JavaScript - Script For "ctrl+f" Search Bar Without Highlighting
I'm working on putting a partial lexicon of a language online and want to install a search bar at the top. The search should function sort of as "ctrl+f" by only picking up the entries that match with the search item. However, unlike an actual ctrl+f search, I don't want the matches to be highlighted one by one as the user has to continuously press "next." Instead, as soon as the user presses "search," all of the entries on the lexicon should disappear except those that match with the search term. Further information: I've mostly been using HTML and CSS to build this lexicon. All of my entries are in individual div elements and have individual div class names. Can anyone help, or refer me to an existing tutorial? Thanks! Similar Tutorials. . My website with "ideas for education" will have two sitemaps -- a diagram, and a text-outline -- each located in the left i-frame, with links opening in the right i-frame. My homepage promises that each sitemap will "show where where you've been (green links), where you are (red highlighting), and where you can go (blue links) in your explorations." . . The diagram-sitemap uses "swap images" (with code written by Dreamweaver) and 14 gifs, each with a red rectangle behind one of the 14 main links. (But it doesn't have green visited-links to show "where you've been.") . . In my text-sitemap, red-highlighting a visited link was easy, again by using DW's javascript tools. But this makes every visited link retain its red background, until the page re-loads. My goal is to red-highlight ONLY the last-visited link, to clearly show "where you are" in the sitemap. . . In one attempt to remove the red, I tried forcing a page-reload onMouseDown (with DW's "Go to URL") but DW refuses to recognize the sitemap's iframe (named "left") so it can only load the text-sitemap into a top-frame instead of the left iframe of its frameset. And this reload would be an awkward solution anyway, especially if a user has scrolled the page so the cursor would have to be moved back to the link for the onMouseUp part of clicking a link. . . A more elegant solution, found in a web-search, claims that "You can put an onclick event in all your links and then when the user clicks on a link, you can use the onclick event to call a function that changes that link's color to, say, green; and then uses the 'links' array to change all the other links to another color. The 'this' keyword can be used to identify the current link." . . This sounds promising, and JS-experts will see the two bold steps -- to "put..." and then "use..." -- and say "this is easy." But for me, doing these steps is a mystery I haven't solved. Some clues are below, gathered from various sources, but I don't know how to put it all together. A solution requires that everything is coded exactly the way it must be, with no mistakes, and I don't know how to do this. . . Here are some "pieces of the puzzle" that might be useful: . . Each sitemap has three areas, symbolized by colored page-backgrounds -- light blue & light green & yellow -- DDEEFF, DDFFEE, and FFFFBB. The js-code below, made in DW, works to change a link with red-background (from a previous link-click) to blue-background (onMouseDown) and back to red-background (onMouseUp). Code: <a href="blue1.htm" target="self" onMouseDown=" MM_effectHighlight (this, 1, '#DDEEFF', '#DDEEFF', '#DDEEFF', false)" onMouseUp=" MM_effectHighlight (this, 4000, '#DDEEFF', '#FF9999', '#FF9999', false)"> blue, then red</a> . . This works. But the challenge is to change OTHER links (not "this") from red to a color (blue, green, or yellow) that matches the page-background of the area where each link is. And for this I'm failing in two ways. First, I don't know how to make the link being clicked ("this") change the background-color of other links, by ""using the 'links' array to change all the other links to another color." Second, if I want to make three color changes (from red back to blue, or to green, or to yellow) the triple-change code below, which is the code above but with the onMouseDown line repeated 3 times, doesn't work in DW: [a comment added January 7: I've now abandoned this triple-change idea, and instead I want all links changed (onMouseDown) to a GOLD background-highlighting in a link-rectangle that surrounds each of the 14 main-topic links, but not the 40 sub-topic links.] Code: <a href="blue1.htm" target="self" onMouseDown=" MM_effectHighlight (this, 1, '#DDEEFF', '#DDEEFF', '#DDEEFF', false)" onMouseDown=" MM_effectHighlight (this, 1, '#DDFFEE', '#DDFFEE', '#DDFFEE', false)" onMouseDown=" MM_effectHighlight (this, 1, '#FFFFBB', '#FFFFBB', '#FFFFBB', false)" onMouseUp=" MM_effectHighlight (this, 4000, '#DDEEFF', '#FF9999', '#FF9999', false)"> blue-green-yellow, then red</a> . . Imagine that two links (blue0.htm, blue1.htm) are in a blue-background area of the text-sitemap, while two other links (2,3) are in a green-background area, and two links (4,5) are in a yellow-background area. By copying the code I found in another page, I think the code below might describe the links-array I want. But this raises two more problems: Third, the array probably contains errors or