JavaScript - Help In Changing Image According To Angle (javascript)
Hi all,
I am currently working on a boids related project which involves a few fishes swimming around.(decided to start on only 1 fish 1st) Now I just want to make the fish image change accordingly to the angle that it is swimming towards by calculating the angle, assigning a position to it, and load its corresponding image. But its just not working. The fish just move up and down instead of what I programme to move all around. The image doesnt change either. Please help! Thanks! Here is my code: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Moving fish, in class 2012-02-08</title> <!-- include the Sprites library --> <script src="Sprites3.js"></script> <script> var left = 40, top = 40, w = 400, h =300;//the frame var tick = 10; //ms between redraws //position and velocity of moving ball var x = 40; //x position of ball var y = 40; //y position of ball var vx = 1; //x component of velocity var vy = 2; //y component of velocity var dt = 1; //simulation time step var anglePosition=1; //the moving image var d = 30; //diameter of ball [w and h of sprite] var fish = new Sprite("goldfish/fish" + anglePosition + ".png", d, d); function moveOneStep(){ x = x + vx*dt; //new x position y = y + vy*dt; //new y position if (x < 0) {//hit left rail x = -x; vx = -vx; } if (y < 0){//hit bot rail y = -y; vy = -vy; } if (x > (w-d)){//hit right rail x = 2*(w-d) - x; vx = - vx; } if (y > (h-d)){//hit top rail y = 2*(h-d) - y; vy = - vy; } calculateAngle(vx,vy); fish.redraw("goldfish/fish" + anglePosition + ".png", x, y); }//moveOneStep //cal angle function calculateAngle(vx,vy) { var s = Math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy); var angle = Math.asin(vy/s) * (180/Math.PI); if(vx > 0) { angle = 90 - (angle); } else { angle = 270 + (angle); } anglePosition = Math.round((((angle/360)*16)*1)/1); //16 positions return anglePosition; }//end of function function init(){ initFrame(left, top, w, h, "#ccc"); fish.draw(x, y); window.setInterval("moveOneStep()", tick); }//init </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHello All. I'm trying to create a file upload page with pre-uploading preview, and using JS to change the images src upon selecting a local file. this works great, but unfortunatelly only for some image files, even though files were taken by the same camera,the same size, and created on the same date. I can't figure out for the life of me what is going on. The Code : <script> function changeImage(newSrc) var str = newSrc.toLowerCase(); cImg=document.getElementById("chngImg"); cImg.src=str; </script> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <FORM METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="UploadScript1.asp" rel="nofollow" target="newWnd"> File 1:<INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME="FILE1" onchange="changeImage(this.value);"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Upload!"> </FORM> <div><img src="oren1.jpg" id="chngImg"></div> </BODY> </HTML> Best Regards Oren Pildus I came across your forums here and it looked like a great place to get some help, and help is exactly what I need! I have been struggling with this javascript that changes an image and its corresponding useMap. For reference: - All images are the same size and located in the same directory, except the main map image - All images are preloaded (I did this just in case it was an image problem) - The page works fine in Firefox, and fine in IE until it crashes - The Problem: - When clicking on a state in the main image, the state image appears, if you then click on the "return to the overview" it returns to the overview image then promptly crashes IE within 1-2 seconds. - This even happens in a completely blank page (no other content) Exceptions: - Clicking on the state Mississippi does not cause this problem (you can go back and forth with Mississippi without problem) - Tennessee, Ohio, Arkansas, Illonois crash as soon as their state map comes up! The Javascript function itself: Code: <script language="Javascript"> function changemap(vari){ var vari; var stoptime; if(vari=="regionview"){ document.regionmap.src = "/images/branchmap2.jpg"; stoptime = setTimeout( function changemap1(){ document.regionmap.useMap="#Map"; clearTimeout(stoptime);} , 300); } else{ document.regionmap.src = "/images/states/" + vari + ".jpg"; stoptime = setTimeout( function changemap2(){ document.regionmap.useMap="#"+vari; clearTimeout(stoptime);} , 300); } } </script> The image tag and image maps: Code: <img src="images/branchmap2.jpg" name="regionmap" usemap="#Map" border="0"> <map name="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="144,14,189,91" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('indiana');" alt="Indiana" title="Indiana"> <area