JavaScript - Adding Functions And Variables
Hi everyone,
I am working on an assignment and require a little bit of assistance. I have a form (an order form) where I am required to validate the required entries - I have managed to do this with the textbox field no problems. Where I am coming unstuck is with the following items. homePhone - numbers only and max 10 numbers for validation postCode - same as above email validation of @ and . How do I validate comboboxs so that if nothing is selected an alert shows? If the "other address" radiobutton is checked how do I have the text boxes only validate on check? How do I validate the textarea when "do you want a card message" is ticked? I have been working on this for the past week and a bit and have done a fair amount of research and tried to implement various pieces of code I have found with no luck. I have removed some of the select objects to cut down on the amount of code. I am not expecting anyone to write my assignment for me, just wanting assistance to help me learn and become more proficient in JS Regards BP Code: <html> <head> <title>Online Order Form</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="author" content="Jeremy Porteous"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function validate(){ var form=document.getElementById("orderForm"); var Name=form["fullName"].value; var fullName_err=document.getElementById("fullName_err"); var address=form["address"].value; var address_err=document.getElementById("address_err"); var location=form["location"].value; var location_err=document.getElementById("location_err"); var postcode=form["postcode"].value; var postcode_err=document.getElementById("postcode_err"); var homePhone=form["homePhone"].value; var homephone_err=document.getElementById("homePhone_err"); var email=form["email"].value; var email_err=document.getElementById("email_err"); var checkbox=form["card"].value; var street=form["street"].value; var street_err=document.getElementById("street_err"); var otherLocation=form["otherLocation"].value; var otherLocation_err=document.getElementById("otherLocation_err"); var otherPostcode=form["otherPostcode"].value; var otherPostcode_err=document.getElementById("otherPostcode_err"); if(Name==""){ fullName_err.innerHTML="Please enter your Full Name"; }else{ fullName_err.innerHTML=""; } if(address==""){ address_err.innerHTML="Please enter your Street Address"; }else{ address_err.innerHTML=""; } if(location==""){ location_err.innerHTML="Please enter your Surburb/Town"; }else{ location_err.innerHTML=""; } if(postcode==""){ postcode_err.innerHTML="Please enter your Postcode"; }else{ postcode_err.innerHTML=""; } if(homePhone==""){ homePhone_err.innerHTML="Please enter your Phone Number"; }else{ homePhone_err.innerHTML=""; } if(email==""){ email_err.innerHTML="Please enter a valid Email"; }else{ email_err.innerHTML=""; } if(street==""){ street_err.innerHTML="Please enter Street Address"; }else{ street_err.innerHTML=""; } if(otherLocation==""){ otherLocation_err.innerHTML="Please enter Suburb/Town"; }else{ otherLocation_err.innterHTML=""; } if(otherPostcode==""){ otherPostcode_err.innerHTML="Please enter Postcode"; }else{ otherPostcode_err.innerHTML=""; } if(Name=="" || address=="" || location=="" || postcode=="" || homePhone=="" || email=="" || street=="" || otherLocation=="" || otherPostcode=="") { alert("Please Check form and fill in form data correctly"); return false; }else{ return true; } } --> </script> <h2>Joes Online Order Form</h2> <h5>* denotes a required field</h5> <h3><u>Your Details</u></h3> <form id="orderForm" name="orderForm" method="post" action="" onsubmit="javascript:return validate()"> <!-- The form user is required to fill in some personal information * is a required field --> <!-- Input fields will be validated --> <h4>*Name: <label><input type="text" id="fullName" size="35"></label> <label id="fullName_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h4> <h4>* Address: <label><input type="text" id="address" size="30"></label> <label id="address_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label> * Suburb/Town: <label><input type="text" id="location" size="30"></label> <label id="location_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h4> <!