omissions. Fourth, even if it was correct, I don't know where to put it: in the head section? body section? inside the js-code for a link? if yes, would I have to repeat this code for each of the 14 main links, or should I write it once (with a name) and then "call up" this name for each of the 14 links. These are things an expert will know, but I don't. Code: <div class="box_broadstyle"><script> var linksArray = new Array(); links[0] = "blue0.htm"; links[1] = "blue1.htm"; links[2] = "green2.htm"; links[3] = "green3.htm"; links[4] = "yellow4.htm"; links[5] = "yellow5.htm"; </script></div> . . And I think the code below might be useful to make a "for loop" to control the triple-change by telling the browser which links (0 and 1) should have blue-highlighting (ending with #DDEEFF), and which (2,3) should end with green, and which (4,5) will be yellow. But... Fifth, I don't know if this code is correct or (a tougher challenge) where to put it so it will be functional. Code: for (y=0;y<=1;y++) for (y=2;y<=3;y++) for (y=4;y<=5;y++) . . Thanks for your patience in reading through this question, which is long because I've tried to clearly describe my goals and what I think might be parts of a solution. Any help in solving these mysteries (first, ... fifth) will be greatly appreciated. CraigR Hi, I am a beginner in programming however I am close to completing this task for my uni course and I know what method is needed "toLowerCase()" yet I am not sure on where it needs to be placed. If i paste in the question and then the coding I have done so far any helped would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to everyone who replies QUESTION: function findAnyU(s) - to discover if string s appears in any of the URLs in the array pages. Gives an alert of s together with 'found' or 'not found' as for find1C. [Note that the search should be case insensitive so that 'lboro' and 'Lboro' and 'LBORO' would all be found in '' - all remaining functions should also be case insensitive in this way] Example call: findAnyU("Lboro") Example result: "Lboro" found MY CODING... var pages = [ "[] Loughborough University offers degree programmes and world class research.", "[] Loughborough University offers degree programmes and world class research. " ]; function findAnyU (s){ for(i=1;i<pages.length;i++) { var a = '"'+s+'"'; var b = pages[i].indexOf('['); var l = pages[i].indexOf(']'); var t = pages[i].substr(b+1, l); var c = t.indexOf(s); } if (c>=0) a+= ' found' else a+= ' not found' return (a) } alert(findAnyU("Lboro")); *********************************** Thanks Again Everyone X Here is the link in question. I have created a small page with the isolated problem on it. the javascript file that is referenced basically only does one thing. It searches for "> >" and then alerts us whether or not it's on the page. --- It pulls the innerHTML of the entire document --- the searches it - and indexes the string. I echoed the string out to a text area so you could see the string "> >" is clearly there after the word microphones in the link tag... </a> > < etc.. Any thoughts on how I can detect this string somehow? Thanks. Here is the code inside the javascript file. Code: var myStringDiscuss = 'microphones</a> >'; myStringDiscuss = myStringDiscuss.replace(/~/g,""); // unmunge function discussDetection(){ var str = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML; str = str.toLowerCase(); // to make case insensitive var category_string = str.indexOf(myStringDiscuss); if (category_string == -1) { alert("not on this page"); } else { alert("IS on the page"); } } window.onload= discussDetection; Hey guys! i'm trying to put a search box on my web site but every time i type any thing, it opens the search results on the same page. How can i make the search contents open on a fresh page?
I am trying to manipulate a an image gallery that functions well. Now, I have the ability to pull information from a user's preference pannel and need to place it in the an href="" // And other information in each of the "src" | "url" | "alt". Any ideas would be truly helpful. This is what I am working with at the moment and it doesn't work (obviously because it is adding code inside a span). Here is what I am starting from: [CODE] var title01Span = document.getElementById('title01Span'), //Finds the id that I want prefs = new gadgets.Prefs(), // Pulls from the user's preferences yourtitle01 = prefs.getString("title01"); // Pulls the correct string from those preferences title01Span.innerHTML = yourtitle01; // replaces the with that text but I need to be able to do this in the src / href / url / etc. [CODE] Thank you so much! I seriously could use as much help as possible! Hi all, I'm having a bit of a problem.. I need to disable the submit button on body onload, and i need to re-enable it when "i agree" is checked. the problem is, it wont do this.. it literally stays disabled, even after check mark.. code: Code: <html> <head><title>Metal Detecting</title></head> <body onload="disable()" oncontextmenu="return false;"> <script> function disable(){ if(document.forms.test.agree.checked == false){ document.forms.test.s1.disabled = true; } } function enable(){ if(document.forms.test.agree.checked == true){ document.forms.test.s1.disabled = false; } } function checkCheckBox(f) { if (f.agree.checked == false) { alert('You MUST agree to the terms by checking the box above.'); return false; }else{ enable() return true; } } var max=255; function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) { if (field.value.length > maxlimit){ // if too long...trim it! field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); // otherwise, update 'characters left' counter }else{ countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; } } function submitonce(theform){ //if IE 4+ or NS 6+ if (document.all||document.getElementById){ //screen thru every element in the form, and hunt down "submit" and "reset" for (i=0;i<theform.length;i++){ var tempobj=theform.elements[i] if(tempobj.type.toLowerCase()=="submit"||tempobj.type.toLowerCase()=="reset") //disable em tempobj.disabled=true } } } function checkdata(which) { var pass=true; var t1 = document.forms.test; for (i=0;i<which.length;i++) { var tempobj=which.elements[i]; if (,8)=="required") { if (((tempobj.type=="text"||tempobj.type=="textarea")&& tempobj.value=='')||(tempobj.type.toString().charAt(0)=="s"&& tempobj.selectedIndex==0)) { pass=false; break; } } } if (!pass) {,30).toUpperCase(); alert("The "+shortFieldName+" field is a required field."); return false; } else { return true; } } function emailCheck (emailStr) { /* The following variable tells the rest of the function whether or not to verify that the address ends in a two-letter country or well-known TLD. 1 means check it, 0 means don't. */ var checkTLD=1; /* The following is the list of known TLDs that an e-mail address must end with. */ var knownDomsPat=/^(com|net|org|edu|int|mil|gov|arpa|biz|aero|name|coop|info|pro|museum)$/; /* The following pattern is used to check if the entered e-mail address fits the user@domain format. It also is used to separate the username from the domain. */ var emailPat=/^(.+)@(.+)$/; /* The following string represents the pattern for matching all special characters. We don't want to allow special characters in the address. These characters include ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " . [ ] */ var specialChars="\\(\\)><@,;:\\\\\\\"\\.\\[\\]"; /* The following string represents the range of characters allowed in a username or domainname. It really states which chars aren't allowed.*/ var validChars="\[^\\s" + specialChars + "\]"; /* The following pattern applies if the "user" is a quoted string (in which case, there are no rules about which characters are allowed and which aren't; anything goes). E.g. "jiminy cricket" is a legal e-mail address. */ var quotedUser="(\"[^\"]*\")"; /* The following pattern applies for domains that are IP addresses, rather than symbolic names. E.g. joe@[] is a legal e-mail address. NOTE: The square brackets are required. */ var ipDomainPat=/^\[(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\]$/; /* The following string represents an atom (basically a series of non-special characters.) */ var atom=validChars + '+'; /* The following string represents one word in the typical username. For example, in, john and doe are words. Basically, a word is either an atom or quoted string. */ var word="(" + atom + "|" + quotedUser + ")"; // The following pattern describes the structure of the user var userPat=new RegExp("^" + word + "(\\." + word + ")*$"); /* The following pattern describes the structure of a normal symbolic domain, as opposed to ipDomainPat, shown above. */ var domainPat=new RegExp("^" + atom + "(\\." + atom +")*$"); /* Finally, let's start trying to figure out if the supplied address is valid. */ /* Begin with the coarse pattern to simply break up user@domain into different pieces that are easy to analyze. */ var matchArray=emailStr.match(emailPat); if (matchArray==null) { /* Too many/few @'s or something; basically, this address doesn't even fit the general mould of a valid e-mail address. */ alert("Email address seems incorrect (don't forget to add an @ and a . to your email address!)"); return false; } var user=matchArray[1]; var domain=matchArray[2]; // Start by checking that only basic ASCII characters are in the strings (0-127). for (i=0; i<user.length; i++) { if (user.charCodeAt(i)>127) { alert("Ths username contains invalid characters."); return false; } } for (i=0; i<domain.length; i++) { if (domain.charCodeAt(i)>127) { alert("Ths domain name contains invalid characters."); return false; } } // See if "user" is valid if (user.match(userPat)==null) { // user is not valid alert("The username doesn't seem to be valid."); return false; } /* if the e-mail address is at an IP address (as opposed to a symbolic host name) make sure the IP address is valid. */ var IPArray=domain.match(ipDomainPat); if (IPArray!=null) { // this is an IP address for (var i=1;i<=4;i++) { if (IPArray[i]>255) { alert("Destination IP address is invalid!"); return false; } } return true; } // Domain is symbolic name. Check if it's valid. var atomPat=new RegExp("^" + atom + "$"); var domArr=domain.split("."); var len=domArr.length; for (i=0;i<len;i++) { if (domArr[i].search(atomPat)==-1) { alert("The domain name does not seem to be valid."); return false; } } /* domain name seems valid, but now make sure that it ends in a known top-level domain (like com, edu, gov) or a two-letter word, representing country (uk, nl), and that there's a hostname preceding the domain or country. */ if (checkTLD && domArr[domArr.length-1].length!