JavaScript - Onmouseover Of Image Map Area, Display Corresponding Div
I have an image map with 6 areas.
Code: <p class="center"><img src="images/car_feature.png" alt="" usemap="#car"/></p> <map id="car" name="car"> <area shape="rect" coords="172,198,195,222" href="#" alt=""/> <area shape="rect" coords="242,79,266,104" href="#" alt=""/> <area shape="rect" coords="293,124,317,149" href="#" alt=""/> <area shape="rect" coords="407,212,431,227" href="#" alt=""/> <area shape="rect" coords="430,300,453,325" href="#" alt=""/> <area shape="rect" coords="565,346,588,370" href="#" alt=""/> </map> I also have 6 DIVs that are hidden and only a single one will appear visible on mouseover of its corresponding image map area. Code: <div id="hidden"> <div class="feature"> Feature 1 </div> <div class="feature"> Feature 2 </div> <div class="feature"> Feature 3 </div> <div class="feature"> Feature 4 </div> <div class="feature"> Feature 5 </div> <div class="feature"> Feature 6 </div> </div> The roadblock I'm running into is the show function in the JavaScript. Code: window.onload = init; function init() { var area = document.getElementById("car").getElementsByTagName("area"); var features = document.getElementById("hidden").getElementsByTagName("div"); hide(); function show() { for(a=0; a < area.length; a++) { if(area[a].onmouseover) { document.getElementById("hidden").getElementsByTagName("div")[a].style.display="block"; } } } function hide() { for(b=0; b < features.length; b++) { document.getElementById("hidden").getElementsByTagName("div")[b].style.display="none"; } } for(i=0; i < area.length; i++) { area[i].onmouseover = show; area[i].onmouseout = hide; } } I'm trying to get it so that if I hover over the first area on the image map, the first hidden DIV will appear, but none of the others. And if I hover over the fourth area, the fourth DIV will appear. I hope this makes sense, and I'd appreciate any and all help towards solving this issue and ending my headache lol Similar TutorialsThis is just a goofy little project to add to my learning, but I've come across a problem that would be nice to solve. It is not a TinyMCE or other JS editor replacement, just something to play with for the holidays! In the following program, you can create an HTML template then add/modify common elements and display the results. I can place tags around highlighted areas and insert/append functions where the cursor is positioned. Works OK so far. The problem is when the text exceeds the <textarea> boundaries and I try to tag or insert at cursor, the display reverts to the first line of the <textarea> display. I would like to keep the displayed area within the boundaries and just push down the inserted text. Problem: Is there a simple way to accomplish this task or do I just have to put-up with the bouncy display whenever I insert code into the area? Code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Simple JS Editor</title> <!-- One annoyance: When <textarea> content exceeds size of element additional entries cause display to JUMP to beginning of the area being edited. --> <style type="text/css"> .tags { background-Color:lightblue; } .objs { background-Color:pink; } .ctrl { background-Color:lime; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!-- External: src="InsertText.js"></script --> // function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) { function InsertText(myField, myValue) { //IE support if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = myValue; } //MOZILLA/NETSCAPE support else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { // else if (myField.selectionStart != 'undefined') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); myField.selectionStart = startPos + myValue.length; myField.selectionEnd = startPos + myValue.length; } else { myField.value += myValue; } myField.focus(); // new entry here } // calling the function // insertAtCursor(document.formName.fieldName, value); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- External: src="InsertCode.js"></script --> // Modified from: // - Author Kor // var HTMLstart = ['<!DOC HTML>', '<html>','<head>','<title> Untitled </title','', '<style type="text\/css"><\/style>','', '<script type="text\/javascript">', ' function $_(IDS) { return document.getElementById(IDS); }', '<\/script>','', '</head>','<body>','','<h1> Test </h1><hr>','', '</body>','</html>' ]; var RBtnStart = ['<input type="radio" name="RBtn" value="0">RBtn 1', '<input type="radio" id="RBtn" name="RBtn" value="1">RBtn 2', '<input type="radio" id="RBtn" name="RBtn" value="2">RBtn 3','' ]; var CBoxStart = ['<input type="checkbox" id="CBox0" name="CBox0" value="A">CBox A', '<input type="checkbox" id="CBox1" name="CBox1" value="B">CBox B','' ]; var SBoxStart = ['<select id="SBox" name="SBox">',' <option value="">Pick</option>', ' <option value="1">1</option>',' <option value="2">2</option>', ' <option