-- The input field for "state" is a dropdown combo box --> <h4>* State: <select name="homeState" size="0"> <option value="State">Select your State</option> <option value="ACT">ACT</option> <option value="NSW">NSW</option> </select> <label id="homeState_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label> * Postcode: <label><input type="text" id="postcode" maxlength="4" size="4"></label> <label id="postcode_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h4> <h4>* Home Phone: <label><input type="text" id="homePhone" maxlength="10" size="10"></label> <label id="homePhone_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h4> <h5>Work Phone: <input type="text" id="workPhone" maxlength="10" size="10"> Fax: <input type="text" id="Fax" maxlength="10" size="10"></h5> <h4>* Email: <label><input type="text" id="email" size="30"></label> <label id="email_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h4> <!-- The input fields for "type" and "expDate" are dropdown combo boxes --> <h4><em>Credit Card Details</em></h4> <h4>* Type: <select name="creditCard" size="0"> <option value="creditCard">Select your Credit Card</option> <option value="visa">Visa</option> <option value="mastercard">Master Card</option> </select> * Exp Date: <select name="expMonth" size="0"> <option value="Jan">Jan</option> <option value="Feb">Feb</option> <option value="Mar">Mar</option> </select> <select name="expYear" size="0"> <option value="2012">2012</option> <option value="2013">2013</option> <option value="2014">2014</option> </select></h4> <!-- Using the combo boxes the user can select type of basket and qty --> <h4><em>Purchase Details</em></h4> <h4>* Basket Type: <select name="basketType" size="0"> <option value="Select a Basket">Select a Basket</option> <option value="1A">1A</option> <option value="1B">1B</option> </select> * Qty: <select name="quantity" size="0"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select></h4> <h4><b>* Deliver To:</b></h4> <!-- Radio buttons are mutually exclusive --> <h4><input type="radio" id="homeDel" name="delAddress" value="homeAddress" checked> Home Address</h4> <h4><input type="radio" id="otherDel" name="delAddress" value="otherAddress"> Other Address</h4> <!-- the following is for the "Other Address option" --> <h3><u>Other Address Details</u></h3> <h4>* Street: <label><input type="text" id="street" size="30"></label> <label id="street_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label> <!-- The input field for "state" is a dropdown combo box --> * Suburb/Town: <label><input type="text" id="otherLocation" size="30" ></label> <label id="otherLocation_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h4> <h4>* State: <select name="state" size="0"> <option value="State">Select the State</option> <option value="ACT">ACT</option> <option value="NSW">NSW</option> </select> * Postcode: <input type="text" id="otherPostcode" maxlength="4" size="4"> <label id="otherPostcode_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h4> <h4><em><b>* Date Delivery Required</b></em> <select name="delDay" size="0"> <option value="01">01</option> <option value="02">02</option> <option value="03">03</option> <option value="04">04</option> </select> <select name="delMonth" size="0"> <option value="Jan">Jan</option> <option value="Feb">Feb</option> <option value="Mar">Mar</option> <option value="Apr">Apr</option> </select> <select name="delYear" size="0"> <option value="2012">2012</option> </select></h4> <h5>Would you like to include a card? <input type="checkbox" id="card"> <label id="card_err" style="color:#FF0000; font-style:italic;"></label></h5> <!-- Text box message will only be submitted if checkbox is ticked --> <p>Leave a personal message for the card<br> <textarea name="text" id="cardMessage" rows="5" cols="28"> Enter your message here</textarea></p> <p>***Click on <b>Submit</b> when complete or <b>Clear Form</b> to reset form***</p> <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="reset" value="Clear Form" onClick="reset"> </form> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHi I want help with trying to pass some variables from one function to another. so with the following example: Code: // main body of script function exercise() { fnLLR_Calculate(); fnLLR_Calculate2(); } function fnLLR_Calculate() { //-------Gets values from web page------// var $Shares; _set($Shares, _getText(_textbox("CALC_STOCK_INPUT"))); $Shares = Number($Shares); _log("$Shares =" + $Shares); var $GrantPrice; _set($GrantPrice, _getText(_textbox("GRANT_PRICE_INPUT"))); $GrantPrice = Number($GrantPrice); _log("$GrantPrice = " + $GrantPrice); var $FMVPrice; _set($FMVPrice, _getText(_textbox("FAIR_MARKET_VALUE"))); $FMVPrice = parseFloat($FMVPrice).toFixed(2); _log("$FMVPrice = " + $FMVPrice); var $TaxWitholdRate; _set($TaxWitholdRate, _getText(_textbox("TAX_WITHHOLDING_RATE"))); $TaxWitholdRate = $TaxWitholdRate / 100; _log("$TaxWitholdRate = " + $TaxWitholdRate); } function fnLLR_Calculate2() { //----uses values from fucntion 1 to calculate----// $Result_Shares = ($Shares- $GrantPrice) * $TaxWitholdRate / $FMVPrice; $Result_Shares = $Result_Shares.toFixed(0); _log("$Result_Shares = " + $Result_Shares); } So i need to pass some variables from function fnLLR_Calculate to fnLLR_Calculate2. What is the best way to do this? Hi, Need some help here. To formulate the problem simple i have two buttons with the onclick function: Code: <a href="#" ONCLICK="function1('this')">Click for this!