JavaScript - Addition Of Text Box Values
Ok, so I have 4 textboxes with ids payment, payment1, payment2, payment3 and with each box is a submit button, named submt1-4
I need to know how I can add all of the values into one textbox named total. so when submit1 is clicked, it will add payment to the total, then when submit2 is clicked, it will add payment1 to the value, etc. But, each text box could be used more than once, so payment could be used 8 times, and each of the 8 times, it needs to add the proper value to the total. how would I do something like this? Similar TutorialsHi gud mng, I have one problem... How to process textbox values/ call textbox values in JS through a Java program. My text box values are dates. I have to process these dates. Like in online banking we select day to know our transactions. After submitting we get results. remember my files are in my directory only. No need of database. My files are look like 20100929, 20100930, 20101001 For epoch_classes.js, epoch_styles.css u can download coding from this link : Code: Code: <html> <table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" style="padding:0"> <tr><td id="leftcolumn" width="170" align="left" valign="top"> <div style="margin-left:0px;margin-top:0px"><h3 class="left"><span class="left_h2">Select Option</span></h3> <a rel="nofollow" target="_top" href="day_wise.htm" >Day-wise</a><br /> <br /> <a rel="nofollow" target="_top" href="between.htm" >Between Days</a> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="epoch_styles.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="epoch_classes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var cal1, cal2; window.onload = function () { cal1= new Epoch('epoch_popup','popup',document.getElementById('popup_container1')); cal2= new Epoch('epoch_popup','popup',document.getElementById('popup_container2')); }; /*............*/ function confirmation(f) { var startdate = f.fromdate.value var enddate = f.todate.value var myday=new Date() var yr=myday.getFullYear() var mn=myday.getMonth()+1 var dt=myday.getDate() var today="" var present, ys, ms, ds, ye,me,de, start, end if(mn < 10) { mn = "0" + mn } if(dt <10) { dt = "0" + dt } today= yr + "/" + mn + "/" + dt present=yr + "/" + mn + "/" +dt if (today < startdate ) { alert (" Start date should not be exceed to-day's date " + present ) startdate.focus() return false } if (today < enddate ) { alert (" End date should not be exceed to-day's date " + present ) enddate.focus() return false } if (today == startdate ) { alert(" You are selected to-days date as Starting day" ); } var answer = confirm("Do you want to continue ?") if (answer) { if( startdate < enddate) alert("Dates between " + startdate + " to " + enddate + " are confirmed" ) else alert("Dates between " + enddate + " to " + startdate + " are confirmed" ) } else { alert("Date not confirmed") window.location="to_date.htm"; } ys= startdate.substring(0,4); ms= startdate.substring(5,7); ds= startdate.substring(8,10); start=ys + "" + ms + "" +ds ye= enddate.substring(0,4); me= enddate.substring(5,7); de= enddate.substring(8,10); end=ye + "" + me + "" +de } /*.......................................................*/ </script> <div style="margin-left:100px;"> <body> <style type="text/css"> #conf { margin-left:115px; } </style> <td align="left" valign="top"> <table width="100" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <td style="padding-top:0px"> </table> <h4>From Date</h4> <form name= "formbet" id="placeholder" method="post" action="#" > <input id="popup_container1" type="text" name= "fromdate" maxlength="10" size="20"/> <td align="left" valign="top"> <table width="300" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <td style="padding-top:20px"> <h4>To Date</h4> <input id="popup_container2" type="text" name= "todate" maxlength="10" size="20"/> <br /> <br /> <input id="conf" type="button" onclick="confirmation(this.form)" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> In my coding, ys, ms, ds represents year starting, month starting, starting day... ye, me, de represents end... start,end gives file names in the format of yyyymmdd now i want to process files from 20100101 to 20100930 means from date is 2010/01/01 and to date is 2010/09/30 if i press submit button the files from 20100101 to 20100930 are processes here ys=2010 ms=01 ds =01 and ye=2010 me=09 de= 30 For this how do i call these textbox values (from date text box and todate) to another program (java) Thanks in advance. Code: var