JavaScript - Crossbrowser Compatible Fade/transition Speed Adjustment In Slideshow?
Hello good coders!
Thanks to the wonderful script provided by coothead he I was wondering how I could adjust the transition/fade speed between the images in the script? I tried a couple of different ways, but I couldn't get it working. Does anyone know how I can adjust this in a cross-browser compatible way? Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>multiple image maps</title> <base href=""/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ #mapImage_holder { text-align:center; } #mapImage { border:1px solid #000; } /*//]]>*/ </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var maps=new Array(); maps[0]='dots.gif,#dots'; maps[1]='map.jpg,#blood'; maps[2]='apple0.jpg,#apples'; var c=0; var speed=1000*10; //set for 10 secs, change to suit needs. function swapMap() { obj=document.getElementById('mapImage'); if(c==maps.length) { c=0; } obj.src=maps[c].split(',')[0]; obj.useMap=maps[c].split(',')[1]; c++; setTimeout('swapMap()',speed); } window.onload=swapMap; //]]> </script> </head> <body> <div id="mapImage_holder"> <img id="mapImage" src="dots.gif" alt="" usemap="#dots"/> </div> <div> <map id="dots" name="dots"> <area coords="85,40,110,65" href="" alt="" /> <area coords="225,100,250,125" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="345,140,370,165" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="405,270,430,295" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="35,290,60,315" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="605,460,630,485" href="" alt=""/> </map> <map id="blood" name="blood"> <area coords="40,144,80,171" href="" alt="" /> <area coords="112,144,152,171" href="" alt="" /> <area coords="184,144,224,171" href="" alt="" /> <area coords="256,144,296,171" href="" alt=""/> </map> <map id="apples" name="apples"> <area coords="0,0,116,146" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="124,0,236,146" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="244,0,360,146" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="0,154,116,280" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="124,154,236,280" href="" alt=""/> <area coords="244,154,360,280" href="" alt=""/> </map> </div> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHey all- I've gotten accustomed to using coda slider 2.0 to do some cool interactive sliding elements on my pages. However, i need something similar that will fade instead of slide. I've searched all over their home forums and it seems like no one there has an answer for how to implement the change in the current codaslider infrastructure. ( I need something that has all the functionality of coda slider (easy transitions, div's containing lots of content- both images and text, forward/back buttons, autoplay) but with a fade transitions any ideas? Hello all.. I am relatively new to javascript. I am using a javascript code for a slideshow inside a photo gallery. With the current code there is some degree of overlap between consecutive images so that the images merge for a second. I want a traditional slideshow where one image stays for 3 seconds, fade out without any steps, and next image entering without any delay. Dont want any merging. Which function should I change for that? Is it parameters in set interval? I wrote a simple javescript for a slideshow that cycles through images and displays where the image is but I am wondering how to pause the slideshow and then add in a fading effect. Any help would be appreciated. index.html PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Page 1</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.css"></link> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="js.js"></script> </head> <body onLoad="LoadMenu(); PlaceArrow();"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="hmt" summary="layout" align="center"> <tr><td colspan="4"><div id="htop"><img border="0" width="240" height="40" alt="" src="img/homet.png"></div></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td id="hmtgut"><img border="0" width="50" height="250" alt="" src="img/homel.png"></td> <td id="hmtl"><img border="0" width="280" height="270" src="img/homelogo.png"></td> <td id="hmtr"> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //preload images var image1=new Image() image1.src="photos/slides/photo01.jpg" var image2=new Image() image2.src="photos/slides/photo02.jpg" var image3=new Image() image3.src="photos/slides/photo03.jpg" var image4=new Image() image4.src="photos/slides/photo04.jpg" var image5=new Image() image5.src="photos/slides/photo05.jpg" var