</a> <a href="#" ONCLICK="function1('that')">Click for that!</a> When I click this button I actually need to pass the value 'this' or 'that' to function2.. Code: <script language="javascript"> var name = '' function1(name) { ??? } function2() { document.all.textbox.value = name; } </script> I guess what im asking is how can you set a variable by one onclick function and then use it in any other function? Thanks a bunch! Col I've noticed that if you declare a variable in one function, then call another function, the variables cannot be accessed in that function. Is there any way to get the value of a variable declared in a different function?
hi. i know a little php, but new to javascript. much of the syntax is identical. in reading the new rhino book (flanagan 6th), he gives the following example: Code: var square = function(x) { return x*x; }; okay, but then he does this: Code: square(plus1(y)) as an example of "invoking two functions in one expresson". (Prior he gives an example of defining a function with plus1, which is how I normally think of functions.) uh, square is a *variable*, but he is using it as a FUNCTION. Can somebody help me understand how this can be? how it works? I'm having trouble conceptualizng how we use a variable as a function. Is there a way to make 2 functions load at the same time using window.onload? I have to seperate functions which rotate images, then another that rotates text. Functions: showQuote() iAnimate() when user clicks submit first it should check to see if a name from the dropdown has been selected then it should check to make sure all radio buttons were selected. code to check if a name was selected in the drop down. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload=function(){ document.forms[0].onsubmit=function(){ return formValid(this); } } function formValid(formObj){ var sel=formObj.getElementsByTagName('select'); var len=sel.length; var msg = "You forgot to select your name" var flg=false; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ if(sel[i].selectedIndex==0){ msg; flg=true; } } if(flg){ alert(msg); return false; }else{ return true; } } </script> <br><br> <html> code that checks to see if all radio buttons were selected. Code: function validateTest() { var focus_me = null; var msg = ""; var form = document.forms[0]; for ( var game = 1; game <= 999999; ++game ) { var rbg = form["game" + game]; if ( rbg == null ) break; // no more games if ( ! rbg[0].checked && ! rbg[1].checked ) { msg += rbg[0].value + " vs. " + rbg[1].value + "\n"; focus_me = focus_me || rbg[0]; } } if (msg != "") { var prefix = "\n WARNING: The following Games(s) were not selected:\n\n"; var suffix = "\nClick OK and select all games before clicking submit.\n\n"; alert(prefix + msg + suffix); if (focus_me) focus_me.focus(); return false; } else{ return true; } } Code: center> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="submit" onClick="Validate(this.form, 'game1')"> </FORM> how can i add these two functions together so it validates both? Hi I am using a .js with 3 functions in it 1st function getPeriod is to extract the index of a selected list item 2nd function getRadios is to get the value from a selected radio button 3rd function calculateAmount uses if statments and follows a course depending on which index was selected from the list item in the 1st functino ie . 