JavaScript - Diigo Api To Joomla Article
Using Joomla 1.5.26, I'm trying to have Diigo bookmarks show up in an article. Diigo has an API that will fetch the bookmarks and return them in a JSON format. For these bookmarks to be updated, I suppose the page would need to be refreshed; it's not like a Twitter real-time feed...
Example API call to: Here's what's returned: [{"updated_at":"2012/05/14 19:04:31 +0000","url":"","annotations":[],"user":"dritman","readlater":"no","shared":"yes","tags":"etc,technology,courses","created_at":"2 012/05/14 19:04:31 +0000","title":"2012 Summer Technology Offerings","comments":[],"desc":""},{"updated_at":"2012/05/11 16:51:38 +0000","url":"","annotations":[],"user":"dritman","readlater":"no","shared":"yes","tags":"no_tag","created_at":"2012/05/11 16:51:38 +0000","title":"Live feeds","comments":[],"desc":"Testing"}] How do I go about parsing this JSON info into a readable format within a Joomla article? Thanks! Similar TutorialsDoes anyone know of an easy way, using javascript/jscript/jquery only, to get the first sentence of any Wikipedia article? I've tried using ajax to grab all the html and then narrow it down using a couple of split() functions, but not every article is the same, so I don't think I can do it that way. Any ideas? Guys, have you had any "positive" experiences with embedding Javascript into joomla 1.7? Is this even possible? Regards, Sam Blythe, @ blanket holder In Joomla I want to create a form that posts values. Of the fields I have a dropdown box, but when a checkbox for "other" is clicked I want a textbox to show. How to I show/hide and post the select box's value or the textbox's value depending on whether the checkbox is checked (along with the other values on the form)? Thanks much for any help. Hi, my website name is I am using lof k2 scroller module along with image magnifier plugin developed by Vtem. The problem is I get JS error in scroller module JS file when I try to enable both these extensions at the same time. If I disable image magnifier plugin there is no error. I don't know what are these errors but I get the following error: Code: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'getElement' Class.initialize script_12.js:27 (anonymous function) mootools-more.js:29 i.extend.$owner mootools-core.js:136 (anonymous function) mootools-core.js:131 (anonymous function) Please help me. Thanks. Hello I'm having trouble with ignitegallery in Joomla. I installed it and created a gallery, but it doesn't seem to work properly. The image doesn't load, only the thumbnails. And in firebug, it says this: $(this.options.largeImage).getElement is not a function - what does that mean? Here's the link to the gallery: Thanks for any help in advance. Hello, i am a total newbie, so forgive me i have the following problem: a Joomla Gallery uses a javascript to show fullsize images. but when the popup windows comes out, it doesn't have any properties (page title, url about:blank, blank background etc) here is a screenshot: I think the following to be the code that calls the popup: what's wrong? NOTE I already had to remove some "spaces" from the code because the Joomla SEF was changing the urls forbidding the right execution of everything, maybe it's something like that... dunno :cry: Code: $htmltext2 .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\">"; $htmltext2 .= "function pgpopup(pgimagefile,pgimagetitle,pgimagedescription) {\n"; $htmltext2 .= "var newWindow =\"\",\"newWindow\",\"height=" . ($tabparams["pgmaxheight"]+$dparm[2]) . ",width=" . ($tabparams["pgmaxwidth"]+$dparm[3]) . ",resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, toolbar=no " . "\" );\n"; $htmltext2 .= "var imageurl = \"<img src= \"+ pgimagefile + \">\";\n"; $htmltext2 .= ";"; $htmltext2 .= "newWindow.document.writeln(\"<div align='center' >\");\n"; $htmltext2 .= "newWindow.document.writeln(\"<title>Profile Gallery Image: \"+ pgimagetitle + \"</title>\");\n"; $htmltext2 .