=2 && domArr[domArr.length-1].search(knownDomsPat)==-1) { alert("The address must end in a well-known domain or two letter " + "country."); return false; } // Make sure there's a host name preceding the domain. if (len<2) { alert("This address is missing a hostname!"); return false; } // If we've gotten this far, everything's valid! return true; } </script> Please contact us!<br><br> *Please note you can submit the form ONLY once. Any double form submissions will be deleted.<br> <form name="test" id="test" method="POST" onsubmit="return checkdata(this), emailCheck(, checkCheckBox(this)" action="send.php"> <div id = "div01" style="width: 100; height: 25;"> Firstname: <input name="requiredfirstname" id="firstname" type="text" /> Lastname: <input name="requiredlastname" id="lastname" type="text" /> Email: <input name="requiredemail" id="email" type="text" /><br /><br /> </div> <H4>Your statement: </H4> <textarea onKeyDown="textCounter(this.form.statement,this.form.counter,max);" onKeyUp="textCounter(this.form.statement,this.form.counter,max);" name="requiredstatement" id="statement" rows="15" cols="40"></textarea><br /> Characters left: <input readonly="readonly" value="255" size=3 maxlength=3 type="text" name="counter" id="counter"><br/><br /> <textarea name="license" cols="40" rows="15" id="license">Blah!</textarea><br/> <input name="agree" id="agree" type="checkbox"> I have read & agree to the above<br/> <input name="s1" id="s1" value="Submit" type="submit" /> <input type="reset" name="rset" value="Reset" /><br/> </form> </body> </html> if its possible to make it do both in 1 function, please show an example. if you have to use 2 functions, then also show me an example. ANY help is GREATLY appreciated! Hello, I run a online gaming website, and I'm having problems with certain websites iframing our games. Actually I'm ok with iframing, as long as they include the banner ad located just beneath our games. But often times unscrupulous webmasters will iframe only the game, preventing us from generating any revenue from the banner ad (and costing us additional bandwidth charges). I'm hoping to find a way to detect the dimensions of the iframe, so that I may dynamically resize the game, in order to include the banner ad within the iframe. Does anybody know how to extract the "height" and "width" attribute values from an <iframe> tag sitting on a different site? Regards, Steve Hello, recently I have been to many government websites where I have noticed that the programmer has used method in JavaScript to link to different pages instead of using <a> tags! I was just getting curious to know whether it is normal or has it been used due to security concerns(if any, I don't know)? Any comments? suggestions welcome !!
Hi all: I've got a script that reads a line of text from a file, and does a bit of parsing to that line into an array. Apparently, this can take some time, so I get the "Stop running this script?" message. From what I understand, I need to use the setTimeout call, but for the life of me can't understand it. When I do add it to some code, it seems to work, but doesn't "pause" the code as I expect it too... Code: function ReadFile(Fname) { var path = "y:\\metrics\\"; var file, x=0, ForReading=1; file = fso.OpenTextFile(path+Fname, ForReading, false); do { var fileLine = file.readline(); var arrSplit = GetItems(fileLine); } while (!file.AtEndOfStream); file.close(); return(x); } function GetItems(recordLine) { var ItemsTemp=[]; var finishString, itemString, itemIndex, charIndex, inQuote, testChar; inQuote = false; charIndex= 0; itemIndex=0; itemString = ""; finishString = false; var count = 0; do { if (++count >= 100) { delay = setTimeout("", 1, []); count = 0; return; } testChar = recordLine.substring(charIndex,charIndex+1); finishString = false; if (inQuote) { if (testChar == "\"") { inQuote = false; finishString = true; ++charIndex; } else { itemString = itemString + testChar; } } else { if (testChar == "\"") { inQuote = true; } else if (testChar == ",") { finishString = true; } else { if (testChar == "=") { testChar = ""; } itemString = itemString + testChar; } } if (finishString) { ItemsTemp.push(itemString); itemString = ""; ++itemIndex; } ++charIndex; } while (charIndex <= recordLine.length); return(ItemsTemp); } Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Max I found this script on a tutorial site but it had no summary of browser compatibility or any other issues. I know absolutely nothing about javascript and, although it works fine when I test it, I would appreciate it very much if someone else would review this page and give me feedback. Code: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> lastone='empty'; function showIt(lyr) { if (lastone!='empty')'none'; lastone=document.getElementById(lyr);'block'; } </script> </head> <body> <!--links--> <a href="JavaScript:;" onClick="showIt('divID1')" ">link1</a> <a href="JavaScript:;" onClick="showIt('divID2')" ">link2</a> <a href="JavaScript:;" onClick="showIt('divID3')" ">link3</a> <a href="JavaScript:;" onClick="showIt('divID4')" ">link4</a> <!