JavaScript - Any Script Available For Cropping Like I Do In Photoshop With Pen Tool?
I need to know that is there any script available which allows me to upload an image and after uploading it will allow me to crop an image like we do in photoshop via pen tool. In photoshop when we use pen tool, it apply nodes against the images and user can easily change nodes via mouse to change the position of cropping. Is there any type of script available which provides this functionality? Thanks Similar TutorialsHi, I'm doing some freelance for a guy and I need to make a script. I wrote a script that starts an action as soon as a file enters PS. The script needs to initiate an action as soon as 5 files enter photoshop. The files enter one by one and when the fifth one enters I want the script to start an action. I already have the action written. The coding for the script needs to be in javascript. If someone could help me write this script it would be very appreciated. Thanks, James Greetings all, I picked up a Theme Forest site template and I'm trying to remove the social media tools for Facebook & Twitter from the "work" section on my site. When a picture is clicked you can see the social media buttons at the bottom of the viewer and I'd like to remove that function. Site with issues: Here is a dropbox file containing my java script files: Thanks, Hi all, I'm looking for an image cropping tool script that I can provide on my website for users to crop their uploaded photo on my site and I can store them directly on my host. (instead of having to go to another page, or open up photoshop etc, crop their photo, save, and then upload to my site) I see some websites providing this service, does anyone know any scripts that allows me to do this? Thanks in advance! I need to do image cropping through javascript(without jquery) my requirement is just to get the coordinates through some callback function whenever user crop the image and click an ok button please help me with some javascript code here All, I'm trying to have a user upload a photo and then crop the image if they so desire. I want them to be able to select the selected area and then basically use PHP to create the new image. I found a script like this: I was just wondering if anyone has any other recommendations or a better way to go about doing this? Thanks in advance for any help. Hey guys, I'm working on a user website and have got the upload form working and the cropping working, also got the image in my profile, all works great. A few things I need tho and wondering if you could help. I need to stop the form from resubmitting the image when I refresh the upload.php page below upload.php PHP Code: <?php define('INCLUDE_CHECK',true); require 'connect.php'; session_start(); $session_id ='1'; $username = $_SESSION['user']; $upload = $_POST['upload']; $new_name = "small".$username.".jpg"; $path = "uploads/"; ?> <html> <head> <title>My Network</title> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/imgareaselect-default.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.imgareaselect.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getSizes(im,obj) { var x_axis = obj.x1; var x2_axis = obj.x2; var y_axis = obj.y1; var y2_axis = obj.y2; var thumb_width = obj.width; var thumb_height = obj.height; if(thumb_width > 0) { if(confirm("Do you want to save image..!")) { $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"ajax_image.php?t=ajax&img="+$("#image_name").val()+"&w="+thumb_width+"&h="+thumb_height+"&x1="+x_axis+"&y1="+y_axis, cache:false, success:function(rsponse) { $("#cropimage").hide(); $("#thumbs").html(""); $("#thumbs").html("<img src='uploads/"+rsponse+"' />"); } }); } } else alert("Please select portion..!"); } $(document).ready(function () { $('img#photo').imgAreaSelect({ aspectRatio: '1:1', onSelectEnd: getSizes }); }); </script> <?php $valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp"); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name']; $size = $_FILES['photoimg']['size']; if(strlen($name)) { list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $name); if(in_array($ext,$valid_formats) && $size<(1024*1024)) { $actual_image_name = time().substr($txt, 5).".".$ext; $tmp = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name']; if(move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name)) { mysql_query("UPDATE user SET profile_image='$actual_image_name' WHERE id='$username'"); $image="<h1>Please drag on the image</h1><img src='uploads/".$actual_image_name."' id=\"photo\" style='max-width:500px' >"; $profile_image="<img src='uploads/".$new_name."' style='max-width:500px' >"; } else echo "failed"; } else echo "Invalid file formats..!"; } else echo "Please select image..!"; } ?> <body> <div style="margin:0 auto; width:600px"> <?php echo $image; ?> <div style="padding:5px; width:600px"> <?php echo $profile_image; ?> </div> <div style="width:600px"> <form id="cropimage" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Upload your image <input type="file" name="photoimg" id="photoimg" /> <input type="hidden" name="image_name" id="image_name" value="<?php echo($actual_image_name)?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html> ajax_image.php PHP Code: <?php define('INCLUDE_CHECK',true); require 'connect.php'; session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['user']; $upload = $_POST['upload']; $t_width = 100; // Maximum thumbnail width $t_height = 100; // Maximum thumbnail height $new_name = "small".$username.".jpg"; // Thumbnail image name $path = "uploads/"; if(isset($_GET['t']) and $_GET['t'] == "ajax") { extract($_GET); $ratio = ($t_width/$w); $nw = ceil($w * $ratio); $nh = ceil($h * $ratio); $nimg = imagecreatetruecolor($nw,$nh); $im_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($path.