shape="poly" coords="139,91,137,104,132,108,132,115,128,118,160,110,167,109,189,91" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('indiana');" alt="Indiana" title="Indiana"> <area shape="poly" coords="230,138,123,139,121,131,127,122,140,117,153,115,170,107,191,90,194,85,202,87,213,90,221,91,225,90,232,92,232,100,238,107,242,114,245,119" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('kentucky');" alt="Kentucky" title="Kentucky"> <area shape="poly" coords="153,177,143,244,144,280,127,287,115,286,113,272,83,271,78,264,86,249,93,239,89,228,88,212,90,202,97,192,105,178" href="#" onMouseUp="javascript: changemap('mississippi');" alt="Mississippi" title="Mississippi"> <area shape="poly" coords="87,226,17,227,16,212,7,212,3,128,108,130,107,142,113,142,120,128,121,131,121,141" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('arkansas');" alt="Arkansas" title="Arkansas"> <area shape="poly" coords="246,118,255,98,272,87,284,64,283,11,265,17,258,25,241,31,217,18,187,18,190,81,218,90,224,87,232,92,235,100" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('ohio');" alt="Ohio" title="Ohio"> <area shape="poly" coords="124,116,128,121,120,128,111,140,109,129,23,127,21,70,15,60,2,33,74,33,79,39,78,51,95,76,103,77,100,87,101,95,108,103,113,111,114,118" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('missouri');" alt="Missouri" title="Missouri"> <area shape="poly" coords="129,117,131,109,136,104,138,91,144,80,142,19,137,4,99,3,102,14,94,22,87,22,90,34,81,45,78,50,94,75,105,77,103,88,104,97,112,107,116,114" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('illonois');" alt="Illonois" title="Illonois"> <area shape="poly" coords="204,177,109,176,123,139,249,139" href="#" onMouseUp="javascript: changemap('tennessee');" alt="Tennessee" title="Tennessee"> </map> <map name="arkansas"> <area shape="rect" coords="240,135,284,163" href="/branches/westmemphis.php" alt="West Memphis" title="West Memphis"> <area shape="circle" coords="209,143,7" href="/branches/westmemphis.php" alt="West Memphis" title="West Memphis"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="mississippi"> <area shape="rect" coords="20,177,64,191" href="/branches/jackson.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="circle" coords="103,183,8" href="/branches/jackson.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="rect" coords="217,198,277,214" href="/branches/hattiesburg.php" alt="Hattiesburg" title="Hattiesburg"> <area shape="circle" coords="175,208,7" href="/branches/hattiesburg.php" alt="Hattiesburg" title="Hattiesburg"> <area shape="rect" coords="222,96,279,111" href="/branches/columbus.php" alt="Columbus" title="Columbus"> <area shape="circle" coords="195,106,8" href="/branches/columbus.php" alt="Columbus" title="Columbus"> <area shape="rect" coords="222,71,261,85" href="/branches/tupelo.php" alt="Tupelo" title="Tupelo"> <area shape="circle" coords="174,84,6" href="/branches/tupelo.php" alt="Tupelo" title="Tupelo"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="missouri"> <area shape="rect" coords="195,262,243,275" href="/branches/sikeston.php" alt="Sikeston" title="Sikeston"> <area shape="circle" coords="216,199,7" href="/branches/sikeston.php" alt="Sikeston" title="Sikeston"> <area shape="rect" coords="247,173,280,186" href="/branches/ozora.php" alt="Ozora" title="Ozora"> <area shape="circle" coords="206,182,6" href="/branches/ozora.php" alt="Ozora" title="Ozora"> <area shape="rect" coords="232,158,278,169" href="/branches/sullivan.php" alt="Sullivan" title="Sullivan"> <area shape="circle" coords="194,165,7" href="/branches/sullivan.php" alt="Sullivan" title="Sullivan"> <area shape="rect" coords="228,128,275,142" href="/branches/stlouis.php" alt="St. Louis" title="St. Louis"> <area shape="circle" coords="206,137,8" href="/branches/stlouis.php" alt="St Louis" title="St Louis"> <area shape="rect" coords="198,97,258,112" href="/branches/wentzville.php" alt="Wentzville" title="Wentzville"> <area shape="circle" coords="182,130,6" href="/branches/wentzville.php" alt="Wentzville" title="Wentzville"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="kentucky"> <area shape="rect" coords="24,218,72,231" href="/branches/paducah.php" alt="Paducah" title="Paducah"> <area shape="circle" coords="46,190,6" href="/branches/paducah.php" alt="Paducah" title="Paducah"> <area shape="rect" coords="35,127,95,141" href="/branches/henderson.php" alt="Henderson" title="Henderson"> <area shape="circle" coords="63,174,7" href="/branches/henderson.php" alt="Henderson" title="Henderson"> <area shape="rect" coords="94,218,175,232" href="/branches/bowlinggreen.php" alt="Bowling Green" title="Bowling Green"> <area shape="circle" coords="127,188,6" href="/branches/bowlinggreen.php" alt="Bowling Green" title="Bowling Green"> <area