purchasePrice = window.prompt("Please enter the purchase price:", 0); function calculateTotalCost () { if (purchasePrice <= 25) { purchasePrice = purchasePrice + 1.50; } else { purchasePrice = purchasePrice + (purchasePrice * 0.10); } window.alert("Your total price is $ " + purchasePrice); } I am still getting the same error, concatenation instead of addition, i can't figure out why. (i.e input 50, result 505 instead of 55.) Hi, I'm just learning JS by going through a book, while trying one of the examples in the book I ran into a problem with " + " operator. It think it's best I show by example (don't worry it's a fairly short script): Script Code: /* This is an attempt to do some math with javascript */ var a; var b; var c; a = prompt("Pick your favorite number"); b = prompt("Pick your second favorite number"); c = a + b document.write("a = " + a + ", b = " + b + ", c = " + c + "<br />"); document.write("<br />a + b = " + c + "<br />"); c += 6 document.write("<br />c + 6 = " + c + "<br />"); c -= 5 document.write("<br />c - 5 = " + c + "<br />"); c *= 3 document.write("<br />c * 3 =" + c + "<br />"); c /= 2 document.write("<br />c / 2 = " + c + "<br />"); c %= 7 document.write("<br />c % 7 = " + c + "<br />"); if (c > 0) { document.write("<br /> Wrong!"); } else { document.write("<br /> You, I like") } Output Quote: a = 3, b = 4, c = 34 a + b = 34 c + 6 = 346 c - 5 = 341 c * 3 =1023 c / 2 = 511.5 c % 7 = 0.5 Wrong! As you can see the script doesn't execute the mathematical operation for addition. It instead strings it together. What am I doing wrong? hat i'm trying to achieve is to add two numbers using do while loop. below is the code however result wont show up. i cant seem to determine the error. help me pls. Quote: <script = "text/javascript"> function myanswer(x,y){ x=parseInt(x); y=parseInt(y); i=1; sum=0; do { sum=x+i; i++; } while(i<y) document.myform.asnwer.value=sum; } </script> <form name='myform'> Enter First number:<input type='text' name='x'></br> Enter Second number:<input type='text' name'y'></br> Result:<input type='text' name='answer'></br> <input type='button' value='Click on Me!' onclick="myanswer(myform.x.value,myform.y.value);"</br> </form> Dear Experts I have following codes, it works fine to sum. but when I enter these values 2100.49+100.20 then it says 2,200.6,899,999,999,996 insted of 2,200.69. How to overcome this problem. Please help Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="language" content="english"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <title>Numeric Textbox Sample</title> <style type="text/css"> #box1 {width:200px;height:170px;border:1px solid green;background:#e3eeff;padding-top:20px;} .button {width:100px;margin-top:0px;} body { margin:0; margin-top:100px; } </style> <script language="javascript"> function validate(evt) { var theEvent = evt || window.event; var key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which; var backslsh = key; var chck = String.fromCharCode( key ); var regex = /[0-9]|\./; if( !regex.test(chck) ) { theEvent.returnValue = false; if(theEvent.preventDefault) theEvent.preventDefault(); } } function addCommas(nStr) { nStr += ''; var x = nStr.split('.'); var x1 = x[0]; var x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '.00'; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2') } return x1 + x2; } function fncSum2() { var amount1=form2.text1.value; var amount2=form2.text2.value; var a = amount1.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""); var b = amount2.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""); var nStr = (Number(a) + Number(b)).toString(); var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(nStr)) { nStr = nStr.replace(rgx, '$1,$2'); } //nStr = "$" + nStr; // if $ prefix required if (nStr.indexOf('.') == -1) { // if whole number add .00 nStr = nStr + ".00" } nStr = nStr.replace(/(\.