JavaScript - Javascript Onmouseover Onmouseout Event Problem
Here is a javascript/html code that changes a text phrase to something else on mouseover but it doesn't return to its original state before the event happened. The code is below. Thank you for your help.
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <script></script> <title>Javascript</title> <style type="text/css"> div { font-family: Georgia } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function changetext() { var textchange2 = "~Home~" ; var id = document.getElementById("A"); id.innerHTML=textchange2; } </script> <div id="A" onmouseover="changetext();">Home</div> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHeyho. Well I'm rather new to JavaScripting, so don't be harsh on me . Well I'm trying to make a 'onMouseOver & onMouseOut' event, where you hold the cursor over a image, it will change to another. So, here is my code: Code: <A HREF="Home.html" onmouseover="document.but.src='HOME_OVER.PNG'" onmouseout="document.but.src='HOME_BASE.PNG'"> <IMG SRC="Home_BASE.PNG" NAME="but" BORDER="0" ALT="..."> </A> <br> <A HREF="" onmouseover="document.but.src='FORUM_OVER.PNG'" onmouseout="document.but.src='FORUM_BASE.PNG'"> <br> <IMG SRC="FORUM_BASE.PNG" NAME="but2" BORDER="0" ALT="..."> </A> It works fine when I use it for 1 picture, but it really mess up when I use it more then 1 time :/. I don't understand why. Probably obvious for you! Looking forward to (hopefully) see a solution . Marius. So i've written abit of code myself in order to do this: I will have multiple video tags on my website, each of the video tag's will have to be able to play/pause seperatly, so technically speaking only 1 video should be playing at a time, when the user 'onmouseout' it should pause and when the user's gos to another video that other video should start playing. If he move's the cursor out of the video it should stop... The problem is now, i have video A & B. When i go 'onmouseover' video B, video A starts playing. This is how i started coding: 1 . 2 functions for playing/pausing a video tag 2 . Check how many <video> tags are on the page (after load) 3 . Add Event "mouseout" + function to each <video> tag And the actual code: Javascript: Code: /*** FUNCTIONS OM DE MOUSEOVER & OUT TE DOEN WERKEN ***/ function speelFilmpje(){ document.getElementById("filmpke").play(); } function stopFilmpje(){ document.getElementById("filmpke").pause(); } window.onload = function(){ /*** FUNCTION DIE ONMOUSEOVER & OUT FUNCTIE AAN 'VIDEO' TAGS TOEVOEGT ***/ var video = document.getElementsByTagName('video'); var videotags = video.length; //console.log(videotags); for(i=0; i<videotags;i++){ video[i].addEventListener("mouseover", speelFilmpje,false); video[i].addEventListener("mouseout", stopFilmpje,false); }//einde van de functie } HTML: Code: <div id="right_column"> <div id="preview1"> <video width="197" height="81" id="filmpke"> <source src="unknown.ogg" type="video/ogg"> <source src="unknown.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <a href="#">Unknown (2010)</a> </div> <div id="preview1"> <video width="197" height="81" id="filmpke"> <source src="unknown.ogg" type="video/ogg"> <source src="unknown.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <a href="#">Unknown (2010)</a> </div> </div> Any thoughts or information is welcome. I've stumbled upon my own wall of "Lack of knowledge" -_- Ok, I'm new to these form and I need help with an assignment. Hopefully I'm within the rules here as I most certainly don't want to get stung for plagiarism or cheating. But, here is my issue. I'm struggling with javascript and I can't manage to get this rollover effect working. The HTML side of things should be ok and it's probably a missing semicolon. Code: /* write functions that define the action for each event */ function showTip () { var sidTip; /* obtain access to the HTML tool tip element using id "sidTip" and link it a varialbe named sidTip */ sidTip = document.getElementById("sidTip"); /* display the HTML tool tip element sidTip bying change the value of its CSS property "display" to "inline" */"inline"); } function hideTip () { /* this function hides the tool tip */ var = sidTip; /*first, get access to the tool tip HTML element */ sidTip = document.getElementById("sidTip") /* then, hide the tool tip HTML element by changing its CSS property "display" to "none" */"none"); } function init () { alert("javascript working"); /* the