shape="rect" coords="108,75,159,90" href="/branches/louisville.php" alt="Louisville" title="Louisville"> <area shape="circle" coords="144,130,7" href="/branches/louisville.php" alt="Louisville" title="Louisville"> <area shape="rect" coords="179,75,232,89" href="/branches/georgetown.php" alt="Lexington" title="Lexington"> <area shape="circle" coords="193,127,8" href="/branches/georgetown.php" alt="Lexington" title="Lexington"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="indiana"> <area shape="rect" coords="18,199,73,213" href="/branches/vincennes.php" alt="Vincennes" title="Vincennes"> <area shape="circle" coords="110,204,6" href="/branches/vincennes.php" alt="Vincennes" title="Vincennes"> <area shape="rect" coords="210,180,273,193" href="/branches/clarksville.php" alt="Clarksville" title="Clarksville"> <area shape="circle" coords="187,186,6" href="/branches/clarksville.php" alt="Clarksville" title="Clarksville"> <area shape="rect" coords="211,117,276,132" href="/branches/indianapolis.php" alt="Indianapolis" title="Indianapolis"> <area shape="circle" coords="159,124,5" href="/branches/indianapolis.php" alt="Indianapolis" title="Indianapolis"> <area shape="rect" coords="211,101,250,113" href="/branches/muncie.php" alt="Muncie" title="Muncie"> <area shape="circle" coords="178,116,7" href="/branches/muncie.php" alt="Muncie" title="Muncie"> <area shape="rect" coords="212,46,257,60" href="/branches/fremont.php" alt="Fremont" title="Fremont"> <area shape="circle" coords="185,55,7" href="/branches/fremont.php" alt="Fremont" title="Fremont"> <area shape="rect" coords="36,73,92,86" href="/branches/ftwayne.php" alt="Ft. Wayne" title="Ft. Wayne"> <area shape="circle" coords="179,79,5" href="/branches/ftwayne.php" alt="Ft. Wayne" title="Ft. Wayne"> <area shape="rect" coords="36,109,87,121" href="/branches/lafayette.php" alt="Lafayette" title="Lafayette"> <area shape="circle" coords="138,113,6" href="/branches/lafayette.php" alt="Lafayette" title="Lafayette"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="illonois"> <area shape="rect" coords="28,184,89,197" href="/branches/estlouis.php" alt="East St. Louis" title="East St. Louis"> <area shape="circle" coords="126,192,6" href="/branches/estlouis.php" alt="East St. Louis" title="East St. Louis"> <area shape="circle" coords="148,153,5" href="/branches/effingham.php" alt="Effingham" title="Effingham"> <area shape="rect" coords="218,146,273,159" href="/branches/effingham.php" alt="Effingham" title="Effingham"> <area shape="rect" coords="219,120,260,134" href="/branches/urbana.php" alt="Urbana" title="Urbana"> <area shape="circle" coords="164,130,6" href="/branches/urbana.php" alt="Urbana" title="Urbana"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="tennessee"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,199,49,213" href="/branches/memphis.php" alt="Memphis" title="Memphis"> <area shape="circle" coords="25,170,7" href="/branches/memphis.php" alt="Memphis" title="Memphis"> <area shape="rect" coords="41,80,90,94" href="/branches/jacksontn.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="circle" coords="64,149,8" href="/branches/jacksontn.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="ohio"> <area shape="rect" coords="49,221,105,237" href="/branches/cincinatti.php" alt="Cincinatti" title="Cincinatti"> <area shape="circle" coords="74,162,7" href="/branches/cincinatti.php" alt="Cincinatti" title="Cincinatti"> <area shape="rect" coords="6,138,46,151" href="/branches/dayton.php" alt="Dayton" title="Dayton"> <area shape="circle" coords="91,146,6" href="/branches/dayton.php" alt="Dayton" title="Dayton"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> This is exactly how it is in my html files. I really appreciate any input, suggestions or comments you can give me. Thanks in advance! First time poster!!! This forum is great. Anyway, I am having issues with a program that I am writing. I basically have to start with a thumbnail image (non-link) and a link that says "click to see larger image". When I click the link, the image changes to a larger version AND the link text must change to "click to see smaller version". I am able to do this with code below, but I need to find a way to then click on the link again (now "click to see smaller version) and see the whole process undo itself (i.e. back to the thumbnail and "click to see larger version" link). I believe that my problem has something to do with the href tag. At first I left it blank, but nothing worked and it would open a file system menu when I click it. I changed it to "#" and everything worked fine, but I can't get anything to happen after the first click changes the image and text. I am only guessing that it might be because it is a new Web page with "#" at the end of it. I tried a bunch of if-else statements with the src file, but nothing worked. Help please... Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!--Hide from incompatible browsers /* <![CDATA[ */ function changeText() { document.getElementById('link').innerHTML = 'View Smaller Image'; return false; } function changeImage() { var newImage = new Image(); newImage.src = "images/cottage_large.jpg"; document.getElementById('thumbnail').src = newImage.src; return false; } /**/ /* ]]> */ // Stop hiding from incompatible browsers --> </script> </head> <body> <h3>Real Estate</h3> <p><img src="images/cottage_small.jpg" id="thumbnail"></p> <a href="#" id="link" onclick="changeImage(); changeText();">View Larger Image</a> </body> </html> Hi everyone, So I know enough to make an image change when you click on something, but not enough to do what I want to do. Code: <img name="ImageState" src="Image1.jpg" alt="Image"> <A HREF="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ImageState.src='Image1.jpg'">Link 1</A> <A HREF="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ImageState.src='Image2.jpg'">Link 2</A> <A HREF="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ImageState.src='Image3.jpg'">Link 3</A> <A HREF="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ImageState.src='Image4.jpg'">Link 4</A> <A HREF="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ImageState.src='Image5.jpg'">Link 5</A> The problem is that I want the images to only advance in the proper order. For example, if "Image2.jpg" is currently displayed, I want to make it so that only clicking on "Link 3" will advance it to "Image3.jpg" while the other links are still there but do nothing if you click on them. Can anyone tell me how to do this please? After you click on the last button 3 times it should change the background to the zombies image however it isn't working. I haven't found tutorials for doing it exactly as I am attempting it but I don't see why this isn't working. It runs through the code just fine and the button works as intended except for the fact that the background image isn't changing. I am still pretty new to JavaScript however so I feel I may just being calling the image incorrectly. Code: <html> <title>Welcome :D</title> <head> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color:E6E6E6; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //Pre loading images to be used with check boxes. function preLoad(){ Eyeball= new Image(400,200) Eyeball.src = "Eyeball.jpg" Smileys = new Image(400,200) Smileys.src = "Smileys.gif" goodAfternoon = new Image(400,200) goodAfternoon.src = "Good Afternoon.gif" goodAfternoonFinal = new Image(400,200) goodAfternoonFinal.src = "Good Afternoon.gif" zombies=new Image() zombies.src = "Zombies.jpg" } function validate(){ if(document.getElementById("cb1").checked){ document.goodAfternoon.src=Eyeball.src; }else{ document.goodAfternoon.src=Smileys.src; } } function reset(){ cb1.checked=false; document.goodAfternoon.src=goodAfternoonFinal.src; } var i=0; function myalert(){ i++ if(i == 1){ alert("I dare you to press me again...."); } if(i == 2){ } if(i == 3){ i = 0; document.body.background = "zombies.src"; } } </script> </head> <body onLoad="javascript:preLoad()"> This is where I learn a lot of my coding for Java, JavaScript, and HTML <a href=""><img src="theNewBoston.gif"></a> </br> "Check" me out;) <input type="checkbox" id="cb1" onClick="validate()" /> <img src="Good Afternoon.gif" name="goodAfternoon"> <input type="button" id="cb2" value="RESET" onClick="reset()"/> </BR></br></br></br></br> Hello, thank you for visiting my webpage I hope you like it. <input type="button" onClick="myalert()"value="CLICK me"/> </body> </html> Is it possible to use Javascript to dynamically change the PHP file used for an include? For example, if I have a php doc like Code: <html> <body> <div>other stuff</div> <div> <?php include('onefile.php'); ?> </div> <div>more other stuff</div> </body> </html> I can get Javascript to remove the included stuff, but I can't figure out how to change the <?php include('onefile.php'); ?> into <?php include('otherfile.php'); ?>. What would be the best way to do that? hi i am totally frustrated !! i have been using this on my webpage. if u see under the advanced section there is a code for changing tabs dynamically. Code: document.getElementById('mytab1').tabber.tabShow(0); this doesn't work. basically i have a webpage internet.htm. which has a menubar with loads of menu items. if i click one of the submenu items this code should change the dynamic tabs in admin.htm. the code i have defined for the submenu click is: Code: <li><a href="admin.htm" onClick="document.getElementById('Admin').tabber.tabShow(0)" >Forms</a></li> the full code is: Code: <ul id="QualityMenuBar" class="MenuBarHorizontal"> <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#"><strong>Admin</strong></a> <ul> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm" onClick="document.getElementById("Admin").tabber.tabShow(0)" >Forms</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm" >Guidance</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm" onClick="document.getElementById("Admin").tabber.tabShow(2)" >Organisation Chart</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm">Plans</a></li> <li><a href="AdminDocuments.htm">Procedures</a></li> </ul> </li> this is what the admindocuments.htm contains, based on the website link i have borrowed the code from. Code: <div class="tabber" id="admin"> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Forms</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminForms.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Guidance</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminGuidance.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Org. Chart</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminOrg.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Plans</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminPlans.js"></script> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Procedures</h2> <script type="text/javascript" src="adminProc.js"></script> </div> </div> whenever i click the submenu they all point to the first tab only. it doesn't change inspite of the code. what am i doing wrong here? please advice. Many thanks. hello i have this code that tags between three images in an certain amount of time and this works fine Code: <script language = "Javascript"> <?php $count_im=1; $req=mysql_query("select * from banner"); while ($res=mysql_fetch_array($req)){ ?> var image<?php echo $count_im; ?> =new Image() image<?php echo $count_im; ?>.src="<?php echo $res["banner"]; ?>" <?php $count_im++; }?> </script> Code: <div class="banner"> <p class="banner_image"> <img src="banner/12.jpg" name="slide" width="290px"> <script> <!-- //variable that will increment through the images var step=1 function slideit(){ //if browser does not support the image object, exit. if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") if (step<3) step++ else step=1 //call function "slideit()" every ... seconds setTimeout("slideit()",10000) } slideit() //--> </script> </p> </div> and i want it also to tag between hrefs too, so tried the following but didnt work Code: <?php $count_im=1; $req=mysql_query("select * from banner"); while ($res=mysql_fetch_array($req)){ ?> var image<?php echo $count_im; ?> =new Image() image<?php echo $count_im; ?>.src="<?php echo $res["banner"]; ?>" var link<?php echo $count_im; ?> =new String() link<?php echo $count_im; ?>.href="<?php echo $res["banner_title"]; ?>" <?php $count_im++; }?> Code: <div class="banner"> <p class="banner_image"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" name="links"> <img src="banner/12.12" name="slide" width="290px"></a> <script> <!-- //variable that will increment through the images var step=1 function slideit(){ //if browser does not support the image object, exit. if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") document.a.links.href=eval("link"+step+".src") if (step<3) step++ else step=1 //call function "slideit()" every ... seconds setTimeout("slideit()",10000) } slideit() //--> </script> </p> </div> anyone can help??? Greetings. I am trying to create an "image of the day" for a site where the image will change automatically every 24 hours. Currently, I have 30 images in a folder named "petday" (no quotes) and I tried the following code (found in this forum) but I cannot get it to work. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. On a side note, I am very new to JavaScript and I know there is an easier way to write this but I am not real clear on how to do it. I have been reading the lessons found at W3 schools and I think I can use a switch statement? Is that correct? Code: <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript"> var now = new Date(); var dd = now.getDate(); if (dd==1) document.write('<img src="petday/image1.jpg">'); else if (dd==2) document.write('<img src="petday/image2.jpg">'); else if (dd==3) document.write('<img src="petday/image3.jpg">'); else if (dd==4) document.write('<img src="petday/image4.jpg">'); else if (dd==5) document.write('<img src="petday/image5.jpg">'); else if (dd==6) document.write('<img src="petday/image6.jpg">'); else if (dd==7) document.write('<img src="petday/image7.jpg">'); else if (dd==8) document.write('<img src="petday/image8.jpg">'); else if (dd==9) document.write('<img src="petday/image9.jpg">'); else if (dd==10) document.write('<img src="petday/image10.jpg">'); else if (dd==11) document.write('<img src="petday/image11.jpg">'); else if (dd==12) document.write('<img src="petday/image12.jpg">'); else if (dd==13) document.write('<img src="petday/image13.jpg">'); else