JavaScript - Which Method Will Make The Page Load Faster?
I have a single webpage that contains information on all 50 U.S. states. There are 50 links at the top to jump down to the state you want, and at the bottom of the information for each state a Back to Top link.
I'm making the Back to Top link into something more complex, and it will require three or four lines of code. So that I don't have to repeat the code 50 times, and create a burden when I need to edit it, I want to place it in a .js file and call it x. Then below the information for each state I'll simply have: Code: <script language="JavaScript">document.write(x)</script> Does calling code from a .js file 50 times slow down the page load? Which method would load faster? Or is the difference negligible? Thank you, Peter Similar TutorialsHow do I make my Script load faster? Is there Code that will make my Script load faster, (so that it won't take so long to view) If so, can someone show me how to incorporate it into my Example Script? With appreciation Okay, so I built up 2 codes, which do the same cause. but which one would be most efficient? or maybe which one would be best compatible for browsers? CODE 1 : - this code allows for me to use an #id Code: <a onclick="trackClick('1');" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new">(track 1)</a> function trackClick(trackid) { ajax = ajaxFunction(); var url = base_url+ "app_trackClicks.php"; url = url+ "?trackid=" +trackid;"GET",url,true); ajax.send(null); } CODE 2 - using the REL Code: <a rel="randomclicks" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new">(track 2)</a> function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function'){ window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function(){ oldonload(); func(); } } } addLoadEvent(randomclicks); function randomclicks() { if (!document.getElementsByTagName){ return; } var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); // loop through all anchor tags for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){ var anchor = anchors[i]; if ((anchor.getAttribute("rel") == "randomclicks")){ anchor.onclick = function () { ajax = ajaxFunction(); var url = base_url+ "app_trackClicks.php"; url = url+ "?randomclicks";"GET",url,true); ajax.send(null); }; } } } Thanks How do I make a swf pop up, on load, on a home page? Similar to the lightbox technique, I want an swf file to pop up on the home page when it first loads. I have looked into a similar type of script called "milkbox" but have had no luck. Any Advice would be greatly appreciated as I need this working within a day. Thank you so much and sorry if this should be posted in the Flash Section. On this website... When you click on the Navigation Bar the website pages load inside that page? How exactly would i go around doing this? Thankyou Hi. I am new here. I wanted help for a JavaScript code. You might think I'm lazy for not writing it myself, but the truth is I am not a JavaScript coder. I just have a really simple website and I am trying to do something for which I know JS is required but I don't know how to do it. I've also searched around but couldn't find the appropriate code. What I want to do is to make an html page load a different background image every time it refreshes. I will have a list of background images and I want to be able to add in this list, without having to change anything else in the codes after I do this (I think this is made by making an array of images and by putting .length somewhere in the codes, but I don't know exactly how I should do this). I already know how to do an external file (.js) and link to it from my .html page. Now I want the code to put in the .js file, and the code to put in the <body> of my .html file. Please help me Thanks Hello. When a user first visits /index.html, they select their city. On later visits, I redirect them to their city (ie. /vancouver.html). The script seems to run slowly, and loads the whole /index.html for a second before redirecting. How can I make it faster? I have tried placing my code 1) in the head just below the title, 2) in the head before anything else, 3) in <body onload="..."> Code: function redirect() { userCity = readCookie ("user_city"); if (userCity) { window.location.replace(userCity + ".html"); } } Could I use something like if (navigator.cookieEnabled) to run the redirect() function if cookie detected and somehow cancel loading the rest of index.html? (if no cookie, or not enabled, still load index). Or is their a more standard way? I am a novice and really appreciate any help. Here are the coding.. Code: <jsp:useBean id="chequeStopBean" scope="session" class=""/> <jsp:useBean id="labelBean" scope="session" class=""/> <jsp:useBean id="lang" scope="session" class="" /> <%@ page language="java" import = "java.util.