JavaScript - Javascript Validate Hundred Of Fields
I have a survey with hundred of input boxes. I want to make a script that will validate all fields not empty and maybe jump to the empty box. I made the validation with php but i'm not so good at javascript (if is possible to validate by input not by input name). Thank in advance. Similar TutorialsIs there a y regular expression which we can use in JavaScript to validate URL? Or any other type of validation to validate URL which has http or https?
hello i am trying to do a validation form but i ended up with one that only works for chrome, not on IE not on Firefox! don't know why!!! and another problem it looks like that the return false doesn't even work, it proceeds to the next page anyway [HTML]function validate_required(field,alerttxt) { with (field) { if (value==null||value=="-1") { alert(alerttxt); return false; } else { return true; } } } /*function alertt(thisform) {alert(thisform);}*/ function validate_form(thisform) { //alert('hi'); with (thisform) { if (validate_required(i_am_a,"i_am_a must be filled out!")=="-1") {i_am_a.focus(); return false;} } [/HTML] [HTML]<form method="post" action="index.php?page=step2" onsubmit="return validate_form(i_am_a.options[i_am_a.selectedIndex].value);"> <table class="text"> <tr> <td class="text">أنا</td> <td> <select name="i_am_a" id="i_am_a"> <!--onchange="validate_form(i_am_a.options[i_am_a.selectedIndex].value);">--> <option selected value="-1">الرجاء التحديد</option> <option value="MSW">رجل يبحث عن إمرأة</option> <option value="WSM">إمرأة تبحث عن رجل</option> </select> </td> </tr><tr class="submit"> <td> </td> <td> <input type="submit" value="إنضمم الآن مجانا" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form>[/HTML] How do we validate an arithmetic expression using Javascript?
Hi there, I would like to validate the email address typed into the prompt message by the user, but to no avail. Can some kind soul help? Code: function addOption() { var new = prompt("Enter New Item:"); if (!new == "") { var answer = confirm ("Are you sure you want to add? ") if (answer)//if answer is true { var lst = document.getElementById('lstBx'); // listbox control id // Now we need to create a new 'option' tag to add to MyListbox for (var i = 0; i < lst.options.length; i++) { arrTexts = lst.options[i].text; if (arrTexts.toLowerCase() == newItem.toLowerCase()) { alert ("That email address is already included in the list - please enter another one."); break; } else { validRegExp = /^[^@]+@[^@]+.[a-z]{2,}$/i; strEmail = lst.value; // search email text for regular exp matches if ( == -1) { alert('A valid e-mail address is required.\nPlease retry.'); return false; } var optionNew = document.createElement("option"); optionNew.value = new; // The value that this option will have optionNew.innerHTML = new; // The displayed text inside of the <option> tags // Finally, add the new option to the listbox lst.appendChild(optionNew); //sort items in listbox in alpha order arrTexts = new Array(); for(i=0; i<lst.length; i++) { arrTexts[i] = lst.options[i].text; } arrTexts.sort(); for(i=0; i<lst.length; i++) { lst.options[i].text = arrTexts[i]; lst.options[i].value = arrTexts[i]; } } return false; } } } else { if(new == "") { alert("Key something to textbox please."); } else alert("Cancelled."); } } Code: <select id="lstBx" name="listBox" size="6" style="width: 580px;"> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> </select> Hello all, I have a form that submits a POST request when data is submitted. A Servlet then processes this POST request and a JavaBean is used to make some calculations. The HTML response is not generated within the Servlet but instead I forward the request to a JSP to generate the response. - This all works fine, thankfully. However, I am stupidly suck trying to validate the form on the client side with a JavaScript function before the form is submitted. Here is my index.jps: Code: <%-- Document : index Created on : 19-Nov-2009, 13:41:30 Author : lk00043 --%> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- Start hiding JavaScript Statements function validateForm() { var student; var score1, score2, score3, score4; student = document.getElementById('student'); s1 = document.getElementById('score1'); s2 = document.getElementById('score2'); s3 = document.getElementById('score3'); s4 = document.getElementById('score4'); score1 = parseInt(s1.value); score2 = parseInt(s2.value); score3 = parseInt(s3.value); score4 = parseInt(s4.value); if(student.value.length == 0) { document.getElementById('StudentError1').innerHTML = " Enter a student name!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score1)) || (score1 < 0) || (score1 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error1').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score2)) || (score2 < 0) || (score2 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error2').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score3)) || (score3 < 0) || (score3 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error3').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score4)) || (score4 < 0) || (score4 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error4').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } } // End hiding JavaScript Statements --> </script> <title>Lab Class 7 - Task 2</title> </head> <body> <h1>Lab Class 7</h1> <form name="collectgrades" action="AssessGrades" method="POST" onSubmit="validateForm()" > Name of Student: <input type="text" name="student" id="student"/><span id="StudentError1"> </span><br /> Presentation: <input type="text" name="score" id="score1"/><span id="Error1"> </span><br /> Writing style: <input type="text" name="score" id="score2"/><span id="Error2"> </span><br /> Technical content: <input type="text" name="score" id="score3"/><span id="Error3"> </span><br /> Depth of analysis: <input type="text" name="score" id="score4"/><span id="Error4"> </span><br /> Feedback:<select name="feedback" size="4" multiple="multiple"> <option>"Could be better structured."</option> <option>"Depth of analysis is good."</option> <option>"Very advanced material."</option> <option>"Very well structured."</option> </select><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </body> </html> Regardless of whether incorrect input is given, the data is still POSTed to the server and calculated on or a Server Side error is given. Am I correct in calling the function onClick? The validation essentially needs to be so that: - Student field contains a string - Score1, Score2, Score3 and Score 4 contain a number between 0 and 100 Any help is most appreciated, Cheers, Beetle. I have used a Javascript to prepopulate text fields and checkbox's etc. However I can't make it populate a text area. Would anyone be kind enough to help me with the code for it? Any help would really be appreciated: (source code below) Code: // preset.js Copyright 2009 by Richard L. Trethewey - All Rights Reserved // Permission is granted to use this code as long as this copyright notice // is left intact. For more information, see // First, get the query string contents from the URL used by lopping off the "?" var query =,; function findForm(theForm) { var formCount = document.forms.length; if (document.getElementById) { formElement = document.getElementById(theForm); } else { for (i=0; i<formCount; i++) { if (document.forms[i].name == theForm) { formElement = document.forms[i]; } } // endFor } // endif document.getElementById return formElement; } // end findForm function setOption(theOption,choice) { max = theOption.length; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (theOption.options[i].value == choice) { theOption.options.selectedIndex = i; } } // end for i } // end setOption function setRadio(theOption,optionName) { max = theOption.length; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { // alert(theOption[i].name + ' ' + theOption[i].checked); if (theOption[i].value == optionName) { theOption[i].checked = true; } } // end for i } // end setRadio function fixQString(theStr) { pattern = '\\+'; flags = 'g'; reg_exp = new RegExp(pattern, flags); theStr = theStr.replace(reg_exp, ' '); theStr = unescape(theStr); return theStr } // end fixQStr function populate(formName) { if (query) { // Was there a query string? var params = query.split("&"); // Yes! Split them up var theForm = findForm(formName); // Locate the form with the correct name/ID if (theForm != null) { // Did we find the form? for (q=0; q<params.length; q++) { xy = params[q].split("="); // Split the command into name/value pair paramName = xy[0]; newValue = fixQString(xy[1]); if (theForm.elements[paramName]) { // does named element exist? // alert(theForm.elements[paramName].type + ' ' + paramName); switch(theForm.elements[paramName].type) { case 'text': theForm.elements[paramName].value = newValue; break; case 'hidden': theForm.elements[paramName].value = newValue; break; case 'select-one': setOption(theForm.elements[paramName], newValue); break; case undefined: // a kludge to handle radio buttons setRadio(theForm.elements[paramName], newValue); break; case 'checkbox': theForm.elements[paramName].checked = true; break; } // end switch } // endif theForm.elements[paramName] } // end for q } // endif {theForm) } // endif (query) } // end populate() Ok, this is going to be a bit of an off the wall question and I'm not sure if it can even be done, but what I'm trying to do is prefill a form in an external iframe. The text fields in form that is in the external iframe all have a name of "U2FsdGV + a random generated string". There are 5 text fields all following the same pattern, I would like for it to post the value 1 in the first wildcard case it detects, then value 2 in the 2nd, etc... Here is my code so far: PHP Code: <script> function load() { var btn = document.getElementById('btnTest'); btn.onclick = function(){ var ifrm = document.getElementById('myiframe'); ifrm.contentWindow.document.forms['postingForm'].U2FsdGV*.value = 'Hello world!'; }; } window.onload = load; </script> hiiii, im new to javascripts . Can anyone help me to know that a javascript which is validating a phone number accepts only digits but if the text field is left empty it should accept the entry as an empty entry.... plz share knowledge u will be more knowledgeable Hi, jI have a javascript script that adds/deletes input in a form. I'd like to calculate the volume for each ligne : l*h*d Then a total of all the volume fileds The data will be inserted in a php table. Thanks for your help (I hope you can understand my english) I have trouble with php but even more with javascript versions. PHP Code: -- Structure of mysql table named 'tbox' -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'tbox' ( 'tboxid' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'tboxidtproid' int(11) NOT NULL, 'tboxdate' date NOT NULL, 'tboxL' int(11) NOT NULL, 'tboxD' int(11) NOT NULL, 'tboxH' int(11) NOT NULL, 'tboxnet' float NOT NULL, 'tboxgros' float NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('tboxid') ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=55 ; The html page wiith js : PHP Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/JavaScript"> // add a box <!-- function create_champ(i){ var l = document.getElementById('l_1').value; var d = document.getElementById('d_1').value; var h = document.getElementById('h_1').value; var v = document.getElementById('v_1').value = (l * d * h) ; var i2 = i + 1; document.getElementById('champs_'+i).innerHTML = '<span id="ligne_'+i+'">L <input type="text" size="9" maxlength="9" name="l[]" id="l_'+i+'" \/> D <input type="text" size="9" maxlength="9" name="d[]" id="d_'+i+'" \/> H <input type="text" size="9" maxlength="9" name="h[]" id="h_'+i+'" \/> Volume : <input type="text" size="9" maxlength="50" name="v[]" id="v_'+i+'" value = "" " disabled="true" \/> <input type="button" value="x" id="boutton_'+i+'"onclick="delete_champ('+i+')" \/><br \/><\/span>'; document.getElementById('champs_'+i).innerHTML += '<span id="champs_'+i2+'"><input type="button" value="Add a box" onclick="create_champ('+i2+')" \/><\/span>'; } function delete_champ(i){ document.getElementById("ligne_"+i).innerHTML=""; } </script> </head> <body> <form id="1" name="addalbum" method="post" action=""> <td width="250" valign="top"><fieldset> <legend>Boxes Dimensions(mm)</legend> <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <span id="ligne_1"> L <input type="text" name="l[]" id="l_1" size="9" maxlength="9" value="" /> D <input type="text" name="d[]" id="d_1" size="9" maxlength="9" value="" /> H <input type="text" name="h[]" id="h_1" size="9" maxlength="9" value="" /> Volume : <input type="text" name="v[]" id="v_1" size="9" maxlength="9" value="" disabled="true" /> <input type="button" value="x" id="boutton_1" onclick="delete_champ(1)" /> <br /> </span> <span id="champs_2"> <input type="button" value="Add a box" onclick="create_champ(2)" \/></span> </table> </fieldset></td> <label> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Envoyer"> </label> </form> <?php /* insert fields in table tbox */ ?> </body> </html> I'm trying to understand how forms, data, php, javascript all work together. So 1) I hardcoded some html form fields with values using php using "echo", then 2) I dynamically created some more html form fields with values using javascript using "createElement" and appending to the html form element. When I click on the submit form, the php created form fields still show on the webpage, but the javascript dynamically created form fields disappear. Can anyone shed some light for me? Why are the javascript created form fields disappearing when I click on submit and not the PHP created form fields? Thank you! Code: <form method="post" id="commentform" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF?>"> Ok so Im going to break down what Im trying to do and hopefully someone can point me to a possible solution without getting all technical. I have 2 div tags. the first is a content container more or less. the second is a container for a php built calender (using html tables). Basically when the page loads the php builds the calenders html table code. each td element has an onclick event handler. The goal is to have the javascript handler execute when any non empty cell is clicked (non empty being that it has a date associated with it and is not a blank space filler). This is the easy part. The hard part is that each calendar day potentially has certain information associated with it stored in a mysql database. Im wanting input fields within the first container div to autopopulate with the information from the database (if any) for whatever day is clicked. Ive search around and heard things like javascript cant do mysql queries directly, and heard mention of ajax. So im stumped as to how to accomplish this. whether i need an external php script for the queries (perhaps inside a php function that can return data to the javascript that calls it?), but if that is plausable would it cause page loads or the like to the user? i really dont want to have to learn ajax for this one page, just seems excessive, but i do need a way to make the content in the first div populate with the respective database data for the selected day on the calendar. any thoughts, comments, or solutions that dont involve yet another web language would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Afternoon All, I have managed to secure some JavaScript code from another site that allows me to access values from within my Google Analytics cookie: <!