init function links functions to appropriate events of corresponding HTML elements */ /* create a variable named sid */ var = sid; /* get access to the HTML element by its id "sid" and link it to sid */ sid = document.getElementById("sid"); /* link function showTip to the onmouseover event of sid */ onMouseOver = showTip; /* link function hideTip to the onmouseout event of sid */ onMouseOut = hideTip; } /* link function init to the onload event of the window so that function init will be called when the page is loaded */ window.onload = init; /* another random comment belonging to hebdomad */ I am trying to get my code to work without using <a> tags and inline html event handlers. I got most of my code laid out so far. But there is a problem I'm having. The way I have it right now for some reason it selects both of my images when I hover over them. I'm trying to get it to only select the one that is currently moused over and change the border and also display a tooltip of the image name that is moused over. When mouse is off image it goes back to normal. When that image is moused over it should display the same image but bigger in my blank image area with the name of the image above it. This image stays until you mouseover another image. Please help I'm stuck. HTML CODE: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns = ""> <head> <title>Image Viewer</title> <meta http-equiv= "content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="icecream.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Products</h1> <table name="showProduct"> <tr> <td> <img src="images/blank.jpg" name="show" /> </td> </tr> </table> <table name="productList"> <tr> <td name="products" id="applePie"> <img src="images/Apple_Pie.gif" name="thumb" /> </td> <td name="products" id="banana"> <img src="images/Banana.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/ButterscotchChips.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td > <td name="products"> <img src="images/Candy.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/CandyHearts.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/CandyHeartsHard.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Carmel.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Carmel_Heath.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/ChocChips.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Chocolate_Marshmellow.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Chocolate_AlmondBar.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/ChocPeanuts.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/ChocSprinkles.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/CoconutFlakes.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Fudge_Almonds.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/full_White_Mint.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/GumDrops.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/GummyBears.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/GummySharks.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/HeartChews.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td name="products"> <img src="images/JellyBeans.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/MMBits.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Peanut_Butter_Chocolate.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/PeanutButterChips.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Peanuts.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/RainbowDrops.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/RainbowSprinkles.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Raspberry_Brownie.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/RedLicoriceTaffy.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Rich_Chocolate.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Strawberry.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Strawberry_Cheesecake.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/TaffyChocRasp.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Tiramisu.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Vanilla.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Vanilla_Cashews.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Vanilla_ChocolateChip_PeanutButter_CookieDough.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Vanilla_Peaches.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/Vanilla_Raspberry.