$img); imagecopyresampled($nimg,$im_src,0,0,$x1,$y1,$nw,$nh,$w,$h); imagejpeg($nimg,$path.$new_name,90); mysql_query("UPDATE user SET profile_image_small='$new_name' WHERE username='$username'"); echo $new_name."?".time(); exit; } ?> And I also need a live preview of cropping. So when the user is selecting what area of the Large image they want as there final thumb image, they can see the thumb change to that selection at the same time. The thumb is below the uploaded image, and without refreshing, which I cannot yet do because of the form resubmit, you can't see the final image until you go back to your profile. If I didn't make the above clear enough, please tell me. Thanks for any help and suggestions. I have a folder with a lot of subfolders, each with a bunch of TIFs and PSD files inside. Some of these have transparency in them while some don't. These files vary massively in size. I need all the files to be turned into JPGs, or if they contain transparency, PNGs. I require the files to be 200kb or less and don't really mind how large they are as long as they aren't scaled up. Someone on a forum (who I'm insanely thankful for) wrote a fair bit of code for it, which my friend modified to suit exactly what I was asking and we're nearly there now. It worked fine, the only problem being that a lot of images came out 1x1 pixel and a solid block of colour. We've found this was consistently happening with the same images for some reason, but couldn't work out what exactly it was in these images. Now Mr forum blokey ( ) modified the script and it now seems to work fine with PSDs. It's working with TIFs with transparency but some of the TIFs with 100% opacity it just won't work on. I can't find much that's consistent with these files other than the colour blue, though this just could be a massive coincidence and probably is (there's a lot of blue in the images I've been dealing with). Below is a link to the thread in which the code was first written. Paul MR seems to think the colorsampler bit is a little suspect so perhaps that's what's causing the problems (blueness?). I wish I could do a little more to try and work this out myself but I've barely a speck of understanding on this stuff, I just know when there's a situation where a bit of scripting could help out. Below is the script as it currently stands: Code: #target PhotoshopString.prototype.endsWith = function(str) { return (this.match(str + "$") == str) } String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) { return this.indexOf(str) == 0; }; var desiredFileSize = 200000; app.bringToFront(); app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; main(); //app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.YES; function main() { var topLevelFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select top level folder."); if (topLevelFolder == null)return; var FileList = []; getFileList(topLevelFolder); var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits; app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; for (var f in FileList) {[f]); activeDocument.changeMode(ChangeMode.RGB); try { activeDocument.mergeVisibleLayers(); } catch(e) {} var Name = decodeURI([^.] + $ /, ''); if (hasTransparency(FileList[f])) { var saveFile = File(FileList[f].path + "/" + Name + ".png"); SavePNG(saveFile); app.activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); } else { var saveFile = File(FileList[f].path + "/" + Name + ".jpg"); SaveForWeb(saveFile, 80); app.activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); } app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits; } function getFileList(folder) { var fileList = folder.getFiles(); for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { var file = fileList[i]; if (file instanceof Folder) { getFileList(file); } else { if (("tiff") ||"tif") ||"psd")) && !"._"))FileList.push(file); } } } alert(FileList.length + " files have been modified."); } function hasTransparency(file) { if ("tiff") ||"tif")) { var sample = app.activeDocument.colorSamplers.add([new UnitValue(1.5, 'px'), new UnitValue(1.5, 'px')]); try { sample.color.rgb.hexValue; sample.remove(); return false; } catch(e) { sample.remove(); return true; } } var doc = activeDocument; if (doc.activeLayer.isBackgroundLayer)return false; var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty(charIDToTypeID("Chnl"), charIDToTypeID("fsel")); desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), ref); var ref1 = new ActionReference(); ref1.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID("Chnl"), charIDToTypeID("Chnl"), charIDToTypeID("Trsp")); desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("T "), ref1); executeAction(charIDToTypeID("setd"), desc, DialogModes.NO); var w ='px'); var h ='px'); var transChannel = doc.channels.add();; if (transChannel.histogram[255] != (h * w)) { transChannel.remove(); return true; } else { transChannel.remove(); return false; } }; function SavePNG(saveFile) { pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions(); activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, pngSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE); var actualFilesize = saveFile.length; var ratio = desiredFileSize / actualFilesize; if (ratio < 1) { var imageScale = Math.sqrt(ratio); activeDocument.resizeImage(activeDocument.width * imageScale, activeDocument.height * imageScale, activeDocument.resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBICSMOOTHER); activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, pngSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE); } } function SaveForWeb(saveFile, jpegQuality) { var sfwOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb(); sfwOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG; sfwOptions.includeProfile = false; sfwOptions.interlaced = 0; sfwOptions.optimized = true; sfwOptions.quality = jpegQuality; activeDocument.