JavaScript - Javascript Onmouseover Change Div Background
what I want to do is create a menu with rollover buttons but each button also changes the background image of a div. I've managed to change the colour of the div but not add an image there. I've added my code so you can have a look. Case 0 shows me attempting to change the background image. I must be doing something wrong. I've left the other cases as colours so you can see how I did that. I eventually want it all to be images. I'm creating a Joomla website (not sure if that makes a difference). Code: <body onload="addHandlers()"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function addHandlers(){ var allMenus = document.getElementById("services_menu").getElementsByTagName("li"); for(var k = 0; k < allMenus.length; k++) { allMenus[k].setAttribute('onmouseover', 'ChangeContentBg('+ k + ')' ); allMenus[k].setAttribute('onmouseout', 'Reset()'); } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function ChangeContentBg(i) { var Num = parseInt(i); var ContentDiv = document.getElementById("content"); switch(Num) { case 0: = 'url(../images/waxingtinting_rollover_image.jpg)'; break; case 1: = 'red'; break ; case 2: = 'purple'; break ; case 3: = 'green'; break ; case 4: = 'yellow'; break ; /*For each new color you would have to add a new case and change ChangeContentBg() parameter , to the case you want in <li> tag*/ } } function Reset() { document.getElementById("content").style.backgroundColor = ''; } </script> Similar TutorialsHi guys, I need some help. Im trying to make a navagation menu with images that need to be changed when someone hovers over the child category. So lets say I have a menu that looks like this: Code: <img src="notactiveimagemenu1.jpg" alt=""> <ul id="menu1"> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> </ul> <img src="notactiveimagemenu2.jpg" alt=""> <ul id="menu2"> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> </ul> Now what im trying to do is if someone hovers over the li items from menu1 to change the image src of menu1.jpg to active. I was hoping to do this with some javascript. Code: // i was thinking about something like this: // first put menu items in a array // then use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() // and make some sort of check to see which src should be changed. Now I really have no clue how to do it. So if anyone knows a cool solution please let me know. I know I could add onmouseover events to each li item and changing the src of the category. But Im trying to find a better solution. And I think I should be able to use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() for that. Anyway thanks for any tips. Please note I know I could use jquery to do all of this very easy but I consider this practice because I don't know that much javascript. Hello everybody! This is my first post at CodingForums! I'm currently designing a wordpress theme, and I require a bit of javascript for a hover effect. I'm using Wordpress Jquery + Jquery Color Animations plugin. The structu I use a div (class="post") as a container for the wordpress post, and within the "post" div, I have a span (class="title") which I use to display the title of the post. What I want to do is: when the user hovers over (OnMouseOver) "post" div: ".title" spans's background color fades from black to red. when the user hovers out (OnMouserOut) "post" div: ".title" spans's background color fades back to black. The Code Code: $j(document).ready(function(){ $j(".posts").hover(function(){ $j (".posts .title").animate({ backgroundColor: "#FF0062" }, 300); },function(){ $j(".posts .title").animate({ backgroundColor: "#231F20" }, 300); }); }); The Problem The code works, except when the user hovers over any "post" div, all "title" span change color. So my question is, how do I target the code to address ONLY the "title" span in the "post" div that is in hover state? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Cheers, Drew. I currently have a web site in which I am using some Javascript to change the Background of a DIV. The DIV is defined as follows : <div id="outerscreen"> <div id="mainscreen"> </div> </div> and the Javascript I am using is as follows : var docEl = document.getElementById('outerscreen'); = "url('pics/intro.gif')"; My problem arises where this function works perfectly on IE but fails for Chrome, FF and Safari. Can anyone shed any light on what the problem is and how I might be able to resovle this. Thanks in advance Chris I have a div that changes background on click. Example: <script type="text/javascript"> function changeBackground(strURL) { document.getElementById('about').style.backgroundImage="url("+strURL+")"; } </script> <body> <div id="about"> <a href="#about" onClick="changeBackground('mainbackground.jpg');">text</a> <a href="#about" onClick="changeBackground('background2.jpg');">text</a> </div> This part works just fine so no issues. However, I have content on the mainbackground.jpg that is getting transferred over to the other backgrounds as well. I would like each background to have its own paragraph content. I do not want to embed the info into the images for SEO reasons. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks! I have a div that changes background on click. Example: <script type="text/javascript"> function changeBackground(strURL) { document.getElementById('about').style.backgroundImage="url("+strURL+")"; } </script> <body> <div id="about"> <a href="#about" onClick="changeBackground('mainbackground.jpg');">text</a> <a href="#about" onClick="changeBackground('background2.jpg');">text</a> </div> This part works just fine so no issues. However, I have content on the mainbackground.jpg that is getting transferred over to the other backgrounds as well. I would like each background to have its own paragraph content. I do not want to embed the info into the images for SEO reasons. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks! can you explain someone step by this code?i didn't get it. <script language="Javascript"> <!-- function backcolor(form){ temp = "" for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { temp = form.color[i].value if (form.color[i].checked){ document.bgColor = temp } } } function randombackground(){ document.bgColor = getColor() } function getColor(){ currentdate = new Date() backgroundcolor = currentdate.getSeconds() if (backgroundcolor > 44) backgroundcolor = backgroundcolor - 45 else if (backgroundcolor > 29) backgroundcolor = backgroundcolor - 30 else if (backgroundcolor > 15) backgroundcolor = backgroundcolor - 16 if (backgroundcolor == 0 ) return "olive"; else if (backgroundcolor == 1 ) return "teal"; else if (backgroundcolor == 2 ) return "red"; else if (backgroundcolor == 3 ) return "blue"; else if (backgroundcolor == 4 ) return "maroon"; else if (backgroundcolor == 5 ) return "navy"; else if (backgroundcolor == 6 ) return "lime"; else if (backgroundcolor == 7 ) return "fuschia"; else if (backgroundcolor == 8 ) return "green"; else if (backgroundcolor == 9 ) return "purple"; else if (backgroundcolor == 10 ) return "gray"; else if (backgroundcolor == 11 ) return "yellow"; else if (backgroundcolor == 12 ) return "aqua"; else if (backgroundcolor == 13 ) return "black"; else if (backgroundcolor == 14 ) return "white"; else if (backgroundcolor == 15 ) return "silver"; } // --> </script> Hi Guys, I have a little question... I know that adding Code: onclick="'#F3B90C'; to a div will change the body background colour to the above colour.. But what I was wondering was this.. Is it possible, instead of adding the code to the actaul div itself to pass the function like this... Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $("Object").click(function(){ = "#000000"; }); </script> Any help/info is appreciated Kind regards, paffley Hi, I am trying to work out a code where I can change the background colour of an HTML page via external JS page. Please note that I will be using different HTML pages with different colours so have to use Arrays. Here is what I have so far!!! here is my function, <script language="JavaScript"> var backColor = new Array(); backColor[0] = '#000000'; backColor[1] = '#111111; backColor[2] = '#222222'; backColor[3] = '#333333'; function changeBG(whichColor){ document.bgColor = backColor[whichColor]; } </script> ------------------------------------- What I need is to apply changeBG function to my HTML page using colour [0] Any help would be greatly appreciated! Hello. The code below lets a user select a drop down option and a picture changes depending on the selection. I am trying to make it so when you select an option on the dropdown the picture shows up in the center of the screen and in the background behind the text. Here is the code. Code: <html> <head> <style type='text/css'> #txt {background-repeat:no-repeat;width:200px;height:200px;} </style> <script type='text/javascript'> function div_bg(team){ document.getElementById('txt').style.backgroundImage="url(images/" + team + ".jpg)"; } </script> </head> <body> <select name='team' onChange='div_bg(this.value);'> <option