JavaScript - I Need Blog Popup Java Script
i need blog popup java script can help me? i have premium account blog and i use some links so i need auto popup window java script!
Similar TutorialsI have written this code but when i include code for pop calender in a row, then button was disabled, So please help me i just struck in this problem from last one week Thanking you, L.Rajesh my code is Code: function addRow() { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMed'); var lastRow = tbl.rows.length; var iteration = lastRow; var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow); var cellLeft = row.insertCell(0); var sl = document.createElement('input'); sl.type = 'text'; = 'sln' ; = 'sln' + iteration; sl.value = iteration; sl.size = 3; sl.readOnly = true; cellLeft.appendChild(sl); var cellRights= row.insertCell(1); var elm= document.createElement('input'); elm.type = 'text'; = 'txtMdesc' ; = 'Mdesc' + iteration; elm.size = 20; cellRights.appendChild(elm); var cellRightt= row.insertCell(2); var elmn= document.createElement('input'); elmn.type = 'text'; = 'txtMqty' ; elmn.onclick = "[0].sdate,'anchor1xx','dd-MM-yy'); = 'Mqty' + iteration; elmn.size = 20; cellRightt.appendChild(elmn)"; var cellRightu= row.insertCell(3); var elmno= document.createElement('input'); elmno.type = 'text'; = 'txtMbill' ; = 'Mbill' + iteration; elmno.size = 20; cellRightu.appendChild(elmno); } the button code is : Code: </br> <fieldset style="width:60%;" align="center"> <legend> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function deleteRow(b){ document.getElementById('table_formcontainer').deleteRow(b) } function CompareDates1() { var str1 = document.getElementById("start").value; var str2 = document.getElementById("edate").value; var dt1 = parseInt(str1.substring(0,2),10); var mon1 = parseInt(str1.substring(3,5),10); var yr1 = parseInt(str1.substring(6,10),10); var dt2 = parseInt(str2.substring(0,2),10); var mon2 = parseInt(str2.substring(3,5),10); var yr2 = parseInt(str2.substring(6,10),10); var date1 = new Date(yr1, mon1, dt1); var date2 = new Date(yr2, mon2, dt2); if(date2 < date1) { alert("To date cannot be greater than from date"); return false; } else { alert("Submitting ..."); document.form1.submit(); } return true; } function addRow() { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMed'); var lastRow = tbl.rows.length; var iteration = lastRow; var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow); var cellLeft = row.insertCell(0); var sl = document.createElement('input'); sl.type = 'text'; = 'sln' ; = 'sln' + iteration; sl.value = iteration; sl.size = 3; sl.readOnly = true; cellLeft.appendChild(sl); var cellRights= row.insertCell(1); var elm= document.createElement('input'); elm.type = 'text'; = 'txtMdesc' ; = 'Mdesc' + iteration; elm.size = 20; cellRights.appendChild(elm); var cellRightt= row.insertCell(2); var elmn= document.createElement('input'); elmn.type = 'text'; = 'txtMqty' ; elmn.onclick = "[0].sdate,'anchor1xx','dd-MM-yy'); = 'Mqty' + iteration; elmn.size = 20; cellRightt.appendChild(elmn)"; var cellRightu= row.insertCell(3); var elmno= document.createElement('input'); elmno.type = 'text'; = 'txtMbill' ; = 'Mbill' + iteration; elmno.size = 20; cellRightu.appendChild(elmno); } function delRow1(c) { document.getElementById('tblMed').deleteRow(c) } function validate() { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMed'); var lastRow= tbl.rows.length-1; var a; for (a=1; a<=lastRow; a++) { var def = document.getElementById('sln'+ a); var ghi = document.getElementById('Mdesc'+ a); var jkl = document.getElementById('Mqty'+ a); var jkl1 = document.getElementById('Mqty'+ a).value; var abc = document.getElementById('Mbill'+ a); var gpexpdt2 = document.getElementById('tblMed').value; var str11 = document.getElementById("sdate").value; var str12 = document.getElementById("edate").value; var tranday = jkl1.substring(0,2); var tranmon = jkl1.substring(3,5); var tranyear = jkl1.substring(6,10); var trandate = new Date(tranyear,tranmon,tranday); var tranday2 = str11.substring(0,2); var tranmon2 = str11.substring(3,5); var tranyear2 = str11.substring(6,10); var trandate2 = new Date(tranyear2,tranmon2,tranday2); var tranday3 = str12.substring(0,2); var tranmon3 = str12.substring(3,5); var tranyear3 = str12.substring(6,10); if ((document.getElementById("AC").value == "")) { alert ( "Please enter Amount Claimed." ); document.form5.AC.focus(); return false; } else if((document.getElementById("Amb").value == "")) { alert ( "Please enter Relationship" ); document.form5.Amb.focus(); return false; } if ( document.form5.Treat.selectedIndex == "") { alert ( "Please select Treatment Type" ); document.form5.Treat.focus(); return false; } else if((document.getElementById("C10").value == "")) { alert ( "Please enter Total " ); document.form5.C10.focus(); return false; } else if((document.getElementById("C11").value == "")) { alert ( "Please enter Place " ); document.form5.C11.focus(); return false; } else if((document.getElementById("start").value == "")) { alert ( "Please enter from date" ); document.form5.start.focus(); return false; } else if((document.getElementById("edate").value == "")) { alert ( "Please enter to date" ); document.form5.edate.focus(); return false; } if (ghi.value.length == "") { alert('Please enter Bill No'); ghi.focus(); return false; } if (jkl.value.length == "") { alert('Please enter Date'); jkl.focus(); return false; } var trandate3 = new Date(tranyear3,tranmon3,tranday3); if (tranmon > 12|| tranmon < 1) { alert('Invalid Month In Date Field .Enter as dd-mm-yy'); jkl.focus(); return false; } if (tranday > 31|| tranday < 1) { alert('Invalid Date In Date Field Enter as dd-mm-yy'); jkl.focus(); return false; } if(trandate2.getTime() > trandate.getTime()) { alert("Bill date should be less than From