = price + 2; } } </script> Hey all! Got a question I can't seem to find an answer to. I have a little JS app that is a glorified calculator which I posted the code for below. My code uses the document object to replace the html in the "content" <div> and works great. However, I want to add an inline style in order to change the background of the input (readonly field with an id of "coutput") based on either of the global variables named "MJPD" or "IJPD", (depending on the switch case selected in the user prompt at the beginning of the script.) Simplified....if the value of MJPD is less than 4.6, I want the "coutput" field's background to be red, else be green. The same goes for IJPD, except the threshold for red will be <3.83. Code and what I have tried is below. After reading the code, look below it to see what I have tried and maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong! =) Any help is greatly appreciated.......I have spent a week searching for this little answer and I can't seem to find it! Code: <script language="JavaScript"> var MJPD = 1; var IJPD = 1; function sayhello(){ // *** live test for inline JS code placement alert("IT WORKS!!! Now change me =)"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function changeScreenSize(w,h) { window.resizeTo( w,h ) } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// function iJPDCalc(form) //calculate IJPD value { var ij = parseFloat(form.IJobs.value, 10); var it = parseFloat(form.ITime.value, 10); var IJPD = 0; IJPD = (ij / it) * 8.0; form.I_JPD.value = IJPD; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// function mJPDCalc(form) //calculate MJPD value { var mj = parseFloat(form.MJobs.value, 10); var mt = parseFloat(form.MTime.value, 10); var MJPD = 0; MJPD = (mj / mt) * 8.0; form.M_JPD.value = MJPD; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ijpdcolor() //set bg color of coutput based on IJPD's value { if (IJPD >= 3.83) { return ("green"); } else { return ("red"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// function mjpdcolor() //set bg color of coutput based on MJPD's value { if (MJPD >= 4.6) { return ("green"); } else { return ("red"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// function startVZT3(){ var n=0; n=prompt("What would you like to do? 1: Calculate IJPD 2: Calculate MJPD 3: Exit", "Enter a value from 1-3") switch(n) { case(n="1"): document.getElementById("content").innerHTML='<FORM><h2>Combined IJPD Calculator</h2><p>Install components completed today:</p><INPUT NAME="IJobs" VALUE="3.84" MAXLENGTH="10" SIZE=10><p>Hours taken to the jobs:</p><INPUT NAME="ITime" VALUE="8" MAXLENGTH="10" SIZE=10><h4> Click the button to calculate your IJPD:</h4><INPUT NAME="calc" VALUE="Calculate" TYPE=BUTTON class="cbutton" onClick=iJPDCalc(this.form)><p>Your current combined IJPD for today is:</p> <INPUT NAME="I_JPD" class="output" style=" " id="coutput" READONLY SIZE=10></FORM>'; break case(n="2"): document.getElementById("content").innerHTML='<FORM><h2>Combined MJPD Calculator</h2><p>Trouble components completed today:</p><INPUT NAME="MJobs" VALUE="4.6" MAXLENGTH="10" SIZE=10><p>Hours taken to the jobs:</p><INPUT NAME="MTime" VALUE="8" MAXLENGTH="10" SIZE=10><h4> Click the button to calculate your MJPD:</h4><INPUT NAME="calc" VALUE="Calculate" TYPE=BUTTON class="cbutton" onClick=mJPDCalc(this.form); mjpdcolor();><p>Your current combined MJPD for today is:</p> <INPUT NAME="M_JPD" class="output" style=" " id="coutput" READONLY SIZE=10></FORM>'; break case(n="3"): alert('This page will now close...'); window.close(); break default: document.getElementById("content").innerHTML='<h1 style="padding-top: 40px; color: red;">You need to enter a value! Please try again...</h1>'; break } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// </script> </head> <body onload="changeScreenSize(825,775)"> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="sub_wrapper"> <br /> <br /> <input type="button" class="button" onclick="startVZT3()" value="Start VZT3 Web!" /> <br /><br /> <div id="content"> <h3 style="padding-top:60px;">VZT3</h3> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- trying script to ensure function and dynamic update of this value - doesnt work 2/3/2010 --> document.write(mjpdcolor()); </script> </div> </body> OK, so on the last line of each case statement where it injects html code into the content div, in this code style=" background: ** ** " and in between the ** ** marks, I have added such things as <script type="text/javascript">document.write(mjpdcolor())</script> (or ijpdcolor, depending on which case I am working with). Theoretically, this should pull the value of MJPD (or IJPD), evaluate it for the if statement, then