JavaScript - Reading Past End Of File Error
I'm reading a text file, manipulating the string that I've read, and then writing to a new text file called temp. The error that I am getting is basically reading past the end of the file. function SpaceFileEntries() { fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); filename = "NDELPROF.txt"; path1 = document.getElementById("lblDataOutputDirectory").innerText + "\\" + filename; path2 = document.getElementById("lblDataOutputDirectory").innerText + "\\temp.txt"; s = fso.OpenTextFile(path1); j = fso.CreateTextFile(path2 , true); do { text = s.readLine(); partOne = text.substring(0,34); lastPart = text.substring(35, 54); space = " "; j.write(partOne); j.write(space); j.writeline(lastPart); } while ( text != null ) s.Close(); j.Close(); } Can someone please help me find this bug in the code. I know it's got to do with the while statement, but can't think or find good alternatives. Thanks. Daniel Similar TutorialsHi I have written the following code to read contents of a text file using FileReader object of HTML 5 for Google Chrome. Quote: <script> function handle_files(files) { var i; if (checkBrowser("Chrome")) { for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { file = files[i]; var reader = new FileReader(); ret = []; reader.onload = function (e) { console.log( } reader.onerror = function (stuff) { console.log("error", stuff) console.log(stuff.getMessage()) } text = reader.readAsText(file[i]); alert(text); } } } </script> ---------------------- <input type="file" multiple="multiple" onchange="handle_files(this.files)"> Unfortunately, the variable text always displays as undefined. Everything above the line text = reader.readAsText(file[0]); works fine. How can I fix it?. Or is there any other solution to read a text file using HTML5/JavaScript on Chrome? Thanks in advance. Dear frnd I wanna read on html page , and i have script : " [I]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function Read() { var Scr = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var CTF = Scr .OpenTextFile("C:\\123.txt", 1, true); data = CTF .ReadAll(); document.write("<pre>" + data + "</pre>"); CTF .Close(); } </script> </head> <body onLoad="Read()" > </body> </html> [I] " But as its using activex control not allowing in all browser . Have you any other way with pure js to read the file contains ? or allowing activex in all browser ? i am thinking of using a xml file as a data base for example , the xml file stores a list of reference numbers which is allocated to a url or a name such as 0123456789 and i have a text box on a webpage and the user types in a reference number and the javascripts reads the xml file to check if its a valid reference number i.e a registered number i am new to working with xml etc... so would be nice to have a little help here EXAMPLE <DATA> <REF> <0123456789>JOE</01234567890> <1111111111></1111111111> </REF> </DATA> id like it to read the specific data thats contained within the tag such as 0123456789's tag = JOE Hey guys, I'm writing a script and I've encountered a problem.. I have a txt file with many words, each word in a different line. For example: the file words.txt contains: word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 I need to load the content of the file into a variable in my script. I prefer that all the words will be in the same variable with line breaks, but if you'll figure out a way to put it in an array, it's ok too. I really don't know how to do it, and I tried to google but didn't understand.. By the way, I don't want to change the txt file to js file, I need it to remain txt.. Can anybody help me with that? Thanks Alot, Ran Hi all, How can i read CSV data from the text file using Java Script.Please give me the script for the problem. Thanx, Nari Somebody had posted this query on how to read text files using JavaScript.......can't find that post now... Anyways, though it's not possible to read text-files using JavaScript it is possible to read XML files using it. Here is an XML based JavaScript Ticker It works only on browsers supporting XML (IE) Enjoy! Hi I have a large'ish project under development. The code below distills the problem I am having. In essence, I am trying to read in an XML file. It appears to load okay but when I try to count how many there are of a certain tag (The "Team" tag) I am told that there are zero. This is despite being told that that file loads okay (as the callback function is called). Javascript and the xml file is below. I hope that it is easy to follow. When the page is loaded, the initialize function is called. I first check my browser as I only need this to work on a Mozilla browser (I am using Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3). I then load the