image6=new Image() image6.src="photos/slides/photo06.jpg" var image7=new Image() image7.src="img/thumbarrow.png" var image8=new Image() image8.src="img/spacer.gif" var cphoto = Math.ceil(6*Math.random()); document.write('<div id="homephoto"><a href="javascript:slidelink()"><img border="0" name="photo" width="230" height="230" src="photos/slides/photo0'+cphoto+'.jpg"></a></div>'); var step=cphoto var whichimage=step function slideit() { if (!document.images) return"image"+step+".src") whichimage=step if (step<6) { step=parseInt(Math.ceil(6*Math.random())) } else { step=1 } setTimeout("slideit()",3000) var i = "a" + whichimage document.images.a1.src=eval("image8.src") document.images.a2.src=eval("image8.src") document.images.a3.src=eval("image8.src") document.images.a4.src=eval("image8.src") document.images.a5.src=eval("image8.src") document.images.a6.src=eval("image8.src") document.images[i].src=eval("image7.src") } slideit() function slidelink() { if (whichimage==1)'img.php?img=1','miniwin','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400') else if (whichimage==2)'img.php?img=2','miniwin','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400') else if (whichimage==3)'img.php?img=3','miniwin','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400') else if (whichimage==4)'img.php?img=4','miniwin','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400') else if (whichimage==5)'img.php?img=5','miniwin','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400') else if (whichimage==6)'img.php?img=6','miniwin','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400') } //--> </script> <noscript> <div id="homephoto"> <img border="0" name="photo" width="230" height="230" src="photos/slides/photo01.jpg"> </div> </noscript> </td> <td id="mtmenu" valign="middle">Links Here</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <div id="hfoot"> <div id="hbot"><img border="0" width="240" height="20" alt="" src="img/homeb.png"></div> <div id="thumb1"> <div><img border="0" vspace="9" hspace="2" name="a1" width="30" height="6" alt="" src="img/spacer.gif"></div> <div><a onClick="LoadPhoto(1); return false;"><img border="0" width="30" height="30" src="photos/thumbs/photo01thumb.jpg"></a></div> </div> <div id="thumb2"> <div><img border="0" vspace="9" hspace="2" name="a2" width="30" height="6" alt="" src="img/spacer.gif"></div> <div><a onClick="LoadPhoto(2); return false;"><img border="0" width="30" height="30" src="photos/thumbs/photo02thumb.jpg"></a></div> </div> <div id="thumb3"> <div><img border="0" vspace="9" hspace="2" name="a3" width="30" height="6" alt="" src="img/spacer.gif"></div> <div><a onClick="LoadPhoto(3); return false;"><img border="0" width="30" height="30" src="photos/thumbs/photo03thumb.jpg"></a></div> </div> <div id="thumb4"> <div><img border="0" vspace="9" hspace="2" name="a4" width="30" height="6" alt="" src="img/spacer.gif"></div> <div><a onClick="LoadPhoto(4); return false;"><img border="0" width="30" height="30" src="photos/thumbs/photo04thumb.jpg"></a></div> </div> <div id="thumb5"> <div><img border="0" vspace="9" hspace="2" name="a5" width="30" height="6" alt="" src="img/spacer.gif"></div> <div><a onClick="LoadPhoto(5); return false;"><img border="0" width="30" height="30" src="photos/thumbs/photo05thumb.jpg"></a></div> </div> <div id="thumb6"> <div><img border="0" vspace="9" hspace="2" name="a6" width="30" height="6" alt="" src="img/spacer.gif"></div> <div><a onClick="LoadPhoto(6); return false;"><img border="0" width="30" height="30" src="photos/thumbs/photo06thumb.jpg"></a></div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </table> </body> </html> js.js PHP Code: function PlaceArrow() { if ( cphoto ) { carrow = "a" + cphoto; document.images[carrow].src = "img/thumbarrow.png"; } } function LoadPhoto (i) { if (document.images) { carrow = "a" + cphoto; document.images[carrow].src = "img/spacer.gif"; narrow = "a" + i; nphoto = "photo0" + i; document.images[narrow].src = "img/thumbarrow.png"; document.images['photo'].src = "photos/slides/" + nphoto + ".jpg"; cphoto = i; } } I've managed to get a slideshow to randomly display pictures, but each time I try to add a fade into it, it never seems to work. Can anyone give me some advice? <script language="javascript"> var delay=2500 //set delay in miliseconds var curindex=0 var randomimages=new Array() randomimages[0]="image1.jpg" randomimages[1]="image2.jpg" randomimages[2]="image3.jpg" var preload=new Array() for (n=0;n<randomimages.length;n++) { preload[n]=new Image() preload[n].src=randomimages[n] } document.write('<img name="defaultimage" src="'+randomimages[Math.floor(Math.random()*(randomimages.length))]+'">') function rotateimage() { if (curindex==(tempindex=Math.floor(Math.random()*(randomimages.length)))){ curindex=curindex==0? 