JavaScript - Onscroll Div Show Help
Hi, I'm in need of a little help if possible please....
I would like to know if its possible to 'show' a div with the onscroll function with a javascript code? Basically, I scroll to the body position of 800 and it displays the div object. Hope ive explained correctly. Any help is hugely appreciated. Kind regards, paffley Similar TutorialsHello. I am getting to learn JavaScript, and as for my first personal project, I would like to have a page with some text on it and when the user scrolls, a div containing a picture will move with the user when they scroll. I have found a solution, however, I do not like it. Code: <html> <head runat="server"> <title>Test</title> <link type="text/css" href="Main.css" rel="Stylesheet" /> </head> <body class="mainbackground"> <div id="group"> <div id="sizer" class="sizeholder"></div> <div id="image" class="image"></div> </div> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> </div> </form> <script type="text/javascript" > window.onload = function () { onscroll = function () { var scrollevel = document.body.scrollTop; if (scrollevel == 0) { if (window.pageYOffset) scrollevel = window.pageYOffset; else scrollevel = (document.body.parentElement) ? document.body.parentElement.scrollTop : 0; } scrollevel = scrollevel + 250; document.getElementById("sizer").style.height = scrollevel + 'px'; } } </script> </body> </html> As you can see, it works by getting the scroll position and adding 250, to a height property-element above the image div. I have tried to use document.getElementById("image") = scrollevel + 'px', but it does not work. Any ideas??? Hi, I'm working on a blog design. (See code below.) I'd like to fix #title vertically so that when people scroll down the blog, it stays in view in the window. I couldn't think of a CSS way to do it. Using position:fixed doesn't work because if someone is viewing the site from a netbook, or simply from a downsized browser on their normal computer, #title is either cut off -- if it's positioned relative to the left -- or it overlaps the blog content -- if it's positioned relative to the right. I've read suggestions to use Javascript but my Javascript skills are practically non-existent. The suggestions were to use an onscroll handler, and to use scrollTop. This is what I wrote but (probably for obvious reasons) it isn't working: Code: window.onscroll = verticalFix(); function verticalFix() { var sidebar = document.getElementById("title"); = .scrollTop(30); } Any advice? Also, .scrollTop is jQuery, right? So I have to link to jQuery? How do I do that, again? Thanks for your help! Here's my html and css: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css"> body,p,#title { padding:0; border:0; margin:0; } body { height:100%; background-color:#fdf5a2; min-width:1056px; } #content { width:700px; padding:15px; border:0; margin:0; margin-left:16px; background-color:white; background-image:url(''); background-repeat:repeat-y; } #title { background-color:white; background-image:url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat; position:absolute; left:755px; top:30px; height:151px; width:292px; } </style> </head> <body> <a href=""><div id="title"> </div></a> <div id="content"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a sem vel nibh interdum egestas sit amet eu tortor. Donec vitae enim risus, quis ultrices metus. Donec vitae mi nibh. Morbi sed placerat metus. Curabitur auctor eros eget odio fermentum et fringilla ante hendrerit. Fusce at tempor libero. Maecenas et iaculis velit. Nulla sit amet lacus enim, vitae hendrerit metus. Donec a risus nunc. Etiam accumsan, ligula sit amet molestie dictum, turpis orci blandit justo, nec porttitor dui ante bibendum risus. Praesent luctus luctus tortor posuere tincidunt. Phasellus ante elit, sollicitudin id dignissim id, bibendum vel nulla.<br /><br />Vivamus vitae elit sed quam consequat interdum sed sit amet ante. Aliquam euismod ipsum non elit sagittis vulputate. Praesent id libero est. Aliquam eget hendrerit nibh. Donec ut sapien massa, vitae consectetur odio. Nunc ut convallis mauris. Donec nisi neque, cursus vitae faucibus a, sagittis et ipsum. Fusce vitae felis augue. Sed eu venenatis enim. Sed pharetra elementum vestibulum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi tincidunt euismod vehicula. Sed facilisis imperdiet pellentesque. Suspendisse ac orci et odio dignissim sodales eget pharetra erat. Etiam arcu odio, adipiscing sed sollicitudin in, egestas et orci. Donec id diam eget libero ultrices tincidunt id et dolor. Etiam malesuada tortor in mi pretium ultricies. Sed faucibus, dolor aliquam pulvinar lobortis, nulla neque condimentum dolor, vel hendrerit lorem elit id ipsum.<br /><br />Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse fringilla luctus ipsum, a suscipit dolor volutpat vitae. Nunc feugiat magna quis lorem porttitor a accumsan mauris pharetra. Mauris eget lectus sit amet mauris tincidunt congue non vitae massa. Donec mi mi, iaculis ut congue ut, aliquam ut est. Ut varius ultricies vulputate. Proin aliquet massa ac nulla volutpat dictum. Donec aliquam diam vel odio rutrum vitae tincidu t felis dapibus. Donec diam velit, elementum eget rutrum sed, congue eget sapien. Integer aliquet cursus pulvinar. Sed varius diam rhoncus metus tristique semper. Donec mauris enim, porttitor a eleifend at, porttitor id nisl. Donec est tellus, pellentesque tempor egestas sed, eleifend id dui. Nulla euismod erat non tellus bibendum quis vehicula odio faucibus. Cras enim turpis, pulvinar ac facilisis sit amet, egestas eu metus. Fusce orci sapien, sagittis non iaculis pharetra, fermentum non augue. Aliquam velit erat, facilisis at faucibus ut, semper sed velit. Proin ac sapien magna.