--layers--> <div id="divID1" style="display:none;">content1</div> <div id="divID2" style="display:none;">.content2</div> <div id="divID3" style="display:none;">..content3</div> <div id="divID4" style="display:none;">...content4</div> </body> Here is a demo of it in action: Hey everyone, I'm new here so be gentle I ran into a website called when the whole charlie sheen drama was going on. I really liked the way the simple site was designed and would like to create something similar to the layout but totally different topic. My question is, can someone modify the script so that when someone clicks on the image or if they click on the "quote" it will show the next quote BUT in the order I want it to be, for example... it will start with "1" when the open the page, then when you click the picture or "1" it will show "2", then "3" and so on. I will write out all the quotes and have the user just click next, next, next. I hope that makes sense. I copied and posted the source code i got from if that helps. PM me if you need to, I will be online most the day. Thank you to anyone who can help me! Code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Live the Sheen Dream</title> <link href="styles/screen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <meta name="description" content="A random quote generator from Charlie Sheen's recent rants and words of wisdom." /> <meta name="keywords" content="charlie sheen, sheen, quotes, quote generator, meme, charlie sheen crazy, charlie sheen insane, charlie sheen rant, rant, charlie sheen drugs, f-18, winning, charlie sheen winning" /> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-21696467-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <center><p><a href="" onclick="randomQuote(); return false;"><img src="" alt="sheen" /></a></p></center> <h4><p>( click the head. )</p></h4> <h1><blockquote id="quote">Get the cancer out of the mix.</blockquote></h1> <center> <script src=""></script><fb:like href="" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" font="arial"></fb:like> </center> <br /> <center> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal" >Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </center> <br /> <center><h3> <a href="" target="_blank">contact us</a> </h3></center> <script type="text/javascript"> var quotes = ["Good luck on your travels. You\u2019re going to need it. Badly.","Sorry man, didn\u2019t make the rules.","I embarrassed him in front of his children and the world.","I\u2019ve got magic. I\u2019ve got poetry at my fingertips.","Mistook this rockstar, bro.","The only thing I\u2019m addicted to right now is winning.","I\u2019m not Thomas Jefferson. He was a pussy.","My success rate is 100 percent. Do the math.","I\u2019m so tired of pretending my life isn\u2019t perfect and *****in\u2019.","Imagine what I would have done with my fire-breathing fists.","Here\u2019s your first pee test. The next one goes in your mouth. No, you won\u2019t get high.","The scoreboard doesn\u2019t lie. Never has.","I am battle-tested bayonets bro.","Where there were four, there are now three.","Just sit back and enjoy the show.","I have real fame. They have nothing.","Bring me a challenge. Somebody.","Pure and complete gnarly-isms.","There\u2019s my life. Deal with it. Oh, wait, can\u2019t process it? LOSERS.","A lot of people think Major League\u2019s called Wild Thing. As they should.","Why give an interview when you can leave a warning?","There\u2019s a new sheriff in town. And he has an army of assassins.","We work for the pope.","Gnarly gnarlingtons.","I am special, and I will never be one of you.","There are parts of me that are Dennis Hopper.","I don\u2019t live in the middle anymore. That\u2019s where you get embarrassed in front of the prom queen.","Thought you were messing with one dude? Sorry.","WINNING.","WINNING.","I\u2019m going to hang out with these two smoooooking hotties and fly privately around the world.","It might be lonely up here but I sure like the view.","I\u2019m done. It\u2019s on. Bring it.","I wanted to watch Jaws on the ocean in the dark and be afraid.","This guy\u2019s got more notches on his belt than Black Bart.","This is me not on drugs bro.","The first one\u2019s free. The next one goes in your mouth.","This contaminated little maggot can\u2019t handle my power.","Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words.","I closed my eyes and in a nanosecond I cured myself.","Quit hiding dude. It\u2019s embarrassing. Next subject.","It\u2019s funny how sheep rhymes with sleep.","Bull S-H-I-T.","I\u2019ve spent close to the last decade effortlessly and magically converting your tin cans into pure gold.","You\u2019ve been warned dude. Bring it.","Apocalypse Now will teach you how to live inside of a moment between a moment.","I have a disease? Bull****. I cured it with my brain.","If you\u2019re a part of my family, I will love you violently.","I look at the game of baseball and I\u2019m reminded of a quote that I wrote.","They couldn\u2019t extinguish my pilot light. And that was a mistake.","I\u2019m 45, I\u2019ve got five kids, and I\u2019ve been dumped on for too