JavaScript - Automatically Send Email From Js Code
I am programatically trying to send multiple emails from within javascript code. I have read forums with different ideas and have not found a true solution.
The problem I am having is as follows: - in one try - i am using window.location="mailto:"+emailList - this works great if it only needs to generate 1 email, but I am doing it in a loop. when it loops through the 2nd time, it does not create a 2nd email - in a 2nd try - i am using"mailto:"+emailList - this does open multiple emails, but it also opens multiple windows. I am trying to find a way to either not have the windows open (only the multiple emails) or automatically close the extra windows. I am including my code below - note - the window.location try is listed, but commented out. Any help would be appreciated. if (emailListArray.length > jsNumEmails) { var j=1; for (var i=0; i<emailListArray.length; i++) { partialEmailList = partialEmailList + ";" + emailListArray[i]; if (j == jsNumEmails) { //window.location="mailto:"+partialEmailList;"mailto:"+partialEmailList, "temp", "height=5, width=5, top=0, left=0"); j = 0; partialEmailList = ""; } //if j++; }//for } // if anything left in the partial list, then send that separately if (partialEmailList != "") { //window.location="mailto:"+partialEmailList;"mailto:"+partialEmailList, "temp", "height=5, width=5, top=0, left=0"); } Similar TutorialsI'm creating a validation form. It's basic information but I want the form to be sent to my email after the form has been validated. My problem right now is when I hit submit my email comes up so I can send it to the assigned email address. It's not checking for errors first. I have created 5 different validation forms and I'm running across the same problem. I'm not sure if it's a function or form issue maybe even both. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ /* ]]> */ function checkForNumber(fieldValue) { var numberCheck = isNaN (fieldValue); if (numberCheck ==true) { window.alert("You must enter a numeric value!"); return false; } else return true; } function checkForLetter(fieldValue) { var alphaCheck= /^[A-Za-z]+$/ (fieldValue); if (alphaCheck == true) { window.alert("You must enter letters only!"); return false; } else return true; } function checkEmail(fieldValue) { var emailCheck = /^\w+([/.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2.3})+$/ (fieldValue); if (emailCheck == true) { window.alert("Please enter a valid email address!"); return false; } else return true; } function checkAlphanumeric(fieldValue) { var alphanumericCheck = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/ (fieldValue); if (alphanumericCheck == true) { window.alert("Please enter an alphanumeric address!"); return false; } else return true; } function buttonPic() { for (var i=0; i<document.forms.morePic.length; ++i) { if (document.forms[0].morePic[i].checked == true) { document.forms[0].morePic[i].checked = false; break; } } } function checkPurch() { for (var j=0; j<document.forms.purchase.length; ++j) { if (document.forms[0].purchase[j].checked == true) { document.forms[0].purchase[j].checked = false; break; } } } function confirmSubmit() { var submitForm = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to submit form?"); if (document.forms[0].name_info.value == "" || document.forms[0].address_info.value == "" || document.forms[0].city_info.value == "" || document.forms[0].state_info.value == "" || document.forms[0].zip_info.value == "") { window.alert("You must enter your address."); return false; } else if (document.forms[0].validateEmail.value == "") { window.alert("Please enter a email address where I can contact you."); return false } var picSelected = false; for (var i=0; i < 2; ++i) { if (document.forms[0].morePic[i].checked == true) { picSelected = true; break; } } if (picSelected! = true) { window.alert("Please select if you would like more pictures."); return false; } var purchSelected = false; for (var j=0; j<2; ++j) { if (document.forms[0].purchase[j].check == true) { purchSelected = true; break; } } if (purchSelected! = true) { window.alert("Please select if you are interested in one or two vehicles."); return false; return true; } function confirmReset() { var resetForm = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to reset this form."); if (resetForm == true) return true; return false; } } </script> </head> <body> <p>Full Name:<input type="text" name="name_info" size="30" onblur="return checkForLetter(this.value);"/></p> <p>Street Address:<input type="text" name="address_info" size="50" onblur="return checkAlphanumeric(this.value);"/></p> City:<input type="text" name="city_info" size="20" onblur="return checkForLetter(this.value);"/>     State: <select name="state_info"> <option value="chooseYourState">Choose Your State</option> <option value="alabama">Alabama</option> <option value="alaska">Alaska</option> <option value="arizona">Arizona</option> </select>     Zip Code: <input type="text" name="zip_info" size="10" onblur="return checkForNumber(this.value);"/></p> Email Address: <input type="text" name="validateEmail" size="30" onblur="return checkEmail(this.value);"/></p> <p>Would you like more pictures sent to your email?