value="3">3</option>',' <option value="4">4</option>', ' <option value="5">5</option>',' <option value="6">6</option>', '</select>','' ]; var TblsStart = ['<table border="1">','<caption> Table </caption', ' <tr>',' <td> 1 </td>',' <td> 2 </td>',' </tr>', ' <tr>',' <td> 3 </td>',' <td> 4 </td>',' </tr>', '</table>','' ]; var ULstart = ['<ul>',' <li> 1 </li>',' <li> 2 </li>',' <li> 3 </li>','</ul>','']; var OLstart = ['<ol>',' <li> A </li>',' <li> B </li>',' <li> C </li>','</ol>','']; var DLstart = ['<dl>',' <dt> A </dt>',' <dt> B </dt>',' <dt> C </dt>','</dl>','']; function formatText(el,tag){ var selectedText = document.selection ?document.selection.createRange().text :el.value.substring(el.selectionStart,el.selectionEnd); // IE:Moz if (selectedText == "") {return false} var newText='<'+tag+'>'+selectedText+'</'+tag+'>'; if(document.selection) { document.selection.createRange().text=newText; } // IE else { // Moz el.value=el.value.substring(0,el.selectionStart)+newText+el.value.substring(el.selectionEnd,el.value.length); } } </script> </head> <body> <form name="myForm" onsubmit="return false"> <textarea id="myTextarea" name="myTextarea" rows="18" cols="80" style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 12pt; float: left;"></textarea> <div style="float: left;"><h3 class="tags">Enclose (highlighted)</h3> <input class="tags" value="Bold" onclick="formatText (myTextarea,'b');" type="button"> <input class="tags" value="Italic" onclick="formatText (myTextarea,'i');" type="button"> <input class="tags" value="Underline" onclick="formatText (myTextarea,'u');" type="button"> <br> <input class="tags" value="h1" onclick="formatText (myTextarea,'h1');" type="button"> <input class="tags" value="h2" onclick="formatText (myTextarea,'h2');" type="button"> <input class="tags" value="h3" onclick="formatText (myTextarea,'h3');" type="button"> </div> <div style="float: left;"><h3 class="objs">Insert</h3> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,RBtnStart.join('\n'))">RBtn</button> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,CBoxStart.join('\n'))">CBox</button> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,SBoxStart.join('\n'))">SBox</button> <br> <!-- <button class="objs" onclick="alert('Not coded yet')">1D-Array</button> <button class="objs" onclick="alert('Not coded yet')">2D-Array</button> <button class="objs" onclick="alert('Not coded yet')">Populate</button> <br> <button class="objs" onclick="alert('Not coded yet')">Toggle</button> --> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,TblsStart.join('\n'))">Tabel</button> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,'<br>')">br</button> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,'<p>')">p</button> <br> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,ULstart.join('\n'))">ul-li</button> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,OLstart.join('\n'))">ol-li</button> <button class="objs" onClick="InsertText(this.form.myTextarea,DLstart.join('\n'))">dl-dt</button> </div> <div style="float: left;"><h3 class="ctrl">Control</h3> <button class="ctrl" onclick="document.getElementById('myTextarea').value=HTMLstart.join('\n')">Template</button> <button class="ctrl" onClick="javascript:this.form.myTextarea.focus();;"> Highlight Text to Copy</button> <button class="ctrl" onclick="document.getElementById('myTextarea').value=''"> Clear</button> <p> <button class="ctrl" onclick="document.getElementById('myEditResults').innerHTML = document.getElementById('myTextarea').value"> Display</button> </div> <div id="myEditResults" style="float:left; border: 1px solid red; height: 20em; width: 70em; overflow:auto;"> </div> <br style="clear: both;"> </form> </body> </html> hello im attempting to display the output of the radio selection into the textbox. For example, if the user selects 0-15 then display "Your age group is 0-15 years" in the text area. i get the basic logic. i just dont understand how to display the value in the textbox. heres what i have so far if it will clarify my issue. Code: <html> <head> <title>lab 8</title> <script language="javascript"> function textbox() { var i; for(i = 0; i < form1.agegroup.length; i++) { if (form1.agegroup[i].checked) alert("you picked " + form1.agegroup[i].value); } } </script> </head> <body> What is your age group?