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/WaffleCone_Vanilla.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td name="products"> <img src="images/WatermellonSlices.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/White_Mint.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/White_Pretzels_almonds_Fudge.gif" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/WhiteChocChips.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/YogurtPeanuts.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> <td name="products"> <img src="images/YogurtRasins.jpg" name="thumb"/> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> JS CODE: Code: window.onload = function() { runInit(); } function runInit() { var thumbnails = document.getElementsByName('thumb'); for (var i=0; i<thumbnails.length; i++) { thumbnails[i].style.width = "75px"; thumbnails[i].style.height = "80px"; } var cells = document.getElementsByName('products'); for (var i=0; i<cells.length; i++) { cells[i].style.borderStyle = "outset"; } var products = document.getElementsByTagName('td'); for (var i=0; i<products.length; i++) { products[i].onmouseover = preloader; products[i].onmouseout = unHighlight; } } function unHighlight() { if (document.getElementById('applePie').onmouseout) { document.getElementById('applePie').style.borderStyle="outset"; } if (document.getElementById('banana').onmouseout) { document.getElementById('banana').style.borderStyle="outset"; } } function preloader() { if (document.images) { var applePie= new Image(75,80); applePie.src="images/Apple_Pie.gif"; if (document.getElementById('applePie').onmouseover) { document.getElementById('applePie').style.borderStyle="inset"; } var banana= new Image(75,80); banana.src="images/Banana.gif"; if (document.getElementById('banana').onmouseover) { document.getElementById('banana').style.borderStyle="inset"; } var blank= new Image(75,80); blank.src="images/blank.jpg"; var butterscotchChips= new Image(75,80); butterscotchChips.src="images/ButterscotchChips.jpg"; var candy= new Image(75,80); candy.src="images/Candy.jpg"; var candyHearts= new Image(75,80); candyHearts.src="images/CandyHearts.jpg"; var candyHeartsHard= new Image(75,80); candyHeartsHard.src="images/CandyHeartsHard.jpg"; var carmel= new Image(75,80); carmel.src="images/Carmel.gif"; var carmelHeath= new Image(75,80); carmelHeath.src="images/Carmel_Heath.gif"; var chocChips= new Image(75,80); chocChips.src="images/ChocChips.jpg"; var chocMarshmellow= new Image(75,80); chocMarshmellow.src="images/Chocolate_Marshmellow.gif"; var chocAlmondBar= new Image(75,80); chocAlmondBar.src="images/Chocolate_AlmondBar.gif"; var chocPeanuts= new Image(75,80); chocPeanuts.src="images/ChocPeanuts.jpg"; var chocSprinkles= new Image(75,80); chocSprinkles.src="images/ChocSprinkles.jpg"; var coconutFlakes= new Image(75,80); coconutFlakes.src="images/CoconutFlakes.jpg"; var fudgeAlmonds= new Image(75,80); fudgeAlmonds.src="images/Fudge_Almonds.gif"; var fullWhiteMint= new Image(75,80); fullWhiteMint.src="images/full_White_Mint.gif"; var gumDrops= new Image(75,80); gumDrops.src="images/GumDrops.jpg"; var gummyBears= new Image(75,80); gummyBears.src="images/GummyBears.jpg"; var gummySharks= new Image(75,80); gummySharks.src="images/GummySharks.jpg"; var heartChews= new Image(75,80); heartChews.src="images/HeartChews.jpg"; var jellyBeans= new Image(75,80); jellyBeans.src="images/JellyBeans.jpg"; var mmBits= new Image(75,80); mmBits.src="images/MMBits.jpg"; var pbChoc= new Image(75,80); pbChoc.src="images/Peanut_Butter_Chocolate.gif"; var pbChips= new Image(75,80); pbChips.src="images/PeanutButterChips.jpg"; var peanuts= new Image(75,80); peanuts.src="images/Peanuts.jpg"; var rbDrops= new Image(75,80); rbDrops.src="images/RainbowDrops.jpg"; var rbSprinkles= new Image(75,80); rbSprinkles.src="images/RainbowSprinkles.jpg"; var raspberryBrownie= new Image(75,80); raspberryBrownie.src="images/Raspberry_Brownie.gif"; var redLicTaffy= new Image(75,80); redLicTaffy.src="images/RedLicoriceTaffy.jpg"; var richChoc= new Image(75,80); richChoc.src="images/Rich_Chocolate.gif"; var strawberry= new Image(75,80); strawberry.src="images/Strawberry.gif"; var sbCheeseCake= new Image(75,80); sbCheeseCake.src="images/Strawberry_Cheesecake.gif"; var taffyChocRasp= new Image(75,80); taffyChocRasp.src="images/TaffyChocRasp.jpg"; var tiramisu= new Image(75,80); tiramisu.src="images/Tiramisu.gif"; var vanilla= new