JavaScript - Shared Network Folder Help Needed
Hello everyone I am new to JS and it has been years since I worked with JAVA or HTML but I'm getting back into it for a pet project of mine and could really use some help getting past this small problem in front of me.
ok so here is my issue: I have an HTML page that will read information from Cells in an MS Excel spreadsheet then will write them to the screen. This works if I run it localy and use the direct path like C:\MyFolder\ExcelFile.xls BUT if I try and access the MS Excel spreadsheet from a shared network drive like \\TheComputerName\MyFolder\ExcelFile.xls the JS will not read the file. SO... I tried to leave the HTML file and the Excel file localy and then tried to open teh HTML file from a shared computer like \\TheComputerName\MyFolder\MyWebFile.html but that wouldn't work ether. NOW my question to you guys is how can I get my HTML file to read the Excel file from a Network Shared location... ....AND.... ....How do open the HTML file from a Shared computer (while still correctly reading the Excel Spreadsheet) Please help (and use small words and code for my little brain) and thank you. PS I was wondering if this could even be done in JS, I was wondering if I need to do this in PHP instead which I have NO idea at all. Similar TutorialsHi, I am creating a Search functionality program, which searches a file mentioned by the user on a folder present in a Network folder through File Scripting Object. The code works fine but the problem is that, when it searches the file on the Network folder the entire HTML page gets hanged and nothing is displayed till the code has finished searching. I want to update the user with the status of the search process as which folder is it currently searching just the way we have it in the Windows Serach functionality, where the progress is shown on the left side of the window and the files found is shown on the right. I have tried the solution with having two different frames where the first frame will have the HTML and the JavaScript code to search the file and it will also write the results in notepad file as soon as it gets a matching file name and then proceeds ahead. The other Frame will read that notepad file and display the data and it will also refresh itself in every 2 seconds. But the page still hangs up since the first frame is not responding. I have tried the same solution by having two separate HTML pages instead of two frames but no luck. The new HTML page and the previous page both hangs up. Any Ideas?? I am looking for a multi-user whiteboard (for personal use) similar to the one at I have already tried Google. There are alot of them out there but non available for download to run on my site.
Does someone know what the JavaScript for checking if an user have "liked" and "shared" on Facebook? As far as I know, you can not check if they've shared, but only if they've clicked the button. I don't know if you can make them like to view, but it would be nice to get that piece of code too, if obtainable. I'm going to use it for a website where you have to "like" a fb page shown, and have to share the website. If someone can provide it, I'd also like a guide on timers /foldager how to search through siblings for shared attributes I have a a long list of links and I suppose Im going to apply a number of classes to each one [describing a number of attributes for each] and I want to do a conditional search probably in javascript/jquery so that when i hover over one of the links I highlight its relatives - those that have the same attributes. What Im having trouble wrapping my head around is the idea of classes to ID these custom attributes. The attributes are coming from a database converted to XML. In my Javascript I essentially want to say that for each link should the user mouseover or mouseclick for each of its sibling links if its sibling link share its attributes style or highlight these compliant siblings a certain way how do I do the 'if statement' without spelling out every possible attribute entry? I know in plain OOP Java how I could test for this but in that scenario I have access to these entries as fields in an object's instantiation. Help? thanks so much in advance Hi Everyone, Here is the question: How do I make my website viewable and usable by everyone on my network (in other words, locally)? See below for details. I'm working on a web-application (primarily Javascript and html) that will be located in a folder that everyone has access to at my company. This page is a fairly basic (a person signs-in, their name appears in a table below....the table is constantly growing). My goal is to make everyone able to dynamically add to this table. They need to be able to refresh the table and see it in its current state, and add their names to and continue growing the table. Of course, if I just place my basic web application in the folder everyone has access to, they open it to its original