date"); jkl.focus(); return false; } if(trandate3.getTime() < trandate.getTime()) { alert("Bill date should not be greater than End date"); jkl.focus(); return false; } if (abc.value.length == "") { alert('Please enter Amount'); abc.focus(); return false; } var str3 = document.getElementById("AC").value; var str4 = document.getElementById("Amb").value; if(parseInt(str3) > parseInt(str4)) { alert('Amount Claimed must be less than Amount Balance'); document.form5.AC.focus(); return false; } var alertsay = ""; if (form5.Treat.value > 4) { alert("Sorry You Can Not This Employee Data In Database.........."); form5.Treat.focus(); return (false); } var checkOK = "0123456789"; var checkStr = abc.value; var allValid = true; var allNum = ""; for (e = 0; e < checkStr.length; e++) { ch = checkStr.charAt(e); for (f = 0; f < checkOK.length; f++) if (ch == checkOK.charAt(f)) break; if (f == checkOK.length) { allValid = false; break; } if (ch != ",") allNum += ch; } if (!allValid) { alert("Invalid Data Please enter only digits'"); abc.focus(); return (false); } } return true; } var count =0; function Check() { if (!validate()) return true; addRow() } function removeRow1() { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMed'); var lastRow = tbl.rows.length; if (lastRow > 1) tbl.deleteRow(lastRow - 1); } function deleteRow(node) { if (rowNum > 1) { var td = node.parentNode; while (td.tblMed.toLowerCase() != "tr") td = td.parentNode; td.parentNode.removeChild(td); rowNum = rowNum - 1; document.form1.count.value = rowNum; } else { alert ("You cannot delete the last remaining row"); } } </script> <b><font color="#153E7E"border="1">Bill Details</b></legend><br> <table id="tblMed" width="75%"> <tr> <th>Sl.No.</th> <th align="left">Bill No</th> <th align="left" onClick="[0].edate,'anchor1xx','dd-MM-yy'); return false;" NAME="anchor1xx" ID="anchor1xx" onFocus="self.status='Select Treatment Start Date';return true; " onBlur="self.status='';return true;">Bill Date(DD-MON-YY)</th> <th>Bill Amount( <span class="WebRupee">Rs.</span> )</th> </tr> </table> <tr><br/>     <input name="button" type="button" value="Add Bill" onClick="Check()"/> ................................................................................................ i want popup calender in 3rd row of the table please help and if any one got solution then please please mail it to my gmail id : I'm an online web design student and i'm currently taking a javascript class Ive used java in the past but that was ten years ago so ive been spending time refamiliarizing myself with it I've ran into a problem with the popup coding I was given to use I have to take this image gallery and make the image thumbnails pop up into the larger view of the image using just the java pop up window, but somehow for some reason my coding is opening up the image in both windows, the window that the thumbnails are on and the separate window, its frustrating me to death! i have to keep hitting the back button on the main page whenever i click on an image link because it opens it in both windows simultaenously. i have to submit the project because it's due but i want to work on getting this problem resolved for the future. I've attached a plain text notepad document to my post so you can see the coding I am having trouble getting this code to work correctly. What I am trying to do is on my site i will have a button that will open this popup window with a login form and what i would like it to do is when the form is submitted i want the window to close and the main page to redirect to whatever page i would like it sent to. And if the login information is wrong i would like the popup window to stay open and say that it is wrong in red letters at the top. Here is the code for the popup window: PHP Code: <?php if($target == "LogIn") { if($view == "Form") { echo ' <script language="JavaScript" src="window.js"> </SCRIPT> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color: #000000; } --> </style> <FORM action="index.php?act=Login&CODE=50" onSubmit="javascript:login();" method="post" name="mlogin"> <p> <font face="verdana" color="#76a5d5" size="1"><B> Username: </b></font><INPUT class="textInput1" style="border: 1px solid #76A5D5; font-family: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; padding: 2px; vertical-align: middle; margin: 0; width: 80px" type="username" size="25" name="username" value="Username"/> <br> <FONT face="verdana" color="#76a5d5" size="1"><B> Password: </b></font><INPUT class="textInput1" style="border: 1px solid #76A5D5; font-family: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; padding: 2px; vertical-align: middle; margin: 0; width: 80px" type="password" size="25" name="password" value="*******"/> <INPUT type="image" src="images/login.jpg" ALT="Click Here to Login!" BORDER="0" ALIGN="middle" value="submit" name="submit"> </p> </form>'; } } ?> Code for the javascript: PHP Code: //Open up a new window with specific dimensions function info(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " =, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=300,height=100,left = 300,top = 500');"); } <!-- function login() { setTimeout('window.close()',2000); opener.location.href='/main/index.php'; } //--> Any help would be greatly appreciated I'd seriously appreciate some guidance with the following:- The site in question: The problem: Popups work fine, as they open the mini thumbnails when you mouseover. However, as you scroll down the page, the images move with you. So, if you mouseover'd the top result (having not scrolled down) the graph would appear when it was supposed to. However, if you scrolled down 200px, and then mouseover'd the top result (or any result), the thumbnail would popup 200px lower than it should. The guide site I used: - it doesn't happen on their site (potentially because they're not as stupid as me). I set up a dummy site of their site: - I just copied the source code for everything and changed literally nothing. It still happens on my version of the site. If this is a simple fix that anyone knows, I would love the help. If not, I'll just continue crying myself to sleep. Thank you in advance! Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="ddimgtooltip.js"> /*********************************************** * Image w/ description tooltip v2.0- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at for this script and 100s more ***********************************************/ </script> Code: /* Image w/ description tooltip v2.0 * Created: April 23rd, 2010. This notice must stay intact for usage * Author: Dynamic Drive at * Visit for full source code */ var ddimgtooltip={ tiparray:function(){ var tooltips=[] //define each tooltip below: tooltip[inc]=['path_to_image', 'optional desc', optional_CSS_object] //For desc parameter, backslash any special characters inside your text such as apotrophes ('). Example: "I\'m the king of the world" //For CSS object, follow the syntax: {property1:"cssvalue1", property2:"cssvalue2", etc} tooltips[0]=["red_balloon.gif", "Here is a red balloon<br /> on a white background", {background:"#FFFFFF", color:"black", border:"5px ridge darkblue"}] tooltips[1]=["duck2.gif", "Here is a duck on a light blue background.", {background:"#DDECFF", width:"200px"}] tooltips[2]=["../dynamicindex14/winter.jpg"] tooltips[3]=["../dynamicindex17/bridge.gif", "Bridge to somewhere.", {background:"white", font:"bold 12px Arial"}] return tooltips //do not remove/change this line }(), tooltipoffsets: [20, -30], //additional x and y offset from mouse cursor for tooltips //***** NO NEED TO EDIT BEYOND HERE tipprefix: 'imgtip', //tooltip ID prefixes createtip:function($, tipid, tipinfo){ if ($('#'+tipid).length==0){ //if this tooltip doesn't exist yet return $('<div id="' + tipid + '" class="ddimgtooltip" />').html( '<div style="text-align:center"><img src="' + tipinfo[0] + '" /></div>' + ((tipinfo[1])? '<div style="text-align:left; margin-top:5px">'+tipinfo[1]+'</div>' : '') ) .css(tipinfo[2] || {}) .appendTo(document.body) } return null }, positiontooltip:function($, $tooltip, e){ var x=e.pageX+this.tooltipoffsets[0], y=e.pageY+this.tooltipoffsets[1] var tipw=$tooltip.outerWidth(), tiph=$tooltip.outerHeight(), x=(x+tipw>$(document).scrollLeft()+$(window).width())? x-tipw-(ddimgtooltip.tooltipoffsets[0]*2) : x y=(y+tiph>$(document).scrollTop()+$(window).height())? $(document).scrollTop()+$(window).height()-tiph-10 : y $tooltip.css({left:x, top:y}) }, showbox:function($, $tooltip, e){ $ this.positiontooltip($, $tooltip, e) }, hidebox:function($, $tooltip){ $tooltip.hide() }, init:function(targetselector){ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var tiparray=ddimgtooltip.tiparray var $targets=$(targetselector) if ($targets.length==0) return var tipids=[] $targets.each(function(){ var $target=$(this) $target.attr('rel').match(/\[(\d+)\]/) //match d of attribute rel="imgtip[d]" var tipsuffix=parseInt(RegExp.$1) //get d as integer var tipid=this._tipid=ddimgtooltip.tipprefix+tipsuffix //construct this tip's ID value and remember it var $tooltip=ddimgtooltip.createtip($, tipid, tiparray[tipsuffix]) $target.mouseenter(function(e){ var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid) ddimgtooltip.showbox($, $tooltip, e) }) $target.mouseleave(function(e){ var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid) ddimgtooltip.hidebox($, $tooltip) }) $target.mousemove(function(e){ var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid) ddimgtooltip.positiontooltip($, $tooltip, e) }) if ($tooltip){ //add mouseenter to this tooltip (only if event hasn't already been added) $tooltip.mouseenter(function(){ ddimgtooltip.hidebox($, $(this)) }) } }) }) //end dom ready } } //ddimgtooltip.init("targetElementSelector") ddimgtooltip.init("*[rel^=imgtip]") I need to assign a key in the javascript to actually make the javascript work,. I have a bookmark in chrome , a javascript , which actually works when clicked on it .,. but how can i edit it so that i can actually make it work on click a key or combination of keys. i want to declare the key or keycombo in the script itself .,. the script is for catching the selected text on the webpage and opening a new tab(or window) and doing an exact search search of the selected text using .,., So I want it to work it this way ., select the text press a key and it opens a new tab (or window) with an xact search .,. i want to declare the key or keycombo in the script itself .,. the script is for catching the selected text on the webpage and opening a new tab(or window) and doing an exact search search of the selected text using .,., So I want it to work it this way ., select the text press a key and it opens a new tab (or window) with an xact search .,. Thanks in advance ., Nani hi, i have a html form and i have three text boxes named Max Accessories: Accessory SKU: Accessory CPC ID: and i want a javascript functionality like, if the user enters in the max accessories text box value as 1, then the below two text boxes should update like automatically like below, AcceSsory 1 SKU ACCESSORY 1 CPC ID SIMILARLY if user enters Max accessories value as 2 in the text box, then the below two text boxes should update like automatically like below AcceSsory 1 SKU ACCESSORY 1 CPC ID AcceSsory 2 SKU ACCESSORY 2 CPC ID onchange of the key, for accessory it should call some function in the same page and dynamically update. can any one please provide, a solution for this , thanks. hi i want to implement this java script . This is the Original Java script page . Where you see if i click on the yahoo or | google buttons the new window is loading and the same page is