JavaScript - Changing Picture Script
So i have this code and when you click on the first set of them (a specific one) it copys it and then when you click on one of the other ones it pastes it but its not working properly. (If you need to you can put an other image in there)
Code: <script> var change = new Array change [0] = [0,0,0,0,0]; change [1] = [0,0,0,0,0]; change [2] = ["",0]; change [3] = [0,0,0,0,0]; function equipaa(){ change [0][0] = 1 change [0][4] = 0 change [0][1] = 0 change [0][2] = 0 change [0][3] = 0 changea(); } function equipab(){ change [0][1] = 1 change [0][0] = 0 change [0][4] = 0 change [0][2] = 0 change [0][3] = 0 changea(); } function equipac(){ change [0][2] = 1 change [0][0] = 0 change [0][1] = 0 change [0][4] = 0 change [0][3] = 0 changea(); } function equipad(){ change [0][3] = 1 change [0][0] = 0 change [0][1] = 0 change [0][2] = 0 change [0][4] = 0 changea(); } function equipae(){ change [0][4] = 1 change [0][0] = 0 change [0][1] = 0 change [0][2] = 0 change [0][3] = 0 changea(); } function equipba(){ change [1][0] = 1 change [1][4] = 0 change [1][1] = 0 change [1][2] = 0 change [1][3] = 0 changefinal(); } function equipbb(){ change [1][1] = 1 change [1][0] = 0 change [1][2] = 0 change [1][3] = 0 change [1][4] = 0 changefinal(); } function equipbc(){ change [1][2] = 1 change [1][0] = 0 change [1][1] = 0 change [1][3] = 0 change [1][4] = 0 changefinal(); } function equipbd(){ change [1][3] = 1 change [1][4] = 1 change [1][0] = 0 change [1][1] = 0 change [1][2] = 0 changefinal(); } function equipbe(){ change [1][4] = 1 change [1][0] = 0 change [1][1] = 0 change [1][2] = 0 change [1][3] = 0 changefinal(); } function changea(){ if(change [0] [0] = 1){ change [2] [0] = document.getElementById("is1i").src; change [2] [1] = change [3] [0]; } else if(change [0] [1] = 1){ change [2] [0] = document.getElementById("is2i").src; change [2] [1] = change [3] [1]; } else if(change [0] [2] = 1){ change [2] [0] = document.getElementById("is3i").src; change [2] [1] = change [3] [2]; } else if(change [0] [3] = 1){ change [2] [0] = document.getElementById("is4i").src; change [2] [1] = change [3] [3]; } else if(change [0] [4] = 1){ change [2] [0] = document.getElementById("is5i").src; change [2] [1] = change [3] [4]; } } function changefinal(){ if(change [1] [0] = 1){ document.getElementById("i1").src = change [2] [0]; } else if(change [1] [1] = 1){ document.getElementById("i2").src = change [2] [0]; } else if(change [1] [2] = 1){ document.getElementById("i3").src = change [2] [0]; } else if(change [1] [3] = 1){ document.getElementById("i4").src = change [2] [0]; } else if(change [1] [4] = 1){ document.getElementById("i5").src = change [2] [0]; } clear(); } function clear(){ change [0] [0] = 0; change [0] [1] = 0; change [0] [2] = 0; change [0] [3] = 0; change [0] [4] = 0; change [1] [0] = 0; change [1] [1] = 0; change [1] [2] = 0; change [1] [3] = 0; change [1] [4] = 0; } </script> <html> <body> <table border="0"> <tr> <td><div ><img onclick="equipba()" id="i1" src=""/></div></td> <td><div ><img onclick="equipbb()" id="i2" src=""/></div></td> <td><div ><img onclick="equipbc()" id="i3" src=""/></div></td> <td><div ><img onclick="equipbd()" id="i4" src=""/></div></td> <td><div ><img onclick="equipbe()" id="i5" src=""/></div></td> </tr> </table> <div id="invent"> <table border="o"> <tr> <td><div ondblclick="dropa();" onclick="equipaa();"><img id="is1i" src=""/></div></td> <td><div id="is1n"></div></td> <td><div id="is1d"></div></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div ondblclick="dropb()" onclick="equipab();"><img id="is2i" src=""/></div></td> <td><div id="is2n"></div></td> <td><div id="is2d"></div></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div ondblclick="dropc()" onclick="equipac();"><img id="is3i" src=""/></div></td> <td><div id="is3n"></div></td> <td><div id="is3d"></div></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div ondblclick="dropd()" onclick="equipad();"><img id="is4i"src=""/></div></td> <td><div id="is4n"></div></td> <td><div id="is4d"></div></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div ondblclick="drope()" onclick="equipae();"><img id="is5i" src=""/></div></td> <td><div id="is5n"></div></td> <td><div