return the value of red or green and set the value of the background dynamically - but of course it doesnt. I have also tried different inline styles and even adding the css id and trying to link it to the mjpdcolor() function, but all to no avail. Can someone help me please?? Thanks everyone, your awesome! Hi there I'm nearly completed on a game, and want to bring in "Lives", basically, rather than the game ending, running "function EndGame ()" I want to allow the player to carry on with "Lives", 3 in fact. Basically, when the player presses a wrong tile, the game needs to carry on, until the last life, life 3 is lost, then "function EndGame ()" runs.. I believe a Global Variable needs to be used? If any help could be given that would be great, also if it could be shown in JSFiddle, that would be great! Many thanks Reply With Quote 12-18-2014, 03:56 PM #2 Dormilich View Profile View Forum Posts Senior Coder Join Date Jan 2010 Location Behind the Wall Posts 3,532 Thanks 13 Thanked 372 Times in 368 Posts Originally Posted by LONDONLAD I believe a Global Variable needs to be used? nope. you can use a global, but you should not. better use the variable/container that you store the player or game status in. Hello, I am trying to make an example that will change when a user selects options. Like: This is some text. <user checks box to remove "some"> This is text. <user checks box to remove "text"> This is. <user UN-checks box to remove "text"> This is text. The problem is, if I try to add the removed text back, I get the original string, even though it was previously changed. I use to have the string between the <p> tags, but then moved it as a global var in the JS file. Code: /* HTML Code */ <body> <input type="checkbox" id="anoption" /> <p id="exampletext"></p> //Text use to be here </body> /* Javascript code(including jquery) */ var example = "This is some text"; //Global in JS file $('document').ready(function(){ $('#exampletext').text(example); //Place the global var in the html }); $('#anoption').click(function() { //Place a click handler for checkbox var tmp = example; if( //Attempting to check if the word is there, i don't think this works right { example = tmp.replace("some", ""); } else // if word is not there - add it back { /* Here is where I could also use some logic help. I tried a few things here. */ } I am not sure if using a string is the best way or not. Could anyone please point me in the right direction? Thank you! Ok i'm really new at this so i apologize beforehand if i ask a stupid question or anything. I'm working on a project that displays a GUI asking for a name as well as grades. when you enter them all it runs the grades through a formula and opens another frame with the results. I don't need any help building the GUI what i need help on is I cannot for the life of me find out how to access the variable from another frame. Everything i've seen online tells me to set the variable outside the class but i need to run the formula inside because the grades come from the user. Sorry if my code is messy, like i said i'm very new at this Code: // Loads all neccesary plugins import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class SInfo extends JPanel { // Setting all text fields, labels and button public JButton submitInfo; public JLabel SNamel, Asign, Asignl, Asign1l, Asign2l, Asign3l, Asign4l, Asign5l, Asign6l, Asign7l, Asign8l, Asign9l, Asign10l, Folderl, Projectl, Project1l, Project2l, Project3l, Project4l, GProjectl, blank, blank1, Sname, AsgnAvg, ProjectAvg, TotalAvg; public JTextField SName, Asign1, Asign2, Asign3, Asign4, Asign5, Asign6, Asign7, Asign8, Asign9, Asign10, Folder, Project1, Project2, Project3, Project4, GProject; double a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, p1, p2, p3, p4, gp, fldr, asgnAvg, projectAvg, totalAvg; public SInfo() { setLayout (new GridLayout (20,2)); // Sets the text for the labels { blank = new JLabel (""); blank1 = new JLabel (""); SNamel = new JLabel ("Student Name: "); Asign = new JLabel (""); Asignl = new JLabel ("--------Assignment Grades--------"); Asign1l = new JLabel ("Assignment 1: "); Asign2l = new JLabel ("Assignment 2: "); Asign3l = new JLabel ("Assignment 3: "); Asign4l = new JLabel ("Assignment 4: "); Asign5l = new JLabel ("Assignment 5: "); Asign6l = new JLabel ("Assignment 6: "); Asign7l = new JLabel ("Assignment 7: "); Asign8l = new JLabel ("Assignment 8: "); Asign9l = new JLabel ("Assignment 9: "); Asign10l = new JLabel ("Assignment 10: "); Folderl = new JLabel ("Class Folder Grade: "); Projectl = new JLabel ("--------Project Grades--------"); Project1l = new JLabel ("Project 1: "); Project2l = new JLabel ("Project 2: "); Project3l = new