\d)$/,"$10"); // if only one DP add another 0 return nStr } </script> </head> <body onload="form2.text1.focus()" > <center> <p>Enter 2100.49 in Amount</p> <p>Enter 100.20 in Tax</p> <p> and press + button<br> It shows 2,200.6,899,999,999,996<br> but I need 2,200.69</p> </p> <div id="box1"> <form name=form2> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td>Amount</td> <td><input type=text name=text1 size=15 value="" onkeypress='validate(event)' onfocus=" ()" onblur="form2.text1.value=addCommas(form2.text1.value)" > </td></tr> <tr><td>Tax</td> <td><input type=text name=text2 size=15 value="" onkeypress='validate(event)' onblur="form2.text2.value=addCommas(form2.text2.value)"></td></tr> <tr><td>Result</td><td><input type=text name=text3 size=15 value="" disabled></td></tr> </table> <hr> <input class="button" type=button name=command1 value="+" onclick="form2.text3.value=fncSum2()"><br> <input class="button" type=button name=command8 value="Focus" onclick=" ()";"form2.text1.focus()"><br> <input class="button" type=reset name=command9 value="Reset"> </form> </div> </center> </body> </html> So what I know about JS, you could write on a postage stamp, but I want t6o know if this is possible: On Page A: The user fills out a form, stating how many of each time of item they want, and the clicks submit, which mails the form to me (GenericPHP Mailer), and is rederected to page B. (That I can do) On Page B: The value of the items in the form on Page A is calculated, then a link is generated with a random order number, and the value of the order as link parameters. Can I do this? and how? I need help adding an additional function to some existing java script code I already have. In addition to the functions already on this js, I want make it so the banner displays one of the images randomly on each new page load. I have an external js file that this page also links too. Not sure if I need to post that also. I was hoping to just add to this code. Any help is greatly appreciated <script type="text/javascript" src="js/homepage-banners/simplegallery.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var mygallery=new simpleGallery({ wrapperid: "simplegallery1", dimensions: [250, 180], imagearray: [ ["img/headers/automotive.jpg", "", "", ""], ["img/headers/electrical.jpg", "", "", ""], ["img/headers/food-packaging.jpg", "", "", ""], ["img/headers/medical-pharmaceutical.jpg", "", "", ""], ["img/headers/semiconductor.jpg", "", "", ""], ["img/headers/automation.jpg", "", "", ""] ], autoplay: [false, 2500, 2], persist: false, fadeduration: 500, oninit:function(){ }, onslide:function(curslide, i){ } }) </script> Hello. Sorry the code example might be a little long but it's repetitive and should be easy to understand. My real code has 12 examples and not 3 but for the sake of this I had to shorten it as much as possible. When you go on there and preview it, you Select a level, then select a hero, then select 3 items and hit click me. This will give you a result of statistics. Now my problem is all the way on the right you will see all 3 values of AP are added together. In the last column alone. The thing about it is if you change item #1 and item #2 it does not update update it you MUST change the last item each time, which is inconvenient. The way it works is : daap1 = iap1[isi1]; daap2 = iap2[isi2]; daap3 = iap3[isi3]; totalap = (daap1 + daap2 + daap3); $(".tap").html(totalap); Pretty much like this in a nutshell. if I were to put $(".tap").html((iap1[isi1] + iap2[isi2] + iap3[isi3])); it works perfectly fine. But I need to use the variable totalap in formulas. How do I make it so things always update properly without the user having to do inconvenient things like always having to reselect the last dropdown? In my main code I have 12 total, 6 and 6 split apart, for me to currently get accurate info I must reselect the 6th and 12th item every single time. Any help on how I could achieve this would be very much appreciated, do I need a database or something? I don't mind what I need as long as it would work perfectly. Thanks in advance. So I am working on an excercise that the User puts in a Lastname, Firstname, and a score via textboxes. When the user pushes the add student score it should show up in the text area with this format " Brown, John: 92". When looking at the logic, I understand that each text box will need to be different arrays if im right, and then I will have to concat all three arrays into the format and assign it to a variable. Then assign the variable to the value of the text area. I just cannot seem to put the function together or how you would go about it. I just need help with how to go about putting it together. The first code is my body of HTML I'm working with. Code: <body> <div id="content"> <h1>Student Scores</h1> <div id="buddy"> <b>Last Name: </b><input type="text" id="lastName" /> <b>First Name: </b><input type="text" id="firstName" /> <b>Sco </b><input type="text" id="score" /> <input type="button" id="calculate" value="Add Student Scores" /> </div> <fieldset> <legend>Student Scores</legend> <p id="tasks"><textarea id="task_list" rows="20" cols="100"></textarea></p> </fieldset> <div