JavaScript - Date Comparison/conversion?
I would like to compare dates in the format used in twitter, which is this:
Wed Apr 08 14:30:10 +0000 2009 How do I do this? Do I need to convert to a timestamp first, and if so, how do I do this? G Similar TutorialsI have a drop down menu where people can select a month, day and year. Based on their selection, I want to show them an image. If their selection is >= July 26, 2010 but <= July 25, 2011, show the red image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2011 but <= July 25, 2012, show the white image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2012 but <= July 25, 2013, show the blue image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2013 but <= July 25, 2014, show the yellow image; I don't know how to compare a selected date to a range of dates like this. Why alert('hua'); does not pop up ? Code: var cur_date = new Date(); cur_date.setSeconds(0); cur_date.setHours(0); cur_date.setMilliseconds(0); cur_date.setMinutes(0); alert(cur_date); alert(new Date(cur_date.getFullYear(),cur_date.getMonth(),cur_date.getDate())); if (new Date(cur_date.getFullYear(),cur_date.getMonth(),cur_date.getDay()) == cur_date ) { alert('hua'); } Hi peers,, i am passing oracle time stamp dates to javascript array element. the problem is i am unable to convert them to standard format : here is the date format i am getting from Oracle to javascript array : {ts '2011-03-15 00:00:00'} and here is what i want to get : 03/15/2011 Any help ? thanks My code isn't working, the only part that is showing up in the webpage is the head. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I typed it right out of the book; the way the book tells me to write it. Thank you. Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Comparison Operators</title> </head> <body> <h1>Comparison Operators</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> var conditional Value; var value1 = "Don"; var value2 = "Dave"; value == value2 ? document.write( "<p>value1 equal to value2: true< br />") : document.write( "<p>value1 equal to value2: false<br />") value1 = 37; value2 = 26; conditional value = value1 == value2; document.write("value equal to value2: " +conditionalValue + "<br />"); conditionalValue = value1 != value2; document.write("value1 not equal to value2: " +conditionalValue + "<br />"); conditionalValue = value1 > value2; document.write("value1 greater than value2: " +conditionalValue + "<br />"); conditionalValue = value1 < value2; document.write("value1 less than value2: " +conditionalValue + "<br />"); conditionalValue = value1 >= value2; document.write("value1 greater than or equal to value2: " + conditionalValue + "<br />"); conditionalValue = value1 <= value2; document.write(value1 less than or equal to value2: " + conditionalValue + "<br />"); value1 = 21; value2 = 21; conditionalValue = value1 === value2; document.write( "value1 equal to value2 AND the same data type: " + conditionalValue + "<br />"); conditionalValue = value1 !== value2; document.write( "value1 not equal to value2 AND no the same data type: " + conditionalValue + "</p>"); </script> </body> </html> are these right ya? '3' !=='smith' true "test" == "test " true '2' != 'smith' true "exam" == "Exam" true 5 === "5 " false "t" > "T" false "y" >= "p" true "Happy" == "happy " true I'm trying to get an emerge effect using javascript. Here is my code Code: var t; var s=0; function emerge() { document.getElementById('my_span').style.opacity=s; s=s+0.1; t=setTimeout("emerge()",250); if (s>1) { clearTimeout(t); } } } Works fine, does the things right. But if I use this code, I get error. Code: var t; var s=0; function emerge() { document.getElementById('my_span').style.opacity=s; s=s+0.1; t=setTimeout("emerge()",250); if (s==1) { clearTimeout(t); } } } The only thing I changed was comparison operator. I tried to debug by adding alert box Code: var t; var s=0; function emerge() { alert(document.getElementById('my_span').style.opacity); document.getElementById('my_span').style.opacity=s; s=s+0.1; t=setTimeout("emerge()",250); if (s>1) { alert("Opacity set to max"); clearTimeout(t); } } } For some reason, it does not enter the if block if I use "==" operator & the alert box keeps coming up with "1" in it. But works fine if I use ">" operator, enters the block and the last value it shows is "0.9". Can anyone explain as to why this happens? Hello, I try to learn JavaScript and I've just come across something that I can't work out. I use the book of John Pollock: JavaScript, A beginner's guide, Third Edition. So, page 360 and this piece of code: Code: function getname() { var the_text=window.prompt("Enter your first and last name",""); if (the_text.indexOf(" ") == -1) { window.alert("Put a space between your first and last name. Try again."); getname(); } var split_text= the_text.split(" "); if ((split_text[0].charAt(0) != "Z") || (split_text[0].charAt(0) != "z")) { var shorter_fn_string = split_text[0].substring(1,split_text[0].length); new_fn_name = "Z"+shorter_fn_string; } else { var shorter_fn_string = split_text[0].substring(1,split_text[0].length); new_fn_name = "W"+shorter_fn_string; } if ((split_text[1].charAt(0)!