<br> <form name="form1"> <input type="radio" name="agegroup" value="0-15" checked>0-15<br> <input type="radio" name="agegroup" value="16 to 20">16 to 20<br> <input type="radio" name="agegroup" value="21 to 25">21 to 25<br> <input type="radio" name="agegroup" value="26 to 35">26 to 3<br> <input type="radio" name="agegroup" value="36 and up">36 and up<br> <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="textbox();"> <form name="form2"><textarea rows ="2"> </textarea> </body> </html> btw i know the alert part is wrong. its there because im taking the code i previously had and changing it to display in a textbox instead of an alert. thanks So I am working on a project to take an integer that the user gives, and then get all the squares and cubes of all the numbers before that to the number given. It displays it in a text area. Maybe I am just lost for the moment, but It just prints the number that I give with the square root and cube instead of starting from 1, and ended on the integer I give. Code: var square_cube = function (){//This f var number = parseInt($("maxbase").value); for (var i=1;i <= number;i++) { var squ = Math.pow(i,2); } var j; for (j=1;j<=number;j++) { var cub = Math.pow(j,3); } var message = i-1 + " " +squ+ " " +cub; $("powers").value = message; } i am trying to use the most simple code i can to onmouseover of some text change 1 image. it will have multiple texts with different images for each one all displayed in one place. it seems to work well for me in IE, but on firefox the mouseover doesn't work. and on a mac it doesn't work in safari or firefox. any input is appreciated... here is the shortest version of the code i could put together. Code: <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- function roll(img_name1, img_src1) { document[img_name1].src = img_src1; } //--> </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <a href="2_17_10/index.html" onmouseover="roll('poster','2_17_10/IMG_7075b.jpg')">2-17-10</a> <img src="2_16_10/IMG_7072.jpg" name="poster" width=500></img> </body> </html> Is it possible to atchually make a javascript that onMouseOver an image expands a seperate image and also works multiple times? say from 1 px wide to 25px wide? It would be a great help if someone could help me with this one. Hi Guys. First off i'd like to say Hi as i'm new to the forums. But am looking forward to spending a lot of time here. I am currently studying Javascript to help create a bit more user interaction with my websites which I use CSS/XHTML and PHP5 to design. Ok with that said I was hoping someone might be able to lend a slight hand. I am trying to create an Image menu for a site I'm working on that is rather simple in essence. When the user hovers over a button I have the menu will move left or right depending. I have not got a great deal into it yet as I have become stuck, as I'm new I figured it would be easier to troubleshoot if I build up the program bit by bit. ----> menupic variable is being passed by php into javascript Code: function moveImagesLeft() { for (i=0; i<=100; i++) { setPixels = (i + 2); for (L=1; L<=menuPic; L++){ /* this loop makes sure that all the pictures move together */ indexpic = "menupic"+L; document.getElementById(indexpic).style.left="-"+setPixels+"px"; } } } Ok, very simple. I have a DIV container that holds my images and the overflow is hidden, php works out how many images there are and feeds that into javascript. This all works fantastically however it seems that once I reach the bottom of my second for loop Code: document.getElementById(indexpic).style.left="-"+setPixels+"px"; Nothing else happens, the pictures all shift left 2pixels as they should but nothing else. The top loop is not going again (excuse the poor use of terminology) I dont know if it makes a different but where the images are they are declared as so. Code: <a href="#"><img class="menupic" id="menupic1,2,3,4,5 (etc)" src="_image" border="0" height="50" width="60"></a> Code: .menupic {position:relative; display:block; width:60px, height:40px} and the Id class is there so that my javascript can control it. I hope that I have worded this in a way that is easily understandable. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I try not to ask for too much help because working things out is part of the learning curve but in this instance I have spent a lot of time and not found a solution. Kindest Regards Oli HI, I am not very experienced with javascript and got stuck doing the following. I have placed some image rollovers on one of my pages..where when a user rolls over some text links..and image appropriate to that text is showen...when the mouse moves away from the links then a blank image is displayed as a place holder. this is all is where i am stuck. The place holder has a specific size...but the rest of the images that are displayed when the text is rolled over have different sizes, some are vertical some are hortizontal. i do not want to have to resize every image so that it properly fits the place holder...add the white borders and so that the image is dispalyed properly. Is there a way to have the size be changed for each that the size doesnt get inherited from the place holder, but so that the script applies the size associated with each individual image. example place holder is 20 x 20 image 1 is 100 x 200 image 2 is 200 x 100 the place holder is loaded...when the mouse moves over the first link...image 1 replaces the place holder...but instead of