</p> <input type="radio" name="morePic" value="Yes" onblur="return buttonPic();"/>Yes         <input type="radio" name="morePic" value="No" onblur="return buttonPic();"/>No <p>Are you thinking about purchasing one or two vehicles?</p> <input type="checkbox" name="purchase" value="One" onblur="return checkPurch();"/>One         <input type="checkbox" name="purchase" value="Two" onblur="return checkPurch();"/>Two <form action="" method="get"> <p><input type="submit" value="Send" onsubmit="return confirmSubmit();"/> <input type="reset" value="Reset" onreset="return confirmReset();"/></p> </form> Hi, Im using the old nopcard scripts on my site. It does every thing right except it does not send a Email to my to my email adres. I dont know how to correct this because i dont know Javascript. I include the script if anybody know how to alter it so that it will send the info to my email adres as well. Thank you very much for your previous help. Kees Meyer Oudtshoorn South Africa. The script : #!/usr/bin/perl #=====================================================================|| # NOP Design JavaScript Shopping Cart || # PERL CGI Checkout Module || # || # For more information on SmartSystems, or how NOPDesign can help you || # Please visit us on the WWW at || # || # Javascript portions of this shopping cart software are available as || # freeware from NOP Design. You must keep this comment unchanged in || # your code. For more information contact || # || # JavaScript Shop Module, V.4.4.0 || #=====================================================================|| # || # Function: Writes available form elements from the NOP || # Free Cart ( || # and other form elements to an email file, and || # send user confirmation || # || #=====================================================================|| require 5.001; ######################################################################## # # # User defined variables: # # $header - string value containing the complete # # path of the HTML page header # # $footer - string value containing the complete # # path of the HTML page footer # # $mailprogram - string value containing the complete path to # # the sendmail binary on the system. # # $youremail - string value containing the email address to # # send catalog orders in EMAIL or BOTH modes # # **Don't forget to put a \ before the @ in your # # email address. ie. spam\*** # # $returnpage - URL to send user when checkout is complete # # $csvfilename - string value containing the complete # # path of the user database. # # $csvquote - string value containing what to use for quotes # # in the csv file (typically "" or \") # # $mode - string value containing 'EMAIL', 'FILE' or # # 'BOTH' to determine if the script should send # # an email to you with the new order, write the # # order to a CSV file, or do both. # ######################################################################## $header = "header.html"; $footer = "footer.html"; $mailprogram = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t"; $returnpage = "/"; $youremail = "support\"; $csvfilename = "orders.csv"; $csvquote = "\"\""; $mode = "BOTH"; #These are required fields. I recommend enforcing these by javascript, #but let's just make sure here as well. @required = ( 'b_first', 'b_last', 'b_addr', 'b_city', 'b_state', 'b_zip', 'b_phone', 'b_email' ); ############################################################## #FUNCTION: urlDecode # #RETURNS: The decoded string. # #PARAMETERS: An encoded string. # #PURPOSE: Decodes a URL encoded string. # ############################################################## sub urlDecode { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ tr/+/ /; $string =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex($1))/eg; $string =~ s/['"]/\'/g; return ($string); } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: processCGI # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: # #PURPOSE: Retrieves form data submitted via the 'GET' # # method and decodes it. You may then access # # the passed in variables via calls to $[name] # # where [name] is the name of the form element. # ############################################################## sub processCGI { local ($cgiData, $key, $value, $pair, @pairs); if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { $cgiData = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { $cgiData = <STDIN>; } @pairs = split (/&/, $cgiData); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($key, $value) = split (/\=/, $pair); $key = &urlDecode($key); $value = &urlDecode($value); if(defined ${$key}){ ${$key} .= ", ".$value; }else{ ${$key} = $value; } } } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: doFormError # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: A error message string. # #PURPOSE: Generates an HTML page indicating a form # # submission error occurred. # ############################################################## sub doFormError { my ($errString) = @_; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print @LINES; print "<FONT SIZE=+2>The form you submitted was not complete.