-- begin Referer Check --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write("<script src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'>" + "</sc" + "ript>"); </script> <script type='text/javascript'> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-1-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); // // This is a function that I "borrowed" from the urchin.js file. // It parses a string and returns a value. I used it to get // data from the __utmz cookie // function _uGC(l,n,s) { if (!l || l=="" || !n || n=="" || !s || s=="") return "-"; var i,i2,i3,c="-"; i=l.indexOf(n); i3=n.indexOf("=")+1; if (i > -1) { i2=l.indexOf(s,i); if (i2 < 0) { i2=l.length; } c=l.substring((i+i3),i2); } return c; } // // Get the __utmz cookie value. This is the cookies that // stores all campaign information. // var z = _uGC(document.cookie, '__utmz=', ';'); // // The cookie has a number of name-value pairs. // Each identifies an aspect of the campaign. // // utmcsr = campaign source // utmcmd = campaign medium // utmctr = campaign term (keyword) // utmcct = campaign content // utmccn = campaign name // utmgclid = unique identifier used when AdWords auto tagging is enabled // // This is very basic code. It separates the campaign-tracking cookie // and populates a variable with each piece of campaign info. // var source = _uGC(z, 'utmcsr=', '|'); var medium = _uGC(z, 'utmcmd=', '|'); var term = _uGC(z, 'utmctr=', '|'); var content = _uGC(z, 'utmcct=', '|'); var campaign = _uGC(z, 'utmccn=', '|'); var gclid = _uGC(z, 'utmgclid=', '|'); // // The gclid is ONLY present when auto tagging has been enabled. // All other variables, except the term variable, will be '(not set)'. // Because the gclid is only present for Google AdWords we can // populate some other variables that would normally // be left blank. // if (gclid !="-") { source = 'google'; medium = 'cpc'; } // Data from the custom segmentation cookie can also be passed // back to your server via a hidden form field var csegment = _uGC(document.cookie, '__utmv=', ';'); if (csegment != '-') { var csegmentex = /[1-9]*?\.(.*)/; csegment = csegment.match(csegmentex); csegment = csegment[1]; } else { csegment = '(not set)'; } // // One more bonus piece of information. // We're going to extract the number of visits that the visitor // has generated. It's also stored in a cookie, the __utma cookis // var a = _uGC(document.cookie, '__utma=', ';'); var aParts = a.split("."); var nVisits = aParts[5]; /* function populateHiddenFields(f) { f.source.value = source; f.medium.value = medium; f.term.value = term; f.content.value = content; f.campaign.value = campaign; f.segment.value = csegment; f.numVisits.value = nVisits; alert('source='+f.source.value); alert('medium='+f.medium.value); alert('term='+f.term.value); alert('content='+f.content.value); alert('campaign='+f.campaign.value); alert('custom segment='+f.segment.value); alert('number of visits='+f.numVisits.value); return false; } */ document.forms["cforms2"].elements["cf2_field_1"].value = source; </script> The key outputs from this code are the vars: source medium term content campaign csegment nVisits My question is, how can I get the source var into the hidden field in the form in my footer I have tried to pass just the source var from within the <script> tags. document.forms["cforms2"].elements["cf2_field_1"].value = source; I have commented out part of original code that I did not think I needed. Any help that can be offered I would be grateful, ultimately I would like to be able to pass all these values to hidden fields. Thanks Paul Brown I type something on the current textarea/input and all the values get removed after I add another field. Is there a solution? Code: <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- //Add more fields dynamically. function addField(area,field,limit) { if(!document.getElementById) return; //Prevent older browsers from getting any further. var field_area = document.getElementById(area); var all_inputs = field_area.getElementsByTagName("input"); //Get all the input fields in the given area. //Find the count of the last element of the list. It will be in the format '<field><number>'. If the // field given in the argument is 'friend_' the last id will be 'friend_4'. var last_item = all_inputs.length - 1; var last = all_inputs[last_item].id; var count = Number(last.split("_")[1]) + 1; //If the maximum number of elements have been reached, exit the function. // If the given limit is lower than 0, infinite number of fields can be created. if(count > limit && limit > 0) return; //Older Method field_area.innerHTML += "<li><textarea id='steps' name='steps[]' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea><br /><input id='steps_image' name='steps_image[]' /></li>"; } //--> </script> <ol id="steps_area"><li> <textarea id='steps' name='steps[]' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea><br /><input