= "Z") || (split_text[1].charAt(0)!= "z")) { var shorter_ln_string= split_text[1].substring(1,split_text[1].length); new_ln_name="Z"+shorter_ln_string; } else { var shorter_ln_string= split_text[1].substring(1,split_text[1].length); new_ln_name="W"+shorter_ln_string; } window.alert("Now your name is "+new_fn_name+" "+new_ln_name+"!"); } getname(); the thing is it ain't working. If I type in the propmpt window let's say simon simon I will get an alert of zimon zimon but if I type in zimon zimon it won't change to wimon wimon. I suppouse it's because of != comparison operator. If I use == instead of != and change the code the other way round inside if block then it works. Code: function getname() { var the_text=window.prompt("Enter your first and last name",""); if (the_text.indexOf(" ") == -1) { window.alert("Put a space between your first and last name. Try again."); getname(); } var split_text= the_text.split(" "); if ((split_text[0].charAt(0) == "Z") || (split_text[0].charAt(0) == "z")) { var shorter_fn_string = split_text[0].substring(1,split_text[0].length); new_fn_name = "W"+shorter_fn_string; } else { var shorter_fn_string = split_text[0].substring(1,split_text[0].length); new_fn_name = "Z"+shorter_fn_string; } if ((split_text[1].charAt(0)== "Z") || (split_text[1].charAt(0)== "z")) { var shorter_ln_string= split_text[1].substring(1,split_text[1].length); new_ln_name="W"+shorter_ln_string; } else { var shorter_ln_string= split_text[1].substring(1,split_text[1].length); new_ln_name="Z"+shorter_ln_string; } window.alert("Now your name is "+new_fn_name+" "+new_ln_name+"!"); } getname(); Why is that? Regards, Simon i have an iframe on my webpage and i am loading appropriate page in it by clicking appropriate button but when user logs out and at that time some page is opened in iframe corresponding to the login pages(like "edit profile") of user then at that moment i want to know that what page is loaded in iframe so that i close it(if it corresponds to pages of login like "edit profile") as user logs out and if it does not correspond to login pages then it remains as it is.For doing that i must know that what page is loaded in iframe and compare it in " if(condition){statement} in logout function" with the logion pages so that i know that if any of them is loaded in iframe and if loaded then close it.Can you help me with that by giving exact code example. Hello everyone, for starters, I'm NOT working with arrays...with that being said, I need your help...I created a webform in PHP that retrieves values from a mysql table and displays them with its own mysqli_fetch_array command, in that loop it generates a textbox for each far so good. The created textbox (input element) is so that the user can type in the sequential number of how to reorder the records...example Original Order of Records 1 Alpha 2 Bravo 3 Charlie 4 Delta 5 Echo and user needs it to be in this order User input sequential 2 Alpha 5 Bravo 1 Charlie 4 Delta 3 Echo the new order of the records will be saved on a temporary table in the database before insertion on the main table, kinnda like a preview for the new order, something like this: New Order of Records 1 Charlie 2 Alpha 3 Echo 4 Delta 5 Bravo Now what I need is a function that helps me display a message if the user duplicates a sequential unique, if they type in number 1 in 2 or more records, when I hit the button for the preview I need it to loop through all the input boxes and check their values, compare it with the other inputs and determine if there are duplicates or not....if there're no duplicates, continue with PHP code.....if there are duplicates, display an error so the user seeks for the duplicate and change it (inputs left in blank will not be considered for the insertion in the preview table) I already have this: Code: function checkall() { const t='texto'; var contar=<?php echo $contar; ?