state. I appreciate any response. I'm VERY new to JavaScript and html, though I'm pretty well versed in a few other programming languages (VBA and MATLAB particularly), so I apologize if this is a very basic question. I'll copy in my working code so far, if that helps give a better visualization of what I mean. Code: <html> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> body{margin: 0; padding: 0} tr.headerT { font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16pt; color: white; text-align: center } input.entryname{width: 150px;} select.optionitem{width: 150px;} .odd{background-color: white; height: 25px;} .even{background-color: E1E1E1; height: 25px;} .sidebar{background-color: AFD7E7;} </STYLE> <script language="JavaScript"> function getDate() { var TimeArray = new Date(); var o_Month = TimeArray.getMonth() + 1; var o_Day = TimeArray.getDate(); var o_Year = TimeArray.getFullYear(); o_Date = o_Month + "/" + o_Day + "/" + o_Year return o_Date } function getTime() { var TimeArray = new Date(); var o_Hours = TimeArray.getHours(); var o_Minutes = TimeArray.getMinutes(); var o_Seconds = TimeArray.getSeconds(); if (o_Hours < 10) {o_Hours = "0" + o_Hours} if (o_Minutes < 10) {o_Minutes = "0" + o_Minutes} if (o_Seconds < 10) {o_Seconds = "0" + o_Seconds} o_Time = o_Hours + ":" + o_Minutes + ":" + o_Seconds return o_Time } function Test2(tableID, selectID, inputID, selectID2) { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; var row =table.insertRow(rowCount-1); var RowStyle = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); var Cell1 = row.insertCell(0); var Cell2 = row.insertCell(1); var Cell3 = row.insertCell(2); var Cell4 = row.insertCell(3); var Cell5 = row.insertCell(4); var Cell6 = row.insertCell(5); var Cell7 = row.insertCell(6); var Cell8 = row.insertCell(7); var Cell9 = row.insertCell(8); var entered_name = document.getElementById(inputID).value; var selected_index = document.getElementById(selectID).selectedIndex; var selected_value = document.getElementById(selectID).options[selected_index].value; var index2 = document.getElementById(selectID2); index2.options[index2.options.length] = new Option(entered_name); index2.options[(index2.options.length)-1].value = entered_name; Cell1.className = "sidebar"; Cell2.innerHTML = getDate(); Cell2.align = "center"; Cell3.innerHTML = getTime(); Cell3.align = "center"; Cell4.innerHTML = selected_value; Cell4.align = "center"; Cell5.innerHTML = entered_name; Cell5.align = "center"; Cell9.className = "sidebar"; if((rowCount-1)%2==0){ RowStyle[rowCount-1].className = "even"; }else{ RowStyle[rowCount-1].className = "odd"; } } function Test3(tableID, selectID_rep, selectID_mem) { var dat_table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = dat_table.rows.length; var mem_select = document.getElementById(selectID_mem); var mem_index = mem_select.selectedIndex; var mem_value = mem_select.options[mem_index].value; var rep_select = document.getElementById(selectID_rep); var rep_index = rep_select.selectedIndex; var rep_value = rep_select.options[rep_index].value; for (i = 0; i<(rowCount-1); i++) { if(dat_table.rows[i].cells[4].innerHTML==mem_value) { if(dat_table.rows[i].cells[5].innerHTML=="") { dat_table.rows[i].cells[5].innerHTML = rep_value; dat_table.rows[i].cells[5].align = "center"; dat_table.rows[i].cells[6].innerHTML = getTime(); dat_table.rows[i].cells[6].align = "center"; } else if(dat_table.rows[i].cells[5].innerHTML==rep_value) { dat_table.rows[i].cells[7].innerHTML = getTime(); dat_table.rows[i].cells[7].align = "center"; mem_select.removeChild(mem_select.options[mem_index]); } } } } </script> <head> <form> <table width = 100% height = 120 border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" bgcolor = "white" id="shell" align ="center"> <tr align ="right"> <td rowspan="5" align="left" valign="top"> <IMG SRC="Logo.jpg"> </td> <td rowspan="2" colspan="2"> <IMG SRC="Title_SignIn.jpg"> </td> <td colspan="2" > <IMG SRC="Title_Staff.jpg"> </td> <td width = "10%">   </td> </tr> <tr align ="right" valign = "top" style = "height: 30px"> <td width = "30%"> Select Member:  </td> <td width = "10%"> <select name = "select_member" style = "width: 200px"> </select> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr align ="right" valign = "top" style = "height: 30px"> <td width = "10%"> Name:   </td> <td width = "10%"> <input type="text" name="full_name" class="entryname"> </td> <td> Representative:   </td> <td> <select name = "select_rep" style = "width: 200px"> <option value="Rep A">RV Watson</option> <option value="Rep B">Daisy Bauer</option> <option value="Rep C">Mike Andrews</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr align ="right" valign = "top" style "hieght: 30px"> <td> Reason:   </td> <td> <select name = "reason" class = "optionitem"> <option value="Eligibility">Eligibility</option> <option value="Sick Leave">Sick Leave</option> <option value="Claims">Claims</option> <option