if (dd==14) document.write('<img src="petday/image14.jpg">'); else if (dd==15) document.write('<img src="petday/image15.jpg">'); else if (dd==16) document.write('<img src="petday/image16.jpg">'); else if (dd==17) document.write('<img src="petday/image17.jpg">'); else if (dd==18) document.write('<img src="petday/image18.jpg">'); else if (dd==19) document.write('<img src="petday/image19.jpg">'); else if (dd==20) document.write('<img src="petday/image20.jpg">'); else if (dd==21) document.write('<img src="petday/image21.jpg">'); else if (dd==22) document.write('<img src="petday/image22.jpg">'); else if (dd==23) document.write('<img src="petday/image23.jpg">'); else if (dd==24) document.write('<img src="petday/image24.jpg">'); else if (dd==25) document.write('<img src="petday/image25.jpg">'); else if (dd==26) document.write('<img src="petday/image26.jpg">'); else if (dd==27) document.write('<img src="petday/image27.jpg">'); else if (dd==28) document.write('<img src="petday/image28.jpg">'); else if (dd==29) document.write('<img src="petday/image29.jpg">'); else if (dd==30) document.write('<img src="petday/image30.jpg">'); </SCRIPT> Hey, I want javascript to change the background image on hover. This is my javascript: Code: function navOver(obj){ var imgUrl = 'url(images/' + + '.hover.png) center no-repeat';'imgUrl'; } function navOut(obj){ var imgUrl = 'url(images/' + + '.png) center no-repeat';'imgUrl'; } and this is the HTML: Code: <li id="home" onmouseover="navOver(this)" onmouseout="navOut(this)"></li> This doesn't work, can anyone help me and say me what to do? I am trying to make a button that would change the background image whenever somebody clicks it. I have tried something along the lines of this: Quote: <input type="button" value="Pattern1" onClick="background-image: url(background.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;"> and, Quote: <input type="button" value="Pattern2" onClick="background: url(background.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;"> as you can see, I am a beginner at coding in general so any help is appreciated. My assumption to why it doesn't work is that I am combining javascript with CSS, but I am most likely wrong. I have problem ,the code cannot operate. I would like your opinion.The user must select in dropdown list having one display of image every time.Thanks js code Code: var sel = document.getElementById("sw"); function f1(){ var imgs = ['chart1.cgi', 'chart2.cgi', 'chart3.cgi', 'chart4.cgi']; var im = document.getElementById("pic"); im.src = imgs[this.selectedIndex]; } html code Code: <img id="pic" src="chart1.cgi" /> <select name="sw" id="sw" onchange = "f1()" > <option value="s1">what</option> <option value="s2">whatever 2</option> <option value="s3">whatever 3</option> <option value="s4">whatever 4</option> </select> I would like to change the alignment of an image which currently under div which is under iframe. the page which is called under iframe is readymade html from some other site. I dont have any control on that HTML page which is under iframe. Please tell me how to align image under iframe.
Hello all, I want to set dynamically a div's background image when the page loads, so I have my code like so: javascript code: window.onload = init; function init(){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#button1').css('background', 'url(../imagenes/buttonNormal.jpg)'); $('#pg1').css('color', 'black'); $('#pg1').css('font-weight', 'normal'); }); } My CSS stylesheet is like so: #buttonsWrapper { position:relative; margin 50px 0px 0px 0px; } .buttons { text-decoration:none; font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:17px; font-weight:bold; color:#FFF; } #button1 { margin: 31px 0px 0px 0px; } #button2 { margin: -43px 0px 0px 195px; } #button3 { margin: -43px 0px 0px 390px; } #button4 { margin: -43px 0px 0px 585px; } #button5 { margin: -43px 0px 0px 780px; } #button1, #button2, #button3, #button4, #button5 { width:172px; height:33px; /* 33px */ padding-top:10px; text-align:center; } #button1:hover, #button2:hover, #button3:hover, #button4:hover, #button5:hover { background-image:url(../imagenes/buttonNormal.