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, sfwOptions); var actualFilesize = saveFile.length; var ratio = desiredFileSize / actualFilesize; if (ratio < 1) { var imageScale = Math.sqrt(ratio); activeDocument.resizeImage(activeDocument.width * imageScale, activeDocument.height * imageScale, activeDocument.resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBICSMOOTHER); activeDocument.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, sfwOptions); } } Hi, I'm very new to using javascript to program Photoshop, and was looking for some help with changing the variables in an action. The basic end result I'm looking for (in laymens terms) is: Set variables Perform action Change variables (iteratively, ie a=a+1) Repeat until condition met (ie, after 100 iterations, the script would end). I used a script that converts Photoshop actions to Javascript, so I have this as a base: Code: function step1(enabled, withDialog) { if (enabled != undefined && !enabled) return; var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO); var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); desc1.putInteger(cTID('0001'), 215 ); desc1.putInteger(cTID('0002'), 172 ); etc etc (goes through many other variables) executeAction(sTID('Flaming Pear'), desc1, I've put the properties that would need to become variables in red. I have edited out a bunch of lines in this post as these seem to be the significant ones in terms of what I need to do (obviously keeping them in the script itself!). Other than that I think that's all I need to know for now - just that little thing would enhance my workflow no end. Also, I'm a graphic designer so if anyone would be interested in doing some skillshare or work swap - I'd be happy to provide help and service with graphics in exchange for small tidbits about javascript. Cheers, Jonathan Hi there, Can anybody help me to write php/javascript code which will allow users to open files directly from web browser into desktop application? Here is the specification: I have a photo editing business with many people working in Photoshop. I am currently developing a web based application (joblist) using Javascript and PHP which should allow the photoshop designers to browse and open files/images directly from joblist/web browser into photoshop. The reason I want this instead of browsing folder is that I have a database where I store who worked on which file, when and how long it took. The concept is that, designers will select a file and click on start, as soon as they click on start the original file will open in Photoshop and there will be an entry into database (using PHP). Once they finish the task they will close the file and click on Finish button. My joblist application will be published in a local server and the file will be open on a local network, so when they save the file it will be saved where the source file is located in (local server). The application should work in both PC and Mac. I have already done all other part of the application except file opening directly from browser to desktop application functionality. Anybody can help me to write the code (PHP or Javascript) which can open the file from browser (local server) directly into desktop application e.g. PHotoshop or Illustrator? Thank you very much I look forward to someone's real help! Best regards Mr. Sumon Hi there, I have a photo editing business with many people working in Photoshop. I am currently developing a web based application (joblist) using Javascript and PHP which should allow the photoshop designers to browse and open files/images directly from joblist/web browser into photoshop. The reason I want this instead of browsing folder is that I have a database where I store who worked on which file, when and how long it took. The concept is that, designers will select a file and click on start, as soon as they click on start the original file will open in Photoshop and there will be an entry into database (using PHP). Once they finish the task they will close the file and click on Finish button. My joblist application will be published in a local server and the file will be open on a local network, so when they save the file it will be saved where the source file is located in (local server). The application should work in both PC and Mac. Anybody can help me to write the code (PHP or Javascript) which can open the file from browser (local server) directly into desktop application e.g. PHotoshop or Illustrator? Thank you very much I look forward to someone's real help! Best regards Mr. Sumon Hey, I was wondering what this tool is called: I assume it's some kind of text editor, I've seen it running in Windows and Linux. Thanks for your help I am using tooltip plug in on a site and when I use it on a blank template, it works then when I transfer it to the page I want to use it on it does not work. The site is Here is they javascript code: Code: this.imagePreview = function(){ /* CONFIG */ xOffset = 10; yOffset = 30; // these 2 variable determine popup's distance from the cursor // you might want to adjust to get the right result /* END CONFIG */ $("a.preview").hover(function(e){ this.t = this.title; this.title = ""; var c = (this.t != "") ? "<br/>" + this.t : ""; $("body").append("<p id='preview'><img src='../"+ this.href +"' alt='Image preview' />"+ c +"</p>"); $("#preview") .css("top",(e.pageY - xOffset) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX + yOffset) + "px") .fadeIn("fast"); }, function(){ this.title = this.t; $("#preview").remove(); }); $("a.preview").mousemove(function(e){ $("#preview") .css("top",(e.pageY - xOffset) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX + yOffset) + "px"); }); }; // starting the script on page load $(document).ready(function(){ imagePreview(); }); Here is the HTML code. Code: <ul> <li><a href="">Mr. Russell Ragon</a> <a href="../../Images/staffbios/rragon.gif" class="preview"><img src="1s.jpg" alt="BIO" /></a></li> </ul> Here is the CSS code: Code: #preview{ position:absolute; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px; display:none; color:#fff; background-color: #333; } This is my first post on this forum so I hope the code is clear you can check out the site up above just hover over one of the names. I am only getting image preview instead of the image I want. Ont thing I did do was I took out the image so I could get the Alternate code. My objective here is to have a name and when you hover over it an image pops up and on the image will be a biography of the teacher. Thanks for any help. Hello webmasters , Iam looking for "fonts picker" tool just like "color picker" ...please help me to find one.... i hope JQUERY has solution for this but not able to fix this.... guyzz plz help me find fonts picker to use it in user input forms...Any response appreciated... Thank you... I just found this web scraping tool at and I was wonderin if anyone have used it. They say on the web page you can automate it with JavaScript.
Hi, I'm Jon. First of all excuse me if I posted this thread in the wrong forum, I really have no clue where to put this but I've had some minor experience with js so I hope it can be solved this way. I check websites and/or keywords in googles Keyword Tool External as a free service for some of my clients. The thing is that more and more clients like this service and it's becoming very time-consuming for me to do this for all of them. Is there a way to let my clients fill in the keywords or url they like researched in a form on my website, then let those words be researched and return a specified number of results in a pdf or something? My biggest concern is the captcha code. If I can't find a way to partially or fully automate this process, I'll be forced to either charge for or completely give up this service. Can anyone help me with some kind of solution? Thanks in advance. Jon A general question really, but does anyone have a good technique or source for creating disabled versions of tool bar buttons? Many thanks for any assistance, S Hi, I am working on a project and in that I have to create: Image-map tooltip (Mouseover) + Model window (On Click) Can anyone share the tutorials or any suggestions to start with. Thanks Vikrant Hello all, I am enrolled in a class that requires a bit of JS/HTML coding; my final project is to create a simple page representing myself. See example. And yes, that is my teacher. I am allowed to utilize "templates or tools". I am using my macbook, but I have access to school windows computers. Any suggestions on what to use to complete this assignment are greatly appreciated. Hello everyone, for starters, I'm NOT working with arrays...with that being said, I need your help...I created a webform in PHP that retrieves values from a mysql table and displays them with its own mysqli_fetch_array command, in that loop it generates a textbox for each far so good. The created textbox (input element) is so that the user can type in the sequential number of how to reorder the records...example Original Order of Records 1 Alpha 2 Bravo 3 Charlie 4 Delta 5 Echo and user needs it to be in this order User input sequential 2 Alpha 5 Bravo 1 Charlie 4 Delta 3 Echo the new order of the records will be saved on a temporary table in the database before insertion on the main table, kinnda like a preview for the new order, something like this: New Order of Records 1 Charlie 2 Alpha 3 Echo 4 Delta 5 Bravo Now what I need is a function that helps me display a message if the user duplicates a sequential unique, if they type in number 1 in 2 or more records, when I hit the button for the preview I need it to loop through all the input boxes and check their values, compare it with the other inputs and determine if there are duplicates or not....if there're no duplicates, continue with PHP code.....if there are duplicates, display an error so the user seeks for the duplicate and change it (inputs left in blank will not be considered for the insertion in the preview table) I already have this: Code: function checkall() { const t='texto'; var contar=<?php echo $contar; ?>; var text = "" var conta = 1; var contas= conta+1; text = t+conta; texto = t+contas; //var curElement = document.activeElement.value; var cv=document.forms['OrderPreview'][text].value; //var cv=document.forms['OrderPreview'][curElement].value; do { //var cv=document.forms['OrderPreview'][text].value; if (document.forms['OrderPreview'][texto].value=="") { return; } if (cv==document.forms['OrderPreview'][texto].value) { alert("Something Bad"); } conta++; contas++; text = t+conta; texto = t+contas; } while (conta<=contar) } Btw, the document.activeElement part of the code displays me "undefined" in the alert message, I still don't have a clue why, could you guide me with this please? I can't do but compare the 1st input with the rest of the fields, OR compare one field to the inmediate next's driving me nuts Any help will be truly appreciated, thanks in advance Hi Folks, I'm developing a software tool that can create the basic software outline (classes, modules, functions) from natural language. (The problem definition document for example) The benefits of a initial software structure are an enhanced software performance, and a greater adaptability later on. I was wondering for what purposes this tool would be interesting? And if an integrating this with a programming language would be interesting, so a pre-programmed code divided over several classes emerges. Best regards, viaBox -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |