JavaScript - Need Help With Password.js Formatting!
I have a password check on my join form but it looks ugly the idea is good but it is all unaligned and makes the form look bad. I was wondering if you guys can help me format it i tried my self but it just caused it to not work at all lol.
Right now it looks like this: ---------------------------- | -------- bar color -------- | ---------------------------- GOOD PASSWORD What i want is it to appear like this: __________________________ | -------- Good Pass -------- | <- Color in the bg,words in the box! Code: (function(A){A.extend(A.fn,{pstrength:function(B){var B=A.extend({verdects:["Very weak","Weak","Medium","Strong","Very strong"],colors:["#f00","#c06","#f60","#3c0","#3f0"],scores:[10,15,30,40],common:["password","sex","god","123456","123","cute","gamer","qwerty","monkey", "apple"],minchar:6},B);return this.each(function(){var C=A(this).attr("id");A(this).after("");A(this).after("<div class=\"pstrength-info\" id=\""+C+"_text\"></div>");A(this).after("<div class=\"pstrength-bar\" id=\""+C+"_bar\" style=\"margin-top: 5px; border: 1px solid gray; font-size: 1px; height: 15px; width: 260px;\"></div>");A(this).keyup(function(){A.fn.runPassword(A(this).val(),C,B)})})},runPassword:function(D,F,C){nPerc=A.fn.checkPassword(D,C);var B="#"+F+"_bar";var E="#"+F+"_text";if(nPerc==-200){strColor="#000";strText="Unsafe password word!";A(B).css({width:"0%"})}else{if(nPerc<0&&nPerc>-199){strColor="#ccc";strText="Too short";A(B).css({width:"5%"})}else{if(nPerc<=C.scores[0]){strColor=C.colors[0];strText=C.verdects[0];A(B).css({width:"10%"})}else{if(nPerc>C.scores[0]&&nPerc<=C.scores[1]){strColor=C.colors[1];strText=C.verdects[1];A(B).css({width:"25%"})}else{if(nPerc>C.scores[1]&&nPerc<=C.scores[2]){strColor=C.colors[2];strText=C.verdects[2];A(B).css({width:"50%"})}else{if(nPerc>C.scores[2]&&nPerc<=C.scores[3]){strColor=C.colors[3];strText=C.verdects[3];A(B).css({width:"75%"})}else{strColor=C.colors[4];strText=C.verdects[4];A(B).css({width:"92%"})}}}}}}A(B).css({backgroundColor:strColor});A(E).html("<span style='color: "+strColor+";'>"+strText+"</span>")},checkPassword:function(C,B){var F=0;var E=B.verdects[0];if(C.length<B.minchar){F=(F-100)}else{if(C.length>=B.minchar&&C.length<=(B.minchar+2)){F=(F+6)}else{if(C.length>=(B.minchar+3)&&C.length<=(B.minchar+4)){F=(F+12)}else{if(C.length>=(B.minchar+5)){F=(F+18)}}}}if(C.match(/[a-z]/)){F=(F+1)}if(C.match(/[A-Z]/)){F=(F+5)}if(C.match(/\d+/)){F=(F+5)}if(C.match(/(.*[0-9].*[0-9].*[0-9])/)){F=(F+7)}if(C.match(/.[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~]/)){F=(F+5)}if(C.match(/(.*[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~].*[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~])/)){F=(F+7)}if(C.match(/([a-z].*[A-Z])|([A-Z].*[a-z])/)){F=(F+2)}if(C.match(/([a-zA-Z])/)&&C.match(/([0-9])/)){F=(F+3)}if(C.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9].*[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~])|([!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~].*[a-zA-Z0-9])/)){F=(F+3)}for(var D=0;D<B.common.length;D++){if(C.toLowerCase()==B.common[D]){F=-200}}return F}})})(jQuery) Sorry about the code i know its cluttered lol. Similar TutorialsI'm having trouble getting two password boxes to work on the same page, which I created using the JavaScript Kit Encrypted Password Generator ( I've used the code that this generator produces, with some modifications as given by cheesebagpipe ( These changes enable the user to press the keyboard's enter key to submit the password (as an alternative to clicking the submit button), and will also refocus the text box and select the text in it if the user enters the wrong password. The code works fine on pages with just one box (e.g.'s.html), but what changes are needed to make two work on the same page? (I'm new to web design and clueless when it comes to JavaScript, which I know isn't the most secure method of password protection, but will do for now). At the moment, on pages with two boxes (e.g., neither of the boxes work; this appears in the address bar instead: '!' ('help!'=whatever has been entered in the text box). The full code for both boxes is given below. Code: <div id="passwordBoxes"> <div id="password2"> <form name="password1" onsubmit="submitentry();return false;"> <span class="WhiteLogin">Keyboard classes login</span> <input name="password2" type="password" class="AlignedFormBoxes" size="15" /> <input type="button" class="AlignedFormBoxes" value="Login" /> </form> </div> <div id="password1"> <form name="password1" onsubmit="submitentry();return false;"> <span class="WhiteLogin">Community Youth Choir login</span> <input name="password2" type="password" class="AlignedFormBoxes" size="15" /> <input type="button" class="AlignedFormBoxes" value="Login" /> </form> </div> </div> <script> var pass=new Array() var t3="" var lim=6 pass[0]="gc3Gu5uygvU8VDA" pass[1]="aNL6yjrU5AAKyy3" pass[2]="enSaX8glavp54H" pass[3]="WF3XUKEpbbMEx" pass[4]="8Pv7bsEqaIjNdb6b" pass[5]="35Pv7bsEqaIjNdb6" //configure extension to reflect the extension type of the target web page (ie: .htm or .html) var extension=".html" var enablelocking=0 var numletter="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" var temp3='' var cur=0 function max(which){ return (pass[Math.ceil(which)+(3&15)].substring(0,1)) } function testit(input){ temp=numletter.indexOf(input) var temp2=temp^parseInt(pass[phase1-1+(1|3)].substring(0,2)) temp2=numletter.substring(temp2,temp2+1) return (temp2) } function submitentry(){ t3='' verification=document.password1.password2.value phase1=Math.ceil(Math.random())-6+(2<<2) var indicate=true for (i=(1&2);i<window.max(Math.LOG10E);i++) t3+=testit(verification.charAt(i)) for (i=(1&2);i<lim;i++){ if (t3.charAt(i)!=pass[phase1+Math.round(Math.sin(Math.PI/2)-1)].charAt(i)) indicate=false } if (verification.length!=window.max(Math.LOG10E)) indicate=false if (indicate) window.location=verification+extension; else { alert("That wasn't the correct password. Please check that your CAPS Lock key is turned off and try again."); document.password1.password2.focus();; } } </script> <script> var pass=new Array() var t3="" var lim=7 pass[0]="Qmsn8tUQZX4T0PC" pass[1]="DUtntGtFhaTppWO" pass[2]="JahI7L4JqbxZrwS" pass[3]="ong1qqnbr9rvV2s" pass[4]="7BlqC2sc8hQ8bWMK" pass[5]="15BlqC2sc8hQ8bWM" //configure extension to reflect the extension type of the target web page (ie: .htm or .html) var extension=".html" var enablelocking=0 var numletter="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" var temp3='' var cur=0 function max(which){ return (pass[Math.ceil(which)+(3&15)].substring(0,1)) } function testit(input){ temp=numletter.indexOf(input) var temp2=temp^parseInt(pass[phase1-1+(1|3)].substring(0,2)) temp2=numletter.substring(temp2,temp2+1) return (temp2) } function submitentry(){ t3='' verification=document.password1.password2.value phase1=Math.ceil(Math.random())-6+(2<<2) var indicate=true for (i=(1&2);i<window.max(Math.LOG10E);i++) t3+=testit(verification.charAt(i)) for (i=(1&2);i<lim;i++){ if (t3.charAt(i)!=pass[phase1+Math.round(Math.sin(Math.PI/2)-1)].charAt(i)) indicate=false } if (verification.length!=window.max(Math.LOG10E)) indicate=false if (indicate) window.location=verification+extension; else { alert("That wasn't the correct password. Please check that your CAPS Lock key is turned off and try again."); document.password1.password2.focus();; } } </script> Any help would be a lifesaver - thanks in advance! How would you make a password feild and a retype password feild and they have to be the same?
