JavaScript - Limiting Text Typed Into A Form Text Box
I have a form with two text input boxes. I want to limit the text typed into the boxes as follows:
1. Either box can have the number 2 typed in, but the other box must remain empty OR 2. Each box can have the number 1 typed into Is this possible with JS and, if so, how do I do it?? Similar TutorialsI'm creating a page that calculates a number depending on what value is inputted into a text field. I need to create some javascript that updates this new calculated value and outputs it next to the input field. Anytime the user changes the number, it recalculates the value. My calculation is currently being produced by PHP, however if I need to, I can create javascript as well to recalculate these numbers. My formulas for all 4 calculations are as follows: First: Inputted Value * 10 Second: Inputted Value * 20 Third: Inputted Value / 2 Fourth: Inputted Value * 2 Here is my code I'm working with: PHP Code: <?php session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; include_once('inc/connect.php'); $credquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userstats WHERE username='$username'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($credquery); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $sitetobanner = $_POST['sitetobanner']; $sitetotext = $_POST['sitetotext']; $bannertotext = $_POST['bannertotext']; $texttobanner = $_POST['texttobanner']; if (isset($sitetobanner)){ $bannerimp = round($_POST['bannerimp']); if ($bannerimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($bannerimp <= $credits){ $newcredits = $credits - $bannerimp; $newbannercredits = $bannerimp * 10; $totalbannercredits = $bannercredits + $newbannercredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET credits='$newcredits', bannercredits='$totalbannercredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedbanner = "You converted ".$bannerimp." credit".$s." into ".$newbannercredits." banner impressions"; } else{ if ($credits>1){ $mycredits = $credits - 1;} $errorbanner = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } if (isset($sitetotext)){ $textimp = round($_POST['textimp']); if ($textimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($textimp <= $credits){ $newcredits = $credits - $textimp; $newtextcredits = $textimp * 20; $totaltextcredits = $textcredits + $newtextcredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET credits='$newcredits', textcredits='$totaltextcredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedtext = "You converted ".$textimp." credit".$s." into ".$newtextcredits." text ad impressions"; } else{ if ($credits>1){ $mycredits = $credits - 1;} $errortext = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } if (isset($texttobanner)){ $texttobannerimp = round($_POST['texttobannerimp']); if ($texttobannerimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($texttobannerimp <= $textcredits){ if ($texttobannerimp>=2&&$texttobannerimp>""){ $newcredits = $textcredits - $texttobannerimp; $newbannercredits = $texttobannerimp / 2; $totalbannercredits = $bannercredits + $newbannercredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET textcredits='$newcredits', bannercredits='$totalbannercredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedtextimp = "You converted ".$texttobannerimp." text ad impression".$s." into ".$newbannercredits." banner impressions"; } else{ $convertedtextimp = "You Hag"; } } else{ if ($textcredits>1){ $mycredits = $textcredits - 1;} $errortextimp = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } if (isset($bannertotext)){ $bannertotextimp = round($_POST['bannertotextimp']); if ($bannertotextimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($bannertotextimp <= $bannercredits){ $newcredits = $bannercredits - $bannertotextimp; $newtextcredits = $bannertotextimp * 2; $totaltextcredits = $textcredits + $newtextcredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET bannercredits='$newcredits', textcredits='$totaltextcredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedbannerimp = "You converted ".$bannertotextimp." banner impression".$s." into ".$newtextcredits." text impressions"; } else{ if ($bannercredits>1){ $mycredits = $bannercredits - 1;} $errorbannerimp = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } ?> <html> <head> <title>Convert Credits</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function inputLimiter(e,allow) { var AllowableCharacters = ''; if (allow == 'NumbersOnly'){AllowableCharacters='0123456789.';} var k; k=document.all?parseInt(e.keyCode): parseInt(e.which); if (k!=13 && k!=8 && k!=0){ if ((e.ctrlKey==false) && (e.altKey==false)) { return (AllowableCharacters.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(k))!=-1); } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } </script> </head> <body> <h1>Convert Credits</h1><br /> Credits: <?php echo $credits; ?><br /> Banner Impressions: <?php echo $bannercredits; ?><br /> Text Ad Impressions: <?php echo $textcredits; ?><br /> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Credits To Banner Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="bannerimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errorbanner; ?>" onChange=""> credits into BLANK Banner Impressions! <input type="submit" name="sitetobanner" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedbanner; ?