JLabel ("Project 3: "); Project4l = new JLabel ("Project 4: "); GProjectl = new JLabel ("Group Project Grade: "); } // Button text and sets listener for it { submitInfo = new JButton ("Submit"); submitInfo.addActionListener (new SubmitListener()); } // Tells the program how long to make the textfield { SName = new JTextField (20); Asign1 = new JTextField (5); Asign2 = new JTextField (5); Asign3 = new JTextField (5); Asign4 = new JTextField (5); Asign5 = new JTextField (5); Asign6 = new JTextField (5); Asign7 = new JTextField (5); Asign8 = new JTextField (5); Asign9 = new JTextField (5); Asign10 = new JTextField (5); Folder = new JTextField (5); Project1 = new JTextField (5); Project2 = new JTextField (5); Project3 = new JTextField (5); Project4 = new JTextField (5); GProject = new JTextField (5); } // Adds the objects to the Window { add (SNamel); add (SName); add (Asign); add (Asignl); add (Asign1l); add (Asign1); add (Asign2l); add (Asign2); add (Asign3l); add (Asign3); add (Asign4l); add (Asign4); add (Asign5l); add (Asign5); add (Asign6l); add (Asign6); add (Asign7l); add (Asign7); add (Asign8l); add (Asign8); add (Asign9l); add (Asign9); add (Asign10l); add (Asign10); add (Folderl); add (Folder); add (blank1); add (Projectl); add (Project1l); add (Project1); add (Project2l); add (Project2); add (Project3l); add (Project3); add (Project4l); add (Project4); add (GProjectl); add (GProject); add (blank); add (submitInfo); } // sets size and color of the window { setPreferredSize (new Dimension(400,450)); setBackground (Color.gray); } } public class SubmitListener implements ActionListener { // Performs calculation and saves when button is clicked public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { // Sets variables for the text fields Sname = new JLabel ("Student Name: " + SName); AsgnAvg = new JLabel ("Average of Assignments: " + asgnAvg); ProjectAvg = new JLabel ("Average of Individual Projects: " + projectAvg); TotalAvg = new JLabel ("Total Average for the year: " + totalAvg); // Assignments { String asgn1 = Asign1.getText(); a1 = Double.valueOf(asgn1); String asgn2 = Asign2.getText(); a2 = Double.valueOf(asgn2); String asgn3 = Asign3.getText(); a3 = Double.valueOf(asgn3); String asgn4 = Asign4.getText(); a4 = Double.valueOf(asgn4); String asgn5 = Asign5.getText(); a5 = Double.valueOf(asgn5); String asgn6 = Asign6.getText(); a6 = Double.valueOf(asgn6); String asgn7 = Asign7.getText(); a7 = Double.valueOf(asgn7); String asgn8 = Asign8.getText(); a8 = Double.valueOf(asgn8); String asgn9 = Asign9.getText(); a9 = Double.valueOf(asgn9); String asgn10 = Asign10.getText(); a10 = Double.valueOf(asgn10); } // Projects { String proj1 = Project1.getText(); p1 = Double.valueOf(proj1); String proj2 = Project2.getText(); p2 = Double.valueOf(proj2); String proj3 = Project3.getText(); p3 = Double.valueOf(proj3); String proj4 = Project4.getText(); p4 = Double.valueOf(proj4); String gproject = GProject.getText(); gp = Double.valueOf(gproject); String Sname = SName.getText(); // Folder String folder = Folder.getText(); fldr = Double.valueOf(folder); } // Math Formula { // asgnAvg = 20% // projectAvg = 45% // fldr = 10% // gp = 25% asgnAvg = (a1 + a2 + a3 + a3 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 + a9 + a10) / 10; projectAvg = (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) / 4; totalAvg = (asgnAvg * .20) + (projectAvg * .45) + (fldr * .10) + (gp * .25); } { JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Student Average"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new SInfo2()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); // Show the frame frame.setSize(300, 300); setBackground (Color.gray); frame.setVisible(true); } } } } And this is the second frame i am trying to open i haven't really done anything for the GUI i'm just working on it reading the variables now Code: // Loads all neccesary plugins import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class SInfo2 extends SInfo { // Setting all text fields, labels and button public JLabel Sname, AsgnAvg, ProjectAvg, TotalAvg; public SInfo2() { setLayout (new GridLayout (4,2)); { Sname = new JLabel (Sname); // These are the 4 I cannot retrieve AsgnAvg = new JLabel (asgnAvg); // These are the 4 I cannot retrieve ProjectAvg = new JLabel (projectAvg); // These are the 4 I cannot retrieve TotalAvg = new JLabel (totalAvg); // These are the 4 I cannot retrieve add (Sname); add (AsgnAvg); add (ProjectAvg); add (TotalAvg); } } } Thank you in advance for anyone who even looks at it Hello. Using the Firebug console is there a way to log the content of the global namespace? I particularly want to recognise when something is added to it by my code. I