taking on the size of 20x20 it has to be displayed at its own size of 100 x 200... how can i do this? thank you for all of your help Hi everyone. Can anyone help me , i need to make a onmouseover function , when u go with mouse on the left small image it automatically opens the large image in the right, can anyone help me with this ??? I have six small images. Depending on which image a user hovers over, I would like a seventh image (a simple box) to change as well. For example, if a user hovers over image1, I want the seventh image to be a red box. If a user hovers over image2, the seventh image should be a blue box. Simple huh? So the seventh image changes color based on which of the six smaller images the user hovers over. ------------- So far, my current code only allows me to hover over any of the six images, and the seventh image always changes to the same image color. Code is below. Any help would be appreciated. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function hoverBox() { var boxNumber; document.getElementById("info").src = "Images/infoRedColor.png"; } function hoverBoxOut() { document.getElementById('info').src = "Images/info.png;" } </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <a href=""> <img class="box1" src="Images/box1.png" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='Images/box1hov.png'; hoverBox()" onmouseout="this.src='Images/box1.png'; hoverBoxOut()" ></a> <a href=""> <img class="box2" src="Images/box2.png" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='Images/box1hov.png'; hoverBox()" onmouseout="this.src='Images/box2.png'; hoverBoxOut()"></a> <a href=""> <img class="box3" src="Images/box3.png" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='Images/box1hov.png'; hoverBox()" onmouseout="this.src='Images/box3.png'; hoverBoxOut()"></a> <a href=""> <img class="box4" src="Images/box4.png" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='Images/box1hov.png'; hoverBox()" onmouseout="this.src='Images/box4.png'; hoverBoxOut()"></a> <a href=""> <img class="box5" src="Images/box5.png" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='Images/box1hov.png'; hoverBox()" onmouseout="this.src='Images/box5.png'; hoverBoxOut()"></a> <a href=""> <img class="box6" src="Images/box6.png" border="0" onmouseover="this.src='Images/box1hov.png'; hoverBox()" onmouseout="this.src='Images/box6.png'; hoverBoxOut()"></a> <!-- Seventh Image --> <img id="info" src="Images/info.png" border="0"> </div> </body> this is my script Quote: <a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseOver="hahaha()"> <img border="0" src="pink.gif" name="Mainpic" id="image"></a> and this is the function Quote: function hahaha() { document.getElementById('image').src="blue.gif"; } the problem is when i mouseover the image look like this why is that? help please! thanks Hello all, I'm new to this forum so please forgive me if I make mistakes and feel free to point them out. I'm a beginner when it comes to javascript, but would like to learn. I have been building a website that I would like to put an interactive feature on. This is the code that I currently have: Code: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="changeImg(white, 'images/Bouquet_pink.jpg')" onmouseover="scroll_up();"><img class="pinkico" hspace="3" onMouseover=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=100;" onMouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=50;" src="images/Bouquet_pink_icon.jpg"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="changeImg(white, 'images/Bouquet_yellow.jpg')"><img class="yellowico" hspace="4" onMouseOver=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=100;" onMouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=50;" src="images/Bouquet_yellow_icon.jpg"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="changeImg(white, 'images/Bouquet_white.jpg')"><img class="whiteico" onMouseover=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=100;" onMouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=50;" src="images/Bouquet_white_icon.jpg" ></a> I would like to have these images scroll together at the same time in accordance with the mouse movement. So when the mouse is just hovering over one of these images or elsewhere on my page they will stay still, but when the mouse is hovered over the left or the right hand side the images move in that direction? So if the mouse is hovering over to the left side the images will start to slide left and if the mouse is hovering over the right side the images will start to slide right. I have tried to do some research on this for myself but have only been able to locate this web page to explain what I am looking for: Link 1 - The type of effect I'm looking for is demonstrated by their first example, underneath the horizontal scrolling demo header. I have no idea how to achieve this code though and have failed to find any