> </form> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Credits To Text Ad Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="textimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errortext; ?>"> credits into BLANK Text Ad Impressions! <input type="submit" name="sitetotext" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedtext; ?> </form> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Text Ad To Banner Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="texttobannerimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errortextimp; ?>"> Text Ad Impressions into BLANK Banner Impressions! <input type="submit" name="texttobanner" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedtextimp; ?> </form> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Banner To Text Ad Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="bannertotextimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errorbannerimp; ?>"> Banner Impressions into BLANK Text Ad Impressions! <input type="submit" name="bannertotext" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedbannerimp; ?> </form> </body> </html> As of right now I have a code that will work in IE but wont work in FireFox...go figure. Basically what I want to have happen is when you type in an area code it will provide an output in a predetermined area of the page. For Example: Input- 512 Output - Austin, TX The code that I have doesn't work with firefox and I was just wondering if there was a code that would allow that to happen. Thanks! well title says it all i have a search form, and the default value is "enter text here" when the user click the submit button, i would like to check if the value of my text input is "enter text here" and if it is, then don't submit the form (popup a warning or something) how can i do that? thanks a lot! Hi, I have a form with 9 text fields and a text area. What I want to do is replace the text in the text area depending on how many fields contain text. For example my text boxes are named 1 to 9, if the user enters text in the first five boxes I want the text area to auto fill with 'you have selected boxes 1 to 5' if the user selects all nine it will say 'you have selected 1 to 9', therefore, the user must complete the text boxes in order. I have it working with an onchange event but i have a button on the form to also auto fill the text boxes and it does not work if this is clicked. Any help would be appreciated! Hi all, Thanks for reading. I'm having an issue trying to accomplish the following - I have a text field (field1) already displayed on the HTML page. However, there's a link where you can add additional text fields to the page as well. When the link is clicked, the second text field is added successfully (field2), and when the link is clicked again, the third text field (field3) is added successfully. However, the third field does not add itself to the page, and the text for anything greater than a third field also isn't displayed after. This obviously means that my "fields" variable is not working right, so I'm wondering, would anyone be able to assist me to help me get that variable processing correctly? Code: <script language="javascript"> fields = 1; function addMore() { if (fields = 1) { document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field2' size='25' /> <span>Field 2.</span>"; fields = 2; } else if (fields = 2) { document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field3' size='25' /> <span>Field 3.</span>"; fields = 3; } else { document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "Only 3 fields are allowed."; document.form.add.disabled=true; } } </script> Here is the code in my HTML - Code: <input type="text" name="field1" size="25" /> <span>Field 1.</span> <div id="addedMore"></div> <p class="addMore"><form name="add"><a onclick="addMore()">Add another field.</a></form></p> Thank you very much. Hello, I have 2 things I'm trying to figure out. 1. First form on the page has questions with radio buttons. Each radio's value is a number so a score is assessed at the end. 2. Second form on the page is an email the admin form, which duplicates the score in one field. Question: I would like to know how to write the form results to a text area in second form. However, I can't do this for one, and secondly, the value is a number, can I use labels? Here's the code I've 'made up' so far... JS (i know it's wrong) Code: <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function display() { message = "<ul><li><b>Question 1: </b>" + document.quizform.Q1.label; message = "<li><b>Question 2: </b>" + document.quizform.Q2.label; message = "<li><b>Question 3: </b>" + document.quizform.Q3.label; message = "<li><b>Question 4: </b>" + document.quizform.Q4.label; message = "<li><b>Question 5: </b>" + document.quizform.Q5.label; message = "<li><b>Question 6: </b>" + document.quizform.Q6.label + "</ul>"; document.write(message); } </script> Form field example: Code: Question 1:<BR> <label for="Yes"><input type="radio" name="Q1" value="0" checked></label>Yes<br> <label for="No"><input type="radio" name="Q1" value="10"></label>No<br> <label for="I don't know"><input type="radio" name="Q1" value="10"></label>I don't know<br> Hi, I have a form setup so that selecting a radio button opens a specific text field. The problem is if the user starts to enter information, then switches to a different radio button (perhaps they chose the wrong radio to start), the text they already started to enter on the previous textfield doesn't get cleared. This will be a problem later when