displaying with a tab bar menu and close button. I want to implement the same on one of my documents where i created css and java script based drop down menus. But when i tried to implement the same java script on my own page its not working properly.Please help me fix it . I have changed the code only on Button -4 Link-1 only Hers the Live Demo of the page : Live Demo Of the page Heres the Java Script: Java Script Here's the CSS : Code: html,body { padding:0; margin: 0px; background: #306f80; } #wrapper{ width: 1024px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; background: #FFFFFF; height: 1000px; } #header{ height: 100px; width: 1024px; background: url(../images/header.png) repeat-x; } .icons_hold{ float: right; height: 55px; width: 200px; position: relative; top: 10px; right: 10px; } .navestyle{ width: 1024px; font-weight: bold; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } .navestyle:after{ /*Add margin between menu and rest of content in Firefox*/ content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .navestyle ul{ border: 1px solid #BBB; width: 100%; background: url(../images/nav_bg.png) repeat-x center center; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ padding: 4px 0; margin: 0; text-align: center; font: 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .navestyle ul li{ display: inline; margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 2px; } .navestyle ul li a{ color: #494949; padding: 4px 45px 4px 7px; margin: 0; text-decoration: none; border-right: 1px solid #DADADA; } .navestyle ul li a:hover, .navestyle ul li a.selected{ /*script dynamically adds a class of "selected" to the current active menu item*/ background: url(../images/hover.png) repeat-x center center; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ color: #FFFFFF; } /* ######### Style for Drop Down Menu ######### */ .dropmenudiv{ position:absolute; top: 0; border: 1px solid #BBB; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ border-bottom-width: 0; font:normal 12px/18px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; z-index:100; background-color: white; visibility: hidden; width: 200px; } .dropmenudiv a{ width: auto; display: block; text-indent: 3px; border-bottom: 1px solid #BBB; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ padding: 2px 0; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; color: black; } * html .dropmenudiv a{ /*IE only hack*/ width: 100%; } .dropmenudiv a:hover{ /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ background-color: #F0F0F0; } img { border: none; } .pagination{ padding: 0px 2px 2px; clear: both; } .pagination ul{ margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; /*Set to "right" to right align pagination interface*/ font-size: 16px; } .pagination li{ list-style-type: none; display: inline; padding-bottom: 1px; } .pagination a, .pagination a:visited{ padding: 0 5px; border: 1px solid #9aafe5; text-decoration: none; color: #2e6ab1; } .pagination a:hover, .pagination a:active{ border: 1px solid #2b66a5; color: #000; background-color: #FFCC33; } .pagination a.currentpage{ background-color: #2e6ab1; color: #FFF !important; border-color: #2b66a5; font-weight: bold; cursor: default; } .pagination a.disablelink, .pagination a.disablelink:hover{ background-color: white; cursor: default; color: #929292; border-color: #929292; font-weight: normal !important; } .pagination a.prevnext{ font-weight: bold; } #demoArea { padding: 10px ; height: 580px ; background: #FFFFFF ; /*border: 1px solid black ;*/ /*display: table ;*/ } #demoLinks { width: 20% ; border-right: 1px dotted blue ; float: left ; } #demoBrowser { position: relative; width: 950px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #tabBrowser { position: absolute ; width: 100% ; } /* --------------- TABS -------------------*/ #tabDemo { display: none } #tabContainer { display: block ; } #tabs { cursor: default ; list-style-type: none ; /*width: 560px ;*/ margin: 0 ; padding: 0 ; } #tabs li { background: #FFFBF0 ; border: 1px solid green ; border-bottom: 0 ; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px ; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px ; float: left ; width: 100px ; min-width: 35px ; height: 20px ; margin: 0 2px 3px 0 ; padding-left: 3px ; } .tabTitle { float: left ; width: 80% ; height: 100% ; overflow: hidden ; } .closeTab { text-align: center ; text-transform: uppercase ; margin: 2px 3px 2px 80% ; border: outset 1px #D40000 ; } .closeTab:hover { background: #000000; } /* --------------- BROWSER -------------------*/ #tabContent { position: relative ; clear: both ; width: 100% ; } #tabContent div { position: absolute ; width: 100% ; } Here's the Mark Up : Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>Testing page</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/css.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/tabbed_browser.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/chrome.js"> </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <div class="icons_hold"><a href="#"><img src="images/home.png" title="home" /></a> <a href="#"><img src="images/help.png" title="help" /></a> <a href="#"><img src="images/sign_out.png" title="signe out" /></a></div> </div> <div class="navestyle" id="navemenu"> <ul> <li><a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-1</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-2</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-3</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="dropmenu1" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-4</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="dropmenu2" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-5</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="dropmenu3" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-6</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-7</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page">Button-8</a></li> </ul> </div> <!