JavaScript - Using Fat-free Shopping Cart With Flash Actionscript
Hi Guys,
I am trying to get the Fat-Free shopping cart woking with a flash file. I have tried [CODE] on (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("s1"); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("s2"); } on (release) {getURL("" target="ej_ejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this));"}[CODE] The compiler tells me that a ')' or ',' is expected. Any help appreciated. I am a newbie. Thanks PeterW Similar TutorialsI am working on my shopping cart page with DOM. In my html I created two tables one for items with add buttons, and the other one for displaying how many items are added. So, here is my html codes Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta name="description" content="forms" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Client Side Programming, JavaScript, CSS" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="shopping.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Central Valley Chocolates</h1> <h2>Gourmet Chocolates</h2> <table border="1" id="chocoateTrable"> <tr id="ch1"> <td>Chocolate Truffles</td><td>$34.99</td><td> <input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addItem(document.getElementById('ch1').rowIndex)" /></td></tr> <tr id="ch2"> <td>Pecan</td><td>$14.99</td><td> <input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addItem(document.getElementById('ch2').rowIndex)" /></td></tr> <tr id="ch3"> <td>Truffles</td><td>$28.99</td><td> <input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addItem(document.getElementById('ch3').rowIndex)" /></td></tr> <tr id="ch4"> <td>caramel</td><td>$22.99</td><td> <input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addItem(document.getElementById('ch4').rowIndex)" /></td></tr> <tr id="ch5"> <td>Bark</td><td>$17.99</td><td> <input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addItem(document.getElementById('ch5').rowIndex)" /></td></tr> </table> <h2>Your Shopping Cart</h2> <table id="shoppingCart" border="1"> <tr><td>Your shopping cart is empty</td></tr> </table> <p id="total"> </p> </body> </html> And in my js file, I have two functions one for adding items and the other for deleting items. Code: var emptyCart = true; var salesTotal = 0; var curRow = 1; function addItem(selectedItem){ if(emptyCart == true){ document.getElementById('shoppingCart').deleteRow(0); emptyCart = false; } var curItem = document.getElementById("chocolateTable").rows[selectedItem].cells; var selectedItem = curItem[0].innerHTML; var itemPrice = curItem[1].innerHTML; var lastItem = document.getElementById("shoppingCart").rows.length; var cartTable = document.getElementById("shoppingCart"); var newRow = cartTable.insertRow(lastItem); document.getElementById("shoppingCart").rows[lastItem].id = "R" + curRow; var itemCell = newRow.insertCell(0); itemCell.innerHTML = selectedItem; var priceCell = newRow.insertCell(1); priceCell.innerHTML = itemPrice; var actionCell = newRow.insertCell(2); actionCell.innerHTML = "<input type='button' value = 'Remove' " + "onclick=\"removeItem('R"+curROw + "')\" />"; ++curRow; salesTotal += parseFloat(itemPrice.substring(1)); document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = "<strong>Sales total</strong>: $" + salesTotal.toFixed(2); } function removeItem(rowNum){ if(document.getElementById("shoppingCart").rows.length == 1){ document.getElementById("shoppingCart").rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML = "<td>Your shopping cart is empty</td>"; document.getElementById("shoppingCart").rows[0].cells[1].innerHTML = "<td>$0.00</td>"; document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = "$" + salesTotal.toFixed(2); emptyCart = true; } else{ var selectedRow = document.getElementById(rowNum).rowIndex; var itemPrice = document.getElementById("shoppingCart").rows[selectedRow].cells[1].innerHTML; document.getElementById("ShoppingCart").deleteRow(seletedRow); salesTotal = salesTotal - parseFloat(itemPrice.substring(1)); document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = "$" + salesTotal.toFixed(2); } } However, when I click add button to add each item, I don't see anything in my shoppingCart. Anyone can tell me what is wrong with my code? Hi and hope someone can help, I'm doing some course work on setting / getting cookies for a shopping cart. It basically works except the user can only select one item of each of the goods on offer i.e. you can only buy one cup (not two), one saucer etc. etc. I've deliberately not put a quantity field on the goods selection page and was hoping to modify my set cookie function so that if you've already selected one cup, the next tiume you select a cup, cups become 2 etc. etc. Here's my set cookie function. Notice that I've hard wired a "1" in there which I want to change to the variable for the number of cups. I've also commented out some of the first few lines which were experiments to resolve the problem. Code: function setCookie(name) { alert("Thank you.