xml file and the callback function (fileLoaded) is called. I then try to find out how many "Team" tags I have, but get the message that there are zero. Sorry if this is a simple question but I have spent the best part of yesterday trying to get this to work. Any help would be appreciated. Thx G === javascript === Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> // Global variable so that everything can access it var xlmDoc; function initialize() { // This function gets called when the page loadds browserCheck(); xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("", "doc", null) xmlDoc.load("small.xml"); // This file is shown at the end of this document, but it is a separate xml document xmlDoc.onload = fileLoaded; } // End of initialize function fileLoaded() { // Called when file is loaded (this does get called as expected) alert("File loaded"); var teams = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Team"); var count = teams.length; alert("no of Teams: " + count); // This displays zero - WHY??? } // End of fileLoaded function browserCheck() { // START: This function just checks that I am using a Mozilla browser (I am) var moz = (typeof document.implementation != 'undefined') && (typeof document.implementation.createDocument != 'undefined'); if(moz) { alert("Mozilla"); } else {alert("Not Mozilla"); } } // End of browserCheck </script> </head> <body onload="initialize()"> </body> </html> === xml file === Code: <Root> <Team> <Type>GLF</Type> <Name>Verulam</Name> <Postcode>AL1 1JG</Postcode> <Page>693</Page> </Team> <Team> <Type>RFU</Type> <Name>London Manx RFC</Name> <Postcode>AL1 2DJ</Postcode> <Page>704</Page> </Team> <Team> <Type>RFU</Type> <Name>University of Hertfordshire RFC</Name> <Postcode>AL10 9AB</Postcode> <Page>729</Page> </Team> </Root> Hi ,, im trying to access cells in the excel , but when iam using variabel inActiveSheet.Cells(1,k) im getting error "Expected :". Could you please help me. Big Thanks in Advance <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250" /> <script> function CreateExcel() { var ExcelSheet; var i=0; var ExcelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); //ExcelSheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Sheet"); //ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = true; //ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "C11"; //ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,2).Value = "C12"; //ExcelSheet.SaveAs("C:\\Book1.xls"); ExcelApp.Visible = false; var i=1; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { var k=i; document.write(ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\\wiki estimation.xls").ActiveSheet.Cells(1,k).Value); } ExcelApp.Quit(); //ExcelSheet.Application.Quit(); } </script> <input type=button name=mybutton value=ExcelSheet onclick="CreateExcel()"> </head> <body> </body> </html> So far I've logged forty hours in total trying to locate and fix the major problems in this code. I've worked with two other forums and a pay-by-minute guru to no avail. I am hopeful that the good folks here at CodingForums will be able to take this code the final distance. I'll try to be verbose without boring anyone. Summary: This code was written in 2005/2007 by "Wonder" at ProBoards. I teach a fourth grade game design and applied mathematics class to home-schoolers on a ProBoards forum. It is placed in the global footer of the forum to allow forum members to roll dice in their posts. The code was incomplete. I worked with "Jordan" at ProBoards to fix the parts that were incomplete. A problem with the code resulted. Primary resolution I'm seeking: Right now the code does everything I could possibly want. However, it is mistakenly reading double-digit numbers (XY) as X = sides of die and Y = a negative modifier. Once this issue is fixed, I can take the roller back to my students and they can game together. Secondary resolutions I'm seeking: (1) I've been told twice that the code should be "tabbed out." Not sure what that means but I guess it makes it less messy. (2) When clicking the "Add Tag" button the code generates, it automatically inserts [dice=6] into a forum post. Would love this to simply be [dice=X] The original code from "Wonder": Code: <style type="text/css"> .dicebg {background-color: FFFFFF;border:solid 2px #000000;} .dicefont {background-color: FFFFFF;color: 000000; font-weight:bold;} </style> <script> //Dice Rolls In Posts v1.1 updated 31 October 2008 //Copyright 4-23-2007 ~Wonder //May be reposted anywhere as long as this header remains in tact //Do you want the dice to line of horizontally(true) or vertically(false) diceAlignment=true; //Enter URL of the image you want to appear as the dice ubbc button UBBCdiceImage=""; //Enter the default # of sides defaultSides=6; //Enable dice in preview? true or false enablePreview=true; rs="";mainForm=""; if(document.postForm) { mainForm=document.postForm; if(location.href.match(/action\=modifypost/)){enablePreview=true;} mainForm.color.parentNode.innerHTML+="<a href=javascript:add(\"[dice="+defaultSides+"]\",\"\")><img src=\""+UBBCdiceImage+"\" alt=\"Insert Dice Roll\" border=\"0\"></a>"; mainForm.onsubmit=addRand; mainForm.message.value=mainForm.message.value.replace(/(\[rand\=\d+\])/ig,""); rs=RegExp.