id="is5d"></div></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsWatch the answer to this problem be simple... but when I tried searching for similar problems, I can't find anything that helps. On a website of mine, I have a picture that acts as the navigation. When the user hovers over it, it changes pictures to show one section lighting up and the text to show where that one links to under it. Later, I changed it to show, when the mouse isn't hovering over the picture, the pictures automatically scrolling on a timer to show all the options. While this works most of the time, I recently discovered the reason behind a 'glitch' my friend noticed... but I'm unsure of how to fix it. The problem is, when the mouse is already on the picture as the page loads, it starts the timer even though the mouse is there. This causes it to keep trying to switch the picture on its own even when hovering over the picture. And when the mouse is off the picture, it changes it twice at an odd interval. In other words, it's starting the timer up twice and only cuts one of them off when you hover over the image. Here's a link to the site so you can see for yourself: (And if links aren't allowed, just let me know and I'll remove it--it's simply easier to see) Here's the code I have for the image timer... In the header, in a Javascript tag: Code: var currPic = 0; var totPics = 12; var keepTime; var picName; function setupPicChange(){ keepTime=setTimeout("changePic()", 2000); } function changePic(){ currPic++; if(currPic > totPics) currPic = 1; document.getElementById("logos").src="../images/logo/NA Logo - " + currPic + ".png"; setupPicChange(); } function stopTimer(){ clearTimeout(keepTime); } function startTimer(){ keepTime=setTimeout("changePic()", 2000); } In the body: Code: <body onload="setupPicChange();"> <div id="logo_setup"> <p align="center" onmouseover="stopTimer();" onmouseout="startTimer();"><img src="../images/logo/NA_Logo.png" id="logos" name="logos" border=0 usemap="#logo"> I want the timer to start without the user having to do anything and complete stop when the user hovers over the picture. If there's anything else you need to see to help with this problem, please let me know. And thank you for taking the time to read this; I look forward to any suggestions you can give me. Note: This is being tested in Chrome, but the problem has appeared in both Firefox and IE as well. Hi coders, I need to achieve two things upon making a selection from a drop down field: 1) Changing the background picture of a cell. 2) Changing the size of a uploaded foreground picture within the same cell. Code: <select name=ADDITIONALINFO> <option value="25 x 25">25 x 25</option> <option value="35 x 35">35 x 35</option> <option value="45 x 45">45 x 45</option> <option value="55 x 55">55 x 55</option> </select> Any guidance how to achieve this is appreciated. I have searched for a rotating image script to use at and am currently using Tony Foster's Picture Cube slideshow downloaded from This is EXACTLY the effect I wanted, but it only works with IE since it uses MS-only code. Is there a similar script that is more universal? Thanks for any help! Hi All, I am very new at this and do not have any script editing skills. I have been building my website with webeasy 8 and downloaded one of the free scripts from JavaScriptKit website and I edited the parts that i think it were suppose to be edited. However, my problem is that the script is not working and i don't know where to begin ..... When i preview the site it shows broken link icon where the picture suppose to load. The pictures URL is correct, thus my dilemma! I don't know what else to do.... Copy of script bellow <script type="text/javascript"> // Flexible Image Slideshow- By ( // For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit JavaScript Kit- // This notice must stay intact for use var ultimateshow=new Array() //ultimateshow[x]=["path to image", "OPTIONAL link for image", "OPTIONAL link target"] ultimateshow[0]=['C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Website Pictures and stuff\SS_Pics\SS_01.jpg'] ultimateshow[1]=['C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Website Pictures and stuff\SS_Pics\SS_02.jpg'] ultimateshow[2]=['C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Website