--1st drop down menu --> <div id="dropmenu1" class="dropmenudiv"> <a id="link1" onclick="openTab('link1')" href="" title="chaitnyas testing page" ><img src = "images/1.gif" /> Link-1</a> <a href="link-2.htm" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/2.gif" /> Link-2</a> <a href="link-3.htm" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/3.gif" /> Link-3</a> <a href="link-4.htm" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/4.gif" /> Link-4</a> <a href="link-5.htm" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/5.gif" /> Link-5</a></div> <!--2nd drop down menu --> <div id="dropmenu2" class="dropmenudiv" style="width: 150px;"> <a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/6.gif" /> Link-1</a> <a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/7.gif" /> Link-2</a> <a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/8.gif" /> Link-3</a></div> <!--3rd drop down menu --> <div id="dropmenu3" class="dropmenudiv" style="width: 150px;"> <a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/9.gif" /> Link-1</a> <a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/10.gif" /> Link-2</a> <a href="#" title="chaitnyas testing page"><img src = "images/11.gif" /> Link-3</a></div> <script type="text/javascript"> cssdropdown.startchrome("navemenu") </script> <p><br /> <div id="demoBrowser"> <div id="tabBrowser"> <div id="tabContainer"> <ul id="tabs"><li id="tabDemo"><div class="tabTitle">Google</div><div class="closeTab">x</div></li> </ul> </div> <div id="tabContent"> </div> </div> </div> </div><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </p> <div class="pagination"> <ul> <li><a href="products.htm" class="currentpage" title="Products">1</a></li> <li><a href="products1.htm" title="Products">2</a></li> <li><a href="products2.htm" title="Products">3</a></li> </ul> </div><br /> </p> </div> </body> </html> how to get first 4 digits of mobile number using substing method and then how to check that number in if condition using java script.that is i entered the mobile number 9688786064.i want to check first four digits 9688 .in that same check all the entered number only 9688 started nymber can allow to store data can i develop the program..plz help me var ph1=document.getElementById('ph'); ph1=ph.substring(0,4) is it correct or not .if it is correct then tell further steps.if it wrong tell me the correct code hi i have this code i want to put a java script for this java scrip should be (amt1*amt2)+(amt3)*(amt4)=amt5 if (amt1*amt2)+(amt3)*(amt4) > amt5 should giver mesage on keyup of amount amt4 plzz help me how do i put javascript for this ...........plz help me Code: <table width="1113" height="99" border="0"> <tr bgcolor="#99FF66"> <td width="60"><div align="center"><strong>GROUP ID</strong></div></td> <td width="46"><div align="center"><strong>PART ID</strong></div></td> <td width="97"><div align="center"><strong>ITEM NAME</strong></div></td> <td width="144"><div align="center"><strong>UNIT</strong></div></td> <td width="144"><div align="center"><strong>a/b/c</strong></div></td> <td width="144"><div align="center"><strong>Qty/Crtn</strong></div></td> <td width="144"><div align="center"><strong>Nbr of Crtns</strong></div></td> <td width="144"><div align="center"><strong>Nett Wt/Crt</strong></div></td> <td width="152"><div align="center"><strong>Grs Wt/Crtn</strong></div></td> </tr> <?php $noofrow=0; $result10 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Ibws_Data WHERE Sc_No='$PcNo' AND Seq_No='$SeqNo' "); // $row1000 = mysql_fetch_array( $result1000 ); //$Sub_Total=""; while($row10 = mysql_fetch_array( $result10 )) { //$ttlamt=mysql_number_format(); $noofrow++; ?> <tr bgcolor="#99CC66"> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="Group_ID'.$noofrow.'" value="'.$row10['Group_ID'].'" type="text" size="8" maxlength="12" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="Part_ID'.$noofrow.'" value="'.$row10['Part_ID'].'" type="text" size="8" maxlength="12" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="Name'.$noofrow.'" value="'.$row10['Name'].'" type="text" size="20" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="Unit'.$noofrow.'" value="'.$row10['Unit'].'" type="text" size="8" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="cat'.$noofrow.'" value="a" type="text" size="8" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="amt1'.$noofrow.'" value="a" type="text" size="8" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="amt2'.$noofrow.'" value="a" type="text" size="8" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="amt3'.$noofrow.'" value="a" type="text" size="8" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="amt4'.$noofrow.'" value="a" type="text" size="8" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> <td><label> <?php echo '<input name="amt5'.$noofrow.'" value="a" type="text" size="8" maxlength="25" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center" />' ; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit" /> </label></td> <td><label></label></td> <td><label></label></td> <td> </td> <td><label></label></td> <td><label></label></td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <p> </p> </form> plz help me with a sample java scrip code I was hoping someone could help me fix this javascript code. I have been working for hours and it does not work. <html> <head> <title>Moondoe's Coffee House</title> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> var drink, ounces; prompt( "Enter the drink type:espresso, latte, cappuccino, americano" ); prompt( "Enter the ounce size: 8, 12, 16" ); var shots = prompt ( "Enter the number of shots" ); if ( drink == "espresso") price = 1.40; if ( drink == "latte") || drink == "cappuccino" ) { if ( ounce == 8 ) price = 1.95; else if ( ounce == 12 ) price = 2.35; else if ( ounce == 16 ) price = 2.75; } if ( drink == "americano" ) price = 1.20 + ( ( (ounce/8) -1 ) * .30 ); price = price + ( (shots-1) * .50 ); price = price * 1.055; price = Math.round ( price*100 ) /100; alert ( "Your " + ounce + "oz. " + drink + "with " + shots + "\nshots of espresso costs: $ " + price ); alert( "drink = " + drink + "ounce = "ounce + "shots = "shots ); </script> </html> Can someone help me with this javascript? It works fine with 10 images, but when I add the 11th it will not rotate the 11th image but still rotate the 1st 10. <br> <script type="text/javascript"> var imgs1 = new Array("/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad16.