JavaScript - Convert From Toprecision To Toexponential With Check Box
I have a function which populates a form with input boxes. The default is set to toPrecision(X)
However, I would like to give the user the option to switch to toExponential(X) via check box (or some other method). It would either have to update the current values to exponential or just clear the list and then they have to start over. Similarly, the uncheck should bring it back to Precision. Also, is there a way to have the option carried through to multiple pages? Or will this just be a temporary toggle and it would get lost when going to the next page? P.S. I am very new to JS so try to be nice Similar TutorialsIn some cases toPrecision(X) will result in an integer value, which is the expected result. However, it is typical in some fields to always follow the integer value with a decimal and zero (i.e 522 --> 522.0). Technically, this would be incorrect since it would imply an extra digit of precision that does not exist. However, this is often disregarded, provided there are sufficient number of digits (i.e. precision of 5+). That said, is there any way to force an integer result to have a trailing ".0"? I have strings's that are causing problems when being sent to a PHP script via JavaScript. (not all of it is getting sent) i.e. This is someone's line of text & it's rather long. I wish to convert the whole string to some other format say like the spaces to %20 and and the & to & I think, and so on... Then once the PHP script $_GET's the string it converts it back to the original. PLEASE NOTE: I wish to use JavaScript, not JQuery. On this webpage i have a like button. when a user clicks like a comment box appears. when i unlike the button the comment box disappears this is ok but when a user has already liked the facebook page and comes to my webpage the comment box does not show. so im looking for a piece of javascript to check if a user has like the button on my page and if so to show the comment box. please check my source code of the website to see what i have so far. any help would be greatly appreciated Hi guys. I'm working a bunch of pre existing code on a CMS. Just after a quick fix. Doing a show/hide thing on a particular div somewhere on the page depending if a checkbox is ticked or not. Currently there is 3 checkboxes that are dynamically added through the CMS. Here's simplified version of the form: Code: <form id="simplesearch" name="simplesearch"> <input type="checkbox" onclick='showhidefield(this.value)' name="meta_data_array_search_criteria[custom_profile_type][]" value="5" class="input-checkboxes" /> <input type="checkbox" onclick='showhidefield(this.value)' name="meta_data_array_search_criteria[custom_profile_type][]" value="4" class="input-checkboxes" /> </form> And here's the javascript I was playing with. Code: function showhidefield(id) { if(document.simplesearch.meta_data_array_search_criteria[custom_profile_type][''].checked) { document.getElementById("profile_fields_wrapper_" + id).style.visibility = "visible"; } else { document.getElementById("profile_fields_wrapper_" + id).style.visibility = "hidden"; } } Problem I'm having is how do i do a check to see if those checkboxes are checked in the javascript with those name arrays? How do i separate them? 