name='arsenal' value='arsenal'>Arsenal</option> <option name='liverpool' value='liverpool'>Liverpool</option> </select> <div id='txt'></div> </body> Thanks in advance!! hi ! i have a div which some how i make when mouseover it become cursor and link to other page i wants to, and it has also some text inside of it which is also linked to other page and when mouseover on text it change colors too, but the problem is if mouse come on div it will not change the color of text inside of div, so what i wants is it will change the color of text too when mouseover on the div, here is code i am using: Code: <-- THIS IS IN CSS file --> div.test{ position:relative; font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 82px; padding-top: 47px; width: 162px; padding-bottom: 15px; cursor:pointer; cursor:hand; } div.test a{ color:#000; text-decoration: none; } div.test a:hover{ color:#4E6D00; text-decoration: none; } <-- THIS IS IN HTML file --> <div onClick="document.location='otherpage.html';" class="test"> <a href="otherpage.html">here is all content,This is content hyperlinked</a> </div> you notice i am using cursor in css so when mouseover it becomes hand, what i wants is when it will become hand the text inside of it will also change the color, for now it change only if i mouseover to that text, thanks for any quick help please i am trying to use the most simple code i can to onmouseover of some text change 1 image. it will have multiple texts with different images for each one all displayed in one place. it seems to work well for me in IE, but on firefox the mouseover doesn't work. and on a mac it doesn't work in safari or firefox. any input is appreciated... here is the shortest version of the code i could put together. Code: <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- function roll(img_name1, img_src1) { document[img_name1].src = img_src1; } //--> </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <a href="2_17_10/index.html" onmouseover="roll('poster','2_17_10/IMG_7075b.jpg')">2-17-10</a> <img src="2_16_10/IMG_7072.jpg" name="poster" width=500></img> </body> </html> Hi everyone. Can anyone help me , i need to make a onmouseover function , when u go with mouse on the left small image it automatically opens the large image in the right, can anyone help me with this ??? Hey, I currently have my menu on a web page set out using the following method: Code: <div class="linkbox" onmouseover="this.className='linkbox2'" onmouseout="this.className='linkbox'" onclick="location.href='';"> General Chat </div> I was wondering if there was a way using javascript to set ALL <div>'s with the class name "linkbox" to change to the class name "linkbox2" onmouseover and return to "linkbox" onmouseout. I would like this to be in a seperate file, I'm guessing this would probably be within an onload function or something along those lines. I'm only familiar with basic JS so please go easy on me Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Tom. Hi not really used to java but have an image map with about 90 hotspots. All i want to do is simply change the color of a hotspot when the mouse rolls over. I have really only been able to find solutions for introducing images on mouse over. Any help appreciated thanks hi all, I really need help with this topic. I have to use onMouseOver to change the content of an iframe. I'm trying to use an array but I'm confused and I'm not really sure if what I'm doing is correct and it doesnt work. I will appreciate your help and understanding. Thanks a lot! here is part of my code.. var frame=new Array(6); frame[0]="page1.html"; frame[1]="page2.html"; frame[2]="page3.html"; frame[3]="page4.html"; frame[4]="page5.html"; frame[5]="page6.html"; var j=0; function nextFrame() { if (j < 5) { j++; document.getElementById(frame).contentDocument=frame[j]; } return; } <span onMouseOver="nextFrame()" > <img name="upperImage" src="something.jpg" width=350 height=250 /></span> <iframe id="frame1" name="frame1" src="" width=350 height=250 frameborder="0"> </iframe> Please let me know if at least I'm in the right track. Thanks Hi, I'm trying to get the pic to change when the mouse rolls over the button. I used this template of code and it works: Code: <A HREF="" onMouseOver="document.pic1.src='menu1on.gif'" onMouseOut="document.pic1.src='menu1off.gif'"> <IMG SRC="menu1off.gif" BORDER=0 NAME="pic1"> </a> The problem occurs when I attempt to change a *second button* to have two buttons change on the same page. Here is how the code for two buttons looks side by side while it works: Code: <a href="development.html"> <img