<br /><br />Duis vestibulum varius orci vel tempor. Maecenas id magna nibh, id aliquam mauris. Aliquam auctor metus eget metus hendrerit sed luctus nisi convallis. Mauris faucibus interdum felis ac vestibulum. Aenean ut quam quis velit imperdiet fringilla nec tempor magna. Nam vel neque a justo cursus varius. Nam in erat ante. In convallis mi in tellus tempus id mollis ipsum cursus. Nam a ultrices nulla. Nullam pellentesque interdum ligula, quis mattis ante pharetra et.<br /><br />Etiam nisi nibh, tempus eu tincidunt lobortis, cursus sed ligula. Nam vitae elit purus, id facilisis purus. Fusce lorem quam, porta eget sodales quis, luctus eget mi. Fusce scelerisque, justo vestibulum varius porta, tellus nulla bibendum mi, non adipiscing neque leo vitae mi. Donec posuere, lacus eu lobortis rutrum, eros nulla iaculis orci, sed mollis orci purus rhoncus sapien. Fusce ac enim diam, quis posuere enim. In faucibus, sem a tincidunt mollis, eros nisl faucibus diam, ut volutpat dolor arcu quis augue. Sed iaculis justo auctor nulla vestibulum congue. Cras venenatis, sem non ullamcorper eleifend, risus tellus semper sem, quis fermentum mi nulla id metus. Fusce at placerat lacus. Sed tristique, velit id ultrices sollicitudin, massa tellus vehicula neque, in dignissim sapien nisl a ante. Etiam varius tristique ante et eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris luctus tristique eros, vehicula pharetra purus convallis vitae. Suspendisse porta condimentum magna in luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat.<br /><br />In dui risus, consequat sed sagittis pretium, fringilla a est. Vivamus gravida, est vel cursus tristique, est est aliquet quam, quis fermentum quam neque et justo. Nulla eu urna eu sapien rutrum varius eget id odio. Sed lacinia tristique purus ac auctor. Nam ornare auctor mauris, ac pharetra nisl dignissim sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Donec eleifend malesuada orci vitae posuere. Vivamus mattis vestibulum ante, mattis pellentesque magna sagittis id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum congue nunc ac felis volutpat vel vestibulum libero pulvinar. Duis rutrum dui non libero mollis ultrices. Vestibulum et sapien ac justo tristique rutrum. Duis nec nibh eros, eu pretium mauris. Ut tristique eleifend elementum. Duis id leo id nisl commodo sagittis at a elit. Cras aliquet, nibh a bibendum ultricies, nisl nisl posuere justo, in feugiat enim nunc non eros. Pellentesque vitae dui eget metus molestie sodales. Aenean id augue leo, a bibendum felis.<br /><br />Donec tristique laoreet lobortis. Aenean vestibulum congue mauris vitae suscipit. Maecenas in euismod orci. Suspendisse vel egestas leo. Vestibulum faucibus vestibulum felis at interdum. Cras vestibulum, augue quis convallis laoreet, ligula est suscipit turpis, a sodales nunc orci vitae risus. Nam eu tristique dolor. Vivamus nec aliquam neque. Integer magna eros, mattis non cursus ut, hendrerit eu orci. Morbi eu felis metus. Vivamus eu malesuada tortor. Vivamus eget lectus sit amet magna mattis adipiscing eu non magna. Praesent pretium tincidunt enim vel consectetur. Sed dictum vestibulum ligula, non dictum quam vulputate quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas iaculis pharetra iaculis.</p> </div> </body> </html> I have created a lightbox for user display on my site. The lightbox is triggered by an onclick link. Works great but I would like to make one switch to it. I would like the lightbox to appear position:fixed; top:10px; onclick. Then if the user scrolls I would like the lightbox to appear position:absolute; top:10px; You can see an example of this here on ESPN's website If you click any video it appears position fixed onclick but then position absolute on scroll. This is what I have so far. It shows it all position fixed onclick as I desire, but stays that way on scroll. PHP Code: <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "document.getElementById('light<?php echo $count;?>').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('light<?php echo $count;?>').style.position = 'fixed'; document.getElementById('light<?php echo $count;?>') = '10px'; document.getElementById('fade<?php echo $count;?>').style.display='block'"> ... [link] ... </a> PHP Code: <div id="light<?php echo $count;?>" class="log-lightbox-content-wrapper"> ... [lightbox content] ... </div> PHP Code: <style> .log-lightbox-content-wrapper {display: none; position:absolute; top: -45px; left: 50%; margin-left: -456px; width: 900px; padding: 16px;background-color: white;z-index:1002; overflow: auto; border-color:#666; border-radius:5px; border-style:solid; border-width:5px; min-height:600px; height: auto !important; height:600px;} </style> Progress: - Click tab that says log - Then click any log post to view light box How do I show the default icon for pdf, doc, etc... else show the image? Code: Show the default icon for pdf, doc, etc... else show image. Default icon: '<img alt="" src="images/icons/' + sIcon + '.