'm guessing I have to loop through them or something?Hopefully that make senses - it's late here and I'm losing the plot Any pointers would be gratefully welcomed See title How do i do it? I need some help converting my dates to dd/mm/yy from mm/dd/yy? can someone please help Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var dates = $( "#from, #to" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: "+1w", changeMonth: true, numberOfMonths: 3, onSelect: function( selectedDate ) { var option = == "from" ? "minDate" : "maxDate", instance = $( this ).data( "datepicker" ), date = $.datepicker.parseDate( instance.settings.dateFormat || $.datepicker._defaults.dateFormat, selectedDate, instance.settings ); dates.not( this ).datepicker( "option", option, date ); } }); }); </script> <label for="from">From date</label> <input type="text" id="from" name="from"/> <label for="to">to date</label> <input type="text" id="to" name="to"/> hello there.. I'm poor with javascript.. can you help me to convert this php to javascript? Code: <?php setcookie("KNwidget", "fbfans", time()+3600); ?> <?php if (isset($_COOKIE["KNwidget"])) echo "when has COOKIE, nothing show here.."; else echo "<script type='text/javascript'>some java script here</script>"; ?> How do I do this equivalent function in javascript? Code: int x = 0; int y = 1; convertBool(x); convertBool(y); private void convertBool(obj) { bool rtnB = Convert.ToBoolean(obj); string TorF = (!obj) ? "true" : "false" ; Console.WriteLine(TorF); } // code would output // false // true I am trying to pass a bit by my function call Code: function fxn(obj){ document.getElementById('box').style.display = (!obj) 'block' : 'none' ; } code somewhere else... onmouseover="fxn(1);" onmouseout="fxn(0)" I know I could do it via if obj != 0 or if obj == 0 but I want to be able to convert the bool- I know how to do it other ways but if js does not support a "one liner" I will do it via int compare Hi All, I'm fairly new to JavaScript and i'm just trying out my first few programs. I'm having an issue where I need to take a string, such as SAMPLE and add spaces between the letters to give S A M P L E So far I've taken the string and split it into an array so that each element holds a letter, however, when displaying the array iT comes seperated by commas. I can't simply ask for element 1 + <space> and so on because I'm creating a function to do this. The string to have spaces added to it could be any length. My function is addSpaces(aString) and it should give me a new variable as a string with the result. Has anyone come across this before?? Thanks a lot for your help! Any one can help how to convert the below PHP code to javascript code: class Mobile { public static function is_mobile(){ $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // get the user agent value - this should be cleaned to ensure no nefarious input gets executed $accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']; // get the content accept value - this should be cleaned to ensure no nefarious input gets executed return false || (preg_match('/ipad/i',$user_agent)) || (preg_match('/ipod/i',$user_agent)||preg_match('/iphone/i',$user_agent)) || (preg_match('/android/i',$user_agent)) || (preg_match('/opera mini/i',$user_agent)) || (preg_match('/blackberry/i',$user_agent)) || (preg_match('/(pre\/|palm os|palm|hiptop|avantgo|plucker|xiino|blazer|elaine)/i',$user_agent)) || (preg_match('/(iris|3g_t|windows ce|opera mobi|windows ce; smartphone;|windows ce; iemobile)/i',$user_agent)) || (preg_match('/(mini 9.5|vx1000|lge |m800|e860|u940|ux840|compal|wireless| mobi|ahong|lg380|lgku|lgu900|lg210|lg47|lg920|lg840|lg370|sam-r|mg50|s55|g83|t66|vx400|mk99|d615|d763|el370|sl900|mp500|samu3|samu4|vx10|xda_|samu5|samu6|samu7|sa mu9|a615|b832|m881|s920|n210|s700|c-810|_h797|mob-x|sk16d|848b|mowser|s580|r800|471x|v120|rim8|c500foma:|160x|x160|480x|x640|t503|w839|i250|sprint|w39 8samr810|m5252|c7100|mt126|x225|s5330|s820|htil-g1|fly v71|s302|-x113|novarra|k610i|-three|8325rc|8352rc|sanyo|vx54|c888|nx250|n120|mtk |c5588|s710|t880|c5005|i;458x|p404i|s210|c5100|teleca|s940|c500|s590|foma|samsu|vx8|vx9|a1000|_mms|m yx|a700|gu1100|bc831|e300|ems100|me701|me702m-three|sd588|s800|8325rc|ac831|mw200|brew |d88|htc\/|htc_touch|355x|m50|km100|d736|p-9521|telco|sl74|ktouch|m4u\/|me702|8325rc|kddi|phone|lg |sonyericsson|samsung|240x|x320|vx10|nokia|sony cmd|motorola|up.browser||mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|vodafone|o2|pocket|kindle|mobile|psp |treo)/i',$user_agent)) || ((strpos($accept,'text/vnd.wap.wml')>0)||(strpos($accept,'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml')>0)) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE'])||isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE'])) || (in_array(strtolower(substr($user_agent,0,4)),array('1207'=>'1207','3gso'=>'3gso','4thp'=>'4thp','50 1i'=>'501i','502i'=>'502i','503i'=>'503i','504i'=>'504i','505i'=>'505i','506i'=>'506i','6310'=>'6310 ','6590'=>'6590','770s'=>'770s','802s'=>'802s','a wa'=>'a wa','acer'=>'acer','acs-'=>'acs-','airn'=>'airn','alav'=>'alav','asus'=>'asus','attw'=>'attw','au-m'=>'au-m','aur '=>'aur ','aus '=>'aus ','abac'=>'abac','acoo'=>'acoo','aiko'=>'aiko','alco'=>'alco','alca'=>'alca','amoi'=>'amoi','anex'=> 'anex','anny'=>'anny','anyw'=>'anyw','aptu'=>'aptu','arch'=>'arch','argo'=>'argo','bell'=>'bell','bi 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'haie','hita'=>'hita','huaw'=>'huaw','hutc'=>'hutc','i-20'=>'i-20','i-go'=>'i-go','i-ma'=>'i-ma','i230'=>'i230','iac'=>'iac','iac-'=>'iac-','iac/'=>'iac/','ig01'=>'ig01','im1k'=>'im1k','inno'=>'inno','iris'=>'iris','jata'=>'jata','java'=>'java','kddi'=> 'kddi','kgt'=>'kgt','kgt/'=>'kgt/','kpt '=>'kpt ','kwc-'=>'kwc-','klon'=>'klon','lexi'=>'lexi','lg g'=>'lg g','lg-a'=>'lg-a','lg-b'=>'lg-b','lg-c'=>'lg-c','lg-d'=>'lg-d','lg-f'=>'lg-f','lg-g'=>'lg-g','lg-k'=>'lg-k','lg-l'=>'lg-l','lg-m'=>'lg-m','lg-o'=>'lg-o','lg-p'=>'lg-p','lg-s'=>'lg-s','lg-t'=>'lg-t','lg-u'=>'lg-u','lg-w'=>'lg-w','lg/k'=>'lg/k','lg/l'=>'lg/l','lg/u'=>'lg/u','lg50'=>'lg50','lg54'=>'lg54','lge-'=>'lge-','lge/'=>'lge/','lynx'=>'lynx','leno'=>'leno','m1-w'=>'m1-w','m3ga'=>'m3ga','m50/'=>'m50/','maui'=>'maui','mc01'=>'mc01','mc21'=>'mc21','mcca'=>'mcca','medi'=>'medi','meri'=>'meri','mio8'=> 'mio8','mioa'=>'mioa','mo01'=>'mo01','mo02'=>'mo02','mode'=>'mode','modo'=>'modo','mot '=>'mot ','mot-'=>'mot-','mt50'=>'mt50','mtp1'=>'mtp1','mtv '=>'mtv ','mate'=>'mate','maxo'=>'maxo','merc'=>'merc','mits'=>'mits','mobi'=>'mobi','motv'=>'motv','mozz'=> 'mozz','n100'=>'n100','n101'=>'n101','n102'=>'n102','n202'=>'n202','n203'=>'n203','n300'=>'n300','n3 02'=>'n302','n500'=>'n500','n502'=>'n502','n505'=>'n505','n700'=>'n700','n701'=>'n701','n710'=>'n710 ','nec-'=>'nec-','nem-'=>'nem-','newg'=>'newg','neon'=>'neon','netf'=>'netf','noki'=>'noki','nzph'=>'nzph','o2 x'=>'o2 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','sany'=>'sany','sch-'=>'sch-','sec-'=>'sec-','send'=>'send','seri'=>'seri','sgh-'=>'sgh-','shar'=>'shar','sie-'=>'sie-','siem'=>'siem','smal'=>'smal','smar'=>'smar','sony'=>'sony','sph-'=>'sph-','symb'=>'symb','t-mo'=>'t-mo','teli'=>'teli','tim-'=>'tim-','tosh'=>'tosh','treo'=>'treo','tsm-'=>'tsm-','upg1'=>'upg1','upsi'=>'upsi','vk-v'=>'vk-v','voda'=>'voda','vx52'=>'vx52','vx53'=>'vx53','vx60'=>'vx60','vx61'=>'vx61','vx70'=>'vx70','vx80'= >'vx80','vx81'=>'vx81','vx83'=>'vx83','vx85'=>'vx85','wap-'=>'wap-','wapa'=>'wapa','wapi'=>'wapi','wapp'=>'wapp','wapr'=>'wapr','webc'=>'webc','whit'=>'whit','winw'=> 'winw','wmlb'=>'wmlb','xda-'=>'xda-',))) ; } } Hi all, how to convert below vbscript to javascript. Please help me. It is urgent. thanks Function Base64Encode(inData) Const Base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" Dim cOut, sOut, I For I = 1 To Len(inData) Step 3 Dim nGroup, pOut, sGroup nGroup = &H10000 * Asc(Mid(inData, I, 1)) + _ &H100 * MyASC(Mid(inData, I + 1, 1)) + MyASC(Mid(inData, I + 2, 1)) nGroup = Oct(nGroup) nGroup = String(8 - Len(nGroup), "0") & nGroup 'Convert To base64 pOut = Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 1, 2)) + 1, 1) + _ Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 3, 2)) + 1, 