0,1,or 2 The problem is that the index value is unidentified in the 3rd function when i try to use it in the if statement, but the value of the radio button, the variable "cigs" works... I want to know how to allow the index value to work in the 3rd function I know this is a very silly problem but I cant spend any more time trying to figure it out ...code below ...Thanks ! [code] var index = 0; var element = ""; var cigs = 0; // get the selected item in the list with id listId function getPeriod(listId){ // find the index of the selected item index = document.getElementById(listId).selectedIndex; // use the index to access the text of the selected item element = document.getElementById(listId).options[index].text; // put the favorite into the text field document.getElementById('period').value=index; return index; } function getRadios(what){ // get the cigs value j=what.cigs.length; //alert(j) for (i=0; i<j; i++){ if(what.cigs[i].checked) cigs = what.cigs[i].value } what.buttons.value = (cigs) return cigs; } function calculateAmount (){ if (index = 0) { total = (8.5 * cigs * 182); } else if ( index = 1 ) { total = (8.5 * cigs * 365); } else if (index = 2) { total = (8.5 * cigs * 730); } document.getElementById('total').value=total; } [code] I recently started designing websites, I'm pretty good with working in the design area of expertise. However I am not so great at the development part. I have had little to no experience with java programming. I am putting e commerce on my clients site. He is selling an item that varies in price depending on what size it is. What I am trying to do is have a input for the length and the width and then display the price. I have configured the length and width to multiply and can display the total but I don't know what the if then statement would look like for the price. So lets say the user puts in 4 length and 4 width. I can display 16. But I want to take that and say if =16 then display $21.50 or whatever the cost would be. But I cannot figure out how to code it right for the if then part and then the display part. I am very new to java programming and think i might be a little out of my league with this project but any help you can offer would be great. thank you.
Hi there, Greetings, I have limited knowledge on Javascript. I wish someone could help me out. Thanks. I have actually found a free script named "Image Flow" ( on the website. Then, I have uploaded it to my web server. Everything was fine and functioning well. I would like to add in new Var (to make new window appears after clicking) according to the codes given but failed to do so. The codes given are A) Code: var target_1 = new ImageFlow(); target_1.init({ ImageFlowID: 'target_1,' onClick: function() {, '_blank');} }); Then, I just added the above code into imageflow.JS and imageflow.packed.JS. (I have attached the file below) Original: Code: domReady(function() { var instanceOne = new ImageFlow(); instanceOne.init({ ImageFlowID:'myImageFlow' }); }); After amendment: Code: domReady(function() { var instanceOne = new ImageFlow(); instanceOne.init({ ImageFlowID:'myImageFlow' }); var target_1 = new ImageFlow(); target_1.init({ ImageFlowID: 'target_1,' onClick: function() {, '_blank');} }); }); However, no pictures were loaded after that. Does it involve more than just "copy and paste"? Or what have I done incorrectly? Sorry to disturb you. Hi, firstly I apologise if the title of this thread isn't quite accurate. I'm sure you've all heard it before but I am a complete newbie to Javascript so again: apologies if this is boring and tiresome to even read, let alone help with! I have been asked to make some changes to a form that uses Javascript for the form validation. There is a 'function' that contains the variables of the various form fields and then further code to raise 'alerts' if one of the fields on the form hasn't been filled in. My problem is that for some reason I am unable to add an extra variable to this code after the field of 'County' (this will hopefully make sense when you see the code / link...) and I am stumped as to why. I am able to add variables for all of the other required fields except for 'Postcode' after 'County'. This is the case for both forms. The link is he and the code I am trying edit is below: function checkAvailibility() { // re-calculate... calculate (); if ( isName() && isAddress1() && isTown() && isCounty() && isPostcode() && isYourEmail() && isFuncDate() && somethingToQuoteFor() && isYourEmailValid() ) { document.ordersummary.emailQuote.value = "No"; setValue(); return true; } else { return false; } } function isName() { if (document.ordersummary.Name.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your Name") document.ordersummary.Name.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isAddress1() { if (document.ordersummary.Address1.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your Address") document.ordersummary.Address1.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isTown() { if (document.ordersummary.Town.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your Town") document.ordersummary.Town.