1 : curindex-1 } else curindex=tempindex document.images.defaultimage.src=randomimages[curindex] } setInterval("rotateimage()",delay) </script> <p align="center">This free script provided by<br /> <a href="">JavaScript Kit</a></p> Hello all! This is my first time in the forum and I have been reading for a while. The information in here appears to be very accurate and useful. I am new to JavaScript. I have been programming sites for a while but have been using Flash for most of my animation and never really got into the ActionScript. Thanks to Apple... I can no longer use that crutch. So as I post in this forum please understand 2 things: 1 I am a beginner in JavaScript and 2. I want to learn not just copy, paste and move on! Here is my issue: I have made a VERY SIMPLE slide show and it works perfectly. However, Now I want to add a fade in and out effect to the code. I have seen this done with the CSS opacity(alpha) and that seems to be the simplist way. However, I am having trouble fitting this into my code. Any direction in this matter would be great! Thanks so much! Code: var step=1 function switchImg() { if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") if (step<9) step++ else step=1 setTimeout("switchImg()",3500) } switchImg() PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var image1=new Image() image1.src="images/slideshow/image001.jpg" var image2=new Image() image2.src="images/slideshow/image002.jpg" var image3=new Image() image3.src="images/slideshow/image003.jpg" var image4=new Image() image4.src="images/slideshow/image004.jpg" var image5=new Image() image5.src="images/slideshow/image005.jpg" var image6=new Image() image6.src="images/slideshow/image006.jpg" var image7=new Image() image7.src="images/slideshow/image007.jpg" var image8=new Image() image8.src="images/slideshow/image008.jpg" var image9=new Image() image9.src="images/slideshow/image009.jpg" var image10=new Image() image10.src="images/slideshow/image010.jpg" var image11=new Image() image11.src="images/slideshow/image011.jpg" var image12=new Image() image12.src="images/slideshow/image012.jpg" var image13=new Image() image13.src="images/slideshow/image013.jpg" var image14=new Image() image14.src="images/slideshow/image014.jpg" var image15=new Image() image15.src="images/slideshow/image015.jpg" var image16=new Image() image16.src="images/slideshow/image016.jpg" var image17=new Image() image17.src="images/slideshow/image017.jpg" var image18=new Image() image18.src="images/slideshow/image018.jpg" var image19=new Image() image19.src="images/slideshow/image019.jpg" var image20=new Image() image20.src="images/slideshow/image020.jpg" //--> </script> </head> <body> <img src="images/slideshow/image001.jpg" name="slide"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- //variable that will increment through the images var step=1 function slideit(){ //if browser does not support the image object, exit. if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src" ) if (step<20) step++ else step=1 //call function "slideit()" every 2.5 seconds setTimeout("slideit()",2500) } slideit() //--> </script> </body> </html> Hello - I'm trying to add a fade effect between slideshow transitions. The script I'm building from is the Rich HTML Slideshow script which appears below. The slides that rotate are wrapped in <div> tags with a class of "dyncontent" and I've managed to make the slideshow transition just fine, but not with any kind of fade effect. It just "snaps" from one slide to the next. Is this a fairly simple addition? Thanks! <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.all || document.getElementById){ //if IE4 or NS6+ document.write('<style type="text/css">\n') document.write('.dyncontent{display: none; width: 250px; height: 60px;}\n') document.write('</style>') } var curcontentindex=0 var messages=new Array() function getElementByClass(classname){ var inc=0 var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*") for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++){ if (alltags[i].className==classname) messages[inc++]=alltags[i] } } function rotatecontent(){ //get current message index (to show it): curcontentindex=(curcontentindex<messages.length-1)? curcontentindex+1 : 0 //get previous message index (to hide it): prevcontentindex=(curcontentindex==0)? messages.length-1 : curcontentindex-1 messages[prevcontentindex].style.display="none" //hide previous message