value="Pension">Pension</option> </select></td> <td> Password:   </td> <td> Password Box </td> </tr> <tr align ="right" style = "height: 30px"> <td>   </td> <td> <input type="button" value="Sign In" name="btnSignIn" onClick="Test2('thetable', 'reason', 'full_name', 'select_member')"> </td> <td>   </td> <td> <input type="button" value="Sign Member In / Out" name="btnStaff" onClick="Test3('thetable', 'select_rep', 'select_member')"> </td> </tr> </form> </head> <table id ="thetable" width = "100%" height = "100%" border="0" valign="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="white" id="shell" align="center"> <tr class = "headerT" bgcolor="gray" height = "40"> <td style = "width = 50px"> </td> <td style = "width = 100px">DATE</td> <td style = "width = 150px">TIME</td> <td style = "width = 100px">REASON</td> <td style = "width = 200px">NAME</td> <td style = "width = 200px">REPRESENTATIVE</td> <td style = "width = 150px">START TIME</td> <td style = "width = 150px">END TIME</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="1" bgcolor = "AFD7E7"> </td> <td colspan="7" ></td> <td colspan="1" bgcolor = "AFD7E7"> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> I have an html page, and I want to use a js from another folder. Can I call a js like this? <script language="JavaScript" src="../blog/magicimage.js" type="text/javascript"> Hello everybody: Im new on this site, Im looking for some help... Im do not know much about JAVASCRIPT... i need your help, please... Here is my case.... with the snipp below, i'm able to print from REVIT using PDF-XCHANGE getting the file name of the sheet that is printed in the form of: "E-607-00.pdf" But i will like to get the first folder (root folder) of the path of the file name that represent my project number, the path of the file is => u:\1577004\revit\<file name>.rvt my project number is => 1577004 so the pdf file name will be => 1577004 E-607-00.pdf" how to get the project number (the first folder of the path)? and put it together with the "E-607-00.PDF" .... can somebody help me please...!!! Thank you IN ADVANCE.... function like_REVIT(s) { s = cutOffPath(s); s = cutOffExtension(s); var ix = s.indexOf(" - "); if (ix < 0) return s; var t = s.split(" - "); if (t.length < 4) return s; return t[2]; } Hi, i have a slideshow that works. I want to store my images in a folder images/slideshow/1.jpg for all my images up to 10.jpg. I have tried to adjust the code so i can store the images in a folder but the code cant find the images. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you. I have this code in the head section: <script type="text/javascript"> thisImg=1; imgCt=10; function newSlide(direction) { thisImg = thisImg + direction; if(thisImg <1) {thisImg = imgCt;} if(thisImg > imgCt) {thisImg = 1;} document.getElementById('slideshow').src=thisImg + '.jpg'; } </script> I have this code in the body section: <form> <img src="1.jpg" id="slideshow" alt="Photo slideshow" width="213" height="184" > <p> <input type="button" value="<-- Previous photo" onClick="newSlide(-1)"> <input type="button" value="Next photo -->" onClick="newSlide(1)" > </p> </form> hi all, i'm a relatively new user to javascript. i'm supposed to use javascript to search through a folder that contains many excel files. the search term is obtained from a front end html form, javascript gets that value, search every single excel file in the folder and see which file has a cell that matches the search terms. I currently know (sort of) how to search through 1 file. but how do I search through many files? and from what i see from the searching of 1 file, it takes a few seconds to open and close the excel file (located on a network drive). which means it will take a fair bit of time to cycle through 97 excel files. Is there like any searching algorithm to speed up the process? Hello again... I have written a custom slideshow script which gets the images from an array... The script will change the src of a img, which is a fullscreen background. Now here's the problem, I've been trying to write a function where can define a folder "gallery\test\", and then get all image files in that folder and repopulate the slideshow array. So, is there a way to scan folders? I've searched around and found some solutions where PHP is used, but i really want to keep this pure js, if possible (?) Thanks, Hello everyone! This is my first post. I know some html and css, but not much about javascript, and I have an existential problem with a portfolio i'm helping to design: The portfolio itself is for a night photographer that covers different events. For each event there is a page where the photos from that event are displayed. The thing is i don't want to write html code for each and every event, so i've been investigating how to automate this process and i've been answered: javascript. I want a horizontal layout page for each event, where all the images from its folder are displayed, with a horizontal scrollbar and no vertical