$1; rs=(/\[rand\=/.test(rs))?rs:""; if(location.href.match(/quote\=\d+/)) { mainForm.message.value=mainForm.message.value.replace(/(\[dice\=\d+\])/ig,""); rs=""; } } else if(location.href.match(/action\=display/)) { ta=document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); if(ta.length>0 && ta[0].name=="message") { mainForm=ta[0].parentNode; mainForm.onsubmit=addRand; } } /////////////////////// if(location.href.match(/action\=(display|pmview|recent|userrecentposts|gotopost|search|calendarview)/) || (!location.href.match(/action\=/) && document.postForm && enablePreview)) { hr=document.getElementsByTagName("hr"); for(i=0;i<hr.length;i++) { if(typeof(hr[i].parentNode)!="undefined" && hr[i].parentNode.tagName=="TD" && typeof(hr[i].parentNode.lastChild)!="undefined" && typeof(hr[i].parentNode.lastChild.lastChild)!="undefined" && hr[i].parentNode.lastChild.lastChild.nodeType!=1) { n=hr[i].parentNode.lastChild; rand=n.innerHTML.match(/\[rand\=\d+\]/); if(rand!=null) { n.innerHTML=n.innerHTML.replace(rand[0],""); rand=rand[0].replace(/[^\d]/g,""); dice=n.innerHTML.match(/\[dice\=\d+(\+\d+)?\]/ig); if(dice!=null) { for(k=0;k<dice.length;k++) { numb=dice[k].match(/\d+(\+\d+)?/); numb=numb[0].split("+"); addon=numb.length>1?parseInt(numb[1],10):0; numb=parseInt(numb[0],10); roll=Math.round((parseFloat(rand.substring(k,k+2)+"."+rand.substring(k+2,rand.length))/100)*(numb-1))+1+addon; n.innerHTML=n.innerHTML.replace(dice[k],"<table "+(diceAlignment?"style=\"display:inline\"":"")+" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><table class=dicebg cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td><center><font class=dicefont size=\"+1\"><b>"+roll+"</b><br><font size=\"1\">"+numb+" sides"+(addon>0?"+"+addon:"")+"</font></font></center></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> "); } } } } } } function addRand() { mainForm.message.value=mainForm.message.value.replace(/(\[rand\=\d+\])/ig,""); if((rs.length==0 && mainForm.message.value.match(/(\[dice\=\d+(\+\d+)?\])/)) && (enablePreview==true || (enablePreview==false && mainForm.nextaction.value=="post"))) { mainForm.message.value+="[rand="+(Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+(Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+(Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+( Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+"]"; } else { mainForm.message.value+=rs; } disable(mainForm); } </script> The altered code from "Jordan": Code: <style type="text/css"> .dicebg {background-color: FFFFFF;border:solid 2px #000000;} .dicefont {background-color: FFFFFF;color: 000000; font-weight:bold;} </style> <script> //Dice Rolls In Posts v1.1 updated by Jordan October 2009 //Copyright 4-23-2007 ~Wonder //May be reposted anywhere as long as this header remains in tact //Do you want the dice to line of horizontally(true) or vertically(false) diceAlignment=true; //Enter URL of the image you want to appear as the dice ubbc button UBBCdiceImage=""; //Enter the default # of sides defaultSides=6; //Enable dice in preview? true or false enablePreview=true; rs="";mainForm=""; if(document.postForm) { mainForm=document.postForm; if(location.href.match(/action\=modifypost/)){enablePreview=true;} mainForm.color.parentNode.innerHTML+="<a href=javascript:add(\"[dice="+defaultSides+"]\",\"\")><img src=\""+UBBCdiceImage+"\" alt=\"Insert Dice Roll\" border=\"0\"></a>"; mainForm.onsubmit=addRand; mainForm.message.value=mainForm.message.value.replace(/(\[rand\=\d+\])/ig,""); rs=RegExp.$1; rs=(/\[rand\=/.test(rs))?rs:""; if(location.href.match(/quote\=\d+/)) { mainForm.message.value=mainForm.message.value.replace(/(\[dice\=\d+\])/ig,""); rs=""; } } else if(location.href.match(/action\=display/)) { ta=document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); if(ta.length>0 && ta[0].name=="message") { mainForm=ta[0].parentNode; mainForm.onsubmit=addRand; } } /////////////////////// if(location.href.match(/action\=(display|pmview|recent|userrecentposts|gotopost|search|calendarview)/) || (!location.href.match(/action\=/) && document.postForm && enablePreview)) { hr=document.getElementsByTagName("hr"); for(i=0;i<hr.length;i++) { if(typeof(hr[i].parentNode)!="undefined" && hr[i].parentNode.tagName=="TD" && typeof(hr[i].parentNode.lastChild)!