id='steps_image' name='steps_image[]' /> </li> </ol> <input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addField('steps_area','',15);"/> The page loads and existing data is put in their correct fields. When I click 'add more' to add more fields to the form it does so and I am able to add new data. If on adding a new fields and its data I click 'add more' again it clears out the recently added data from the fields. The existing data that was present when the page first loaded is still their but all the new fields added data is cleared. how can I get it so the data stays, like in phpmyadmin when adding new fields. JS Code: function addmore(addwhat) { // count existing boxes to find out next number to use. // ? if (addwhat == 'addresses') { fieldid = 'addressesdiv'; } if (addwhat == 'namesnumbers') { fieldid = 'namesdiv'; } var dv = document.getElementById(fieldid).innerHTML; var lines = dv.match(/<br>/ig).length; if (addwhat == 'addresses') { document.getElementById('addressesdiv').innerHTML += '<textarea name="address' + lines + '" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea><br>'; } if (addwhat == 'namesnumbers') { document.getElementById('namesdiv').innerHTML += '<textarea name="name' + lines + '" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea><br>'; document.getElementById('mobilesdiv').innerHTML += '<textarea name="mobile' + lines + '" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea><br>'; } } PHP Code: <? if ($_POST['Submit'] == 'Submit') { echo("sent<br>"); for ($c = 1; $c <= (count($_POST)-1)/2; $c++) { echo("name" . $c . " = " . $_POST['name'.$c] ." mobile" . $c . " = " . $_POST['mobile'.$c] . "<br>"); } } $customer_id = "11"; // get existing data. // if not yet sent get data from databases $ok = "no"; if ($_POST['Submit'] != "Submit") { echo("<br>not sent<br>"); $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `customer_client_names` WHERE `customer_id` = '". $customer_id ."'"); $maincount = mysql_num_rows($res); echo("<br>number of clients = ".$maincount."<br>"); for ($c = 1; $c <= $maincount; $c++) { $_POST['name'.$c] = mysql_result($res, $c-1, "client_name"); $_POST['mobile'.$c] = mysql_result($res, $c-1, "client_mobile"); echo("cn = ".$_POST['name'.$c] . " cm = ".$_POST['mobile'.$c] . "<br>"); } } else { // display last posted info echo("<br>sent<br>"); $ok = "yes"; // check if info was entrted correctly or not. for ($c = 1; $c <= ((count($_POST)-1)/2); $c++) { if ($_POST['name'.$c] != "" && $_POST['mobile'.$c] == "") { echo("<br>" . $_POST['name'.$c] ." was not given a mobile number<br>"); $ok = "no"; $maincount ++; } if ($_POST['name'.$c] == "" && $_POST['mobile'.$c] != "") { echo("<br>" . $_POST['mobile'.$c] ." mobile was not given a name<br>"); $ok = "no"; $maincount ++; } } } if ($ok == "no") { ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="?ac=<?=$menu_item;?><? echo("&phpsession=" . $phpsession); ?>"> <div style="width: 850px;"> <div id="namesdiv" style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">Client's Names<br> <? for ($c = 1; $c <= ((count($_POST)-1)/2)+1; $c++) { if ($_POST['name'.$c] != "" || $_POST['mobile'.$c] != "") { ?> <textarea name="<?='name'.$c;?>" cols="30" rows="2"><?=$_POST['name'.$c];?></textarea><br> <? } } ?> </div> <div id="mobilesdiv" style="float: left;">Client's Mobile numbers<br> <? for ($c = 1; $c <= ((count($_POST)-1)/2)+1; $c++) { if ($_POST['name'.$c] != "" || $_POST['mobile'.$c] != "") { ?> <textarea name="<?='mobile'.$c;?>" cols="30" rows="2"><?=$_POST['mobile'.$c];?></textarea><br> <? } } ?> </div> </div> <br style="clear: both;"> <a href="#" onClick="javascript:addmore('namesnumbers'); return false;" >Add more</a> <input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="<?=$customer_id;?>"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> <? } ?> I am working on a page where the user will select a location from a dynamically generated dropdown list. I was able to create the php multidimensional array (tested and working) from a MySql database using the users information at login, but I'm having problems converting it to a javascript multidimensional array. I need to be able to access variables that I can pass to a number of text fields within an html form. For instance, if a user belongs to a company with multiple addresses, I need to be able to let them select the address they need to prepopulate specific text fields. php array creation: Code: if ($row_locations) { while ($row_locations = mysql_fetch_assoc($locations)) { $mail[$row_locations['comp_id']]=array('mailto'=>$row_locations['mailto'], 'madd'=>$row_locations['madd'], 'madd2'=>$row_locations['madd2'], 'mcity'=>$row_locations['mcity'], 'mstate'=>$row_locations['mstate'], 'mzip'=>$row_locations['mzip'], 'billto'=>$row_locations['billto'], 'badd'=>$row_locations['badd'], 'badd2'=>$row_locations['badd2'], 'bcity'=>$row_locations['bcity'], 'bstate'=>$row_locations['bstate'], 'bzip'=>$row_locations['bzip']); } } javascript function - this should create the array and send variables to text fields. Code: function updateAddress() { var mail = $.parseJSON(<?php print json_encode(json_encode($mail)); ?