>; var text = "" var conta = 1; var contas= conta+1; text = t+conta; texto = t+contas; //var curElement = document.activeElement.value; var cv=document.forms['OrderPreview'][text].value; //var cv=document.forms['OrderPreview'][curElement].value; do { //var cv=document.forms['OrderPreview'][text].value; if (document.forms['OrderPreview'][texto].value=="") { return; } if (cv==document.forms['OrderPreview'][texto].value) { alert("Something Bad"); } conta++; contas++; text = t+conta; texto = t+contas; } while (conta<=contar) } Btw, the document.activeElement part of the code displays me "undefined" in the alert message, I still don't have a clue why, could you guide me with this please? I can't do but compare the 1st input with the rest of the fields, OR compare one field to the inmediate next's driving me nuts Any help will be truly appreciated, thanks in advance Hi, am new to Java, Jquery and Java Script and I am finding my way through recently... I have this HTML code Code: <html:text styleClass="ui-inputText" size="12" styleId="fromDate" property="fromDate" name="HomePageForm" readonly="readonly" /> <script> initDatePicker("fromDate"); </script> I want to perform this action using JS. This will create a text-box with a calender affixed to it if used in Plain HTML... This is the initdatepicker function Code: function initDatePicker(dateFieldId){ var format = '<%=ctx.getDateFormat()%>'; if (format == "yyyy-MM-dd"){ format= "yy-mm-dd"; }else if (format == "MM/dd/yyyy"){ format= "mm/dd/yy"; }else if (format == "dd-MMM-yyyy"){ format= "dd-M-yy" } $("#"+dateFieldId).datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: 'include/images/icons/calendar.png', buttonImageOnly: true, changeMonth: false, changeYear: false, buttonText: 'Select date' , dateFormat: format }); } I have done a few things, but, could not get the result I need... Code: cellIndex++; var cellObj=$('#genericRules tr:eq('+index+') td:eq('+cellIndex+')'); cellObj.html(''); var table = document.getElementById("genericRules"); var rowElem = table.rows[index]; var cell = rowElem.insertCell(3); var txtInp = getTextField(indexName,index,'8'); cell.appendChild(txtInp); var dateImg = getImage(index); cell.appendChild(dateImg); cell.align="center"; initDatePicker(indexName + '['+index+'].'+name+'from'); function getTextField(indexName, index, size) { //, maxlength var txtInp = document.createElement('input'); txtInp.setAttribute('type', 'text'); txtInp.setAttribute('class', 'ui-inputText'); txtInp.setAttribute('indexed', 'true'); txtInp.setAttribute('name', indexName + '['+index+'].'+name+'from'); txtInp.setAttribute('id', indexName + '['+index+'].'+name+'from'); txtInp.setAttribute('size',size); txtInp.className = "ui-inputText";'['+index+'].'+name; txtInp.indexed ='true'; return txtInp; } function getImage(index){ var image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = "<%=request.getContextPath()%>/include/images/icons/calendar.png"; image.setAttribute('class', 'inputCalendar'); image.className = "inputCalendar"; = "imgDatevalue"+index; = "imgDatevalue"+index; return image; } My application is now showing me the image but, am not able to get the calender when i click on it.. I need help on this thing... Please try to provide me with soem intel... Dear All, On my HTML page, I am trying to use as a snippet the script for automatic currency conversion. It is well known that exchange rates between currency are being changed very often (most of times even daily) and I don't want to republish either page with script or entire website every time the exchange rate changes. For website design I am using xsitepro software because I don't know programming. So what I would like to have on specific page of website is something similar to table (if anyone has any better recommendation than using a table, please share). In this table I would like to state prices of my services. Primary currency is only one. So in this column, the numbers shouldn't be changed unless I want to change the prices (and of course therefore republish the website, no need to republish sitemap). In the rest of the columns the numbers should be changed immediately, without needing to republish anything (thats the point of the script) and also rounded to each 5. What I mean with ''each 5'' is shown on few of the following random chosen examples (1500): 1500.03 is rounded to 1500 1500.30 is rounded to 1500 1500.50 is rounded to 1500 1502.49 is rounded to 1500 1502.50 is rounded to 1505 (!) 1504.99 is rounded to 1505 1505.01 is rounded to 1505 1507.49 is rounded to 1505 1507.50 is rounded to 1510 and so on. Idea is to prevent from getting coins. So the break point is on 2.50, 7.50, 12.50, 17.50, 22.50, 27.50 and so on. Not sure how to mathematically describe this. Hopefully I was understandable. I want to have in the columns only the currencies that I am willing to accept if potential client cannot change the currency to my primary one (given in second most left column) in his local exchange office. But I repeat that what Im trying to do is having automatically and immediately updated numerical values on particular HTML page based on most recent exchange rates (of course trustful source is needed). Since I don't know programming, I did some research on google and discovered this: The downer script on the right side looks ok but its not even close to what I need due to five reasons: - it is being converted outside the table - with such way i cannot clearly show which currency is primary (prefered) one - conversion is being done to only one other currency at the same time - no rounding to ''each 5'' - unknown source (and therefore untrustful one) of updating most recent exchange rates Table such as this one: looks great but still not meeting my requirements. I would like to replace flags in the left column with ''service 1'', ''service 2'', ''product 1'' etc. Also I have no idea how rounding could be done. So at the end I would end up with something like (here Im showing only two ''still willing to accept'' currencies just to show an example): Currency:Euro Currency:American Dollar Currency:Japanese Yen Service1 500 670 51535 Service2 400 535 41228 Service3 200 265 20614 Top left corner as it is on would be even better. note: when I previewed my post before submitting, I noticed that the forum doesn't let me make so much spaces but I think those numbers are still understandable where do they belong. Any help would be muuuuuch appricated I am trying to fix a problem that I have with my JavaScript assignment for class. The code I have so far is beneath. I ran FireBug on it, and came back with "missing ) after argument list on Line 24" Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function Convert(){ // declare a variable var c var f // get variable's value f = parseFloat(document.getElementById('c').1.8 * c + 32) } </SCRIPT> Code: <FORM NAME="Assignment5"> <B>Instructions: </B> Input the temperature in degrees Centegrade and click "Convert" to convert the temperature from degrees Centegrade to degrees Farenheit.. <BR> <BR> <B>Input Values: </B> <BR> <B>Degrees <I>Celsius</I>:</B> <INPUT ID="c"> <BR><BR> <INPUT TYPE="Button" VALUE="Convert" OnClick="Convert();"> <BR><BR> <B>Output Value: </B> <BR> <B>Degrees <I>Farenheit</I>:</B> <INPUT ID="f"> </FORM> Thanks in advance for the help! Hey everyone, I have a slight problem with my program and am in need of some help. I am writing a program that will take user input and convert the 8 digits the user enters (the 0's and 1's) and converts them into an integer between 0 and 255. It is a very simple program but I am still having some errors :/ If anyone could take a look at the program and get back to me, it would be very helpful! Code: import javax.swing.*; public class BinaryToInteger { static String userInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a binary number with 8 integers to convert."); //Dialog Box that asks for user input static int binaryValue = Integer.parseInt(userInput); //Parses the user's input into an integer public static void convert() //Method to convert the user's input into a number { char firstNumber = userInput.charAt(0); //Reads the eight numbers the user enters char secondNumber = userInput.charAt(1); char thirdNumber = userInput.charAt(2); char fourthNumber = userInput.charAt(3); char fifthNumber = userInput.charAt(4); char sixthNumber = userInput.charAt(5); char seventhNumber = userInput.charAt(6); char eigthNumber = userInput.charAt(7); System.out.print(firstNumber); //Just to check to see if the correct numbers are being read from the JOptionPane System.out.print(secondNumber); System.out.print(thirdNumber); System.out.print(fourthNumber); System.out.print(fifthNumber); System.out.print(sixthNumber); System.out.print(seventhNumber); System.out.println(eigthNumber); int finalNumber = 0; //Initializing "finalNumber" if(firstNumber == 1) //Checking to see if "firstNumber" is equal to 1 then add 128 to "finalNumber" if it is, and do nothing if it is not { //The same applies below finalNumber = finalNumber + 128; } else { } if(secondNumber == 1) { finalNumber = finalNumber + 64; } else { } if(thirdNumber == 