Pictures and stuff\SS_Pics\SS_03.jpg'] ultimateshow[3]=['C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Website Pictures and stuff\SS_Pics\SS_04.jpg'] ultimateshow[4]=['C:\Users\Tony\Desktop\Website Pictures and stuff\SS_Pics\SS_05.jpg'] //configure the below 3 variables to set the dimension/background color of the slideshow var slidewidth="540px" //set to width of LARGEST image in your slideshow var slideheight="412px" //set to height of LARGEST iamge in your slideshow var slidecycles="continous" //number of cycles before slideshow stops (ie: "2" or "continous") var randomorder="no" //randomize the order in which images are displayed? "yes" or "no" var preloadimages="yes" //preload images? "yes" or "no" var slidebgcolor='white' //configure the below variable to determine the delay between image rotations (in miliseconds) var slidedelay=3000 ////Do not edit pass this line//////////////// var ie=document.all var dom=document.getElementById var curcycle=0 if (preloadimages=="yes"){ for (i=0;i<ultimateshow.length;i++){ var cacheimage=new Image() cacheimage.src=ultimateshow[i][0] } } var currentslide=0 function randomize(targetarray){ ultimateshowCopy=new Array() var the_one var z=0 while (z<targetarray.length){ the_one=Math.floor(Math.random()*targetarray.length) if (targetarray[the_one]!="_selected!"){ ultimateshowCopy[z]=targetarray[the_one] targetarray[the_one]="_selected!" z++ } } } if (randomorder=="yes") randomize(ultimateshow) else ultimateshowCopy=ultimateshow function rotateimages(){ curcycle=(currentslide==0)? curcycle+1 : curcycle ultcontainer='<center>' if (ultimateshowCopy[currentslide][1]!="") ultcontainer+='<a href="'+ultimateshowCopy[currentslide][1]+'" rel="nofollow" target="'+ultimateshowCopy[currentslide][2]+'">' ultcontainer+='<img src="'+ultimateshowCopy[currentslide][0]+'" border="0">' if (ultimateshowCopy[currentslide][1]!="") ultcontainer+='</a>' ultcontainer+='</center>' if (ie||dom) crossrotateobj.innerHTML=ultcontainer if (currentslide==ultimateshow.length-1) currentslide=0 else currentslide++ if (curcycle==parseInt(slidecycles) && currentslide==0) return setTimeout("rotateimages()",slidedelay) } if (ie||dom) document.write('<div id="slidedom" style="width:'+slidewidth+';height:'+slideheight+'; background-color:'+slidebgcolor+'"></div>') function start_slider(){ crossrotateobj=dom? document.getElementById("slidedom") : document.all.slidedom rotateimages() } if (ie||dom) window.onload=start_slider </script> I cant seem to get the top picture carousel to work i think this is my problem but Im not sure what in th coding needs to change: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; InfoPath.3) Timestamp: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 23:59:17 UTC Message: Object required Line: 456 Char: 26 Code: 0 URI: Message: Object doesn't support this property or method Line: 825 Char: 5 Code: 0 URI: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; InfoPath.3) Timestamp: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 23:59:28 UTC Message: Object required Line: 456 Char: 26 Code: 0 URI: Message: Object doesn't support this property or method Line: 825 Char: 5 Code: 0 URI: Hello! A client of mine wanted a picture slideshow like this website. I have looked through many different slideshows and carousel and have had no luck trying to find just a nice simple one like this. Can anyone help? I did find this: but it deals with JQuery and I'm not sure how to use it. If it's simple and I can change that script to the one above then that's great. Any feedback is greatly appreciated Kristen OK, so I'm wanting to set up a lightbox on my company's website. We use a CMS system call phpWebsite. So I place the following script... Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" media="screen" /> <script type = "text/javascript"> function setCookie(isName,isVal) { document.cookie = isName + "=" + isVal + ";expires=" + "path=/"; } function getCookie(isName){ cookieStr = document.cookie; startSlice = cookieStr.indexOf(isName+"="); if (startSlice == -1) {return null;} endSlice = cookieStr.indexOf(";",startSlice+1); if (endSlice == -1){endSlice = cookieStr.length} isData = cookieStr.substring(startSlice,endSlice) isValue = isData.substring(isData.indexOf("=")+1,isData.length); return isValue; } $(document).ready(function() { if ( getCookie('myCookie') != null ) return; // no light box! setCookie('myCookie', 'ANY VALUE'); // for next time $("a#onload").fancybox({ 'frameHeight': 390, 'frameWidth': 640, 'hideOnContentClick': false, 'easingIn': 2000 }).trigger('click'); }); </script> <div style="display: none;" id="lightbox_content"> <div id="data"><img alt="lightbox (188K)" src="./images/filecabinet/folder50/lightbox.jpg" height="330" width="650" border="0"/> </a> </div> </div> <p> <a id="onload" href="#data"> </a></p> Save I save my page, but when I go to the page it brings up that page in the lightbox instead of the image..... So I look at the source and it's changing the last line to this: Code: <p> <a id="onload" href="index.php?module=article&id=206#data"> </a></p> I've tried this multiple times and it keeps doing it. Is there another way to write the last line? I willing to try anything right now. Below is an example if you want to see exactly what I'm talking about example Hi, I'd like to ask why my script doesn't execute my reg expressions properly. I'm Using Jquery. Scenario: The user can input 2 values, start and end, and the program will attach '@' signs at them. so when the user entered 1 and 10, the script will append the value in a selectbox as "1@-10@". I created a script that counts the latest number of '@' signs. I can get the count but once I execute my regular expression it doesn't match any. Code: // I PASS THE VALUE OF '@' SIGN TO A VARIABLE, LETS TAKE 1 var atSignCount = 1; var tempArr = new Array(); tempArr["3"] = /^\d+\@{numOfAt}\-\d+\@{numOfAt}$/; tempArr["4"] = /^\[\d+\@{numOfAt}\-\d+\@{numOfAt}\][b]$/; tempArr["5"] = /^\[\d+\@{numOfAt}\-\d+\@{numOfAt}\]$/; tempArr["13"] = /^(missing)\d+\@{numOfAt}\-(missing)\d+\@{numOfAt}$/; for (offset in objConvert(['3','4','5','13'])) { // THIS DOES NOT WORK re = tempArr[offset].toString().replace(/numOfAt/g,atSignCount); // THIS WORKS //re = tempArr[offset].toString(); $('#selectbox option').each(function(i) { text = $.trim($(this).val()); if (text.match(re)!=null) { alert('match found'); } }); } function objConvert(a) { var o = {}; for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { o[a[i]]=''; } return o; } The script successfully changed the numOfAt and when i print the variable re it displays "/^\d+\@{1}\-\d+\@{1}$/" which should match the "1@-10@" in the selectbox but apparently it doesn't. any idea why? EDIT : So, i found an unsafe? solution to my problem. The problem when i tried converting the "suffix" to the @ sign count, the variable re becomes a string, unlike if i don't replace anything the variable re is an object. I find this out using the typeof command. so i tried converting the string to object using "eval" and yes it's now working but reading around says that eval is unsafe, etc. so any idea how to make string to object safer? Hello, I'm learning javascript and made this little program that takes the price, qty, adds tax and gives you a total. I put in an if statement so that if qty is 0, it becomes 1 then does the calcs. However, if I put in say price 5 and qty 2, qty is changing to false and it doesn't calc. Here it is: Hi, am newbie in this domain ,so i appreciate any help of you. Am making a site for tattoos and i see somewhere an application in Java for changing text, it was simple text box where you write the text you want and down you choose the Font and down you have the text you want in the wanted fond. Thank you!
Hi, I'm having a head against wall session and would appricate some help with modifying a google maps script.... I need the orginal script below; Code: //<![CDATA[ $(document).ready(function() { function initialize() { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(54.2385,-6.9846); var myOptions = { zoom: 8, center: myLatlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions); var contentString = '<div id="content">'+ '<h3><? echo $org_name;?></h3>'+ '<div>'+ '<p><a href="#" class="bluelink">Link to profile'+ '#</a></p>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'; var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: contentString, maxWidth: 300 }); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatlng, map: map, title: '<? echo $org_name;?