="undefined" && typeof(hr[i].parentNode.lastChild.lastChild)!="undefined" && hr[i].parentNode.lastChild.lastChild.nodeType!=1) { n=hr[i].parentNode.lastChild; rand=n.innerHTML.match(/\[rand\=\d+\]/); if(rand!=null) { n.innerHTML=n.innerHTML.replace(rand[0],""); rand=rand[0].replace(/[^\d]/g,""); dice=n.innerHTML.match(/\[dice\=\d+((\+|\-)\d+)?\]/ig); if(dice!=null) { for(k=0;k<dice.length;k++) { numb=dice[k].match(/\d+((\+|\-)\d+)?/); numb=numb[0].split(RegExp.$2); unsigned = (RegExp.$2 == "+") ? true : false; addon=numb.length>1?parseInt(numb[1],10):0; if(!unsigned)addon = addon - addon * 2; numb=parseInt(numb[0],10); roll=Math.round((parseFloat(rand.substring(k,k+2)+"."+rand.substring(k+2,rand.length))/100)*(numb-1))+1+addon; n.innerHTML=n.innerHTML.replace(dice[k],"<table "+(diceAlignment?"style=\"display:inline\"":"")+" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><table class=dicebg cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td><center><font class=dicefont size=\"+1\"><b>"+roll+"</b><br><font size=\"1\">"+numb+" sides"+(addon>0?"+"+addon:addon)+"</font></font></center></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> "); } } } } } } function addRand() { mainForm.message.value=mainForm.message.value.replace(/(\[rand\=\d+\])/ig,""); if((rs.length==0 && mainForm.message.value.match(/(\[dice\=\d+((\+|\-)\d+)?\])/)) && (enablePreview==true || (enablePreview==false && mainForm.nextaction.value=="post"))) { mainForm.message.value+="[rand="+(Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+(Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+(Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+( Math.random()+"").replace(/0\./,"")+"]"; } else { mainForm.message.value+=rs; } disable(mainForm); } </script> My incredibly detailed account of my last few weeks with this code: Back in 2005, a user named "Wonder" wrote a nifty piece of code that fits into any ole ProBoard's global footer. Once installed on a forum, it allows users to type the command [dice=X] where X is the number of sides for the single die they want to roll and it gives them a random result that's very attractive (a small white box with a black border and a bold, large result with smaller text below that reads: Xsides) and not "easy" to change/alter/cheat. To roll more than one die, you simply string the command like [dice=X][dice=X][dice=X][dice=X]. The code also allows for positive modifiers (bonuses) such as [dice=X+Y] where the result has the same compact, attractive format and the small text reads: Xsides+Y Wonder posted that his code would also allow negative modifiers (penalties) but, actually, no one seems to have ever tested that part... until September 2009 when along came pesky me. I went over to the ProBoards support forum because Wonder's code is included in their official database. I posted the problem and a user named Jordan tweaked the code several times, each time getting it closer to providing the correct result. The correct result being that when a user types the command [dice=X-Y] the result is the attractive box, the larger number above and the smaller text below that reads Xsides-Y (in addition to continuing to accept [dice=X] and [dice=X+Y] and offer the same format of results). Jordan's version of the code now does all this. But when I started testing it I realized that whenever a user types a command that gives the die double-digit sides (10, 12, 20, etc), the code now reads it like this: [dice=10] results in 1sides-0 or [dice=12] results in 1sides-2. So double-digit numbers are being read as the number of sides and a negative modifier *sigh* Very bad news. Jordan needed to pass on further work on the code because (understandably) it was taking too much time and it was "messy." Since I am not a coder myself, most JavaScript looks messy to me but I believe Jordan. I then took the code to a pay-by-minute help website but was gently told that the code was so messy that it would take too long to debug and it wouldn't be worth the charge since the roller is being used for a non-profit classroom project for my fourth graders. I thought that was very thoughtful... but I'm back at square one, really. I have attached everything I have: The very original code from Wonder (the one that doesn't read negative modifiers at all) and the latest from Jordan (that reads double-digits incorrectly). The only other cute/attractive thing about the code that I'll point out (so you don't see it in the code and wonder, "What the heck is that?" is: When you install the code into a forum, it adds a tiny die-shaped button to the Add Tags menu. Users can click the little thing and the code automatically inserts [dice=6] for them. Personally, this doesn't help my students and I would love it if the button just inserted [dice=X] but that's