JavaScript - Putting Text Or Variable Into Input Field
Hi, my first question on this forum is I hope a simple one.
I have an input text field that I would like to have either the user fill out but also I would like to be able to fill it with text, which I can do, via javascript or a variable which I don't seem to be able to manage. I have tried lots of options, converting to a string first and much more but it will not work, maybe it is a syntax error or maybe I am just doing it plain wrong. I think it should be simple but I have only been using javascript for a few weeks so who knows, hopefully one of you! Here is my code for displaying a variable which does not work: Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function myfunction() var mynumber = 101; document.getElementById("myinput").value = mynumber; </script> </head> <body> <p id="demo">Web Page 1</p> <button type="button" onclick="myfunction()">JS</button> <input type="text" value="00000000" id="myinput"> </body> </html> I would be very grateful for any help. Thanks Simon Similar TutorialsI'm building a template editor and need some help changing some of the variables. Part 1. Only at DEALERNAME. Must present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be combined with any other offer. 1 coupon per customer per transaction. Expires: 00/00/00.s I need to be able to fill out two fields to change DEALERNAME and 00/00/00. I found a way to do this but it required the output to be in a field. I need it the output to look no different than before. Part 2. I'm using this to change some text via radio button but I would like an option to select how many details are there is the first place. Say they only want 1 or 2 details and not 3. Head Code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function detail1a(){ document.getElementById("detail1").innerHTML = "Up to 5 Quarts"; } function detail1b(){ document.getElementById("detail1").innerHTML = "Synthetic Oil Extra"; } function detail1c(){ document.getElementById("detail1").innerHTML = "Lube Chassis"; } function detail2a(){ document.getElementById("detail2").innerHTML = "Up to 5 Quarts"; } function detail2b(){ document.getElementById("detail2").innerHTML = "Synthetic Oil Extra"; } function detail2c(){ document.getElementById("detail2").innerHTML = "Lube Chassis"; } function detail3a(){ document.getElementById("detail3").innerHTML = "Up to 5 Quarts"; } function detail3b(){ document.getElementById("detail3").innerHTML = "Synthetic Oil Extra"; } function detail3c(){ document.getElementById("detail3").innerHTML = "Lube Chassis"; } </script> Body Code: <span style="font-weight: bold;">Offer Details</span><br /> <p style="margin: 8px 10px"> Detail 1<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail1a();" />Up to 5 quarts<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail1b();" />Synthetic Oil Extra<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail1c();" />Lube Chassis<br /> </p> <p style="margin: 8px 10px"> Detail 2<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail2a();" />Up to 5 quarts<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail2b();" />Synthetic Oil Extra<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail2c();" />Lube Chassis<br /> </p> <p style="margin: 8px 10px"> Detail 3<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail3a();" />Up to 5 quarts<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail3b();" />Synthetic Oil Extra<br /> <input type="radio" name="on/off" onclick="detail3c();" />Lube Chassis<br /> </p> Output Code: <ul> <li><span id="detail1">Detail 1</span></li> <li><span id="detail2">Detail 2</span></li> <li><span id="detail3">Detail 3</span></li> </ul> I have an existing form with radio buttons and a text input field: <input type="radio" name="recurringEnd" value="yes"> End after <input type="text" name="numberOccurrences" size="1"> occurrences <input type="radio" name="recurringEnd" value="date"> End on <input type="text" name="endDate" size="8"> My client now wants it setup so that if the text field is filled in, the radiobox is automatically selected. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I am not a JS programmer. This is probable very easy, I've tried with normal html and am unable to get my head around it. I would like to in some way replicate how a web browser works. I have a form entry field with a submit button at the top of the page. Under that I have an iframe. I copy the url into the entry field, click submit and the iframe updates with the website. Have looked around and haven't found anything similar. Code so far.... <form target="myURL"> <input type="text" name="goTo"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form> <iframe src="" name="myURL" border="0" frameborder="0" width="768" height="354"></iframe> Thanks in advanced. Death = $Mill Yeah that was a loooong title. Hopefully it's clear enough Right now, my div changes opacity if it's moused over qua the following code: Code: style="opacity:0.3;filter:alpha(opacity=30)" onmouseover=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=100" onmouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=30 but this isn't quite optimal, cause if the user mouses out, it changes back to fade, and the user can't quite see what he's entering. So I would like the div to have opacity=1 when one of the textfields in it is active and opacity=0 when it's not. Is there a way to do that? //deafdigit I'm creating a page that calculates a number depending on what value is inputted into a text field. I need to create some javascript that updates this new calculated value and outputs it next to the input field. Anytime the user changes the number, it recalculates the value. My calculation is currently being produced by PHP, however if I need to, I can create javascript as well to recalculate these numbers. My formulas for all 4 calculations are