messages[curcontentindex].style.display="block" //show current message } window.onload=function(){ if (document.all || document.getElementById){ getElementByClass("dyncontent") setInterval("rotatecontent()", 2000) } } </script> Anyone have a decent way of adding a fade affect to this script? This is a really awesome script that I'm sure all of you can put to use if you haven't yet heard of it. However, I'm trying to get it to fade a background image on my css styled navigation for my a:hover. Here is the script with a little simple tutorial on how to set it up: My only other knowledge is in PHP, so after about 2 hours of fail in this client-side language, I decided it was about time I should post where some experienced people can help. I really appreciate all time you spend on this, and don't think it will take a moderate Javascript programmer very long. This is the link to my site so far: You can see the script working as it is on my little yellow MW logo on the right side of the navigation. So in my scenario, I am looking to fade button.png to button-hover.png (both repeating on the x axis). Any ideas? Hello, I'm learning javascript, and was wondering if it was Possible to have buttons/links that you click, the whole page fades out, and then fade's in, with different stuff. here are my ideas for just changing the stuff Text: 1. having a javascript src file to start, and then when the button is clicked, that is formatted to white, the text layer is moved down, and a new javascript file is loaded? 2.variables? any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Cookies, whatever this forum gives out, you may receive! Usually I can find what I need by doing a Googlesearch. This time, I can't seem to find anything. I need a crossbrowser method for moving layers around the screen. So simple an idea! If it helps answer my query, here is the js for what I have already (a sort of horrible mess that works in IE): PS - I can live with a jquery solution! Code: <!-- function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v3.0 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); return x; } function MM_dragLayer(objName,x,hL,hT,hW,hH,toFront,dropBack,cU,cD,cL,cR,targL,targT,tol,dropJS,et,dragJS) { //v3.0 //Copyright 1998 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. var i,j,aLayer,retVal,curDrag=null,NS=(navigator.appName=='Netscape'), curLeft, curTop; if (!document.all && !document.layers) return false; retVal = true; if(!NS && event) event.returnValue = true; if (MM_dragLayer.arguments.length > 1) { curDrag = MM_findObj(objName); if (!curDrag) return false; if (!document.allLayers) { document.allLayers = new Array(); with (document) if (NS) { for (i=0; i<layers.length; i++) allLayers[i]=layers[i]; for (i=0; i<allLayers.length; i++) if (allLayers[i].document && allLayers[i].document.layers) with (allLayers[i].document) for (j=0; j<layers.length; j++) allLayers[allLayers.length]=layers[j]; } else for (i=0;i<all.length;i++) if (all[i].style&&all[i].style.position) allLayers[allLayers.length]=all[i];} curDrag.MM_dragOk=true; curDrag.MM_targL=targL; curDrag.MM_targT=targT; curDrag.MM_tol=Math.pow(tol,2); curDrag.MM_hLeft=hL; curDrag.MM_hTop=hT; curDrag.MM_hWidth=hW; curDrag.MM_hHeight=hH; curDrag.MM_toFront=toFront; curDrag.MM_dropBack=dropBack; curDrag.MM_dropJS=dropJS; curDrag.MM_everyTime=et; curDrag.MM_dragJS=dragJS; curDrag.MM_oldZ = (NS)?; curLeft= (NS)?; curDrag.MM_startL = curLeft; curTop = (NS)?; curDrag.MM_startT = curTop; curDrag.MM_bL=(cL<0)?null:curLeft-cL; curDrag.MM_bT=(cU<0)?null:curTop -cU; curDrag.MM_bR=(cR<0)?null:curLeft+cR; curDrag.MM_bB=(cD<0)?null:curTop +cD; curDrag.MM_LEFTRIGHT=0; curDrag.MM_UPDOWN=0; curDrag.MM_SNAPPED=false; //use in your JS! document.onmousedown = MM_dragLayer; document.onmouseup = MM_dragLayer; if (NS) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN|Event.MOUSEUP); } else { var theEvent = ((NS)?objName.type:event.type); if (theEvent == 'mousedown') { var mouseX = (NS)?objName.pageX : event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; var mouseY = (NS)?objName.pageY : event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; var maxDragZ=null; document.MM_maxZ = 0; for (i=0; i<document.allLayers.length; i++) { aLayer = document.allLayers[i]; var aLayerZ = (NS)?; if (aLayerZ > document.MM_maxZ) document.MM_maxZ = aLayerZ; var isVisible = (((NS)?'hid') == -1); if (aLayer.MM_dragOk != null && isVisible) with (aLayer) { var parentL=0; var parentT=0; if (!NS) { parentLayer = aLayer.parentElement; while (parentLayer != null && { parentL += parentLayer.offsetLeft; parentT += parentLayer.offsetTop; parentLayer = parentLayer.parentElement; } } var tmpX=mouseX-(((NS)?pageX:style.pixelLeft+parentL)+MM_hLeft); var tmpY=mouseY-(((NS)?pageY:style.pixelTop +parentT)+MM_hTop); var tmpW = MM_hWidth; if (tmpW <= 0) tmpW += ((NS)?clip.width :offsetWidth); var tmpH = MM_hHeight; if (tmpH <= 0) tmpH += ((NS)?clip.height:offsetHeight); if ((0 <= tmpX && tmpX < tmpW && 0 <= tmpY && tmpY < tmpH) && (maxDragZ == null || maxDragZ <= aLayerZ)) { curDrag = aLayer; maxDragZ = aLayerZ; } } } if (curDrag) { document.onmousemove = MM_dragLayer; if (NS) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); curLeft = (NS)?; curTop = (NS)?; MM_oldX = mouseX - curLeft; MM_oldY = mouseY - curTop; document.MM_curDrag = curDrag; curDrag.MM_SNAPPED=false; if(curDrag.MM_toFront) { eval('curDrag.'+((NS)?'':'style.')+'zIndex=document.MM_maxZ+1'); if (!curDrag.MM_dropBack) document.MM_maxZ++; } retVal = false; if(!NS) event.returnValue = false; } } else if (theEvent == 'mousemove') { if (document.MM_curDrag) with (document.MM_curDrag) { var mouseX = (NS)?objName.pageX : event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; var mouseY = (NS)?objName.pageY : event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; newLeft = mouseX-MM_oldX; newTop = mouseY-MM_oldY; if (MM_bL!=null) newLeft = Math.max(newLeft,MM_bL); if (MM_bR!=null) newLeft = Math.min(newLeft,MM_bR); if (MM_bT!=null) newTop = Math.max(newTop ,MM_bT); if (MM_bB!=null) newTop = Math.min(newTop ,MM_bB); MM_LEFTRIGHT = newLeft-MM_startL; MM_UPDOWN = newTop-MM_startT; if (NS) {left = newLeft; top = newTop;} else {style.pixelLeft = newLeft; style.pixelTop = newTop;} if (MM_dragJS) eval(MM_dragJS); retVal = false; if(!NS) event.returnValue = false; } } else if (theEvent == 'mouseup') { document.onmousemove = null; if (NS) document.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); if (NS) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); //for mac NS if (document.MM_curDrag) with (document.MM_curDrag) { if (typeof MM_targL =='number' && typeof MM_targT == 'number' && (Math.pow(MM_targL-((NS)?left:style.pixelLeft),2)+ Math.pow(MM_targT-((NS)?top:style.pixelTop),2))<=MM_tol) { if (NS) {left = MM_targL; top = MM_targT;} else {style.pixelLeft = MM_targL; style.pixelTop = MM_targT;} MM_SNAPPED = true; MM_LEFTRIGHT = MM_startL-MM_targL; MM_UPDOWN = MM_startT-MM_targT; } if (MM_everyTime || MM_SNAPPED) eval(MM_dropJS); if(MM_dropBack) {if (NS) zIndex = MM_oldZ; else style.zIndex = MM_oldZ;} retVal = false; if(!NS) event.returnValue = false; } document.MM_curDrag = null; } if (NS) document.routeEvent(objName); } return retVal; } //--> I have another crossbrowser problem - using frames. I am trying to make this hidden right frame appear where it should in other browsers such as Firefox. It only works in IE at the moment. This is a cut down demo: It consists of a number of parts: readtest.html left.html rightframe.html right.html top.html The rightframe.html is the holder for right.html. I am not trying to simplify it, just make the right.html page appear in the rightframe.html in FF. I suspect it has something to do with the coding at the bottom of rightframe.html: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function test() { testframe.internalid.innerHTML = maindiv.innerHTML; } window.setTimeout("test()", 1000); </script> Is it obvious? hi, I am trying to adjust the script for one of the raster effects in scriptographer (a plugin for illustrator). It uses javascript and I realise from searching this forum that members here are mainly versed in web-based scripts so may not be able to help me but if anyone can even hazzard a guess - that would be most appreciated. The script takes a group of items (any basic shapes you draw in illustrator, i.e. a square, circle, etc) that you specify, and, using a rasta image that you specify (eg. a pixel based image), it creates a half-tone image out of the items. it does this by placing copies (clones) of the items in a corresponding possition to each of the image pixels and depending on the lightness of the pixel, it will vary the size of the item (so a dark pixel will have a large item and a light pixel will have a small item). It also gives the choice of rotating the items depending on the same perameters. The problem I have with it is that it places the items, in possition for each pixel, randomly - whereas I want them to be placed in order. Here is the code: Code: include('Raster.js'); function createDot(x, y, dots, radius) { if (radius > 0) { // Pick a dot at random: var item = dots[Math.floor(dots.length * Math.random())].clone(); item.position += new Point(x, y) * values.size; item.rotate(radius * values.rotation * Math.PI / 180.0, item.position); item.scale((radius * radius * values.gradiation + radius * (1.0 - values.gradiation)) * values.scale); return item; } } if (initRaster()) { var components = { size: { value: 10, label: 'Grid Size'} , scale: { value: 100, label: 'Object Scale (%)'}, gradiation: { value: 0.5, label: 'Gradiation'}, rotation: { value: 360.0, label: 'Rotation'} }; var values = Dialog.prompt('Enter Raster Values:', components); if (values) { values.scale /= 100; executeRaster(createDot, true); } } it looks to me that it is this line: Code: var item = dots[Math.floor(dots.length * Math.random())].clone(); that is doing the random placement but I can't figure out how to dissable it. if I delete the line then it doesn't run. The above coding is like an extension to another set of coding which is the main script for doing rasta effects. That coding is: Code: // Raster.js is a base script for all the raster scripts // that take a selection of a raster and a path object // as a starting point for some raster processing // the only thing that has to be defined is the drawDot // function var raster = null, dots = [], pixelCount; Item.prototype.getCompoundArea = function(area) { if (!area) area = 0; if (this instanceof Path) return area + this.area; else if (this instanceof CompoundPath || this instanceof Group) { var child = this.firstChild; while (child) { area = child.getCompoundArea(area); child = child.nextSibling; } } return area; }; function initRaster() { var error = false; if (!document) { Dialog.alert('Please open a document first.'); return false; } var rasters = document.getItems({ type: [Raster, PlacedFile], selected: true }); for (var i = 0, l = rasters.length; i < l; i++) { rasters[i].selected = false; } var sel = document.selectedItems; if (rasters.length) { raster = rasters.first; if (raster instanceof PlacedFile && !raster.eps) { // Embed placed images so the raster script can access pixels raster = raster.embed(false); } for (var i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { var obj = sel[i]; if (!obj.isAncestor(raster)) dots.push(obj); } } if (!raster || !dots.length) { Dialog.alert('Please select both a raster item\nand a graphic item.'); return false; } else { pixelCount = raster.height * raster.width; var sure = true; if (pixelCount > 20000) { script.showProgress = false; sure = Dialog.confirm('The image you\'re about to rasterize contains ' + pixelCount + ' pixels.\nRasterizing could take a long time.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?'); script.showProgress = true; } return sure; } } function executeRaster(createDot, multiple) { document.deselectAll(); var group = new Group(); for (var i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) { // Create a copy of each dot that is moved to the origin so // rasters that scale the dot are simple to realize: var dot = dots[i] = dots[i].clone(); var origin =; dot.position -= origin; // Scale multiple dots to the same blackness as the first one if (multiple && i > 0) dot.scale(Math.sqrt(Math.abs(dots[0].getCompoundArea()) / Math.abs(dot.getCompoundArea()))); } for (var y = 0; y < raster.height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < raster.width; x++) { illustrator.updateProgress(y * raster.width + x + 1, pixelCount); var radius = raster.getPixel(x, y).gray; var obj = createDot(x, y, multiple ? dots : dots[0], radius); if (obj) { obj.position += origin; group.appendTop(obj); } } document.redraw(); } for (var i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) dots[i].remove(); return group; } any ideas? Got a quick question, I need to adjust the below code, so that when a question is open and you click on different question it automatically hides the question you opened first. How would I do that? Code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>TEST TEMPLATE</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showHide(id) { var div = document.getElementById(id); = ( == "none") ? "block" : "none"; } </script> </head> <body> <!------ QUESTIONS ------> <p>Change lines <li> to divs or whatever</p> <li onclick="showHide('FAQ1')">FAQ one</li> <li onclick="showHide('FAQ2')">FAQ two</li> <li onclick="showHide('FAQ3')">FAQ three</li> <!------ ANSWERS ------> <div id="FAQ1" style="display:none;"><p>Ans one</p></div> <div id="FAQ2" style="display:none;"><p>Ans two</p></div> <div id="FAQ3" style="display:none;"><p>Ans three etc etc.