*" errorPage="" %> <%@ page import=""%> <% request.getSession(true); String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); chequeStopBean.queryAccList(); //RequestDispatcher dispatcher = null; %> <html> <head> <title><%=labelBean.getLabel("STOP_CHEQUE")%></title> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" content="-1"> <jsp:include page="/ScriptHeader.jsp"/> <script language="javascript"> function validateAndSubmit() { var msg1 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_REQUIRED_FIELD")%>"; var msg2 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_CANNOT_CONTAIN_CHARACTER")%>"; var msg3 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_IN_THE_FIELD")%>"; var msg4 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_PLEASE_ENTER")%>"; var msg5 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("WITH")%>"; var msg6 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("TO")%>"; var msg7 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_CHARACTER")%>"; var msg8 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_NUMBER")%>"; var msg9 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_REQUIRED_FIELD")%>"; var msg10 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_WITH_EXACTLY")%>"; var msg11 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_WITH_VALID_DATE")%>"; var msg12 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_EXAMPLE_DATE")%>"; var msgNum11 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_WITH_A_MINIMUM_VALUE_OF")%>"; var msgNum12 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_WITH_A_MAX_VALUE_OF")%>"; var msgNum13 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_ROUND_INETEGER")%>"; var msgNum14 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_AT_MOST")%>"; var msgNum15 = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_DECIMAL_PLACES")%>"; var msgEnter = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID")%>"; var errorMsg = "<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_LOWECASE_ALPHABET_ALLOWED")%>" var radioButtons = document.getElementsByName("radio"); for (var x = 0; x < radioButtons.length; x ++) { if (radioButtons[x].checked) { if(radioButtons[x].value=="1") { if (! validateTextEntry(form.chqNum, "<%=labelBean.getLabel("CHQNUM")%>" + " ", true,11,11, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5, msg6, msg7, msg10) ) return false; if (! validateAlphabet(form.chqNum, "" + " ",1, msg2,"" )) return false; } else if(radioButtons[x].value=="2") { if (! validateTextEntry(form.chqNumFrom, "<%=labelBean.getLabel("CHQNUMFROM")%>" + " ", true,11,11, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5, msg6, msg7, msg10) ) return false; if (! validateTextEntry(form.chqNumTo, "<%=labelBean.getLabel("CHQNUMTO")%>" + " ", true,11,11, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5, msg6, msg7, msg10) ) return false; if (! validateAlphabet(form.chqNumFrom, "" + " ",1, msg2,"" )) return false; if (! validateAlphabet(form.chqNumTo, "" + " ",1, msg2,"" )) return false; if(form.chqNumFrom.value == form.chqNumTo.value){ alert("<%=labelBean.getLabel("MSG_CANNOT_SAME")%>"); return false; } } } } return true; } function show(id) { if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == 'none') { document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block'; } } //--> <!-- function hide(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none'; } </script> </head> <body onload="show('single')"> <form name="form" method="POST" action="<%=contextPath%>/ChequeStopServlet?tranx=confirm" dir="<%=lang.getDir()%>" > <table width="500" align="center"> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="3" class="mainHeader"><%=labelBean.getLabel("STOP_CHEQUE")%></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" class="subHeader"><%=labelBean.getLabel("CHQ_DETAIL") %></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"><div align="center"> <p class="statusError"> <%if(request.getParameter("error") != null) out.println(labelBean.getLabel(request.getParameter("error"))); else out.println("");%> </p> </div></td> </tr> </table><br /> <table width="500" align="center"> <tr> <td class="lbl"><span class="requiredFieldIndicator">* </span><%=labelBean.getLabel("ACC_NUMBER")%></td> <td width="10" class="lbl">:</td> <td width="305" align="left"> <select size="1" name="accNum"> <% for (Iterator iter = chequeStopBean.getAccList().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ChequeDTO chqDto = (ChequeDTO); %> <option value="<%=chqDto.getAccNum()%>"><%=chqDto.getAccNum()%></option> <% } %> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <input type="radio" class="radioStyle" name="radio" value="1" onfocus="show('single');hide('multiple');hide('multiple1');return true;" checked="checked" > <%=labelBean.getLabel("STOP_SINGLE")%> </td> <td> </td> <td> <input type="radio" class="radioStyle" name="radio" value="2" onfocus="hide('single');show('multiple');show('multiple1');return true;"> <%=labelBean.getLabel("STOP_MULTIPLE")%> </td> </tr> <tr id="single"> <td class="lbl"><span class="requiredFieldIndicator">* </span><%=labelBean.getLabel("CHEQUE_NUMBER")%></td> <td class="lbl"width="10">:</td> <td colspan="2" align="left"> <input name="chqNum" type="text" size="15"> </td></tr> <tr id="multiple" style="display: 'none'"> <td class="lbl"><span