id="yoohoo"> <b>Average sco </b><input type="text" id="averageScore" /> <div> <div id="yes"> <p><input type="button" name="add_task" id="add_task" value="Clear Scores" /></p> <p><input type="button" name="add_task" id="add_task" value="Sort By Last Name" /></p> </div> </body> Hi, I'm currently programming a menu editing script and I'm trying to reorder value of text input on change. What I'm trying to do is when I change the value of a text box it reorders the others. EX Start 1 2 3 4 5 Change 3->1 End 2 3 1 4 5 Here is what I've manage to do, it works only when the number is bigger. Javascript function Code: function changeOrder(current) { var num_name ="_",2); var id = num_name[0]+"_"+num_name[1]+"_number"; var maxorder = document.getElementById(id).value; var currentmax =,1) if(currentmax <= maxorder && current.value > 0) { var start = (currentmax > current.value ? 1 : currentmax); for(var i=start;i<maxorder;i++) { var k = parseInt(i)+1; x = document.getElementsByName(num_name[0]+"_"+num_name[1]+"_order_"+k); x[0].value = i; x[0].name = x[0].name.substr(0,(x[0].name.length-1))+i; } =,(; } } HTML input Code: <input type="text" style="width: 20px;" onchange="changeOrder(this);" value="1" name="other_title_order_1"> Thanks for any advices you may have Maxetime I am doing a website project and I am currently designing product page. I have created the text boxes dynamically(as many boxes as the user wants) and he can drag and drop the text boxes in the page. I need to create a dynamic line from one text boxes to other text boxes and delete the test boxes which the user does not want. I have created the dynamic graphic line. I know the values of the text boxes can be saved using php in the backend. But is there any way the values with the dynamically created boxes(with <div></div> elements, not with the text boxes) with values and graphics line can be saved online and the user when log-in again can retrieve the work that he saved? Can we code this either in javascript/php? Hi Peers, i have a button that helps me creating more than one dynamic text box and dropdownlist... how it possible to capture the values in those dynamic comtrols ? i am trying the following but did not work ..when the code is excuted it gives me [object] // Create Text box 1 var newStartDate = document.createElement('input'); newStartDate.setAttribute("type","date"); newStartDate.size=8; //capture the value in a temp variable val1 var val1 = document.getElementsByName(newStartDate); alert(val1); the alert gives [object] thanks Hi guys, Let me explain simply what I do and what I'm trying to achieve: I got a couple of comboboxes were the user selects a series of numbers. Once a selection is made, the value is appended to an input box. The idea is that the appended values form a telephone number, or at least part of one, that will then be used to search trough a database to look for a matching number. The code below is what I have done so far: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function displayIndicatif(){ var sel = document.getElementById("indicatif"); var text = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; var out = document.getElementById("blabla"); out.value += text+"\n"; } function displayBloc(){ var sel1 = document.getElementById("bloc"); var text1 = sel1.options[sel1.selectedIndex].value; var out1 = document.getElementById("blabla"); out1.value += text1+"\n"; } </script> [...] <input type="text" id="blabla"/> [..] <select id="indicatif" onChange="displayIndicatif();"> <option value="021">021</option> <option value="022">022</option> <option value="031">031</option> </select> <select id="bloc" onChange="displayBloc();"> <option value="555" class="021">555</option> <option value="666" class="021">666</option> <option value="777" class="021">777</option> </select> Basically what happens now is this: combobox indicatif: 021 | 022 | 031 combobox bloc: 555 | 666 | 777 If I select "021" from indicatif, the script will append 021 to the input "blabla". The problem is, if I now select "022", the input will show "021022" instead of replacing the 021 with 022. What I would like is that, for each combobox, the script replaces the selected value with the new one instead of simply appending it, like instead of say 021022555666 it would show 021555 or 022666 or 021666 depending on what is get the idea? Is this doable? Needless to say I'm a total noob at javascript...I adapted the code I got now from some other guy who was trying to achieve almost the same thing and adapted it to my needs, or least, tried to, but now I'm stuck. Any help is appreciated! Thanks print "<Font face=\"calibri, Arial\"><table id=\"rnatable\" border=2px width=100%>"; print "<th></th>"; print "<th>a</th>"; print "<th>b</th>"; print "<th>c</th>"; print "<th>d</th>"; print "<th>e</th>"; print "<th>f</th>"; print "<th>g</th>"; while($array = mysql_fetch_array($sql_query)) { $id=$array['a']; print "<tr id=\"newtr\">"; print "<td><input id=\"check\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"keyword[]\" value=\"$id\" ></td>"; print "<td>".