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"><\/a>' + The image: '<img alt="" src="' + fileUrl.replace( /'/g, '\\\'') + '" height="36" border="0"></a>' + Attempted javascript onError but only certain browsers support that or it's my code. Code: '<img alt="" src="' + fileUrl.replace( /'/g, '\\\'') + '" height="36" border="0" onerror="this.src=images/icons/' + sIcon + '.gif"></a>' + Any ideas? Hello all, I have this code where you click on a state and it gives you haunted places for that state. Here's my HTML code: Code: <img src="media/us_map.gif" border="0" usemap="#map" style="border:1px solid #999999;padding:5px;background-color:white;"/> <map name="map" id="map"> <area onclick="me();" title="Maine"shape="poly" coords="532,77,522,52,525,51,527,47,526,38,525,29,528,18,532,20,536,15,541,18,546,34,560,45"Maine" /> <area onclick="nh();" title="New Hampshire" shape="poly" coords="517,83,517,64,523,56,532,81,519,86"New_Hampshire" /> <area onclick="vt();" title="Vermont" shape="poly" coords="502,58,505,78,508,84,511,92,519,88,516,66,520,55"Vermont" /> <area onclick="ma();" title="Massachusetts" shape="poly" coords="543,91,546,94,538,98,533,94,532,92,512,100,512,93,533,81,518,86,531,85,538,87"Massachusetts" /> <area onclick="ri();" title="Rhode Island" shape="poly" coords="528,95,531,104,536,98,531,94"Rhode_Island" /> <area onclick="ct();" title="Connecticut" shape="poly" coords="513,101,515,111,529,104,528,96,524,97"Connecticut" /> <area onclick="ny();" title="New York" shape="poly" coords="529,110,519,118,510,119,494,104,453,114,449,109,455,104,453,97,458,94,471,92,479,85,472,78,480,75,481,67,498,61,490,62,501,61,504,78,511,92,510,100,514,110,514,114,511,112"New_York" /> <area onclick="nj();" title="New Jersey" shape="poly" coords="501,134,507,140,512,125,509,123,511,114,502,109,500,112,497,121,505,127,506,125,500,132"New_Jersey" /> <area onclick="de();" title="Delaware" shape="poly" coords="495,136,500,152,507,148,498,134"Delaware" /> <area onclick="md();" title="Maryland" shape="poly" coords="502,167,506,156,507,149,501,153,492,137,460,142,460,148,465,147,473,144,479,146,483,147"Maryland" /> <area onclick="pa();" title="Pennsylvania" shape="poly" coords="463,150,458,119,464,114,468,119,509,110,515,115,512,126,518,132,512,140"Pennsylvania" /> <area onclick="wv();" title="West Virginia" shape="poly" coords="436,176,429,167,432,159,447,145,458,145,447,149,459,145,461,150,470,147,464,160,457,162,452,178"West_Virginia" /> <area onclick="va();" title="Virginia" shape="poly" coords="427,190,437,178,450,180,458,163,465,162,471,146,485,150,495,163,502,176"Virginia" /> <area onclick="nc();" title="North Carolina" shape="poly" coords="418,216,431,214,439,207,450,206,455,208,468,209,484,221,487,217,497,205,501,204,511,193,505,176,446,185,441,198,432,197,420,212"North_Carolina" /> <area onclick="sc();" title="South Carolina" shape="poly" coords="430,215,436,220,445,230,457,238,459,250,485,221,470,210,449,205,438,208"South_Carolina" /> <area onclick="ga();" title="Georgia" shape="poly" coords="415,275,415,251,405,216,429,215,445,231,455,238,459,251,456,267,451,272,450,276,445,272"Georgia" /> <area onclick="fl();" title="Flordia" shape="poly" coords="387,275,386,283,398,282,409,284,416,290,429,282,439,289,445,292,445,311,456,326,462,335,470,341,463,351,471,349,479,339,481,325,476,310,470,298,462,284,458,270,452,275,445,272,418,277,413,271"Florida" /> <area onclick="al();" title="Alabama" shape="poly" coords="377,284,374,221,403,218,412,247,413,272,389,272,384,282"Alabama" /> <area onclick="ms();" title="Mississippi" shape="poly" coords="341,277,348,260,345,251,346,234,354,221,373,220,376,285,365,288,362,278"Mississippi" /> <area onclick="la();" title="Lousiana" shape="poly" coords="313,297,319,278,312,266,311,246,316,250,342,250,347,259,342,278,361,279,364,289,363,297,368,302,358,303,348,305,341,294,330,302"Louisiana" /> <area onclick="tn();" title="Tennasee" shape="poly" coords="356,220,361,200,372,199,445,187,442,198,432,196,419,216"Tennasee" /> <area onclick="ky();" title="Kentucky" shape="poly" coords="363,198,365,191,370,191,371,182,386,178,405,160,415,165,427,164,436,178,424,189"Kentucky" /> <area onclick="oh();" title="Ohio" shape="poly" coords="407,160,400,124,413,121,423,125,431,123,439,116,447,143,431,159,430,163,415,162,421,163"Ohio" /> <area onclick="mi();" title="Michigan" shape="poly" coords="381,124,387,112,381,101,381,89,395,68,400,73,405,76,410,86,405,95,406,103,414,91,419,101,420,111,412,122"Michigan" /> <area onclick="mi();" title="Michigan" shape="poly" coords="341,62,353,70,366,74,367,85,371,70,381,70,390,64,399,66,400,54,360,46"Michigan" /> <area onclick="ind();" title="Indiana" shape="poly" coords="375,180,375,129,384,125,400,124,408,160,388,177"Indiana" /> <area onclick="il();" title="Illinois" shape="poly" coords="364,192,356,184,348,177,350,170,344,169,334,154,338,150,339,138,347,127,344,124,340,120,368,116,373,130,375,180,368,180,369,189"Illinois" /> <area onclick="wi();" title="Wisconsin" shape="poly" coords="339,121,335,106,319,91,316,78,324,73,322,65,336,59,364,77,365,90,373,80,367,113,368,116"Wisconsin" /> <area onclick="mn();" title="Minnesota" shape="poly" coords="286,108,286,86,280,80,283,74,280,33,298,33,323,45,343,43,322,66,324,73,316,80,318,90,337,107"Minnesota" /> <area onclick="ia();" title="Iowa" shape="poly" coords="285,108,284,123,292,148,337,148,338,138,346,127,341,120,335,107"Iowa" /> <area