>', clickable: false, icon: '' }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {,marker); }); } // Function added to help reset map and container boundaries $("#showMap").click(function() { $("#tab2").css({'display':'block'}); $("#map_canvas").css({'width':'630px', 'height':'400px'}); initialize(); //alert('showMap Clicked!'); }); initialize(); }); changed to Code: //<![CDATA[ var customIcons = { restaurant: { icon: '', shadow: '' }, bar: { icon: '', shadow: '' } }; function load() { var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: new google.maps.LatLng(53.943155, -7.437744), zoom: 13, mapTypeId: 'roadmap' }); var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow; // Change this depending on the name of your PHP file downloadUrl("phpsqlajax_genxml3.php", function(data) { var xml = data.responseXML; var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker"); for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { var name = markers[i].getAttribute("name"); var address = markers[i].getAttribute("address"); var type = markers[i].getAttribute("type"); var point = new google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lat")), parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lng"))); var html = "<b>" + name + "</b> <br/>" + address; var icon = customIcons[type] || {}; var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: point, icon: icon.icon, shadow: icon.shadow }); bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infoWindow, html); } }); } function bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infoWindow, html) { google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infoWindow.setContent(html);, marker); }); } function downloadUrl(url, callback) { var request = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : new XMLHttpRequest; request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { request.onreadystatechange = doNothing; callback(request, request.status); } };'GET', url, true); request.send(null); } function doNothing() {} //]]> In order for the amended code to work I need to include the; // Function added to help reset map and container boundaries $("#showMap").click(function() { $("#tab2").css({'display':'block'}); $("#map_canvas").css({'width':'630px', 'height':'400px'}); initialize(); //alert('showMap Clicked!'); }); initialize(); so that the map will load in a jquery tab... PLEASE HELP ME!!! Hi there, I have a menu with 4 links and 4 images associated with them. By default, the image from link 1 is displayed on the page. I would like to change the image with its corresponding one, each time i mouseover one of the other three links. I'm trying to make the following code work unsuccesfully, i might be missing something. Any help will be appreciated. In the <head> section i have this: <script type="text/javascript"> img1 = new Image(); img1.src = "images/party/party.jpg"; img2 = new Image(); img2.src = "images/party/icecream.jpg"; img3 = new Image(); img3.src = "images/party/juice.jpg"; img4 = new Image(); img4.src = "images/party/videogames.jpg"; function change(num){ document.images["linkpic"].src = "img" + num } </script> </head> In the <body> i have: That's my default image <table> <tr> <td width="100"> <img src="images/party/balloon1.jpg" name="linkpic"> </td> <td width="260" valign="top" align="left"> <table> <tr><td><a href="Party1.html" onmouseover="change('1')">Party and Fun</a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href="Party2.html" onmouseover="change('2')">Icecream </a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href="Party3.html" onmouseover="change('3')">Juice </a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href="Party4.html" onmouseover="change('4')">Video Games </a></td></tr> </table> </tr> </table> </body> I would like when i point to Icecream, the picture on the left to change to the Icecream picture and so on. Any hints and help are appreciated! Thanks! I want to change browser setting using Java Script. Any help Please. Thanks in advance. --sohan panwar This is a really awesome script that I'm sure all of you can put to use if you haven't yet heard of it. However, I'm trying to get it to fade a background image on my