class="requiredFieldIndicator">* </span><%=labelBean.getLabel("FROM_CHEQUE_NUMBER")%></td> <td class="lbl"width="10">:</td> <td colspan="2" align="left"> <input name="chqNumFrom" type="text" size="15"> </td></tr> <tr id="multiple1" style="display: 'none'"> <td class="lbl"><span class="requiredFieldIndicator">* </span><%=labelBean.getLabel("TO_CHEQUE_NUMBER")%></td> <td class="lbl"width="10">:</td> <td colspan="2" align="left"> <input name="chqNumTo" type="text" size="15"> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="lbl"><span class="requiredFieldIndicator">* </span><%=labelBean.getLabel("REASON")%></td> <td class="lbl" width="10" >:</td> <td colspan="2"> <select name="reason"> <option value="Lost"><%=labelBean.getLabel("LOST")%></option> <option value="Stolen"><%=labelBean.getLabel("STOLEN")%></option> <option value="Payment Cancellation"><%=labelBean.getLabel("PAYMENT_CANCELLATION")%></option> <option value="Others"><%=labelBean.getLabel("OTHERS")%></option> </select> </td> </tr> <br/> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"> <input class="button" type="submit" value="Next" onClick="return validateAndSubmit();" > </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="left" class="footer"><%=labelBean.getLabel("NOTE")%> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3" class="footer"> <ul> <li><%=labelBean.getLabel("THE_ASTERISK")%></li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> <jsp:include page="/Footer.jsp" /> </form> </body> </html> This is error for the first page.. This is picture that which i wan.. Thanks! Hi, i have this code that works, but takes like 3 seconds to load when using it on the website. Is there a better way to code this to make it faster? Code: function onTaskChange(num) { if( num = 1) { var stask = document.forms[0].task11.value; setSelectValue("forms[0].task21", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task31", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task41", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task51", stask); for( i = 0; i < 7; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; onTaskChange(4); onTaskChange(7); onTaskChange(10); onTaskChange(13); } else if( num = 2) { var stask = document.forms[0].task12.value; setSelectValue("forms[0].task22", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task32", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task42", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task52", stask); for( i = 7; i < 14; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; onTaskChange(5); onTaskChange(8); onTaskChange(11); onTaskChange(14); } else if( num = 3) { var stask = document.forms[0].task13.value; setSelectValue("forms[0].task23", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task33", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task43", stask); setSelectValue("forms[0].task53", stask); for( i = 14; i < 21; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; onTaskChange(6); onTaskChange(9); onTaskChange(12); onTaskChange(15); } else if( num = 4) { var stask = document.forms[0].task21.value; for( i = 21; i < 28; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 5) { var stask = document.forms[0].task22.value; for( i = 28; i < 35; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 6) { var stask = document.forms[0].task23.value; for( i = 35; i < 42; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 7) { var stask = document.forms[0].task31.value; for( i = 42; i < 49; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 8) { var stask = document.forms[0].task32.value; for( i = 49; i < 56; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 9) { var stask = document.forms[0].task33.value; for( i = 56; i < 63; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 10) { var stask = document.forms[0].task41.value; for( i = 63; i < 70; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 11) { var stask = document.forms[0].task42.value; for( i = 70; i < 77; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 12) { var stask = document.forms[0].task43.value; for( i = 77; i < 84; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 13) { var stask = document.forms[0].task51.value; for( i = 84; i < 91; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 14) { var stask = document.forms[0].task52.value; for( i = 91; i < 98; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } else if( num = 15) { var stask = document.forms[0].task53.value; for( i = 98; i < 105; i++) tblProjectHours[i][6]=stask; } } Hi all Is there a way to get the image(s) to load into the table after the page has loaded instead of the way I have it now? I have 4 tabs, but I would like the imgs in tabs 2,3,4 to load after page load. Example of how the tabs look. Code: <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Australia_____</h2> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"> <caption class="highlight_Red">澳洲 Australia </caption> <tr> <td><a href="pages/promotion.html#aus_ACE" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="pages/images/Pics/AUS/ace.jpg" alt="ACE / ATTC" width="110" height="69" border="0" align="left" class="ozimg_L"/> ...a few more images etc the other tabs look the same. LT This script displays a link to a registration/login form that loads in a light box for Joomla. I've been goin nuts trying to figure out how to get this to load on page load with a delay. Anyone know how to get this done? PHP Code: <?php JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'media/system/css/modal.css'); $document->addScript(JURI::base() . 