answers that I understand on the website. Adding two little arrow images for the mouseover and mouseout effect to happen would not be a problem, but I do not understand how to go about this. Hope this is ok, Thank you for reading , Nightshade14 So I need to make a circular image map with a rollover state. I have circular buttons that I'm trying to put on my website, which I would like to not only look circular bu to BE circular. Because it just looks lame to hover over a square area and activate a button that's still 30 pixels away. I was digging through the Internets and found this: My idea was to tweak the rollover overlay into being as large as my original image and use the rollover image as the content of the overlay div. After loads of messing around, I finally have come to this: I just know i'm on to something, but I don't know anything, really, about Javascript. I've been messing with the tidbits to figure out what controls what, but the issue I can't get past is how the image will flicker like mad (every other pixel in Chrome, sporadically in Firefox 4 whether you move the mouse or not, and only as you pass through it at certain speeds in IE 9) as you hover over it. I have no idea if this is even possible, but if it is, please help me out. If there's a better way to be doing this altogether (without flash), I would absolutely love that. Especially if there's a way to use an image map with the position command in CSS.. Thanks!!! Hi guys, I need some help. Im trying to make a navagation menu with images that need to be changed when someone hovers over the child category. So lets say I have a menu that looks like this: Code: <img src="notactiveimagemenu1.jpg" alt=""> <ul id="menu1"> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> </ul> <img src="notactiveimagemenu2.jpg" alt=""> <ul id="menu2"> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> </ul> Now what im trying to do is if someone hovers over the li items from menu1 to change the image src of menu1.jpg to active. I was hoping to do this with some javascript. Code: // i was thinking about something like this: // first put menu items in a array // then use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() // and make some sort of check to see which src should be changed. Now I really have no clue how to do it. So if anyone knows a cool solution please let me know. I know I could add onmouseover events to each li item and changing the src of the category. But Im trying to find a better solution. And I think I should be able to use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() for that. Anyway thanks for any tips. Please note I know I could use jquery to do all of this very easy but I consider this practice because I don't know that much javascript. hi, please ignore this is a duplicate of one already active. MODS please delete. apologies for my mistake. Hi, Im a complete newbie to javascript and I've basically copied and pasted the javascript I found here to use on my site. Its an onMouseOver slideshow: to use on my site. Basically, my problem is how do I add a second, separate image in a different location on the web page, associated with this script? If I post <a href="javascript:warp()"><img src="myimage" name="targetimage" border=0></a> in two different locations, which is the script for the image, the script stops working, but having it once makes it work. So how do I add two different image locations? Can someone please help me here? I just want to add more images in a different location. ie have image location 1, and image location 2. Thanks in advance Script Below: Code: <script> function changeimage(towhat,url){ if (document.images){ document.images.targetimage.src=towhat.src gotolink=url } } function warp(){ window.location=gotolink1 } </script> <script language="JavaScript1.1"> var myimages=new Array() var gotolink="#" function preloadimages(){ for (i=0;i<preloadimages.arguments.length;i++){ myimages[i]=new Image() myimages[i].src=preloadimages.arguments[i] } } preloadimages(my images here) </script> For the Links: <a href="creativewriting.html" onMouseover="changeimage(myimages[1],this.href)">Creative Writing</a><br> For the Image: <a href="javascript:warp()"><img src="myimage" name="targetimage" border=0></a> Hi, I am working in Dreamweaver CS4 with both HTML and Javascript. I created a preview area and some thumbnails beneath. Each thumbnail is linked to a full size image. So far, so good. I'm attempting to follow a Javascript tutorial to make a lightbox. I added CSS rules and the javascript code (below) in the hopes of having my thumbnail show the image in the clickable preview area when hovering. However, my fullsize image does not display in the preview area. Interestingly, when I hover over the preview, I see at the bottom of my browser that it is still linked, just not displaying. The preview area is blank. Any ideas? I've put the site online artmarcsimon dot com Thanks! Javascript: Code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.gallery_thumbnails a').