$array['a']."</td>"; print "<td>".$array['b']."</td>"; print "<td>".$array['c']."</td>"; print "<td>".$array['d']."</td>"; print "<td>".$array['e']."</td>"; print "<td>".$array['f']."</td>"; print "<td> <a href=\"http://localhost/rnasearch/retrieve.php?a=$id\">bla</a> </td></tr></font>"; } print "</table>"; } this is part of a php searchengine script that i wrote to retrieve data from a database and as you can see the last column that is g contains a link which when clicked takes the user to the second php script which retrieves additional information of that entry, but this is done for only single entries so as you can see i introduced checkboxes so that the user can check any number of checkboxes and retrieve information as per their wish now to do this i created a <input type=text where i want the value of these checkboxes i.e. $id to be posted in a delimited format so that the user can then click the corresponding button and retrieve the information this is the code <div id="floatMenu"> <ul class="menu1"> <center><li><form name="senddata" method="POST" action="http://localhost/retrieve.php" style="display:inline;"><input id="fasta" type="text" class="multitext"><input name="Fasta" type="Submit" value="Retrieve Fasta"></form> this is a css floating far so good....everything went fine.... after this i had to write a javascript to do this and i've been stuck there searching forums for the last 4 days! this is the javascript i found from somewhere which came close to doing wht i wanted it to do window.onload = function () { var cb = document.getElementById('check'); var fasta = document.getElementById('fasta'); cb.onclick = function () {fasta.value = cb.value + ","; };}; this script only sends the value of the first checkbox in the table, the others are not found by it, mind you its not the first checkbox selected its the first checkbox that is present in the table how can i resolve this problem so that even if i have n number of checkboxes in my table, if the user chooses to do so they can retrieve n number of information....please help i've almost lost hope in this! I have a web page created using plsql web toolkit. I want to set the text box values for street line 2 and zip based on user selection in select drop down which is street line 1. The select drop down list is based on a cursor selecting data from the Oracle database. I'm not sure if I need to use an array in the javascript code or if I can set the values some where in my package. Any advice would be appreciated. cursor: Quote: cursor bldglistc is select stvbldg_code, stvbldg_desc, slbbldg_street_line1, slbbldg_city, slbbldg_stat_code, slbbldg_zip from stvbldg, slbbldg where stvbldg_code = slbbldg_bldg_code (+) and stvbldg_desc not like 'DNU%' and stvbldg_desc not like 'Online%' order by slbbldg_bldg_code; bldg_record bldglistc%ROWTYPE; Javascript in package: Quote: htp.p(' <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE = "text/javascript"> function UpdateNextField(which1,which2,fld1,fld2) { document.getElementById(fld1).value = which1.value; document.getElementById(fld2).value = which2.value; } </SCRIPT> '); Form code from package: Quote: HTP.formopen ('bwgkogad.P_ProcAddrUpdate', 'post'); twbkfrmt.P_FormHidden ('atyp', atyp); twbkfrmt.P_FormHidden ('seqno', seqno); twbkfrmt.p_tableopen ( 'DATAENTRY', cattributes =>G$_NLS.Get('BWGKOAD1-0003','SQL','SUMMARY="This table shows Address Selected for Update."') ); twbkfrmt.p_tablerowopen; twbkfrmt.p_tabledataheader (stvatyp_rec.stvatyp_desc, ccolspan => '5'); twbkfrmt.p_tablerowclose; twbkfrmt.p_tablerowopen; twbkfrmt.p_tabledatalabel ( twbkfrmt.f_formlabel ( g$_nls.get ('BWGKOAD1-0007', 'SQL', 'Address Line 1:'), idname => 'street_line1_input_id' ) ); twbkfrmt.p_tabledataopen (ccolspan => '5'); HTP.formselectopen ( 'str1', '', 1, cattributes => 'ID="street_line1_input_id" onChange="javascript: UpdateNextField(this,this,''street_line2_input_id' ',''zip_input_id'')"' ); OPEN