long.","One of my favorite poets is Eminem.","Let\u2019s hook up and just bring fiery death.","Watch me bury you.","I don\u2019t sleep. I wait.","Let\u2019s talk about something exciting. Me.","Everybody has a black belt and carries a gun. I don\u2019t mess with people.","I\u2019m rolling out magic, bro.","Go back to the troll hole where you came from.","I\u2019m just giving them what I guess they want, I just don\u2019t know if they can handle it. Pussies.","I guess I\u2019m just that goddamn *****in\u2019.","We\u2019re Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be?","Most of the time- and this includes naps- I\u2019m an F-18.","I don\u2019t know, winning, anyone? Rhymes with winning? Anyone? Yeah, that would be us.","I have one speed. I have one gear. Go.","I dare you to keep up with me.","I am on a drug. It\u2019s called Charlie Sheen.","I\u2019m an F-18 bro.","The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger and Richards look like droopy-eyed armless children.","Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.","You should have read the directions before you showed up at the party.","I\u2019ve got tiger blood, man.","Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.","I may forget about them tomorrow, but they\u2019ll live with that memory for the rest of their lives. And that\u2019s a gift.","I was banging seven gram rocks and finishing them. Because that\u2019s how I roll.","I have a different constitution.","I use a blender. I use a vacuum cleaner.","I\u2019m bi-winning. I win here, and I win there.","What\u2019s the cure? Medicine?","You borrow my brain for five seconds and just be like 'Dude, can\u2019t handle it. Unplug this *******.'","Basically they strapped on their diapers.","I exposed people to magic.","Shut up. Stop. Move forward.","Wow. What does that mean.","Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my sabre.","I\u2019m tired of pretending I\u2019m not a total, *****in\u2019 rock star from Mars.","Drug tests don\u2019t lie.","It\u2019s a war. And it\u2019s on.","Sorry my life is so much more *****in\u2019 than yours. I planned it that way.","I take great umbrage with that.","I don\u2019t have burnout in my gear box.","I\u2019m just going to sail across the winds of the universe with my goddesses.","That was the America I was raised in.","If people could just read behind the hieroglyphic.","I don\u2019t think people are ready for the message I\u2019m delivering.","They picked a fight with a warlock.","Faith is for winners. Hope is for losers.","Clearly he didn\u2019t bring gum for everyone.","I\u2019m going to win every moment.","That\u2019s the code. And we all live by it.","Here\u2019s your cold coffee. Buh-bye.","Surprise. That\u2019s what winners do.","I can\u2019t make up a hernia. That\u2019s just lame.","It\u2019s a three-letter word. It rhymes with why.","My conduct is *****in\u2019.","Come on bro, I won best picture at 20.","Your perimeter\u2019s been breached. You got work to do bro.","It was so gnarly I can\u2019t remember.","I\u2019m not recovering like some pussy.","Rock bottom? That\u2019s a fishing term.","I\u2019m a grandiose life, and I\u2019m embracing it.","Can\u2019t is the cancer of happen.","Dying is for fools. Amateurs.","When I\u2019m fighting a war there\u2019s no room for sensitivity.","If you can bring me a souvenir from that moment when your father locked you in the closet, then bring it to me.","She was attacking me with a small fork.","What was she doing with a shrimp fork in her purse?","I'm still alive, which is pretty cool.","Women are not to be hit. They are to be hugged and caressed.","I have a 10,000-year-old brain and the boogers of a seven-year-old.","Get over here and enjoy the ride, bro. We\u2019re starting to win.","I\u2019m not taking it. I had to pay for it.","Vintage balderdash.","I\u2019ve been a veteran of the unspeakable.","I literally woke up and it was Christmas.","It\u2019s been a tsunami. And I\u2019ve been riding it on a mercury surfboard.","We\u2019re on a rocket ship to the moon some nights.","I don\u2019t understand what I did wrong except live a life that everyone is jealous of.","Duh, WINNING.","Park your nonsense.","Don\u2019t live in the middle.","Adonis DNA.","We\u2019re shaking the tree. We\u2019re shaking all the trees.","I am grandiose. Because I live a grandiose life.","Celebrate this movement.","Get a job, anyone?","You can\u2019t process me with a normal brain.","I\u2019ve got tiger blood and Adonis DNA.","You\u2019ve been given magic. You\u2019ve been given gold.","Bi-polar? The Earth is bi-polar.","Damn, I didn\u2019t take care of myself. Again.","I just want to hug him and rub his head.","I\u2019m an exciting client.","What\u2019s not to love?","I\u2019m alive. Bring it.","Look at these sad trolls.","I\u2019m a peaceful man with bad intentions.","Sorry Middle America.","Who wants to deal with all the small talk?","Really dude? Really?","The last time I used? What do you mean? I used my toaster this morning.","Everything. Next question.","Can I have one part of my life that isn\u2019t TMZ\u2019d up the butt?","We need his wisdom and his *****in\u2019-ness.","Work fuels the soul.","Winning. Everyday.","Add some gold.","Change your