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad13.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad14.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad8.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad15.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad18.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad12.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad19.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad20.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad21.jpg","/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad21.jpg","/resource/resmgr/ad_Banner/ad3.jpg"); var lnks1 = new Array("","","","","","",""," "," ",""," "); var alt1 = new Array("Adams Collision","Huntley Realty","Trinity","Sun City Arizona","Hunter Douglas Window Coverings and Custom Draperies","J&B Construction","TGI Consulting","Blue Skies","AAA Glass","Cary Travel Express","THIS COULD BE YOUR AD!!!"); var currentAd1 = 0; var imgCt1 = 11; function cycle1() { if (currentAd1 == imgCt1) { currentAd1 = 0; } var banner1 = document.getElementById('adBanner1'); var link1 = document.getElementById('adLink1'); banner1.src=imgs1[currentAd1] banner1.alt=alt1[currentAd1] document.getElementById('adLink1').href=lnks1[currentAd1] currentAd1++; } window.setInterval("cycle1()",4000); </script> <a href="""" id="adLink1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="/resource/resmgr/Ad_Banner/ad16.jpg" id="adBanner1" border="0" width="170" height="200"></a> please hekp to sort this out.. .. The price of a ticket to a passenger on AOU-Airways is computed based on the following table: [9] Class Price First Class KD 300 Economy Class (with meal) KD 150 Economy Class (without meal) KD 130 Using nested if statements, write a JavaScript code which will work according to the following specifications: a. Read the class that the passenger wants to travel on. b. If the class is the first class, print the price of ticket. c. If the class is the economy class, ask the user if he/she wants a meal on the flight. Then print the price of the ticket according to the response of the passenger. The program should simply accept one possible strings the user enters; it is not required to work for all possible inputs such as First, first, FIRST or Yes , yes, YES. i am getting error in document.createElement('input') index1 = { init: function() { var but=document.getElementById('button1'); index1.addEvent(but,'onClick',fun1,false); }, fun1: function(e) { var bo=document.getElementById('body1'); var in=document.createElement('input'); in.type="button"; in.value="songs";"song"; bo.appendChild(in); } } index1.addEvent(window,'load',index.init,false); Here is the style and js for my menu that I got from Dynamic Drive. I have it working as it is suppose to on my site. But I need my menus to have submenus and even have a couple of sub-submenus. Can someone help me with this. Code: YOffset=150; // no quotes!! XOffset=0; staticYOffset=30; // no quotes!! slideSpeed=20 // no quotes!! waitTime=100; // no quotes!! this sets the time the menu stays out for after the mouse goes off it. menuBGColor="black"; menuIsStatic="yes"; //this sets whether menu should stay static on the screen menuWidth=180; // Must be a multiple of 10! no quotes!! menuCols=2; hdrFontFamily="verdana"; hdrFontSize="2"; hdrFontColor="white"; hdrBGColor="#170088"; hdrAlign="left"; hdrVAlign="center"; hdrHeight="15"; linkFontFamily="Verdana"; linkFontSize="2"; linkBGColor="white"; linkOverBGColor="#FFFF99"; linkTarget="_top"; linkAlign="Left"; barBGColor="#FF0000"; barFontFamily="Verdana"; barFontSize="3"; barFontColor="white"; barVAlign="center"; barWidth=45; // no quotes!! barText="Menu Navigation"; // <IMG> tag supported. Put exact html for an image to show. /////////////////////////// // ssmItems[...]=[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ssmItems[0]=["Menu"] //create header ssmItems[1]=["About Our Diocese", ", ""] ssmItems[2]=["Parishes", "",""] ssmItems[3]=["Schools", "", ""] ssmItems[4]=["Ministries", "", "_new"] ssmItems[5]=["Clergy and Religous", "", ""] ssmItems[6]=["Protecting God's Children", "", ""] ssmItems[7]=["For Those In Need", "", ""] ssmItems[8]=["Tribunal", "", ""] ssmItems[9]=["Contact Us"] //ssmItems[7]=["Tribunal", "", "", 1, "no"] //create two column row //ssmItems[8]=["Contact Us", "", "",1] ssmItems[10]=["External Links", "", ""] //create header ssmItems[11]=["Test", "", ""] ssmItems[12]=["Test", "", ""] ssmItems[13]=["Test", "", ""] buildMenu(); //--> NS6 = (document.getElementById&&!document.all) IE = (document.all) NS = (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") tempBar='';barBuilt=0;ssmItems=new Array(); function truebody(){ return (document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } moving=setTimeout('null',1) function moveOut() { if ((NS6||NS)&&parseInt(ssm.left)<0 || IE && ssm.pixelLeft<0) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveOut()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}}; function moveBack() {clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', waitTime)} function moveBack1() { if ((NS6||NS) && parseInt(ssm.left)>(-menuWidth) || IE && ssm.pixelLeft>(-menuWidth)) { clearTimeout(moving);moving = setTimeout('moveBack1()', slideSpeed);slideMenu(-10)} else {clearTimeout(moving);moving=setTimeout('null',1)}} function slideMenu(num){ if (IE) {ssm.pixelLeft += num;} if (NS6) {ssm.left = parseInt(ssm.left)+num+"px";} if (NS) {ssm.left = parseInt(ssm.left)+num; bssm.clip.right+=num;bssm2.clip.right+=num;}} function makeStatic() { if (NS||NS6) {winY = window.pageYOffset;} if (IE) {winY = truebody().scrollTop;} if (NS6||IE||NS) { if (winY!