<BR><BR></FONT>"; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; print "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK='history.back()' VALUE=' Return to the checkout page '><HR>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: doError # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: A error message string. # #PURPOSE: Generates an HTML page indicating an error # # occurred. # ############################################################## sub doError { my ($errString) = @_; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: invalidE # #RETURNS: 1 if invalid, 0 if valid. # #PARAMETERS: An email address variable. # #PURPOSE: Checks to see if a submitted email address is # # of the valid form 'x@y'. # ############################################################## sub invalidE { my ($szEmail) = @_; my ($user, $host); $szEmail =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($szEmail =~ /\s/) { return 1; } ($user, $host) = split (/\@/, $szEmail); if ($host =~ /compuserve/i) { ; } else { if (! $user =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (! $host =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (substr ($user,0,1) !~ /[a-z]/) { return 1; } } if ($szEmail =~ /\w+\@[\w|\.]/) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub populateDateVar { (Taken out because Text to long for email) "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \R$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \R$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \R$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \R$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \R$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \R$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \R$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \R$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \R$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \R$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \R$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \R$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \R$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; } if( $mode eq "BOTH" || $mode eq "FILE") { $csvcomments = $comment; #$csvcomments =~ s/\"/$csvquote/ig; open (CSVF,">>$csvfilename"); print CSVF "\""; print CSVF "$months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_fax"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_email"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$SUBTOTAL"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$TOTAL"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$SHIPPING"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$comment"; print CSVF "\"\n"; close CSVF; } # Send email conformation to the customer..... open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram"); print MAIL "To: $b_email\n"; print MAIL "From: $youremail\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Order Confirmation\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "A new order has been received. A summary of this order appears below.\n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "Order Date: $months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Bill To: \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; print MAIL " $b_first $b_last \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $b_city, $b_state $b_zip \n"; print MAIL " $b_phone \n"; print MAIL " $b_fax \n"; print MAIL " $b_email \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; if ( $s_addr eq "" ) { print MAIL " Use Billing Address\n"; } else { print MAIL " $s_first $s_last \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $s_city, $s_state $s_zip \n"; print MAIL " $s_phone \n"; } print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Qty Price(\R) Product ID - Product Name\n"; print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \R$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \R$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \R$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \R$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \R$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \R$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \R$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \R$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \R$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \R$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \R$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \R$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \R$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "<h2>Thank you</h2>"; print "Thank you for your order."; print "Please contact us at $youremail if you have any problems questions or concerns. Thank U again for your support Kees Meyer."; print "<P>"; print "<A HREF=\"$returnpage\" rel="nofollow" target=_top>Return Home</A>"; print "<P>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; I want to send a simple email with just email & subject only when the user clicks a link that opens a pdf. I'm thinking javascript is the best way to do this but I have no idea how. I have googled it a bunch but most information is about getting an email when someone clicks a link you send in an email. I don't want that. This is on a website. I'm not sure if php would be better to use. Any help would be most appreciated!
Hi, I am new to Microsoft Outlook. I want to send a email using Microsoft Outlook. But that needs to send HTML email , I have tried for this but not getting the solution. I tried a lot by using <html> but it doesn't work. The code i have used is given below. Could you guys please help me out in this. Please make me know how can I send my email in html using Outlook Express ? .aspx.cs Quote: private void SendMail(DropDownList ddllist, TextBox txtTitle, TextBox txtSubSystem) { string email = string.Empty; string lastName = string.Empty; string title = string.Empty; string subsystem = string.Empty; string task = string.Empty; string issue_id = string.Empty; try { //DropDownList ddlAssignedTo = (DropDownList)fvIssue.FindControl("ddlAssignedTo"); string tb_assigned_to = ddllist.SelectedValue; task = Request.Url.OriginalString.ToString(); issue_id = Request.Url.OriginalString.ToString().Split('=')[2]; title = txtTitle.Text.Replace("'", " "); subsystem = txtSubSystem.Text.Replace("'", " "); if (tb_assigned_to != null) { if (tb_assigned_to.Equals(ConstValues.SCANNER_GROUP) || tb_assigned_to.Equals(ConstValues.SERVER_GROUP) || tb_assigned_to.Equals(ConstValues.TEST_GROUP)) { Session["emailTo"] = Util.GetGroupEmails(tb_assigned_to); } else { CdsContactBLL contact = new CdsContactBLL(); email = contact.EmailAddress(tb_assigned_to); if (email != string.Empty) Session["emailTo"] = email; else Session["emailTo"] = tb_assigned_to + ""; } } else Session["emailTo"] = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { Session["emailTo"] = ""; } InjectScript.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">EmailIt('" + task + "','" + issue_id + "','" + Session["emailTo"].ToString() + "','" + title + "','" + subsystem + "')</script>"; } SendEmail.js Quote: // JScript File function EmailIt(task,issue_id,emailTO,strTitle,strsubsystem) { //win ="...\\Issues\\HTMLPage3.htm"); var daReferrer = document.referrer; //var task = escape(document.URLUnencoded); //var issue_id = document.URLUnencoded.split("="); var email = emailTO; var title = strTitle; var subsystem = strsubsystem; var subject = "Issue Task number is " + issue_id + " - " + escape(title) ; var body_message = " Your Assigned Task is.%0D " + escape(task); body_message += escape("\n"); body_message += escape("\n"); body_message += " Sub System : " + escape(subsystem); body_message += escape("\n"); body_message += " Title : " + escape(title); body_message += escape("\n"); var mailto_link = 'mailto:'+email+'?subject='+subject+'&body='+body_message; win =; if (win && &&!win.closed) win.close(); //window.history.back(-1); } Regards, vimal kumar srivastava Madhepura,India I am trying to give uses the ability to email a web page in addition to print the pages but I cannot get the web page to post as the body of the email. Here is what the print function looks like: Code: function OnPrint() { var contentWindow = GetContentFrame().contentWindow; { contentWindow.focus(); contentWindow.print(); } } and here is where I stand on the email the page(not just a link to the page) Code: function mailpage() { mail_str = " out the " + document.title; mail_str += "&body=I thought you might be interested in the " + document.title; mail_str += ". You can view it at, " + location.href; location.href = mail_str; } The above work great if I want to send a link to the page. How do I amend the above so that the the mail_str = contentWindow html? And do I need to do make other changes to format the email as html rather than text? Thank for a rookie! I work at a college radio station and our brand new website just went live, but we're having one particular issue... We have a set list of shows that air each day, and on the site we have a marquee tag on the homepage that scrolls through showing each show and its broadcast time. Right now we're stuck changing this schedule each day by hand, but it's tough considering we're all college students ourselves and sometimes our own schedules simply don't allow the time. Is there a code that would allow this kind of a daily update to happen automatically? The format for the schedule is such: 4 - 5 pm // "Show 01" 5 - 6 pm // "Show 02" 6 - 8 pm // "Show 03" 8 - 10 pm // "Show 04" 10 - 12 am // "Show 05" Any help would be very much appreciated! I'm looking for code which does the following: When a visitor visits my website and clicks anywhere on the page, (regardless of where the mouse clicks) it will automatically redirect him to another site. I think an event listener might be a solution, but I'm not sure. Thanks a lot for any help on this If possible, I would like there to be a 2 second time delay before it does the redirection. How come the below code is not woring for me? when someone comments on my facebook comments plugin I want to get an email. This is what i have Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '220041184732123', // App ID channelUrl : '//', // Channel File status : true, // check login status cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml : true // parse XFBML }); FB.subscribe('comment.create', function(response){ // Here you need to do a call to some service/script/application // to notify your administrator about new comment. // I'll use jQuery ajax to call server-side script to illustrate the flow $.post('mail.php', { "action": "comment created", "url_of_page_comment_leaved_on": response.href, "id_of_comment_object": response.commentID }); }); }; // Load the SDK Asynchronously (function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document)); </script> <div class="fb-comments" notify="true" data-href="" data-num-posts="30" data-width="544"></div> </body> </html> I then have this php code to send me a mail in a mail.php file PHP Code: <?php $admin_email = ''; $commentID = $_REQUEST['id_of_comment_object']; $page_href = $_REQUEST['url_of_page_comment_leaved_on']; $message = "hello"; mail($admin_email, You have a new comment", $message); ?