Image(75,80); vanilla.src="images/Vanilla.gif"; var vanCashews= new Image(75,80); vanCashews.src="images/Vanilla_Cashews.gif"; var vanChocChipPBCD= new Image(75,80); vanChocChipPBCD.src="images/Vanilla_ChocolateChip_PeanutButter_CookieDough.gif"; var vanPeaches= new Image(75,80); vanPeaches.src="images/Vanilla_Peaches.gif"; var vanRaspberry= new Image(75,80); vanRaspberry.src="images/Vanilla_Raspberry.gif"; var waffleCone= new Image(75,80); waffleCone.src="images/WaffleCone_Vanilla.gif"; var wmSlices= new Image(75,80); wmSlices.src="images/WatermellonSlices.jpg"; var whiteMint= new Image(75,80); whiteMint.src="images/White_Mint.gif"; var whitePretzels= new Image(75,80); whitePretzels.src="images/White_Pretzels_almonds_Fudge.gif"; var whiteChocChips= new Image(75,80); whiteChocChips.src="images/WhiteChocChips.jpg"; var yogurtPeanuts= new Image(75,80); yogurtPeanuts.src="images/YogurtPeanuts.jpg"; var yogurtRasins= new Image(75,80); yogurtRasins.src="images/YogurtRasins.jpg"; } } Hello! I have created a mouseover/mouseout event using 2 images. I am not sure how to add a third image so the mouseover/mouseout event changes images in sequence each time the mouse is passed over the image and keeps cylcing in order. Would you use an array with a for loop counter for this process? Also, how would you call the function? I guess you would place the call in the mouseover where you would normally put the image to be called? Thanks! I need help with making an Image onMouseOver event and onMouseOut event without using <a> tags and inline code in the HTML. I know how to do it with <a> tags and inline already. Not sure how to go about doing this without <a> tags and inline. If someone could give me an example of how to do this using strictly Javascript only, I would greatly appreciate the help. I am also planning on having the Images within a table and assigning functions that execute when the mouse is over the image within the cell and when the mouse is off the image in the cell. Aloha, I'm trying to make a page that changes a pic to match the paragraph the user's mouse is over. Page is here, The problem I have is that the page reloads the initial image (the map) every time I move my mouse from one list item to the next, before it loads the next pic. It only does this the first time, but it's annoying, slow, and makes my page look bad. I tested it using both Safari and Firefox and got the same results. Does anyone know how I should correct it? TIA, Thad Code: <ul class="borderit" onmouseout="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic0.jpg'"> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic1.jpg'"> We are picked up at our hotel in Waikiki. We are greeted with aloha, and fresh leis too. Our destinations are numerous, so let's get started! </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic2.jpg'"> We drive away from Waikiki toward the Windward side of O'ahu. Along the way, we see Diamond Head. We stop at a scenic lookout for our first pictures of the day. </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic3.jpg'"> From there we view at Koko Crater and Hanauma Bay. Next we stop at the Halona Blowhole, where the waves force water through a lava tube and into the sky as high as 30 feet! </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic4.jpg'"> We continue along past the amazingly beautiful blue costal waters. Have you ever seen waters so blue? </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic5.jpg'"> We are now far from the hustle and bustle of Honolulu and Waikiki. We stop for a visit to one of the many fantastic local beaches, but not for long, we have much more to see! </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic6.jpg'"> As we continue we reach a local macadamia nut farm where we stop to buy some flavorful gifts for friends back home. We make more visits to an art gallery, a ranch, a local restaurant for some ono (Hawaiian word for yummy) food. </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic7.jpg'"> We make a stop at Laie Point, and learn about its Hawaiian legend. </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic8.jpg'"> From there we continue on to the North Shore. We stop at a few of the world-famous beaches and observe some of the day's surfers. We even get a chance to swim with a honu (turtle). </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic9.jpg'"> After a stop at a shrimp truck, we get to Hale'iwa Town for some