inserting to sql. Here is a summary of the code: Code: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function doClick(objRad){ if (objRad.value=="0"){ document.getElementById("textbox").style.display='block'; } else{ document.getElementById("textbox").style.display='none'; } if (objRad.value=="1"){ document.getElementById("textbox1").style.display='block'; } else{ document.getElementById("textbox1").style.display='none'; } if (objRad.value=="2"){ document.getElementById("textbox2").style.display='block'; } else{ document.getElementById("textbox2").style.display='none'; } } </script> </head> <body> <form action="insert.php" method="post"> <p>Please choose the business type: <input type="radio" name="rad" value="0" onclick="doClick(this)"> Sole Proprietorship <input type="radio" name="rad" value="1" onclick="doClick(this)"> Partnership <input type="radio" name="rad" value="2" onclick="doClick(this)"> Corporation <div id="textbox" style="display:none"> <input type="text" name="txt"> This is my sole proprietorship info.</div> <div id="textbox1" style="display:none"> <input type="text" name="txt"> This is my partnership info.</div> <div id="textbox2" style="display:none"> <input type="text" name="txt">This is my corporation info. </div> </form> </body> Any help is appreciated, Thanks in advance! Hello. I have a textarea where user can select a text then copy to clipboard (using EditArea script for highlighting) I need append additional information to the selected text so it won't be visible in the textarea, but only appear after copied to clipboard. For example: Code: text line one text line two text line three user selected word "two", hit CTRL+C to copy into clipboard (or used browser's context menu), but in clipboard it should be saved as: "selected word 'two'" What would be the approach? Thank you. Hi, I'm hoping this will be an easy one for you experts out there. I am working on a convention registration form. What I'm trying to do is have the text "50.00" pop into the COST field when any text (even if it's only one character) is entered into the NAME field. If the text in the NAME field is deleted, the "50.00" should also be deleted. Does anyone have a script that does this? Thanks! Hi, Here's a sample form: Code: <form action="#" method="post"> Name:<br /> <input type="text" name="name" value="your name" /><br /> E-mail:<br /> <input type="text" name="mail" value="your email" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Send"> </form> When you tab to a text input, the value gets highlighted. How can it be disabled? Any help is appreciated! Mike im clueless when it comes to javascript, but this is what im trying to find: i have a page that has multiple text areas, i also have 4 links that when clicked i want to add some predefined text into the active text area the one with the text cursor in? The Hyperlinks: Code: <a href="#sc">Shift Changed</a> | <a href="#ol">On Leave</a> | <a href="#ot">OverTime</a> | <a href="#ss">ShiftSwap</a> The textareas: PHP Code: <td><textarea name=details$i rows=4 align=absmiddle cols=16 value="$details[$i]\">$details[$i]</textarea></td> as you can see the textareas are created on the fly based on a php array. would anyone be willing to put some code together for this? or even give me the basics on how i can get the active textarea's name so i can pass that to a script that inserts into a given field? Hello there, this is my first post on this forum. I have learned a good bit of PHP and have implemented it for use in my work as a math tutor. My kids are telling me, however, that it is too inconvenient to hit tab or click on the next text box and would prefer to use the old style pencil and paper. I thought of a good idea: Javascript would be able to automatically focus the curser on the next text box if some condition was met. For example: 6+7. If the textbox reads 13, it will focus on the next text box. Otherwise, nothing happens. This kills three birds with one stone; the user will know if they got the question right or wrong and it will move automatically if they got it correct. The problem is I lack any real JavaScript wisdom. I would guess this would be quite simple. The closest thing I have found upon searching was this from the user requestcode, but this has to do with once the user has typed in 4 characters it moves automatically. Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function nextbox(fldobj,nbox) { if(fldobj.value.length>3) {document.forms[0].elements[nbox].focus()} } </SCRIPT> </head> <body onLoad="document.myform.txt1.focus()"> <CENTER> <FORM NAME="myform"> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txt1" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4" onKeyUp="nextbox(this,1)"> Thank you for the help. Hi. I have developed a form all working fine but am struggling on the following. I need a checkbox for an item, when the checkbox is true the user can enter text in a text box, only if the checkbox is ticked. I have numerous items I need for this. Hope someone can help. Thanks Hello everyone, I'm hoping that somebody can point me in the right direction. What I need to do is create a form which people enter text, and it displays over an image immediately on the same page. I have seen this done on so many different websites and can only assume that it's Javascript or Jquery that makes it work. I have seen it work where people enter the desired text, click update, and the text is then displayed over the image, but I've also seen it work where clicking update is not required, and the text is displayed automatically. If anybody can direct me to a script which does this, I'd be very grateful. Any help is appreciated! Many thanks, MG Dear all, Can anyone help me with this… I do not know if this is possible to be done… Instead of text: "Your favorite color is <b>Green</b> right?" I need to show form like this: Code: <form action="auto.htm" method="get" > Your state<br> <select name="statecode" id="statecode"> <option value="">Choose State...