> what could be wrong and is there anyone that knows how to fix this to make it work? Working on college assignment, cant figure it out and need help! Basically a form that asks the user to fill in a valid email and password (ill give them the password), doesnt matter if it isnt secure, or if the email accepts dodgy emails (im just verifying the @ and a . and that is ok for the purpose of this. Anyway been trying with this code for ages now and cant see what is wrong but it isnt working, ive swapped it around and at times it does check that it is a valid email, sometimes it allows empty inputs. here is the code <script type="text/javascript"> function validateForm() { var x=document.forms["myForm"]["email"].value var y=document.forms["myForm"]["password"].value var atpos=x.indexOf("@"); var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf("."); if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length) { alert("Not a valid e-mail address"); return false; } </script> I think i need something like && (y!="123") around the 'if' statement, but not a clue how or where it goes. Basically im going to set the password to 123 so dont have to allow for caps etc. Easiest way to do this, anyone plleeeeeaaasseee?? Kind regards Alan Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help me. I have recently used this tutorial: to develop a more complex sign up form for a competition for a client. Basically, the way the validation has been done is different to many other validation methods I've used before and don't understand how to implement it, for some additional requirements. This is an example of the PHP validation code that I have altered, to suit my form requirements: Code: //quick/simple validation if(empty($code)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'You forgot to enter your entry code'); } if(empty($name)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'You forgot to enter your name'); } if(empty($email)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'You forgot to enter your email address'); } This code only validates that there is content in those fields. But, for example on the 'entry code' field, I would like to put a maximum character input there and restrict certain characters, as well as a standard 'email' validation, so that the form is sent through to the database correctly. If anyone knows how I can do this, with this sign-up form in particular, please assist me, as every other method I've tried to work with this form hasn't worked and caused the form to error. Thank you in advance. Hi guys. I'm a mediocre website designer i know html , at JS i'm to noob to actualy make something of my own just Edit, i'm still learning and atm i'm working on a web project and I'm struggling to find a way to Filter email addresses to redirect my New Members to their e-mail provider, for example if they would register to be forwarded to so they would login and activate their account, or if they enter to be forwarded there . Can you please point out a few things i'm eager to learn how to Forward User to email provider after he creates his account . Or how can i forward email to URL inside my webpage , this could help me with another ideea i have, again this would have to be filtered , etc , to be forwarded to a local URL inside the site depending on what Email Provider they enter . I know this is a lot to ask but if you could point me out on the right path i would really appreciate all your help . Cheers
I have 3 divs (boxes) next to each other, I can input text via a textarea to each. I need all 3 to resize - be the same size on text overflow - so if box a gets 100 lines of code and resizes, the other 2 should follow. I have written this js, and added it to the button which moves the text to the boxes (to the onclick) Code: // JavaScript Document function adjust() { if (document.getElementById('section1').style.height != 380 + "px") { document.getElementById('section2').style.height === document.getElementById('section1').style.height; document.getElementById('section3').style.height === document.getElementById('section1').style.height; } else if (document.getElementById('section2').style.height != 380 + "px") { document.getElementById('section1').style.height === document.getElementById('section2').style.height; document.getElementById('section3').style.height === document.getElementById('section2').style.height; } else if (document.getElementById('section3').style.height != 380 + "px") { document.getElementById('section1').style.height === document.getElementById('section3').style.height; document.getElementById('section2').style.height === document.getElementById('section3').style.height; } } any ideas what's wrong here? Does anyone know of a good library/function that will add the commas to a number automatically as the number is entered into a field?