as follows: First: Inputted Value * 10 Second: Inputted Value * 20 Third: Inputted Value / 2 Fourth: Inputted Value * 2 Here is my code I'm working with: PHP Code: <?php session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; include_once('inc/connect.php'); $credquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userstats WHERE username='$username'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($credquery); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $sitetobanner = $_POST['sitetobanner']; $sitetotext = $_POST['sitetotext']; $bannertotext = $_POST['bannertotext']; $texttobanner = $_POST['texttobanner']; if (isset($sitetobanner)){ $bannerimp = round($_POST['bannerimp']); if ($bannerimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($bannerimp <= $credits){ $newcredits = $credits - $bannerimp; $newbannercredits = $bannerimp * 10; $totalbannercredits = $bannercredits + $newbannercredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET credits='$newcredits', bannercredits='$totalbannercredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedbanner = "You converted ".$bannerimp." credit".$s." into ".$newbannercredits." banner impressions"; } else{ if ($credits>1){ $mycredits = $credits - 1;} $errorbanner = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } if (isset($sitetotext)){ $textimp = round($_POST['textimp']); if ($textimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($textimp <= $credits){ $newcredits = $credits - $textimp; $newtextcredits = $textimp * 20; $totaltextcredits = $textcredits + $newtextcredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET credits='$newcredits', textcredits='$totaltextcredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedtext = "You converted ".$textimp." credit".$s." into ".$newtextcredits." text ad impressions"; } else{ if ($credits>1){ $mycredits = $credits - 1;} $errortext = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } if (isset($texttobanner)){ $texttobannerimp = round($_POST['texttobannerimp']); if ($texttobannerimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($texttobannerimp <= $textcredits){ if ($texttobannerimp>=2&&$texttobannerimp>""){ $newcredits = $textcredits - $texttobannerimp; $newbannercredits = $texttobannerimp / 2; $totalbannercredits = $bannercredits + $newbannercredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET textcredits='$newcredits', bannercredits='$totalbannercredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedtextimp = "You converted ".$texttobannerimp." text ad impression".$s." into ".$newbannercredits." banner impressions"; } else{ $convertedtextimp = "You Hag"; } } else{ if ($textcredits>1){ $mycredits = $textcredits - 1;} $errortextimp = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } if (isset($bannertotext)){ $bannertotextimp = round($_POST['bannertotextimp']); if ($bannertotextimp > 1){ $s = "s"; } if ($bannertotextimp <= $bannercredits){ $newcredits = $bannercredits - $bannertotextimp; $newtextcredits = $bannertotextimp * 2; $totaltextcredits = $textcredits + $newtextcredits; $updatebanner = mysql_query("UPDATE userstats SET bannercredits='$newcredits', textcredits='$totaltextcredits' WHERE username='$username'"); $credits = $row['credits']; $bannercredits = $row['bannercredits']; $textcredits = $row['textcredits']; $convertedbannerimp = "You converted ".$bannertotextimp." banner impression".$s." into ".$newtextcredits." text impressions"; } else{ if ($bannercredits>1){ $mycredits = $bannercredits - 1;} $errorbannerimp = number_format($mycredits, 0, '.', ''); } } ?> <html> <head> <title>Convert Credits</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function inputLimiter(e,allow) { var AllowableCharacters = ''; if (allow == 'NumbersOnly'){AllowableCharacters='0123456789.';} var k; k=document.all?parseInt(e.keyCode): parseInt(e.which); if (k!=13 && k!=8 && k!=0){ if ((e.ctrlKey==false) && (e.altKey==false)) { return (AllowableCharacters.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(k))!=-1); } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } </script> </head> <body> <h1>Convert Credits</h1><br /> Credits: <?php echo $credits; ?><br /> Banner Impressions: <?php echo $bannercredits; ?><br /> Text Ad Impressions: <?php echo $textcredits; ?><br /> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Credits To Banner Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="bannerimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errorbanner; ?>" onChange=""> credits into BLANK Banner Impressions! <input type="submit" name="sitetobanner" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedbanner; ?> </form> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Credits To Text Ad Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="textimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errortext; ?>"> credits into BLANK Text Ad Impressions! <input type="submit" name="sitetotext" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedtext; ?> </form> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Text Ad To Banner Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="texttobannerimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errortextimp; ?>"> Text Ad Impressions into BLANK Banner Impressions! <input type="submit" name="texttobanner" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedtextimp; ?> </form> <form action="convert.php" method="POST"> <h3>Banner To Text Ad Impressions</h3> Convert <input type="text" name="bannertotextimp" id="NumbersOnly" onkeypress="return inputLimiter(event,'NumbersOnly')" value="<?php echo $errorbannerimp; ?>"> Banner Impressions into BLANK Text Ad Impressions! <input type="submit" name="bannertotext" value="Convert"><br /> <?php echo $convertedbannerimp; ?