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('.gallery_thumbnails a').removeClass('selected'); $('.gallery_thumbnails a').children().css('opacity','1'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var photo_caption = $(this).attr('title'); var photo_fullsize = $(this).attr('href'); var photo_preview = photo_fullsize.replace('_fullsize','_preview'); $('.gallery_preview').html('<a href="'+photo_fullsize+'" title="'+photo_caption+'" style="background-image:url('+photo_preview+');"></a>'); }); }); Hi, I've create a jquery accordian using the code provided in the main accordian page. It all works brilliantly, except when I try to show an image that will link to another page, the image does not show. For example, In one of the accordion content areas, the code shows: Code: <div> <h3><a href="#">How can I get a price quote?</a></h3> <div>Simply click on the button below to open up Power Image's all-inclusive Quick Quote tool, then follow the prompts to enter your style, color, ink colors, and quantity. <img src="images/quote.png" width="100" height="30">When you're done, click "Total" to see your all-inclusive price! Additionally, once you get a quote in the Design Center, your price quote updates live under your design as you create.</div> </div> When clicking on the header to open the content however, the image does not show. I have checked the location of the image multiple times, and it is right. There isn't even a broken image that shows where the image should be. What code do I need to add to allow images to be inside the content area of accordions? Hi there, I found this thread on the forum its from a few years back but the code works, but I can't seem to get the image that appears as you rollover the button to display in the correct place. I'm not sure if its because I'm using tables within tables? Should I recode in divs? Any help is greatly appreciated!! hi, i am currently doing a program that will display the image continuously. the image name will be like pic1.jpg , pic2.jpg , pig3.jpg untill pic10.jpg this is my code so far : <html> <head> <script type="text/JavaScript"> var fileName; function display() { fileName = new Array(); for( i=0; i<5; i++) { fileName[i] = new Image(); fileName[i].src = "screenshot_" + i + ".jpeg"; } } display(); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> but when i run it, it give me infinity loop, can anyone tell me what is the problem of that ? thanks in advance for the reply Hi guys I'm really stumped on this, and I haven't been able to find a tutorial online anywhere. I'm trying to create an XML news feed for a company's website I am currently building. I have created the XML, and gotten the text to display perfectly in the HTML by using javascript. Now I want to add a thumbnail image for each news story, to make updating simpler, I wanted the url for the thumbnail to be entered into the XML, from which the javascript could read and then display in the corresponding area in the HTML. Is this even possible? Every tutorial I get when I use the terms "Image" and "Javascript" gives me a tutorial for a gallery or a slideshow which is not what I want at all. Below is the javascript code, followed by the XML code; Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var xmlDoc; <!-- if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else // Internet Explorer 5/6 { xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }"GET","SDS.xml",false); xhttp.send(""); xmlDoc=xhttp.responseXML; var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("NEWS"); i=0; function display() { title=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("TITLE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("5").fontcolor("white").bold()); date=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("DATE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("2").fontcolor("white").bold()); stitle=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("STITLE")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("3").fontcolor("white").italics()); story=(x[i].getElementsByTagName("STORY")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.fontsize("3").fontcolor("white")); txt= title + "<br />" + date + "<br />" + stitle + "<br />" + story; document.getElementById("show").innerHTML=txt; } //--> </script> XML code Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <BULLETIN> <NEWS> <PIC>"/newssmall.jpg"</PIC> <DATE>14/3/2010</DATE> <TITLE>News Story 1</TITLE> <STITLE>This is a short sentence to describe the story in brief</STITLE> <STORY>This is the text of the news story</STORY> </NEWS> </BULLETIN> Thanks to anyone that even reads this, I'm probably making a nooby mistake, I only started using JS and XML on Monday so I'm still learning lol |