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isCounty() { if (document.ordersummary.County.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your County") document.ordersummary.County.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isPostcode() { if (document.ordersummary.Postcode.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your Postcode") document.ordersummary.Postcode.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isYourEmail() { if (document.ordersummary.YourEmail.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your Email") document.ordersummary.YourEmail.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isFuncDate() { if (document.ordersummary.FuncDate.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your Function Date") document.ordersummary.FuncDate.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isemailonly() { if (document.ordersummary.emailonly.value=="") { alert ("\n Please Enter Your Email Address") document.ordersummary.emailonly.focus(); return false; } return true; } Any help with this would be very much appreciated and once again, I apologise for my distinct lack of knowledge in this area! Sam All -- I have a JavaScript config file called gameSetting.js which contains a bunch of variables which configures a particular game. I also have a shared JavaScript library which uses the variables in gameSetting.js, which I include like so: <script type="text/javascript" src="gameSetting.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="gameLibrary.js" ></script> In gameSetting.js I have: $(document).ready(function() { // call some functions / classes in gameLibrary.js } in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, this works fine. However, in IE, when it's parsing gameSetting.js, it complains that the functions that live in gameLibrary.js aren't defined. When it gets to parsing gameLibrary.js, the variables in gameSetting.js are reported as not being defined. I've tried dynamically bootstrapping the gameLibrary file using this function in document.ready for dynamic load... $.getScript("gameLibrary.js"); However, the same problem still happens in IE, where when it parses the files individually it's not taking into context the file/variables that came before, so it's not an out of load order problem. My options a 1) collapsing all the functions in gameLibrary.js and variables in gameSetting.js into one file. However, this is not practical because this is dealing with literally hundreds of games, and having a gameLibrary.js in ONE location for ONE update is what makes most logical sense. 2) figure out a way to get this to work where variables in file1 are accessible to file2 in IE (as it seems they are in other browsers). jQuery seems to be able to have multiple plugins that all refer to the based jQuery-1.3.2.js, so I know there is a way to get this to work. Help appreciated. Nero Hi, I have written a number of functions designed to return frequency data on 1000 randomly chosen numbers using different math functions for the rounding. I would like to include all of these functions within the wrapper of another function so that only one call is needed to get returns from all of the 'inner' functions. However, while each of the functions works in isolation, the moment I wrap them in another function they stop working. The following code is one of the functions 'frequencyWrapperOne' that has been wrapped in the function 'testWrapper'. A call to testWrapper does nothing. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Code: function testWrapper() { function frequencyWrapperOne() { var numberArrayOne = new Array(0,0,0); for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i = i + 1) { var chosenNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (chosenNumber == 0) { numberArrayOne[0] = numberArrayOne[0] + 1; } if (chosenNumber == 1) { numberArrayOne[1] = numberArrayOne[1] + 1; } if (chosenNumber == 2) { numberArrayOne[2] = numberArrayOne[2] + 1; } } return window.alert(numberArrayOne.join(',')); } } testWrapper(); Thanks. Ok here is what I have so far, my ending part of my Call Function I think is ok. for my main function. I think I misplaced the { and } I will show you all the codes I have for my main function this is what I have I think I did misplace something but I can not pin point where that one small things should be Code: unction showResults(race,name,party,votes) { // script element to display the results of a particular race var totalV = totalVotes(votes); document.write("<h2>" + race + "</h2>"); document.write("<table cellspacing='0'>"); document.write("<tr>"); document.write("<th>Candidate</th>"); document.write("<th class ='num'>Votes</th>"); document.write("<th class='num'>%</th>"); document.write("</tr>"); } for (var i=0; i < name.length; i++) { document.write("<tr>"); document.write("<td>" name[i] + "(" + party[i] + ")</td>"); document.write("td class='num'>" + votes[i] + "</td>"); var percent=calcPercent(votes[i], totalV) document.write("<td class='num'>(" + percent +"%)</td>"); createBar(party[i],percent) document.write("</tr>"); } document.write("</table>"); } </script> Just wondering if i misplaced any ; or { or } anywhere suggestions? Here is my call function Code: <script type="text/javascript"> showResults(race[0],name1,party1,votes1); showResults(race[1],name2,party2,votes2); showResults(race[2],name3,party3,votes3); showResults(race[3],name4,party4,votes4); showResults(race[4],name5,party5,votes5); </script> I been going over this, I can not seem to figure out what { i might be missing? Thanks Is there a way to activate a function from another function? It has to be in the script tag, it can't be in the HTML section. Can I use something similar to this following code? If not, can anyone give me some help? I have tried to do it various ways, and have looked it up a few times, but to no avail. Can I use something similar to this following code? If not, can anyone give me some help? if (condition) {activate functionname();} Any help I can get would be appreciated. Thanks a lot to anyone who can help. I need to input the functions for the buttons ( Push, Pop,Peek, Enqueue, and Dequeue) nothing I try works. Can anyone possible help me with one of the push, pop or peek, and then one of the Enqueue or Dequeue (any information I see online always has to do with wordpress which im not using) . Im really not asking for someone to do all the work for me, I just need a start. ok here is my code with the buttons just no functions <html> <head> <title>COP2500 - Lab 9</title> </style></head> <body> <center> <h3><b>COP2500 Assignment 9</b></h3> <b>Queue:</b> <form name="queue"> <input type=text size=60 name="display"><br> <input type=text size=5 name="entry"> <input type=button value="Enqueue" onClick="enqueue()"> <input type=button value="Dequeue" onClick="dequeue()"> </form> <hr> <b>Stack:</b> <form name="stack"> <table> <tr> <td>Entry: <input type=text size=5 name="entry"><br> <input type=button value="Push" onClick="push()"><br> <input type=button value="Pop" onClick="pop()"> <br> <input type=button value="Peek" onClick="peek()"><br> </td> <td><textarea name=display rows=20></textarea></td> </tr> </table> </form> </center> <script language="JavaScript"> var myqueue = new Array(); var front; var back; front = 0; back = -1; var mystack = new Array(); var top; top = -1; function enqueue() { // This function should take the value from the 'entry' text box and // add it to the back of the queue. The 'back' queue variable must be // incremented. // Since the queue changed, call the display function. Done. display_queue(); } function dequeue() { // This function should display the value of the 'front' element // in the queue using the 'alert' function and then increment the value // of the front variable. // if the queue is empty, i need to say so. // Since the queue changed, call the display function. Done. display_queue(); } function push() { // This function should add the value in the 'entry' text box to the stack, // and then increment the value of the 'top' variable. // Since the stack changed, call the display function. . display_stack(); } function pop() { // This function should use the alert function to display the top // of the stack and then remove the top item from the stack. // You can 'remove' the item simply by decrementing the value of 'top'. // If the stack is empty, it needs to say so. // Since the stack changed, call the display function. . display_stack(); } function peek() { // This function should use the 'alert' function to display the top // of the stack but not change the stack. If stack is empty,it needs to say so. } // ***************************************************************** // Do not edit anything below this line. Use the functions as given. // ***************************************************************** function display_queue() { var output; var i; output = " "; for (i = back; i >= front; i--) output = output + myqueue[i] + " "; document.queue.display.value = output; } function display_stack() { var output; var i; output=""; for (i = top; i > -1; i--) output = output + mystack[i] + "\n"; document.stack.display.value = output; } </script> </body> </html> I would really like to thank the guys that have been helping me. I think my brain would have exploded otherwize. Some of the problems have been simple misspellings, but when you have been staring at the same thing for hours it can sorta slip by. HOPEFULLY this will be the last thing that I need some help with. Bascially Im not sure if Im using the function command properly. When Submit Details is click it should validate the form and then when Calculate is pressed calculate the form (obviously). I think maybe my var Array table is wrong? And the way the functions are set out doesnt seem it sit right. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var element; var itemArray = new Array(); itemArray [0] = "Bike" //not sure if these are properly writen?// itemArray [1] = "TV" itemArray [2] = "iPod" itemArray [3] = "Car" var flag="OK"; var count = 0 document.write ("<form name='myform'><br><table>"); while (count <= 3) { if (count < 3) { document.write ("<tr><td><value>Enter money from " + itemArray [count] + " sale.</td><td><input type='text' name=" + itemArray [count] + "></td></tr>"); count++ } else { document.write ("<tr><td><value>Enter the price of " + itemArray [count] + ".</td><td><input type='text' name=" + itemArray [count] + "></td></tr>"); document.write ("<tr><td><input type='submit' value='Submit Details' onClick='validateform'</td></tr>"); document.write ("<tr><td><input type='submit' value='Calculate Details' onClick='calculateform'</td></tr></table></form>"); count++ } } function validateform() //<=== doesnt run { element=document.getElementsByTagName ('input'); for (counter=0; counter<element.length; counter++) { switch (element[counter].type) { case "submit": break; default: if (isNaN(element[counter].value) || (element[counter].value == "") ) { alert("You need to enter a number into " + element[counter].name); flag="NotOK" } else { Bike=element[0].value; TV=element[1].value; iPod=element[2].value; Car=element[3].value; } break; } } } function calculateform() //<=== Doesnt run either { if (flag=="OK") { if ( (Number(element[Bike])) && (Number(element[TV])) && (Number(element[iPod])) && (Number(element[Car])) ) //<========= Gets Bike is not defined error easy// { TotalMoney= parseFloat (Bike) + parseFloat (TV) + parseFloat (iPod) if (TotalMoney >= Car) { alert ("The total money is " + TotalMoney + " and the car price is " + Car + " and you can afford the car") } else { alert ("The total money is " + TotalMoney + " and the car price is " + Car + " and you cannot afford the car") } } } } </script> Code: <html> <head> <script> //declare variable //var temp = 0; var Num = parseInt(prompt('Enter an Intger')); // starts the function factorial factorial(Num); //The function is declared function factorial(currentNumber) { if(currentNumber > 1) { //temp = temp + (currentNumber); factorial(currentNumber - 1); alert(currentNumber); } else { alert("here"); } } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> This code is suppose to take the prompt number and keep subtracting one if > 1 but it seems to be not doing that at all and doing the else statement first then + till it gets to the prompt number. I have been staring at it for a while now and cant work it out. Thanks . Why do we have functions without parentheses at times? Ex 1) (On 2:18) Ex 2) At the bottom: Code: var panel, flag; function mousemoveResponse(e) { var x, y; if( window.event ) { x= event.x; y=event.y; } else if(e) { x=e.pageX; y=e.pageY; } if(flag) { panel.innerHTML = "Mouse is at X: " + x + ", Y: " + y ; } } function mouseoverResponse() { flag = false; panel.innerHTML = "Mouse is Over"; } function mouseoutResponse() { flag = true ; } function init() { panel=document.getElementById("panel"); flag = true; panel.innerHTML="Move the mouse..." ; document.onmousemove=mousemoveResponse; panel.onmouseover=mouseoverResponse; panel.onmouseout=mouseoutResponse; } onload=init; Hi, I am creating a mashUp with google maps and have a function that creates the map, marker, infowindow and all works great. I want to add more functions to that functions file. Do I start with another function Name() put my function in the {} and then I am going to use the onclick event when I want the function to run. I also am going to add more functions to this file Is that the correct way to keep adding functions? And what is the best way of calling them in my html file? Answers and examples would be great thank you |