</p></div> </body> </html> Thanks, Jon Hi, ok i been playing around with this for awhile now could not get it to work, so i tried several others and still nada, i finally ran across and i worked with what old pendent had done. The result is that i got some good results, closer to what i wanted but i need to do it multiple times. It works for one but not the other. i thought about putting each iframe on a sep html page and then using two sep tables and doing a SS include. but there has to be a better way. what im doing is i have an amazon iframe and a shopzilla iframe for the same product search and i want them posted one under the other iframe iframe and expand as the size needs, alowing for either to be longer or shorter when needed. i can do one but i have not found a way to do both yet. i removed my code because it showed my personal affiliate info in the code, since i cant give you an example without showing the code i guess ill just use the auto scroll and live with it... thanks Hello, I'm not sure what to call it. The only way to describe it is a 'window frame'. I need to increase the size. I've been waiting for days to get any kind of response from the theme developers, If you look at and you click something from the menu a window opens that is very small that has big borders and heavy padding around it. I need to increase the size of this and adjust some margins and padding. Can anyone give me a hand? I sure would appreciate it. This is the code in my custom.js file...the file the admin told me to adjust. Which I did and it didn't work. This is the original code: He said simply, adjust this code... Code: $et_main_content.css( { top : '77px', width : '800px', height : ( et_window_height - 200 ), marginTop : 0, marginLeft : '-400px' } ).removeClass(); I found this code twice in the file: Code: $et_main_content.css( { top : '77px', width : '900px', height : ( et_window_height - 200 ), marginTop : 0, marginLeft : '-400px' }, and I also found this once: Code: $et_main_content.animate( { top : '77px', width : '800px', height : ( et_window_height - 200 ), marginTop : 0, marginLeft : '-400px' }, I change them to: Code: $et_main_content.css( { top : '27px', width : '900px', height : ( et_window_height - 200 ), marginTop : 0, marginLeft : '-450px' }, and Code: $et_main_content.animate( { top : '27px', width : '900px', height : ( et_window_height - 200 ), marginTop : 0, marginLeft : '-450px' }, The results for this change are as such...if I click to a page from the main 'drop in' menu the page loads wide but the minute I use an arrow to change pages or click a page from the menu at the bottom of the page the size reverts back to the 800px. It doesn't lose the margin change from -400px to -450px but it does lose the width. I also need to know how to make it taller and reach closer to the bottom menu and the content slider needs to be adjusted also. I've attached the full js file. If anyone can help me out here I sure would appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Doug Hi All I'm using the fantastic turtorial here for my site navigation: It's all working wonderfully but I've hit a major stubmling block. After the new page is loaded it won't load an scripts. E.g. I'm using scripts for expanding divs, galleries, contact forms etc and they simply don't run after the page transition Let me know if you need a link to my project I'm aware the page isn't actually 'refreshed' so I'm asuming they wont fire the standard way by having the script tags in the header (Please correct me if I'm wrong) So my question is how can I get them working once the new page is loaded? Script below: Code: $(function() { var newHash = "", $mainContent = $("#right"), $pageWrap = $("#wrap"), baseHeight = 0, $el; $pageWrap.height($pageWrap.height()); baseHeight = $pageWrap.height() - $pageWrap.height(); $("nav").delegate("a", "click", function() { window.location.hash = $(this).attr("href"); return false; }); $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ newHash = window.location.hash.substring(1); if (newHash) { $mainContent .find("#guts") .fadeOut(200, function() { $mainContent.hide().load(newHash + " #guts", function() { $mainContent.fadeIn(200, function() { $pageWrap.animate({ height: baseHeight + $mainContent.height() + "px" }); }); $("nav a").removeClass("current"); $("nav a[href="+newHash+"]").addClass("current"); }); }); }; }); $(window).trigger('hashchange'); }); All help is appreciated Thanks in advance Craig Good day, This program is supposed to have a "box" cover the entire screen and then collapse upon opening the page... I cannot find what is wrong, other than the obvious error that there is no object or it is null, but this is the example the book gave... Anyone