= "newWindow.document.writeln(imageurl);\n"; $htmltext2 .= "newWindow.document.writeln(\"<br />\");"; $htmltext2 .= "newWindow.document.writeln(pgimagedescription);\n"; $htmltext2 .= "newWindow.document.writeln(\"</div>\");\n"; $htmltext2 .= "newWindow.document.close();\n"; $htmltext2 .= "}\n"; $htmltext2 .= "</script>"; break; anyone can help? thanks! Hi friends, Am customizing a Joomla website and i need to know how to get a nice and fine javascript accordion horizontal panel which is so smooth and good looking to add in Joomla Home page. Please suggest me some horizontal javascript accordion with images and link to another page. Thanks in Advance. Hi everyone, Im new to the whole website thing as a whole but my mate got me onto joomla which has been great and iv got a site up im almost happy with and have learnt quite alot about coding etc. My problem is: Im utilising a vertical menu, just simple text as links, i want to add an effect on hover and clicking on that makes the text slide elegantly to the right about 16pixels. I have another unpublished template that iv bought (that doesnt quite work at all, module position all messed up etc) but it does this hover effect perfectly on the menu. So i have the .js file from that template and iv read some tutorials on how to add a js file to my template but its just not doing anything. Is it a good idea to try to add this file from a different template to my template or is there a easier way to do this (what i think is a) simple effect. Thanks. ps i can post the js code if wanted I am getting error when using the script below in vm mynxx template by rockettheme in virtuemart Joomla 1.5 - It works fine outside of mynxx User inputs data into a html form- presses "Get Price" button and a price is returned to same form. Problem is that user is unable to submit to cart firebug error - callback is not a function callback(this.responseText); my ajax script Code: function Ajax() { this.instance = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); this.request = function(url, callback) {'GET', url, true); this.instance.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { callback(this.responseText); } } this.instance.send(null); } } function validate(form) { (new Ajax).request('testform.php?width65=' + form.width65.value + '&length65=' + form.length65.value, function(respons) { var prices = eval(respons); form.price.value = prices[0]; form.otherprice.value = prices[1]; }); } I think I have tracked the file down to theme.js and require some code to validate the function. I am new at this and this is way above me - any help would be appreciated Theme.js code - was packed - ie eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c)...... I have unpacked it Code: var RokVM = {}; RokVM.autoHide = 3; // seconds before auto closing the Panel RokVM.Base= { uri:window.templatePath,start:function() { RokVM.Base.quantityBox(); RokVM.Cart.init() } ,featuredHeight:function(b) { b=$(b); if(!b) { return RokVM.Base } var c=b.getElements(".home-featured-inner"); var d=0; c.each(function(a) { d=Math.max(a.getSize().size.y,d) } ); c.setStyle("height",d) } ,quantityBox:function() { var h=$$(".cart-quantity-box, .home-featured-cartblock"); if(h.length) { h.each(function(b) { var c=b.getElement(".quantity_box_button_up"); var d=b.getElement(".quantity_box_button_down"); var f=b.getElement(".inputboxquantity"); if(!c||!d||!f) { return } var g=f.getValue().toInt(); f.addEvent("keyup",function(e) { e=(new Event(e)).stop(); var a=this.value; if(a<0) { a=0 } if(isNaN(a)) { this.value=1; a=1 } if(e.key=="up") { if($type(this.getValue().toInt())=="number") { this.value=++a } } if(e.key=="down") { if(a>0&&$type(this.getValue().toInt())=="number") { this.value=--a } } } ); f.addEvent("mousewheel",function(e) { e=(new Event(e)).stop(); var a=this.value; if(a<0) { a=0 } if(isNaN(a)) { this.value=1; a=1 } if(e.wheel==1) { if($type(this.getValue().toInt())=="number") { this.value=++a } } if(e.wheel==-1) { if(a>0&&$type(this.getValue().toInt())=="number") { this.value=--a } } } ); c.addEvent("click",function(e) { (new Event(e)).stop(); if($type(f.getValue().toInt())=="number") { f.value=++f.value } } ); d.addEvent("click",function(e) { (new Event(e)).stop(); if(f.getValue().toInt()>0&&$type(f.getValue().toInt())=="number") { f.value=--f.value } } ) } ) } } }; RokVM.Cart= { init:function() { RokVM.Cart.cartPanel=$("cart-panel"); RokVM.Cart.cartButton=$("cart-button"); RokVM.Cart.cartSurround=$("cart-panel-surround"); if(!RokVM.Cart.cartPanel||!RokVM.Cart.cartButton||!RokVM.Cart.cartSurround) { return RokVM.Cart } if(!RokVM.Cart.Fx) { RokVM.Cart.Fx=(new(Fx.Slide)(RokVM.Cart.cartPanel, { duration:400,transition:Fx.Transitions.Expo.easeOut } )).hide() } RokVM.Cart.cartSurround.setStyle("visibility","visible"); RokVM.Cart.cartButton.getFirst("a").addEvent("click",function(e) { (new Event(e)).stop(); if(!RokVM.Cart.cartPanel.getText().length&&!window.webkit) { return } if(!RokVM.Cart.cartPanel.innerHTML.clean().length&&window.webkit) { return } var a=RokVM.Cart.cartButton.getElement("strong"); if(!a||!a.getText().toInt()&&(!RokVM.Cart.cartPanel.getText().length&&!window.webkit)) { return } RokVM.Cart.clicked=true; if(window.fontFx&& { window.fontFx.toggle() } if(window.loginFx&& { window.loginFx.toggle() } RokVM.Cart.Fx.toggle() } ); RokVM.scrollWindow=new(Fx.Scroll)(window); RokVM.Cart.getShortList(); RokVM.Cart.XHRify() } ,XHRify:function() { var b=$$(".addtocart_form"); if(!b.length) { return RokVM.Cart } b.each(function(a) { a.addEvent("submit",RokVM.Cart.add.bindWithEvent(a,true)) } ) } ,add:function(e,c) { (new Event(e)).stop(); (new Ajax(this.getProperty("action"), { data:$(this),evalScripts:true,onComplete:function(r) { var a=new Element('div').setHTML(r); var b=a.getElement('.shop_tip'); RokVM.Cart.getShortList((r.length&&b)?r:false); RokVM.Cart.clicked=c||false } } )).request() } ,getShortList:function(b) { var c= { onComplete:function(a) { RokVM.Cart.update(a,b) } ,evalScripts:true,data: { only_page:1,page:"shop.basket_short",option:"com_virtuemart" } }; (new Ajax(RokVM.Base.uri+"index2.php",c)).request() } ,handleError:function(a) { var b=RokVM.Cart.cartPanel; var c=new Element('div').setHTML(a); var d=b.getElement('.show-cart-button'); var e=c.getElement('.shop_tip').inject((d)?d:b,(d)?'before':'inside') } ,update:function(a,b) { RokVM.Cart.cartPanel.setHTML(a); var c=RokVM.Cart.cartPanel.getElement(".total_products"),total=0; if(c) { total=c.innerHTML.split(" ")[0].toInt() } if(!total) { RokVM.Cart.cartButton.getFirst().setProperty("class","cart-button-desc") } else { RokVM.Cart.cartButton.getFirst().setProperty("class","cart-button-desc-full") } RokVM.Cart.cartButton.getElement("strong").setText(total); if(b)RokVM.Cart.handleError(b); if(RokVM.Cart.clicked&&a.length||b) { if(window.fontFx&& { window.fontFx.toggle() } if(window.loginFx&& { window.loginFx.toggle() } RokVM.scrollWindow.toTop();; RokVM.Cart.hide.delay(RokVM.autoHide*1000) } RokVM.Cart.clicked=false } ,show:function() { RokVM.Cart.Fx.slideIn() } ,hide:function() { RokVM.Cart.Fx.slideOut() } }; window.addEvent("domready",RokVM.Base.start); window.addEvent(window.webkit?"load":"domready",function() { RokVM.Base.featuredHeight("home-featured") } ); var live_site = RokVM.Base.uri; Then following - this in the same theme.js file (this is not packed) Code: /// Following is VM stuff, kept for compatibility /** * This file holds javscript functions that are used by the templates in the Theme * */ // AJAX FUNCTIONS function loadNewPage( el, url ) { var theEl = $(el); var callback = { success : function(responseText) { theEl.innerHTML = responseText; if( Lightbox ) Lightbox.init(); } } var opt = { // Use POST method: 'get', // Handle successful response onComplete: callback.success } new Ajax( url + '&only_page=1', opt ).request(); } function handleGoToCart() { document.location = live_site + '/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.cart&product_id=' + formCartAdd.product_id.value ; } function handleAddToCart( formId, parameters ) { formCartAdd = document.getElementById( formId ); var callback = function(responseText) { updateMiniCarts(); // close an existing mooPrompt box first, before attempting to create a new one (thanks wellsie!) /*if (document.boxB) { document.boxB.close(); clearTimeout(timeoutID); } document.boxB = new MooPrompt(notice_lbl, responseText, { buttons: 2, width:400, height:150, overlay: false, button1: ok_lbl, button2: cart_title, onButton2: handleGoToCart }); setTimeout( 'document.boxB.close()', 3000 );*/ } var opt = { // Use POST method: 'post', // Send this lovely data data: $(formId), // Handle successful response onComplete: callback, evalScripts: true } new Ajax(formCartAdd.action, opt).request(); } /** * This function searches for all elements with the class name "vmCartModule" and * updates them with the contents of the page "shop.basket_short" after a cart modification event */ function updateMiniCarts() { var callbackCart = function(responseText) { carts = $$( '.vmCartModule' ); if( carts ) { try { for (var i=0; i<carts.length; i++){ carts[i].innerHTML = responseText; try { color = carts[i].getStyle( 'color' ); bgcolor = carts[i].getStyle( 'background-color' ); if( bgcolor == 'transparent' ) { // If the current element has no background color, it is transparent. // We can't make a highlight without knowing about the real background color, // so let's loop up to the next parent that has a BG Color parent = carts[i].getParent(); while( parent && bgcolor == 'transparent' ) { bgcolor = parent.getStyle( 'background-color' ); parent = parent.getParent(); } } var fxc = new Fx.Style(carts[i], 'color', {duration: 1000}); var fxbgc = new Fx.Style(carts[i], 'background-color', {duration: 1000}); fxc.start( '#222', color ); fxbgc.start( '#fff68f', bgcolor ); if( parent ) { setTimeout( "carts[" + i + "].setStyle( 'background-color', 'transparent' )", 1000 ); } } catch(e) {} } } catch(e) {} } } var option = { method: 'post', onComplete: callbackCart, data: { only_page:1,page: "shop.basket_short", option: "com_virtuemart" } } new Ajax( live_site + '/index2.php', option).request(); } /** * This function allows you to present contents of a URL in a really nice stylish dhtml Window * It uses the WindowJS, so make sure you have called * vmCommonHTML::loadWindowsJS(); * before */ function fancyPop( url, parameters ) { parameters = parameters || {}; popTitle = parameters.title || ''; popWidth = parameters.width || 700; popHeight = parameters.height || 600; popModal = parameters.modal || false; window_id = new Window('window_id', {className: "mac_os_x", title: popTitle, showEffect:, hideEffect: Element.hide, width: popWidth, height: popHeight}); window_id.setAjaxContent( url, {evalScripts:true}, true, popModal ); window_id.setCookie('window_size'); window_id.setDestroyOnClose(); } Hello there. I'm using Joomla 1.5 and VirtueMart for my e-shop. I've also installed a virtuemart template which loads mootools. Well in my virtuemart product detail pages, if you click the main image to make it enlarged using IE8 it will not open and return a JS error instead (found it using Firebug): Code: Message: 'closeButton' is null or not an object Line: 21 Char: 63 Code: 0 URI: I'm not sure but I think that if I fix the JS errors on these pages the problem will be solved and the images will open normally. Note that on all other browsers it works fine (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE9). The page returns some other errors too but they're the whole time there. I think there's a conflict caused by all the JS libraries loaded by my Plugins (System - RokBox & YOOeffects), Joomla template, VirtueMart & VirtueMart template (jquery and mootools are both loaded). Thanks in advance |