1) + _ Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 5, 2)) + 1, 1) + _ Mid(Base64, CLng("&o" & Mid(nGroup, 7, 2)) + 1, 1) 'Add the part To OutPut string sOut = sOut + pOut 'Add a new line For Each 76 chars In dest (76*3/4 = 57) 'If (I + 2) Mod 57 = 0 Then sOut = sOut + vbCrLf Next Select Case Len(inData) Mod 3 Case 1: '8 bit final sOut = Left(sOut, Len(sOut) - 2) + "==" Case 2: '16 bit final sOut = Left(sOut, Len(sOut) - 1) + "=" End Select Base64Encode = sOut End Function Function MyASC(OneChar) If OneChar = "" Then MyASC = 0 Else MyASC = Asc(OneChar) End Function Basically what we are trying to accomplish is this... We have a php file in which a hyperlink "Select Forms" is present. What we want to happen is when the "Select Forms" link is clicked on a pop-up window will open. The content of this window is generated from our database and displayed for the user. The php in this window generates a list of checkboxes for the user to select and an "OK" button. What we want to happen is when the user selects the various checkboxes and clicks "OK" the window closes and the previous "Select Forms" link is converted to text based on the checkboxes selected from the pop-up window. We have the pop-up window already taken care of, as well as the php codes. We are having a hard time getting the php variables for the checkboxes transferring to the previous window and converting that link to the text variables. Any ideas? Thanks!! Can someone please convert this vbscript to jscript. Thank you. Code: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _ strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _ ("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE " _ & "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _ & "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _ & "'Win32_Directory.Name=""c:\\\\scripts""'") Do Set objLatestEvent = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent Wscript.Echo objLatestEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent Loop I have a textbox ( I am using ). I want to use that textarea as rich text box. The text in textarea is submitted to database and then displayed. So, I can use <b><u> tags, but I want to use smileys too. I need a simple code for it. My logic is simple..., Whatever text is written inside the textarea is first read and when a group of specific character like Code: " :) ;) x-(" are found, that characters should be colored to red . So, a Code: :) will appear as Code: :) . This logic is simple but I am new to javascript programming, it cant implement it. Can a provide a javascript for this, or if you have better but simple code plz let me know. I'm trying to add a unix timestamp into an exisiting function, but am uncertain how you add the variable. I searched the boards here, and came across this example to convert a date to unix in javascript. var date3 = new Date(Date.parse("21 May 2009 10:03:20")); And I'm trying to add it to this: Code: flashobj3.addVariable ("targetTime", $date3); Am I on the right path? ... at least that's what I think I'm trying to do... what I have is this function which reads the JSON attributes of crab_house, a JSON object: Code: $.getJSON( '../map/clients.json', function(data) { $.each( data. crab_house , function(i, m) { bizAdd= new google.maps.LatLng(, m.lng); var message =m.html; createMarker(bizAdd,message); }); but what I would like to do is something like: Code: var bizId='crab_house'; $.getJSON( '../map/clients.json', function(data) { $.each( data. bizId , function(i, m) { bizAdd= new google.maps.LatLng(, m.lng); var message =m.html; createMarker(bizAdd,message); }); is it possible? thanks in advance... Hi there! I found this code, in reply to someone's problem, on this forum. I have altered it to my own needs, as it's an excellent piece of code. However, I would like