css styled navigation for my a:hover. Here is the script with a little simple tutorial on how to set it up: My only other knowledge is in PHP, so after about 2 hours of fail in this client-side language, I decided it was about time I should post where some experienced people can help. I really appreciate all time you spend on this, and don't think it will take a moderate Javascript programmer very long. This is the link to my site so far: You can see the script working as it is on my little yellow MW logo on the right side of the navigation. So in my scenario, I am looking to fade button.png to button-hover.png (both repeating on the x axis). Any ideas? How can you have a smaller version of a picture and when you click on it a bigger version pops up? Is this easily possible with JS? Hey guys/gals, do ya know an efficient way to get the coordinates of a pictures so that I can use them to create a map? It is a rectangle. Here is the code I set up for a page: Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Cyrus</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=black> <div align="center"> <table border="0"; cellspacing="0"; cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><img src=""; width=900px; hieght=160px;></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="" width=900px; border="none" usemap="#navbar"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <br> <br> <table border="0"; width=900px> <tr> <td> <div align="left"><img src=""; width=466px; hieght=320px></div> </td> <td> <div align="right"><img src=""> <br><br> <img src=""> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div align="center"><img src=""></div></td> </tr> </table> </div> <map name="navbar"> <area shape="rect" coords="247,185,445,220" href="" alt="Forum" /> </map> </BODY> </HTML> I have been working on a picture slideshow w/ a caption, and (due to being an extreme amateur) I cannot get it to work just right. I have the slideshow going, but I can't get the caption to stay on the right side of the photo, while keeping the layout fluid. I would also love to add a pause, forward, and back button, and I have tried several free slideshow generators but either they don't work or they don't produce what I'm after. Here is my code so far. Javascript: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> // Modified for: // and: var ImgPtr = -1; // -1 for first pass only var BaseDirectory = ''; ImgArray = [ // format: ['imageName','Comments about image'] ['pinto-1.jpg', '<a href="paintorpinto.html" class="duh">Paint or Pinto?</a><br /><br /><class="duh">A free report from The Horse Resource answering the common questions about Pintos and Paints.<i>Written by Cassidy Deardorff for The Horse Resource.</i></div>'], ['shedding.jpg', '<a class="duh" href="sheddingout.html">Shedding Out Tips</a><br /><br /><class="duh">Six tips to help get the winter hair off your horse faster. <i>Written by Cassidy Deardorff.</i>'], ['dewormer-1.jpg', '<a class="duh" href="sampledchart.html">Sample Deworming Chart</a><br /><br /><class="duh">Use this sample deworming chart to make sure your horses are getting treated for internal parasites properly. <i>Written by Cassidy Deardorff.</i>'] // Note: No comma after last entry ]; var intervalAction; function ShowSlide(slide_num) { document.getElementById('mypic').src = BaseDirectory+ImgArray[slide_num][0]; document.getElementById('mypic').alt = ImgArray[slide_num][1]; document.getElementById('Caption').innerHTML = ImgArray[slide_num][1]; } function slideshow() { ImgPtr++; ImgPtr = ImgPtr % ImgArray.length; // document.getElementById('tst').innerHTML = 'Showing: '+ImgPtr; ShowSlide(ImgPtr); } onload = function() { slideshow(); intervalAction = setInterval("slideshow()",5000); } </script> HTML: Code: <div style="height:300px;width:398px;"> <div id="divCaption"> <div style="position:absolute; z-index:30; left:-999;" id="Caption"> </div> <img src="" alt="" border="1" id="mypic" name="mypic" alt="" height="300" width="398"> </div><br /> </div> I would LOVE for the finished slideshow to look somewhat like the one on this website: but I know this is a lot to ask Thanks so much in advance!!! im noob and suck at javascript but i do make webdesign html+css and i realy liked script from this