'media/system/js/modal.js'); $document->addScriptDeclaration("window.addEvent('domready', function() {SqueezeBox.initialize({});});"); $user = & JFactory::getUser(); $uri = JFactory::getURI(); $url = $uri->toString(); $return = base64_encode($url); ?> <div id="lbframeid" style="position:absolute;top:1px;left:1px;height:0px;width:0px;overflow:hidden"> <a href=""><h1>Joomla Login LightBox powered by</h1> </a> </div> <?php if ($user->get('guest')) :?> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_loginbox')?>" onclick="SqueezeBox.fromElement(this); return false;" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 660, y: 500}}"><?php echo JText::_('SIGNUP_LOGIN')?></a> <?php else: ?> <?php echo JText::sprintf( 'HINAME', $user->get('name') ); ?> <br> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="LB_onLogout(); return false;"><?php echo JText::_('LOGOUT')?></a> <?php endif; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function LB_onLogout() { var form = new Element('form'); form.setProperty('method', 'POST'); form.setProperty('target', '_self'); form.setProperty('action', 'index.php'); var input = new Element('input'); input.setProperty('type', 'hidden'); input.setProperty('name', 'option'); input.setProperty('value', 'com_user'); form.appendChild(input); var input = new Element('input'); input.setProperty('type', 'hidden'); input.setProperty('name', 'task'); input.setProperty('value', 'logout'); form.appendChild(input); var input = new Element('input'); input.setProperty('type', 'hidden'); input.setProperty('name', 'return'); input.setProperty('value', '<?php echo $return; ?>'); form.appendChild(input); $E('body').appendChild(form); form.submit(); } </script> I am trying to make the following fill the value box when the page loads as opposed to pressing the button. I cant seem to do it. Any ideas?? PHP Code: <script> var keylist="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789" var temp='' function generatepass(plength){ temp='' for (i=0;i<plength;i++) temp+=keylist.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*keylist.length)) return temp } function populateform(enterlength){ document.pgenerate.output.value=generatepass(enterlength) } </script> <form name="pgenerate"> <input type="text" size=18 name="output"> <input type="button" value="Generate Password" onClick="populateform(this.form.thelength.value)"><br /> <b>Password Length:</b> <input type="text" name="thelength" size=3 value="7"> </form> How do you make an image begin to load after a certain amount of time? e.g 3 seconds.
Hello. My goal is to load the JS for a specific element before displaying that element. I integrated a third part script, and it works well. I set the timer he The JS is in my heading as <script type="text/javascript" src="countdownpro.js"></script> About mid-body I have: <span id="countdown1">2010-07-20 00:00:00 GMT+00:00</span> which allows for the setting of a target date to countdown to. When the page first loads it shows the above long format target time, until the js/meta tags kick in to modify it to just show the actual countdown as 00:00:00. I have attached countdownpro.js to this post. I tried shifting the function CD_Init() to the top of the script, and also appended it inline with the .html. I tried setting the big external script to "defer", but neither arrangement worked. I also tried placing the src file right at the top. I appreciate your help. Hi All, Im new to this forum...need some of your help and advice. I have a js code like this : <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var sipPos = 0; $(document).ready(function() { $("#panel-tab").click(function(e) { //if(autoTimer) clearTimeout(autoTimer); //autoTimer = null; e.preventDefault(); $("#panel").animate({ left: sipPos }, 1764, 'linear', function() { if(sipPos == 0) { sipPos = -856; } else { sipPos = 0; } }); }); }); --> </script> what it does is that it hide and show a panel by slidint it to the left. But my client want that on page load the panel opens automatically for about 2-3 seconds just to let users know that its here. So ive written this : <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var sipPos = 0; $(document).ready(function() { var autoTimer = null; autoTimer = setTimeout(function(){ $("#panel").animate({ left: sipPos }); autoTimer = setTimeout(function(){ $("#panel").animate({ left: sipPos = -856 }); }, 2000); },1000); $("#panel-tab").click(function(e) { //if(autoTimer) clearTimeout(autoTimer); //autoTimer = null; e.preventDefault(); $("#panel").animate({ left: sipPos }, 1764, 'linear', function() { if(sipPos == 0) { sipPos = -856; } else { sipPos = 0; } }); }); }); --> </script> But when the panel finished showing the button to open it again doesn't work...any help please..really urgent. thks //Sam Hello Basically I have found and adapted the code: Code: alreadyloading = false; nextpage = 2; $(window).scroll(function() { if ($('body').height() <= ($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop())) { if (alreadyloading == false) { var url = "page"+nextpage+".html"; alreadyloading = true; $.post(url, function(data) { $('#projectscontainer').children().last().after(data); alreadyloading = false; nextpage++; }); } } }); I want when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page for content in a new page to load under the div "#projectscontainer". So in the new page 'Page2.html" I have put 5 divs going down with content in... I want the new content to appear below "#projectscontainer'" Why won't this work? Anyone know? Thanks Hello, I don't know if this can be done in Javascript, or requires any other language but i was wondering if this would be possible. I would like to embed this Javascript code in to a PHP file and then for it to run automatically upon the PHP file loading: Code: <td class="smallDesc"> <a name="fb_share" type="button_count" href="">Share</a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </td> The Javascirpt is the Facebook Share button that basically allows users that have Facebook to share the page there currently on in their Facebook status by pressing the button, but if there not logged in it shows the login page, not a problem just continue the script. The current button i which is what i want to load automatically in the PHP file is located here, to test the functionalilty just click "Share" button in blue.. http://watch-movies-online.anyfilman...-Movie-17.html To summarise, i would like the above Javascript code to execute automatically upon pageload of this PHP file.. If that could be done, and if this also is possible.. i would like for the "Share" button on the external page that is loaded from the Javascript code above to be clicked automatically so in effect when ever someone visits the PHP page after clicking "Click Here to Watch/Stream 2012 Online For Free" on this page it will automatically load the Facebook Share box, and automatically click the "Share" Button and then close the page if possible, but not required. Please feel free to ask any questions, i'll be happy to answer. Thanks in advance. Best Regards, Jonathan. Hello Bit of a nightmare scenario but, the services page isn't loading and from what I can tell, IE 6,7 & 8 are throwing up the same error. It says: Line: 602 Char 5 Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object Code: 0 which refers to: vmlSegments.push('m'); if (glyph.o) { The page is here The script it is referring to is typeface.js: Hope someone can be a great help and tell me how I can get page loading again. All the other pages are fine. p.s. I'm not a coder but designer and hoping to get this fixed myself. Thank you. Why is the callwhy is the slice method only a method of an Array instance? The reason why I ask is because if you want to use it for the arguments property of function object, or a string, or an object, or a number instance, you are forced to use And by doing that, you can pass in any type of object instance (Array, Number, String, Object) into it. So why not just default it as a method of all object instances built into the language? In other words, instead of doing this: Code: function Core(){ var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'}; var num = 1; var string = 'aff'; console.log(typeof arguments);//Object console.log(arguments instanceof Array);//false var args1 =; console.log(args1); var args2 =; console.log(args2); var args3 =; console.log(args3); var args4 =; console.log(args4); Core('dom','event','ajax'); Why not just be able to do this: Code: function Core(){ var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'}; var num = 1; var string = 'aff'; var args = arguments.slice(0); var args2 = obj.slice(0); var args3 = num.slice(0); var args4 = string.slice(0); //right now none of the above would work but it's more convenient than using the call alternative. } Core('dom','event','ajax'); Why did the designers of the javascript scripting language make this decision? Thanks for response. Hello, I am currently using Code: onload="document.getElementById("hidepage").style.visibility="hidden";" to try to hide a div box. Yet this will not work. I've tried FF, IEpp4 (IE platform preview 4) and IE9beta. This is the correct <div> id, and I do not know why this will not work. Thanks! Hi, I was wondering how to add a "loading page please wait" page to my web page, and then run any javascript only after the page loads? My web page contains some fade in/out scripts for pages, and all my pages are basically just divs and in one html file. Just a simple black container (not entire web page) with the words "loading" or something would be fine, then this page would fade out, then my main page would fade in. Thanks. |