care to give me a point in the right direction Thanks, in advance. ao5431 <code> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Boxed In</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="js_styles.css" type="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var clipSpeed = 5; var clipRight = 0; var clipLeft = 0; var clipTop = 0; var boxSize; var stopShrinking; var clipBottom = 0; var clipBox; var clipBox = document.getElementById("box").style; function startShrinking() { if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { boxSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / document.documentElement.clientHeight; clipRight = document.documentElement.clientWidth; clipBox.width = clipRight + "px"; clipBottom = document.documentElement.clientHeight; clipBox.height=clipBottom + "px"; } else { boxToShrink = window.innerWidth/window.innerHeigth; clipRight = window.innerWidth; clipBox.width = clipRight + "px"; clipBottom = window.innerHeight; clipBox.height = clipBottom + "px" } stopShrinkingInterval("shrinkBox()", 100); } function shrinkBox() { if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") minBoxSize=document.documentElement.clientWidth/2; else minBoxSize = window.innerWidth/2; if (clipLeft > minBoxSize) { clearInterval(stopShrinking); clipBox.display = "none"; } clipBox.clip = "rect(" + clipTop + "px" + clipRight + "px" + clipBottom + "px" + clipLeft + "px)" clipLeft += boxSize * clipSpeed; clipTop += clipSpeed; clipRight -= boxSize * clipSpeed; clipBottom -= clipSpeed; } /* ]]> */ </script> </head> <body onload="startShrinking()" > <div id="box" style="position:absolute; background-color:blue"></div> </body> </html> </code> Hello, I am creating a little script that allows me to scroll my content sections in and out though Ajax and CSS. I have have successfully made it slide in from the top but I have one problem, sliding out! I wrote a clip for 'aniOut' that works also but I cant seem to make one load before the other in transition. I am not very good with javas cript anyone have any suggestions? So far this only is working for Chrome. My site is live with the working slide in at The Mind Company. Also I am having a load issue with some browsers and computers where the page must be refreshed in order to view proper, any suggestions? CSS: Code: header { z-index:100; position:relative; display: block; background-color: #272727; height:100px;} #contentBody { min-height:48em;} footer { position:relative; display: block; background-color: #272727; height:168px; } #aboutPage { display:none;} #productPage { display:none;} #contactPage { display:none;} .aniIn { z-index:0; -webkit-animation-name: ANIMATEin; -webkit-animation-duration: 0.25s; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1; -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in; } @-webkit-keyframes ANIMATEin { from { margin-top:-4000px; } to { margin-top:0px; } } .aniOut { -webkit-animation-name: ANIMATEout; -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1; -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in; } @-webkit-keyframes ANIMATEout { from { margin-top:0px; } to { margin-top:3000px; } } Script: Code: function $_(IDS) { return document.getElementById(IDS); } function ani(){ document.getElementById(classID).className ='aniOut'; } function checkPage(classID, url){ var tmp = ''; var sel = document.getElementsByTagName('section'); for (var i=0; i<sel.length; i++){ if (sel[i].id == classID) { tmp = 'block' } else { tmp = 'none' } $_(classID).className ='aniIn'; sel[i].style.display = tmp;} $_(classID).style.display = 'block'; loadContent(classID, url); } function loadContent (classID, url){ var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();} xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){ if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){ document.getElementById(classID).innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText;}}"GET","content/"+url,true); xmlhttp.send();} HTML: Code: <!-- Header Areas: (Constent visual)--> <header> <li><a href="#" onclick="checkPage('aboutPage', 'about.html');return false">About</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="checkPage('productPage', 'projects.html');return false">Projects</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="checkPage('contactPage', 'contact.html');return false">Contact</a></li> </header> <!-- Content Areas: (Variable visual)--> <div id="contentBody"> <section id="aboutPage"></section> <section id="productPage"></section> <section id="contactPage"></section> </div> <!-- Footer Area: (Constant visual)--> <footer></footer> |