shopping and dining. We get some yummy Matsumoto Shave Ice. </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic10.jpg'"> After leaving the North Shore we begin our return the Waikiki. We travel through wonderfully fragrant pineapple fields. We stop at the Dole Plantation and try not to get lost in the world's largest maze. </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic11.jpg'"> On our way back to town we visit the National Cemetery at Punchbowl and the State Capitol. </li> <li onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic12.jpg'"> Our final stop is another scenic point for one last view of the day. </li> <li style="margin-bottom:.5em" onmouseover="document.getElementById('picture').src='/pic13.jpg'"> We return to our hotel. Today we saw so many wondrous sights, took countless pictures, heard about Hawaiian history and legend, sampled some local food, discovered some Hawaiian treasures, and learned some Hawaiian language. This will be a memory that we will recall for the rest of our lives. </li> </ul> have a small div above (hover) a big one. I assign onmouseover and onmouseout events to the wrapper div. For image caption roll-over animation. The problem is when the mouse is above the caption itself, causing an unwanted result(probably event bubbling). And another problem: sometimes when you move mouse from outside to container you get a a triple debug sequence: (it should be just 2): -I am over- -I am out- -I am over- (firebug console) How to make it work? (no jquery) must work on all browsers. Demo: The wanted result: When mouse moved over the image, only mouseover event should be raised once! When mouse moved out from the image, only the mouseout event should be raised. when mouse is over the captionm it should be treated as if the mouse is still on the image. (no flickering) hi, please ignore this is a duplicate of one already active. MODS please delete. apologies for my mistake. Hi, Im a complete newbie to javascript and I've basically copied and pasted the javascript I found here to use on my site. Its an onMouseOver slideshow: to use on my site. Basically, my problem is how do I add a second, separate image in a different location on the web page, associated with this script? If I post <a href="javascript:warp()"><img src="myimage" name="targetimage" border=0></a> in two different locations, which is the script for the image, the script stops working, but having it once makes it work. So how do I add two different image locations? Can someone please help me here? I just want to add more images in a different location. ie have image location 1, and image location 2. Thanks in advance Script Below: Code: <script> function changeimage(towhat,url){ if (document.images){ document.images.targetimage.src=towhat.src gotolink=url } } function warp(){ window.location=gotolink1 } </script> <script language="JavaScript1.1"> var myimages=new Array() var gotolink="#" function preloadimages(){ for (i=0;i<preloadimages.arguments.length;i++){ myimages[i]=new Image() myimages[i].src=preloadimages.arguments[i] } } preloadimages(my images here) </script> For the Links: <a href="creativewriting.html" onMouseover="changeimage(myimages[1],this.href)">Creative Writing</a><br> For the Image: <a href="javascript:warp()"><img src="myimage" name="targetimage" border=0></a> Hello everyone, If I type the name, and I check and Gender Scholar, my button will appear What I am looking to: Check my buttons, and when I start typing the name, the button Submit appear, st if I delete the text, the Submit button disappear Here's the script: Code: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#commentForm").validate(); }); function check_required(){ //alert(document.getElementById('rdo_boursier_oui').checked); //alert(document.getElementById('txt_lastname').value != ""); if((document.getElementById('rdo_boursier_oui').checked == true || document.getElementById('rdo_boursier_non').checked == true) && (document.getElementById('rdo_sexe_eleve_m').checked == true || document.getElementById('rdo_sexe_eleve_f').checked == true) && (document.getElementById('txt_lastname').value != "" ) ) { document.getElementById ('submit_etape2').style.display='block'; }else{ document.getElementById ('submit_etape2').style.display='none'; } } </script> </head> <form action="#" method="post" id="commentForm"> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit_etape2" id="submit_etape2" value="" style="display:none;"/> <p