> </form> </body> </html> window.onload = initAll; function initAll() { document.getElementById("Message").onfocus = focusHandler; document.getElementById("Message").onblur = blurHandler; } function focusHandler() { document.getElementById("helpYou").innerHTML = "<span class=\"helpMessage\">Hey " + theName + "You should add Lasting Flash to your Facebook!</span>" } function blurHandler() { var helpMessage = document.getElementById("helpYou").innerHTML = ""; } function nameHandler(frm) { var theName = frm.firstName.value; } Quote: When I insert theName variable within the span the code completely does not work. I am accessing a text field when the user enters his name and then a small pop up later that includes the users name when another field is clicked on. Hi all, Thanks for reading. I'm having an issue trying to accomplish the following - I have a text field (field1) already displayed on the HTML page. However, there's a link where you can add additional text fields to the page as well. When the link is clicked, the second text field is added successfully (field2), and when the link is clicked again, the third text field (field3) is added successfully. However, the third field does not add itself to the page, and the text for anything greater than a third field also isn't displayed after. This obviously means that my "fields" variable is not working right, so I'm wondering, would anyone be able to assist me to help me get that variable processing correctly? Code: <script language="javascript"> fields = 1; function addMore() { if (fields = 1) { document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field2' size='25' /> <span>Field 2.</span>"; fields = 2; } else if (fields = 2) { document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field3' size='25' /> <span>Field 3.</span>"; fields = 3; } else { document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "Only 3 fields are allowed."; document.form.add.disabled=true; } } </script> Here is the code in my HTML - Code: <input type="text" name="field1" size="25" /> <span>Field 1.</span> <div id="addedMore"></div> <p class="addMore"><form name="add"><a onclick="addMore()">Add another field.</a></form></p> Thank you very much. It seems like it should be simple, but I don't see what I'm missing. Right now, the search button displays directly under my input field. I've gone through the CSS, but can't figure out where my code is forcing the button onto its own line. What am I missing? How can I bring it up to the same line?? Code: <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" action="" > <div> <input type="text" value="" maxlength="100" name="s" id="s"><input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search"> </div> </form> I was wondering if it is possible to put all the non null variables of an array into a string variable with spaces between each array value? For example, if array() is a text array and has 10 values, array(0) through array(9), with three of those values null, let's say array(3), array(5), and array(7) are null, is there a way to put the remaining seven values into a string variable with spaces between each array value?
I have a text field, call it income, that when the input is > 0 I need to dynamically show the next text box, and if it is blank hide the next text box. I would like to use onBlur but can't seem to get it to work. Can I do this? Help Hi all can someone guide me (total JS newbie) on this presumably pretty easy task? I have a "parent" page with some text inputs in it (a form). This is what I am after: -when the user clicks a link it pops open a new window via JS - "child" (this is working). -in the "child" window there are also some text inputs (another form) (done). -when the user changes the value for 'testChild_textInput_4' in the child window, then I want it to automatically set this same value, to effectively overwrite, what is currently in 'testParent_textInput_2' in the parent window. Presumably this involves an onChange event, but it is also OK with me if the needful (the text input's value in the parent window being overwritten) happens upon the child window's form submit. If anyone can show me either trick, I would be thrilled! I set up a test page to make this all easy to talk about: Please let me know! Thanks! -John I am thinking this should be fairly easy but yet I am not getting far. I want to have a form with a single text imput field for a zip code. Depending on which zip code the user enters will determine which url they will be sent to. If they enter a zip code which is not in the script, they would be sent to a default url. I am also assuming this can be accomplished with javascript. Any help is greatly appreciated. Hello i am using a simple calendar date picker in which when u click a date is displayed in an input field. Using a javascript i am trying to retrieve data from a second page using this value but probably i am doing something wrong. 1st page: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function showCustomer(str) { if (str=="") { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=""; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } }"GET","check6.asp?q="+str,true); xmlhttp.send(); } </script> </head> <body> <form> Check in: <input onchange="showCustomer(this.value)" size="22" id="f_date1" /><button id="f_btn1">...</button> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var cal = Calendar.setup({ onSelect: function(cal) { cal.hide() }, showTime: true }); cal.manageFields("f_btn1", "f_date1", "%Y-%m-%d"); //]]></script> </form> <br /> <div id="txtHint">here...</div> </body> </html> and in second one i am trying to get date like this: Code: sql_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT, type, image, price,details FROM dbo.rooms, dbo.transactions WHERE and '" & request.querystring("q") & "' not between checkin and checkout" I'm new in web-development. I've searched it but it's not found. I make a input then how i get value of it for javascript value?
Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <script type="javascript/text"> <!-- function clearInputField( input, def ) input = document.getElementById( input ); if ( input.value == def ) { input.value = ''; } } --> </script> </head> <body> <b>Testing Input</b> <input id="input" onclick="JavaScript: clearInputField('input', 'Enter Text');" type="text" size="31" value="Enter Text" /> <body> </html> This gives me a "Uncaught ReferenceError: clearInputField is not defined" error and I'm not sure why...? Hi all, I have a complicated (well to me it is!) problem with a form I am creating for my site. The form has three sections with the ability to add another field unlimited times. There is one for adding ingredients, one for equipment and one for steps The name and id does increment on all 3 however the problem is they seem to all be using the same count, by this I mean that if I add 2 steps (which brings the count to 3) and then add an ingredient, the ingredient id goes to ingredient4 - obviously because it is taking the count that step has set. I am no javascript guru, I am more a designer so I'm really struggling, Ive been working on this one for days.. There is also another problem in that if I create say 3 steps bringing the count up to step4 and then remove the second step, I cant see how I can bring the other steps after step2 count down by one, at the moment step4 and step3 are staying as step3 and step4 but because step2 was removed they should drop down to becoming step2 and step3. My php that inserts the data into my db isnt working because the ids keep getting messed up I have a demo URL up on If anyone can help me with this I will be extremely grateful Thank you in advance How do I insert this javascript: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script> Into the values of this: <input id="Email" name="Email" type="text" size="30" /><input name="emailagent" type="HIDDEN" class="textfield" id="emailagent" value=''INSERT JAVASCRIPT" /> can someone help me isolate this input script to 1 designated input field? it just removes any pre-existing value in the field but does so to all input text types now. Code: // Home Page Search Box Input Clear function initInputs () { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ){ if(inputs[i].type == "text" ) { inputs[i].valueHtml = inputs[i].value; inputs[i].onfocus = function (){ this.value = ""; } inputs[i].onblur = function (){ this.value != ""? this.value = this.value: this.value = this.valueHtml; } } } } if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("load", initInputs, false); } else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onload", initInputs); } I have a script where I move randomly users from one multiple selectfield to another and that part works perfectly, but... When I want to submit the form I don't get any users passed along, course they are not "selected". I have then read around on the net and I need to create an elemet with a hidden input field where all the randomly selected users is inserted to with comma separation, but dont know how?!?! This is what I got: Code: function randomusers(){ var given = 3, used = {}, randnum, opts = $('#select1 option'), olen = opts.length; function ran() { // generate a unique random number randnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * olen); return used['u'+randnum] ? ran() : randnum; } for (var i = 0; i < given; i++) { // get the correct quantity of randoms used['u'+ran()] = true; } opts.filter(function(index) { // remove all options that are not one of the randoms return !!used['u'+index]; }).appendTo('#select2'); } I have tryied to insert this: appendTo('#select2' + '<input type="hidden" name="test[]" value="" />'); but that didn't seem right... Please help :-) hey friend i am trying to use automatic html input creation using java script for my new project .... my problem is the field "type propositon 1:is it answer? ignore this one:" not come into input variable such as $_POST['prop1'] i used PHP Code: pint_r($_POST) and the result was Code: Array ( [radio1] => on [cid] => 65 [desc] => dfdfdfdfd [submit] => Submit ) why my javascript created input field come into role? my php html code is PHP Code: <table> <form action="new.php" method="post"> <tr><td> question type:<br /> True or False:<input type="radio" name="radio1"> Objective:<input type="radio" name="radio2"> Other:<input type="radio" name="radio3" > </td></tr> <textarea name="desc" rows="6" cols="35" ></textarea> <br /> <a href="javascript:add()" ><b>add proposition</b></a> <div id="cat"></div> <div id="num" style="display:none;"></div> <br> </table> and the java script is ... PHP Code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function add() { k=document.getElementById("num").innerHTML k=parseInt(k); if(!k) {document.getElementById("num").innerHTML=1; k=1;} else{ document.getElementById("num").innerHTML=k+1; k++; } document.getElementById("cat").innerHTML+="<tr><td>type propositon "+(k)+":<input type=\"text\" name=\"prop"+k+"\"><td>is it answer? </td> <td> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ans"+k+"\"></td><td><td> ignore this one:</td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ign"+k+"\"></td></td></tr><br>" } </script> |