could step through my whole code but I'm hoping there is an easier way. Andy. Hello. This is my first post here... I'm a bit baffled by IE7 javascript engine. I created a very simple game called the "Word Smith"...basically the user has to guess words by clicking a letter or guessing the entire word. Points are assigned accordingly. After the user clicks "NEW GAME" and then clicks an imagemap of some "dice" to invoke my random number generator, javascript increments the Round number to 2! Here's the rub... If I uncomment that "alert" statement just after I increment my currentRound variable, the code works perfectly! WTH? See code below. Here is a snippet of the code where I am incrementing that variable: Code: function generateNumber() { //display the current Round currentRound++; //debug //alert("currentRound = " + currentRound); //debug if(currentRound <= 10) { //display the Round Number on the page var roundNumberString = 'Round ' + currentRound; document.getElementById('RoundNumber').value = roundNumberString; }//end if . . . I declare currentRound as a global var. This is the only place I increment the variable. It is also important to mention that this code works great in Firefox, Chrome and Safari -meaning the currentRound variable is incremented once on each iteration. To reiterate - if you play the game in IE, you will first play not Round 1 but Round 2, followed by Round 4, then Round 6, etc... Any thoughts? And yes, I am using "onmouseup" not "onclick" in my XHTML. Thanks for any suggestions. Cheers. How can I have global variables and global arrays whose value(s) can be modified and accessed by all the Javascript functions in my HTML document as well as by the HTML code? Thank You CGG Here's my code: Code: //document.write("Test"); //Declare arrays stats = new Array(6); statMods = new Array(6); /* //Populate stat and statMod arrays stats[0] = document.Stats.str; stats[1] = document.Stats.dex; stats[2] = document.Stats.con; stats[3] =; stats[4] = document.Stats.wis; stats[5] = document.Stats.cha; statMods[0] = document.Stats.strMod; statMods[1] = document.Stats.dexMod; statMods[2] = document.Stats.conMod; statMods[3] = document.Stats.intMod; statMods[4] = document.Stats.wisMod; statMods[5] = document.Stats.chaMod; */ //For testing purposes function getStatCookies() {/* for(var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { document.cookie(stats[i], statMods[i]); }*/ var testString = "18"; //document.cookie = cookieString; document.Stats.strMod.value = document.cookie; } function getModifiers() { var strength = document.Stats.str.value; var strengthMod = (strength - 10); //Populate stat and statMod arrays stats[0] = document.Stats.str; stats[1] = document.Stats.dex; stats[2] = document.Stats.con; stats[3] =; stats[4] = document.Stats.wis; stats[5] = document.Stats.cha; statMods[0] = document.Stats.strMod; statMods[1] = document.Stats.dexMod; statMods[2] = document.Stats.conMod; statMods[3] = document.Stats.intMod; statMods[4] = document.Stats.wisMod; statMods[5] = document.Stats.chaMod; for(var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { getModifier(stats[i], statMods[i]); } } As it is, the array variables are declared globally, and each part is issued a value inside of the function "getModifiers()". When I comment the declarations inside of the function, and uncomment the external declarations, the whole thing falls apart (including the following function). But, if I call this function: Code: function saveStats() { for(var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { var testString = stats[i].value; document.cookie = 'stat' + i.toString() + '=' + testString + '; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 UTC; path=/'; //document.write("Test"); } } without first calling the other function that actually assigns values, it still works. As I said, though, if I assign values outside that function, then it all falls apart. Could someone please change this line so that it respects the global namespace: Code: var selected = students.options[students.selectedIndex].value; The error console is telling me to use document.getElementById but I don't know where to put it. Thanks. I've read through the past threads and did not find anything that quite matched my problem, which surprises me because I thought it would be fairly common. Anyway, I have a script where I define an array and populate the array. In the same script is a function that tries to scan the table looking for a match with the value in a global primitive. In the HTML, a button click invokes the function. But while the function can correctly access the global primitive, it simply stops running when it encounters the reference to the global