class="p_float"> <label for="lastname">Votre nom<span class="required_red">*</span></label> <input type="text" name="txt_lastname" id="txt_lastname" value="" class="required" minlength="3" onchange="check_required();" /> </p> <p class="p_float rdo"> <label for="boursier">Boursier<span class="required_red">*</span></label> <input type="radio" name="rdo_boursier" id="rdo_boursier_oui" value="" class="rdo_sexe_eleve snd_inscription required" onclick="check_required();"/>Oui <input type="radio" name="rdo_boursier" id="rdo_boursier_non" value="" class="rdo_sexe_eleve snd_inscription required" onclick="check_required();"/>Non </p> <p class="p_float rdo"> <label for="sexe">Sexe<span class="required_red">*</span></label> <input type="radio" name="rdo_sexe_eleve" id="rdo_sexe_eleve_m" class="rdo_sexe_eleve snd_inscription required" onclick="check_required();" value="">M <input type="radio" name="rdo_sexe_eleve" id="rdo_sexe_eleve_f" class="rdo_sexe_eleve snd_inscription required" onclick="check_required();" value="">F </p> </form> Hello, I have a script I am using which works great, except when I copy the code and have multiple events it only shows the first one. This I believe is because it's calling the first class name of it's kind. I want the class's to be named the same thing (css styling) and because the site is going to be dynamically driven, but is there a way to modify my script so that instead of looking for the first class it recognizes the right class associated with the button clicked. If anyone can help me fix this problem I am having I would be most appreciative.. Code: <script language="javascript"> function toggle() { var ele = document.getElementById("commpopup"); if( == "block") { = "none"; } else { = "block"; } } </script> <div class="togglecomment"> <div class="popup" id="commpopup"> <div class="commentbtn"><a href="#"><img src="images/commenticon.png" align="absmiddle" />Comment</a></div> </div> <div class="button"><a href="javascript:toggle();"><img src="images/comment_btn.jpg" /></a></div> </div> I have the following javascript function: [ function addNewWindowEvent(evType, fn) { if (window.addEventListener) { this.addEventListener("load", fn, false); return true; } else if (window.attachEvent) { var onload = "onload" this.attachEvent(onload, fn); return true; } else { return false; } } ] which is giving me a an exception every time a page on our site loads. The actual exception in firefox is this: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Could not convert JavaScript argument" nsresult: "0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)" location: "JS frame :: :: addNewWindowEvent :: line 5" data: no] and I'm not sure exactly what it's complaining about. I'm relatively new to javascript so diagnosing and fixing this problem has me quite puzzled, and so far I have been unable to find anything helpful when I try and google for information on this. I would appreciate any help or suggestions. Thanks. henryv in the attached photos you have a wheel of colors and a corresponding cascading menu. I'd like to just be able to onmouseover one of the 8 colored polygons within the wheel, have it replace the wheel with one of 8 new images depending on which polygon the mouse is over, and at the same time, light up the corresponding image on the cascading company menu group. is this possible with javascript? links to a tutorial? I've had some experience with replacing one image with another onmouseover, but not with breaking up one image into 8 parts, each with a separate image replacement. I could see how you could perform this with only 4 different colored polygons, but not 8. Hi, what I want to do is create a menu with rollover buttons but each button also changes the background image of a div. I've managed to change the colour of the div but not add an image there. I've added my code so you can have a look. Case 0 shows me attempting to change the background image. I must be doing something wrong. I've left the other cases as colours so you can see how I did that. I eventually want it all to be images. I'm creating a Joomla website (not sure if that makes a difference). Code: <body onload="addHandlers()"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function addHandlers(){ var allMenus = document.getElementById("services_menu").getElementsByTagName("li"); for(var k = 0; k < allMenus.length; k++) { allMenus[k].setAttribute('onmouseover', 