</option> <option value="AK">Alaska</option> <option value="AL">Alabama</option> <option value="AR">Arkansas</option> </select> <input type="submit" name="search" value="Get Quotes" /> </form> Thank you in advance This is code I wish to modify. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> html,body { padding:0; height:100%; } #right { width:500px; height:100%; background-color:#999; text-align:center; float:right; } #left { height:100%; margin-right:500px; background-color:#f00; text-align:center; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function change() { switch (document.getElementById("select").value) { case "1": document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "Your favorite color is <b>Green</b> right?" break; case "2": document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "Your favorite color is <b>Red</b> right?" break; case "3": document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "Your favorite color is <b>Yellow</b> right?" break; } } </script> </head> <body> What is your favorite color <select onchange="change()" id="select"> <option value="">------</option> <option value="1">Green</option> <option value="2">Red</option> <option value="3">Yellow</option> </select> <div id="change" style="margin:10px;width:200px;height:100px;padding:5px;"> Original Text </div> </body> </html> hey guys i dont know if this is javascript or not but i need text in a message body form to instruct people what to write about and then i need it to dissappear once the user clicks into it heres the link, The "Message" text box need to have stuff in it thanks! I know only basic Javascript. I'm making a choose-your-own-adventure game, but want parts of each "page" to display conditionally. For example: You see a sword, a hat, and a helmet here. Take sword Wear hat Wear helmet Continue into swamp Clicking "Take sword" would set a variable "haveSword" to true, and the page would display: You heft the sword, testing its razor edge against your thumb. You see a hat and a helmet here. Wear hat Wear helmet Continue into swamp It tells you the results of your action, then repeats the main part, but updated to reflect any changes. If you then pick "Wear helmet," it shows the action and main paragraph, but updated to reflect that change, etc., all in any order that you choose. This is a simple example, but I would like a system that allows for more complex interactions, that you can perform all in the same "room." Later on in the adventure, when you enter the dragon's lair, you get a page detailing the encounter: if you have the sword, you can attack the dragon, or else you get a paragraph about being powerless. The dragon attacks you, and if you have the helmet, it protects you; if you only have the hat, you get a sentence about it going up in flames before you die; and if you have neither, you just die. The concept is pretty simple, but I don't know how to code it cleanly in Javascript. I currently have each "page" contained in a hidden <div> tag with its own id. I put them in the body instead of as vars in the script because fiction has lots of single and double quotes which need escaped and make it hard to type and read (e.g., \"How\'re you doin\'?\" he asked.). I'd like to keep it that way, but maybe that's unrealistic. I have two placeholder divs in the body. OnLoad puts the first "page" of the adventure into placeholder2 using innerHTML. Clicking on a link in the text, like "Take sword," puts "You heft the sword..." into placeholder1 and refreshes the text of placeholder2. But I need that text to stop displaying the "Take sword" option if "haveSword" is now true, and not mention the sword in the room description... A different story that shows what I'm looking for, but is unfinished and unsustainably messy, can be found at tl;dr How can I insert a paragraph using innerHTML (or whatever method) and have it evaluate what parts/options to display when it inserts? I need to replace the captions with simple text for download speed purposes. This is controlled by a piece of Javascript written for me. I need to change the caption image for a text one. The site is here Frank alias effpeetee. hey im new to javascript and im working in this function , i can't get it work here is my code PHP Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function text(form1) { var j = document.form1.diary.value; j = j.italics(); document.form1.diary.value = j ; } </SCRIPT> whats the problem ? Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me come up with a script for fading text in and out then changing the text to something different when it fades back in again. I want to overlay a series of quotes on my website across the top and have them display for about 15 seconds then fade out to a new quote and have it cycle through them all indefinitely. I am pretty new to javascript and not much more experienced in html in general, so please be as thorough as possible. I'm a true noob Thanks!