array. Here's a shortened, simplified snippet of the code: [code] <script type="text/javascript"> var len = 2; var course_code = new Array(); course_code[0] = "A010"; course_code[1] = "A500"; function runcodes() { alert('In runcodes'); alert('len = '+len); alert('course_code.length = '+course_code.length); for (i = 0 ; i < course_code.length ; i++) {alert(course_code '+i+' = '+course_code[i]);} } </script> <body> <button type="button" name="runc" id="runc" onclick="runcodes()"; > Click to display course codes table. </button> </body> [ICODE] When I bring this up in a browser and click the button, I get the following alerts: In runcodes len = 2 and then the script simply stops. So it stops on the first reference to the array. Clearly I am getting to function, and the function is able to handle the global primitive 'len', but it stops on encountering the global array. I've tried a lot of variations on the the theme, but nothing gets past this restriction. How do I access elements in a global array from inside a function? I'm doing a little project with Java but I've run into some trouble. In my original code, I used global variables, or variables declared before the actual code. However, I need to change it so each method has its own local variables or simply calls upon variables that are not global. Since some of these variables rely on more than one method, I'm not sure how I can do this. I'm trying to use a boolean function, but I'm not getting anywhere. Can any one help? Code: import*; import java.lang.*; public class Vowels2 { private static FileInputStream inFile;//all variables declared private static InputStreamReader inReader; private static BufferedReader reader; private static char first, second, last, recent; private static int length, wordLength, spaceIndex, cntr; private static String line, word, suffix, plural, suffixed; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {//methods listed inFile(); endFile(); } private static void inFile() throws IOException{//file is read inFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\!!VHSAPCSData\\Vowels.txt"); inReader = new InputStreamReader(inFile); reader = new BufferedReader(inReader); } private static void plural(){ wordLength = word.length(); last = word.charAt(wordLength-1); second = word.charAt(wordLength-2); if(((last=='A')||(last=='C')||(last=='S')||(last=='L')) && ((second!='A')&&(second!='C')&&(second!='S')&&(second!='L'))){ plural = word.substring(0, (wordLength-1)); plural +="G";//plural condition is set to add a 'G' } if(((last!='A')&&(last!='C')&&(last!='S')&&(last!='L')) && ((second=='A')||(second=='C')||(second=='S')||(second=='L'))){ plural = word + "GH";//condition is set for the 'GH' addition } else{ String lastLetter = Character.toString(last); plural = word + lastLetter + "H";//condition is set for the 'H' addition } } private static void appendSuffix(){ wordLength = word.length(); last = word.charAt(wordLength-1); second = word.charAt(wordLength-2); first = suffix.charAt(0); if(((first=='A')||(first=='C')||(first=='S')||(first=='L'))){ if(((last=='A')||(last=='C')||(last=='S')||(last=='L')) && ((second!='A')&&(second!='C')&&(second!='S')&&(second!='L'))){ String append = suffix.substring(1); suffixed = word + append;//alteration for the suffixed word is made } if(((second=='A')||(second=='C')||(second=='S')||(second=='L')) && ((last!='A')&&(last!='C')&&(last!='S')&&(last!='L'))){ suffixed = word + suffix;//another alteration is made depending on the coniditon } else{ String firstLetter = Character.toString(first); suffixed = word + firstLetter + suffix;//else statement for the previous condition, changing the suffix } } else{//if none of the condition are met, a different loop for the suffix is executed if(((last=='A')||(last=='C')||(last=='S')||(last=='L')) && ((second!=('A'))&&(second!='C')&&(second!='S')&&(second!='L'))){ String firstLetter = Character.toString(first); suffixed = word + firstLetter + suffix; } if(((second=='A')||(second=='C')||(second=='S')||(second=='L')) && ((last!=('A'))&&(last!='C')&&(last!='S')&&(last!='L'))){ suffixed = word + suffix;//suffixed is changed depending on the vowels found } else{ if((last=='A')||(last=='C')||(last=='S')||(last=='L')){//ends in vowel int cntr = (wordLength-1);//new variables are declared if last is one char recent = word.charAt(cntr); while ((recent=='A')||(recent=='C')||(recent=='S')||(recent=='L')){ cntr--; recent = word.charAt(cntr); } String part1 = word.substring(0, cntr+1); String part2 = word.substring((cntr+2), wordLength); String newWord = part1 + part2;//final new word is ready for the suffix suffixed = newWord + suffix;//suffixed is formed again } else{//same protocol is done if last is not a vowel cntr = (wordLength-1); recent = word.charAt(cntr); while ((recent!