'ChangeContentBg('+ k + ')' ); allMenus[k].setAttribute('onmouseout', 'Reset()'); } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function ChangeContentBg(i) { var Num = parseInt(i); var ContentDiv = document.getElementById("content"); switch(Num) { case 0: = 'url(../images/waxingtinting_rollover_image.jpg)'; break; case 1: = 'red'; break ; case 2: = 'purple'; break ; case 3: = 'green'; break ; case 4: = 'yellow'; break ; /*For each new color you would have to add a new case and change ChangeContentBg() parameter , to the case you want in <li> tag*/ } } function Reset() { document.getElementById("content").style.backgroundColor = ''; } </script> 2 onmouseover conflict. i cant click menu1-jQuery. can someone help me out. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>灰色CSS+Js实现的下拉菜单代码-</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function $(id){ return document.getElementById(id); } function menu_my(name,num) { var my; my = $(name); if ( my.last == undefined ) { my.last = 1; } var Menu = $("Menu" + name + my.last); var Cont = $("Cont" + name + my.last); Menu.className = ""; = "none"; var Menu = $("Menu" + name + num); var Cont = $("Cont" + name + num); Menu.className = "selectd"; = "block"; my.last = num; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> startList = function() { if (document.all&&document.getElementById) { navRoot = document.getElementById("nav"); for (i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++) { node = navRoot.childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeName=="LI") { node.onmouseover=function() { this.className+=" over"; } node.onmouseout=function() { this.className=this.className.replace(" over", ""); } } } } } window.onload=startList; </script> <style type="text/css"> body{ text-align: center; font-size:12px; } #popimg{ WIDTH:770px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center; } #popimg2{ WIDTH:770px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center; z-index:-1; } ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } li { position:relative; float: left; width: 110px; } li ul { position:absolute; display: none; top: 20px;left:0; } li:hover ul, li.over ul { display: block; } ul li a{ display:block; font-size:12px; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding:3px; margin-right:1px; text-decoration: none; color: #777;background:#eee; } ul li a:hover{ background-color:#f4f4f4; } #test{ clear:both; background-color:#999999; width:769px; height:100px; margin:0 auto; } .menu0307 { OVERFLOW: hidden; ZOOM: 1; HEIGHT: 28px } .menu0307 SPAN { BACKGROUND: url( no-repeat -1000px 0px; FLOAT: left; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 125px; LINE-HEIGHT: 300px; HEIGHT: 28px } .menu0307 SPAN#Menuxuehua1 { BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px 0px } .menu0307 SPAN#Menuxuehua2 { BACKGROUND-POSITION: -125px 0px; WIDTH: 124px } .menu0307 SPAN.selectd#Menuxuehua1 { BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px -32px } .menu0307 SPAN.selectd#Menuxuehua2 { BACKGROUND-POSITION: -125px -32px } </style> </head> <body> <div id="popimg"> <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="">menu1</a> <ul> <li><a href="/">Ajax/JavaScript</a></li><li><a href="/">ExtJS</a></li><li><a href="/">jQuery</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">menu2</a> <ul> <li><a href="/">test1</a></li><li><a href="/">test2</a></li><li><a href="/">test3</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">Ajax</a> <ul> <li><a href="/">CSS</a></li><li><a href="/">HTML</a></li><li><a href="/">editor</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">menu3</a> <ul> <li><a href="/">media</a></li><li><a href="/">object</a></li><li><a href="/">graphic</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">menu4</a> <ul> <li><a href="/">Ajax/JavaScript</a></li><li><a href="/">ExtJS</a></li><li><a href="/">jQuery</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">menu5</a> <ul> <li><a href="/">game</a></li><li><a href="/">programming</a></li><li><a href="/">sale</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">VC++</a> <ul><li><a href="/">database</a></li><li><a href="/">oracle</a></li><li><a href="/">sql</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="popimg2"> <div id="test"> <DIV class=menu0307 id=xuehua> <SPAN class=selectd id=Menuxuehua1 onmouseover="menu_my('xuehua',1)" ;>meeting</SPAN> <SPAN id=Menuxuehua2 onmouseover="menu_my('xuehua',2)" ;>note</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV id=Contxuehua1 style="POSITION: relative">test</DIV> <DIV id=Contxuehua2 style="DISPLAY: none">database</DIV> </div> </div> </body> </html> Hi I have a script that runs fine in FF, Chrome But in IE it does not work at all...