fine. *deep breath* Whew! That's about it. Thank you for putting up with my blather. I sincerely appreciate any help you can offer. I know your time is valuable and I've taken quite a bit just posting my full report... I just wanted to try to be verbose :) Jennifer Yeah, did that title confuse you? :P I realize there is a problem with forms in IE7 and 8, where when a form is submitted, and you click the Back button or use history.go(-1), dynamic elements are not properly shown with their previous values. I can save the forms data to cookies for future use, but when I try to go Back, the page isn't actually reloaded, so the script won't load the cookies. How can I force a reload of the previous page upon going Back? hi, anyone knows how to get the past 6th month date using time difference? like if the current date is given 18-April-2011 then the past 6th month date is can this be done by using time difference? Thanks, verve I am trying to create a drop down menu for dates that starts with today's date, but allows people to choose 50 years into the past and 10 years into the future. Here's what I have for the years: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <h4>Select a date to see the energies for that day <script type="text/javascript"> var mesparaluna=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; function populatedropdown(mesparaluna, diaparaluna, axxa1){ var today=new Date() var mesparaluna=document.getElementById(mesparaluna) var diaparaluna=document.getElementById(diaparaluna) var axxa1=document.getElementById(axxa1) for (var i=0; i<31; i++) diaparaluna.options[i]=new Option(i, i+1) diaparaluna.options[today.getDate()]=new Option(today.getDate(), today.getDate(), true, true) //select today's day for (var m=0; m<12; m++) mesparaluna.options[m]=new Option(mesparaluna[m], mesparaluna[m]+1) mesparaluna.options[today.getMonth()]=new Option(today.getMonth(), today.getMonth(), true, true) //select today's month var thisyear=today.getFullYear() for (var y=0; y<20; y++){ axxa1.options[y]=new Option(thisyear, thisyear) thisyear+=1 } axxa1.options[0]=new Option(today.getFullYear(), today.getFullYear(), true, true) //select today's year } </script> <script> sacakindias() </script> <SCRIPT SRC=tzolkin.js></script> <script> armatzolkin() </script> <p><font size="2" face="Verdana"> <SELECT class="input_tex" name=mesparaluna id="mesparaluna"></SELECT> </font> <SELECT class="input_tex" name="diaparaluna" id="diaparaluna"></SELECT> </font> <SELECT class="input_tex" name="axxa1" id="axxa1"></SELECT></p> <p><INPUT class="input_tex" onclick="sacakinpersonal()" type="button" value="Search"><img border="0" name="pirav" src="blanco.gif" class="shakeimage" width="10" height="10"> <INPUT class="input_tex" onclick="sacakindias()" type="button" value="Today"></p></form> <script type="text/javascript"> //populatedropdown(id_of_day_select, id_of_month_select, id_of_year_select) window.onload=function(){ populatedropdown("diaparaluna", "mesparaluna", "axxa1") } </script> </h4> </body> </html> I am also having a problem with the month. I wanted it to show the name of the month, but I am getting a number (and a wrong one at that). Apologies... I am a terrible newbie with Javascript. Hello, I have a bit of javascript that is supposed to change picture and its accompanying text when you hover over a bit of link text in another area of the page. This is working, however, the text is toggling without the picture due to an invisible area next to each link. I am not sure if it's an issue with applying my javascript to another bit of code or what. Here is the code that I have that flips the text: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function tabOver(which) { for ( var d = 1; d <= 31; ++d ) { document.getElementById("TAB"+d).style.display = ( d == which ) ? "block" : "none"; } } </script> and here is the bit that flips the pics: Code: <script> function changeimage(towhat,url){ if (document.images){ document.images.targetimage.src=towhat.src gotolink=url } } function warp(){ window.location=gotolink } </script> <script language="JavaScript1.1"> var myimages=new Array() var gotolink="#" function preloadimages(){ for (i=0;i<preloadimages.arguments.length;i++){ myimages[i]=new Image() myimages[i].src=preloadimages.arguments[i] } } preloadimages("photos/aes1.jpg","photos/aes2.jpg","photos/aes3.jpg","photos/aes4.jpg","photos/aes5.jpg") </script> And here is the html where they show up: Code: <div id="mainimg-staff"><a href="javascript:warp()"><img src="img/select-aes.gif" name="targetimage" border=0></a> <div id="TABHOLDER"> <div id="TAB1" class="tabbed" style="display: block;"> </div> <div id="TAB2" class="tabbed"> <h1>Cheryl Lyon</h1> <ul> <li> Basic facials and skin treatments <li> Waxing <li> Specializing in naturopathic facial treatments </ul> </div> <div id="TAB3" class="tabbed"> <h1>Jackie T.