Hi, I am trying to write a script to get my sprite to move to the next row once it reaches the last frame on it's current row. Here's my attempt so far; in the code below I want bird2 when it reaches frame 3 and spState(1) - this means first row - to switch to spState (2) second row. Code: if ($('#bird2'['current_frame']) == 3 && $('#bird2').spState(1)) { $('#bird2').spState(2); } else { $('#bird2').spState(1); } Here's the code regarding the spState() Code: spState: function(n) { $(this).each(function() { // change state of a sprite, where state is the vertical // position of the background image (e.g. frames row) var yPos = ((n - 1) * $(this).height()) + 'px'; var xPos = $._spritely.getBgX($(this)); var bp = xPos + ' -' + yPos; $(this).css('background-position', bp); }); return this; this is from you will notice on this site that if you drag the slider to the left the bird sprites change direction, in fact they play the second row of frames. The reason I want my bird sprite to go automatically to the next row is because I am using video turned into individual frames and a png strip, and I am limited by the max width of png (8192px). see scroll down to see the bird on the rooftop. Each frame in that bird sprite is 80px wide and there are 93 frames. So I would like to include multiple rows to allow me to increase the number of frames. Up to 15 rows will be needed and after the last row it should go back to the first row. Perhaps a switch statement would be better than what I currently have. I am new to JavaScript and have been trying to pick up clues from I am very happy to learn and I hope to be prompted and pushed in the right direction. I hope my request is clear, please ask questions if not. Thank you Will I have this slideshow, that twirls around but i'm trying to center it within the browser so the middle picture stays in the middle and the side pictures have about a 10px padding from the browsers border. The weird thing is that it adjusts itself when you first open the link, but if you have it open and resize your browser, it won't adjust to the width. Can't figure what i'm doing wrong. I already posted in the HTML/CSS forum but nobody could help. Thanks guys. Check it out he I have a welcome message on my site and would like to automatically hide it after several seconds. I can't find anything usable after searching over the internet. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance. I have a lightbox pop up on my homepage. I'm curious if there's a way to automatically close the pop up after 5 seconds or so. For some readon onClose kept popping in my head, but I'm pretty sure that's not correct. Thanks. Code: !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://"> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Lightbox Example</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src=" libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lightbox/ jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lightbox/ jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/lightbox/fancybox/ jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" media="screen" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("a#onload").fancybox({ 'frameHeight': 390, 'frameWidth': 640, 'hideOnContentClick': false, 'easingIn': 2000 }).trigger('click'); }); </script> <div id="lightbox_content" style="display:none"> <div id="data"> <img src="/lightbox/donate.jpg" alt="Support Today!"> <h1>Pledge Your Support Today!!</h1> </div> </div> <a id="onload" href="#data"></a> </body> </html> Hi,
I have a form in my site.when the form is submit successfully it's go to another page, which shows "submission is success".
and that page has a link to go back to a page which is viewing previously(before to form)
this is the code for it Code: <a href="javascript:history.go(-2)">Go back to previous</a> I want to know, how to go to previous page by automatically ??? this should be happen after 10 seconds! please help me.... How are you guys? Is there a possible thing? I've got 16 pages, one for each of 16 days. Then I've got index page. Where will be mine usual stuff but I want to add 16 visible buttons and under each button will be its content, let say for example a picture with some text. I need automatically when user open mine index for example 3rd to show 3rd picture with some text. Is that possible? To be more specific. I need some content to be automatically changed from 1st of January 2010 to 17th of January 2010. Is there some javascript that will make a link in a page be clicked on page load?