page: when user hovers over image it zooms, when it moves away it zooms out the code is this: Code: <SCRIPT language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function setZoom(img, dir, width, height, margin, zIndex, delay, position) { window.setTimeout(function(){ if (img.dir==dir){ = width; = height; = margin; = zIndex; } }, delay); } function imgLarger(img) { img.dir = "rtl"; = "absolute"; var width = 200; var height = 150; var now = parseInt(; if ("" && bChrome==false){ = img.offsetLeft - 50; = img.offsetTop; } if (isNaN(now)) { now=0; } for (i=now+1; i<=10; i++) { var w = (width * (10+i))/20 + "px"; var h = (height* (10+i))/20 + "px"; var m = (-i) + "px 0 0 " + (-width*i/40) + "px"; setZoom(img, "rtl", w, h, m, i, 20*(i-now)); } } function imgSmaller(img) { img.dir = "ltr"; = "absolute"; var width = 200; var height = 150; var now = parseInt(; if (isNaN(now)) { now=0; } for (i=now-1; i>=0; i--) { var w = (width * (10+i))/20 + "px"; var h = (height* (10+i))/20 + "px"; var m = (-i) + "px 0 0 " + (-width*i/40) + "px"; setZoom(img, "ltr", w, h, m, i, 20*(now-i)); } } function openImage(imagePath){ //Shadow var oFade = getObject("DIV", "lightbox_fade"); = "block"; = document.body.scrollHeight; //Embed it var oContent = getObject("DIV", "lightbox_content"); = 512; = 384; = (screen.height-384)/2 + (document.body.scrollTop - 100); = (screen.width -512)/2; = "block"; oContent.innerHTML = "<CENTER><IMG src=" + imagePath + "></CENTER>"; } function closeImage(){ //Shadow var oFade = getObject("DIV", "lightbox_fade"); = "none"; //Embed it var oContent = getObject("DIV", "lightbox_content"); = "none"; } // --> </SCRIPT> Code: <DIV id="lightbox_fade" class="overlay" onClick="JavaScript:closeImage();"></DIV> <DIV id="lightbox_content" class="content" onClick="JavaScript:closeImage();"></DIV> <a href="JavaScript:openImage('picture/large.png');"> <IMG src="picture/small.png" alt="" width="212" height="157" border="0" onmouseover="JavaScript:imgLarger(this)" onmouseout="JavaScript:imgSmaller(this);"></a> now i dont know if people here help with taken scripts but if you do, i would apreciate alot if someone could explain how to change location of appeared image (if possible not to be fixed to 1 location but to work from place where image is inserted on html page) because obviously it was set to be always on far right cheers I'm trying to disable my record navigation pictures when they get to the end of a calendar (events are posted on days, and navigation goes to the next or previous one). Code: <a onclick="javascript:previousEvent();"> <input type="image" name="previous" src="images/SiteCollectionImages/MiniEvents/btn_Previous.gif" alt="Previous Event" title="Previous Event"/></a> <a onclick="javascript:nextEvent();"> <input type="image" name="next" src="images/SiteCollectionImages/MiniEvents/btn_Next.gif" alt="Next Event" title="Next Event"/></a> This is where I have to disable the pictures. Above in my JS I would like to have a handler that could disable them when they are at the end of the index, or at the beginning. Thanks! edit: I do have the logic already, just not sure how to disable the images. Code: function nextEvent(i) { if (index == maxIndex || index >= maxIndex) { //disable next button tempObj = document.getElementsByName("next"); tempObj.visible = false; } else { index = index + 1; eventSelected(rawDates[index]); } how to automatic append picture to a list? check text in span,if it match today,a picture append after meeting(4-22) code like this. Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> <style type="text/css"> .li_title { list-style-type:none; font-size:12px; line-height:24px; } .date {float:right;margin-right:3px;} </style> </HEAD> <BODY> <DIV id=Conttab_p_switch1 style="POSITION: relative"> <UL> <LI class="li_title"><span class="date">2011-04-22</span><A title=meeting(4-22) href="#" rel="nofollow" target=_blank>meeting(4-22)</A></LI> <LI class="li_title"><span class="date">2011-04-11</span><A title=meeting(4-11) href="#" rel="nofollow" target=_blank>meeting(4-11)</A></LI> <LI class="li_title"><span class="date">2011-04-04</span><A title=meeting(4-04) href="#" rel="nofollow" target=_blank>meeting(4-04)</A></LI> </UL> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML> |