</h1> <ul> <li> 10+ years experience <li> Facials and skin treatments <li> Waxing <li> Specializing in <em>Extreme</em> eyelash extensions </ul> </div> (there are a lot more text bits but I only included 2 to keep this short) Finally, here is the link that is making all this wonderful stuff happen: Code: <div style="left: 100px;" onmouseover="tabOver(2);"><a href="staff-aes.shtml" onMouseover="changeimage(myimages[0],this.href)">Cheryl Lyon</a></div> Do you see how I combined the pic and text in one code? I promise you that it is on accident that this is working at all. Could this be a style issue and not a javascript issue? I can't find anything in my css that will fix this. I am recieving an error of Access Denied in a HTA file when the self.ResizeTo is called in the following code on Line 59 any help would be great. <html> <title>Personal Folder Creator</title> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="objPersonalFolderCreator" APPLICATIONNAME="PersonalFolderCreator" WINDOWSTATE="normal" > <head> <style> BODY { font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; } H2 { color: blue; } .Table { font-size: 10pt; border-width: thin; border-style: solid; padding: 10px; } .ResultsTable { border-width: thin; border-style: solid; font-size: 8pt; } </style> '******************************************************************** '* BEGIN_SCRIPT '******************************************************************** <script language="vbscript"> Option Explicit Dim objShell, objFSO Dim strServer, strPath strServer = "TWB-FLS-PR-01" strPath = "Personal" Sub Window_Onload Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ParentFolder.Disabled = True SubmitButton.Disabled = True PopulateParentFolders self.Focus() self.ResizeTo 720,410 UserID.Focus() End Sub Sub PopulateParentFolders Dim objFolder, objTempFolder, strTempPath strTempPath = "\\" & strServer & "\" & strPath Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strTempPath) For Each objTempFolder In objFolder.SubFolders Dim objoption Set objOption = Document.CreateElement("OPTION") objOption.Text = objTempFolder.Name objOption.Value = objTempFolder.Name ParentFolder.Add(objOption) Next End Sub Sub LookupButton_OnClick() Dim objUser Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://PRDS/" & UserID.Value) lblUserName.innerText = objUser.FullName If InStr(lblUserName.innerText, "(") > 0 Then lblSubFolder.innerText = Mid(lblUserName.innerText, 1, InStr(lblUserName.innerText, "(") - 1) ElseIf InStr(lblUserName.innerText, "[") > 0 Then lblSubFolder.innerText = Mid(lblUserName.innerText, 1, InStr(lblUserName.innerText, "[") - 1) End If ParentFolder.Disabled = False SubmitButton.Disabled = False LookupButton.Disabled = True UserID.Disabled = True lblStatus.innerHTML = "Select Parent Folder - DEFAULT is PERSONAL." End Sub Sub SubmitButton_OnClick() Dim strCommand Dim intReturn If objFSO.FolderExists(lblTargetFolder.innerText) Then MsgBox "Folder Already Exists!", vbExclamation lblStatus.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>Folder Already Exists.</font>" Exit Sub Else If MsgBox("Create the Personal Folder:" & vbNewLine & lblTargetFolder.innerText, vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If End If objFSO.CreateFolder(lblTargetFolder.innerText) strCommand = "SUBINACL /file """ & lblTargetFolder.innerText & """ /perm /grant=Administrators=F /grant=SYSTEM=F /grant=PRDS\sor-A-Admins=F /grant=PRDS\" & UserID.Value & "=C /setowner=Administrators" intReturn = objShell.Run(strCommand, 7, True) If intReturn <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error modifying permissions on folder: " & lblTargetFolder.innerText,vbExclamation Else SubmitButton.Disabled = True ParentFolder.Disabled = True MsgBox "Personal Folder Created and Permissions have been set accordingly." & vbNewLine & "Advise Customer the Path to their Personal Folder.", vbInformation lblStatus.innerHTML = "<font color='green'>Folder Created Successfully.</font>" End If End Sub Sub ResetButton_OnClick() ParentFolder.Disabled = True SubmitButton.Disabled = True LookupButton.Disabled = False UserID.Disabled = False ParentFolder.Value = "NUL" lblUserName.innerText = "" lblSubFolder.innerText = "" lblTargetFolder.innerText = "" UserID.Value = "" UserID.Focus() lblStatus.innerHTML = "Enter User ID and Click Lookup." End Sub Sub ParentFolder_OnChange() If ParentFolder.Value = "NUL" Then lblTargetFolder.innerText = "" lblStatus.innerHTML = "Select Parent Folder." Else lblTargetFolder.innerText = "\\" & strServer & "\" & strPath & "\" & ParentFolder.Value & "\" & lblSubFolder.innerText lblStatus.innerHTML = "Ready to Create Folder." End If End Sub </script> '**************************************************************************** '* END_SCRIPT '**************************************************************************** </head> '**************************************************************************** '* HTML Section '**************************************************************************** <body> <h2 align="center">Personal Folder Creator - TWB-FLS-PR-01</h2> <table id='tblInput' class='Table' width="670"> <tr><td><b>User ID: </b></td><td rowspan="2"><input type='text' name='UserID' size='10'><button name='LookupButton'>Lookup</button> <p><select name='ParentFolder'><option value='NUL'>Select</option></select></td> <td rowspan="2"> </td><td rowspan="2" width="324"> <img border="0" src="http://sor-app-pr-01:78/_layouts/images/IT_support.gif" width="324" height="103"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Parent Folder: </b></td></tr> </table> <br/> <table id='tblSummary' class='Table' width="670"> <tr><td><b>User Name: </b></td><td><div id='lblUserName'> </div></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Personal Folder: </b></td><td><div id='lblSubFolder'> </div></td></tr> <tr><td width='15%'><b>Target Folder: </b></td><td width='85%'><div id='lblTargetFolder'></div></td></tr> <tr><td><b><font color="#FF0000">Status:</font> </b></td><td><font color='red'><div id='lblStatus'>Enter User ID and Click Lookup.</div></font></td></tr> </table> <br/> <div align="left"> <table id='tblButtons' class='Table' style="border-style: solid"> <tr><td> <p align="center"><button name='SubmitButton'> <p align="left">Create Folder</button></td><td> <p align="center"><button name='ResetButton'>Reset</button></td><td> <p align="center"><button name='ExitButton' onClick='self.Close()'>Exit</button></td></tr> </table> </div> <br/> Version 1.1(SOR) : Last Modified 11-08-2008 by Steve Dudley : ITO SOR <br/> Version 1.0 : Created on 04-01-07 by Adam Rutt : ISB DTSG </body> </html> Hi, I am trying to get this function to work, it looks great in theory but I keep getting the error message file is not defined. What have I done wrong? The code is: Code: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function loadXMLDoc(File,ID){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }"POST",FILE,true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){ if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){ document.getElementById(ID).innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } } xmlhttp.send(); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Test" onclick="loadXMLDoc('getToday.php','txtHint');" > <input type="button" value="Test2" onclick="loadXMLDoc('getYesterday.php','txtHintYest');" > </body> Hi, I have the following script which should work in theory, however I get the error message that file is not defined. I have tried playing around with using variables and I can not work out how to correct this. My code is: Code: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function loadXMLDoc(File,ID){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){ if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){ document.getElementById(ID).innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } }"POST",FILE,true); xmlhttp.send(); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Test" onclick="loadXMLDoc($File='getToday.php','txtHint');" > <input type="button" value="Test2" onclick="loadXMLDoc($File='getTomorrow.php','txtHintTom');" > Hi, I have a webpage with a world clock. On the clock page are 12 buttons (World Cities). When the user clicks these buttons. The time for the relevant world city is displayed. (The time is updated by an function for each individual button. That either subtracts or adds the hours from GMT. For example. If the time is GMT 18:00:00. The user clicks the Paris button and the function adds 1 hour to result in 19:00:00) However. If the GMT time is for example 21:00:00 and the user clicks the Tokyo button (GMT+9 hours). The time displayed is 30:00:00. So I have been trying to work out how I can stop the time adding past 23:59:59. This is probably so simple which is probably why I cant find any help online. It has stumped me and any help would be appreciated. I have copied and pasted my code below in the hope that helps. Thanks in advance if you can offer any advice. Code: <script> function start() { GMToffset = 0; t=setInterval('digitalclock()',500); } function digitalclock() { var today=new Date(); var hours=today.getHours() + GMToffset; var minutes=today.getMinutes(); var seconds=today.getSeconds(); minutes=checkTime(minutes); seconds=checkTime(seconds); hours=checkTime(hours); document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML=hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds; } function