>); { if (comp_id in mail) { document.getElementById('mailto').value=mail.comp_id.mailto.value; document.getElementById('madd').value=mail.comp_id.madd.value; document.getElementById('madd2').value=mail.comp_id.madd2.value; document.getElementById('mcity').value=mail.comp_id.mcity.value; document.getElementById('mstate').value=mail.comp_id.mstate.value; document.getElementById('mzip').value=mail.comp_id.mzip.value; } else { document.getElementById('mailto').value=''; document.getElementById('madd').value=''; document.getElementById('madd2').value=''; document.getElementById('mcity').value=''; document.getElementById('mstate').value=''; document.getElementById('mzip').value=''; } } } Where is this breaking? Thanks in advance. I am trying to create an onChange action that will validate that confirmation checkbox has been checked, and if not, popup an alert message and put the focus on the checkbox input and change the class of the container DIV to "highlight". Here is the form, with the 'onchange' trigger: Code: <form id="checkout" name="my_form" method="post" action="!---SCRIPT_NAME---" onsubmit="return validForm(this);"> <div id="verification" class="aligncenter required"> <input type="checkbox" id="verified" name="verified" value="" /> <label for="verified">YES</label>, the items and quantities shown above are correct.</div> <div class="required"><label for="name">Name:</label><input id="name" name="contactname" type="text" class="L" onchange="" /></div> <div class="required"><label for="company">Company Name:</label><input id="company" name="company" type="text" class="L" /></div> <div class="buttonRow"><input type="submit" name="VERIFY" class="btn red" value="Continue" /></div> </form> And here is my javascript code: Code: function verifyOrder() { if (document.my_form.verified.checked != "true") { alert("Please verify the contents of your order"); document.my_form.verified.focus(); getElementById('document.my_form.verification').className='highlight' return false; } } But this is not working and generates errors in firebug. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!! Please see my Booking Form here The form is very nearly finished but I have no experience with JavaScript at all so I am hoping somebody can tell me how to do the finishing touches. All I require is: 1- On clicking the 'Submit order' button I would like the browser to check to see if the 'Is Vehicle roadworthy with full M.O.T.:' List/Menu is set to 'Yes' and if not it needs to return an alert stating it must be set to 'Yes' to proceed... Somebody kindly helped show me how to do the alert before so this is working, but, the problem at the moment is after clicking 'OK' to close the alert, the form is still submitted. At this point instead of the form being submitted I would just like the browser to return to the form. 2- There is a checkbox on the bottom of the form that states 'I agree with the Terms and Conditions'... To be able to proceed with a booking I need the customer to check the box... On clicking 'Submit order' if the box isn't checked I would like an alert to appear and the form not to be submitted. 3. When both the above criteria have been met and the form is ready to submit... I would like the browser to re-direct to which is a page I have already created on my server. Thanks for taking your time to read this... If it helps I have posted both my HTML and PHP codes below: Booking.html Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>National Vehicle Movements - Booking Form</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color: #1d255f; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #apDiv1 { position:absolute; width:487px; height:706px; z-index:auto; left: 50%; top: 433px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; textarea-align: center; background-position: center; margin-left: -244px; } --> </style> <script type='text/javascript'> function isValid() { var box = document.getElementById('Is Vehicle Roadworthy with Full M.O.T.'); if(box.value = 'no') { alert('The vehicle must be roadworthy with full M.O.T'); return false; } } </script> </head> <body> <div align="left"> <div id="apDiv1"> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="sendform.php" onsubmit='validatethis()'> <table width="400" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="193" align="right">Company:</td> <td width="197" align="left"><input type="text" name="company" id="Company" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Name:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="name" id="Name" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Phone Number:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="phonenum" id="Phone Number" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Email Address:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="email" id="Email" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Vehicle Make and Model:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="vmam" id="Vehicle Make and Model" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Vehicle Reg./Ref. No.:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="vreg" id="Vehicle