1) { finalNumber = finalNumber + 32; } else { } if(fourthNumber == 1) { finalNumber = finalNumber + 16; } else { } if(fifthNumber == 1) { finalNumber = finalNumber + 8; } else { } if(sixthNumber == 1) { finalNumber = finalNumber + 4; } else { } if(seventhNumber == 1) { finalNumber = finalNumber + 2; } else { } if(eigthNumber == 1) { finalNumber = finalNumber + 1; } else { } System.out.print(finalNumber); //Just to see what the compiler spit out as the answer } public static void main(String []args) //Main method that runs the convert() method { convert(); } } Hi, Please bear with me as I have zero knowledge of programming, or even if this is the right way to do this. I use a website that has (i believe) Javascript on that uses some maths, and I am looking to convert this webpage into excel... I wonder if someone could give me a pointer to convert the attached code into the excel format, or even just to highlight where the maths is so i can continue myself! Code: script is too long, so ive attached as a zip Hi all, First of all thanks for everyone who responds to me. I appreciate it. Here is my problem. I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows: When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have. Thanks in advance for your help. <html> <script type = "text/javascript"> function square(form) { var test = form.value1.value; window.alert(+test); var point = document.test.value1.value; pointcon = point.toString(); window.alert("nice"); window.alert(+pointcon); var point2 = eval(document.test.value2.value); var point3 = point + point2; alert(point3); } </script> <head> <body> <form name = "test"> First name: <input type="text" name = "value1" value1 = ""/><br /> Last name: <input type="text" name = "value2" value2 = ""/> <input type = "button" value = "Submit" onClick="square(this.form)"/> </form> </body> </html> Hello everyone, 'recently converted an excel timesheet to a PDF form. Trying to get some help to convert two excel formulas (formulae?) into javascript. First Excel formula is intended to return the value of "40" if the total is above 40, otherwise display actual value: =IF(L17>40, 40,L17) Second excel formula is the "overtime" field, which displays the number of hrs above 40hrs, or displays "N/A" if below 40: =IF(L17>40, L17-40, "N/A") I have essentially no experience in Javascript and I am trying to learn, but any help to get me over this hump will be appreciated. Regards tim Hi All, In javascript is it possible to convert a long number (as hex string) to a float number ? Ex. 40 A0 00 D2 is 5.0001 and reverse I know I can use math functions, then seperate out Sign/mantissa/exponent and then convert it in float, but their must be some easy alternative. Can I use sprintf, is yes how can I use this? Thansk for your help! Regards Max I wrote this microday clock some time ago (with some difficulty) as a project, and now I'm attemtping to make an octal version. I'm still learning JavaScript, so I'm not sure exactly which line/s to edit and what script to add to make it fuctional. if anyone here can show me the most concise script needed to convert the output of this JavaClock from decimal to octal it would be very much appreciated the original script to be converted is shown below : ------------------------------------------------------------ Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="JAVACLOCK"> <META HTTP=EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="microday clock" INDEX="all"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css"> <STYLE> BODY { font-family: Digital Readout Expanded; } </STYLE> <TITLE>microday clock</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=BLACK TEXT=BLUE ALIGN=CENTER LINK=ROYALBLUE VLINK=VIOLET> <DIV ALIGN=CENTER> <span id="clock"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function Clock() { Now = new Date(); var DecTime = Now.getTime()/86400000 + 1004472; DecTime = '<FONT SIZE=5><FONT COLOR="#3399FF">' + DecTime.toString().substring(1,4) + ' ' + DecTime.toString().substring(4,7) + '</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#33CC00">' + DecTime.toString().substring(8,11) + ' ' + DecTime.toString().substring(11,14) + '</FONT>' if (document.all) document.all.clock.innerHTML=DecTime else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML=DecTime else document.write(DecTime) } if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById) Clock() function Increment() { if (document.all||document.getElementById) setInterval("Clock()",86) } window.onload=Increment // End --> </script> </span> |