checkTime(i) { if (i<10) { i="0" + i; } return i; } function updatetime1() { GMToffset = -3; } function updatetime2() { GMToffset = -4; } function updatetime3() { GMToffset = -7; } function updatetime4() { GMToffset = -10; } function updatetime5() { GMToffset = -11; } function updatetime6() { GMToffset = -13; } function updatetime7() { GMToffset = +9; } function updatetime8() { GMToffset = +8; } function updatetime9() { GMToffset = +7; } function updatetime10() { GMToffset = +1; } function updatetime11() { GMToffset = +0; } function updatetime12() { GMToffset = +3; } </script> <div align="center"> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime1()" value="Time in Buenos Aires" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime2()" value="Time in New York" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime3()" value="Time in San Francisco" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /><br> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime4()" value="Time in Hawaii" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime5()" value="Time in Fiji" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime6()" value="Time in Sydney" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /><br><br> <body onload="start()"> <div id="txt"></div> </div> <div align="center"> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime7()" value="Time in Tokyo" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime8()" value="Time in Hong Kong" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime9()" value="Time in Bangkok" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /><br> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime10()" value="Time in Rome" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime11()" value="Time in London" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> <input type="button" onclick="updatetime12()" value="Time in Moscow" style="color: #07c; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; width: 250px;" /> Not sure if this is possible in javascript: I'm looking for two different dates (bill date and due date) on an invoice that are captured by OCR. If one of them exists, but the other does not, I want the empty field to be 14 days before (or after) the other. For example: if the bill date is 7/27/2010 and the due date was not captured, I want to set the due date as 8/10/2010 (14 days after the bill date). If the due date was captured as 8/10/2010, but the due date is blank, I want to assign the bill date as 7/27/2010 (14 days before the due date). if both dates have values, do nothing. Thanks. Hello, i'm trying to insert a dynamic js file which contains multiple functions in it (for the example : function x, function y) and it seems that my google chrome doesn't really like it so much is there anyway you know i can bypass it and make it work and both web browsers code examples: // this is where the js file supposed to go <script id="ScriptFile"> </script> //1.js contains function x and function y document.getElementById('ScriptFile').src = "/Mysite/js/1.js" later on i need to preform some actions with function x & y. Couple more issues i need to explain first there are number of js files (1,2,3 .... n ) which all contain the same functions but with different data so i cant register them hard-coded if i type the function x into the "ScriptFile" block, it does work.. its not the function problem. same goes if i include it as source in the "ScriptFile" block (<script id="ScriptFile" src="/Mysite/js/1.js") this only gives me an error while using chrome, works perfectly fine under explorer the error says it cant find function x. thanks alot! need help.... I need to create a web page that can pull data from sensatronics senturion sensor probe. The unit has a web server that displays temperature, humidity,etc. You can also query it for from telnet or webpage which kicks back xml. My page needs to read the values of the probes. I don't know much about javascript and have been unsuccessful trying to use httprequest. I guess this would be considered cross domain as well? Here is the XML that is generated from the unit. I get this by pulling through a web browser x.x.x.x/xmldata Thanks <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <Sensatronics id="S10604" hb="10554"> <Group id="1"> <Probe id="100"><Value>75.2</Value></Probe> </Group> <Group id="2"> </Group> <Group id="3"> </Group> <Group id="4"> </Group> <Group id="5"> </Group> <Group id="6"> </Group> <Group id="7"> </Group> <Group id="8"> </Group> <Group id="9"> <Probe id="99"><Value>1.0</Value></Probe> <Probe id="1"><Value>79.5</Value></Probe> <Probe id="2"><Value>34.3</Value></Probe> <Probe id="3"><Value>35.6</Value></Probe> <Probe id="4"><Value>0.0</Value></Probe> </Group> </Sensatronics> |