onclick="mo();" title="Missouri" shape="poly" coords="293,150,301,157,299,163,309,171,305,198,354,200,352,207,360,206,365,194,347,177,349,171,344,169,334,154,339,148"Missouri" /> <area onclick="ar();" title="Arkansas" shape="poly" coords="309,243,307,199,352,203,348,208,358,207,356,220,346,234,344,247,314,248,341,248,318,251"Arkansas" /> <area onclick="nd();" title="North Dakota" shape="poly" coords="215,73,219,31,278,32,281,76"North_Dakota" /> <area onclick="sd();" title="South Dakota" shape="poly" coords="209,112,216,74,279,77,285,85,282,121,276,115,270,117,264,114"South_Dakota" /> <area onclick="ne();" title="Nebraska" shape="poly" coords="209,136,210,113,264,114,267,116,275,117,282,122,292,152,294,154,229,152,226,142,228,139"Nebraska" /> <area onclick="ks();" title="Kansas" shape="poly" coords="227,192,227,152,294,155,301,159,294,163,309,172,304,197"Kansas" /> <area onclick="ok();" title="Oklahoma" shape="poly" coords="213,199,214,192,306,199,309,244,291,241,271,243,256,235,246,233,247,202"Oklahoma" /> <area onclick="tx();" title="Texas" shape="poly" coords="168,258,170,270,184,280,188,296,201,303,212,294,224,294,242,318,253,338,274,348,273,324,312,299,317,278,310,268,311,245,290,242,276,245,255,237,245,233,246,203,213,200,209,259"Texas" /> <area onclick="mt();" title="Montana" shape="poly" coords="115,16,110,30,120,50,115,61,123,61,129,82,148,79,211,86,218,30"Montana" /> <area onclick="wy();" title="Wyoming" shape="poly" coords="137,127,145,79,213,87,209,105,209,138"Wyoming" /> <area onclick="co();" title="Colorado" shape="poly" coords="153,184,161,132,227,140,228,149,226,191"Colorado" /> <area onclick="nm();" title="New Mexico" shape="poly" coords="140,261,153,182,213,190,208,257,151,253,149,263"New_Mexico" /> <area onclick="idaho();" title="Idaho" shape="poly" coords="79,105,90,74,86,73,99,61,95,49,106,13,114,16,109,27,119,49,115,60,122,64,128,82,145,81,136,114"Idaho" /> <area onclick="ut();" title="Utah" shape="poly" coords="98,175,111,112,135,113,135,125,160,130,153,184"Utah" /> <area onclick="az();" title="Arizona" shape="poly" coords="80,236,117,255,135,263,152,186,99,174,92,192,89,191,89,214"Arizona" /> <area onclick="wa();" title="Washington" shape="poly" coords="34,34,41,37,44,47,95,51,105,12,60,1,57,14,51,20,49,11,38,6"Washington" /> <area onclick="or();" title="Oregon" shape="poly" coords="79,102,11,85,34,34,42,37,42,49,94,52,98,62,85,72,89,77"Oregon" /> <area onclick="nv();" title="Nevada" shape="poly" coords="53,98,42,134,87,199,89,190,93,191,97,174,110,112"Nevada" /> <area onclick="ca();" title="California" shape="poly" coords="78,234,51,233,41,209,30,198,21,197,21,185,13,166,14,158,7,150,6,108,12,88,53,97,42,135,87,200,85,216"California" /> <area onclick="ak();" title="Alaska" shape="poly" coords="0,370,133,345,101,312,84,315,69,256,26,252,6,252,0,252"Alaska" /> <area onclick="hi();" title="Hawaii" hape="poly" coords="139,322,159,355,193,364,221,362,197,331,158,320"Hawaii" /> <area onclick="dc();" title="Washington DC" shape="rect" coords="514,182,535,196"Washington DC" /> <area onclick="md();" title="Maryland" shape="rect" coords="517,160,540,174"Maryland" /> <area onclick="de();" title="Delaware" shape="rect" coords="531,141,550,156"Delaware" /> <area onclick="nj();" title="New Jersey" shape="rect" coords="519,125,538,138"New_Jersey" /> <area onclick="ct();" title="Connecticut" shape="rect" coords="532,113,549,125"Connecticut" /> <area onclick="ri();" title="Rhode Island" shape="rect" coords="558,94,571,108"Rhode_Island" /> <area onclick="ma();" title="Massachusetts" shape="rect" coords="549,72,568,86"Massachusetts" /> <area onclick="nh();" title="New Hampshire" shape="rect" coords="502,29,522,42"New_Hampshire" /> <area onclick="vt();" title="Vermont" shape="rect" coords="476,29,496,44"Vermont" /> </map> </td> <td valign="top"> <div style="text-align:left; width:412px; height:362px; border:1px solid #999999;padding:10px;background-color:white; overflow:auto;margin-left:5px;" id="states"><span>Click a state to the right to see where that state's haunted places are.</span></div></td> So what happens is you click on a state and it will show what's under that states line inside this JS file: That works fine but if I try and put lots of text inside it, it won't work. I have to put each state inside this and here's what alabama looks like: So here's a quick recap. If I try and put the Albany data into the JS file, it won't show. I even tried this: Code: <!--#include virtual='alabama.html'--> But that didn't work either. Thanks in advance! I'm having some problems hiding a div block and displaying another one. this is my first attempt and creating something with JavaScript with out using a tutorial or anything so i would really appreciate any help, so i can learn what i want is to have a div block display initially so when a user goes to the page they see the registration form, but if they already have an account they can just click a link that says log in and the registration form hides and the login form shows. However right now its only hiding both and not displaying anything when the link is clicked Here's the javascript code i'm using Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function toggleview(id) { var login = document.getElementById(id); var regsiter = document.getElementById(id); if(id == 'login' ) == 'block'; == 'none'; } </script> And here is what my link looks like Code: <h4><a href="#" onclick="toggleview('login')">Allready Have an Account?</a></h4> my javascript clock suddenly disappeared. I don't know what happened. It's an external file. I have<script language="javascript" src="main.js"></script> in the head section of my html and the .js looks like this but it's not showing up. I haven't made any changes unless I'm just remembering wrong function startTime() { var now = new Date(); var h=now.getHours(); var min=now.getMinutes(); var s=now.getSeconds(); var ampm=(now.getHours()>11)?"PM":"AM"; var d=now.getDay() var y=now.getFullYear() var mon=now.getMonth() var dm=now.getDate() if (h>12) h-=12; if (h==0) h=12; if (min<10) min="0"+m; if (s<10) s="0"+s; if (dm<10) dm="0"+dm; if (d==0) d="Sun"; if (d==1) d="Mon"; if (d==2) d="Tues"; if (d==3) d="Wed"; if (d==4) d="Thurs"; if (d==5) d="Fri"; if (d==6) d="Sat"; mon+=1; document.getElementById("time").innerHTML=h+":"+min+":"+s+""+ampm+" "+d+" "+mon+" "+dm+" "+y; t=setTimeout('startTime()',1000); } function checkTime(i) { if (i<10) { i="0" + i; } return i; } I have two effects, one is a fadein effect and one is a smooth scrolling effect. I also have a simple image slider but that isn't the problem. It doesn't seem like the fadein is the problem either because when I had non-scrolling (positioned absolute) content "fadein", it wouldn't fadein in IE but at least it showed up, whereas the main content is blocked in IE with a dialogue about not running scripts or activex. Is there a way to overwrite this? I tried running the basic example of smooth scrolling in IE9 and it worked fine without being blocked. My code seems the same! I would be ok with the content just not fading in when using IE9, but if a user doesn't know to enable activex scripts from the dialogue box (assuming they even get a dialogue box), they won't be able to read any of the content which is an issue. Here's the JavaScript in the head section: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script> function goToByScroll(id){ $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+id).offset().top},'slow');} </script> <link href="template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="slider.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#slider").easySlider({ auto: true, continuous: true }); }); </script> <link href="slider2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script> function fadein(){var fade=0,fadein=document.getElementById("fadein").style,ms=(fadein.opacity==0)?0:1,pace=setInterval(Fade,40);function Fade(){if(fade<100){fade+=2;if(ms)fadein.filter="alpha(opacity="+fade+")";else fadein.opacity=(fade/100)}else clearInterval(pace)}}; window.onload=fadein; </script> </head> Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function showonlyone(thechosenone) { var noticecontent = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var x=1; x < noticecontent.length; x++) { name = noticecontent[x].getAttribute("name"); if (name == 'noticecontent') { if (noticecontent[x].id == thechosenone) { noticecontent[x].style.display = 'block'; } else { noticecontent[x].style.display = 'none'; } } } } </script> </head> <body> <center> <div id="parentdiv"> <div id="expandall">OPEN/CLOSE ALL</div> <div id="noticeheading1" class="noticeheading" name="noticeheading"; onClick="showonlyone('noticecontent1');">Heading 1</div> <div id="noticecontent1" name="noticecontent" class="noticecontent">awertysergyetwhwgertrhztrxdtykpopmift6hwe5awfwedaserhdy4hatefeshdgtrgd</div> <div id="noticeheading2" class="noticeheading" name="noticeheading"; onClick="showonlyone('noticecontent2');">Heading 2</div> <div id="noticecontent2" name="noticecontent" class="noticecontent">fh56serhgzsrxdtrjhgzsrltkjuytinubvre6io4exjhgftxtrokzet6ttawruthrthwru</div> <div id="noticeheading3" class="noticeheading" name="noticeheading"; onClick="showonlyone('noticecontent3');">Heading 3</div> <div id="noticecontent3" name="noticecontent" class="noticecontent">fdfjesrtaw5u4wgy5gw45use4syzerhgtawerfatrastaghgryseerathw5uz4de5ser5s</div> </div> </center> </body> </html> can anyone help on "OPEN/CLOSE ALL" to show or hide all .noticecontent divs Hello, I have the folowing code but it seems to be broken between "SM Decision Support" and "Incident and Request Management". Does anyone know how I resolve ?. The idea is when somebody opens the page all the sections are hidden/uncollapsed and the user can collapse individually each section with a click or by hitting the expand/collapse all link. ------------ Have placed code in attachment as too long for this section Good Day: I am very interested in a slide show as seen on this website ( Can anyone direct me as to where I could find a script for this slideshow to use on my site. Thanks very much in advance. Hi, I need to show the results in a proper manner. now I'm testing these results as a alert. But I need to show them in a table and I have to sort them according to the ascending order. Do you have any suggestions? So i have this code and i know its a lot but my question is when you create a mine or a sawmill it does not add to the number of them it only work with farms. But when you create any of them it still works it just does not show how many you have. HTML Code: <body onload="sstart(); clock(); "> Time:<input type="text" id="timeee" value="15" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Rounds:<input type="text" id="rounds" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Popularity:<input type="text" id="popularity" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Population: <input type="text" id="pop" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY />/ <input type="text" id="pop2" value="0" size="1"style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Coin:<input type="text" id="coin" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Lumber:<input type="text" id="lumber" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Iron:<input type="text" id="iron" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Food:<input type="text" id="food" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> <br/> <hr/> <br/> <input type="button" onclick="showfood()" id="food" value=" Food " /> <input type="button" onclick="showsw()" id="SM" value=" Saw Mill " /> <input type="button" onclick="showmine()" id="SM" value=" Mines " /> <input type="button" onclick="showtax()" id="tax" value=" Tax " /> <input type="button" onclick="" id="housing" value=" People " /> <input type="button" onclick="" id="army" value=" Army " /> <input type="button" onclick="" id="trade" value=" World " /> <br/> <Br/> <span id="main"></span> Script Code: //////////time time function time(){ res [3] [1] += res [7] [1]; res [2] [1] += res [9] [1]; res [1] [1] += res [11] [1]; res [3] [1] -= res [5] [2] ; //res [3] [1] -= res [5] [1] ; } function sstart(){ var b=setTimeout("start();",1); var b=setTimeout("clocka();",15000); var b=setTimeout("time();",15000); var b=setTimeout("sstart();",15000); } function clock(){ document.getElementById("timeee").value --; var b=setTimeout("clock();",1000); } function clocka(){ document.getElementById("timeee").value = 15; document.getElementById("rounds").value ++; } ///////////////////////time var res = new Array res [0] = ["Coin: ",50,0]; res [1] = ["Lumber: ",100,0]; res [2] = ["Iron: ",25,0]; res [3] = ["Food: ",100,0]; res [4] = ["Popularity: ",0,0]; res [5] = ["POP: ",0,10]; res [6] = ["farms: ",0,0]; res [7] = ["CIfarms: ",0,0]; res [8] = ["mine: ",0,0]; res [9] = ["CImine: ",0,0]; res [10] = ["SW: ",0,0]; res [11] = ["CISW: ",0,0]; res [12] = ["FoodI: ",10,0]; res [13] = ["IronI: ",3,0]; res [14] = ["LumberI: ",10,0]; res [15] = ["TAX: ",0,0]; res [16] = ["CItax: ",0,0]; function start(){ document.getElementById("coin").value = res [0] [1]; document.getElementById("lumber").value = res [1] [1]; document.getElementById("iron").value = res [2] [1]; document.getElementById("food").value = res [3] [1]; document.getElementById("popularity").value = res [4] [1]; document.getElementById("pop").value = res [5] [1]; document.getElementById("pop2").value = res [5] [2]; document.getElementById("farms").innerHTML = res [6] [1]; document.getElementById("CIfarms").innerHTML = res [7] [1]; document.getElementById("mine").innerHTML = res [8] [1]; document.getElementById("CImine").innerHTML = res [9] [1]; document.getElementById("saw mills").innerHTML = res [10] [1]; document.getElementById("CISW").innerHTML = res [11] [1]; document.getElementById("tpp").innerHTML = res [15] [1]; } //FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS var showfood = function() { var T1 = document.getElementById('main'); var T2 = '<input type="button" value="Build Farm" onclick="buildfarm()" /><br/> Farms:<span id="farms"></span><br/>Current Food Income:<span id="CIfarms"></span> '; T1.innerHTML = T2; start(); } function buildfarm(){ res [6] [1] +=1; res [1] [1] -=20; res [5] [1] +=10; res [0] [1] -=25; res [7] [1] += res [12] [1]; res [2] [1] -=3; start(); } </script> <script> /////////////////////////////mine var showmine = function() { var T3 = document.getElementById('main'); var T4 = '<input type="button" value="Find Mine" onclick="buildmine()" /><br/> Mines:<span id="mine"></span><br/>Current Iron Income:<span id="CImine"></span> '; T3.innerHTML = T4; start(); } function buildmine(){ res [8] [1] +=1; res [5] [1] +=15; res [0] [1] -=50; res [9] [1] += res [13] [1]; res [2] [1] -=7; res [1] [1] -=15; start(); } </script> <script> ///////////////////////////////SAWMILL var showsw = function() { var T5 = document.getElementById('main'); var T6 = '<input type="button" value="Build Saw Mill" onclick="buildsw()" /><br/> Saw Mills:<span id="saw mills"></span><br/>Current lumber Income:<span id="CISW"></span> '; T5.innerHTML = T6; start(); } function buildsw(){ res [2] [1] -=5; res [1] [1] -=20; res [5] [1] +=5; res [0] [1] -=25; res [10] [1] +=1; res [11] [1] += res [14] [1]; start(); } </script> <script> function taxplus(){ res [15] [1] +=1; } var showtax = function() { var T7 = document.getElementById('main'); var T8 = '<input type="button" value="Increase Tax Per Person" onclick="taxplus()" /> Tax Per Person:<span id="tpp"></span>'; T7.innerHTML = T8; start(); } Hey guys, I already saw this post but I wasn't sure if it took care of the question I'm asking. I have the following javascript ad code right before the </body> tag: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> This is a slider ad that shows every time the person comes to the page I have it on. I'd like to show this ad only once per 24 hours per visitor. Can someone please help me out with code to do this? I'm kinda newbish at this. Thanks so much! hi, I am sooo close to getting my project done, I can now output a town name, using Jquery to output mySQL as JSON the only problem I have now... In my code I have [16] which = 'Andover' Is there a way to output my whole array? can I use .each()? if so, where? thanks here is my code Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script src=""></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $.getJSON('json.php', function(data){ $("#content").html(data[16].Town); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="content"></div> </body> </html> Hello, I'm really new to this site and have only a 9-week knowledge of Javascript. I'm working on a project - a mock website involving a rudimentary shopping cart and one problem that has perpetually irked me and which I can't seem to solve no matter where I plunk my toFixed(2) or parseFloat is that I can't seem to get two decimals to show on the unit cost (price) if the hundreds digit is a zero. My current bit of code is: Code: <script language="JavaScript1.1"> var numitems = opener.numitems; var totcost = 0; for (i=1; i<=numitems; i++) { document.write('<tr><td>' + opener.items[i].quantity + '</td>'); document.write('<td>' + opener.items[i].desc + '</td>'); document.write('<td>' + opener.items[i].price + '</td>'); cost = (opener.items[i].price * opener.items[i].quantity).toFixed(2); cost = Math.floor(cost * 100) /100; totcost += cost; document.write("<td>" + cost.toFixed(2)); document.write("<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='qty" + i + "'"); document.write(" VALUE='" + opener.items[i].quantity + "'>"); document.write("<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='desc" + i + "'"); document.write(" VALUE='" + opener.items[i].desc + "'>" + "</td></tr>"); } document.write('<tr><td colspan="3"><div class="strong">Total Cost:</div></td>'); document.write('<td><div class="strong">' + totcost.toFixed(2) + '</div></td></tr>'); </script> My current website is at If you go to All Perennials > Full Sun > and add an 'Aster' (3rd flower at the top). Then if you click "Complete Order," my problem is that the 4.40 in the unit cost only shows up as 4.4 and I don't get it. The total cost works fine and I just don't know where to put my toFixed(2). Thanks for any help in advance! Fel I don't know a lot about Javascript... still learning.. I am trying to create a show/hide effect that displays an image based on the users text input. I have coded this before for a list/menu and it works fine. With this particular project there are too many selections to choose from to put in a list/menu. I am trying to use if and else if statements to make this work. With the code the way it is only the first function on the list works. I tried just using repeating if statements and only the last function on the list works. Here is the code: Code: <script type="text/javascript" > function showSample() { if (document.getElementById('input').value='SW001') { document.getElementById('SW001').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('SW002').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW003').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW004').style.display='none'; } else if (document.getElementById('input').value='SW002') { document.getElementById('SW001').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW002').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('SW003').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW004').style.display='none'; } else if (document.getElementById('input').value='SW003') { document.getElementById('SW001').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW002').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW003').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('SW004').style.display='none'; } else if (document.getElementById('input').value='SW004') { document.getElementById('SW001').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('SW002').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW003').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW004').style.display='none'; } else if (document.getElementById('input').value='SW005') { document.getElementById('SW001').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW002').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW003').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('SW004').style.display='block'; } } </script> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #main { width: 400px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; height: 125px; } #imageArea { float: right; width: 200px; } #formArea { float: left; width: 200px; height: 125px; } .image { height: 125px; width: 125px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; display: none; } #SW001 { background: url(../_images/Colorfil/SW0001.jpg) no-repeat center center; } #SW002 { background: url(../_images/Colorfil/SW0002.jpg) no-repeat center center; } #SW003 { background: url(../_images/Colorfil/SW0003.jpg) no-repeat center center; } #SW004 { background: url(../_images/Colorfil/SW0004.jpg) no-repeat center center; } #SW005 { background: url(../_images/Colorfil/SW0005.jpg) no-repeat center center; } --> </style> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <div id="imageArea"> <div class="image" id="SW001"></div> <div class="image" id="SW002"></div> <div class="image" id="SW003"></div> <div class="image" id="SW004"></div> <div class="image" id="SW005"></div> </div> <div id="formArea"> <form action="" method="get"> <input type='text' name="input" id='input' /> <input name="" type="button" onclick="showSample(this.selectedIndex)"/> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html> Any help would be greatly appreciated! I need a sort of slide show feature for my page (specifics below). I've spent a lot of time researching this and have not found what I'm looking for. I'm new to jquery and not sure how big of a chore this will be, but here goes: 1. There will be a title bar placed within a right and left arrow on either side. 2. The right and left arrows should cycle through a list of titles (when the right/left arrow is clicked, the title bar will change to the next/previous title in the list). 3. When each title bar is moused over, a new image will fade in above, and then fade out on mouse out. I hope this all makes sense. I'm not looking for some fancy predesigned slideshow, I'll be using my own layout and images. I just need the basic code to perform these actions. Any help would be most appreciated.. Help. How do I show the below JavaScript code to each unique visitor only once per day or any amount of days I want to set? PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> </head> <body> <!-- this goes anywhere in the root of the --> <div id="slideIn" style="position:absolute; width: 720px; height: 320px; left: 0; top: -600px; z-index: 100; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 20px; font-family: 14px Verdana, sans-serif, Tahoma, Arial; font-color: black;" <div style="text-align:right"><input type="button" value="CLOSE" onclick="f_slideOut()" style="background: black; color: white; border: 2px solid #dcdcdc;"></div> This is where the content goes blah blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Please help :( </div> <div id="slideInShade" style="position:absolute;z-index:99;visibility:hidden;"></div> <script> var s_userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), s_location = String(window.location).toLowerCase(); // copyright protection var b_mac = s_userAgent.indexOf('mac') != -1, b_ie5 = s_userAgent.indexOf('msie 5') != -1, b_ie6 = s_userAgent.indexOf('msie 6') != -1 && s_userAgent.indexOf('opera') == -1, b_ieMac = b_mac && b_ie5, b_safari = b_mac && s_userAgent.indexOf('safari') != -1, b_opera6 = s_userAgent.indexOf('opera 6') != -1; var e_slideIn = document.getElementById('slideIn'); var e_slideInShade = document.getElementById('slideInShade'); function f_slideIn() { if (!window.e_slideIn) return; var n_width = e_slideIn.offsetWidth; var n_height = e_slideIn.offsetHeight; var n_left = (f_clientWidth() - n_width) / 2; var n_top = parseInt(; var n_moveTo = (f_clientHeight() - n_height) / 2; = n_left + 'px'; = 'visible'; f_customShade(n_width, n_height, n_left, n_top); = 'visible'; n_slideMove (n_top, n_moveTo); } function n_slideMove (n_top, n_moveTo) { n_inc = Math.round((n_moveTo - n_top) / 20); if (!n_inc) return; n_top += n_inc; f_customShade(null, null, null, n_top); = n_top + 'px'; setTimeout('n_slideMove(' + n_top + ',' + n_moveTo + ')', 10); } function f_slideOut() { if (!window.e_slideIn) return; = 'hidden'; = 'hidden'; } function f_clientWidth() { if (typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number') return window.innerWidth; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) return document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) return document.body.clientWidth; return null; } function f_clientHeight() { if (typeof(window.innerHeight) == 'number') return window.innerHeight; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) return document.documentElement.clientHeight; if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight) return document.body.clientHeight; return null; } function f_customShade (n_width, n_height, n_left, n_top) { if (!e_slideInShade) return; if (n_width != null) = (n_width + 8) + 'px'; if (n_left != null) = (n_left - 1) + 'px'; = (n_top - 1) + 'px'; if (!e_slideInShade.innerHTML) { if (b_ie5 || b_ie6) e_slideInShade.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td rowspan="2" colspan="2" width="6"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td><td width="7" height="7" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'images/shade_tr.png\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="' + (n_height - 7) + '" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'images/shade_mr.png\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="7" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'images/shade_bl.png\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td><td style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'images/shade_bm.png\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');" height="7" align="left"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td><td style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'images/shade_br.png\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td></tr></table>'; else e_slideInShade.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td rowspan="2" width="6"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td><td rowspan="2"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td><td width="7" height="7"><img src="images/shade_tr.png"></td></tr><tr><td background="images/shade_mr.png" height="' + (n_height - 7) + '"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td></tr><tr><td><img src="images/shade_bl.png"></td><td background="images/shade_bm.png" height="7" align="left"><img src="images/pixel.gif"></td><td><img src="images/shade_br.png"></td></tr></table>'; } } f_slideIn(); </script> </body> </html> |