\n\nYour basket has been updated."); /* if(name.value !=0 || name.value==null) name.value++; x=getCookie(name) || 0; alert(document.cookie);*/ var today = new Date(); var expiry = new Date(today.getTime()+28*24*60*60*1000); // plus 28 days document.cookie=name+"= 1 ;expires="+expiry.toGMTString(); cart = document.cookie; } My thanks, R A little while later... I've cracked it, my function now looks like this and it appears to work... Code: function setCookie(name) { alert("Thank you.\n\nYour basket has been updated."); x=parseInt(getCookie(name)) || 0; alert(x); y=x+1; var today = new Date(); var expiry = new Date(today.getTime()+28*24*60*60*1000); // plus 28 days document.cookie=name+"="+y+";expires="+expiry.toGMTString(); cart = document.cookie; } Thanks you fror your interest, appreciated, R Hi all, I have just joined this forum hoping for some help on a problem i am having, i have a feeling the solution is simple but im a noob at JAVA so i have no idea how to work it out. The site is.... The problem is the following.... When you select US (West Coast) as your location it doesn't update the price on the right properly. If you select it first it just won't display anything. if you select it after choosing another one and hitting continue then it doesn't change. Any help would be appreciated, hope i explain the problem properly if you have any questions feel free to ask... Thnks in advance :Smiley I'm using simpleCart.js ( ) on and have run into issues. I would like the checkout page to allow items to be removed or quantities edited and it is currently not allowing it. The javascript is located at Also there are additional shipping options that are not appearing upon checkout yet they are declared in the paypal account. I'm unsure of what to edit in the javascript file so that they will appear. Hello guys my question has changed, i dont want to double post so here is my new question, I now have 3 arrays name price quantity totalPrices now i want to create a table that will hold them but it will be created when you click the shop cart button, this button will take you to a blank page with the table on it i would like something like this Toy name| Quantity | Price | Total price Toy1 | Quantity | Price | Total price of that toy Toy2 | Quantity | Price | Total price of that toy Toy3 | Quantity | Price | Total price of that toy ----- | -------- | ----- | Total price all together I have looked at many tutorials but i cant get any to work, all they do is draw nothing and i cant get it to work Hi All! Thanks in advance to any and all who help me. What we are trying to do is have a form where customers can use a conditional logic based form that upon submission will redirect to checkout with an appropriate product bundle being populated in the shopping cart. I have some experience with creating forms, in fact I have made a decent form that I have modified from an online form builder... the problem is I have no idea how to auto-fill the shopping cart... period. From what I have read in my research this should be a function of Javascript. I have a decent working knowledge of php, and html, but I am pretty clueless when it comes to Javascript, if anyone could point me in the right direction for this project I would really appreciate it. hello recently i finally managed to make a working shopping cart system, in that i can add as many items as i want and it will work, all using cookies. Then i have another page, the cart which reads the cookie entry made with each demo purchase, then using a while loop lists these items, the problem i am having, is that when i add the textbox which would hold the value of the quantity, it is put out on the next line down, instead of next to the text which i find quite annoying. Also i would like to know how i can add a button next to the textbox, for updating the quantity, also ide like to know how i could access that button, or have it do something, since it wouldnt be prewritten. any help would be greatly apreciated. here is a zip file containing the html files of the customizable purchase page, and the new shopping cart. be sure to refresh the page before trying to use the first page, so it establishes the counter cookie. Hi all! I started using the JS-based Free Flash MP3 player on a site, but I'm stuck on what I thought would be a simple step. I tried their site for help, but at first their contact form was broken, and now their site is no longer up Here's what I'm trying to do, I need this player to access an external folder to generate the playlist. However, the player says to use a "relative" path only: Code: <!