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; } My HTML sourcecode is like so: <div id="buttonsWrapper"> <div id="button1"><a href="#" id="pg1" class="buttons">link1</a></div> <div id="button2"><a href="#" id="pg2" class="buttons">link2</a></div> <div id="button3"><a href="#" id="pg3" class="buttons">link3</a></div> <div id="button4"><a href="#" id="pg4" class="buttons">link4</a></div> <div id="button5"><a href="#" id="pg5" class="buttons">link5</a></div> </div> The thing is that the background image that I'm calling (../imagenes/buttonNormal.jpg) is not loading for some reason... what am I doing wrong? Thank you so much in advance... I am embedding a flash photo gallery object in an html page. The flash gallery has a param "thumbVisibility" that allows you to set the visibility of the thumbnails with the options "NEVER" and "ALWAYS." I have it set to "NEVER" so that the thumbs do not show when the object loads. That is how I want it. However, I would like to build a javascript method to create a toggle button to switch between "NEVER" and "ALWAYS" so that the thumbnails can be turned on and off by the end user. As a first step, I know that javascript can be used to pass params to flash objects but as a js noob I haven't been able to find a clear and concise tut to figure out how to do this. Of course, the second step is how to do this in a function where I could switch between the two options using a single toggle button. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could suggest an approach to the javascript required to solve this problem. Thanks in advamce for your assistance. Hi, I'm very new to using javascript to program Photoshop, and was looking for some help with changing the variables in an action. The basic end result I'm looking for (in laymens terms) is: Set variables Perform action Change variables (iteratively, ie a=a+1) Repeat until condition met (ie, after 100 iterations, the script would end). I used a script that converts Photoshop actions to Javascript, so I have this as a base: Code: function step1(enabled, withDialog) { if (enabled != undefined && !enabled) return; var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO); var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); desc1.putInteger(cTID('0001'), 215 ); desc1.putInteger(cTID('0002'), 172 ); etc etc (goes through many other variables) executeAction(sTID('Flaming Pear'), desc1, I've put the properties that would need to become variables in red. I have edited out a bunch of lines in this post as these seem to be the significant ones in terms of what I need to do (obviously keeping them in the script itself!). Other than that I think that's all I need to know for now - just that little thing would enhance my workflow no end. Also, I'm a graphic designer so if anyone would be interested in doing some skillshare or work swap - I'd be happy to provide help and service with graphics in exchange for small tidbits about javascript. Cheers, Jonathan Hey guys, I have been trying to get better at my javascript as of late and there is this one particular color fading technique I have found that I am having trouble dissecting. The following code appears to be how they are making a rollover go from a dark gray to a subtle light gray with a nice fade but I can't exactly tell whats going on from the code. Is it just telling it to add a rgb point in so many seconds? Any professional help would be greatly appreciated. Code: colorInit= true}[a]="rgb("+Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(b.pos*(b.end[0]-b.start[0])+b.start[0],0),255),0)+","+Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(b.pos*(b.end[1]-b.start[1])+b.start[1],10),255),0)+","+Math.max(Math.min(parseInt(b.pos*(b.end[2]-b.start[2])+b.start[2],0),255),0)+")"}}); Hi there, I have a menu with 4 links and 4 images associated with them. By default, the image from link 1 is displayed on the page. I would like to change the image with its corresponding one, each time i mouseover one of the other three links. I'm trying to make the following code work unsuccesfully, i might be missing something. Any help will be appreciated. In the <head> section i have this: <script type="text/javascript"> img1 = new Image(); img1.src = "images/party/party.jpg"; img2 = new Image(); img2.src = "images/party/icecream.jpg"; img3 = new Image(); img3.src = "images/party/juice.jpg"; img4 = new Image(); img4.src = "images/party/videogames.jpg"; function change(num){ document.images["linkpic"].src = "img" + num } </script> </head> In the <body> i have: That's my default image <table> <tr> <td width="100"> <img src="images/party/balloon1.jpg" name="linkpic"> </td> <td width="260" valign="top" align="left"> <table> <tr><td><a href="Party1.html" onmouseover="change('1')">Party and Fun</a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href="Party2.html" onmouseover="change('2')">Icecream </a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href="Party3.html" onmouseover="change('3')">Juice </a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href="Party4.html" onmouseover="change('4')">Video Games </a></td></tr> </table> </tr> </table> </body> I would like when i point to Icecream, the picture on the left to change to the Icecream picture and so on. Any hints and help are appreciated! Thanks! I saw this on the web the other day and didn't mark the page I found it on. How do I change an image based on what selection is made in a drop down? Kathy |