I can't figure out how to properly format the code below. I am looking to add breaks after where it says below. Also to change the color if possible. Any help would be much appreciated. function isPPC() { if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("PPC") != -1) return true; else return false; } if(isPPC()) { document.write('<b>Send <A CLASS="contact" HREF=\"mailto:\?subject\=ADD A BREAK AFTER THIS ' + document.title + '?body= ADD A BREAK AFTER THIS ' + '\" onMouseOver="window.status=\'Send your friends e-mail about this page\'; return true" TITLE="Send your friends e-mail about this page">this page<\/A> to a friend</b>'); } else { document.write('<b>Send <A CLASS="contact" HREF=\"mailto:\?body\=ADD A BREAK AFTER THIS ' + document.title + ' ADD A BREAK AFTER THIS ' + '\" onMouseOver="window.status=\'Send your friends e-mail about this page\'; return true" TITLE="Send your friends e-mail about this page">this page<\/A> to a friend</b>'); } hi Guys, I have the following codes: var date1 = new Date(FromDate); My problem is 'new Date' function covering the date into mm/dd/yyyy format and I want it in dd/mm/yyyy format. any suggestion please, Hello, I wrote this script (well, not really wrote) Code: <script> <!-- var today_obj=new Date() var today_date=today_obj.getDate() var tips=new Array() var tiptitle='<img src=""> <b>.... Learn more at Psych Wiki</b><br><br>' tips[1]='Tip 1 goes here' tips[2]='Tip 2 goes here' tips[3]='Tip 3 goes here' tips[4]='Tip 4 goes here' tips[5]='Tip 5 goes here' tips[6]='Tip 6' tips[7]='Tip 7 goes here' tips[8]='Tip 8 goes here' tips[9]='Tip 9 goes here' tips[10]='Tip 10 goes here' tips[11]='Tip 11 goes here' tips[12]='Tip 12 goes here' tips[13]='Tip 13 goes here' tips[14]='Tip 14 goes here' tips[15]='Tip 15 goes here' tips[16]='Tip 16 goes here' tips[17]='Tip 17 goes here' tips[18]='Tip 18 goes here' tips[19]='Tip 19 goes here' tips[20]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[21]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[22]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[23]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[24]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[25]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[26]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[27]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[28]='Cotard Syndrome: \nThe Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or \nWalking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[29]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[30]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' tips[31]='Cotard Syndrome: The Cotard delusion or Cotards syndrome or Walking Corpse Syndrome is a rare neuro- psychiatric disorder in which people hold a delusional belief that they are dead (either figuratively or literally), do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. In rare instances, it can include delusions of immortality.' document.write(tiptitle) document.write(tips[today_date]) </script> Can someone please tell me how can I format the text that appears on the page from using the script? THANKS I have a string containing a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD and i want to format it so its something like 21st March 2012, how would i do this?
Hi, i am having some problems keeping the formatting of elements the same for html and javascript, i have a seperate css file for all the formatting of the tags in html, and when i use javascript i want it to stay the same. eg. when i use <h2> Heading </h2> below it wont print the same style as above, the color is the same, but the text is bigger and bold. <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("<h2> Heading </h2>); </script> Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks I want to keep the exact same formatting for both, using the I have a Number as a String. It goes from 1 to 999 but I need to set the format so that it has leading Zeros. So 1 is 001 and 2 is 002 and 99 is 099. Is there a way to do this in JavaScript? Thanks, ~Dave I'm trying to remove a vertical scroll that appeared after I added padding 100% to footer. It was suggested that I use javacript to cause the footer not to expand so I don't have to add padding 100% to footer which will eliminate scroll bar. How do I accomplish this when you remove 100% padding from footer?I don't want to see the grey backgroun under footer. I just want to see footer and that's it. Here's my code Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper{width:1000px; height: 520px;margin:-25px auto; background-color: #3d3d3d;} #header { width: 100%; height: 75px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px; background-color: #00a3e8; float:left; color: #FFFFFF; } #contact {position:relative;top:500px;} *{margin:0px; padding:0px} #col1{width:200px; height:454px; float:left; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; background-color: #00a3e8; border: 7px solid #000;} #col2{width:300px; height:454px; float:left; background-color: #00a3e8; border: 7px solid #000; margin:0px 0px 0px 130px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; text-align:center; color: #FFFFFF;} #col3{width:200px; height:454px;background-color:blue; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; background-color: #00a3e8; border: 7px solid #000; float:right; color: #000; } #footer{width:100%; height:100%; clear:both; float:left; overflow:hidden; margin-top:-23px; padding: 100% 0px 5px 0px; background-color: #00a3e8; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF;} body{overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto; background-color: #3d3d3d;} </style> </head> <body> <div id="header"><img width="416" height="70" src="MyProfile_clip_image001.gif" alt="UJ" /> </div> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="col1"></div> <div id="col2"><div id="contact">Contact Us</div></div> <div id="col3"></div> </div> <div id="footer"><div id="contact">Contact Us</div></div> </body> </html> Hi all, I have a problem that has my brain turning to goo... I have a function that mixed with php adds the total numerical valus from different dropdowns. Code: <?php if($z == 1) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- function updatesum() { document.form.sum.value = <?php echo number_format($prodprice,2)?>+ <?php foreach(range('1',$matchcount2) as $i){?>(document.form.sublist<?php echo $i?>.options[document.form.sublist<?php echo $i?>.selectedIndex].id-0) + <?php }?> (document.form.sublist999.options[document.form.sublist999.selectedIndex].id-0.00); } //--></script> <?php }?> The total is then sent to an input field. Code: <div class="left product_text_box product_title">Total Price: <?php echo $currency_type?><input class="product_title" name="sum" readonly style="background:none; border:none" value="<?php echo number_format($prodprice,2)?>"></div> All works well, but the output allows too many decimals, ie: 46.8966666 I have tried to implement the toFixed(2) with only errors as my reward. Any help would be appreciated KF ... or at least adding the commas? I need to format this number as currency. It is within the "flot" code, which is a charting framwork. I dont know anything about javascript at all so bear with me. Here is part of the code, the piece in red calls for the number. This is what I need displayed with commas, so its easy to read. I have found a few examples on the web but I have no idea how to apply them to this code. Can anyone help? Code: var previousPoint = null; $("#placeholder").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if ($("#enableTooltip:checked").length > 0) { if (item) { if (previousPoint != item.datapoint) { previousPoint = item.datapoint; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2), y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2); showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, '<b>' + item.series.label + '</b> '+ ": " + y ); hi, i need US zip code formatting on my page. as zip code can be 5 digits or 5-4 digits, our requirement is that when user types in 6th digit, hyphen automatically gets added between 5th and 6th digit. ex: user enters 100161,it should become formatted as 10016-1 and then user can continue to add rest of digits. pls advice, highly appreciate. thanks I am creating a calculator app and I'm a bit stuck with number formatting. Example of how I would like a number to be formatted: $2,899,799 I currently have the formatting working except for the commas. I'm using the following code to achieve this. My result is currently showing up like this $2899799 Code: function format (expr, decplaces) { var str = "" + Math.round (eval(expr) * Math.pow(10,decplaces)) while (str.length <= decplaces) { str = "0" + str } var decpoint = str.length - decplaces return str.substring(0,decpoint) + str.substring(decpoint,str.length); } function dollarize (expr) { return "$" + format(expr,0) //RESULT FIELDS form.AnnualScrapSales.value = dollarize(((A - B) * (C2/100)) * G2) is there a way to add to this "function format" code to also achieve the commas? I have text being called from an array, however my HTML formatting in the array is not working. How do I add formatting to text in an array? Also how do I make a portion of the array a link? For example: Code: var Text = new Array( "<br /><font style="color:red">URL:</font> <a href=""></a>", "<br /><font style="color:red">URL:</font> <a href=""></a>" ); I am not too familiar with java but found a script to use on my web page. I would like to formate the text and cahnge the color. In the jvav script I can't find those attributes. How can I make these cahnges? Thanks! Alexis Hi All, I wonder if you can help me with some time and date formatting in JS. I already use a neat date formatting JS script which is useful when a PERL script returns a date field of 'DATE' by converting it from yyyy-mm-dd to dd month(in text) yyyy: <script type = "text/javascript"> var months = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November"," December"]; var myString = "[[date]]"; var mySplitResult = myString.split("-"); var mm = parseInt(mySplitResult[1],10)-1; // note that months are 0-11 document.write(mySplitResult[2] + " " + months[mm] + " " + mySplitResult[0] ); </script> I have, however, run across a little problem where I have results coming through with date AND time, e.g. 18:12 2010-07-14 What I need is something that will reorder the above to: 14 July 2010 at 18:12 Can someone help please! Regards, Neil Hello fellow programmers. I am currently in a JS class and have become stomped on part of the assignment. If anyone can provide guidance on how to format these order form functions, I will be much appreciative. 1. Within the <script> tags at the top of the file, create a function named "loadform()" that displays the current date in the formdate field and then moves the cursor focus to the qtyl field and selects it. Hint: Apply both the focus() and select() methods to the qtyl input box, and run the loadform() function when the page is loaded by the browser. 2. Below the loadform() function, insert a function named total_price that calculates the sum of the numeric values of the sub1 through sub8 fields. 3. Below the total_price function, create a function named tax_price() that adds the values of the sub1 through sub6 fields and then multiples that total by 0.05. Use the dollars() function to display this value rounded to two decimal places. Attached is a word doc of the program so not to blow this thread up. I should be able to complete the rest of the assignment once I have an understanding about the formats. If anymore information is needed, please let me know. I'm attempting to integrate a rich-text mail form and use PHPMailer to send HTML email to a Godaddy email account. The rich-text editor script is the WizzyWig one. (Original can be found Here) Location of form: Too much code to post here from all the different files involved, so I saved a version of each file as a TXT file, with it's original extention in brackets before it for easier code viewing (with the exception of the contact.html file above: Involved files: [.js]Rich-Text Editor: /scripts/whizzywig_61.txt [.js]File that spawns preview window: /scripts/load.txt [.php]File called by form action: test_mail.txt [.php]PHPMailer: /lib/PHPMailer_v5.1/class.phpmailer.txt [.php]Config file: /config.txt [.inc]Include file: Basic flow is: Customer goes to the Contact Page, then enters in rich text, and clicks "Preview" - this spawns a new window "DEMO" and writes the contents of the WizzyWig Iframe to a hidden field. From there, the customer can click "Submit", and it send the email to a Godaddy email account. Here's the problem: I've got a .replace command in the load.js file that replaces the double quotes with singles. If left as doubles, it completely breaks the code. When that email is received, all single quotes are backslashed(escaped?) ( \') so only portions of the HTML (that don't use quotes) show up. (examples: Highlight, insert image, insert link, spans, etc) I'm not fluent with Javascript, so I've been beating my head against the wall for 5 days now trying to get this to work. It's time to ask for some help lol. I'm not sure where / and in what file is causing this to break. Sent a test HTML email to the same Godaddy email address to make sure it could recieve HTML emails, and it worked fine. Any help would greatly be appreciated!! ~ John P.S.: I know there's browser issues with FF etc - I'll correct that once I can get the basic functionality of the pages to work There is a comment section on a blog that I follow, and the blogmaster decided to try to put in a preview button. I found a site that had some code purporting to do just this He pulled the code down and inserted it, making what appeared to be no significant changes. The actual code used: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function showPreview() { var s=document.getElementById('comment').value; if((s.length>1000)||(s.length<1)){alert("Code length must be within 1 to 1000 characters."); return false;} document.getElementById('commentpreview').innerHTML=s; } </script> with the invoking code as: Code: <input type="button" value="Preview" onclick="javascript:showPreview()" /> Unfortunately, the preview strips all hard carriage returns and multiple spaces out. The result is one long paragraph that is more unreadable than the original. What can be done to keep the formatting? |