brain.","People can\u2019t figure me out. They can\u2019t process me. I don\u2019t expect them to.","They can\u2019t hang with me. Their bones would melt like wax.","I\u2019m not \u2018aw shucks\u2019. Because I\u2019m gnarly.","Got to dismiss these clowns.","I\u2019m on a quest to claim absolute victory on every front.","Teamwork. Bang.","The wildfires are spreading. The meek are scattering.","They hate themselves first.","Biggest star in the world.","I\u2019m living inside the truth. And the truth doesn\u2019t change.","He has no salt in his soul.","C\u2019mon. The guy wears corduroys.","I honorably pass that torch to these young geniuses.","Change the channel. I dare you.","I\u2019ve been blessed with a new brain.","It\u2019s about winning. Sorry.","*****in\u2019 focus.","Get back in the game dude.","Get the cancer out of the mix.","Gnarly you are not.","Of course you\u2019re gnarly. You\u2019re talking to me.","Wow. That\u2019s epic.","That just flew out. That was a pretty good one.","It's a turd that opens on a tugboat.","If they want me in it, it's a smash.","No panic. No judgement.","Hope is for suckers and tools.","The people would revolt.","You can tell him one thing. I own him.","Missing a lot of good sports, people. Lots.","My passion was asleep for a long time.","I finally extracted myself from their troll hole.","They tell you to lay down your sword. Really? Wow, dude's unarmed. WHACK.","I think you've got a little more magic than you realize.","You make a choice to win, and you win.","I have to tip my hat to them.","There's a reason I've had mad success doing comedy.","Yeah I'll do a movie with you. You're awesome.","I don't forget anything, you know?","I can't pee in front of you guys.","Flinching's for amateurs.","He has no salt in his soul.","It's about winning. Sorry.","They can't really ruffle this assassin's feathers.","We form a group called the wedge.","Panicking is for amateurs and morons.","I don't believe in panicking.","They could have fleeced the sheep a thousand times, but they chose to skin it once.","It feels like the hot springs of Middle Earth are finally ready to explode outward.","It feels like the worm's turning.","It boils and it fuels you. It boils in a state that would eclipse a microwave.","Ride down the face of a tsunami and tell me you don't feel *****in'.","I\u2019m an F-18 bro."]; function randomQuote(){ var quote = document.getElementById("quote"); var rand = Math.ceil( Math.random() * (quotes.length - 1) ); quote.innerHTML = quotes[rand]; } </script> </div><!-- end wrapper --> </body> </html> It works in FF but i can seem to find what the issue is here is the code Code: <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ window.addEvent('domready',function(){ new viewer($$('#box1 img)'),{ mode: 'alpha', interval: 5000 }).play(true); }); //]]> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // When DOM is ready $(document).ready(function(){ // ------- Submit First Form ------- $("#contact").submit(function(){ var str = $(this).serialize(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "contact.php", data: str, success: function(msg){ $("#note").ajaxComplete(function(event, request, settings){ if(msg == 'OK') // Message Sent? Show the 'Thank You' message and hide the form { result = '<div class="notification_ok">Your message has been sent. Thank you!</div>'; $("#fields").hide(); } else { result = msg; } $(this).html(result); }); } }); return false; }); this is line 64 -> </script> The error is Syntax error code0 line:64 char:1 . Please if anyone can help. Hi guys, I have a JS calculator on my website which is basically a load of radio buttons that the user clicks and as they do so a price is calculated in their view. At the moment - the price box starts with a blank box but is essentially "0". Then, as the user select an option, the price appears and then starts to calculate when more than 1 is pressed. All I want to do is have the price start at "300" instead of a blank box or "0". Then the rest of the options calculate onto that. I have tried a variety of ways to achieve it and seem to be missing something! I am pretty new to JS although do have a basic understanding ..... clearly not enough to do this thou! lol Basically imagine 300 is the initial price. That only gets charged once ... Here's my code .... In the <head> Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function getRBtnName(GrpName) { var sel = document.getElementsByName(GrpName); var fnd = -1; var str = ''; for (var i=0; i<sel.length; i++) { if (sel[i].checked == true) { str = sel[i].value; fnd = i; } } return fnd; // return option index of selection // comment out next line if option index used in line above // return str; } function chkrads(rbGroupName) { var ExPg = [ [0,''], [100,"1 extra page"], [200,"2 extra pages"], [250,"3 extra pages"], [300,"4 extra pages"], [350,"5 extra pages"] ]; var ExEm = [ [0,''], [10,"1 extra email"], [20,"2 extra emails"], [30,"3 extra emails"], [40,"4 extra emails"], [50,"5 extra emails"] ]; var ImgBun = [ [0,''], [10,"3 extra image"], [20,"5 extra images"], [30,"7 extra images"], [40,"10 extra images"] ]; var rbtnGroupNames = ['extrapages','extraemail','imagebundles']; var totalprice = 0; var