-- Script that embeds player. --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject("flashmp3player.swf", "player", "675", "300", "9"); // Location of swf file. You can change player width and height here (using pixels or percents). so.addParam("quality","high"); so.addVariable("content_path", ""); // Location of a folder with mp3 files (relative to php script). so.addVariable("color_path","default.xml"); // Location of xml file with color settings. so.addVariable("script_path","flashmp3player.php"); // Location of php script. so.write("player"); </script> I need it to access: These are both of my client's sites, but I'm just trying to upload to one central folder so that two players on two separate sites can access the same files. Here's a piece of JS that is in a .php file associated with this player. I'm not sure if it will help, but here it is: Code: class ID3{ var $file_name=''; //full path to the file //the sugestion is that this path should be a //relative path var $tags; //array with ID3 tags extracted from the file var $last_error_num=0; //keep the number of the last error ocurred var $tags_count = 0; // the number of elements at the tags array I'd appreciate any help from you pros and I apologize if I didn't post in the correct place. Thank you! Something similar to the navigation menu on You hover over a link and a box appears below that spreads the width of the menu itself. Friend of mine told me it was using actionscript but I have no idea how to create a drop down box (not menu). Any ideas? My friend told me Dreamweaver has the ability t create a drop down box but I have no idea. Also does anyone know how to create an image slider similar to the one on that site? A slider that fades from one image to the next with the navigation arrows on the left and right side and the dots on top left? hi guys, i was wondering if anyone could help me. Ive been looking into the above and want to implement it on my site. I have created no flash pages and flash pages, but instead of creating a portal at the front of the site that leads you to a flash site and a no flash site id like to do it so the page detects flash or not, and redirects to whichever URL. Is this possible, or do multiple browsers cause problems ? cheers Hi peers, I am looking ofr a free web based spreadsheet written in Javascript / Ajax. is this can be found ..any ideas ? thanks hi everyone, fairly new to this forum, does anybody know where i can find a good, free color coded editor ? Hi, My project simulation takes lot of time so I cant monitor that continuously,. I want to send a SMS whenever some simulation is done/ progress / throws an error to my mobile through SMS when I'm away from the PC.. I dont know how to start with this.. pls tell me how to do this I want to use free online SMS service to do this.. Hey guys, I'm new to the forum, just registered today. And I'm wondering whats the best javascript editor out there? I'm going to school for web development and I'm taking a javascript class next semester, the problem is the class is online so i have to teach myself. I have previous coding experience with html, css, actionscript 2 and coldfusion. I want to know whats the best editor out there is? I have used Dreamweaver for my previous coding and i don't like it. It feels to bloated and has way to much stuff i never use. Anyone want to share what they use? Make me a recommendation, it doesn't matter weather its for mac or pc. I have a macbook pro i use for school and i already have a a copy of adobe creative suite 5 for mac and Visual studio 2010 for windows. Anyone ever use visual studio for web development? I would really appreciate any help you can give me. Anyway thanks for reading my long post, and any advice is really appreciated. Thank You, Emiljan Can anybody recommend a good free uploader that allows multiple file selection at the same time? Any help appreciated! I've been using Coffeecup free version for HTML/CSS needs and it works fine as if you forget say one or two values, the prompt feature works fine. Im now getting into Javascript and can see that it is a very useful language, however are there any editors that will provide prompt/suggestion pop ups when editing which are free? If possible, one that combines HTML/CSS/Javascript all together. I've seen this:- And was going to give it a download. But anyone know of any others or can recommend the above? Thanks |