scrollbar. I've managed to cover this with a combination between css and javascript code. The javascript code i'm using: <script src="../../docs/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(function(){ $("#page-wrap").wrapInner("<table cellspacing='30'><tr>"); $(".post").wrap("<td>"); }); </script> Then i call for each image in the body of the html page: <div id="page-wrap"> <div class="post"> <img src="../../images/baobab04.02.11/1.jpg" width="720" height="480" border="0" /> </div> <div class="post"> <img src="../../images/baobab04.02.11/2.jpg" width="720" height="480" border="0" /> </div> </div> I've read about this function to loop for each image in a directory: foreach(string fileName f in Directory.GetFiles("SomeDirectory")) { ... } But i'm lost as to how to implement it and make a new <div class="post"> for each file in the directory. Thank you all in advance Hi, I Have been working on a archive/library for our animators here, with images of old and useful models/3d work. to help them out and save them some time, I wanted to add the ability to click on a jpeg and open the folder where the files are stored for the desired character/set. Being a animator myself, and working for a small company (who have no javascript programmers) we have little to no knowledge of the code and would appreciate any help possible. this is what i have come up with so far Code: <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function DriveList() { var folder=document.Drive.Name.options[document.Drive.Name.selectedIndex].value; document.frames['MyComputer'].location.href = folder; } function FolderChoose() { var location=document.UserLocation.FolderLocation.value; document.frames['MyComputer'].location.href = location; } </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM NAME="UserLocation"> <P><font size="2">Type in a Folder Location: </font> <INPUT TYPE="text" name="FolderLocation" length="25" size="20"> <INPUT TYPE="button" value="Open Folder" onClick="FolderChoose();"></P> </FORM> <IFRAME NAME="MyComputer" SRC="about:blank" WIDTH="50%" HEIGHT="20%"></IFRAME> </CENTER> however this only allows the user to manually search for the files. Is it possible and what would be the best approach to achieving this. I have been using DreamWeaver to create the library if that is of any help. Thanks in advance! Matt Hello! I am currently having some troubles finishing my website. I would like the music to play on every html page but the problem is that when i change a pages the music resets and begins from the beginning. I would like it to continue so when you change from page to page the music keeps playing. Any ideas? Thanks! This is the code i use: Code: <img id="music" onclick="musicfunc()" src="images/buttons/on.png" width="195" height="20" style="float: center; padding-right: 50px; padding-top: 58px;"> <OBJECT id="MediaPlayer" width="1" height="1" style="position:absolute; left:0;top:0;" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject"> <PARAM name="URL" value="home.mp3"> <PARAM name="AutoStart" value="True"> <PARAM name="PlayCount" value="9999"> </OBJECT> <script type="text/javascript"> var musicstat = "1";function musicfunc(){if(musicstat == "0"){document.getElementById ('music').src="images/buttons/on.png";musicstat = "1";document.getElementById("MediaPlayer").setAttribute("URL", "home.mp3");}else if(musicstat == "1"){document.getElementById ('music').src="images/buttons/off.png";musicstat = "0";document.getElementById("MediaPlayer").setAttribute("URL", "");}} </script> Hello all, I'm nick3d, from the UK. I'm new to this forum... Anyway... I am struggling with a project, basically what I want is. I want a slide in menu bar to the left of my screen, which is also a floating menu, so it follows my page when scrolled up and down, also, in the menu on the left I want the links to be like this UserCP FAQ Calender etc... Then once link clicked I want this to happen UserCP Change View Edit FAQ Calender, etc. so tabs can be opened, are there any available scripts out there which does all this?? Or could any one point me in the right direction? Hi everyone, Im have a problem here with having a mouseover hilight effect on my table. Can anyone help ? Im not great at js. PHP Code: if($i%2 == 0){$rcolor='#313131';}else{$rcolor='#212121';} $sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ranks_memberxp WHERE xp <=$mem[points] ORDER BY xp DESC LIMIT 1"); $rank=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); $sql=mysql_query("SELECT color FROM member_groups WHERE id=$mem[gid]"); $mem_color=mysql_result($sql,0); $out[body].=" <tr style='background-color:$rcolor' height='24' > <td valign='center' width='2%' align='center' background='$config[cellbgx]'><font color='white' size='3'> $i "; if($xp2[xperience_lastupdate] >= $xp2[xperience]){ $arrowicon=$out[body].="<img src='./images/rank_up.gif' border='0'>"; } else if($xp2[xperience_lastupdate] <= $xp2[xperience]){ $arrowicon=$out[body].