tmp = ''; var items = []; for (var i=0; i<rbtnGroupNames.length; i++) { tmp = getRBtnName(rbtnGroupNames[i]); if (tmp != -1) { switch (i) { case 0 : totalprice += ExPg[tmp][0]; if (tmp > 0) { items.push(ExPg[tmp][1]); } break; case 1 : totalprice += ExEm[tmp][0]; if (tmp > 0) { items.push(ExEm[tmp][1]); } break; case 2 : totalprice += ImgBun[tmp][0]; if (tmp > 0) { items.push(ImgBun[tmp][1]); } break; } } } document.getElementById('QUOTED_PRICE').value = totalprice; document.getElementById('ITEMS_SELECTED').value = items.join('\n'); document.getElementById('PRICE_IN_VIEW').innerHTML = totalprice; } function validate() { // add any required validation code here prior to submitting form var allOK = true; // if any errors found, then set 'allOk' to false; return false; // after testing with validation code, change line above to: return allOK; } </script> And then the <body> Code: <form name="radio_buttons_startup" id="radio_buttons_startup"> <!--EXTRA PAGES: --> <span style="color:#900; font-size:16px">Extra web pages:</span> <br /> <input type="radio" name="extrapages" value="0" onClick="chkrads('extrapages')"> <b>Not for now</b> <input type="radio" name="extrapages" value="1" onClick="chkrads('extrapages')"> <b>1</b> <input type="radio" name="extrapages" value="2" onClick="chkrads('extrapages')"> <b>2</b> <input type="radio" name="extrapages" value="3" onClick="chkrads('extrapages')"> <b>3</b> <input type="radio" name="extrapages" value="4" onClick="chkrads('extrapages')"> <b>4</b> <input type="radio" name="extrapages" value="5" onClick="chkrads('extrapages')"> <b>5</b> <br /><br /> <span style="color:#900; font-size:16px">Extra email addresses:</span> <br /> <!-- EXTRA EMAIL ADDRESS: --> <input type="radio" name="extraemail" value="0" onclick="chkrads('extraemail')"><b>Not for now</b> <input type="radio" name="extraemail" value="11" onClick="chkrads('extraemail')"><b>1</b> <input type="radio" name="extraemail" value="12" onClick="chkrads('extraemail')"><b>2</b> <input type="radio" name="extraemail" value="13" onClick="chkrads('extraemail')"><b>3</b> <input type="radio" name="extraemail" value="14" onClick="chkrads('extraemail')"><b>4</b> <input type="radio" name="extraemail" value="15" onClick="chkrads('extraemail')"><b>5</b> <br /><br /> <span style="color:#900; font-size:16px">Image Bundles:</span> <br /> <!--Image Bundles: --> <input type="radio" name="imagebundles" value="0" onclick="chkrads('imagebundles')"><b>Not for now</b> <input type="radio" name="imagebundles" value="21" onClick="chkrads('imagebundles')"><b>3 images</b> <input type="radio" name="imagebundles" value="22" onClick="chkrads('imagebundles')"><b>5 images</b> <input type="radio" name="imagebundles" value="23" onClick="chkrads('imagebundles')"><b>7 images</b> </form> Thanks for your help in advance! Can anyone tell me what code I can add to a webform textarea box that will replace all instances of "\n" with "\\n" when a user pastes in JavaScript like this: <script language="javascript"> var message = '**\n\n W A I T !\n\n CLICK CANCEL\n TO STAY ON THE CURRENT PAGE.\n\n I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!\n\n**'; var page = ''; </script> <script language="javascript" src=""></script> The form is on a .php page. The form posts via a .cgi script. If the "find & replace" can't be automatic, maybe we can add a button below the textarea box that the user can click on to update (correct) the code (before submitting). I am not a programmer... so any specifics you can give me will be much appreciated. Thank you. I need to do an input text validation which include opening parenthesis and closing parenthesis, what I need to validate is the opening parenthesis match with closing parenthesis. Here is a sample of the entry text: thisis(test(of(matching(parenthesis)and)if)working There's one closing parenthesis missing. I would like to warn the user to correct it before submit, but not quite sure how to do it with javascript. Please advice. Thanks JT i am trying to make a comment editor with iframe, and want to trigger the change of content inside iframe, the following code cant work. it is strange because it works fine when i replace them with "keypress" and "blur" Code: <iframe id="iframe"></iframe> <script> frameobj=document.getElementById('iframe').contentWindow; // IE frameobj.attachEvent('onpropertychange', function(){alert();} ); //FireFox frameobj.addEventListener('input', function(){alert();} , false); </script> Hi friends, I am looking for "Add to cart" functionality just like walmart have. You click "add to cart", page scrolls up and just below the "Cart" button you get ajax based popup which shows you your cart contents. Popup is above the all content. Can you please help me by sharing code snippet or any use tutorial link to achieve this? Hi Well, I am on a project. it's about quote of they but I need a hand (or some hands ) I've searched for what I need but I've got different results with GoOgle. The points a * It has to be more than for 365 days (for more than 3000 days!) * it has to be one by one (not random quote) * and it change every 24 hours without getting back for viewed quote(making mistake!) * finally, looping after viewing all quotes responses appreciated. |