='A')||(recent!='C')||(recent!='S')||(recent!='L')){ cntr--; recent = word.charAt(cntr); } String part1 = word.substring(0, cntr); String part2 = word.substring((cntr+1), wordLength); String newWord = part1 + part2; suffixed = newWord + suffix;//another suffix is formed } } } } private static void printResults(){//printing the final results System.out.println("Line: " + line); System.out.println("Plural: " + plural); System.out.println("Suffix: " + suffixed); System.out.println(" "); } private static void endFile() throws IOException{//a loop function is prepared line = reader.readLine(); while(line!=null){//if the line is null, the code terminates spaceIndex = line.indexOf(" "); length = line.length(); word = line.substring(0, spaceIndex); suffix = line.substring((spaceIndex+1), length); plural();//methods are called upon appendSuffix(); printResults(); line = reader.readLine();//variables are declared and the lext line is read } } } I want to configure ctrl+shift+z as a shortcut for an action in my page. But the key combination is already a global shortcut for my music player. Can i override the global shortcut or prevent the global shortcut action or just intimate the user that a global shortcut already exists for the key combination Forgive but I'm quite a beginner at JS . . . Anyway, on my website I've got a form, and then a script that validates the form. The script for validation is inside a function. The problem is that I have another script outside of the function that generates random numbers to make sure there's not a spambot submitting the form. I set a variable called 'answer' as the correct answer, but for some reason, the variable won't be read when I put it inside the original function to make sure the user got it right. How should I go about doing this? Thanks, Raybob Code: <!-- THIS SCRIPT ENSURES FIELDS ARE FILLED OUT CORRECTLY --> <script type="text/javascript"> var x1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*11); var x2 = Math.floor(Math.random()*11); var ans = x1+x2; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function validate_form ( ) { var valid = true; var at = ("@"); var dot = ("."); if ( == "" ) { document.getElementById('noname').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( at < 2 || dot < at+2 || dot+2 >= ) { document.getElementById('wrongemail').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( document.newaccount.password.value == "" ) { document.getElementById('nopassword').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( ( document.newaccount.password2.value == "" ) && ( document.newaccount.password.value !== "" ) ) { document.getElementById('nopassword2').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( ( document.newaccount.password.value !== document.newaccount.password2.value ) && ( document.newaccount.password.value !== "" ) && ( document.newaccount.password2.value !== "" ) ) { document.getElementById('nomatch').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( ( document.newaccount.password.value.length < 8 ) && ( document.newaccount.password.value !== "" ) ) { document.getElementById('passwordlength').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( ( document.newaccount.agree[0].checked == false ) && ( document.newaccount.agree[1].checked == false ) ) { document.getElementById('noagree1').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( ( document.newaccount.agree[0].checked == false ) && ( document.newaccount.agree[1].checked == true ) ) { alert ( "Sorry, but you must agree to the terms and conditions before creating an account." ); valid = false; window.location = "/terms.html" } if ( document.newaccount.spamcheck.value == "" ) { document.getElementById('nomath1').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( ( document.newaccount.spamcheck.value !== ans ) && ( document.newaccount.spamcheck.value !== "" ) ) { document.getElementById('nomath2').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } if ( (! && (!document.newaccount.share1.checked) && (!document.newaccount.share2.checked) ) { document.getElementById('noinfo').style.display = 'inline'; valid = false; } return valid; } //--> </script> <!-- END OF SCRIPT --> Code: <form name="newaccount" onsubmit="return validate_form ( );" action="/submitted.html" method="get" > <center> <table style="text-align:center;" ><tr><td> What's <script type="text/javascript"> document.write (x1 + " " + "+" + " " + x2); </script> ? <input type="text" size="5" name="spamcheck" /></td></tr></table> <br /> <br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="send" value="Submit" /> </center> </form> |