height="20" src="" style="border-width: 0px; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px" width="185" /></a><br /> <a href="exhibitions.html"> <A HREF="" onMouseOver="document.pic1.src='SIDE5H2.png'"onMouseOut="document.pic1.src='SIDE5H.png'"><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 NAME="pic1" style="margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px"></a><br /> Here is the code after I add the javascript to two buttons. When I do this the buttons *do not* change (switch images), but do display one image properly on the site: Code: <a href="development.html"> <img height="20" src="" style="border-width: 0px; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px" width="185" /></a><br /> <a href="exhibitions.html"> <A HREF="" onMouseOver="document.pic1.src='SIDE5H2.png'"onMouseOut="document.pic1.src='SIDE5H.png'"><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 NAME="pic1" style="margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px"></a><br /> <a href="careers.html"> <A HREF="" onMouseOver="document.pic1.src='SIDE6H2.png'"onMouseOut="document.pic1.src='SIDE6H.png'"><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 NAME="pic1" style="margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px"></a><br /> <a href="contactus.html"> <img height="20" src="" style="border-width: 0px; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px" width="185" /></a></td> <td colspan="2" style="height: 148px"> </td> <td style="width: 148px; height: 148px"> Any ideas? I hope the code displays ok on your screen. in the attached photos you have a wheel of colors and a corresponding cascading menu. I'd like to just be able to onmouseover one of the 8 colored polygons within the wheel, have it replace the wheel with one of 8 new images depending on which polygon the mouse is over, and at the same time, light up the corresponding image on the cascading company menu group. is this possible with javascript? links to a tutorial? I've had some experience with replacing one image with another onmouseover, but not with breaking up one image into 8 parts, each with a separate image replacement. I could see how you could perform this with only 4 different colored polygons, but not 8. Is it possible to set onmouseover only in js file without running the function on html code? P.S. I found a coding thread here but I don't understand it and it's too old (2005 archive). Thank you very much Here is a javascript/html code that changes a text phrase to something else on mouseover but it doesn't return to its original state before the event happened. The code is below. Thank you for your help. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <script></script> <title>Javascript</title> <style type="text/css"> div { font-family: Georgia } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function changetext() { var textchange2 = "~Home~" ; var id = document.getElementById("A"); id.innerHTML=textchange2; } </script> <div id="A" onmouseover="changetext();">Home</div> </body> </html> JavaScript Code: window.addEvent('domready',function(){ //SAMPLE 8 var handles8_more = $$('#handles8_more span'); var nS8 = new noobSlide({ box: $('box8'), interval: 5000, autoPlay: true, items: $$('#box8 h3'), size: 900, handles: $$('#handles8 span'), handle_event: 'mouseenter', addButtons: { previous: $('prev8'), play: $('play8'), stop: $('stop8'), playback: $('playback8'), next: $('next8') }, onWalk: function(currentItem,currentHandle){ //style for handles $$(this.handles,handles8_more).removeClass('active'); $$(currentHandle,handles8_more[this.currentIndex]).addClass('active'); //text for "previous" and "next" default buttons $('prev8').set('html','<< '+this.items[this.previousIndex].innerHTML); $('next8').set('html',this.items[this.nextIndex].innerHTML+' >>'); } }); //walk to item 0 witouth fx nS8.walk(0,false,true); }); html Code: <div class="slider sample8"> <p class="buttons" id="handles8"> <span>Item 1</span><span>Item 2</span><span>Item 3</span><span>Item 4</span><span>Item 5</span> </p> <div class="mask1"> <div id="box8"> <div onMouseOver="nS8.Stop();" onMouseOut="nS8.Play();"> </div> </div> </div> <p class="buttons"> <span id="prev8"><< Previous</span> | <span id="next8">Next >></span> </p> <p class="buttons"> <span id="playback8">< Playback</span> <span id="stop8">Stop</span> <span id="play8">Play ></span> </p> </div> All I need to do is when they hover ocer the div statement stop the program from looping. and then when they stop hovering over it let it start looping again. |