=lastY&&winY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - YOffset + staticYOffset);} else if (YOffset-staticYOffset+lastY>YOffset-staticYOffset) { smooth = .2 * (winY - lastY - (YOffset-(YOffset-winY)));} else {smooth=0} if(smooth > 0) smooth = Math.ceil(smooth); else smooth = Math.floor(smooth); if (IE) bssm.pixelTop+=smooth; if (NS6)"px" if (NS) lastY = lastY+smooth; setTimeout('makeStatic()', 1)}} function buildBar() { if(barText.indexOf('<IMG')>-1) {tempBar=barText} else{for (b=0;b<barText.length;b++) {tempBar+=barText.charAt(b)+"<BR>"}} document.write('<td align="center" rowspan="100" width="'+barWidth+'" bgcolor="'+barBGColor+'" valign="'+barVAlign+'"><p align="center"><font face="'+barFontFamily+'" Size="'+barFontSize+'" COLOR="'+barFontColor+'"><B>'+tempBar+'</B></font></p></TD>')} function initSlide() { if (NS6){ssm=document.getElementById("thessm").style;bssm=document.getElementById("basessm").style; bssm.clip="rect(0 "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetWidth+" "+document.getElementById("thessm").offsetHeight+" 0)";ssm.visibility="visible";} else if (IE) {ssm=document.all("thessm").style;bssm=document.all("basessm").style bssm.visibility = "visible";} else if (NS) {bssm=document.layers["basessm1"]; bssm2=bssm.document.layers["basessm2"];ssm=bssm2.document.layers["thessm"]; bssm2.clip.left=0;ssm.visibility = "show";} if (menuIsStatic=="yes") makeStatic();} function buildMenu() { if (IE||NS6) {document.write('<DIV ID="basessm" style="visibility:hidden;Position : Absolute ;Left : '+XOffset+'px ;Top : '+YOffset+'px ;Z-Index : 20;width:'+(menuWidth+barWidth+10)+'px"><DIV ID="thessm" style="Position : Absolute ;Left : '+(-menuWidth)+'px ;Top : 0 ;Z-Index : 20;" onmouseover="moveOut()" onmouseout="moveBack()">')} if (NS) {document.write('<LAYER name="basessm1" top="'+YOffset+'" LEFT='+XOffset+' visibility="show"><ILAYER name="basessm2"><LAYER visibility="hide" name="thessm" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'" left="'+(-menuWidth)+'" onmouseover="moveOut()" onmouseout="moveBack()">')} if (NS6){document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="'+(menuWidth+barWidth+2)+'px" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'"><TR><TD>')} document.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="'+(menuWidth+barWidth+2)+'px" bgcolor="'+menuBGColor+'">'); for(i=0;i<ssmItems.length;i++) { if(!ssmItems[i][3]){ssmItems[i][3]=menuCols;ssmItems[i][5]=menuWidth-1} else if(ssmItems[i][3]!=menuCols)ssmItems[i][5]=Math.round(menuWidth*(ssmItems[i][3]/menuCols)-1); if(ssmItems[i-1]&&ssmItems[i-1][4]!="no"){document.write('<TR>')} if(!ssmItems[i][1]){ document.write('<td bgcolor="'+hdrBGColor+'" HEIGHT="'+hdrHeight+'px" ALIGN="'+hdrAlign+'" VALIGN="'+hdrVAlign+'" WIDTH="'+ssmItems[i][5]+'" COLSPAN="'+ssmItems[i][3]+'"> <font face="'+hdrFontFamily+'" Size="'+hdrFontSize+'" COLOR="'+hdrFontColor+'"><b>'+ssmItems[i][0]+'</b></font></td>')} else {if(!ssmItems[i][2])ssmItems[i][2]=linkTarget; document.write('<TD BGCOLOR="'+linkBGColor+'" onmouseover="bgColor=\''+linkOverBGColor+'\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\''+linkBGColor+'\'" WIDTH="'+ssmItems[i][5]+'px" COLSPAN="'+ssmItems[i][3]+'"><ILAYER><LAYER onmouseover="bgColor=\''+linkOverBGColor+'\'" onmouseout="bgColor=\''+linkBGColor+'\'" WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="'+linkAlign+'"><DIV ALIGN="'+linkAlign+'"><FONT face="'+linkFontFamily+'" Size="'+linkFontSize+'"> <A HREF="'+ssmItems[i][1]+'" target="'+ssmItems[i][2]+'" CLASS="ssmItems">'+ssmItems[i][0]+'</DIV></LAYER></ILAYER></TD>')} if(ssmItems[i][4]!="no"&&barBuilt==0){buildBar();barBuilt=1} if(ssmItems[i][4]!="no"){document.write('</TR>')}} document.write('</table>') if (NS6){document.write('</TD></TR></TABLE>')} if (IE||NS6) {document.write('</DIV></DIV>')} if (NS) {document.write('</LAYER></ILAYER></LAYER>')} theleft=-menuWidth;lastY=0;setTimeout('initSlide();', 1)} I need help placing this code in a table that is one column wide by 20 rows long. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Table</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <table cellspacing="5" border="2"> <script> document.write("<h2>Table of Fibonacci Numbers</h2>"); for (i=0, j=1, k=0, fib =0; i<15; i++, fib=j+k, j=k, k=fib){ document.write("Fibonacci (" + i + ") = " + fib); document.write("<br>"); } </script> </table> </html> Hi, i have multiple check box and text box for each check box. the check box value is given as text box name ex Checkbox <input type="checkbox" name="cBx" value=" txtname1 "/> Textbox <input type="text" name=" txtname1 " /> how to get the text box value (txtname1) on calling the below function function get_textBox_value() { var c_chkBoxName = ""; var c_txtBoxValue = ""; for (var i=0; i < document.Formname.cBx.length; i++) { if (document.Formname.cBx[i].checked) { c_chkBoxName= document.Formname.cBx[i].value; //working fine... c_txtBoxValue = document.Formname. c_chkBoxName .value; // not working... how to pass the chkbox value for c_txtBoxName } } } Hey ! You know I'm now trying to use that light box embed contact form in my page and that fade in fade out effect as well which