it to run under HTML5. I believe I need to add "canvas" code to do the same?? I have already changed the doctype! HTML heading etc., Can anyone help? Many, many thanks!! Code: <!doctype html> <head> <meta charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Crazy Rally - France</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var frames = new Array(); //load frames into array for(var i = 1; i < 417; i++){ frames[i] = new Image(480,320); frames[i].src = "track" + i + ".png"; } //playback var currentFrameNumber = 1; var fps = 30; // frames / second const speed = 1000 / fps; // milliseconds //var speed = 33; function nextFrame( ) { document.getElementById("display").src = frames[currentFrameNumber].src; currentFrameNumber = ( currentFrameNumber + 1 ) % frames.length; setTimeout( nextFrame, speed ); } window.onload = nextFrame; </script> </head> <body> <img id="display" src="track1.png" width="480" height="320"> </body> </html> Say I had a bunch of elements with id names "id1", "id2". "id3" etc. Then say I had a function that adds a click handler such that when you click these elements it gets the id name with this.attributes[1].nodeValue;. Then say I had a bunch of arrays with the same names as the ids var id1 = ["data", false, 45]; var id2 = ["otherdata", true, 15]; var id3 = ["otherotherdata", null, 65];. How would I set a variable "currentid" to the array with the corresponding name as the id name? I guess the underlying question is, how would I convert a string to a variable name?
Hi all, I created a program for my company that allows employees to log in, and make their annual leave selections. It was made in Flash Builder with AS3. It contains a datagrid with 7 available leave slots for each day of the year. Employees click on an available slot and their name in inserted. We go through this process 4 times, with each employee selecting 5 days per round until they have selected up to 20 days of annual leave. We use company seniority to rank the order in which the employees pick. I hope I've explained that clearly enough to have someone help me with my question Since I want to move from Flash, I would like to use Javascript, Jquery and HTML5 to completely redo our website so it can be used on phones, tablets, etc. I have built a calendar and can cycle through the months (i'd eventually like to get a year view), but I'm having issues with a couple of items I had built into the flash version. First of all, I want to be able to show each employees work schedule on the calendar. They all work rotating shifts of 5 on 4 off. In AS3 i've taken their rotation, paired it with a start date for that rotation and was able to indicate in the datagrid "WORKING" on their days of work. This enables them to pick leave on their correct working days. In Jquery, I'd like to color the calendar on the dates that they are scheduled to work. IS that possible? Secondly, they pick 5 days of leave at a time. I'd like to display a token of some sort on the page that contains their name. They could then drag the token to a day that they would like to have off. Once they click submit, the selections are submitted to the MySQL database I have set up. How can I create these tokens based on the user's login name. Sorry for the noob questions. I'm just trying to get my head around the nuances of Javascript and jQuery Thanks for any help!! I use a bookmarklet that looks like this: Code: try{ sl_el_wrapper.go(); } catch(e){ var%20s=document.createElement('script');'sl_el_BMSCRIPT'; s.type='text/javascript'; document.body.appendChild(s); s.src=''+(new%20Date().getTime()); } void(0); This was all on one line, but I added a return after each ;. I want to make this a function so I can click a button on my page and have it run. I've tried a lot of things but cant seem to make it work. Any thoughts? |