="<img src='./images/rank_down.gif' border='0'>"; } else{ $arrowicon=""; } $out[body].=" </font></td> <td valign='center' width='7%' align='center'><img src='./images/flags/{$mem[country]}_small.gif' border='0' /></td> <td valign='center' width='7%' align='left' background='$config[cellbgx]'><a href='./profile.php?account=$mem[id]'><b><span style='color:$mem_color' size='3'>$mem[name]</span></b></a></td> <td valign='center' width='7%' align='center' background='$config[cellbgx]'><img src='$rank[image]' height='15px' width='15px' title='$rank[name]'/></td> <td valign='center' width='7%' align='center'>$pmerleague $pmerforum</td> <td valign='center' width='7%' align='center'><a href='aim:goim?screenname=$mem[aim]&message=Hello, are you there?'><img border='0' align='absmiddle' src=''></a></td> <td class='tag' valign='center' width='19%' background='' style=' padding-left:130px;' align='center'>$mem[xbl]</td> <td valign='center' width='7%' align='center'><b>$mem[points]</b></td> <td valign='center' width='8%' align='center'>$online</td> <td valign='center' width='8%' align='center'>$mem[Joined]</td> </tr></text>"; CAN SOMEONE TRY EDIT THAT TO GET IT TO WORK ? I just cant get it.... Hello guys i really need your help please. i need a code that when a button or image is clicked then a div's width and height are changed. Ive managed to get a few codes that does this, but the real problem is that, the contents of the div is an embedded flash file and i thought that by setting the flash width and height to 100% then the flash would fit to the new size of the div, but it just didnt work. I need a code that when a button is clicked then the div's and the flash's width and height are changed. please have a look at the temp website ( , you will understand where im coming from. on the right hand side i have a flash chat in a div , div is controled by a script that allows it to follow the scrollers up and down. My goal is to add a little button in the same div that says expand or maximise so when clicked the the div expands aswell as the flash file. i have spent 2 days on this little issue i just cant make it work, so please anyone can help me. Hi all, I'm a new member of this forum. I need help. My validation code checks for errors while filling out a permission form. If any of the fields are invalid it alerts a javascript box. But it disappears only after 2 mouse clicks. Can anyone help me out? Thank you. prik Hi... I'm still new to jQuery, and even newer to javascript, and need some help please. The page I'm working on: jQuery Code I have written: This page shows 4 icons, if you hover over 1 of them and click it the arrow slides down and a box associated with that category appears and the clouds move too. Problem: If you click another box the previous animated arrow stays where it is, and I need it to move back or, even better, reverse it to where it was. It would also be nice to have a 1 or 2 second delay before the clouds start moving after the click triggers the animations. Thanks in advance. I am needing to use javascript to show a prompt, and when the user enters a number from 1-12 (1 for each month of the year) it adds it to a new array. Then when the user types "stop" it prints the corresponding months. I'm new to javascript so I am not quite sure how to go about doing it. This is what I have currently, but I don't think it is right. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var month=['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; var selmonth= new Array(); var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); if (month2==1){ selmonth[0] = month[1]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==2){ selmonth[1] = month[2]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==3){ selmonth[2] = month[3]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==4){ selmonth[3] = month[4]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==5){ selmonth[4] = month[5]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==6){ selmonth[5] = month[6]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==7){ selmonth[6] = month[7]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==8){ selmonth[7] = month[8]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==9){ selmonth[8] = month[9]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==10){ selmonth[9] = month[10]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==11){ selmonth[10] = month[11]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2==12){ selmonth[11] = month[12]; var month2=prompt('Which Month', ''); } if (month2=='stop'){ document.write(selmonth.join(" <br> ")); } else{ alert('Please enter a valid value'); } </script> It'd be great if someone is able to help me. Thanks. Hi parent.document.getElementById("Table").onclick(); The above script works fine in firefox but in internet explorer it doesn't work. When i tried in IE, the session gets killed. HELP me out pls.... Can anyone tell WHY? Thanks in advance. |