you can see now in LCD. But when I use the java script of that embed contact form in lightbox, my previous script of fading doesn't work. <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/lightbox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/fadeslideshow.js"></script> bold one is newly added script. Can't figure out the mistake. Can you please help me once again people??? Hi all. I am a newbie. I would like to know how I can get the following script to work on the web. I have produced a flyer in iWeb on my mac. I published it on line and then viewed the source while it appeared on my web browser. The code is below. I then copied this code into a webmail server panel that sends out emails to a list of people in a database. The flyer didn't appear. It just came back as the code I copied. No pictures, no colours etc. I noticed the term javascript in the code. Did some research and found that I might need to convert this to html. Am I right? Can anyone test this for me? js2html is a program that apparently does this for me. Is that what I should buy? Anyway, here's the script... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="Generator" content="iWeb 2.0.4" /> <meta name="iWeb-Build" content="local-build-20100523" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=700" /> <title>Blank</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen,print" href="Blank_files/Blank.css" /> <!--[if IE]><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen,print' href='Blank_files/BlankIE.css'/><![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/iWebSite.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Widgets/SharedResources/WidgetCommon.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Widgets/Navbar/navbar.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/iWebImage.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Blank_files/Blank.js"></script> </head> <body style="background: #ffffff; margin: 0pt; " onload="onPageLoad();" onunload="onPageUnload();"> <div style="text-align: center; "> <div style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 0px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; word-wrap: break-word; background: #ffffff; text-align: left; width: 700px; " id="body_content"> <div style="margin-left: 0px; position: relative; width: 700px; z-index: 0; " id="nav_layer"> <div style="height: 0px; line-height: 0px; " class="bumper"> </div> <div class="com-apple-iweb-widget-navbar flowDefining" id="widget0" style="margin-left: 35px; margin-top: 0px; position: relative; width: 630px; z-index: 1; "> <div id="widget0-navbar" class="navbar"> <div id="widget0-bg" class="navbar-bg"> <ul id="widget0-navbar-list" class="navbar-list"> <li></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- new NavBar('widget0', 'Scripts/Widgets/Navbar', 'Scripts/Widgets/SharedResources', '.', {"current-page-GUID": "FFEEE0B9-95FC-4891-B01D-849CD24582BC", "path-to-root": "", "isCollectionPage": "NO", "navbar-css": ".navbar {\n\tfont-family: Arial, sans-serif;\n\tfont-size: 1em;\n\tcolor: #666;\n\tmargin: 9px 0px 6px 0px;\n\tline-height: 30px;\n}\n\n.navbar-bg {\n\ttext-align: center;\n}\n\n.navbar-bg ul {\n\tlist-style: none;\n\tmargin: 0px;\n\tpadding: 0px;\n}\n\n\nli {\n\tlist-style-type: none;\n\tdisplay: inline;\n\tpadding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;\n}\n\n\nli a {\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n\tcolor: #666;\n}\n\nli a:visited {\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n\tcolor: #666;\n}\n\nli a:hover\r{\r\n \tcolor: #463C3C;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\r}\n\n\nli.current-page a\r{\r\t color: #463C3C;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\r\r}\n"}); //--><!]]></script> <div style="clear: both; height: 0px; line-height: 0px; " class="spacer"> </div> </div> <div style="float: left; height: 0px; line-height: 0px; margin-left: 0px; position: relative; width: 700px; z-index: 10; " id="header_layer"> <div style="height: 0px; line-height: 0px; " class="bumper"> </div> <div style="height: 1px; width: 630px; height: 0px; left: 35px; position: absolute; top: 3px; width: 630px; z-index: 1; " class="tinyText"> <div style="position: relative; width: 630px; "> <img src="Blank_files/shapeimage_1.jpg" alt="" style="height: 1px; left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 630px; " /> </div> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 0px; position: relative; width: 700px; z-index: 5; " id="body_layer"> <div style="height: 0px; line-height: 0px; " class="bumper"> </div> <div style="height: 497px; width: 703px; height: 497px; left: -2px; position: absolute; top: -53px; width: 703px; z-index: 1; " class="tinyText style_SkipStroke stroke_0"> <img src="Blank_files/BSC%20Banner%20May%202010.jpg" alt="" style="border: none; height: 497px; width: 704px; " /> </div> <div style="height: 480px; line-height: 480px; " class="spacer"> </div> </div> <div style="height: 150px; margin-left: 0px; position: relative; width: 700px; z-index: 15; " id="footer_layer"> <div style="height: 0px; line-height: 0px; " class="bumper"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <script type="text/JavaScript"> function refreshPage(s) { window.location.reload(); if((s.options[s.selectedIndex].value) = "zed=catcher") { alert (s.selectedIndex); //this is showing <?PHP //the next lines does not execute????? echo $form['service_code']->renderLabel(); echo $form['service_code']->renderError(); echo $form['service_code']; ?> } } </script> please help? thanks Hello Everybody, Plese find the solution for this error, i have a textbox(id=txt_Acronym), when i fill the data into that control i get this error(document.getElementById()is null or not an object),Iam calling The Java script Function in "onchange". Yours NARASIMHA RAO K |