Reg." /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Collection Address including Postcode:</td> <td align="left"><textarea name="colladd" rows="4" id="Collection Address"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Collection Contact Name:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="collconname" id="Collection Contact Name" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Collection Contact Number:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="collconnum" id="Collection Contact Number" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Delivery Address including Postcode:</td> <td align="left"><textarea name="deladd" rows="4" id="Delivery Address"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Delivery Contact Name:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="delconname" id="Delivery Contact Name" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Delivery Contact Number:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="delconnum" id="Delivery Contact Number" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Collection Date/Time:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="collectiondt" id="Collection Date/Time" /></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2" valign="top"><em>(if possible please give a time window eg. '7th - 9th August' and we will arrange collection for you)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Delivery Date/Time:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="deliverydt" id="Delivery Date/Time" /></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2" valign="top"><em>(if possible please give a time window eg. '7th - 9th August' and we will arrange delivery for you)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Is Vehicle Taxed:</td> <td align="left"><select name="Taxed" id="Is Vehicle Taxed"> <option>Yes</option> <option selected="selected">No</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Is Vehicle roadworthy with full M.O.T.:</td> <td align="left"><select name="mot" id="Is Vehicle Roadworthy with Full M.O.T."> <option>Yes</option> <option selected="selected">No</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Billing Address:</td> <td align="left"><textarea name="billadd" rows="3" id="Billing Address"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2" valign="top"><em>(if same as collection or delivery address please enter 'collection' or 'delivery')</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Your Ref./Order No. (if any):</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name="custordnum" id="Customer Ref./Order No." /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Any additional comments:</td> <td align="left"><textarea name="addcom" rows="3" id="Any additional comments"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr align="center" valign="middle"> <td colspan="2"> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="checkbox" /> I agree with the <u><a href="Terms.html">Terms and Conditions</a></u></strong></p> <p> </p></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit order" onclick="isValid()" /> <input type="reset" name="button2" id="button2" value="Reset form" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> <div align="center"><img src="images/Booking_03.jpg" width="680" height="1352" border="0" usemap="#Map" /> <map name="Map" id="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="36,155,158,173" href="index.html" alt="Home" /> <area shape="rect" coords="29,174,151,189" href="Prices.html" alt="Prices" /> <area shape="rect" coords="475,191,578,206" href="" alt="Email us" /> </map> </div> </body> </html> sendform.php Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <BODY> <?php $Name = $_POST['name']; //senders name $to = ""; //recipient $subject = "Order from ".$_POST['company']." (".$_POST['name'].")"; //subject $message = $_POST['company']."|".$_POST['name']."|".$_POST['phonenum']."|".$_POST['email']."|".$_POST['vmam']."|".$_POST['vreg']."|".$_POST['colladd']."|".$_POST['collconname']."|".$_POST['collconnum']."|".$_POST['deladd']."|".$_POST['delconname']."|".$_POST['delconnum']."|".$_POST['collectiondt']."|".$_POST['deliverydt']."|".$_POST['Taxed']."|".$_POST['billadd']."|".$_POST['custordnum']."|".$_POST['addcom']; //mail body $from = "NVM Booking Form"; // $headers = "From: ".$from."\r\n"; //optional headerfields mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); //mail command :) you can add any variable here... I know you have so many, but it is possible... if(mail) echo "Booking confirmed. Thank You!"; else echo "Sorry We Can't Proceed, Please Try After Some Time!"; ?> </BODY> </HTML> hi, I would to validate a textbox, and limit it to 3alphabets and 3 numbers. That is after the user have input 3 alphabets, he can only enter 3 numbers and nothing more. Can someone help me out? How do I fix the problem that autocomplete does not validate, I have heard before that there is a dirty way to do this but did not want to do this before, but now feel i must as my boss wants the site error free ! does anyone know how I do this ? |