bldglistc; LOOP FETCH bldglistc INTO bldg_record; IF bldglistc%NOTFOUND THEN EXIT; END IF; IF address_rec.spraddr_street_line1 = bldg_record.slbbldg_street_line1 THEN twbkwbis.p_formselectoption ( bldg_record.slbbldg_street_line1, bldg_record.slbbldg_street_line1, 'selected' ); ELSE twbkwbis.p_formselectoption ( bldg_record.slbbldg_street_line1, bldg_record.slbbldg_street_line1 ); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE bldglistc; HTP.formselectclose; twbkfrmt.p_tabledataclose; twbkfrmt.p_tablerowclose; twbkfrmt.p_tablerowopen; twbkfrmt.p_tabledatalabel ( twbkfrmt.f_formlabel ( g$_nls.get ('BWGKOAD1-0008', 'SQL', 'Address Line 2:'), idname => 'street_line2_input_id' ) ); twbkfrmt.p_tabledata ( twbkfrmt.f_formtext ( 'str2', 70, 75, address_rec.spraddr_street_line2, cattributes => 'ID="street_line2_input_id" readonly' ), ccolspan => '5' ); twbkfrmt.p_tablerowclose; twbkfrmt.p_tablerowopen; twbkfrmt.p_tabledatalabel ( twbkfrmt.f_formlabel ( g$_nls.get ('BWGKOAD1-0013', 'SQL', 'ZIP or Postal Code:'), idname => 'zip_input_id' ) ); twbkfrmt.p_tabledata ( twbkfrmt.f_formtext ( 'zip', NULL, 30, address_rec.spraddr_zip, cattributes => 'ID="zip_input_id" readonly' ), ccolspan => '5' ); twbkfrmt.p_tablerowclose; twbkfrmt.p_tableclose; HTP.para; -- HTP.formsubmit (NULL, G$_NLS.Get('BWGKOAD1-0054','SQL','Submit')); HTP.formreset (g$_nls.get ('BWGKOAD1-0055', 'SQL', 'Reset')); HTP.formclose; I have one html text area in my JSP file. when i click on that text area, a pop-up will come, in that pop-up i have list of items. So after selecting a item from that pop-up list, need to click okay. so that text area will update with the selected value. In this case, i need to compare the first text area value and updated text area value. How can i do that in Java Script. I have a bunch of checkboxes like below that the user can check some or all and click the button and see the values of all the selected checkboxes. How can I do that? Code: <script> function alertValues(){ } </script> <input type="checkbox" class ="normal2" value="131971" name="list[]" > <input type="checkbox" class ="normal2" value="131973" name="list[]" > <input type="checkbox" class ="normal2" value="131975" name="list[]" > <input type="checkbox" class ="normal2" value="131977" name="list[]" > <input type="button" onClick="alertValues()" Hi, What's a good way/ideal data structure to achieve this? The objective of the code/function is to map user-inputted strings into a pair of specific, hard-coded strings. For example, say the user types "firefox" or "ff", or "fx". The output would be the pair ["browser", "mozilla"], for example. I'm currently using a multidimensional array, but it feels inefficient and I'm having trouble mapping an arbitrary number of inputs into 2 outputs. Code: var strings = [ ["input1", "output1a"], ["input2", "output1a"], ["input3", "output1a"], ["input1", "output1b"], ["input2", "output1b"], ["input3", "output1b"] ]; How should I map the elements ["input1", "input2", "input3"] => ["output1a", "output1b"] ? Another method I used previously was a massive switch statement. This fulfills my needs, but I'm not sure about the efficiency (though if I remember correctly, switch statements become more efficient as size grows, since it uses a hash table?). Code: switch (input) { case "ff": case "firefox": case "fx" : case "ffox": return ["browser", "mozilla"]; case "ie": case "internet explorer": return ["browser", "microsoft"]; ... } As of right now I have a code that will work in IE but wont work in FireFox...go figure. Basically what I want to have happen is when you type in an area code it will provide an output in a predetermined area of the page. For Example: Input- 512 Output - Austin, TX The code that I have doesn't work with firefox and I was just wondering if there was a code that would allow that to happen. Thanks! Hi, I have a form with 9 text fields and a text area. What I want to do is replace the text in the text area depending on how many fields contain text. For example my text boxes are named 1 to 9, if the user enters text in the first five boxes I want the text area to auto fill with 'you have selected boxes 1 to 5' if the user selects all nine it will say 'you have selected 1 to 9', therefore, the user must complete the text boxes in order. I have it working with an onchange event but i have a button on the form to also auto fill the text boxes and it does not work if this is clicked. Any help would be appreciated! |