(mouse over/mouseout) Would you please help me fix the problem... here is the code: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var c=0; var t; var timer_is_on=0; function timedCount() { document.getElementById('txt').value=c; c=c+1; t=setTimeout("timedCount()",1000); } window.onmouseout=doTimer; function doTimer() { if (!timer_is_on) { timer_is_on=1; timedCount(); } } function stopCount() { clearTimeout(t); timer_is_on=0; } function descriptionKeyUp() { if (timer === null) { startTimer(); } else { clearTimeout(timestop); } timestop = setTimeout(stopTimer, 6000); } </script> ----------------------- <form> <textarea name="taskdesc" id="taskdesc" cols="45" rows="5"onmouseover="stopCount()" onkeyup="descriptionKeyUp()"></textarea> <p>Time Spent on Other tasks: <input type="text" name ="txt" id="txt" /> </p> <p>Time Spent on Documenting: <input type="input" name="seconds" id="timer" /> </form> basically what it does is when user takes the mouse away from the form it counts the time...when user put the cursor in side the stops counting...... Hi guys, I need some help. Im trying to make a navagation menu with images that need to be changed when someone hovers over the child category. So lets say I have a menu that looks like this: Code: <img src="notactiveimagemenu1.jpg" alt=""> <ul id="menu1"> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> </ul> <img src="notactiveimagemenu2.jpg" alt=""> <ul id="menu2"> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> <li>link</li> </ul> Now what im trying to do is if someone hovers over the li items from menu1 to change the image src of menu1.jpg to active. I was hoping to do this with some javascript. Code: // i was thinking about something like this: // first put menu items in a array // then use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() // and make some sort of check to see which src should be changed. Now I really have no clue how to do it. So if anyone knows a cool solution please let me know. I know I could add onmouseover events to each li item and changing the src of the category. But Im trying to find a better solution. And I think I should be able to use document.getElementById(id).onmouseover = function() for that. Anyway thanks for any tips. Please note I know I could use jquery to do all of this very easy but I consider this practice because I don't know that much javascript. Is it possible to set onmouseover only in js file without running the function on html code? P.S. I found a coding thread here but I don't understand it and it's too old (2005 archive). Thank you very much JavaScript Code: window.addEvent('domready',function(){ //SAMPLE 8 var handles8_more = $$('#handles8_more span'); var nS8 = new noobSlide({ box: $('box8'), interval: 5000, autoPlay: true, items: $$('#box8 h3'), size: 900, handles: $$('#handles8 span'), handle_event: 'mouseenter', addButtons: { previous: $('prev8'), play: $('play8'), stop: $('stop8'), playback: $('playback8'), next: $('next8') }, onWalk: function(currentItem,currentHandle){ //style for handles $$(this.handles,handles8_more).removeClass('active'); $$(currentHandle,handles8_more[this.currentIndex]).addClass('active'); //text for "previous" and "next" default buttons $('prev8').set('html','<< '+this.items[this.previousIndex].innerHTML); $('next8').set('html',this.items[this.nextIndex].innerHTML+' >>'); } }); //walk to item 0 witouth fx nS8.walk(0,false,true); }); html Code: <div class="slider sample8"> <p class="buttons" id="handles8"> <span>Item 1</span><span>Item 2</span><span>Item 3</span><span>Item 4</span><span>Item 5</span> </p> <div class="mask1"> <div id="box8"> <div onMouseOver="nS8.Stop();" onMouseOut="nS8.Play();"> </div> </div> </div> <p class="buttons"> <span id="prev8"><< Previous</span> | <span id="next8">Next >></span> </p> <p class="buttons"> <span id="playback8">< Playback</span> <span id="stop8">Stop</span> <span id="play8">Play ></span> </p> </div> All I need to do is when they hover ocer the div statement stop the program from looping. and then when they stop hovering over it let it start looping again. |